The LUMUN Spirit was first introduced as a concept at LUMUN XV. It sought to
reintroduce a recognition of the most essential components of MUN culture; imparting a sense
of responsibility accepting that the onus is on us to be the forerunners of change. The
fundamental premise of a Model UN is to develop our understanding of the issues and conflicts
in the world as a collective, and to connect individuals with vastly differing life experiences
with each other. The pursuit of quantitative success and accolades has fermented a tradition of
MUN being a space mired in hostility and distrust. The LUMUN Spirit is our continuing effort
to inculcate empathy, compassion, understanding and diplomacy within this competitive
As we proceed on our journey of revamping Model UN, the LUMUN Spirit is an idea
that we aspire to incorporate in the entire LUMUN experience: from the Host Team, to an
expectation that we will have from the delegates as well. It is not an abstract concept – it is a
vision that should embody the behavior of every delegate in every committee. Inside the
committee or out; the enthusiasm to meet other people, present arguments in a true
ambassadorial manner and the idea to enjoy LUMUN should never be forgotten. In this very
essence we will be able to represent what it means to simulate a true world model; an actual
representation of the United Nations. We continue to strive and ensure that the outlook of
LUMUN XVIII is to not be an average Model UN conference anymore.
And so, leadership and prowess within a committee is not characterized by exerting
one’s overbearing presence on others or by alienating and excluding others from discussion.
They manifest in a delegate’s ability to engage with others, help them play their part in the
committee, and to facilitate the committee as a whole to engage in a fruitful and informative
debate. This includes actions as simple as maintaining a moderate temperament, inviting
others’ input and operating with honesty and respect. The LUMUN Society invites you to
understand what it means to be an ambassador of a country and represent its foreign policy
means to employ collaboration alongside reasoned argumentation to press forward with that
actor’s policy agenda.
Secretary General
On behalf of our Secretariat and Staff, it is with great joy and immense pride that I
extend a heartfelt invitation to you for the 21st edition of LUMS Model United Nations
(LUMUN). This milestone marks not only a continued legacy of excellence in diplomacy at
LUMS but extends beyond! It is both an honor and a privilege to carry forward this tradition
of global engagement in collaboration with Oxford University this year.
At LUMUN, we believe in the power of dialogue. For just over two decades, each
year young minds have come together to tackle issues of global and contemporary
importance. In the process, they learn how to face adversity and difference while celebrating
the spirit of negotiation and collaboration. These five days serve as a platform for utilizing
real-world knowledge to craft actionable and feasible policy proposals.
But LUMUN is so much more than just a forum for intellectual exchange; it is a
community where lasting connections are forged! Now more than ever, as we diversify and
internationalise the LUMUN community, we hope to facilitate bonds and create treasured
moments for delegates to carry as souvenirs far beyond the conference days. Staffed by over
200 members, our team is dedicated to ensuring that delegates feel welcomed to the vibrant
city of Lahore and enjoy a wide array of engaging social and recreational activities, outside
their committee rooms.
As we celebrate and expand our ongoing legacy of quality debate, we are committed
to making this year’s LUMUN more memorable than ever. The Staff and I are thrilled to
welcome you to the 21st edition of LUMUN!
Warm Regards,
Laiba Abid
LUMS Model United Nations XXI
Under Secretary General
Eman Ali
Dear Delegates,
It is my immense pleasure to welcome you to the 21st Edition of LUMUN. I extend to
you my warmest greetings and heartfelt gratitude for your dedication. At LUMUN we are
dedicated to bring-fourth an environment that stimulates intellectual debate and encourages
you to forge solutions that advance sustainable development, economic resilience, and social
equity worldwide.
I will be serving as your Undersecretary for Ecosocs. A little about me, I am currently
a Sophmore studying Computer Science at the Syed Babar Ali School of Science and
Engineering. With what little time I have to myself, I love reading and sketching. I also binge
watch movies and series when I am procrastinating (which is almost the full semester).
My journey of Muns started relatively later than my peers. I was always intimidated by
public speaking and during my A levels I needed Extracurriculars for my applications hence, I
decided to join my school’s mun society. It was terrifying yet the most thrilling experience for
me and since then Muns became a big part of my life. It was not easy to be surrounded by far
more experienced delegates who have had multiple years of experience yet every Mun I
attended taught me something new and I made the most memorable memories simultaneously.
Being part of Lumun has given me the opportunity to expand my horizon and further
polish my public speaking skills. My goal as your usg is to keep the Lumun spirit alive, provide
an environment that not only is a safe space but it also challenges you intellectually so that you
gain the most fruitful experience out of it. Best of luck and prepare well!
