AWIS Magazine - Winter 2023 Vol 54
AWIS Magazine - Winter 2023 Vol 54
AWIS Magazine - Winter 2023 Vol 54
winter 2023
volume 54
Transforming Patients’
Lives Through Science
at Bristol Myers SquibbPage 2
Thank you to our
corporate sponsors!
Career Playbook
STEM Talkers
AWIS @ Work
Transforming Patients’
Lives Through Science
at Bristol Myers Squibb
By By Shelley O’Brien, AWIS Chief Marketing Officer
ristol Myers Squibb (BMS) is a global innovation and returns for the company and will help to
biopharmaceutical company whose mission is to advance their vision of transforming patients’ lives.
discover, develop, and deliver innovative medicines
that help patients prevail over serious diseases. In 2020, Increasing Diversity
the organization committed to invest $150 million in “BMS’ strategy is built on the belief that inclusion and
initiatives that aim to reduce health disparities, expand diversity drive equitable advancement and outcomes for
matching for employee giving, and increase diversity all. It is our connection to patients that brings the best
in the BMS workforce, suppliers, and clinical trials. This science forward,” said Nataly Manjarrez-Orduño, Global
investment strategy is built on the understanding that Lead for the Organization for Latino Advancement (OLA)
diversity and inclusion are imperative to driving greater at BMS. “We want every employee to bring their authentic
selves to work and use their diverse perspectives to pipelines with HBCUs and is focusing on how to increase
contribute in a unique and meaningful way to our mission Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino executive
to discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines that representation.
help patients prevail over serious diseases.”
The people and business resource groups not only provide
To support women and underrepresented minorities in employees with networking and leadership development
the workforce, BMS has established multiple resource opportunities but are also a key part of outreach events to
groups including: expand the pipeline for future scientists at BMS.
• Black Organization for Leadership and Development
(BOLD) For example, last year, leaders from B-NOW, BOLD, and
• Bristol Myers Squibb Network of Women (B-NOW) OLA hosted an immersive hackathon experience at
• Cultivating Leadership and Innovation for Millennials and Rutgers University for 50 students who are members
Beyond (CLIMB) of Douglass WiSE (Women in STEM) or the Center for
• Disability Advancement Workplace Network (DAWN) in Business. OLA also runs an outreach initiative to
• Organization for Latino Achievement (OLA) connect with participants of the Rutgers program for
• Pan Asian Network (PAN) underrepresented physician-scientists, an NIH-funded,
• PRIDE Alliance multidisciplinary, summer-research education program
• Veterans Community Network (VCN) aimed at diversifying the medical workforce.
According to the company’s 2021 Inclusion and Diversity BMS Latino scientists also mentor science students in their
Report, 45.5% of global executives were women in 2021. last year of college or graduate school on possible career
The company is now working to build partnerships and options. “The mentors speak with students who may not
be aware of the drug-development process and open their Addressing Health Disparities
eyes to a very satisfying career option,” said Manjarrez- Manjarrez-Orduño also shared, “BMS recognizes the
Orduño. urgent need to address serious gaps in care among
underserved communities. This was exacerbated by
Myrtle Davis, PhD, Vice President, Discovery Toxicology, the pandemic (now endemic). Diversity in science is a
agreed. “BMS invests heavily in supporting the next social and scientific imperative to ensure that the needs
generation of toxicologists and other scientists, including of all patients are being addressed. Driving equitable
summer programs where students can work side by side advancement and outcomes for all unleashes the power
with our toxicologists to learn more about the field and to that humanity brings to our science.”
receive sponsorships to support their graduate education
from the Society of Toxicology,” she said. To this end, BMS has awarded $67 million across 239
grants to support organizations working to address health
Jennifer Dudinak-Dickson, Pharm.D, Senior Vice President disparities in the United States.
of Global Regulatory Sciences at BMS, added, “Fostering
a diverse and inclusive workplace is critical to the work In 2020, they also committed themselves to ensuring that
we do at BMS for our patients. The data is clear that not 25% of new Clinical Trial sites would be located in racially
only does it strengthen teams and deepen employee and ethnically diverse areas by 2022. Currently 59% of new
engagement, but it also drives innovation. We are sites are located in diverse areas, more than doubling the
committed to creating an inclusive workplace and a initial goal.
speak-up culture in which team members are not only
comfortable sharing their perspectives, but they are also
It is clear to most that diversity in clinical trials is critical. A Great Place to Work
The biology of women is different from that of men. With 32,200 employees globally, BMS operates
Genetic background impacts our metabolism, and older with effective governance, strives to minimize the
patients have slower metabolic rates than younger environmental impact of operations, and embodies
people. Plus, life experiences such as exercise, weight, the corporate values of inclusion, innovation, integrity,
psychosocial stress, and pollution can affect treatment urgency, accountability, and passion.
External surveys have measured that 87% of BMS
Bristol Myers Squibb’s goal is to ensure that the employees say it is a great place to work. People are paid
ecosystem around the trials is also reflective of the diverse fairly for the work they do, are encouraged to balance their
populations being served. This includes everything from work life and their personal life, and are given flexibility to
the clinical trial sites and principal investigators selected take time off. Management shows appreciation for good
to the selection of extended care teams and BMS study work, and a majority of employees feel that they receive a
teams. Doing so will allow the organization to lead fair share of the profits made by the organization.
from the front in striving for permanent change. Bristol
Myers Squibb was recently recognized as one of the top BMS believes its diverse and inclusive culture supports
pharmaceutical companies for inclusiveness in oncology better outcomes for all patients. It also believes in the
clinical trials, based on Bioethics International’s new index positive economic impact of engaging suppliers that
for measuring the fair inclusion of underrepresented represent the diversity of their employees and the
patients in clinical research. communities they serve. =
We must continue our work toward gender equity and Yours in innovation,
celebrate the successes:
• The value of different perspectives and the innovation Isabel Escobar, PhD
that follows are also clear in the fantastic success of the Paul W. Chellgren Chair Professor and Professor of
diverse team behind the James Webb Space Telescope. Chemical Engineering, Director of the Chellgren Center for
• We celebrate the efforts of Dr. Jess Wade to ensure that Undergraduate Student Excellence, University of Kentucky,
women scientists are represented on Wikipedia and the and Chair of the Board, Association for Women in Science
association for 1629 K Street, NW, Suite 300 Tel: 202.827.9798 email:
magazine women in science Washington, DC 20006
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF CONTACT AWIS MAGAZINE The AWIS Magazine is a record disciplines and employment sectors MAGAZINE LAYOUT
Shelley O’Brien To advertise in AWIS Magazine, of women’s contributions to the to tell us where they need support Hung Nguyen,
Chief Marketing Officer please contact STEM enterprise and their impact in their work or in their lives and nuendesign on society with story ideas that we offer them practical, everyday
contact-us.html come from the real challenges our solutions that are impactful, smart,
COPYEDITING members face every day in labs, and inspiring.
