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mÙkj izns'k iqfyl HkrhZ ,oa izksUUkfr cksMZ (UPPRPB)


mÙkj izns'k iqfyl

iqfyl dkaLVscy HkrhZ&2023
Re–Exam va fre VOL.
le; % 2 ?kaVs
la xe iw.kkZad % 300
viuk vuqdz ekad ckWDl esa fy[ksa (vadksa esa@'kCnksa esa)
vuqØekad ua0@Roll Number
Write your roll number in the Box (in number/in words) MOCK
iz'uksa ds mÙkj ds fy, dsoy dkys ckWy isu dk iz;ksx djsaA with
To mark answer use black ball point pen only.
vH;FkhZ mRRkj i=kd ij mÙkj nsus ls igys lHkh funsZ'kksa dks lko/kuh iwoZd i<+saA OMR SHEET
Condidate must read all the instructions before writing the answers.
vkidks vius lHkh mÙkj dsoy mÙkj&i=kd ij gh nsus gSaA
You are mark your answer on answer sheet only.
cqdysV vkbZ-Mh-@Booklet I.D.
izR;sd iz'u ds fy, 02 vad fu/kZfjr gS vH;FkhZ }kjk fn, x, izR;sd xyr mÙkj ds fy,
(-0.5) vad n.MkRed jQi esa dkVk tk,xkA

dsoy vH;kl gsrq iz'u&i=k

ijh{k.k funsZ'k
1- lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'ukas ds vad leku gSA 1. Answer all the questions. All questions have equal marks.
2- mÙkj&i=kd ij vH;FkhZ viuk vuqdzekad o iz'u&i=k dk lgh dksM 2. Candidates should mention their roll number and the
,oa lhjht vafdr djsaA correct code and series of the question paper on the
3- bl iz'u&iqfLRkdk esa 150 iz'u gSA izR;sd iz'u ds pkj oSdfYid mÙkj answer sheet.
3. There are 150 questions in this question booklet. Four
fn, x, gSaA vH;FkhZ lgh mÙkj fufnZ"V djrs gq, muesa ls dsoy ,d
alternative answers are given to each question.
xksys vFkok ckWDl dks mÙkj&i=kd ij dkys ckWy ikWbaV isu ls
Candidates should fill only one of the circles or boxes on
iwjk xgjk dj nsaA ,d ls vf/d mÙkj nsus dh n'kk eas iz'u ds mÙkj the answer sheet with black ball point pen, indicating
dks xyr ekuk tk,xkA the correct answer. In case of giving more than one answer,
4. iz'u&iqfLrdk ds doj ist ij vFkok vUnj dgha Hkh dqN Hkh u fy[ksaA the answer to the question will be considered wrong.
;fn vki jiQ dk;Z djuk pkgrsa gSa] rks vki blsa vyx ofdZax 'khV ij 4. Do not write anything on the cover page of the question
djsaA booklet or anywhere inside. If you want to do rough work,
5. iz'u&iqfLrdk [kksyusa ds rqjaRk ckn tk¡p dj ds ns[k ysa fd iz'u&iqfLrdk then do it on a separate working sheet.
5. Immediately after opening the question booklet, check that
ds lHkh ist Hkyh Hkkafr Nis gq, gSaA
all the pages of the question booklet are printed properly.
6. xyr mÙkjksa ds fy, n.M%& (i) izR;sd iz'u ds fy, pkj oSdfYid mÙkj 6. Penalty for wrong answers:- (i) Four options for each
gSA izR;sd lgh mÙkj ds fy, 02 vad fu/kZfjr gSA vH;FkhZ }kjk izR;sd question the answer is. For one wrong answer given by the
iz'u ds fy, fn, x, ,d xyr mÙkj ds fy, iz'u gsrq fu;r fd, x, candidate for each question Half marks (0.5) will be
vadksa ls vk/s vad (-0.5) vad n.MkRed #i esa dkVk tk,xkA (ii) ;fn deducted from the marks allotted for the question. Will go.
(ii) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be
dksbZ vH;FkhZ ,d ls vf/d mÙkj nsrk gS] rks mls xyr mÙkj ekuk tk,xk]
considered as a wrong answer, even if one of the given
;|fi fn, x, mÙkjksa eas ls ,d mÙkj lgh gksrk gS] fiQj Hkh ml iz'u ds
answers is correct, he will be given the same penalty as
fy, mi;qZDr vuqlkj gh mldk n.M fn;k tk,xkA (iii) ;fn vH;FkhZ above for that question. (iii) If a question is not attempted by
}kjk dksbZ iz'u gy ugh fd;k tkrk gS vFkkZr ;fn dksbZ vH;FkhZ }kjk mRrj a candidate i.e. if the answer is not given by a candidate,
ugh fn;k tkrk gS] rks ml iz'u ds fy, dksbZ n.M ugha fn;k tk,xkA then no penalty will be given for that question.
mÙkj izns'k
mÙkj izns'k iqfyl HkrhZ ,oa izksUUkfr cksMZ (UPPRPB)

iqfyl dkaLVscy HkrhZ&2023 Sample OMR Sheet

Name of the Candidate (As it Appears in Your 10th Class Certificate) ROLL NUMBER DATE

A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 4 4 4 4 4 4
E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 5 5 5 5 5 5
E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 6 6 6 6 6 6

F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9
K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 1. This sheet should not be bent or crushed.
L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 2. Use only black ball point pen to fill
the circles.
3. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited.
4. The balls should be blackened completely
and properly.
P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5. Cutting and erasing are not allowed on
Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q this sheet.
R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 6. Do not use any stray marks on the sheet.
S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 7. Do not use markers or white liquids to hide
T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T marks.
xksyksa ij dSls Hkjsa@How To Fill Circle
Wrong Method Correct Method


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Student Signature Invigilator’s Signature

1. fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk vkj- ds- ukjk;.k }kjk fyf•r miU;kl ugha gS\ 7. fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl ns'k us fo'o dk çFke ehFksu bZa/u okyk
Which of the following is not a novel written by R.K. varfj{k jkWdsV tqds&2 dks ykWUp fd;k\
(a) bruh yEch ;k=kk/Itni Lambi Yatra Which of the following countries launched the world's first
methane-fueled space rocket Juke-2?
(b) Lokeh vkSj fe=k/Swami and Friends
(c) n cSpyj vkWiQ vkV~lZ /The Bachelor of Arts (a) tkiku/Japan (b) Hkkjr/India
(d) n bafXy'k Vhpj/The English Teacher (c) Úkal/France (d) phu/China
2. jk"Vªh; ck?k laj{k.k çkf/dj.k (,uVhlh,) us fdlds usr`Ro esa 8. lrr vif'k"V çca/u ds fy, Hkkjr dk igyk ikWfyFkhu dpjk
11 lnL;h; phrk ifj;kstuk lapkyu lfefr dh LFkkiuk dh\ cSad fdl jkT; esa izkjEHk fd;k gS\
Under whose leadership did the National Tiger Conservation Where has India's first polythene waste bank been started
Authority (NTCA) set up an 11&member Project Cheetah
Steering Committee? for sustainable waste management?
(a) jkts'k xksiky/Rajesh Gopal (a) fgekpy çns'k /Himachal Pradesh
(b) vkj-,u esgjks=kk/RN Mehrotra (b) eè; çns'k /Madhya Pradesh
(c) ih-vkj- flUgk/P.R. Sinha (c) dsjy/Kerala
(d) ih-ds- efyd/P.K. Malik
(d) mÙkjk•aM /Uttarakhand
3. fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl jkT; esa VÔwcosy flapkbZ dk {ks=kiQy
lokZf/d gS\ 9. fuEufyf•r esa ls fo|kokfguh çkstsDV dk lEcU/ fdlls gS \
Which of the following states has the highest area under Vidya Vahini Project is related to which of the following?
tubewell irrigation? (a) çkFkfed fo|ky; dh LFkkiuk/Establishment of primary
(a) fcgkj/Bihar (b) gfj;k.kk/Haryana school
(c) mÙkj çns'k/Uttar Pradesh (d) iatkc/Punjab (b) 15&35 vk;q oxZ fuj{kjksa dks lk{kj djuk/Educating

