Model (Exam 1st) 25

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Models &Answer 1

1stst Secondary 1st term

Arab Republic of Egypt
Biology / 1 term
Cairo Governorate (Model (1) Grade /1st secondary
………… Educational Directorate Time/ 1.5 Hours
………. Experimental Language School

Choose the correct answer (1:25):-

1- A food chain includes predatory fish, algae, zooplankton and small fish. So, what
happens after the consumption of predatory fish to small fish in great numbers?
a. Zooplankton increase and algae decrease b. Zooplankton decrease and algae
c. Zooplankton and algae increase d. Zooplankton and algae decrease
2-Which of the following correctly describes the wind between two regions and the
atmospheric pressure at them
a. The wind speed is high whenever the difference in atmospheric pressure between the
two regions is small
b. The wind speed is low whenever the difference in atmospheric pressure between the
two regions is small
c. Wind arises when the pressures are equal in the two regions
d. There is no relation between the wind and the atmospheric pressure
3-Ray fish can live in deep depths under high water pressure because they have……
Liver that contains Skeleton
a Low amount of oils Bony
b Low amount of oils Cartilaginous
c High amount of oils Bony
d High amount of oils Cartilaginous
4-A student has recorded statements about some of the atmosphere layers, as tonows
.Layer (I): has the least temperature
.Layer (II): in which most of the meteors that fall towards Earth are burnt up
.Layer (III): is used in wireless communications
.Layer (IV): it is the preferable layer for airplanes flights
Which of the previous statements are applied to the mesosphere layer
)a) (I) and (III( )b) (II) and (IV)
)c) (I) and (II( )d) (III) and (IV)
5-In iron and steel industry, iron is melted with iron ores which is an example for
a) re-using b) recycling
c) searching for eco-friendly alternatives d) producing a renewable energy
6- Which of the
following graphs
represents the
mass of each of
hydrogen and
oxygen in the
water molecule

1 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 2
1st Secondary 1st term
7-The opposite figure shows the molecular structure of one of the gases
that exists in the atmosphere. What do you expect to happen to the rate
of photosynthesis of plants on the Earth's surface when getting exposed
to huge amounts of this gas
a) Increases b) Decreases c) Not affected d)the answer can't be determined
8-The opposite figure represents the direction of water transfer by
osmosis among three adjacent living cells. Which of the following
represents the correct arrangement of cells from the least to the
highest water concentration
a) (2), (1) and (3 ( b) (2), (3) and (1)
c) (1), (2) and (3 ( b) (3), (2) and (1)
9- One of sustainability practices to preserve the environment for the future generations is
a) reducing the use of renewable natural resources b) relying on fossil fuel
c) Recycling plastic d) the construction and lands development
10-Which of the following leads to a decrease in pH value if its percentage is increased in
the soil?
a) CaCO3 b) H2O c) NaCl d) H2S O4
11-What is the correct order of the stages that a quantity of seawater goes through before
returning to seas again
a) Evaporation –Condensation- Rainfall -Streaming
b) Rainfall -Streaming -Evaporation -Condensation
c) Streaming -Evaporation –Condensation- Rainfall
d) Condensation- Rainfall -Streaming -Evaporation
12-Which of the following leads to a decrease in the soil humidity?
a. Decreasing the air temperature b. Decreasing the particles size of the soil
c. Increasing the soil salinity d. Increasing the rainfall
13-In the aquatic environment, which of the following is not affected by seasonal changes
throughout the year
a. Photosynthesis rates b. Nutrients availability for marine organisms
c. Coral reefs flourishing c. Deep-depths fish activity
14-The opposite figure shows a food chain in an ecosystem, which of
the following is from the probable results for increasing the number
of snakes
a) The ecosystem stability b) Supporting the food chain
c) The low probability of diseases spreading
d)The ecosystem imbalance
15-An amount of water of mass 1 kg at a temperature 10°C has lost an amount of heat of
37800 J through an interval of time (t0) then the density of water through that period
)Where the specific heat of water is 4200 J/kg K(
a. decreases continuously b. decreases then increases
c. Increases continuously d. Increases then decreases

2 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 3
1st Secondary 1st term
16-The opposite graph shows the percentages of
nitrogen and phosphorus elements in two different soils
(X) and (Y). If each of nitrogen and phosphorus elements
represent nearly 0.02% from the mass of the dry healthy
.soil Therefore, the plants in soils (X) and (Y)
suffer from
a) (X) delaying the floral growth/(Y) roots weakening(
b. (X) yellowing leaves /(Y) roots weakening
c. (X) roots weakening/(Y) yellowing leaves
d. (N) delaying the floral growth/(Y) yellowing leaves
17-In a type of farm animals, a mating of a white male with a black female takes place,
producing to black-colored and 6 white-colored individuals. This case replents an example
a. ecological diversity b. genetic diversity
c. genetic diversity and diversity among species d. diversity among species
18-The probability of nosebleeds increases for mountain climbers at the peaks of mountains
due to
a. increasing the air temperature b. increasing the air density
c. decreasing the atmospheric pressure d. decreasing the mass of air molecules
19-Which of the following represents the correct arrangement for the boiling points of the
following solutions that have equal concentrations at the standard atmospheric pressure
a. NaCl <MgCl2 <Al2(SO4 ) 3 b. NaCl< Al2(SO4 ) 3 <MgCl2
c. Al2(SO4 ) 3 <MgCl2 < NaCl d. Al2(SO4 ) 3 < NaCl < MgCl2
20-The opposite figure shows one of the
weathering types in a river, which is the
weathering through ……………processes
a. physical
b. mechanical
c. chemical
d. biological
21-Which of the following techniques is preferred to be used to measure the percentages of
the gases forming smog
a. Liquid chromatography analysis b. Wet chemical analysis
c. Ultraviolet spectroscopy d. Atomic absorption spectroscopy
22-What is the probable result for increasing the temperature of an aquatic environment on
the organisms that live in it
a) The difficulty of respiration
b) Increasing the photosynthesis process
c) Decreasing the calcification rate
d) Increasing the living organisms activity