Kathleen Chapman For magazine submissions, please classrooms, corporate boardrooms, contact and government offices around All rights reserved. Materials may
Editorial rights of all submissions the country. AWIS Magazine not be reproduced or translated
are reserved. For all other inquiries contributors—who volunteer their without written permission.
or general information: time—mine their own experiences to create content ideas. As with Subscription rate for members
all our publications, we look to is $34, which is included in
our AWIS members across all membership dues. To request
article reprints, please contact
I’m thrilled to announce that this year, we received a grant In the meantime, stay healthy and stay connected!
that will allow AWIS to expand our program and provide
over $50,000 in scholarship funding to up to thirteen AWIS
members. Scholarship applications are open now and With all best wishes,
are due February 28th. Please help us spread the word
to those in your network or apply for one yourself! AWIS Meredith Gibson
membership is an award criterion, so be sure to tell your CEO, AWIS
network about ALL the benefits of becoming a member.
Check out the new recruitment flyers on the home page of
the member portal to help in your efforts to build our ranks.
EXECUTIVE BOARD DIRECTORS • Venkat Sethuraman, PhD HEADQUARTERS The Association for Women in
• BOARD CHAIR: • Andrew Bean, PhD Senior Vice President, Global • AWIS CEO: Science is a non-profit, 501(c)(3)
Isabel Escobar, PhD Dean of the Graduate College Biometrics and Data Sciences, Meredith Gibson organization. AWIS champions the
University of Kentucky and Intermin Vice Provost for Bristol-Myers Squibb ( interests of women in science, and
( Research, Rush University ( related STEM fields. Working for
• Chief Marketing Officer: positive system transformation, AWIS
• PAST-CHAIR: ( • Patrice Yarbough, PhD Shelley O’Brien, MBA
Retired Senior Scientist, NASA strives to ensure that all women in
Susan Windham-Bannister, PhD • Karen Bjorkman, PhD (
President and CEO, Biomedical Growth ( these fields can achieve their full
Distinguished University Professor, • Senior Counsel for Advocacy and potential.
Strategies, LLC ( University of Toledo • Reem Yunis, PhD Government Relations:
• CHAIR-ELECT: ( Vice President, Digital Clinical Miriam S. Erickson, JD
Neelima Rao • Tasneem Hajara Measures, Medable Inc. (
Vice President of Human Resources Managing Director, TIAA (
for Global Oncology R&D and North • Business Development Manager: @AWISnational
( Torre Nibblett
America Country Lead at AstraZeneca
( • Joanne Kamens, PhD (
Interim Executive Director, • Membership Manager: association-for-women-in-science
Brittany Parker Kerrigan, PhD The Gloria Cordes Larson Center for Abby Swett
Associate Director of Research Planning Women and Business at (
and Development of the Brain Tumor Bentley University AssociationforWomeninScience
( • Marketing Specialist:
Center at MD Anderson Cancer Center Jade Forde
( (
Karene Richards,
CEO of Fit Hidden Figure
Note: Adjusted relative risks for the key parameters of interest (the underrepresented group and disease interaction term) are shown here.
The reference group, non-Hispanic white males, will always have values of 1.0. Relative to white males, being in an underrepresented group
and having diabetes is associated with an increase in mortality of 10–11%, an increase in disability of 10–12%, and a decrease in workforce
participation of 9–12%. Heart disease is associated with a mortality increase of 14–15%, an increase in disability of 19–23%, and a decrease
in workforce participation of 11–14%. Hypertension is associated with an increase in mortality of 10 to 11 percent, an increase in disability of
14–17% and a decrease in workforce participation of 4–5%.
More than 1,000 people in more than 17 countries developed the James Webb Space Telescope. Shown here are team members in
front of the Webb’s full-scale model at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Credit: NASA
omen scientists, astronomers, and engineers
James Webb Space Telescope (Webb for short). On December 25, 2021 Webb was launched
by the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), the European Space Agency (ESA), and
the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and has already produced remarkable results. “It’s a dream
come true to support Webb, which will revolutionize the field of astronomy,” said Dr. Nimishia
Kumari, an ESA astronomer and one of many women scientists who acknowledge just
As of today, Webb is the world’s premier space observatory and is tasked with providing
more information about the unknown world of space than has ever been previously
Nimisha Kumari,
possible. Webb is taking space exploration to new heights by illuminating the PhD, is an ESA/AURA
astronomer. Dr. Kumari
mysteries of the solar system; by getting us closer to our origins; by potentially spends her time with the
JWST/NIRSpec team and
discovering exoplanets and other life forms; and by possibly discovering another conducting her research.
Earth-like planet.
The team is particularly excited, because Webb is powerful enough to give us information on
when the first galaxies and stars were formed: or, in other words, when the universe actually
began. Prior to the launching of Webb, astronomers and engineers spent decades
anticipating and predicting many of these discoveries and other mysteries of the
unknown world in space. Indeed, many people have dedicated their careers and lives to
this mission from the beginning. Dr. Amy Lo, a Webb alignments engineer, stated that she was
“keenly aware that [working on the telescope] was probably the big thing that she
Amy Lo, PhD, Systems
would do in her life.” According to Scott Willoughby, an engineer who has also worked Engineer.
JWST Alignments
on the project, “One-hundred million hours of people’s lives were spent working on the Engineer
The $10 billion Webb project involved collaborative teams light with wavelengths that the human eye cannot see.
of individuals, corporations, and agencies, including Dr. Wright explains that the MIRI can detect in one second
more than 1,200 people from over 17 countries working what could only be discovered in an impossibly long
together to conduct this ambitious mission. What is time period. The MIRI is a major scientific and technical
equally exciting is that women scientists led several of accomplishment and a key feature of the telescope
the teams that developed the most technically complex specifically designed to discover the unknown in space.
instrument ever made.
Dr. Jane Rigby, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Flight
Drs. Gillian Wright and Marcia Rieke represented half Center and the agency’s operations project scientist, has
of a four-person team leading the Webb’s design and described her key role as being the person to “worry about
construction. Dr. Rieke, the Dr. Elizabeth Roemer Endowed how we’re going to use the telescope.” According to Dr.
Chair in Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona, Rigby, one of her concerns was scheduling projects so that
designed the Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam), a key the telescope is always in use. She received more than 1,000
instrument in the telescope’s innovation and success. proposals from all over the world from scientists eager to
The NIRCam was invented to capture images of the first apply for inclusion in Cycle 1–General Observer program.
galaxies and will help scientists gain information about Her team selected the top quarter of proposals through a
the formation of stars’ planetary systems. Dr. Wright, dually anonymous process: reviewers were prevented from
former Director of the UK Astronomy Technology Centre knowing who the candidates were, and the applicants were
in Edinburgh, worked on the mid-infrared instrument not aware of who reviewed their proposals.