4. fuEufyf•r esa ls iqLrd ^Leksd ,aM ,'kst* ds ys•d dkSu gSa\ illiterates in the age group of 15 & 35
Who among the following is the author of the book 'Smoke (c) çkFkfed f'k{kk esa ukekadu esa o`f¼ ds fy;s/To increase
and Ashes'?
(a) vferko ?kks"k/Amitav Ghosh enrollment in primary education
(b) vfu#¼ HkêðkpkthZ/Aniruddha Bhattacharjee (d) k=k@Nk=kksa dks dEI;wVj ds ekè;e ls fofHkUu fo"k;ksa ds
(c) v#.k cgy/Arun Bahal f'k{k.k dk;Z gsrq/For teaching various subjects to
(d) euh"k tks'kh/Manish Joshi students through computers
5. vYdksgy mRiknksa dh O;kid LokLF; yscfyax vkjaHk djus okyk
fo'o dk igyk ns'k fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu gS\ 10. nhu n;ky mikè;k; dkS'ky ;kstuk ds rgr fuEufyf•r esa ls
Which of the following is the first country in the world fdl igy dh 'kq#vkr dh xbZ\
to introduce comprehensive health labeling of alcohol Which of the following initiatives was started under Deen
products? Dayal Upadhyay Kaushal Yojana?
(a) fLoVtjySaM/Switzerland
(a) ewd cf/j jkstxkj/Deaf and dumb employment
(b) U;wthyS.M/New Zealand
(c) ;wukbZVsM fdaxMe/United Kingdom
(b) nhu&ghu jkstxkj/Poor employment
(d) vk;jySaM/Ireland (c) dSfIVo jkstxkj/Captive employment
6. o"kZ 2023 esa foKku ds {ks=k esa •kslyk jk"Vªh; iqjLdkj fuEufyf•r (d) n`f"V ckf/r jkstxkj/Visually impaired employment
esa ls fdls fn;k x;k\ 11. ^;wfj;k xksYM*] fuEufyf•r esa ls fdlls lacaf/r gS\
Who among the following was awarded the Khosla National 'Urea Gold' is related to which of the following?
Award in the field of science in 2023?
(a) MkW- vkj-ih- lSuh /Dr. RP Saini
(a) lYiQj ysfir ;wfj;k/Sulphur coated urea
(b) çksiQslj Mh-ih- dkuwuxks /Professor DP Kanungo (b) ukbVªkstu ysfir ;wfj;k/Nitrogen coated urea
(c) MkW- dfu"d fcLokl /Dr. Kanishka Biswas (c) uhe&ysfir ;wfj;k/Neem&coated urea
(d) MkW- lrh'k paæk /Dr. Satish Chandra (d) iksVk'k ysfir ;wfj;k/Potash coated urea
12. Xykscy bukso's ku baMDs l 2023 esa Hkkjr dks dkSu&lk LFkku çkIr gqvk\ 21. vtZqu iqjLdkj fotsrk dks fdruh jkf'k iqjLdkj ds :i esa nh
Which position did India get in the Global Innovation tkrh gS\
Index 2023? How much amount is given as reward to the Arjun Award
(a) 40oka/40th (b) 41oka/41st winner?
(c) 42oka/42nd (d) 44oka/44th (a) 20 yk•/20 lakhs (b) 15 yk•/15 lakhs
(c) 10 yk•/10 lakhs (d) 25 yk•/25 lakhs
13. fuEufyf•r esa ls ns'k dk igyk lksyj :iQ lkbfdfyax VªSd
fdl LFkku ij fodflr fd;k x;k gS \ 22. foyfu;l ftlus ukVks f'k•j lEesyu dh estckuh dh] ;g
At which of the following places has the country's first solar
fdl ns'k esa gS\
roof cycling track been developed? Vilnius which hosted the NATO summit is located in which
(a) fnYyh/Delhi (b) gSnjkckn/Hyderabad
(a) ,LVksfu;k/Estonia (b) yVkfo;k/Latvia
(c) y•uÅ/Lucknow (d) flfDde/Sikkim
(c) fyFkqvkfu;k/Lithuania (d) vkfLVª;k¡/Austria
14. vDVwcj&2024 esa 16osa fczDl f'k•j lEesyu dh estckuh dkSu&lk
ns'k djsxk \ 23. fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lk ns'k dkyk lkxj ds jkLrs ;qØsuh vukt
Which country will host the 16th BRICS summit in October
fu;kZr djus ds fy, la;qDr jk"Vª la?k (UN) dh eè;LFkrk okys
2024? le>kSrs ls ckgj gks x;k gS\
Which of the following countries has pulled out of a UN-
(a) #l/Russia (b) phu/China brokered deal to eñport Ukrainian grain via the Black Sea?
(c) nf{k.k vÚhdk/South Africa (a) teZuh/Germany (b) Úkal/France
(d) czkthy/Brazil
(c) #l/Russia (d) dukMk/Canada
15. fo'o ds vk/qfud bfrgkl esa uksVcanh dk dne lcls igys fdl 24. fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl ns'k dks dksyEcks flD;ksfjVh dkWUDyso dk
ns'k us viuk;k Fkk \ ik¡pok¡ iw.kZ lnL; ds :i esa 'kkfey fd;k x;k\
In the modern history of the world] which country was the
Which of the following countries was included as the fifth
first to adopt the step of demonetization?
full member of the Colombo Security Conclave?
(a) ?kkuk/Ghana (b) Hkkjr/India
(a) Hkkjr/India (b) ckaXykns'k/Bangladesh
(c) vkLVªsfy;k/Australia (d) phu/China
(c) usiky/Nepal (d) ikfdLrku/Pakistan
16. eky vkSj lsok dj (GST) dks viukus okyk fo'o dk izFke 25. dksad.k ukSlSfud vH;kl fdu nks nks'kksa ds chp vk;ksftr fd;k
ns'k dkSu FkkA tkrk gS\
Which was the first country in the world to adopt Goods Konkan naval eñercise is conducted between which two
and Services Tax (GST)? countries?
(a) ;w-,l-,/USA (b) Úkal/France (a) Hkkjr vkSj ;wukbVsM fdaxMe/India and United Kingdom
(c) dukMk/Canada (d) czkthy/Brazil (b) Hkkjr vksj E;kuekj/India and Myanmar
17. lsaVªy cSafdax fMftVy djsalh (CBDC) dk mi;ksx djus okyk (c) Hkkjr vkSj Jhyadk/India and Sri Lanka
ns'k dk igyk uxj fuxe dkSu&lk gS\ (d) Hkkjr vkSj dEcksfM;k/India and Cambodia
Which is the first municipal corporation in the country to
use Central Banking Digital Currency (CBDC)? 26. foacyMu 2024 ds iq#"k oxZ ds f•rkc dk fotsrk dkSu cuk
Who will win the Wimbledon 2024 men's title
(a) eækl/Madras (b) fnYyh/Delhi
(a) uksokd tksdksfop/Novak Djokovic
(c) iVuk/Patna (d) dksydkrk/Kolkata
(b) dkykZsl vYdkjkt/Carlos Alcaraz
18. fuEufyf[kr esa ls #i;k fdl ns'k dh eqæk ugh gS\ (c) yksjsaph eqlsêðh/Lorenchi Musetti
Rupee is not the currency of which of the following
countries? (d) Msfu;y esnosnso/Daniil Medvedev
(a) Hkkjr/India (b) ckaXykns'k/Bangladesh 27. varjkZ"Vªh; gokbZ vîók çkf/dj.k dh LFkkiuk fdl o"kZ dh xbZ Fkh\
(c) ikfdLrku/Pakistan (d) baMksusf'k;k/Indonesia In which year was the International Airport Authority
19. vUrjkZ"Vªh; tSo fofo/rk fnol fdl frfFk dks euk;k tkrk gS\
On which date is International Biodiversity Day celebrated? (a) 1952 bZ- (b) 1962 bZ- (c) 1972 bZ- (d) 1982 bZ
(a) 22 ekpZ/22 March (b) 22 vçSy/22 April 28. fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl ?kVuk ds ckn jfoUæ ukFk VSxksj us ukbZV
(c) 22 ebZ/22 May (d) 22 twu/22 June gqM dh mikf/ okil dj nh Fkh\
20. ¶dkjfxy% ,d ;k=kh dh tqckuh¸ ds ys•d dkSu gS\ After which of the following incidents, Rabindranath
Who is the author of Kargil Ek Yatri Ki Jubani? Tagore returned the title of knighthood?
(a) veu/Aman (a) tfy;k¡okyk ckx ujlagkj/Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
(b) uhjt pkS/jh/Neeraj Chaudhary (b) dkekxkVkek: gknlk/Komagatamaru Incident
(c) ½f"k jkt/Rishi Raj (c) caxky dk foHkktu/Partition of Bengal
(d) jkepUæ xqgk/Ramchandra Guha (d) ykyk yktir jk; ij iqfyl dk ykBhpktZ/Police Lathi
Charge on Lala Lajpat Rai
29. ;wusLdks fo'o fojklr LFky ^egkcyhiqje ds Lekjd* fdl jkT; 35. Hkkjr] ekynho vkSj Jhyadk ds eè; ^nksLrh&16* lSU; vH;kl
esa fLFkr gSa\ fdl ns'k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k \
In which state is the UNESCO World Heritage Site In which country was the 'Dosti-16' military exercise held
'Monuments of Mahabalipuram' located? between India, Maldives and Sri Lanka?
(a) vka/zçns'k/Andhra Pradesh (a) ekynho/Maldives (b) ;qxkaMk/Uganda
(c) usiky/Nepal (d) vesfjdk/America
(b) mÙkj çns'k/Uttar Pradesh
(c) rfeyukMq/Tamil Nadu 36. gky gh esa Hkkjr vkSj vesfjdk ds eè; fØfVdy ,aM beftZax
(d) eè; çns'k/Madhya Pradesh VsDuksykWtht (ICET) ij nwljh okf"kZd cSBd fdl LFkku ij
vk;ksftr dh xbZ\
30. mÙkj çns'k ds U;wure lk{kjrk okys pkj ftys ?kVrs Øe esa gS& Recently, at which place was the second annual meeting on
The four districts of Uttar Pradesh with the lowest literacy Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET) held between
are in decreasing order- India and America?
(a) tkykSu < cnk;wa < JkoLrh < ckxir/Jalaun < Badaun (a) fcgkj/Bihar (b) ubZ fnYyh/New Delhi
< Shravasti < Baghpat (c) mÙkj çns'k/Uttar Pradesh (d) eè; çns'k/Madhya Pradesh
(b) vkSjS;k < cyjkeiqj < lksuHkæ < tkykSu/Auraiya < 37. gky gh esa fdl laLFkk us ;qok foKkuh dk;ZØe (YUVIKA)
Balrampur < Sonbhadra < Jalaun 2024 dks çkjEHk fd;k gS\
(c) cyjkeiqj < cnk;wa < JkoLrh < cgjkbp/Balrampur < Which institution has recently launched the Young Scientist
Program (YUVIKA) 2024?
Badaun < Shravasti < Bahraich
(a) bljks/ISRO
(d) JkoLrh < cgjkbp < cyjkeiqj < cnk;wa/Shravasti <
(b) foØe lkjkHkkbZ Lisl lsaVj/Vikram Sarabhai Space Center
Bahraich < Balrampur < Badaun
(c) lrh'k /ou Lisl lsaVj/Satish Dhavan Space Center
31. mÙkj çns'k ds fdl ftys esa fo'o dk çFke tVk;q ,f'k;kbZ fdax (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha/None of these
fx¼ laj{k.k ,oa çtuu dsaæ LFkkfir fd;k x;k\ 38. fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl jsyos LVs'ku ij Hkkjrh; jsyos ds igys
In which district of Uttar Pradesh was the world's first
Jatayu Asian King Vulture Conservation and Breeding ikWM gksVy dks çkjEHk fd;k x;k\
Centre established? At which of the following railway stations was the first pod
hotel of Indian Railways launched?
(a) lgkjuiqj/Saharanpur
(a) psUubZ lsaVªy jsyos LVs'ku/Chennai Central Railway
(b) egkjktxat/Maharajganj
(c) xksj•iqj/Gorakhpur
(b) eqacbZ lsaVªy jsyos LVs'ku/Mumbai Central Railway Station
(d) fl¼kFkZ uxj/Siddharth Nagar
(c) gkoM+k jsyos LVs'ku/Howrah Railway Station
32. Hkkjrh; lafo/ku ds fdl vuqPNsn esa 14 o"kZ ls de vk;q ds (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha/None of these
fdlh Hkh cPpks dks dkj•kuksa ;k vU; fdlh tksf•e Hkjs LFkkuksa 39. ew/ZU;] vYiçk.k] v?kks"k o.kZ dk mnkgj.k dkSu&lk gS\
ij fu;qDr ugha fd;k tk ldrk\ (a) p~ (b) V~ (c) B~ (d) n~
In which article of the Indian Constitution] it is mentioned
that 'no child below the age of 14 years can be employed in 40. ^g¡lksM+* 'kCn esa dkSu&lk çR;; ç;qÙkQ gS \
factories or any other risky places'? (a) lksM+ (b) vks<+ (c) M+ (d) vksM+
(a) 22 (b) 24 (c) 26 (d) 28
41. mifojke dk ç;ksx buesa ls fdl okD; esa gqvk gS\
33. gky gh esa Hkkjrh; lsuk us fdl LFkku ij fo'o dh mPpre VSad (a) feJcU/q rhu gSa& x.ks'k fcgkjh] ';ke fcgkjh] 'kqdnso
ejEer lqfo/k,a LFkkfir dh gS\ fcgkjh
Recently, at which place has the Indian Army established (b) feJcU/q rhu gSa% x.ks'k fcgkjh] ';ke fcgkjh] 'kqdnso fcgkjh
the world's highest tank repair facilities?
(c) feJcU/q rhu gSa_ x.ks'k fcgkjh] ';ke fcgkjh] 'kqdnso fcgkjh
(a) tEew&d'ehj/Jammu and Kashmir
(d) feJcU/q rhu gSa% & x.ks'k fcgkjh] ';ke fcgkjh] 'kqdnso
(b) vka/z çns'k/Andhra Pradesh
(c) dukZVd/Karnataka
(d) yík•/Ladakh 42. tkb nsf• vkogq ux#] lq• fu/ku nksm HkkbA
34. fdl ekeys esa lokZsPp U;k;ky; us dgk fd çLrkouk esa la'kks/u djgq lqiQy lc ds u;u ] lqanj cnu ns•kbAA
fd;k tk ldrk gS\ çLrqr iafÙkQ;ksa esa dkSu & lk Nan ç;qÙkQ gqvk gS\
In which case did the Supreme Court say that the preamble (a) pkSikbZ (b) nksgk
can be amended?
(c) lksjBk (d) mijksÙkQ esa ls dksbZ ugha
(a) feuokZ feYl dsl/Minerva Mills Case
(b) cs#ckjh ;wfu;u dsl/Berubari Union Case 43. çR;sd oxZ dk nwljk vkSj pkSFkk o.kZ D;k dgykrk gS\
(c) ds'kokuan Hkkjrh dsl/Keshavanand Bharati Case (a) egkçk.k O;atu (b) mfR{kIr O;atu
(d) ,l-vkj- cksEebZdsl/S.R. Bommai Case (c) vYiçk.k O;atu (d) vuqukfld O;atu
44. ^f=kHkqou* 'kCn esa dkSu&lk lekl gS\ 58. fdl okP; esa fØ;k,¡ lnSo ,dopu] iqfYyax rFkk vU; iq#"k
(a) vO;;hHkko lekl (b) cgqozhfg lekl esa gksrh gSa\
(c) f}xq lekl (d) deZ/kj; lekl (a) deZokP; (b) drZ`okP;
45. iwohZ fganh dh nks cksfy;ksa dk lgh ;qXe buesa ls dkSu&lk gS\ (c) HkkookP; (d) lHkh esa
(a) vo/h&cztHkk"kk (b) exgh&c?ksyh
(c) NÙkhlx<+h&x<+okyh (d) vo/h&NÙkhlx<+h 59. ¶lqugq jke tsfga flo/uq rksjkA lglckgq le lks fjiq eksjkA¸
çLrqr iafÙkQ;ksa esa dkSu & lk jl gS\
46. eSa vkids fopkjksa ls va'kr% lger gw¡A ^bl okD; esa fdl çdkj
ds fØ;kfo'ks"k.k dk ç;ksx gqvk gS\ (a) 'k`axkj (b) jkSæ (c) vn~Hkqr (d) ohj
(a) dkyokpd (b) jhfrokpd 60. fuEufyf•r esa ls ^yk* milxZ ds cuus okys 'kCn ugha gSa &
(c) LFkkuokpd (d) ifjek.kokpd
(a) yktcko (b) ykirk (c) ykbykt (d) ykVjh
47. fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl fodYi esa lHkh 'kCn rRle gSa\
(a) dqEgkj] x/k (b) iyax] ihyk 61. ^xokg* fdl Hkk"kk dk 'kCn gS\
(c) MaMk] ukd (d) uO;] Lo.kZdkj (a) tkikuh (b) vjch (c) iqrZxkyh (d) iQkjlh
48. ¶mfnr mn;fxjh eap ij] j?kqoj cky iraxA 62. ^FkksFkk puk ckts ?kuk* bl yksdksfÙkQ dk vFkZ D;k gS\
fodls lar ljkst lc gj"ks ykspu Hk`axAA¸ (a) FkksFks dks puk ilUn gS
mi;ZqÙkQ iafÙkQ;ksa esa dkSu&lk vyadkj gS\ (b) u iwjh gksus okyh vk'kk
(a) miek (b) :id (c) vuqçkl (d) 'ys"k
(c) vYicqf¼ okyk vf/d Mhax ekjrk gS
49. fuezfyf•r okD;ksa esa ls 'kq¼ okD; dk p;u dhft;s&
(d) cqf¼eku dks loZ=k fot; gkfly gksrh gS
(a) vius •sr csdkj u iM+k jgus nhft,A
(b) D;k vki crk ldrs gS fd VsyhiQksu dk fuekZ.k fdlus 63. ^ifjokj* laKk dk dkSu&lk çdkj gS\
fd;k\ (a) O;fÙkQokpd laKk (b) Hkkookpd laKk
(c) lqeu ekyk xw¡Fk jgh Fkh fd rHkh fctyh pyh x;hA (c) lewgokpd laKk (d) tkfrokpd laKk
(d) ;g fuf'pr gqvk fd çLFkku djsaxs ge dy lqcgA 64. os vke ds isM+ gSaA bl okD; esa v/ksjsf•r 'kCn esa loZuke dk
50. vkpk;ks± us dgk gS fd vfgalk gh ije /eZ gS lajpuk ds vkèkkj çdkj fyf•,A
ij okD; Hksn crk,¡A (a) fu'p;okpd loZuke (b) futokpd loZuke
(a) la;qÙkQ okD; (b) vkKkokpd okD; (c) ç'uokpd loZuke (d) lEcU/okpd loZuke
(c) fo/ku okD; (d) feJ okD;
65. ^iqtkjh* 'kCn dk L=khfyax :i fn, x, fodYiksa esa ls dkSu&lk
51. fuEufyf•r fodYiksa esa ls ^vaxn dk iSj gksuk* eqgkojs dk lgh gS\
vFkZ gS & (a) iwtkfju (b) iqtkjkbu (c) iwtkjhua (d) iqtkfju
(a) vR;ar xqLls esa gksuk (b) cqf¼thoh gksuk
(c) cgqr ?keaMh gksuk (d) vR;ar n`<+ gksuk 66. ç;qÙkQ 'kCnksa esa ls dkSu&lk 'kCn ,dopu ugha gS\
52. ^'yk?kk* 'kCn dk foykse gS& (a) O;Fkk (b) lR; (c) n'kZu (d) o"kkZ
(a) g"kZ (b) iz'kalk (c) fuUnk (d) rkjhiQ 67. ^laLÑfr* dk fo'ks"k.k dkSu&lk gS\
53. fuEufyf•r esa ls e`ny q 'kCn dk i;kZ;okph 'kCn dkSu lk ugha gS\ (a) lkaLÑfr (b) lkaLÑfrd (c) laLÑr (d) laLÑfrd
(a) dksey (b) dwy (c) el`.k (d) eqyk;e 68. ^ck¡lqjh ct jgh FkhA* ;g okD; fdl dky dk mnkgj.k gS\
54. ^Hkfo"; esa gksus okyk* ds fy, ,d 'kCn gS& (a) iw.kZ orZeku (b) lkekU; Hkwr
(a) Hkkoh (b) xr (c) foxr (d) vkHkkl
(c) viw.kZ Hkwr (d) viw.kZ orZeku
55. blesa ls dkSu&lk 'kCn ^rky* 'kCn dk vFkZ ugha gS\
(a) rkM+ dk o`{k (b) >hy 69. ys•d ,oa mudh jpukvksa esa ls dkSu & lk ;qXe lgh ugha gS \
(c) laxhr dk rky (d) pkch (a) jkT;Jh & t;'kadj çlkn
56. ^æks.k* dk vFkZ gS (b) iFk ds lkFkh & Jh/j ikBd
(a) æks.kkpk;Z] eqxkZ (b) æks.kkpk;Z] xkSjS;k (c) mxzrkjk & ukxktZqu
(c) æks.kkpk;Z] dkSvk (d) æks.kkpk;Z] rksrk
(d) ns'kkarj & /eZohj Hkkjrh
57. ve`ryky ukxj dks fdl Ñfr ds fy, lkfgR; vdkneh iqjLdkj
çkIr gqvk\ 70. fuEufyf•r fodYiksa esa ls ^dY;k.k ekxZ dk ifFkd* ds Ñfrdkj gS&a
(a) ve`r vkSj fo"k (b) lqgkx vkSj uwiqj (a) Lokeh J¼kuan (b) jkefoykl 'kqDy
(c) fc•js fruds (d) vfXuxHkkZ (c) lar jk; (d) cukjlh nkl tSu

