KSG Company Profile
KSG Company Profile
KSG Company Profile
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
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Services........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Target Market.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Service Delivery....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Management Profile................................................................................................................................................9
Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle Mobile: 251-0989830495
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
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The doors to new businesses opened in Tigray Region for the first time prior to the outbreak of
the war. Most of these businesses were created by entrepreneurs who envisioned an opportunity
to develop a new product or service, and pursued that vision in search of independence and
financial reward. These visionaries started with solid ideas to form the foundation of their new
entrepreneurial enterprises; and were actively involved in the socioeconomic affairs of the region
and the nation.
However, the socioeconomic landscape of Tigray has changed drastically since the outbreak of
the war on November 2020. The war caused massive socio-economic destructions threatening
the survival and resilience of the people of the region. In fact, the war and its scars have a
crippling effect on the life of the people representing all socio-economic backgrounds. It
devastated small and medium enterprises and obstructed the enterprising culture that was
beginning taking shape. Consequently, the public is no longer able to enjoy the benefits
economic goods and services of these enterprises. Likewise, employment generated by these
enterprises has been lost to the war. Thus, the socioeconomic welfare of the Tigrean society is at
stake making reversal of the situation so urgent.
The founders of KingdomNomics Strategic Group recognize that reversing the disaster and
revitalizing the socioeconomic landscapes of the region, among others, demands revitalizing the
enterprising culture in the region. KingdomNomics Strategic Group has, therefore, been
established to provide comprehensive management and technical solutions to surviving and new
small, medium and large enterprises by drawing together the professional expertise and
experiences of its founders. KSG is established after having KingdomNomics Consultancy
dissolved, consulting firm owned by one of the founders of KSG. KingdomNomics Consultancy
was established in 2018 and had been in operation until its closure in 2023 G.C.
Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle Mobile: 251-0989830495
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
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KingdomNomics Strategic Group (KSG) has been established in 2023 G.C with the objective of
providing a wide range of managerial and technical consultancy and training solutions to the
business community at large. KSG provides the best solutions to the problems of its clients by
establishing close relationships and maintaining a thorough knowledge and understanding of
clients’ objectives and helping them achieve their objectives. KSG adopts partnership with its
clients as its business model because, in the true sense, our future is tied to the success of clients
and partners, and our success is directly related to the quality of our advice and service. In
supplying the solutions, KSG undertakes rigorous research to identify challenges and
opportunities, and design strategies that help clients address challenges and exploit opportunities.
KSG groups together professionals from business and technical fields to provide end-to-end
consultancy and training services to its esteemed clients. Hence, KSG works in partnership to
help established clients achieve their short term and long-term objectives. Likewise, KSG works
closely with new entrepreneurs to provide them with comprehensive support package to start and
run their enterprises successfully.
Our vision is to become the leading consultancy and training firm in Ethiopia within 10
Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle Mobile: 251-0989830495
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
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Customer Focus
The customer is the reason for our very existence and hence everything else is secondary
to serving and satisfying our customers. To this end, we ensure that all of our efforts,
decisions, programs, projects and actions focus on a perfect understanding of customer
needs and on delivering solutions according to their value propositions.
We believe that making profit is an essential requirement for our task of delivering values
and solutions to our customers. We intend to continuously improve profitability by
delivering high quality and responsive services at reasonable price.
Growth Orientation
Growth orientation is what helps us keep aspiring in our endeavor to provide values and
solutions to a larger customer base. We intend to grow through reinvesting proceeds,
diversifying resource bases, and exploiting opportunities innovatively.
Business Effectiveness and Efficiency
We believe that effectiveness is precursor to our business success. Hence, we make sure
that we do the right things to succeed. We also believe that efficiency is what guarantees
our use of resources economically and responsibly. To this end, we relentlessly strive to
improve our operational efficiency by discovering and institutionalizing the best way of
doing things and supporting business processes with modern technology.
Social Relevance
We are part of the society and the social ideals and aspirations of the nation are our
ideals and aspirations. We intend to make sure that our programs, projects, decisions
and actions are fine-tuned to advancing the ideals and aspirations of the greater society.
Human Dignity
We believe that human beings, regardless of their background and origin, are ends by
themselves. We treat all human beings with care and dignity, and do business only by
Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle Mobile: 251-0989830495
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
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KSG provides comprehensive consultancy and training service packages to existing and new
small, medium and large businesses operating in Tigray and Ethiopia. The consultancy and
training services offered at KSG aim at enhancing the overall competitiveness of clients. KSG
aims at helping established clients improve their operational and strategic efficiencies through
the provision of tailored technical and management consultancy and training services. KSG
supports new entrepreneurs to develop and execute strategic/business plans including
identification of business opportunities, selection of machineries and technology, financing
startups, managing resources, creating market linkages to products and services and developing
appropriate promotion and communication strategies.