(MIRI), another groundbreaking part of Webb’s design. The
MIRI houses both a camera and spectrograph that detects
Several of the women scientists working on Webb are Rosalyn Reid is a university professor at a
candid about the greatest obstacles and triumphs they historically black college and university.
have experienced while pursuing their careers. They also She engages students in basic science
willingly share what they have learned along the way, research by bridging the emotional and
offering advice for young scientists. Maggie Masetti, a social needs of her students into the
NASA Goddard social media/website lead, suggests that learning process. Her goal is to help
students get more exposure to high-level math as soon as students reach their full potential by
possible. Stephanie Hopkins, a project support specialist at making science relevant to their everyday lives. Rosalyn enjoys
NASA Goddard, suggests that young professionals establish reading, traveling, helping her church community and
themselves as experts in their fields early by publishing, spending time with her family.
presenting at meetings, conducting
outreach, and organizing workshops. References:
Allison Barto, a program manager at Ball 1. Billings, Lee, “Meet the Woman Who Makes the James
Aerospace & Technologies Corporation Webb Space Telescope Work,” Scientific American (July
and a former Webb optical systems 11, 2022).
engineer, recommends that young 2. De Marco, O., M. Akashi, S. Akras et. al., “The Messy Death
scientists get involved as soon and of a Multiple Star System and the Resulting Planetary
as often as they can in key meetings, Nebula as Observed by JWST,” Nature Astronomy 6
discussions, and workshops. All of these (2022): 1421–1432,
women scientists are passionate about 01845-2.
working on Webb but are even more 3.
excited about sharing what they do with 4. Soffer, Virginie, “Women Helped Make the James Webb
other scientists, their communities, family Space Telescope a Reality,” Université de Montréal
members, and the world. They acknowledge what it is like (December 3, 2021)
to sometimes be the only woman in the room—both as a 5. “Space Scientist Working on the James Webb
student and as a professional—but they assert that they Space Telescope”
have learned to flourish despite being in the minority. 6. “Women Making the Webb Space Telescope a Reality”
(August 3, 2021).
Some experts have predicted that Webb will be
operational through about 2040, but most of the
pioneering women on the team believe that it is too soon
to discuss the telescope’s demise or its possible limitations.
These women look forward to all that they will learn and
share through the upcoming missions, as well as to how
technology will evolve to take their discoveries and their
work even further. =
Search Wikipedia
Jess Wade
Article Talk
r. Jessica Alice Feinmann Wade, British Empire
Medalist, has accomplished something that
would likely have made my high-school
freshman science teacher cringe: she has
written and/or edited over 1,700 biographies
of scientists who are women and people
of color. Why, you might ask, would this
accomplishment have made my teacher
cringe? The reason is that all these
biographies are entries in Wikipedia.
Create account
She decided to right this wrong and to write her own entries for women
and minority researchers in STEM, with the goal of increasing the
visibility and representation of seriously underrepresented populations.
Dr. Wade says that her ongoing goal has been much broader than just
focusing on the missing women. She explains, “It’s not just women; it's
all kinds of people who've been historically excluded and who aren't
documented. This includes people from the southern part of the globe.
This includes people who are working in non-Ivy League institutions. Jessica Wade in 2017
There are so many ways our society is set up to celebrate privilege that
Born Jessica Alice Feinmann Wade
we need to dismantle, both online and offline.” While working on this October 1988 (age 34)
project, she has also helped to persuade Wikipedia to retain articles on
lesser-known scientists. They should be honored for their contributions Education South Hampstead
High School
to science, even if they don’t have a “shiny medal.”
Chelsea College of
Art and Design
In addition to writing and editing Wikipedia articles and participating
in interviews regarding this effort, Dr. Wade works as a scientist in Alma mater Imperial College London
her own right at Imperial College London, where she is a Research (MSci, PhD)
Dr. Wade insists that “we need to share information and Cynthia Hurlbert is a Scientific
discoveries, but we also really need to think about how Technical Writer with the Laboratory of
we honor people beyond just online attributions. Whether Molecular Biology at the National Cancer
we’re nominating people for prizes and awards or thinking Institute (NCI). There she assists with the
about how we teach a topic, we need to consider: publication process, and she helps
What are we including in our curriculum? What kinds of coordinate laboratory events. She has
accomplishments are we honoring? Can we change the previously worked as a private tutor in the
way that we introduce something to recognize that it’s not Greater Washington, DC, area. She holds two BS degrees in
always done by white, Western men?” neuroscience and microbiology from Furman University and
Clemson University. She continued her education at
To learn more about Dr. Jessica Wade, please check out Uniformed Services University, where she studied
her Wikipedia page, her social media posts (@jesswade Schistosoma spp parasites. Hurlbert now focuses primarily
on Twitter and, or her profile at Imperial on science communication and education and has pursued
College London. her passion for these fields both formally and informally.
Will you
be next?
Three $10,000 AWIS Distinguished Doctoral Research Scholarships
Eight $2,500 AWIS Opportunity Scholarships for Career Re-entry
? for women who have been out of the workforce for more than two years
Collaborating to Achieve
Gender Equity
in Medical Schools
By Dr. Jeanette Mladenovic, President/CEO of the Center for Women in Academic Medicine and Science
ender equity remains a frustratingly unrealized 1. The PIPELINE to Science and Medical School: While
goal in STEM fields, including in medicine. A new we should applaud the increased number of women in
partnership—the GEMS Alliance (Gender Equity in our pipeline (women now represent 50% of students in
academic Medicine and Science,— medical school and over 50% of PhD students in biological
aims to address the ongoing gap. This collaborative effort sciences), the women who are admitted do not reflect our
by six medical organizations (see inset) envisions creating diverse communities. Students from historically excluded
innovative approaches to achieving gender equity. groups may have unique lived experiences that are vital
to solving today’s problems. However, they may also have
Our alliance has decided to focus first on schools of limited exposure to career paths in science and medicine,
medicine where the biased culture around gender is and they may lack the knowledge of programmatic and
evident, learned, and perpetuated. Decades of research financial strategies that can facilitate success in these
have demonstrated myriad barriers and structural systems fields. We must increase the diversity in the pipeline, if we
that impede gender equity for faculty, students, and are to achieve equity across our fields.
postdocs in these institutions. Recognizing this, the GEMS
Alliance is determined to tackle four identified gaps that 2. GENDER SEGREGATION in scientific and medical
must be addressed in order to solve this complex problem: careers: Historically, women have gravitated toward certain
careers and not others. Whether it was the best fit for their
interests and their desired work/life balance, or whether
they were discouraged from STEM
fields, the resulting occupational
segregation robs science and
patients of a diverse workforce.
It also curtails the future
professional opportunities
and compensation
available to women.
We recognize that the
hesitation by women to
pursue science begins as
early as postsecondary
school and continues as
women advance in their
education and careers,
including in medicine.