fn, x, x|ka'k dks è;kuiwoZd if<+, rFkk iwNs x, ç'uksa ds Select the option in which the relationship between the
given numbers is the same as between the numbers in the
fy, lcls mi;qÙkQ fodYi dk p;u dhft,A sets given below. (Note: Operations should be performed
d#.kk] foosd vkSj /hjt cM+s lqanj xq.k gSaA bu xq.kksa dk fodkl on whole numbers without splitting the numbers into
their constituent digits. For example, operations on 13 like
lkspus ls ugha] bUgsa dke esa yxkus ls gksrk gSA thou esa d"V addition/subtraction/multiplication etc. should be performed
dc ugha vkrs gSa] fdlds ugha vkrs] rks bu xq.kksa dks dlkSVh ij on 13 only. Splitting 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing
mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
dluk iM+rk gSA bUgsa thou esa mrkjuk iM+rk gS] rc bu xq.kksa dks
ge viuk ldsa rks ;s gesa rkjrs gSaA bu xq.kksa dks viukus dk ;g (4]13]3)] (4]19]5)
(a) (18]28]2) (b) (1]25]8) (c) (6]14]2) (d) (5]30]7)
volj dkSu miyC/ djokrk gS\ D;k gekjs fe=k] th ughaA ,sls
volj rks gesa gekjs 'k=kq nsrs gSaA blfy, ;fn ge lc lpeqp 78. fn;s x;s lehdj.k dks larqfyr djus ds fy, fdu nks fpàksa vkSj
dqN lh•uk pkgrs gSa rks vius bu 'k=kqvksa dks viuk f'k{kd fdu nks la[;kvksa dks vkil esa cnyk tku pkfg;s\
Which two signs and which two numbers should be
ekuks] viuk xq: ekuks] lcls vPNk] lcls cM+k xq: ekuksA lR;] interchanged to balance the given equation?
çse vkSj d#.kk esa Mwcs ,d O;fÙkQ ds fy, /hjt ,d ,slk xq.k 630 + 6 - 5 ÷ 40 × 10 = 295
gS tks bUgsa Fkkerk gSA /hjt ugha rks D;k rks lR; D;k çse vkSj (a) ÷, – vkSj 10]6 (b) ÷, + vkSj 5]10
D;k rks d#.kk] /hjt gh bu lcdks 'kfÙkQ nsrk gSA vkSj ,sls esa (c) ÷, – vkSj 6]5 (d) ÷,× vkSj 5]6
'k=kq ds fcuk gekjk dke ugha pysxkA blfy, tc os vk tk,¡ 79. ,d fuf'pr dksM esa fy•s tkus ij ;fn DIRTY dks 24759
rc gesa muds çfr vkHkkj çdV djuk pkfg,A gekjs 'k=kq dh ;g vkSj FOAM dks 1863 ds :i esa fy•k x;k gks rks mlh dksM
'kfÙkQ gh gesa ,d 'kkar] ç'kkar] fLFkjfpÙk dh vksj ys tkus esa dk mi;ksx djds ARID dks_________ds :i esa fy•k tk,xkA
lgk;d cu ldrh gSA geus vuqHko ls ns•k gS fd vius futh When written in a certain code if DIRTY is written as 24759
and FOAM is written as 1863 then using the same code
thou esa Hkh vkSj lkoZtfud thou esa Hkh gekjs 'k=kq gekjs vius ARID will be written as .
fe=k cu tkrs gSaA (a) 6742 (b) 9165 (c) 1579 (d) 2489
71. x|ka'k esa 'k=kqvksa dks fdl :i esa O;kf[;r fd;k gS\ 80. ;fn ^fiatjs* dks ^jkWdsV* dgk tkrk gS] ^jkWdsV* dks ^tky*
(a) ?kksj 'k=kq ds :i esa (b) cM+s xq# ds :i esa dgk tkrk gS] ^tky* dks ^xzg* dgk tkrk gS] ^xzg* dks ^gokbZ
(c) cM+s /S;Zoku ds :i esa (d) ?kksj 'kkar O;fÙkQ ds :i esa tgkt* dgk tkrk gS] ^gokbZ tgkt* dks ^lkbZfdy* dgk tkrk
72. x|ka'k esa fdu xq.kksa dh ç'kalk dh xbZ gS\ gS] ^lkbZfdy* dks ^dkj* dgk tkrk gS] rks ^i`Foh* D;k gS \
If 'cage' is called 'rocket', 'rocket' is called 'net', 'net' is called
(a) d#.kk] foosd] fHk{kd (b) foosd] /S;Z] 'kfÙkQ'kkyh 'planet', 'planet' is called 'aeroplane', 'aeroplane' is called
(c) d#.kk] foosd] /S;Z (d) d#.kk] foosd] lR;oknh 'bicycle', 'bicycle' is called 'car', then what is 'earth'?
(a) lkbZfdy/Bicycle (b) gokbZ tgkt/Aeroplane
73. xq.kksa dh igpku dc gksrh gS\ (c) xzg/Planet (d) jkWdsV/Rocket
(a) vliQy gksus ij (b) liQy gksus ij
81. uhps nh xbZ pkj la[;kvksa esa ls rhu la[;k,a fdlh rjhdsa ls
(c) lq•n le; esa (d) nq•n le; esa ,d leku gS vkSj ,d la[;k vlaxr gSA ml vlaxr la[;k dk
74. x|ka'k esa fdl xq.k dks lokZsifj ekuk x;k gS\ p;u djsaA
(a) d:.kk dks (b) çse dks Three of the following four numbers are alike in some way
and one is different. Choose the odd number out.
(c) lR; dks (d) /S;Z dks (a) 416 (b) 749 (c) 463 (d) 864
75. 'k=kqvksa ds çfr vkHkkj O;ÙkQ djuk pkfg,] D;ksafd& 82. fn;s lewg esa leku vkÑfr;ksa dks n'kkZus okys fodYi dk p;u djs&a
(a) varr% os Hkh euq"; gSa (b) os ckn esa fe=k cu tkrs gSaA Select the option that shows similar figures in the given
(c) os cgqr dqN fl•krs gSa (d) os fLFkjfpÙk gksrs gSaA group-

