Mini Project REPORT
Mini Project REPORT
Mini Project REPORT
“ IR Proximity Sensor ”
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement
For the Subject
(June - 2020)
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology
Surat-395 007, Gujarat, INDIA.
Page 1
On the very outset of this report, we would like to extend our sincere & heartfelt
obligation towards all the personages who have helped us in this endeavor without their
active guidance, help, cooperation & encouragement we would not have made headway
in the project.
We also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, our gratitude towards our Parents
and member of our family, who have always supported us morally as well as
economically. At last but not least gratitude goes to all of our friends who directly or
indirectly helped us to complete this project report.
Any omission in this brief acknowledgement does not mean lack of gratitude.
Page 2
Proximity sensors, which are designed to detect the presence of nearby objects without
any physical contact. Proximity sensor basically employ an Infra Red LED transmitter
and Light receiver to achieve proximity detection purpose. Existing proximity sensors
comprise of 1 Infrared LED chip and 1 light receiver chip. This 2 separate chips setup has
disadvantages of occupying more space and high assembly cost which does not meet the
requirement for future application in smart phone and tablet PC Many current processes
produce optical proximity sensors with poor optical isolation and unfavorable noise (e.g.,
light leakage) between the light emitter and light detector dies, among other poor
performance characteristics. Furthermore, current molding processes utilize slow and
inefficient human-operated manual casting methods that produce low and inconsistent
manufacturing yields. This paper will present an innovative method of combining
Infrared LED chip and receiver chip into 1 package with enhanced infra red shielding
capability that keeping cross talk to extremely low level. The paper also elaborate
importance of using FEA method in material selection and see isolation and unfavorable
noise (e.g., light leakage) between the light emitter and light detector dies, among other
poor performance characteristics. Furthermore, current molding processes utilize slow
and inefficient human-operated manual casting methods that produce low and
inconsistent manufacturing yields. This paper will present an innovative method of
combining Infrared LED chip and receiver chip into 1 package with enhanced infrared
shielding capability that keeping cross talk to extremely low level. The paper also
elaborate importance of using FEA method in material selection and series of evaluation
to accomplish development of combine molding package (patent filed by Carsem).
Page 3
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology
Surat-395 007, Gujarat, INDIA.
This is to certify that the B. Tech. I (EC-2nd Semester), Mini Project REPORT
entitled “IR Proximity Sensor” is prepared & submitted by Candidates Mr. Sohan H.
Patel & Mr. Bhairav Singh, bearing Roll No.U19EC086 & U19EC087 in the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for Subject Electronic Devices & Circuits
Associate Professor
Mini Project Guide
June - 2020.
Page 4
2 Components of circuits 7
3 Circuit diagram 8
4 Types of sensors 9
5 IR Transmitter - Receiver 10
6 LM-358 IC 13
7 Principle of working 15
8 Conclusion 16
9 References 17
Page 5
Infrared technology addresses a wide variety of wireless applications. The main areas are
sensing and remote controls. In the electromagnetic spectrum, the infrared portion is
divided into three regions near infrared region, mid infrared region and far infrared
The wavelengths of these regions and their applications are shown below:
Near infrared region - 700 nm to 1400 nm-IR sensors, fiber optic
Mid infrared region - 1400 nm to 3000 nm-Heat sensing
Far infrared region --3000 nm to 1 mm - Thermal imaging
For optical sensing and optical communication, photo optics technologies are used in the
near infrared region as the light is less complex than RF when implemented as a source of
signal. Optical wireless communication is done with IR data transmission for short range
The working of any Infrared sensor is governed by three laws: Planck's Radiation law,
Stephen-Boltzmann law and Wien's Displacement law. Planck's law states that “every
object emits radiation at a temperature not equal to 00K". Stephen-Boltzmann law states
that “at all wavelengths, the total energy emitted by a black body is proportional to the
fourth power of the absolute temperature". According to Wien's Displacement law, “the
radiation curve of a black body for different temperatures will reach its peak at a
wavelength inversely proportional to the temperature."
There are five basic elements used in a typical infrared detection system an infrared
source, a transmission medium, optical component, infrared detectors or receivers and
signal processing. Infrared lasers and Infrared LED's of specific wavelength can be used
as infrared sources. The three main types of media used for infrared transmission are
vacuum, atmosphere and optical fibers. Optical components are used to focus the infrared
radiation or to limit the spectral response. Infrared receivers can be photodiodes,
phototransistors etc. some important specifications of infrared receivers are
photosensitivity, detectivity and noise equivalent power. Signal processing is done by
amplifiers as the output of infrared detector is very small.