Warm regards,
Eman Ali
Under-Secretary-General | Economic and Social Council
Committee Director
Hamza Jawad
Hello Delegates,
It’s an absolute pleasure to welcome you to the UNODC at LUMUN. I’m Hamza
Jawad, your Chair for this committee. As a senior in Electrical Engineering, my academic and
extracurricular journey has taught me that diplomacy thrives on precision, creativity, and the
ability to engage with complexity. The MUN circuit has been a space where I’ve seen
incredible ideas come to life through dialogue, and I’m excited to see what you all bring to the
Our committee represents a chance to step back and question the systems shaping our
world. While policy discussions might seem abstract, they ripple into real consequences—in
education, governance, and beyond. Think of this as more than just debate; it’s an exercise in
empathy and critical thinking. How do we balance ambition with pragmatism? How can we
reimagine frameworks to ensure lasting impact?
Outside of MUNs, I enjoy science, film, music, and literature—all things that celebrate the
diversity and creativity of human expression. In this committee, I hope to see that same energy
and thoughtfulness brought into our debates and problem-solving.
This is your chance to push boundaries and think beyond the usual. Bring your passion,
your research, and your diplomacy to the table. Let’s make it count.
Hamza Jawad
Committee Director
Taha Bhatti
Greetings Delegates,
This committee is not just about addressing pressing challenges but understanding the
systems that perpetuate them. In a world that often feels fragmented, the work we do here is a
reminder of how critical collaboration is. Whether it’s exploring the role of policy, justice, or
the subtle interplay of education and governance, our discussions hold the potential to
challenge norms and inspire new approaches.
Best regards,
Taha Bhatti
Introduction: ................................................................................................................... 1
Cryptocurrencies: ..................................................................................................... 16
Challenges: ............................................................................................................... 16
Rehabilitation Centers:............................................................................................. 17
Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 29
Bibliography: ............................................................................................................... 31
• Examine the role of rehabilitation
and harm reduction in
complementing enforcement and
prevention efforts.
What was once previously
• Foster partnerships between
associated as a form of backstreet trade
education systems, governments,
done in a dark alley can now be done at the
and NGOs
touch of a button. Drug abuse has become a
widespread phenomena and its ease
Committee Questions:
of accessibility has posed a serious threat
1. How can rehabilitation centers and
to students across the globe. According to
harm reduction programs support
the National Centre for Drug Abuse
students affected by drug abuse?
Statistics, it has been reported that drug use
2. What role do global drug policies
amongst eighth graders has increased by
play in shaping access to prevention
61% from 2016-2020 and 12.78% of
and rehabilitation resources?
teenagers aged 12-17 years old reported
3. How can education systems address
using marijuana in the past year. The reason
the risks posed by online drug
for these alarming statistics is due to the rise
markets and synthetic substances?
in the accessibility of synthetic drugs
through online drug markets, some of
The Current State of Drug Abuse in
which have become increasingly accessible
Education Systems:
to communicate with. Consequently,
Nearly 100 years ago, the
international cooperation is key to solving
international community met in Shanghai
this transnational issue, since drug abuse
to discuss the single largest drug problem
now has no borders . Therefore, in terms of
the world has ever known: the Chinese
solutions, there is an inclination towards
opium epidemic. Prior to the 1909
rehabilitation and harm reduction
Shanghai Opium Commission, national
strategies, both of which have been adopted
governments and state-sponsored
by drug policy progressive countries.
monopolies played an active role in
peddling opium across borders. The profits
Committee Objectives:
were enormous, generating as much as half
• Develop evidence-based strategies
of the national revenues of some island
to prevent drug abuse in educational
states serving as redistribution centers.
Programme on Drug Abuse (GAP). Key
objectives of GAP were:
• To support Member States in
Even a country the size of British India building systems needed to collect
derived 14% of state income from its opium reliable data to inform policy and
monopoly in 1880. This was marked as the action;
first time the international community came • To encourage regional partnerships
together to find a solution to the drug for the sharing of experiences and
problem. Following this, many more technical developments;
conventions were held, and post world war • To facilitate a better understanding
II drug control came under the control of of global patterns and trends in drug
the newly formed United Nations. abuse by encouraging the adoption
In 1971, president Nixon declared of sound methods of collecting
drug abuse “public enemy number one”, comparable data.
and officially launched the war on drugs. The main objective of GAP was to assist
In 1998, the General Assembly of Member States in building internationally
the United Nations, at its twentieth special comparable data around drug usage and to
session, devoted to countering the world assess the severity and patterns of drug
drug problem together, adopted a Political abuse at country, regional and global levels.