76. uhps fn, x, fodYiksa esa ls lacaf/r 'kCn dk p;u djsa%

Select the related word from the options given below:
ifjogu % eky %% cSad % 2
Transport : Goods :: Bank : 1 3
(a) /u/Money (b):i;s/Rupees
(c) ikmaM/Pounds (d)MkWyj/Dollars
77. ml fodYi dk p;u dhft,] ftlesa nh xbZ la[;kvksa ds chp ogh
lac/a gS] tks uhps fn, x, leqPp;ksa dh la[;kvksa ds chp gSA 4 5 6

(uksV% lafØ;k,¡ la[;kvksa dks muds la?kVd vadksa esa foHkÙkQ

fd, fcuk] lEiw.kZ la[;kvksa ij dh tkuh pkfg,A mnkgj.kkFkZ &
13 ij dh tkus okyh lafØ;k,¡ tSls& tksM+uk@?kVkuk@xq.kk djuk
bR;kfn 13 ij gh dh tkuh pkfg,A 13 dks 1 vkSj 3 esa foHkÙkQ 7 8 9
djus vkSj fiQj 1 vkSj 3 ij xf.krh; lafØ;k,¡ djus dh vuqefr (a) 1]8]5_7]6]3_4]2]9 (b) 1]2]5_8]6]4_2]7]9
ugha gSA) (c) 1]8]5_5]6]3_4]7]9 (d) 1]2]8_5]6]4_3]7]9
83. nh xbZ Nfo cukus ds fy, U;wure fdruh js•kvksa dh t:jr gS\ 88. ;fn A»B dk vFkZ B dh iq=kh A gS] A&B dk vFkZ B dk HkkbZ
What is the minimum number of lines required to form the A gS vkSj A×B dk vFkZ B dk firk A gS rks fuEu esa ls dkSu
given image? dkSu lk fodYi 'N dk ukrh M gS' dk laca/ n'kkZrk gS\
If A%B means A is daughter of B, A-B means A is brother of B
and AXB means A is father of B, then which of the following
options represents the relation 'M is the grandson of N'?
(c) M&C»F»N (d) N»DXFXC

89. ;fn 'A' dk eryc '$' gS] 'B' dk eryc '&' gS] 'C' dk eryc
'×' vkSj 'D' dk eryc ' ÷' gS] rks 81D9C5D15A8B11¾ \
(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 15 If 'A' means '+', 'B' means '-', 'C' means 'X' and 'D' means, ' ÷'
then 81D9C5D15A8B11= ?
84. fn, x, fodYiksa esa ls ml la[;k dk p;u dhft,] tks
fuEufyf•r Js.kh esa ç'u fpÉ (\) ds LFkku ij vk ldrh gSA (a) 0 (b) 0-15 (c) 12 (d) 22
Select the number from the given options that can replace
the question mark (?) in the following series. 90. dkSu&lk osu vkjs• fuEufyf•r oxks± dk lgh çfrfuf/Ro djrk gS%
110]114]106]122]90 \ dukZVd] Hkkjr] ,f'k;k
(a) 168 (b) 154 (c) 127 (d) 136 Which Venn diagram correctly represents the following
85. uhps fp=k ds fjÙkQ LFkku ds fy, mi;qÙkQ fp=k dk p;u uhps ds classes:
fodYiksa esa ls djsa& Karnataka, India, Asia