Page 6
Zero PCB
Resistors (100ohm, 220ohm, 10Kohm)
IR transmitter
IR receiver
10K ohm variable resistor
LM358 IC
Page 7
Circuit diagram Chapter - 3
Page 8
Types of sensors Chapter - 4
Infrared sensors can be passive or active. Passive infrared sensors are basically Infrared
detectors. Passive infrared sensors do not use any infrared source and detects energy
emitted by obstacles in the field of view. They are of two types: quantum and thermal.
Thermal infrared sensors use infrared energy as the source of heat and are independent of
wavelength. Thermocouples, pyroelectric detectors and bolometers are the common types
of thermal infrared detectors.
Quantum type infrared detectors offer higher detection performance and are faster than
thermal type infrared detectors. The photosensitivity of quantum type detectors is
wavelength dependent. Quantum type detectors are further classified into two types:
intrinsic and extrinsic types. Intrinsic type quantum detectors are photoconductive cells
and photovoltaic cells.
Active infrared sensors consist of two elements: infrared source and infrared detector.
Infrared sources include an LED or infrared laser diode. Infrared detectors include
photodiodes or phototransistors. The energy emitted by the infrared source is reflected by
an object and falls on the infrared detector.
Fig. 4(a)
Page 9
IR Transmitter - Receiver Chapter - 5
IR Transmitter :-
Infrared Transmitter is a light emitting diode (LED) which emits infrared radiations.
Hence, they are called IR LED’s. Even though an IR LED looks like a normal LED, the
radiation emitted by it is invisible to the human eye.
The picture of a typical Infrared LED is shown below.
There are different types of infrared transmitters depending on their wavelengths, output
power and response time. A simple infrared transmitter can be constructed using an
infrared LED, a current limiting resistor and a power supply. The schematic of a typical
IR transmitter is shown below.
When operated at a supply of 5V, the IR transmitter consumes about 3 to 5 mA of
current. Infrared transmitters can be modulated to produce a particular frequency of
infrared light. The most commonly used modulation is OOK (ON – OFF – KEYING)
IR Receiver :
Infrared receivers are also called as infrared sensors as they detect the radiation from an
IR transmitter. IR receivers come in the form of photodiodes and phototransistors.
Infrared Photodiodes are different from normal photo diodes as they detect only infrared
radiation. The picture of a typical IR receiver or a photodiode is shown below.
Different types of IR receivers exist based on the wavelength, voltage, package, etc.
When used in an infrared transmitter – receiver combination, the wavelength of the
receiver should match with that of the transmitter.
Fig. 5(d) IR receiver circuit
LM-358 IC Chapter - 6
LM358 is a dual op-amp IC integrated with two op-amps powered by a common power
supply. It can be considered as one half of LM324 Quad op-amp which contains four op-
amps with common power supply. The differential input voltage range can be equal to
that of power supply voltage. The default input offset voltage is very low which is of
magnitude 2mV. The typical supply current is 500uA independent of the supply voltage
range and a maximum current of 700uA. The operating temperature ranges from 0˚C to
70˚C at ambient whereas the maximum junction temperature can be up to 150˚C.
LM358 Pin Configuration:-
Table 2 : LM358 Pin Configuration
Principle of Working Chapter - 7
Fig. 7(a)
When the IR transmitter emits radiation, it reaches the object and some of the radiation
reflects back to the IR receiver. Based on the intensity of the reception by the IR receiver,
the output of the sensor is defined.
Conclusion Chapter - 8
There are five basic elements used in a typical infrared detection system an infrared
source, a transmission medium, optical component, infrared detectors or receivers and
signal processing. Infrared lasers and Infrared LED's of specific wavelength can be used
as infrared sources. The three main types of media used for infrared transmission are
vacuum, atmosphere and optical fibers. Optical components are used to focus the infrared
radiation or to limit the spectral response. Optical lenses made of Quartz, Germanium and
Silicon are u to focus the infrared radiation. Infrared receivers can be photodiodes,
phototransistors etc. Some important specifications of infrared receivers are
photosensitivity, detectivity and noise equivalent power. Signal processing is done by
amplifiers as the output of infrared detector is very small.
References Chapter - 9
5. Heath, Steve (2003). Embedded systems design. EDN series for design engineers
(2 ed.).
Newnes. Pp. 11-12. ISBN 9780750655460