KSG consultancy and training services are unique in the sense that the consultancy and training
services are provided as comprehensive package of all business success factors; and makes sure
that its clients are actively involved in the provision of consultancy and training. Specifically,
KSG provides the following services to existing and new businesses and entrepreneurial
enterprises at the various stages of business development.
KSG helps entrepreneurs and emerging Business build a solid managerial foundation
required in constantly improving firm’s value creation process and hence create
sustainable competitive advantage. The management consultancy services will help
Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle Mobile: 251-0989830495
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
[Type text]
established and new firms to improve their human and organizational capital, operational
excellence, meet and exceed customer needs and maximize profitability. To this end,
KSG guides its clients through strategic planning and execution process, leadership and
management development programs, resources management, enhancing institutional
capacity (including designing and implementing appropriate structures, systems,
technology infrastructure, communication and decision making system; and improving
organizational culture) and performance management.
KSG duly recognizes that one of the challenges slowing down the enterprising rate in
Ethiopia has been attributed to new entrepreneurs’ inability to identify the appropriate
Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle Mobile: 251-0989830495
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
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technology/machinery to turn their business ideas into physical goods and services. As
part of its strategy of providing comprehensive service package, KSG guides its clients
through the identification and selection process of production technology. KSG helps
select technology through balanced considerations of financial capacity of the client,
existing and future market size, technical skills availability, spare parts availability,
power availability and requirement of the technology. To help maximize the benefits of
technology, KSG ensures that its clients receive installation, training and testing support
services. Likewise, KSG links clients with suppliers of production machineries and post
sales service providers.
Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle Mobile: 251-0989830495
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
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KingdomNomics Strategic Group offers its consultancy and training services to new and
established entrepreneurs and businesses seeking to engage and/or are engaged in manufacturing,
hotel and tourism, agriculture and agro-processing, trade and transportation sectors. KSG also
offers its services to humanitarian organizations supporting their target beneficiaries in Income
Generating Activities, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management and Technical Skills
improvement training. Besides, KSG’s consultancy and training services are rendered to staff
and managers of humanitarian agencies actively seeking to make difference in their human and
institutional capacities. Furthermore, KSG’s tailored consultancy and training services are
offered to government organizations and agencies searching for differential consultancy and
training services. KSG offers its services to its diverse clients operating across all regional states
of Ethiopia.
KSG offers Face-to-Face training to its esteemed clients and the maximum
Training Class Size at KSG is 20 trainees. Besides, it offers Interactive Online
Training to clients located at robust internet access. KSG creates convenient
and stimulating training environment fully equipped with materials and
equipments to provide lasting learning experience to our trainees. KSG
provides its training services by blending experienced trainers, entrepreneurs
and/or leading industry experts and hence integrate theories with practice.
KSG offers its clients with attractive prices and offers price discount to
vulnerable groups within communities. KSG also conducts pre and post
Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle assessments
Mobile: to251-0989830495
design its programs and gauge its training
effectiveness. tedrosabreham9@gmail.com
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
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Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle Mobile: 251-0989830495
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
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Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle Mobile: 251-0989830495
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
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Mr. Tsegazeab Kahsu Abay is Director of Consultancy Services at KSG. Mr. Tsegazeab has
been working for the last 18 years as lecturer, trainer, consultant and administrator in both
government and private organizations. Mr. Tsegazeab served as director of Institutional Planning
and Performance Monitoring Directorate at Aksum University and served as member of the
university management council. Prior to this, he was member of the university’s Business
Process Reengineering Project of Finance, Procurement and Property Management Support
Process Team. He was appointed as director for Business Development Directorate after the
redesign; and was responsible for redesigning the process and establishing business enterprises
under directorate. Mr. Tsegazeab Kahsu was also the team leader of the institution’s
Restructuring Project and Strategic Plan Development Project of the University. He also served
as chair of various ad hoc committees including Chair of University Staff Placement Committee,
Chair of University’s Middle level Leaders Selection Committee and Chair of University
Discipline Committee. Furthermore, Mr. Tsegazeab successfully delivered various training in the
areas of entrepreneurship, leadership, business growth strategy, problem solving and decision
making, balanced scorecard, total quality management and financial management skills
development to government, private, humanitarian organizations and individuals. Mr. Tsegazeab
Kahsu has extensive experience in developing several Business Plans and Projects to several
entrepreneurs, established organizations and humanitarian agencies. Mr. Tsegazeab Kahsu
served as Projects and Strategy Consultant at O’clock General Trading in Addis Ababa. Mr.
Tsegazeab also participated in different national and international research projects. Mr.
Tsegazeab received his BA degree in Management from Addis Ababa University and his MBA
from Mekelle University.
Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle Mobile: 251-0989830495
KingdomNomics Strategic Group
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Email. kingdomnomicsethiopia@gmail.com
Mekelle Mobile: 251-0989830495