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
91. fn, x, vkjs• esa] o`Ùk ^f'kf{kr O;fÙkQ;ksa* dks fu#fir djrk
gS f=kHkqt ^'kgjh O;fÙkQ;ksa* dks fu:fir djrk gS] oxZ ^esgurh
O;fÙkQ;ksa* dks fu#fir djrk gS vkSj vk;r ^bZekunkj O;fÙkQ;ksa*
(c) (d) dks fu#fir djrk gSA
In the given diagram, circle represents 'educated people',
triangle represents 'urban people', square represents
86. js•k dh ?kM+h esa çnf'kZr le; ds vuqlkj] vHkh lok ukS cts gSa 'hardworking people' and rectangle represents 'honest
vkSj ?kaVs dh lqbZ if'pe dh vksj bafxr dj jgh gSA 75 feuV people'.
ckn feuV dh lqbZ fdl fn'kk dh vksj bafxr djsxh\
According to the time shown in Rekha's clock, it is quarter
past nine and the hour hand is pointing towards the west.
In which direction will the minute hand point after 75
(a) iwoZ/East (b) mÙkj/North
(c) nf{k.k/South (d) if'pe/West
87. ,d vkneh iwoZ dh vksj 15 fdyksehVj ;k=kk djrk gS] fiQj nk,¡
eqM+rk gS vkSj 20 fdyksehVj pyrk gSA blds ckn og ck,¡ eqM+rk dkSu lk {ks=k ,sls vf'kf{kr] bZekunkj] esVuuh O;fDd;ksa dks
gS vkSj 30 fdyksehVj ;k=kk djrk gSA var esa] og nkfgus eqM+rk fu:fir djrk gS] tks 'kgjh ugha gSa \
gS vkSj 40 fdyksehVj pyrk gSA vkjaHk fcanq vkSj xarO; ds chp Which region represents uneducated, honest, metony
U;wure fdruh nwjh gS % people who are not urban?
A man travels 15 km towards east, then turns right and
travels 20 km. After this he turns left and travels 30 km. (a) D (b) B (c) E (d) C
Finally, he turns right and travels 40 km. What is the funZs'k% fuEufyf•r tkudkjh ij xkSj djsa vkSj blds vk/kj ij
minimum distance between the starting point and the
ç'uksa ds mÙkj nsaA
Directions: Consider the following information and answer
(a) 50 km (b) 75 km (c) 100 km (d) 80 km the questions based on it.
pkj fo|kFkhZ& S] P] U vkSj G pkj Hkk"kk,¡ cksyrs gS Úsap]Lisfu'k] 94. fuEu fodYiksa esa ls fo"ke fp=k pqusaA
teZu vkSj vaxzsth rFkk pkj ok| ;a=k ctkrs gS& ckalqjh] ok;fyu] Choose the odd picture out from the following options.
fxVkj vkSj rcyk] ;kn`fPNd Øe esaA ,d fo|kFkhZ dsoy ,d
gh Hkk"kk cksy ldrk gS vkSj ,d gh ok| ;a=k ctk ldrk gSA
(a) (b)
our students- S, P, U and G speak four languages ​​French,
Spanish German and English and play four musical
instruments- flute, violin guitar and tabla, in random order.
A student can speak only one language and play only one
musical instrument.
A- U
 fxVkj ctkrk gS ysfdu uk gh teZu vkSj uk gh Úsap cksy (c) (d)
ldrk gSA/U plays guitar but can neither speak German
nor French.
B-  ks fo|kFkhZ ckalqjh ctkrk gS og uk gh Lisfu'k vkSj uk gh
teZu cksy ldrk gSA/The student who plays flute can 95. fn, x, dFku vkSj fuEufyf•r vo/kj.kkvksa dks lgh le>uk vkSj fu.kZ;
neither speak Spanish nor German. ysa fd dFku esa dkSu&lh /kj.kA vo/kj.kk¡ vÙkfufgr gSA
Consider the given statement and the following assumptions
C- S
 rcyk ctkrk gS vkSj G bafXy'k cksyrk gSA/S plays tabla to be true and decide which of the assumptionsassumptions
is implicit in the statement.
and G speaks English.
D-  ks fo|kFkhZ Úsap cksyrk gS og uk gh rcyk vkSj uk gh ckalqjh
t I. ,e- ,l- /ksuh ,d yksdfç; fddsVj gSA/M. S. Dhoni is a
popular cricketer.
ctkrk gSA/The student who speaks French can neither
play tabla nor flute.
II.  lHkh fØdsVj fiQV vkSj LoLFk gSA/All cricketers are fit
and healthy.
92. dkSu lk fo|kFkhZ ok;fyu ctkrk gSA III. ,e-,l- /ksjh fofHkUu mRiknksa o foKkiuksa }kjk çfro"kZ vPNk
Which student plays violin. iSlk dekrk gSA/M. S. Dhoni earns good money every
year by endorsing various products.
(a) P (b) U (c) G (d) S
93. rhu dFku vkSj mlds ckn pkj fu"d"kZ I] II] III vkSj IV fn, x, A- lHkh yksdfç; fØdsVj foKkiuksa }kjk vPNk iSlk dekrs gSA/All
popular cricketers earn good money by endorsing various
gSaA dFkuksa dks lR; ekurs gq, fopkj djsa] Hkys gh os lkekU;r% products.
Kkr rF;ksa ls fHkUu çrhr gksrs gksa] vkSj crk,a fd dkSu ls fu"d"kZ B- ,e- ,l- /ksuh fiQV vkSj LoLFk gSA/M. S. Dhoni is fit and
rkfdZd :i ls dFkuksa dk ikyu djrsa gS\ healthy.
Three statements are given followed by four conclusions I, C- ,e- ,l- /ksuh çfl¼ gksus ds dkj.k dsoy çfl¼ mRiknksa ds
II, III and IV. Consider the statements as true, even if they foKkiu djrk gSA/M. S. Dhoni, being famous, endorses
only famous products.
seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, and
(a) dsoy fu"d"kZ C vuqikyu djrk gSA/Only conclusion 8
then decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) follows.
from the statements? (b) fu"d"kZ A vkSj C vuqikyu djrk gSA/Conclusions A and
C follow.
dFku%/Statements: (c) fu"d"kZ A vkSj B vuqikyu djrs gSA/Conclusions A and B
1- dqN iaiysV dkWfi;ka gSaA/Some pamphlets are copies. follow.
(d) dsoy fu"d"kZ B vuqikyu djrk gSA/Only conclusion B
2- lHkh dkWfi;ka jhM+j gSaA/All copies are readers. follows.
3- lHkh jhMj LØkWy gSaA/All readers are scrolls. 96. fuEufyf•r nks ?kVukvksa ij fopkj djsa vkSj lgh fodYi pqusaA
Consider the following two events and choose the correct
fu"d"kZ%/Conclusions: option.
I- lHkh iaiysV LØkWy gSaA/All pamphlets are scrolls. ?kVuk A% vkt es?kuk dks iqjLdkj vkSj ind feyus okyk gSA/
Event A: Today Meghna is going to get a prize and a medal.
II- lHkh dkWfi;ka LØkWy gSaA/All copies are scrolls. ?kVuk B% vkt es?kuk us nkSM+ çfr;ksfxrk thrh gSA/Event B:
Today Meghna wins the race competition.
III- dqN jhMj dkWfi;ka gSaA/Some readers are copies.
(a) ?kVuk A çeq• vkSj rkRdkfyd dkj.k gS vkSj B bldk
IV- dqN LØkWy iaiysV gSaA/Some scrolls are pamphlets. çHkko gSA/Event I is the prime and immediate cause and
(a) dsoy fu"d"kZ II] III vkSj IV ikyu djrs gSaA/Only B is its effect.
conclusions II, III and IV follow. (b) ?kVuk A vkSj B vyx&vyx dkj.kksa ds çHkko gSaA/Events
A and B are effects of different causes.
(b) dsoy fu"d"kZ I] III vkSj IV ikyu djrs gSaA/Only
(c) ?kVuk B çeq• vkSj rkRdkfyd dkj.k gS vkSj A bldk
conclusions I, III and IV follow.
çHkko gSaA/Event B is the prime and immediate cause
(c) dsoy fu"d"kZ II vkSj IV ikyu djrs gSaA/Only conclusions and I is its effect.
II and IV follow. (d) ?kVuk A çHkko gS] ysfdu ?kVuk B bldk çeq• vkSj
(d) dsoy fu"d"kZ I vkSj III ikyu djrs gSaA/Only conclusions rkRdkfyd dkj.k ugha gSA/Event I is the effect, but event
I and III follow. B is not its prime and immediate cause.
97. ,d mRiknu çca/u }kjk dFku% In a family party, Amelia, Olivia, Isha, Emily, Poppy and
Jessica, all are sitting in a row facing north. Both Poppy
¶vkiwfrZ fd, x, dPps eky dh xq.koÙkk vkSlr ls de gS] and Jessica have two persons sitting on one side and three
blfy, mRiknu Hkh ?kfV;k gksxkA¸ persons on the other side. Both Amelia and Olivia are
Statement by a production manager: "The quality of raw materials sitting at one end. Isha is sitting immediate left of Amelia.
supplied is below average so the output will also be poor." Who is sitting immediate right of Olivia?
/kj.kk%/Assumptions: (a) tsfldk/Jessica (b) vesfy;k/Amelia
(1) dsoy vPNh xq.koÙkk okys dPps eky ls gh xq.koÙkkiw.kZ (c) ikWih/Poppy (d) ,feyh/Emily
mRikn cuk, tk ldrs gSaA/Only good quality raw
materials can produce quality products. 100. ml fodYi dk p;u djsa] ftls fjÙk LFkkuksa esa Øfed :i ls
(2) e gaxs dPps eky ls ges'kk vPNh xq.koÙkk okys mRikn rS;kj Hkjs tkus ij iqujko`fÙk iSVuZ fufeZr gksxkA
fd, tk ldrs gSaA/Expensive raw materials can always Select the option which when filled sequentially in the
produce good quality products. blanks will create a repeating pattern.
(a) u rks /kj.kk (1) vkSj u gh /kj.kk (2) fufgr gSA/Neither c_bba_cab_ac_ab_ac
assumption (1) nor assumption (2) is implicit. (a) b,a,b,c,c (b) b, c, a, c, b
(b) ;k rks /kj.kk (1) ;k /kj.kk (2) fufgr gSA/Either
assumption (1) or assumption (2) is implicit. (c) a,c,b,c,b (d) a, b, c, b, c
(c) dsoy /kj.kk (1) fufgr gSA/Only assumption (1) is 101. ,d fuf'pr dwV Hkk"kk esa] POSITIVE dks KQHKGKEG fy•k
(d) dsoy /kj.kk (2) fufgr gSA/Only assumption (2) is
tkrk gSA mlh dwV Hkk"kk esa NATIONAL dks fdl çdkj fy•k
implicit. tk,xk\
In a certain code language, POSITIVE is written as
98. fn, x, dFku vkSj fuEufyf•r vo/kj.kkvksa dks lgh le>uk vkSj KQHKGKEG. How will NATIONAL be written in the same
fu.kZ; ysa fd dFku esa dkSu&lh /kj.kA vo/kj.kk¡ vÙkfufgr gSA code language?
Consider the given statement and the following assumptions (a) MCGKLPZN (b) MCGKOCPL
to be true and decide which of the assumptionsassumptions
is implicit in the statement. (c) MCKGPLZN (d) MCGKLPCO
dFku%/Statement: 102. ;fn 'kCn COMPUTE ds lHkh v{kjksa dks o.kZekyk Øe ds
IMD fjiksVZ
ds vuqlkj ¶caxky dh •kM+h esa de ncko ds dkj.k vuqlkj O;ofLFkr fd;k tk,] rks fdrus v{kjksa dh fLFkfr
rfeyukMq esa Hkkjh ckfj'k gks ldrh gSA¸ dk;Zokgh% vifjofrZr jgsxh\
According to the IMD report "Low pressure in the Bay of If all the letters of the word COMPUTE are arranged in
Bengal may cause heavy rains in Tamil Nadu." Course of
action: alphabetical order, then the position of how many letters
will remain unchanged?
1- le; ij psrkouh nsus ds fy, IMD dh ç'kalk dh tkuh (a) 'kwU;/Zero (b) rhu/three (c) ,d/one (d) nks/two
pkfg,A/IMD should be praised for giving timely
warning. 103. 16 feuV esa feuV dh lqbZ] ?kaVs dh lqbZ ds lkis{k_______vkxs
ljdkj dks ehfM;k }kjk ;g psrkouh ns nsuh pkfg, fd c<+rh gSA
eNqokjs bl nkSjku eNyh idM+us ds fy, leqæ esa u tk;saA/ In 16 minutes the minute hand moves ______ forward
The government should warn through the media that relative to the hour hand.
fishermen should not go out to sea for fishing during (a) 96 (b) 80 (c) 16 (d) 88°
this period.
(a) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa vuqlj.k djrs gSa/Both 1 and 2 follow 104. fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk fodYi nh xbZ vkÑfr dks mÙke :i ls
u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2 vuqlj.k djrk gS/Neither 1 nor 2 iw.kZ djsxk \
follows Which of the following options will best complete the
(c) dsoy 2 vuqlj.k djrk gS/Only 2 follows given figure?
(d) dsoy 1 gh vulj.k djrk gS/Only 1 follows
99. nh xbZ tkudkjh dk è;kuiwoZd vè;;u djsa vkSj iwNs x, ç'u
dk mÙkj nsaA
Study the given information carefully and answer the
question asked.
,d ikfjokfjd ikVhZ esa vesfy;k] vksfyfo;k] bZ'kk] ,feyh] ikWih (b)
vkSj tsfldk] lHkh ,d iafÙkQ esa mÙkj dh vksj eq• djds cSBs gSaA (a)
ikWih vkSj tsfldk nksuksa ds ,d rjiQ nks O;fÙkQ cSBs gSa vkSj nwljh
rjiQ rhu O;fÙkQ cSBs gSaA vesfy;k vkSj vksfyfo;k nksuksa ,d&
,d fljs ij cSBh gSaA bZ'kk] vesfy;k ds ckbZa vksj Bhd cxy (c) (d)
esa cSBh gSA vksfyfo;k ds nkbZa vksj Bhd cxy esa dkSu cSBk gS\
105. (1)] (2)] (3)] (4) ds :i esa la[;kafdr] fuEufyf•r esa ls ç'u vkÑfr/Question Figure
dkSu lh Nfo nh xbZ Js.kh ds fy, vxyh Nfo gksxh\
Which of the following images numbered as (1), (2), (3),
(4) will be the next image in the given series?


109. fn, x, fodYi fp=kksa esa ls TEETH dh ik'oZ niZ.k çfrfcac

dk p;u djsa\
Select the lateral mirror image of TEETH from the given
(a)1 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 3 option images?

106. ,d iklk 1 ls 6 rd la[;kafdr gSA 6 ds foijhr dkSu lh

la[;k gSA
A dice is numbered from 1 to 6. What is the number
opposite to 6?

(a) A (b) D (c) B (d) C

110. lkr yM+fd;ksa A]B]C]D]E]F rFkk G dh Å¡pkbZ dh rqyuk dh
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 4 tkrh gSA D dh Å¡pkbZ de ls de pkj yM+fd;ksa ls vf/d gS
107. dkSu&lk fodYi fp=k ç'u fp=k ds lkFk fudVre lekurk ysfdu og lcls yach ugha gSA A dh Å¡pkbZ B rFkk F ls vf/d
j•rk gS gS rFkk F dh Å¡pkbZ E ls de gSA A dh Å¡pkbZ D ls de gSA
Which option picture has the closest resemblance to the G dh Å¡pkbZ C rFkk D nksuksa ls vf/d gSA
question picture
The heights of seven girls A, B, C, D, E, F and G are
ç'u fp=k%/Question picture: compared. D is taller than at least four girls but she is not
the tallest. A is taller than B and F and F less than E. A is
less than D. G is taller than both C and D.
Which of the following statements is not correct?
fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu lk dFku lgh ugha gS\
(a) G nwljh lcls yEch gks ldrh gSA/G may be the second
fodYi fp=k%/Option picture (b) G ikapoh lcls yEch gks ldrh gSA/G may be the fifth
(c) A ikapoh lcls yEch gks ldrh gSA/A may be the fifth
(d) C pkSFkh lcls yEch gks ldrh gSA/C may be the fourth
111. jksgu vkSj lksge dk osru 2% 3 ds vuqikr esa gSA ;fn çR;sd
ds osru esa ₹ 2]000 dh o`f¼ gksrh gS rks u;k vuqikr 40 %
57 gks tkrk gSA lksge dk orZeku osru D;k gS\
(a) B (b) C (c) D (d) A The salaries of Rohan and Soham are in the ratio of 2 : 3.
If the salary of each is increased by ₹ 2,000 then the new
108. dkSu lk mÙkj fp=k (Answer figure) fn, x, ç'u fp=k ratio becomes 40 : 57. What is Soham's present salary?
(problem figure) dk lgh ty çfrfcac gS\ (a) ₹ 25]500 (b) ₹ 17]000 (c) ₹ 34]000 (d) ₹ 20]000
Which answer figure is the correct water image of the given
problem figure? 112. fuEufyf•r ç'u esa ,d 'kCn fn;k x;k gS] mlds ckn pkj 'kCn
fn, x, gSa] ftuesa ls ,d fn, x, 'kCn ds v{kjksa dk mi;ksx
djds ugha cuk;k tk ldrk gSA og 'kCn Kkr dhft,A
In the following question a word is given, followed by four
words, one of which cannot be formed using the letters of
the given word. Find that word.