We know that interrupting this cycle requires concerted challenges, support that allows them to engage in the
efforts to expose women to scientific careers and role rigors of PhD programs and medical school, to enter
models; to provide gender neutral advice and mentoring; training in their chosen field, and to achieve success in
and to adapt the culture of training programs and academia, research, and leadership. Caregivers need
postgraduate experiences so that women are encouraged flexibility to juggle their work/life challenges; however this
to enter and flourish in them. necessary support exists as the exception rather than as
the rule. Creating solutions that allow caregivers to have
3.The LEADERSHIP GAP in academic medicine, science, control over their work/life balance are critical to achieving
and healthcare in general: Achieving equity requires equity in our schools, our professions, and our workforce.
significant representation at the leadership level, which
then serves as a tipping point for cultural change. Women The GEMS Alliance is committed to addressing all of these
leaders in higher education hire more women and provide obstacles to gender equity. We believe that by aligning our
higher and more equitable salaries. The percentage of efforts to actively focus on creative solutions to these gaps,
women in leadership at the highest levels in our medical we stand a better and more timely chance of success. =
schools, where critical decisions and policies are made and
resources are controlled, has slowly inched upward over Dr. Jeanette Mladenovic is the President/
the last three decades, now comprising approximately CEO of the Center for Women in Academic
22%. To increase the representation of women in Medicine and Science. She has served in
leadership, we must address the issues of recruitment and several leadership roles that have given
retention as well as promote adequate numbers of women her a broad understanding of the many
to the senior academic positions from which the highest- issues that shape the trajectory of women’s
level leadership roles are filled. Our leadership should careers. In her last academic position, she
reflect our communities of students, faculty, and patients. served as Executive Vice-President and Provost at Oregon
Health Sciences University. Dr. Mladenovic graduated from the
4. UNEQUAL BURDENS for women: Equity can’t be University of Washington Medical School. She also trained in
achieved unless individuals receive what they need for internal medicine and hematology at Johns Hopkins Hospital
their success. Given the differential expectations society and Stanford University.
places on women, women often carry the primary burdens
of caring for their family and home. The pandemic has
only accentuated these burdens, potentially leading to
irrevocable harm to our academic workforce. Caregivers
desperately need support tailored to their specific
The Next Fast
DEI Frontier: Thinking
By Amanda J. Felkey, PhD, founder and CEO, The Inclusion Habit®
he benefits of fostering diverse organizations have The green lines illustrate that reengagement with the
been scientifically proven, and HR leaders all over ideas can mitigate our forgetting. Recollection is even
the world are working to build inclusive cultures so more robust and accurate when we “see or do” than when
that they can hire and retain diverse talent. Unfortunately, we simply hear. Remember the Chinese proverb: “Tell me,
the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training that and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me,
they bring to their organizations currently appears to be and I’ll understand.”
minimally effective.
A second problem with current programming is that levels. Workshops and programs can help them learn to
the way our brains work thwarts our DEI efforts. We all understand and recognize bias, but this learning must
have unconscious biases that creep into our actions be reinforced over time. Furthermore, individuals must
and behaviors when we are performing difficult tasks, have time to reprogram their incorrect intuitions and to
multitasking, or facing time constraints. Our brains transform mindsets based in unconscious bias.
categorize information to make our reactions more
efficient, but this leads to erroneous stereotypes and To do this, we need to slow down our thinking and
generalizations. to make deliberate decisions that are in line with our
intentions and values. We must take time to evaluate
Finally, awareness of DEI issues does not automatically people and situations individually, to put ourselves
lead to behavior change. Behavioral-economics models in someone else’s shoes, and to empathize with their
demonstrate how time-inconsistent preferences stand position.
in the way of making good decisions and of changing
behavior. We have the tendency to put off onerous tasks This effort requires practice and repetition. Cutting-
and to impulsively do things we enjoy, even if they are not edge behavior-change science and habit-formation
in our best interest. For example, we decide to start our research show that small changes repeated over time can
gym routine tomorrow or to eat a hamburger when we successfully create new thought patterns and behaviors.
are hungry, despite our goal of losing ten pounds.
One way to accomplish this is to deliver daily reminders to
So What Should Organizations Do? employees, encouraging them to complete a short task.
Research shows that workers prioritize DEI but are Through small activities, participants will foster habits of
becoming tired of simply talking about it. They are understanding. This is precisely what The Inclusion Habit®
frustrated that programming does not generate is designed to do.
meaningful action or create sustainable change. To
positively transform behavior, organizations must
commit to change at both the leadership and individual
DEI Behavior Change Solution commitments create a kinetic and emotional experience,
The Inclusion Habit® is a three-month program designed rather than the passive, logical experience of most
to cultivate more inclusive behaviors through daily micro- DEI trainings, and so they bolster the modification of
commitments. These small, daily activities help reinforce behavior and the creation of new habits of understanding,
what participants have already learned, mitigate biases, empathy, and inclusion. Given how individuals retain
foster understanding, and enhance empathy. information, the daily micro-commitments take
individuals beyond the limits of typical DEI programming
The program also includes a social-media feed in which (see examples on page 23).
participants can track their progress and share stories and
accomplishments with each other. This element builds Evidence of Effectiveness
a sense of community and social accountability that A Fortune 100 financial services firm employed The
bolsters behavioral change. Inclusion Habit® to support their DEI initiatives. After
following the program for just over two months, they
The micro-commitments in each of the six habit-building reported: 77% enrollment, 1,246 micro-commitments
phases employ evidence and methods on the frontiers made with a 92% completion rate, and 159 reflective
of research in economics and psychology. These micro- stories by 35 storytellers. Using pre- and post-surveys,
** Photos taken by Daoudi Aissa, Ganapathy Kumar, Joshua Ness, Perry Grone, Xan Griffin, Josh Calabrese, Annie Spratt, and Maria Krisanova.
participants self-reported 90% more inclusive behavior, Dr. Amanda J. Felkey earned a PhD in
46% change in interactions, 35% improved mindfulness, Behavioral Economics from Cornell
27% greater sense of community, 24% enhanced University and DE&I Certificates from
connection, and 14% change in perceptions. eCornell and Northwestern University.
Her behavior-change frameworks have
Although traditional inclusion programs raise awareness, been used by universities and
their actual effect is minimal. Such programming offers corporations to elicit positive personal
limited returns and false confidence. Only by moving change, create habits enhancing individual wellbeing and
beyond such an approach can organizations and make workplaces more inclusive. Dr. Felkey is an Economics
institutions truly make meaningful strides toward a Professor at Lake Forest College.
genuinely inclusive environment. Learn more about
The Inclusion Habit® at
behaviors. =
Consider your implicit no. When are always expected to take on NPTs, the task on rotation, by saying, “I’ll
you say yes to one thing, you are it’s especially important for them go today and pass around a sign-up
saying no to another. What are you to say no in the right way. How can sheet so that you all can sign up for
turning down? More important work women say no and avoid backlash? a turn.” Or divvy up the assignment
tasks? Time with your family? Social into smaller parts, sharing it with
engagements? Sleep? Be cognizant of We’ve found that an effective no is others. Perhaps you can get resources
what you give up for this new work. one that provides a quick explanation to complete the task, such as a
and also helps solve the requester’s small budget or staff help. Finally,
Account for the impact on your problem. Most people (probably consider upscaling the assignment.
other work. A task with a short even your boss) don’t know all the If you are asked to be on the website
deadline will trump a task with tasks on your plate. What is the committee, ask for a more influential
a longer one, no matter how work that you will not be able to do assignment that better uses your
insignificant it is. The big tasks— if you take on a new task? If you’re skills.
strategic, important work—rarely asked to head the safety committee,
are as time sensitive, so taking on an make clear that you “are leading the Learn to recognize non-promotable
NPT likely means that you will put off women’s advancement project and tasks, avoid the hidden traps that
these big initiatives. that doing both tasks will prevent compel you to say yes, and be
you from submitting your next grant strategic about both declining and
Remember the future you. application,” and then recommend accepting work, so that you can focus
Someone asks you to arrange a someone else (perhaps a man with on the work that best uses your skills
conference six months from now. fewer NPTs) who would be suitable and helps your career advance. =
Your future schedule appears open, for the task.