Declaration (resolution S-20/2, annex) Estimates of drug abuse among the youth
calling for the elimination or significant population formed an integral part of all
reduction of the supply of and demand for drug information systems. The prevalence
illicit drugs by the year 2008. This was the rates of drug use are matters of concern to
first time that the international community policymakers in most countries, since they
had agreed on a united drug control are important factors affecting the health
objective. It is under this objective that the and welfare of the population.
General Assembly requested the United Despite these efforts, the complex and
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to evolving nature of the global drug problem
provide Member States with the assistance persisted. Even after 50 years of the war on
needed to compile comparable data. In drugs, the supply and use of drugs has not
response to those requests, the United only seen an increase, but it's also created a
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime massive black market that has had adverse
launched the Global Assessment effects on a global level. Attempts by States
life, and cognitive functioning, and is
linked to academic underachievement. In
more extreme cases, it leads to a
to control or eliminate the drug trade have dependency resulting in overdose or
fuelled increased violence, toxic drug suicide. Factors that affect an individual's
supplies, and crises in criminal justice likelihood to develop addiction is ease of
systems. Drug prohibition has also driven access to substances, living in a substances
the use of the most violent forms of and resulting in overdose or suicide. The
punishment - torture, death penalty, environment in which an individual grows
arbitrary detention or corporal punishment plays a significant role in determining the
- despite the use of these punishments being influence of drugs in a child's life. For
in violation of international human rights example, conflict zones, displacement, and
laws. In addition to this, the implementation permissive social norms give individuals
of these draconian measures results in coping mechanisms for traumatic
communities being over-surveilled or over- experiences, mental health disorders, and
policed. Drug laws, particularly those social and economic inequality. The risk of
targeting possession for personal use are drug abuse is a product of the interaction
tools often used by law enforcement to between an individual’s personal
exert social control over an ethnic or racial characteristics and their experiences in the
minority, as mentioned by the UNHRC. In various life spheres. For example, weak
2022, seven million people were either connection with parents at infancy may
suspected, arrested, or cautioned by police contribute to early behaviour problems,
for a drug-related offense, out of these which in turn affect engagement with peers,
about 2.7 million people were prosecuted negatively impacting their social life and
for drug offences and about 1.6 million causing them to resort to drugs as an outlet
were convicted. for their frustrations.
Notably, the usage of drugs among younger The causes and effects of drug
people has shown to be more common than abuse can be generalized to a larger
that among older people for most drugs. population, not necessarily being limited to
Adolescents are more susceptible to drug the younger population. On a broader scale,
addiction, with the maximum usage of drug use has increased drastically over the
drugs occuring around ages 18-25 years past decade, with around 64 million people
old. Substance use, especially harmful use, being diagnosed with drug use disorder,
affects a young person’s well-being, health, while only 1 in 11 being treated for it. This
younger individuals, find that aggression,
delinquency and hyper-activity were
among the strongest predictors.
is due to the harsh criminalization policies Interviewees across all countries tend to
in place, whereby drug possession is a view young people as being more inclined
criminal offence that results in unfair than older people to use synthetic drugs.
punishments to an already suffering One such reason is due to the stigma around
marginalized group such as ethnic drugs; synthetic drugs can be perceived as
minorities, sexual minorities, or the lower legitimate medication, and offer an
class. inconspicuous, odor free way to achieve
A key role playing in the continuous rise of desired euphoric effects. Furthermore,
drug use, is the rise of synthetic drugs. synthetic drugs are also more difficult to
Synthetic drugs are chemically detect using conventional drug tests.
manufactured substances designed to Significantly, ATS use is becoming more
mimic the effects of natural drugs, such as common amongst students. In some
cannabis or opium. The illegal countries, Secondary school students show
manufacture, trafficking and non-medical concerning levels of usage. Although
use of synthetic drugs present ongoing international conventions call on
global challenges. The adoption of the governments to adopt appropriate measures
Convention on Psychotropic Substances of to prevent the diversion of materials and
1971, in which Member States agreed to equipment for illegal drug manufacture,
extend controls over some new synthetic few countries enforce effective regulations
drugs, many of which were pharmaceutical on the sale, transfer or possessions of
in origin, is testimony to the harm caused tableting machines or other such apparatus.
by the non-medical use of synthetic drugs Criminals exploit such equipment,
in the twentieth century. One very popular sometimes finding vendors on the internet,
drug in this category is Amphetamine type to manufacture tablets containing synthetic
stimulant(ATS). Global seizures of ATS drugs illegally.