113. 56 lseh Hkqtk okys ,d ?ku ds lHkh lrgksa dks cSaxuh jax ls jax 117. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gS vkSj vkidh Nqêðh ds nkSjku vkids
fn;k tkrk gS vkSj fiQj bls 8 lseh Hkqtk okys NksVs ?kuksa esa dkV iM+ksl esa vkx yx xbZ gSA vkidh çkFkfedrk D;k gksuh pkfg,\
fn;k tkrk gSA ,sls NksVs ?kuksa dh la[;k Kkr dhft,] ftudk You are a police officer and a fire breaks out in your neighbourhood
dsoy ,d gh i`"B jaxk gqvk gSA during your vacation. What should be your priority?
A cube of side 56 cm is painted purple on all its surfaces
and then cut into smaller cubes of side 8 cm. Find the (a) 
iQk;j fczxsM dks dkWy djsaxs vkSj ekSds ij igqapdj enn
number of such smaller cubes which have only one surface
painted. djsaxsA/Call the fire brigade and reach the spot to help.
(a) 150 (b) 25 (c) 50 (d) 100 (b) vius ?kj esa gh jgsaxsA/Stay in your house.
114. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidks ,d ykirk cPps dh (c) 
iM+ksfl;ksa dks •qn ls vkx cq>kus ds fy, dgsaxsA/Ask the
lwpuk feyrh gSA vkidh rRdky dkjZokbZ D;k gksuh pkfg,\ neighbours to extinguish the fire themselves.
You are a police officer and you receive a report of a missing (d) 
vkx dks vuns•k djsaxs vkSj viuh Nqêðh dk vkuan ysaxsA/
child. What should be your immediate action?
Ignore the fire and enjoy your vacation.
(a) cPps ds ekrk&firk ls ckr djsaxs vkSj mudh enn ysaxsA/Talk
to the child's parents and seek their help.
118. vkids {ks=k esa ,d lkoZtfud lekjksg gks jgk gS vkSj HkhM+ esa
(b) r  qjar {ks=k esa •kst 'kq: djsaxs vkSj vius lg;ksfx;ksa dks Hkh
lwfpr djsaxsA/Immediately begin searching the area and fdlh fookn dh fLFkfr mRiUu gks tkrh gSA vkidh çkFkfedrk
inform your colleagues. D;k gksuh pkfg,\
(c) c Pps dh fjiksVZ ntZ djsaxs vkSj ckn esa •kst 'kq: djsaxsA/File A public function is being held in your area and a dispute
a report of the child's death and begin searching later.
arises in the crowd. What should be your priority?
(d) ekeys dks vuns•k djsx a s vkSj vius nwljs dkeksa ij è;ku nsxa As /
File a report of the child's death and begin searching later. (a) fookn dks vuns•k djsaxs vkSj lekjksg dks tkjh j•us nsaxsA/
115. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidh Nqêðh ds nkSjku vki Ignore the dispute and allow the function to continue.
,d ikdZ esa vius ifjokj ds lkFk gSaA vki ns•rs gSa fd fdlh (b) fookn dh 'kkar djus ds fy, rRdky dne mBk,axs vkSj
us ikdZ esa ,d lfnX/ iSdst NksM+k gSA vkidh çkFkfedrk D;k HkhM+ dks fu;af=kr djsaxsA/Take immediate steps to calm
gksuh pkfg,\ the dispute and control the crowd.
You are a police officer and during your vacation you are
with your family in a park. You notice that someone has (c) fookn esa 'kkfey yksxksa dks rqjar fxjÝrkj djsaxsA/Immediately
left a suspicious package in the park. What should be your
priority? arrest the people involved in the dispute.
(a) iSdst dks •qn •ksydj ns•saxs fd mlesa D;k gSA/Open the (d) 
lekjksg dks rqjar lekIr dj nsaxsA/End the function
package yourself to see what is in it. immediately.
(b) rqjar iqfyl eq[;ky; dks lwfpr djsaxs vkSj iSdst ls nwj
jgsaxsA/Immediately inform the police headquarters and 119. vki ,d tk¡p vf/dkjh gS vkSj vkidks irk pyrk gS fd ,d mPp
stay away from the package. vf/dkjh vius in dk nq#i;ksx dj jgk gSA og xidks bl ekeys
(c) iSdst dks vuns•k djsaxs vkSj vius ifjokj ds lkFk le; dks nckus ds fy, Hkkjh /ujkf'k dh is'kd'k dj jgk gSA vkidks
fcrk,axsA/Ignore the package and spend time with your You are an investigating officer and you come to know that
a higher official is misusing his position. He is offering you
(d) iSdst dks mBkdj dpjs esa iQsad nsaxsA/Pick up the package
and throw it in the garbage. a huge amount of money to hush up the case. You should

116. vkidh x'r ds nkSjku vkidks lwpuk feyrh gS fd vkids {ks=k (a) / ujkf'k Lohdkj dj ysuh pkfg, vkSj ekeys dks nck nsuk
esa ,d cSad esa MdSrh gks jgh gSA vkidh rRdky dkjZokbZ D;k pkfg,A/accept the money and hush up the case.
gksuh pkfg,\ (b) vkSipkfjdrk fn•kuh pkfg, ysfdu xqIr :i ls mPp

During your patrol you receive information that a bank in
your area is being robbed. What should be your immediate vf/dkjh ds f•ykiQ lcwr ,d=k djus pkfg,A/show
formality but secretly collect evidence against the
(a) rqjar cSad dh vksj jokuk gksaxs vkSj MdSrksa dks idM+us dh
higher official.
dksf'k'k djsaxsA/Immediately proceed to the bank and try to
catch the robbers. (c)  ius mPp vf/dkfj;ksa dks lwfpr djds fu"i{k tkap djuh
(b) eq[;ky; dks lwpuk nsaxs vkSj vfrfjÙkQ enn dh ekax djsaxsA/
Inform the headquarters and ask for additional help. pkfg,A/conduct a fair investigation by informing your
(c) cSad ds ikl tkdj fLFkfr dk fujh{k.k djsaxs vkSj ;kstuk higher officials.
cuk,axsA/Go to the bank and observe the situation and (d) /ujkf'k Bqdjkuh pkfg, vkSj mPp vf/dkjh ds f•ykiQ
make a plan.
(d) cSad ds xzkgdksa dks ckgj fudkyus dh dksf'k'k djsaxsA/Will dkuwuh dkjZokbZ djuh pkfg,A/refuse the money and take
try to get the bank customers out. legal action against the higher official.