so saying yes doesn’t seem so bad,
but in six months, you will be just as Of course, there are times when you
busy as you are right now. If you can’t can’t say no. On these occasions, in
do it now, don’t commit to it for the order to keep your workload in check,
future. consider negotiating your yes. Agree
to do the work but on the condition
It is one thing to decide that you want that you’ll be relieved of an existing
to reject a task; it is quite another to NPT. Limit your term with a plan for
actually decline it. Because women who will do it next. Consider putting
When I graduated, my thesis advisor Discovery Institute. This role was one them regularly, and to stand up for
was kind enough to offer me a full- step down from that of a lab director, them when they need you. In a lab
time position as a research assistant and it mainly involved dealing with environment, it can sometimes get
in his lab at Cincinnati Children’s everyday lab operations, along with very tough for support staff, and they
Hospital. Before I accepted his offer, participating in scientific research. rely on you to make the best decisions.
we had a long conversation about It is important to acknowledge their
me becoming a technician versus The position was quite demanding. My problems and to make sure that
enrolling in a PhD program. He mentor left a few months after I had their challenges are brought to the
pointed out that because I had already joined, and then COVID hit the world. attention of the lead investigators.
taken the relevant courses, I would I had to navigate a new job, a new
probably finish my PhD in just three team, and COVID protocols, all at the As I grappled with the difficulties of
to four years. For me, however, the same time. This brought an array of my new job, I decided to enroll in a
priority was to be financially stable. challenges, along with the persistent leadership program organized by
our Institute. This three-day training
changed my perspective and gave me
Being a lab manager is much more demanding an objective view of my leadership
style. I realized that I often try to
than I had ever imagined. Not only are you avoid conflict and that contentious
situations make me extremely
responsible for the functioning of the lab, but uncomfortable. Since then, I have
been actively going over what I have
you are also responsible for the people who learned and have been trying to
identify past situations in which I could
work there. You are more likely to get involved in have managed my role differently
and more positively. This mindset
arguments among researchers, in interpersonal has resulted in a huge change to my
management style, and I strive to be a
relationships, in figuring out the division of better leader every day.
motion but moves back and forth gradually, over the course to let me into the pathology master’s program at The University
of days or weeks or months between each point. That’s what of Iowa, where I graduated two years later in the middle of a
bipolar disorder is like, despite the misconceptions that global pandemic, with four publications to my name. I found
the mood swings are instantaneous. These are not fleeting people who believed in me enough that I started a PhD at Iowa
feelings of happiness and sadness. These are chronic feelings after my master’s, which I hope to finish this year.
of emptiness, hopelessness, anger, euphoria. You can likely
imagine how difficult it might be to balance this constant Today, I am an award-winning scientist. I’ve presented my
shift in how you think, act, and feel while being a freshman in research at some of the largest gatherings of scientists in
college and living on your own. my field. I’ve started an Instagram account to talk about
my work and have reached over 2 million people with my
I struggled. More than that, I was drowning. In medications and content. I’ve even shared my struggles with bipolar disorder
side effects, in tests and studying, in becoming an adult and with thousands of students through podcasts, articles,
the person I was meant to be. So, I asked for help. I told a very presentations, and more. I will never forget the people who
prominent, well-respected professor of neuroscience that I was told me what wasn’t possible for me, and I have learned that
a freshman and bipolar and drowning, and he told me that I their opinions don’t define what I’m capable of achieving: I do.
was making an excuse. An excuse for being a bad student, for So, if you’re out there reading this and wondering if someone
being overly dramatic, for making up an illness that he didn’t believes in you enough to do what you’re dreaming of . . .
believe in. And for the second time, I wondered if I would ever I do. My story is one of adversity and hardship and beauty
be a scientist. and triumph, and there is a happy ending. I believe in a happy
ending for your story, too. =
My time in college was full of moments like that. Moments
when people told me I was making an excuse, when people Kimberly Fiock (she/her) is an Experimental
Tim Schoon - Staff Photographer - The University of Iowa
believed the stereotypes of bipolar disorder rather than Pathology PhD candidate at The University of
me. When I started considering graduate school during my Iowa. She has a BS in Neuroscience and
junior year, someone told me that I would never make it as Psychology from the University of Texas at
a scientist. I was too dumb and too bad at math. Through all Dallas and recently completed her MS in
of this, though, I never questioned my desire to be a scientist. Pathology from The University of Iowa.
I questioned and doubted and, at times, wholeheartedly Kimberly uses human stem cells and donated
believed that I couldn’t be a scientist, but I never once wanted brain tissue to answer questions about neurodegenerative
to be anything else. diseases. Her work aims to understand how one protein causes
multiple, distinct diseases and how the differences in each disease
There is a happy ending to this story, though. Despite my bad can be used to create targeted therapeutics. In addition to her
grades and bad math skills, there were people who took a research, Kimberly assists with the Iowa NeuroBank Core, a brain
chance on me. During my sophomore year, I did an internship tissue and stem cell repository at the University of Iowa. When
in a neuropathology lab at another institute, where I learned she's not in the lab, Kimberly spends her time doing outreach in
that there was a name (and an entire field of research) for my the community and on social media to educate her followers
interest in disease. I held a human brain for the first time and about the field of neuropathology. You can connect with her on
actually saw disease under a microscope. I figured out the type Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok at @thepathphd.
of scientist I wanted to be and had people who believed in me
enough to write me letters of recommendation for graduate
school. Then I found more people who believed in me enough
Finding Fulfillment in a
Manufacturing Career
By Georgina To’a Salazar, PhD, scientific writer
AWIS member since 2013
What is your leadership philosophy? How can we engage more women in the fields of
I lean toward a solution-based, learning leadership. I allow engineering and manufacturing? What advice would
employees I’ve hired to work somewhat independently you give other women exploring these careers?
toward solutions to issues, while I provide advice and I think sometimes that we (women) can be our own
mentoring. The relationships that you develop are so worst enemy, when we subscribe to similar stereotypes
vital. Your teammates are the most important asset you and biases that our men counterparts might have. We
have; taking the time to mentor and develop them brings need to make a conscious effort to be there to support
endless rewards for both you and the company. It is so and encourage one another. I am grateful to have the
rewarding to see someone you onboarded grow and opportunity to highlight my experiences in manufacturing
advance. and hope that my story will motivate others to consider a
career in manufacturing. =
Thirty-two percent of women who go into STEM
switch majors, and 30% of women who earn an Georgina To’a Salazar, PhD, works to
engineering degree aren't still in engineering after create innovative solutions in science
20 years. Why do you think that is? communication, research, and policy. With
I think there are a number of reasons women leave a BS in chemical engineering from
engineering. There are still biases present in the Stanford University and a PhD in
professional world. Many women exit the work force to be biomedical engineering from the
caregivers. This has always been an issue, but it was made University of California, Irvine, Dr. Salazar
more visible with Covid. I think one of the biggest factors has fulfilled her dream of exploring the world, having taken
is the lack of representation of women in higher-level research positions in Singapore and Japan before returning to
positions. Women need to see role models to believe that the United States to focus on science communication at Takara
they can succeed in engineering and manufacturing. Bio USA, Inc.