remain at historically high levels, with an The internet has played a huge role
estimate of around 30 million people using in the modern day, drug trafficking around
amphetamines in 2022. In particular, this the world. Telemedicine and Internet
drug is more common amongst adolescents. pharmacies illustrate the dualities of
Several studies examining risk factors and challenges and opportunities. They both
predictors of methamphetamine use among hold great potential for improving access to
resources spent on law enforcement and
judicial processes could be more effectively
used in prevention, treatment, and harm
health care but at the same time enable reduction programs. This is of major
illegitimate actors to hide among legitimate importance to consider for the student body
providers. Online communication between especially in areas affected by war or
sellers and potential buyers is decreet and displacement. Since these children are more
even encrypted and blends in with the likely to be affected by drug abuse, it is of
massive stream of legitimate messages and importance that these students get help in
e-commerce activities. The scale of forms of treatment, and harm reduction
communications on these platforms makes programs.
it exceedingly difficult for regulatory Argentina, a success case against
authorities to monitor, even if the trafficking:
communications leave digital traces. It is Three Latin American countries
complicated to take legal action and hold centralise cocaine production in the world,
the culprits accountable, when trafficking with the leading consumer markets being in
offences are conducted online. the United States and Europe. Argentina
The disparities in Drug Access was for many years identified as an
across different regions of the world are a essential cocaine transhipment country
reflection of deep-seated inequities in especially bound to Europe. A 2013 report
global health. While high income countries from the UNODC listed Argentina third
enjoy access to a wide array of innovative among the countries most frequently
and cutting-edge therapeutics, low and mentioned as point of origin for cocaine
middle income countries grapple with the seizures made in Europe from 2001 up until
scarcity of even basic essential medicines. 2013. This may be explained by the
Access to essential diagnostics and economic factors in play, since the country
therapeutics remain limited for lower to was undergoing an economic crisis that
middle income countries. According to the created conditions that favored the
UNODC world report 2024, regions with expansion of drug trafficking. The progress
harsher drug policies experience higher report released in 2021 titled “Employment
rates of untreated addiction and related crisis, income poverty and structural social
health issues. It should also be noted that deprivation. Urban Argentina 2010-2021”
the economic burden of enforcing strict highlights that 43.8% of Argentines were
drug policies is substantial, where the below the poverty line. Furthermore,
significantly improved with the
introduction of newly manufactured 3D
active long-range radars in the northern
broken down by age, the report shows that border. Furthermore, investment in drug
among children and adolescents the treatments showed an increase of almost
percentage of poverty is even higher, 800% between 2015 and 2018, allowing
reaching about 65%. These depressing more people to be treated. Individuals that
conditions resulted in a growing accessed care went from 3451 in 2015 to
marginality that resulted in fertile grounds 5283 in 2018. These policies contributed a
for drug trafficking, plus various other large amount to the amount of drugs that
illegal activities. A 67% increase was were seized, with cocaine having the most
reported in cocaine use between 2008 and considerable increase, with a total of more
2017. Annual consumption of marijuana than 15 tons of cocaine seized. Never in
also increased in the same period, growing history was this much cocaine ever seized
from 3.7% to 8.13%. It should also be noted as in 2017. Furthermore, the government
that around 2017, the Ministry of Education also invested in the establishment of after-
also acknowledged that one million school programs and recreational activities
students, especially from the poorest aimed to keep younger generation away
sectors, dropped out of school. To address from drugs, providing them a safer
this situation, the Ministry of Security environment and provided them with skills
worked with international agencies, such as to resist peer pressure
Interpol and UNODC to share intelligence Social policies may be assessed by
and coordinate efforts in combating analysing four clear outputs:
transnational drug trafficking networks. • Inputs of human and material
This was achieved by granting online resources
access to the INTERPOL 124/7 system at • Legislation and agreements
all border crossings for the first time. • Direct results
Additionally, four strategic border • Effect on other variables
crossings with drug producing countries Argentina significantly improved its
were selected for the installation of an situation, including improvements in
advanced C4ISR(Command, Control, cooperative security, border and airspace
Communications, Computers, Intelligence, control, statistics gathering, law
Surveillance and Reconnaissance) system. enforcement accountability, legislation,
Furthermore, airspace control was also
the rule of law. This looks towards more
effective and humane drug policies by
adhering to context specific and evidence
precursor chemical control and money based strategies while ensuring the safety
laundering prevention. Positive direct and well-being of future generations. As a
results can also be confirmed as cocaine result, it is necessary to explore new ways
and marijuana seizures grew 126% and that respect the principles of human dignity,
60% respectively, and drug offences the right to privacy, the right to law, and
registered grew by 147%, and federal law ensure the safety of future generations.
enforcement operations grew by 100%.
