YEAR: 2023
Globally, copper, silver, and gold ore body grades have been dropping, and the mineralogy
surrounding them has become more diversified and complex. The cyanidation process for gold
production has remained dominant for over 130 years because of its selectivity and feasibility in the
mining industry. For this reason, the industry has been adjusting its methods for the extraction of
gold, by utilizing more efficient processes and technologies. Often, gold may be found in conjunction
with copper and silver in ores and concentrates. Hence, the application of cyanide to these types of
ores can present some difficulty, as the diversity of minerals found within these ores can cause the
application of cyanidation to become more complicated. This project outlines the practices, processes,
and reagents proposed for the effective treatment of these ores. The primary purpose of this project is
to present improvements to the hydrometallurgical processes that currently exist in the mining
industry for the treatment of gold ores, as well as concentrate treatments. In addition, this project aims
to present the most important challenges that the industry currently faces, so that future processes that
are both more efficient and feasible may be established (D Medina, 2020).
The history of hydrometallurgy started with the discovery of how to obtain gold and silver from ores,
in 1887 by John Steward MacArthur, who was recognized for establishing the application of the
cyanidation process. Gold production around the world afterwards doubled as a consequence of
cyanidation’s initial application within the mining industry. Following the first application of
cyanidation in the recovery of gold, the hydrometallurgical industry has then after developed
according to the needs of the process and the mineral complexity of the ore deposits.
Hydrometallurgical processes can be described as the leaching of a desired metal into a solution,
followed by the concentration and purification of the pregnant solution, and finally, the recovery of
the metal or its compounds. (D Medina, 2020) The processing of gold and silver ore by leaching is
one of the greatest examples of early hydrometallurgy-based processes. Most of the gold extraction
from ore is accomplished by the use of an alkaline cyanide leaching process. The chemical recovery
of gold can be described by two different operations: the oxidative dissolution of gold and the
reductive precipitation of metallic gold from the solution. Cyanide is one of the most common
lixiviates in the current industrial gold leaching process. During gold cyanidation, silver, copper,
metal sulphides are commonly present within the solution, which causes their metal ions to react with
the cyanide (CN−), thus forming complexes. Cyanide is considered to be a very hazardous compound
because of its toxicity; there is currently environmental pressure by different groups around the world
to ban the industrial use of cyanide (C.G Anderson, 2020). Research on replacement of cyanide as a
lixiviant has been ongoing over the years, and has found that there are other potentially workable
compounds, such as thiosulfate, thiourea, halides, various sulfide systems, ammonia, bacteria, natural
acids, thiocyanate, nitriles, and combinations of cyanide with many other compounds. Alternative
gold processes are still in the early development stages. A key factor for the commercial success of
these alternative lixiviants relates to the stability of the lixiviant and the gold complex in solution. (D
Medina) Currently, the mining industry faces a big problem of separating these complex valuable
minerals from the ore in which they are found. This project explains various options that
hydrometallurgical processes offer for the treatment of these complex minerals.
1. The study of books, articles and journals related to recycling of waste engine oil
2. Experimental procedure and bottle roll tests using the steps given below
The required bulk samples (2kg) is to be collected from the thickener overflow at
Old Nic Mine and CIL head. The sample is to be filtered and then dried using a gas
oven. In order to determine the metal grade (head grade) in the ore; the
representative sample is to be sent to T/A MATLABS, Bulawayo for fire assay.
The cyanidation experiments are to be carried out in a tumble bottle at ambient
temperature under constant pH of 10.5, particle size of 80% passing 75 micron
screen and agitation speed of 25rpm, solids content of 42–44%, sodium cyanide
concentration of 0.82kg/t of ore and leaching time of 18–24 hours. For each test, a
500 g representative sample is selected first, the pulp is prepared in the tumble
bottle and the pH is adjusted using Ca(OH)2 to the targeted value, then the sodium
R= ( head grade−tail
head grade
)× 100 %
E. B. P. A., n.d. Advantages in gold ore processing. Issue Issue 1s, p. 2005.
Muir, 1993. The mechanism of the ammonia cyanide leaching of copper gold ores. 4 th Vol, pp 191-