Her success, however, did not happen without burnout. “If you
care about your job, you give it your all. I gave it my all,” she
explained. After having her daughter and trying to balance her
home life with her work as an entrepreneur, she hit a wall and • Recognize that your brain is giving you stories. You can
began to suffer in her professional role. This unhappiness with edit them to fuel your motivation!
her work life lasted until a few years ago, when she decided to
make a change. • If you are feeling burned out, you have to pause. There is
no way around it.
In June 2012, Kogan launched Happier, Inc., to help millions
of people thrive in work and life by improving their emotional Ultimately, treat yourself with grace during periods of stress,
fitness with science-backed skills and practices. During the anxiety, and burnout. Begin your journey to feeling better
fireside chat, she discussed how more people could incorporate by completing this simple phrase: “Today, I am awesome
this approach into their lives, and she shared the following tips because _______.” Importantly, and in addition, if you notice a
to help anyone who is suffering from career burnout: friend, colleague, or loved one struggling with burnout, share
these ideas to help that person feel safe, reenergized, and
• Treat yourself with the compassion you deserve as a
motivated. =
human being. Feel your energy, and honor all parts of yourself,
not just your work. You will have a lot more to give to your
There’s so much more to explore!
work when you do this.
- Purchase Kogan’s new book, The Awesome Human Project:
• Be more aware of what feels affirming. Anything Break Free from Burnout, Struggle Less, and Thrive More in
meaningful is hard. Something can be challenging, but if you Work and Life.
have a natural strength, the work will not feel like a struggle. - Visit her website,, to sign up for her
• If you are feeling unmotivated, do something that fuels weekly email.
your energy. Conquer a small task first to feel successful. - Follow her on Instagram or YouTube.
• Explore temptation bundling. This approach connects - Listen to the Awesome Human Podcast.
something you have to do with something you want to do,
- Attend the monthly live Awesome Human Hour.
making your obligatory work more enjoyable.
- AWIS members can watch the replay.
• Remember that you have a limited amount of mental,
physical, and emotional energy—you cannot do all
things. Do less of what unnecessarily drains your energy.
Learn to say no.
Open to All:
AWIS Boston Chapter Creates LGBTQ+ Affinity Group
By Kathy Nevola, PhD, Data Scientist and Tool Owner, Olink Proteomics
AWIS member since 2019
Then join us
March 15 from 1:00-4:00PM ET.
to government was a less steep boundary crossing, but boundaries, such as pursuing fellowships, may slow your
it nonetheless encompassed a change in mindset and career progression, but it will help ensure success.” She
practices. She thinks her research skills were her bridge to advises that it is also important for women to be open to
policy work, which allowed her to take many disparate ideas the opportunities that boundary crossing can bring. She
and build them into implementable programs. Similarly, doesn’t think she would have her current job at UMBC,
the efficiency she learned in industry allowed her to be an where she interacts with such different sectors as industry
effective administrator in government. Her move to UMBC and local government, if it were not for her cross-sector
was unanticipated, but she couldn’t pass up the opportunity experiences.
to help build programs to provide opportunities for often
unrecognized talent. Dr. Wayman does not yet have her next boundary crossing
in mind. She is in her fourth year at UMBC, and she reports
Dr. Wayman has no regrets about crossing multiple that there is much still to be done, especially because of the
professional boundaries, but she recognizes that she pandemic.
is standing on the shoulders of those who were not as
fortunate to have had the options she has had. She recalls Moving the Needle on DEI
the concern many older relatives expressed when she left In 2019, Dr. Wayman wrote an article entitled Applying
the stability of a job in industry to pursue a fellowship Lessons from Civil Rights Leaders to Move the Needle in
and then left a GS government job for an academic, Higher Education. She believes that after two-plus years of
administrative position. She understands the historic a pandemic and rising national awareness about continued
reasons for such reservations, but she recognizes that this social injustice, we now have a common language for
hesitation can sometimes feel like pressure to stay with the injustice. There is awareness now, for example, of the
status quo. difference between equality and equity and of what
microaggressions are. This language is important for us to
She shares the following advice for all women who aspire continue difficult conversations about DEI. She recognizes,
to switch professional sectors: “Building bridges across though, that while important DEI work was just getting
Some Data on Biases that Women and People of Color in Engineering Face
In a recent article in Big Think, author Kevin Dickinson asserts women of color, compared with 35% of white men. Generational
that much has remained unchanged since Joan C. Williams bias was also prevalent. Engineers ages 55–64 reported a higher
coauthored a seminal report in 2016, with support from the incidence of prove-it-again bias, compared with engineers
Corporate Partnership Council of the Society of Women Engineers younger than 35 years of age.
(SWE) and the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of • Tightrope: Women reported a narrower range of acceptable
California, entitled Climate Control: Gender and Racial Bias in behavior than men did and thus had to navigate pressure to
Engineering? While there has been progress in the proportion of be “feminine” and not “too masculine.” For example, 51% of
degrees awarded to women in STEM overall, the more-limited women, compared with 67% of men, felt that they could behave
progress in some STEM fields, such as engineering and computer “assertively.” Among engineers of color, 39% felt pressure to let
science, has kept the percentage of women in the STEM others take the lead, compared with 16% of white men.
workforce at an inequitable 27%. • Maternal wall: Fifty-five percent of women, but 80% of
men, said that having children did not alter their colleagues’
The report, based on a survey of over 3000 engineers, showed perception of their commitment to their work or of their level of
continuing patterns in four biases that have persisted against competence.
women and people of color. They include: • Tug of war: Intra-gender bias among women was reported also,
although the survey collected qualitative data only. For example,
• Prove-it-again: Sixty-one percent of women, compared with women may self-segregate by employing different strategies for
35% of white men, reported that they have to prove themselves assimilating into predominantly masculine work cultures.
continuously to get equal levels of respect and recognition
from their colleagues. This bias was reported by 68% of men or
underway over the past two years, the pandemic also grow professionally while building programs with them.
set the nation back where people need time to recover She shares, “Empathy, which some say is a ‘superpower’
physically and emotionally. Dr. Wayman insists, however, of women, is one of the most important qualities I see in
that as we keep moving the needle toward social justice, myself as a leader.” =
we should be careful with trying to define an endpoint.