However despite these efforts that were Reevaluating Global Drug Policy:
implemented in 2016-2019, drug use in the Implications for Education:
country had still grown, with 275 million
The War on Drugs, initiated in the 1980s,
people claiming they had used an illicit
substance. has had profound implications for student
Current drug policies face populations, among which are punitive
significant challenges in many regions of
measures and access to rehabilitation. This
the world. While some countries have
found success in eradicating the drug section explores the key lessons learned
market and enforcing bans on drug from this era and its impact on education
possession with the intention of protecting
public health and safety, the same formula
does not work for everyone. Many factors,
Criminalization and School Discipline:
of course, affect the increase in the use and
We learned that the War on Drugs,
production of drugs. What can be observed,
resulted in harsh disciplinary policies being
though, is that numerous factors influence
implemented in schools, namely zero-
the increase in the use and production of
tolerance policies that required all students
drugs.Such measures will not only be
found guilty of a drug offense to be severely
counterproductive, they come at a high
punished. This often resulted in policies
cost: we now know that drug control
that led to the suspension or expulsion of
measures can adversely affect
students from schools, disproportionately
communities, and we must explore new
impacting marginalized communities and
models to balance the need for drug control
students of color.” Schools’ funding (or
with respect for human dignity, privacy and
educational disparities and social
Access to Rehabilitation:
lack thereof) for mental health services also
The focus on punitive measures has
legislated what issues were important when
often overshadowed the need for
it comes to student needs, while a more
rehabilitation and support services for
highly-policed school culture — paid for
students struggling with substance abuse.
with federal and state dollars —
Firstly, there is limited access to
criminalized students’ behaviors and led to
rehabilitation services; many schools lack
the school-to-prison pipeline.
the resources and infrastructure to provide
adequate rehabilitation services, leaving
Increased Dropout Rates:
students without the support they need to
Students who face harsh
overcome addiction UNODC. The barriers
disciplinary actions are more likely to drop
to seeking help including the
out of school, leading to long-term negative
criminalization of drug use creates a stigma
outcomes such as higher unemployment
that discourages students from seeking
rates and increased likelihood of
help, further isolating them and preventing
access to necessary services. Thus, there is
a need for integrated approaches as
Mental Health Issues:
effective drug policy reform requires
The stress and stigma associated
introducing harm reduction and
with punitive measures can exacerbate
rehabilitation services into the education
mental health issues among students,
system, ensuring that students have access
making it harder for them to succeed
to comprehensive support.
academically and socially.
Lessons Learned:
The War on Drugs has opened
Disproportionate Impact on
discussions over a shift from punitive
Marginalized Groups:
measures to more supportive and
Students from marginalized
rehabilitative approaches in addressing
communities, particularly Black and Latinx
drug abuse among students. Key measures
students, are disproportionately targeted by
to keep in place include but are not limited
these policies, leading to greater
to schools prioritizing rehabilitation and
example of closing the gap — eliminating
stigma, while making rehabilitation
resources readily available to students. It
support services over punitive measures to reframes the approach to drugs away from
help students recover and succeed, punishment and towards health and
designing policies to address the support, which has the potential to reduce
disproportionate impact on marginalized the stigma attached to drug use
communities, hence ensuring equitable significantly. This report aims to reduce
access to education and support services, that fear by making it easier for students to
and creating a supportive and non- seek help when needed without fear of
judgmental environment in schools which criminalization and social ostracization. In
can encourage students to seek help and some countries, it may be reasonable to
reduce the stigma associated with drug use. treat drug use as a public health issue rather
Therefore, by reevaluating global drug than a criminal one. This lens can broaden
policies and focusing on rehabilitation and perspectives and generate a more
support, education systems can better compassionate approach to build a student-
address the needs of students and create a centered environment.
more inclusive and equitable environment. Strategies for reducing arrests and
incarceration by decriminalizing drug
Approaches to Combatting Drug possession, in addition to investing in
improve public safety and health. From an resources to prevent serious and
Case Study: Canada
British Columbia introduced a pilot
• Reducing racially discriminatory program in 2023 to decriminalize the
outcomes in drug law enforcement possession of small amounts of certain hard
and sentencing, imprisonment and drugs. This program aimed to reduce the
health, and adverse health stigma associated with drug use and
determinants encourage people to seek help without fear
• Reducing the social marginalization of arrest. However, a year later, the
of people who use drugs, and program faced scrutiny and uncertainty due
fostering an environment that to public concerns about potential negative
makes them less afraid to seek and consequences.