120. vki ,d tk¡p vf/dkjh gSa_ ,d ohvkbZih dh gR;k ds ekeys 123. ,d fo'ofo|ky; ds Mhu ds :i esa] vkidks irk pyrk gS fd
esa eq[; vkjksih lk{;ksa esa gsjiQsj djus vkSj nks"keqfÙkQ lqfuf'pr Nk=kksa ds chp ,d cM+k >xM+k gqvk gS vkSj ifjlj esa fgalk dh
djus gsrq U;k;k/h'kksa dks çHkkfor djus ds fy, Hkkjh fj'or dh laHkkouk gSA vkidh rRdky çfrfØ;k D;k gksuh pkfg,\
is'kd'k dj jgk gSA vkidks % As the dean of a university, you learn that there has been
You are an investigating officer; the prime accused in a VIP a major fight among students and there is a possibility
murder case is offering huge bribes to influence the judges of violence on campus. What should be your immediate
to manipulate evidence and ensure acquittal. You should: response?
lger gksus dk fn•kok djuk pkfg, ysfdu detksj <ax ls (a) N
 k=kksa dks rqjar ifjlj ls fu"dkflr dj nsaA/Expel the
students from the campus immediately.
x<+s x, iQthZ lk{; çLrqr djus pkfg,A@pretend to agree
(b) i
 fjlj esa iqfyl cqykdj lqj{kk lqfuf'pr djsaA/Ensure
but produce weakly fabricated evidence. safety by calling the police to the campus.
vkSipkfjdrkfn•kuh pkfg, ysfdu xqIr :i ls vkjksih (c) N
 k=kksals O;fÙkQxr :i ls ckr djds ekeys dks lqy>kus dh
ds f•ykiQ lcwr ,d=k djus pkfg,A@show formality but dksf'k'k djsaA/Try to resolve the matter by talking to the
secretly collect evidence against the accused. students individually.
vius Lora=k is'ksoj fu.kZ; ds vuqlkj tk¡p djus ls cpuk (d) fo'ofo|ky; dks vLFkk;h :i ls can dj nsaA/Temporarily
pkfg,A@refrain from conducting the investigation close the university.
according to your independent professional judgment. 124. ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh ds :i esa] vkidks lwpuk feyrh gS fd
vHkz"V jguk pkfg, vkSj vnkyr esa rF;ksa dks ikjnf'kZrk ls ,d Ldwy cl esa cPpksa dks /edk;k tk jgk gSA vkidks%
is'k djuk pkfg,A@remain uncorrupted and present facts As a police officer, you receive information that children
are being bullied on a school bus. You should:
transparently in court.
(a) cl pkyd vkSj vVsaMsaV ls iwNrkN djuh pkfg,A/Question
121. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidks ,d cM+s vkijkf/d the bus driver and attendant.
ekeys dh lquokbZ ds fy, vnkyr esa mifLFkr gksuk gSA tcfd (b) lHkh cPpksa dks iqfyl LVs'ku cqykuk pkfg,A/Call all the
vkids cPps dks Ldwy esa ,d egRoiw.kZ ijh{kk nsuh gSA vkidks children to the police station.
You are a police officer and you have to attend court to (c) Ldwy ç'kklu ls feydj lqj{kk mik;ksa dh leh{kk djuh
hear a major criminal case while your child has to give an
important exam at school. You should pkfg,A/Meet with the school administration to review
security measures.
(a) cPps dh ijh{kk dks utjvankt djrs gq, vnkyr esa mifLFkr
gksuk pkfg,A/ignore your child's exam and attend the court. (d) cl lsok dks vLFkk;h :i ls can dj nsuk pkfg,A/
Temporarily suspend the bus service.
(b) vnkyr esa mifLFkr gksus ds fy, cPps dh ijh{kk dh rS;kjh
ds fy, ,d VÔwVj dh O;oLFkk djuh pkfg,A/arrange a tutor 125. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidks ,d 'kfÙkQ'kkyh O;fÙkQ
for your child to prepare for his exam before attending the ds f•ykiQ lcwr feyrs gSaA vkidks%
You are a police and you find evidence against a powerful
(c) cPps dh ijh{kk ds fy, FkksM+s le; dk vodk'k ysuk pkfg, person. You should:
vkSj vnkyr esa vius lg;ksxh dks Hkstuk pkfg,A/take a short (a) lacwr dks u"V dj nsuk pkfg,A/destroy the evidence.
leave and send your colleague to the court to attend the
child's exam. (b) lcwr ds vk/kj ij fu"i{k dkjZokbZ djuh pkfg,A/take
impartial action based on the evidence.
(d) cPps dh ijh{kk ds ckjs esa vius ofj"B vf/dkfj;ksa ls ppkZ
(c) lcwr dks Nqikdj ekeys dks BaMs cLrs esa Mky nsuk pkfg,A/
djds muls ekxZn'kZu ysuk pkfg,A/discuss the child's exam hide the evidence and shelve the case.
with your seniors and seek their guidance.
(d) ml O;fÙkQ ls ykHk ysus dk ç;kl djuk pkfg,A/try to take
122. ,d vLirky ds çca/d ds :i esa] vkidks ulks± ls ofj"B advantage of that person.
MkWDVjksa ds f•ykiQ mRihM+u dh f'kdk;rsa fey jgh gSaA vkidks funZs'k% (ç'u 126&128)
s a hospital manager, you are receiving complaints of
harassment from nurses against senior doctors. You should uhps fn, x, ç'u dk mÙkj nsus ds fy, fuEufyf•r tkudkjh
lHkh ofj"B MkWDVjksa dks rqjar fuyafcr dj nsuk pkfg,A/ dks è;ku ls i<+saA ,d ohlh iQeZ ,d jh;kfyVh Vhoh 'kks ds
Suspend all the senior doctors immediately. ekè;e ls ,d u;h dEiuh esa iSlk fuos'k djus dh ;kstuk cuk
(b) ,d vkarfjd f'kdk;r lfefr dk xBu djuk pkfg,A/Form jgh gS_ laLFkkid fuEufyf•r 'krZsa iwjh djrk gks&
an internal complaints committee.
(a) mldh mez 1-9-2017 dks 35 o"kZ ls vf/d u gksA
f'kdk;rdrkZvksa dh xksiuh;rk lqfuf'pr djuh pkfg,A/ (b) mlus 60» vadksa ls Lukrd dh fMxzh çkIr dh gksA
Ensure confidentiality of the complainants.
(c) mlus çcU/u esa Js.kh , laLFkku ls LukrdksÙkj dh fMxzh
(d) deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, laosnu'khyrk vkSj uSfrd O;ogkj
gkfly dh gksA
ij çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe vk;ksftr djuk pkfg,A/Training
programmes on sensitivity and ethical behaviour (d) bdkWelZ esa mlds ikl LVkVZ&vi gksA
should be conducted for employees. (E) mlds ikl 5 o"kZ dk çcU/dh; vuqHko gksA
Directions: (Questions 126-128) In the following question, the details of the founder of
Read the following information carefully to answer the a start-up 'Prakash Labs' are given. You have to decide
question given below. A VC firm is planning to invest in whether the start-up should be funded or not. Kaushik,
a new company through a reality TV show; the founder born in 1989, graduated in Computer Science Engineering
should fulfil the following conditions- with distinction from Indian Institute of Technology
(IIT) Madras. He did his MBA from a grade A institute.
(a) He should not be more than 35 years of age as on He worked as a Product Manager in a reputed firm for 5
1.9.2017. years. Now with a commitment to bring about a change in
(b) He should have completed graduation with 60% marks. education, he has started 'Prakash Labs', an e-commerce
(c) He should have completed post graduation in start-up.
management from a category A institute.
(a) ekeys dks funs'kd e.My ds ikl Hkstk tkuk pkfg,A/The
(d) He should have a start-up in e-commerce.
matter should be referred to the Board of Directors.
(E) He should have 5 years of managerial experience.
(b) çdk'k ySCl esa fuf/ yxkbZ tkuh pkfg,A/ Prakash Labs
;fn dksbZ mEehnokj mijksÙkQ ekun.Mksa dks iwjk djrk gS] flok;& should be funded.
If a candidate fulfils all the above criteria except-
I- mi;ZqÙkQ (A) ds] ysfdu mlds ikl 7 o"kZ dk çcU/dh; (c) ekeys dks cksMZ vè;{k ds ikl Hkstk tkuk pkfg,A/The
matter should be referred to the Board Chairman.
vuqHko gS] rks ekeys dks funs'kd e.My ds ikl Hkstk tk;sxkA
I. (A) above, but has 7 years of managerial experience, the (d) çdk'k ySCl esa fuf/ ugha yxkbZ tkuh pkfg,A/Prakash
case will be referred to the Board of Directors. Labs should not be funded.
II- mi;ZqÙkQ (B) ds] ysfdu vius 5 djksM+ yxkus dks rS;kj gS] rks
128. fuEufyf•r ç'u esa] LVkVZ&vi ¶VSDuksØSV¸ ds laLFkkid dk
ekeys dks cksMZ vè;{k ds ikl Hkstk tk,xkA
II. (B) above, but is willing to invest his own Rs. 5 crores, C;kSjk fn;k x;k gSA vkidks r; djuk gS fd LVkVZ&vi dks fuf/
the case will be referred to the Board Chairman. feyuh pkfg, ;k ughaA lqtkW; ,d 37 lky dk O;olk;h gSA
126. fuEufyf•r ç'u esa] LVkVZ&vi ¶vkbZ&lsy¸ ds laLFkkid dk mudh dEiuh 'VsDuksØSV' bysDVªkWfud mRiknksa dks vkWuykbu
C;kSjk fn;k x;k gSA vkidks r; djuk gS fd LVkVZ&vi dks fuf/ cspus dk dk;Z djrh gSA mUgksaus 9 o"kks± ds fy, ,d çfrf"Br
feysxh ;k ughaA çfiu 1985 esa iSnk gqvk vkSj mlus dEI;wVj dEiuh esa dke fd;k gSA Lukrd gksus rd mUgsa ges'kk 85» ls
foKku bathfu;fjax esa 85» dh fof'k"Vrk lfgr Lukrd fd;k vf/d vad feyrs jgs gSaA mUgksaus çcU/u esa viuh LukrdksÙkj
gSA mlus , Js.kh ds laLFkku ls ,ech, fd;k gSA mlus 2010 ls dh fMxzh Hkkjr ds nwljs lcls vPNs çcU/u dkWyst ls gkfly
2016 rd ,d ,d çfrf"Br dEiuh esa mRikn çcU/d ds :i
esa dk;Z fd;k gSA vc] tsiQ ls çsfjr gksdj mlus ,d bZ&dkWelZ dh gSA
In the following question, the details of the founder of a
dEiuh 'kq: dh gSA start-up 'Technocrat' are given. You have to decide whether
In the following question, the details of the founder of a
the start-up should be funded or not. Sujoy is a 37-year-
start-up "I-Cell" are given. You have to decide whether the
start-up will get funding or not. Prapin was born in 1985 old businessman. His company 'Technocrat' sells electronic
and has graduated in Computer Science Engineering with products online. He has worked in a reputed company
a distinction of 85%. He has done MBA from an A grade for 9 years. He has always scored above 85% marks till
institute. He has worked as a Product Manager in a reputed graduation. He has done his postgraduate degree in
company from 2010 to 2016. Now, inspired by Jeff, he has management from the second best management college in
started an e-commerce company. India.
(a) ekeys dks funs'kd e.My ds ikl Hkstk tkuk pkfg,A/The
matter should be referred to the Board of Directors. (a) ekeys dks funs'kd e.My ds ikl Hkstk tkuk pkfg,A/ The
matter should be referred to the Board of Directors.
(b) vkbZ&lsy esa fuf/ ugha yxkbZ tkuh pkfg,A/I-Cell should
not be funded. (b) VsDuksØSV esa fuf/ ugha yxkbZ tkuh pkfg,A/Technocrat
(c) vkbZ&lsy esa fuf/ yxkbZ tkuh pkfg,A/I-Cell should be should not be funded.
funded. (c) VsDuksØSV esa fuf/ ugha yxkbZ tkuh pkfg,A/Technocrat
(d) ekeys dks cksMZ vè;{k ds ikl Hkstk tkuk pkfg,A/ The should not be funded.
matter should be referred to the Board Chairman.
(d) ekeys dks cksMZ vè;{k ds ikl Hkstk tkuk pkfg,A/The
127. fuEufyf•r ç'u esa] LVkVZ&vi ¶çdk'k ySCl¸ ds laLFkkid dk matter should be referred to the Board Chairman.
C;kSjk fn;k x;k gSA vkidks r; djuk gS fd LVkVZ&vi dh fuf/ 129. 17 Øekxr la[;kvksa dk ;ksx 289 gSA 10 vU; Øekxr
feyuh pkfg, ;k ughaA 1989 esa iSnk gq, dkSf'kd us Hkkjrh; la[;kvksa dk ;ksx D;k gksxk] ftudh igyh la[;k leqPp; dh
çkS|ksfxdh laLFkku (vkbZ-vkbZ-Vh-) eækl ls fof'k"Vrk ds lkFk
Øekxr la[;kvksa ds vkSlr ls 5 vf/d gSA
dEI;wVj lkbal bathfu;fjax esa Lukrd dh mikf/ çkIr dhA mUgksaus
The sum of 17 consecutive numbers is 289 - The sum of
xzsM , laLFkku ls ,ech, fd;kA mUgksaus 5 o"kks± ds fy, ,d another 10 consecutive numbers will be whose first term
çfrf"Br iQeZ esa mRikn çcU/d ds :i esa dke fd;kA vc f'k{kk is 5 more than the average of the first set of consecutive
esa cnyko ykus dh çfrc¼rk ds lkFk] mUgksaus ¶çdk'k ySCl¸ numbers, is:
'kq: fd;k gS] tks fd ,d bZ&dkelZ LVkVZ&vi gSA (a) 315 (b) 285 (c) 265 (d) 300
130. ;fn fdlh la[;k dks 624 ls foHkkftr fd;k tkrk gS] rks 137. ,d pksj dks ,d iqfyldehZ 150 ehVj dh nwjh ls jksd ysrk
'ks"kiQy 53 çkIr gksrk gSA ;fn mlh la[;k dks 16 ls foHkkftr gSA iqfyldehZ tc pksj dk ihNk djuk 'kq: djrk gS] rks pksj
fd;k tk,] rks 'ks"kiQy D;k gksxk\ Hkh nkSM+uk 'kq: djrk gSA ;g ekurs gq, fd pksj dh xfr 7
If a number is divide by 624, the remainder will be 53. If the fd-eh@?kaVk gS vkSj iqfyldehZ dh xfr 9 fd-eh@?kaVk gS rks
same number is divisible by 16, then the remainder will be: iqfyldehZ ds }kjk pksj rd igqapdj mls idM+us ls igys pksj
(a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 5 }kjk r; dh gqbZ nwjh fdruh gS\
funZs'k (131&132)% ,d çdk'ku daiuh dh 6 'kk•kvksa B1] A thief is stopped by a policeman from a distance of 150
metres- When the policeman starts the chase] the thief also
B2] B3] B4, B5 vkSj B6 }kjk 2000 vkSj 2001 esa iqLrdksa dk starts running- Assuming the speed of the thief as 7" " km/
foØ; (gtkj dh la[;k)A xzkiQ dk vè;;u djsa vkSj fn, x, hr and that of policeman as 9 km/hr] how far the thief
would have run] before he is over&taken by the policeman?
ç'uksa dk mÙkj nsa%
Instruction (131 – 132): numbers) from Siñ Branches (a) 420 metres (b) 630 metres
of Books (in thousand B 6 of a publishing Compan - B1, B2, (c) 315 metres (d) 525 metres
B3, B4, B5 and the graph and answer the
138. A rFkk B dks feydj ,d 120 i`"B okyh fdrkc VkbZi djuh
gSA A] 9 ?kaVs esa 36 i`"B VkbZi djrk gS rFkk B]5 ?kaVs esa 40
i`"B VkbZi djrk gSA A igys 60 i`"B vdsyk VkbZi djrk gS rFkk
vkf•j ds 60 i`"B A rFkk B feydj VkbZi djrs gSA iwjh fdrkc
dks VkbZi djus esa fdruk le; (?kaVksa esa) yxsxk\
A and B have to type a book together containing 120 pages.
A takes 9 hrs to type 36 pages and B takes 5hrs to type 40
pages- A typed first 60 pages alone and the last 60 pages
were typed by A and B together- How much time (in hours)
will be taken to type the complete book?
131. 'kk•k B1] B3 vkSj B5 dh ,d lkFk feykdj nksuksa o"kks± dh (a) 24 (b) 20 (c) 12 (d) 15
dqy fcØh (gtkj dh la[;k esa) D;k gksxh\
Total sale of branches B1, B3 and B5 together for both the 139. 20 yhVj ds feJ.k esa 20 çfr'kr 'kjkc vkSj 'ks"k ikuh gSA ;fn
years (in thousand) is 4 yhVj ikuha vkSj feyk;k tkrk gS rks u;s feJ.k esa 'kjkc dk
(a) 250 (b) 310 (c) 435 (d) 560 çfr'kr D;k gksxk\
132. 'kk•k B2 dh nksuksa o"kkZs dh dqy fcØh dk] 'kk•k B4 dh nksuksa 20 litres of a mixture contains 20% alcohol and the rest
o"kkZs dh dqy fcØh ls vuqikr ekywe djsaA water- If 4 litres of water be mixed in it, the percentage of
Find the ratio of the total sales of branch B2 for both years alcohol in the new mixture will be
to the total sales of branch B4 for both years. 1 2 1
(a) 2%3 (b) 3%5 (c) 4%5 (d) 7%9 (a) 33 % (b) 16 % (c) 25» (d) 12 %
3 3 1 2
133. o"kZ 2000 esa 'kk•k B1] B3 vkSj B6 dh vkSlr fcØh o"kZ 140. og jkf'k Kkr dhft,] ftl ij 1 o"kks± esa 10» C;kt nj ij
2001 esa 'kk•k B1] B2 vkSj B3 dh vkSlr fcØh dk fdrus 2
çfr'kr Fkh\ v/Zokf"kZd tksM+s x, pØo`f¼ C;kt vkSj mlds lk/kj.k C;kt
The average sale of branches B1, B3 and B6 in 2000 is what dk varj 244 :ú gksxkA
percent of the average sale of branches B1, B2 and B3 in 2000?
(a) 87-5 (b) 75 (c) 77-5 (d) 82-5 What sum will give Rs. 244 as the difference between
simple interest and compound interest at 10% in 1 years
134. o"kZ 2001 esa 'kk•k B2 dh rqyuk esa 'kk•k B3 dh iqLrdksa dh compounded half yearly? 2
fcØh esa o`f¼ dk çfr'kr Kkr djsa\
Find the percentage increase in the sales of books of branch (a) Rs. 40]000 (b) Rs. 36]000 ■
B3 in the year 2001 than the branch B20 (c) Rs- 32]000 (d) Rs- 28]000
(a) 69-2 (b) 50-8 (c) 40-9 (d) 65-7
135. 21 lseh- Hkqtk okys ,d oxZ ds vUnj •hps tk ldus okys cM+s 141. ,d nqdkunkj dks viuh oLrqvksa ds ewY; dks Ø; ls fdrus »
ls cM+s o`Ùk dk {ks=kiQy gSA vf/d vafdr djuk pkfg, rkfd vafdr ewY; ij 25» dh NwV
The area of the greatest circle inscribed inside a square of nsus ds ckn og 20» dk ykHk dekark gksA
side 21 cm is (Take π ¾ 22@7 ) How much percent more than the cost price should
1 1 a shopkeeper mark his goods so that after allowing a
(a) 351 cm2 (b) 351 cm2 discount of 25% on the marked price, he gains 20% ?
2 2
(a) 70» (b) 50» (c) 60» (d) 55»
1 1
(c) 346 cm2 (d) 347 cm2 142. nks la[;k,¡ ,d rhljh la[;k dh rqyuk esa 50» vkSj 80» de
2 2 gSaA nwljh la[;k dks igyh la[;k ds cjkcj djus ds fy, fdrus
136. rhu fo"ke Øekxr fo"ke la[;kvksa dk vkSlr lcls cM+h la[;k çfr'kr c<+kuk gksxk\
ds 1@3 ls 52 vf/d gS] rks buesa ls lcls NksVh la[;k D;k gS\ Two number are 50% and 80% lesser than a third number-
The average of three consecutive odd numbers is 52 more By how much percent is the second number to be enhanced
than 1/3 rd of the largest of these number- What is the to make it equal to the first number?
smallest of these numbers?
(a) 79 (b) 75 (c) 81 (d) 77 (a) 150» (b) 60» (c) 30» (d) 37-5»
 1 1 1 1 1  148. ,d xokg us ns•k fd ,d lk¡nX/ us ,d nqdku ls lkeku pqjk;k
143.  + + + +  ds cjkcj gS& vkSj ,d dkj esa Hkkx x;kA xokg iqfyl dks dkj ds ckjs esa
 1.4 4.7 7.10 10.13 13.16 
fuEufyf•r fooj.k nsrk gS%
 1 1 1 1 1  A witness saw a suspect steal goods from a shop and flee
 + + + +  is equal to
 1.4 4.7 7.10 10.13 13.16  in a car. The witness gives the following details about the
car to the police:
(a)1@3 (b) 5@16 (c) 3@8 (d) 41@7280 I- 
xkM+h ds vafre 2 vad 93 gSAa The last 2 digits of the car are 93.
144. ljy djsa& II. 'kq#vkrh 2 v{kjA FksA@The first 2 letters were 1-
Simplify– III- 
rhljk vad 2 ;k 3 gks ldrk gSA@The third digit could be 2 or 3.
19 1 IV pkSFkk vad 4 gSa ysfdu rhljs vad ds ckjs esa fiQj ls lkspus
43 1 ij vuqeku yxk;k fd og mik 5 gks ldrk gSA@The fourth digit
2+ is 4 but on thinking about the third digit again he guesses
3+ that it could be 5.
1+ fuEufyf•r fodYiksa esa ls dkSu lk dkj uacj lgh gks ldrk gS\
4 Which of the following options could be the correct car
(a) 1 (b) 19@43 (c) 43@19 (d) 38@43 number?
4 6 8 (a) R.J2 493 (b) R.J3 593 (c) R.J2 593 (d) R.J3 493
145. , , dk e-l- (HCF) Kkr dhft,A
5 8 25 149. fuEufyf•r esa ls fdldk oxZewy ,d ifjes; la[;k gS\
4 6 8
What is the HCF of , , ? The square root of which of the following is a rational
5 8 25 number?
(a) 1@5 (b) 1@100 (c) 1@200 (d) 1@50 (a) 6250.49 (b) 1250.49
146. rhu o"kZ igys firk dh vk;q dk] iq=k dh vk;q ls vuqikr 8%3 (c) 5768.28 (d) 1354.24
FkkA 4 o"kZ ckn] mudh vk;q dk vuqikr 11% 5 gksxkA firk dh
orZeku vk;q (o"kks± esa) D;k gS\ 150. ,d nqdkunkj vius eky ij ewY; bl çdkj vafdr djrk gS fd
Three years ago] the ratio of the age of father to that of his 25» dh NwV nsus ij mls x» dk ykHk gksrk gSA ;fn oLrq dk
son was 8: 3. After 4 years, their ages will be in the ratio Ø; ewY; vkSj vafdr ewY; Øe'k% 460 vkSj #i;s 736 #i;s
11%5- What is the present age (in years) of the father?
(a) 52 (b) 51 (c) 48 (d) 55
gSA x dk eku D;k gS\
2 3 8 11 A shopkeeper marks his goods at a price such that after
147. fuEu esa ls lcls cM+h fHkUu gS] , . , % giving a discount of 25%, he gains x%. If the cost price
8 5 11 17 and the marked price of the article are Rs-460 and Rs.736
2 3 8 11
, . , respectively- What is the value of x?
Which is the largest of the following fractions :
8 5 11 17 (a) 20» (b) 18» (c) 24» (d) 16»
(a) 8@11 (b) 3@5 (c) 11@17 (d) 2@8