She adds that if we don’t keep DEI as a priority, we will Patricia Soochan is a program officer and
regress. member of the multidisciplinary team at
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI),
The Care and Feeding of Annica with primary responsibility for the
Just what feeds Dr. Wayman’s soul? She admits that she is development and execution of the Inclusive
still trying to answer this question. She thinks a lot about Excellence (IE1&2) initiative. Previously she
balancing work and family life. She acknowledges the had lead responsibility for science
importance of her husband’s support of her varied career education grants to primarily undergraduate institutions, a
path (he is also a UMBC Meyerhoff engineering alum), and precursor of IE. She has served as a councilor for the Council on
she loves discovering new things with her three sons. She Undergraduate Research and is a contributing writer for AWIS
adds that it is important to care for oneself as one cares for Magazine and the Nucleus. Prior to joining HHMI, she was a
others, declaring that she loves novelty: new things, new science assistant at the National Science Foundation, a science
places, new people. writer for a consultant to the National Cancer Institute, and a
research and development scientist at Life Technologies. She
When thinking about her professional life, she recalls that received her BS and MS degrees in biology from George
as she transitioned into leadership, she began to accept Washington University.
that her contributions as an administrator would be
different from those she made as a hands-on researcher Editor’s Note: The contents of this article are not affiliated
or program contributor. In this way, she believes her with HHMI.
biggest professional reward is empowering others to
“I feel I am held to higher standards 51% 61% 9.6% 68% 16.4% 57% 5.90% 59% 7.6%
than my colleagues.” *** ***
“My suggestions or ideas are respected as 73% 66% -7.4% 70% -3.1% 65% -8.2%** 64% -9.1%**
much as my colleagues’.” ***
“In meetings, other people get credit for 47% 47% -0.60% 57% 9.8%* 41% -6.1% 45% -2.5%
ideas originally offered.”
“After moving from an engineering role to a 61% 64% 2.70% 74% 12.6%* 62% 0.4% 59% -2.3%
project management/business role, people
assume I do not have technical skills.”
“I have to repeatedly prove myself to get 59% 71% 12.3%*** 78% 18.8%*** 70% 10.8%*** 68% 8.9%*
the same level of respect and recognition as
my colleagues’.”
“I have been mistaken for administrative or 44% 48% 3.9% 50% 5.8% 41% -2.9% 55% 10.7%**
custodial staff.”
Chi-square tests and two sample t-tests were conducted for comparison. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, **p<0.001
Table 1: Percentage agreement with prove-it-again questions. Climate Control: Gender and Racial Bias in Engineering. 2016. Center for
WorkLife Law and Society of Women Engineers.
18 during the webinar “Working Daughter: A
Guide to Caring for Your Aging Parents While
Making a Living.”
In her webinar, O’Donnell explored the stages of emotions In 2015, Liz O’Donnell created Working Daughter, a
that she experienced as she took care of and ultimately community for women balancing eldercare, their career,
lost her parents and husband. She noted that women and more. Since then, she has become a public speaker, an
are typically the ones who take on such responsibilities: expert on caregiving, and a best-selling author. Her works
perhaps unsurprisingly, 60% of women are still the include Working Daughter: A Guide to Caring for Your Aging
primary caregivers. She says, “There is a societal Parents While Making a Living and Mogul, Mom, & Maid: The
expectation that women will be good daughters.” Balancing Act of the Modern Woman. Learn more here.
While such caregiving can make you feel like your life is If you missed the webinar, watch the replay. =
falling apart, it can also lead to positives. University of
Pittsburg researchers Richard Schulz, PhD, and Paula R.
Sherwood, PhD, RN, CNRN, analyzed the physical and
mental health effects of supporting family members.
Here are some highlights from Dr. images, creative ideas, and stories Presentation Slides Support
Kamens’s presentation: that relate to the research. Your Talk
A good rule of thumb is to present
Present Content in an Practice Makes You More one slide for every minute and a
Engaging Way Prepared half of the talk. Watch your timing,
Give the audience something to Practice giving talks to your friends and keep your message concise.
think about, argue with, or learn or colleagues. You’ll receive feedback Resist the urge to show all the data.
from. Treat your talk like an open that will help you present more Practice your presentation one last
discussion. Also, improve your skills confidently. PRO TIP: Form a peer time, and cut out any superfluous
by watching other experienced mentoring group, and practice with slides.
speakers! Most speakers talk without each other.
looking at their slides or notes. Your The best speakers are enthusiastic,
slides should be simple for your Don’t Be Boring knowledgeable, and connect
listeners to process and should Talk about something you know a lot with their audience. Dr. Kamens
complement your spoken message. about and that you care about! Your provides resources to help you
enthusiasm for the topic determines with every stage of preparing your
Tailor Your Talk to the Occasion how you come across and how an talk. Members can check out these
If an old presentation does not fit audience receives what you present. resources.
your new speaking engagement, Share your “Aha” moments and
make modifications. Add new future research directions. In addition to her role as a senior
information tailored to your consultant at The Impact Seat, Dr.
audience. Be sure to ask the organizer Be Prepared for Questions Kamens is an AWIS National Board
questions about the makeup of the During practice rounds with friends, Member and founder of the AWIS
audience. PRO TIP: Ask the organizer please encourage them to ask Massachusetts chapter. She also
to add demographic information to questions. Be clear and concise with has a deep knowledge of STEM jobs
the registration form and to share your answers. Never make up an gained through her own science
this information with you. answer. If you don’t know how to career and mentoring work. Connect
respond, say that you will get back with Dr. Kamens on Twitter. =
Prepare Early to the questioner after you have
Start creating presentations now! done some additional research, and
Create a file that captures critical then do so, if you can. PRO TIP: Plant
results from your research that you an ally in the audience to get the
would want to share, attractive questions rolling.
• THE SPARK AWARD, which highlights students or Join us in congratulating the recipients for their career
early career leaders in STEM who are visible and vocal achievements, strong leadership skills, innovative thinking,
advocates for diversity and inclusive scientific practices and commitment to inclusivity, diversity, equity, and
• THE MERIDIAN AWARD, which recognizes mid-career accessibility.
professionals whose diversity and inclusion efforts
Rita R. Colwell, PhD as well as solutions to address these representation in the Computer
ZENITH AWARD RECIPIENT challenges. She has received many Science department and the College
Distinguished Professor, the University national and international awards and of Engineering. She spearheaded
of Maryland and Johns Hopkins honorary degrees, and she has held a an initiative on bias training for
University Bloomberg School of Public variety of advisory positions in the U.S. faculty search committees, which
Health, Chair and Founder, CosmosID, government, nonprofit science policy is now required at UIC, and she
and President of the Rosalind Franklin organizations, private foundations, investigated and suggested changes
Society and the international scientific to university policies related to family
Despite being research community. leave, tenure rollbacks, and the
discouraged from like. She also designed a new class,
pursuing science as a Barbara Di Eugenio, PhD Research Methods for Computer
career, Dr. Rita R. ZENITH AWARD RECIPIENT Science, which provides foundational
Colwell persevered, Professor and Director of Graduate information to PhD students from
and as a result, her Studies, Department of Computer varying educational backgrounds (up
research on the use Science in the College of Engineering, to 90% of PhD students at UIC are
of remote sensing to University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) international).