access treatment, use harm The program in BC permits adults
reduction services and have access to possess up to 2.5 grams of heroin,
to HIV/AIDS services fentanyl, cocaine, or methamphetamine
• Protecting people from the wide- without facing arrest, charges, or drug
ranging and debilitating seizure. This exemption does not apply in
consequences of a criminal areas like schools and airports. Initial data
conviction shows positive results, with a 76%
Less stigma is breaking down the bad social reduction in drug possession charges within
stereotypes and perception of drug use and the program's first year and increased
leads into discussing drug use and its utilization of drug checking and overdose
dangers, that will free up a lot of people. It prevention services.
can also positively impact the mental health The program has faced pushback
of students. Students are more likely to due to an increase in opioid-related toxicity
engage in healthy behaviors and seek help deaths by almost 5% since
as needed when they feel supported instead decriminalization. However, officials
of judged. attribute this rise to the presence of illicit
Additionally, most students require fentanyl in the drug supply rather than
rehabilitative services (such as counseling, decriminalization itself. This presents a
therapy or support groups) and this makes complex and evolving situation. While
up the bulk amount times, at least to help initial data points to positive outcomes in
students stabilize and do well in school. reducing drug possession charges and
promoting harm reduction strategies, the
policy faces challenges in garnering public
includes three types of access: self-
cultivation; membership in cannabis clubs;
and purchase from licensed pharmacies.
support and addressing concerns regarding The regulation regulates the
public safety. The long-term effects and strength, quality and restrict the use of the
success of the program remain to be seen as cannabis. Allowing legal access leads the
the pilot continues until 2026. policy to have less appeal to the illegal
market. But there are concerns that
Legalization and Regulation: legalization might diminish the perceived
Legalization involves making the risks of using cannabis by young people
production, sale and use of a substance and lead to increased use.
legal under certain conditions. It involves Uruguay holds the position of the
changing the legal status of the substance to first country to fully legalize and regulate
allow legal regulation. It aims to reduce the its cannabis market in 2013 with Law
harms of the illegal drug market and make 19.172 . Issue this for the sake of public
sure the substance is safe for consumer use. health, what considering the role of illegal
Regulation is the control of the drug market.
production, distribution and sale of drugs. Cannabis cultivation, production
This includes setting age limits, quality and commercialization are regulated by the
control, licensing producers and retailers Uruguayan Institute for the Regulation and
and public education campaigns. Control of Cannabis (IRCCA). The law
includes three types of access: self-
Uruguay holds the position of the and purchase from licensed pharmacies.
first country to fully legalize and regulate The regulation regulates the
its cannabis market in 2013 with Law strength, quality and restrict the use of the
19.172 . Issue this for the sake of public cannabis. Allowing legal access leads the
health, what considering the role of illegal policy to have less appeal to the illegal
and commercialization are regulated by the risks of using cannabis by young people
Uruguayan Institute for the Regulation and and lead to increased use.
packaging, health warnings and codes
concerning advertising to limit youth
Case Study: Canada This method of prevention relies on
Under the Cannabis Act, Canada age restrictions and education to keep youth
legalized cannabis for recreational use in away from cannabis. Harm reduction and
October 2018. The Act is designed to informed decision making: Schools are
protect public health and safety, prevent encouraged to teach drug education in
youth access to cannabis and reduce the schools. But there is still disagreement over
illegal market. The Cannabis Act whether these measures have been effective
establishes stringent controls on the at preventing youth cannabis use.
production, distribution, sale and
possession of cannabis. That includes plain
Global Enforcement Mechanisms:
packaging, health warnings and codes
Balancing Treaty Obligations with Local
concerning advertising to limit youth
Educational Needs:
The global fight against drug abuse
This method of prevention relies on
is governed by a complex framework of
age restrictions and education to keep youth
international treaties and agreements,
away from cannabis. Harm reduction and
which is enforced mainly by the UNODC.
informed decision making: Schools are
The international drug control legal
encouraged to teach drug education in
framework is established in a series of
schools. But there is still disagreement over
international treaties, including the Single
whether these measures have been effective
Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the
at preventing youth cannabis use.
Convention on Psychotropic Substances,
and the United Nations Convention Against
Under the Cannabis Act, Canada
Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and
legalized cannabis for recreational use in
Psychotropic Substances. However,
October 2018. The Act is designed to
reconciling these treaty obligations with the
protect public health and safety, prevent
particular imperatives of local educational
youth access to cannabis and reduce the
systems involves distinct challenges and
illegal market. The Cannabis Act
establishes stringent controls on the
production, distribution, sale and
possession of cannabis. That includes plain
The effectiveness of drug policies
can vary greatly depending on local cultural
and social contexts. Policies that work well
Treaty Obligations: in one country may not be as effective in
International treaties mandate that another, highlighting the need for localized
member states implement strict measures to approaches that respect international
control the production, distribution, and obligations while addressing specific
consumption of narcotic drugs and community needs .There is a debate
psychotropic substances. These measures between rigid enforcement and educational
include criminalizing unauthorized flexibility as strict enforcement of drug
activities related to these substances and laws can sometimes conflict with the need
ensuring that drug control policies are in for flexible, education-focused approaches
line with international standards. to drug prevention and rehabilitation.
