The Elephant Man (1)
The Elephant Man (1)
The Elephant Man (1)
Individual: Written assignment
1. Describe every aspect of Mr. Merrick’s appearance and health issues.
2. Read the poem on page 11. What do you think it means? Explain it. Look for
quotes/parts of the book that reflect the same idea.
3. Look at the pictures on pages 12 and 39 and explain how people are behaving
towards the Elephant Man. Do you think people would react in a different way
4. Draw a timeline with information about the story of The Elephant Man.
5. Do you think that Dr. Treves’ intentions towards Merrick were totally altruistic,
or do you think he had another purpose?
6. How differently do Dr. Treves and Dr. Gomm treat The Elephant Man?
7. Write a short speech convincing the public why freak shows exhibiting people
like The Elephant Man, Siamese twins, bearded ladies and midgets shouldn’t
be allowed.
8. Compare and contrast Tom Norman and Sam Roper’s behaviour towards
9. Mr Merrick is the narrator of the story. How do you think this affects our feelings
towards him? Add lines or parts of the text that support your thoughts.
10. Look for 20-25 words in the text that are not that common to you. Write their
definition and divide them into grammatical categories (verbs, adjectives,
nouns, etc.).
1. Search for information about Victorian Era and social, political and cultural
changes she implemented.
2. Not so long ago, people with distinct conditions were treated differently by
society. Look for information about those conditions and how they were
handled. (Examples: left-handed, autism spectrum condition, etc.)
3. Similar cases to The Elephant Man have been taken to cinema in different
occasions (Wonder, The Greatest Showman, Beastly, Vanilla Sky, The Beauty
and the Beast, etc.) Refer to those cinematographic works and compare their
cases to The Elephant Man.
4. We can see at the end of the book that Mr. Merrick has a disease called
elephantiasis. Can you research about it and explain how it is caused, medical
condition, cases around the world, etc.
5. Plastic surgery has become a popular trend in the last years. Can you
difference between the use of it for medical and for aesthetic reasons? Give
examples of both. Are there any laws that regulate when the surgery is medical
and when it is aesthetic? Do you think there should be any limit?
6. Any other related topic that you may propose to your teacher.
• You have to present your topic with a Power Point, Canva, or a digital support.
You have to previously upload it to AULES. You cannot have all the text in the
• You cannot read in the presentation.
• Your presentation cannot last more than 10 minutes. Minimum of 8 minutes.
• You must create questions about your presentation to ask your classmates
(interact with them). Be active in the interaction both as the speaker and as the
• The information that you present needs to be deeply worked and understood
and in some way related to the story in the book.
Deadline: 27th January. Your presentations will start that week (27 th-31st
January) scheduled by your teacher.