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (d)
31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (a) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (d)
41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (d) 46. (d) 47. (d) 48. (b) 49. (c) 50. (d)
51. (d) 52. (c) 53. (b) 54. (a) 55. (d) 56. (c) 57. (a) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (d)
61. (d) 62. (c) 63. (c) 64. (a) 65. (a) 66. (c) 67. (b) 68. (c) 69. (b) 70. (a)
71. (b) 72. (c) 73. (d) 74. (d) 75. (c) 76. (a) 77. (b) 78. (b) 79. (a) 80. (b)
81. (c) 82. (a) 83. (d) 84. (b) 85. (b) 86. (c) 87. (b) 88. (c) 89. (a) 90. (b)
91. (a) 92. (a) 93. (a) 94. (c) 95. (d) 96. (c) 97. (c) 98. (c) 99. (d) 100. (c)
101. (a) 102. (b) 103. (d) 104. (d) 105. (a) 106. (b) 107. (c) 108. (c) 109. (c) 110. (b)
111. (d) 112. (c) 113. (a) 114. (b) 115. (b) 116. (b) 117. (a) 118. (b) 119. (b) 120. (d)
121. (b) 122. (b) 123. (b) 124. (c) 125. (b) 126. (c) 127. (b) 128. (a) 129. (c) 130. (d)
131. (d) 132. (d) 133. (a) 134. (a) 135. (c) 136. (d) 137. (d) 138. (b) 139. (b) 140. (c)
141. (c) 142. (a) 143. (b) 144. (d) 145. (b) 146. (b) 147. (a) 148. (d) 149. (d) 150. (a)

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