Schools require the ability to implement
Challenges in Balancing Obligations with tailored programs that address the specific
Local Needs: needs of their student populations without
There is a debate between rigid being hindered by overly rigid legal
enforcement and educational flexibility as frameworks.
strict enforcement of drug laws can International obligations often
sometimes conflict with the need for require significant resources for law
flexible, education-focused approaches to enforcement and compliance. This can
drug prevention and rehabilitation. Schools divert funds away from educational
require the ability to implement tailored initiatives and support services that are
programs that address the specific needs of crucial for preventing drug abuse among
their student populations without being students.
hindered by overly rigid legal frameworks. The effectiveness of drug policies
International obligations often can vary greatly depending on local cultural
require significant resources for law and social contexts. Policies that work well
enforcement and compliance. This can in one country may not be as effective in
divert funds away from educational another, highlighting the need for localized
initiatives and support services that are approaches that respect international
crucial for preventing drug abuse among obligations while addressing specific
students. community needs.
Social Media Sites:
According to a FBI report, Drug
transactions are also taking place on
prevalent issue in the education system was conducted in Ohio and it was found
primarily due to its increased accessibility that many people who had been arrested
over time. This has made the means of were college students who were thoroughly
obtaining drugs easier through the use of versed in this trade. Drugs are typically sold
online platforms and internet websites. As online using various means including social
a result, there is a dire need for the media pages which are designated selling
understand the root cause of the problem on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram
and cater towards the issue at hand and YouTube. They post 24 hour
disappearing stories and posts which are
On the other hand, increased import then deleted. These posts use code words
prices can lead to higher inflation. The and emojis as a marketing tactic to
initial effects of devaluation may also communicate the type of drug being sold to
include lower wages, which can harm the the purchaser. Prospective buyers contact
lower class. If not managed correctly, the drug traffickers on social media apps after
currency’s value will continue to plummet, seeing their ads – either through direct
The mode of the drug trade has such as WhatsApp to further the deal.
cross border trading and has now spread to privatization were also required to
the rising trends in the digital age. While transform the country’s administration and
traditional drug trade still occurs in several improve Greece’s international standing.
parts of the world, it is now being These included decreased pensions, wages,
in each individual batch in order to avoid
detection and punishment under the law.
Examples of synthetic drugs include:
Spice, bath salts, fentanyl and MDMA.
The use of cryptocurrencies is
used by Organised Crime Groups (OCGs) rise of synthetic drugs is its discretionary
nature. The manufacturers of these drugs
As mentioned earlier, Silk Road also used
employ various techniques in order to avoid
cryptocurrencies to carry out their being caught and punished. Due to their
is still privately regulated. Vendors on sites of drugs, there are many loopholes created
which are exploited by OCGs. For instance,
such as Silk Road use prefer
slight changes are made to the chemical
cryptocurrencies as the form of payment structures in these drugs so that they do not
since it is difficult to track and find the come under the legal definition for an
illegal drug yet they still have the same
source of these payments
effects. that South and East Asia have an
entire pharmaceutical trading network
Synthetic Drugs and Research Chemicals: which is part of the global supply chain of
Synthetic drugs, also known as these drugs. Due to the limited oversight
designer drugs or Novel Psychoactive and the absence of regulations on
Substances (NPS) are those drugs that have advertising synthetic drugs, has resulted in
been chemically altered and have similar a wide variety of input materials that are
effects of a hallucinogen or a narcotic. used to manufacture these drugs, with most
Their primary aim is to bypass legal of them being very inexpensive and
restrictions on illegal substances. As a unverified. This has led to consumers
result, these drugs are often marketed as reporting seizures after taking fentanyl. The
“Research Chemicals” the companies that use of digital means to through unregulated
manufacture said drugs often make changes
addressed due to the nuances in identifying
Many initiatives aimed at
preventing drug abuse through public
awareness campaigns aimed at providing
tackle the underlying issues surrounding parents and educators with the methods to
their drug use and impart the resources they educate students about the health risks of
need to combat addiction. drug use, both short-term and long-term,
These include on-campus the risk of addiction, and the effects on
rehabilitation programs at many academic performance and future life
universities and colleges. These programs opportunities. Such campaigns empower
include counseling, therapy, and support students to make informed choices in order
groups and a familiar and accessible to avoid succumbing to peer pressure.
environment, the campus. Drug education should be integrated
Partnering with mental health into school curriculums to prevent early
organizations can improve rehabilitation drug abuse. Programmes like UNODC’s
effectiveness by analyzing the specialized “Listen First” initiative highlight the
expertise and resources. The National importance of listening to children and
Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and youth to help them grow healthy and safe.