predict cholera epidemics has vastly Dr. Barbara Di
improved public health outcomes Eugenio works in Claudia Garnica-Díaz
around the world. She was the first artificial intelligence SPARK AWARD RECIPIENT
woman to serve as Director of the and natural language PhD Student, Botany, The Grace P. John
National Science Foundation (1998– processing. She has Lab @ UF (University of Florida)
2004). Under her leadership, the held leadership As a PhD student
organization assessed the extent of positions within the from South America,
discrimination and harassment in the Association for Claudia Garnica-Díaz
sciences, enhanced education and Computational Linguistics, has experienced
participation of underrepresented received numerous awards, grants, challenges in
groups, and launched the ADVANCE and honors, has authored more than relocating and
initiative, which supports the 120 publications, and has graduated beginning a PhD
advancement of women in academic 14 PhD students (almost half of program in another
science and engineering careers. whom are women) and 31 MS country, especially one where her
students. native language was not primary. To
In her book, A Lab of One’s Own: One improve such experiences for future
Woman’s Personal Journey Through From 2005 to 2012, Dr. Di Eugenio international PhD students, she
Sexism in Science, Dr. Colwell describes worked on a National Science designed and held a workshop that
the harassment and discrimination Foundation ADVANCE grant at UIC, included academic strategies,
she has encountered in her career, a program that changed the gender avenues to connect with others (e.g.,
international social clubs), and participated in the UM President’s Roshell Muir, PhD
assistance with basic administrative committee to address cultural MERIDIAN AWARD RECIPIENT
tasks (e.g., how to get a Social transformation across all of its Senior Research Associate, College of
Security number). campuses. She is the author of over Medicine, Drexel University
400 articles in peer-reviewed journals Dr. Roshell Muir
She has recruited and mentored (H-index 80) and is a fellow of ASCO, conducts her
15 undergraduate students from ASTRO, the Hastings Center, and the research in the
diverse backgrounds and countries, American Association of Women Division of Infectious
including Cuba, Mexico, and Iran, Radiologists. Diseases and HIV
to join Dr. Grace John’s lab—The Medicine at Drexel
John Lab @ UF, which focuses on Darlene Mitrano, PhD University, where she
plant anatomy and ecophysiology. MERIDIAN AWARD RECIPIENT co-founded the
Garnica-Díaz was also recently Associate Professor, Department university’s Postdoctoral Association
elected as Vice-President of the of Neuroscience, Department of and led its Resource Development
University of Florida’s chapter of Molecular Biology and Chemistry, Committee. She also served on the
the Society for the Advancement of Christopher Newport University (CNU) Women in Medicine and Science
Native Americans and Chicanos. A strong advocate of Committee and chaired the 2020
inclusion, diversity, Women’s Leadership Summit Social
Reshma Jagsi, MD, DPhil equity, and and Advertising Subcommittee.
Newman Family Dr. Darlene Mitrano As a member of the AWIS Philadelphia
Professor and Deputy is a member of CNU’s Chapter, Dr. Muir has served as Vice-
Chair, Department of LGBTQ+ and Allies President, Programs, and Secretary,
Radiation Oncology; Faculty/Staff Affinity and she is now President-Elect.
Director, Center for Group and helped establish Brain She instituted the Lunch and Learn
Bioethics and Social Awareness month to promote program as a way to offer important
Sciences in Medicine, understanding of individuals’ gender, career development information in
University of race, age, and weight biases. She has small, easily digestible bits. As an
Michigan recruited students from a variety of emigrant from the Caribbean and a
Dr. Reshma Jagsi’s research on the backgrounds and has supported woman of color, she has strived to
underrepresentation of women has students going through financial schedule more diverse speakers and
led organizations to change their pol- hardship. topics.
icies regarding mentoring relation-
ships, flexible work schedules, and She is Chair of the International
transparency of compensation and Studies Advisory Committee and
promotion criteria. was elected the Regional Vice
President of the South for Nu Rho
Dr. Jagsi has demonstrated a Psi, the National Honor Society in
steadfast commitment to gender Neuroscience. She was recently
equity at the University of Michigan appointed to the new Laboratory
(UM), where she co-chaired the Safety and Compliance Committee,
task force on civility in the learning chairing the subcommittee on
environment for the school’s Controlled Substances, to help CNU
re-accreditation, serves on the uphold OSHA lab safety standards.
ADVANCE committee for women
in medicine, served on the Anti-
Racism Oversight Committee, and
in'tegr dē
Nicole Marie Ortiz What's the most important
President & CEO leadership lesson you've
Endictus Corp. learned?
AWIS member since 2022 “Lead by example”, you can
influence your organization
greatly by working side by side
What is your favorite word? with your employees. As a leader
Integrity it is important to be relatable, but
also be held to the same standard.
How do you define it?
Being honest, transparent, and ethical. What do you consider the best
advice you've ever received?
How has this word influenced or inspired “Do the hard things first” and “Touch things
your career? once.” As I continue to build my own business in
Integrity is a personal and corporate value of mine. Cybersecurity I realized how focusing on compliance and the
Maintaining this truthfulness with myself and my peers strategic and long-term goals of the business have kept me
has significantly impacted my day-to-day work and career focused in creating a standardized structure that will make
growth. My work ethic has been recognized by customers and my business more scalable in the future. Sometimes when
coworkers throughout my career, as it has influenced the work your business is small it is very appealing to cut some corners
communities I have been part of in a meaningful way. Integrity for the sake of time, but this could have consequences and
has been at the core of my personal and job performance. It is create inefficiencies in the long run with having to redo
a quality I appreciate in the people I surround myself with, and processes and projects you have already worked on. Owning
is a factor I use during recruitment and retention of personnel. a business is very time consuming and your most important
Today I am honored to be surrounded by great people that resource other than your personnel is your own time, and
share this same quality in my own business, and I know this that is very limited with only 24hrs a day. It is important to
will have an exponentially positive effect on our success as a keep clear and strategic goals in mind on the day-to-day and
small business. ensure everything that gets done fits in the bigger picture to
ensure the path to success is more direct. Maintaining well-
What is your greatest achievement so far? organized process and focusing on the task at hand until it is
Employee retention. As a business owner, nothing can be finished is key to ensure on-time completion and increased
more satisfying that the culture and atmosphere you create is efficiencies. =
embraced by everyone in the organization.
Nicole Ortiz is the Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Also, winning my first Cybersecurity and Networking Officer of ENDICTUS, which she founded in 2017 to deliver
Engineering contract as the owner of my own company was revolutionary solutions in technical program management for
an important milestone and the initial step in the success of offices within the federal government.
ENDICTUS. Since winning this contract in 2019, our business
has doubled every year. ENDICTUS is the culmination of Nicole’s nearly two decades
of experience in IT consulting, project management, system
What do you aspire to accomplish in your career? administration, acquisition and logistics, audit readiness, and
I want to become a Cybersecurity Leader in the U.S. This marketing. She managed multimillion-dollar contracts for
is a very competitive industry, and the environment is government offices, such as the Pentagon Force Protection
everchanging due to the cyber threats faced by the corporate Agency, before successfully launching ENDICTUS in 2017.
and government networks world-wide. Being able to show
value to my customers and focusing on niche areas will be Under Nicole’s vision, ENDICTUS specializes in program
key to our success. Additional to the technical competency management and analysis, systems engineering technical
of our solution training, education and experience from our assistance (SETA) consulting, pentesting, cybersecurity,
personnel will be important to demonstrate we are subject information technology, software development, continuity of
matter experts. operations, logistics, and audit readiness.