Mental Health Partnerships (MHP) are Conclusion Therefore, drug education
among organizations that provide support, programs play a vital role in equipping
training and advocacy for students in need. teachers and educators with the necessary
All of these partnerships allow students to skills and resources to effectively educate
have access to a wide range of services for students about the dangers of drug use.
mental health and/or substance abuse, The importance of engaging the
furthering a holistic approach to recovery. parents within public awareness campaigns
strengthens the home environment to make
Public Awareness Campaigns: it feel conducive. Parents are educated
Educating the students and parents about the signs of drug use, effective
about the dangers of drug abuse and the communication strategies, and ways to
available support systems help create provide support and guidance to their
awareness and prevent drug abuse in their children. Workshops, informational
initial stage. Such campaigns strive to form materials and online resources geared
an educated populace able to effectively toward parents are often part of campaigns.
challenge and lessen the effects of drug Examples of Successful
abuse on its youth. Campaigns:
Integrating Drug Education into
• Every year on June 26th, as part of This is a really important issue
the international campaign led by because we need to educate students on the
the United Nations Office on Drugs do’s/don'ts when it comes to substance use.
and Crime (UNODC), World Drug Such education should be age-appropriate,
Day is celebrated to raise awareness evidence-based and culturally responsive.
about the world drug problem. The Cuts must be introduced for poor
campaign focuses on the need for performing drug education programs which
evidence-based prevention and must be integrated into the general health
treatment strategies and urges education curriculum. Such educational
communities to take action against programs, the Department added, should
drug abuse. include information on drug effects on the
• Listen First” Initiative: This body and mind, the dangers of drug use, and
UNODC initiative aims to promote ways to resist peer pressure. They utilize
evidence-based awareness of the the teaching methods of interactive and
prevention of drug use. Its goal is to dynamic as group discussions, role-play,
foster children and youth well-being and multimedia presentations.
by inspiring parents, teachers, and Studies have shown that
policymakers to listen to youth and comprehensive drug education programs
give them the support they need in can significantly reduce the prevalence of
order to be healthy and resilient. drug use among students. For example,
Peer Mentorship: schools that implement interactive and
Peer mentorship programs harness engaging drug education programs report
peer influence to provide support, lower rates of substance abuse compared to
guidance, and education around the risk of those that do no
drug use. Peer mentors give the facts about A successful example is UNESCO's
drug use, provide personal experiences, and drug education programs which provide an
emotional support for their peers. They can overview of opportunities for drug
encourage an environment of collaboration prevention through education. These
in which students are able to talk about their programs highlight the importance of
concerns and ask for support in a safe space. integrating drug education into school
with people who use drugs, equipping them
with life-saving tools and information to
create positive change in their lives. WHO
curriculums and using interactive teaching promotes harm reduction as a key pillar in
methods to engage students. addressing substance use disorders,
emphasizing the importance of prevention,
Role of International risk reduction, and health promotion. These
their curriculums and education
• To combat drug abuse in
block is at the center of any good reform educational settings, how can
campaign, and there will need to be a global international organizations and
strategy around how this is best considered. member states cohesively
When imagining solutions to drug abuse, combat drug abuse?
global cooperation is essential. Thus, • What are changes that can be
member states must work together and plan made to global drug policy to
together, to be able to offer a model for make it socio-economically
global drug reform. They will be the basis equitable?
of smart policy making that will prevent • What policies can be
needless loss of life all around the globe. implemented to accommodate
victims of poor mental sickness
Questions a Resolution Must due to drug abuse in the
educational sector? (think of
resources or programs in the
• How can we address the
influence of synthetic drugs,
• How can we ensure that anti-
social media, and the internet on
drug policies and checks are not
drug abuse among students?
used to racially profile
• What strategies can be applied
marginalized groups in schools?
in the education system to
• What funding method is the
mitigate disparities and social
most appropriate when raising
factors that lead to drug abuse?
funds for the anti-drug abuse
• How can we facilitate and re-
programs in schools?
evaluate rehabilitation-focused
• What are a few reintegration
policies for schools while
policies that can be applied to
upholding institutional safety?
students after their anti-drug
• While creating a comprehensive
rehabilitation programs?
drug-prevention program, what
can the government or
education board introduce into
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