3 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 4
1st Secondary 1st term
23-Leguminous plants can produce nutrients such as proteins as they depend on nodular
bacteria, so which of the following is not expected when the soit gets polluted, and these
bacteria lose their function?
a) Lack of nitrogenous compounds b) Lack of soil fertility
c) Lack of producing plant proteins d) Lack of phosphorus element
24-All the following happens as a result of chemical weathering of rocks, except
a) the formation of primary minerals b) the formation of secondary minerals
c) the decomposition of minerals d) changing the chemical structure
25-Which of the following temperatures is the most suitable for growing tomato well at
a) 282 k b) 300 k c) 318 k d) 325 k
Answer the following questions (26:30)
26-Give an example for how the deep-water fish are adapted with the decrease in the
amount of light. And determine the type of adaptation
27-Give reason for: The percentage of forming the nitrogen oxides in air is very low
28-In your opinion why the electric cars are a good choice for improving the quality of the
)atmospheric air
29-What is the role of soil in supporting the biodiversity of animals
30-The bottom of Mariana trench is considered the deepest point in oceans. It was found 05
that the water density in the trench bottom increases by nearly 5% from its density at the
.water surface. From your study, illustrate the reasons for increasing the density

4 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 5
1stst Secondary 1st term
Arab Republic of Egypt
Biology / 1 term
Cairo Governorate (Model (2) Grade /1st secondary
………… Educational Directorate Time/ 1.5 Hours
………. Experimental Language School

Choose the correct answer (1:20):-

1- Which of the following is from the sustainable practices that are used in agriculture ?
a. The overuse of pesticides
b.Using organic farming and crop rotation techniques
c.Deforestation for increasing the agricultural areas
.d. Non-considering the soil resting cycle
2-Which of the following is not correct about gasoline
a) It affects the areas surrounding oil refineries
b) It increases the risk of cancer
c).It seeps from the petrochemical factories
d) It causes the salinization of soil
3-What is the probable effect of the global warming on the seas and oceans
a. Loss of biodiversity in the seas b) A decrease in the sea level
C) A decrease in the temperature of water d) Ocean water receding
4-The liquid chromatography resembles gas chromatography in
a. the sample carrying material
b. the physical state of the substance whose components are to be measured
c. the method of showing results d. the form on which waste comes out
5-Which of the following compounds whose presence in the atmosphere of an area may
cause a decrease in the pH value in the soil of this area?
a. Nitrogen b. Nitrogen oxides c. Water vapor d. Ozone
6-If you know that the concentration of sucrose solution inside plant cell
(X) equals 5%, what is the concentration of the sucrose solution that
leads to converting the cell from figure (1) to figure (2) when the cell is
put in the solution?
a. 0% b. 1% c. 5% d. 10%
7-If the solubility of carbon dioxide gas in aquatic environment (X) is more than that in
aquatic environment (Y). Which of the following is the reason for that?
Aquatic environment (X) Aquatic environment (Y)
a The water temperature is higher The water temperature is lower
b Freshwater environment Saltwater environment
c Water is stable Water is turbulent
d The low number of dead fish The high number of dead fish
8-When the temperature of the body changes from 50° F to 280 K, the internal energy of
the body
a) decreases b) increases
c) doesn't change the answer d) can't be determine

5 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 6
1st Secondary 1st term
9- To maintain the wellness of soil and increase the productivity of crops, we should take
into consideration
a. planting green belts around the cultivated land
b. the overuse of chemical fertilizers
c. decreasing the organic fertilizers
d. repeating the cultivation of the same crop for several years
10-Which of the following goes contributes to the formation of smog
a. Oxygen b. Sulphur dioxide c. Nitrogen d. Argon
11-Winch of the following compounds its overuse in the United States causes the
Endangerment the bald eagle /
a) Chlorodane b. Dieldrin c. DDT d. Formaldehyde
12-Which of the following enhances the ecological balance in the aquatic ecosystem
a. Reducing the metabolic rate of living organisms
b. Reducing the interaction among living organisms' species
c.Increasing the acidification process
d.Increasing the photosynthesis rate of phytoplankton
13-The opposite figure shows the deposits that are formed behind a hill, due to one of the
mechanical processes which is probable to be
a) Water currents movement and rains
b) Freezing of water in fractures repeatedly
c) The activity of living organisms
d) The erosion of mineral components
14-The opposite figure represents two types of weathering
that share in property (X). What does (X) represent?
a.The formation of secondary minerals
b.The formation of primary minerals
c.The fragmentation of rocks
d.The chemical decomposition of rocks
15-In houses, heaters are placed on the floor of a room, because when their surrounding air
heats up, it
a) goes up because it is denser than cold air(
b) goes up because it is less dense than cold air
c) settles at the same level because it is denser than cold air
d) settles at the same level because it is less dense than cold air
61-The absence of the atmosphere in Mercury makes the temperature of its surface to be
At daytime At night
a Very low Very low
b Very low Very high
c Very high Very low
d Very high Very high

6 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 7
1st Secondary 1st term
17-The amount of heat required to raise a certain amount of a liquid to its boiling point at
sea level comparing to that at the top of a mountain is
a. greater than one b. smaller than one
c. equal to one d. unpredictable
18-An amount of water is poured into an empty vessel as
shown in the opposite figure, which of the following
quantities is the same in the three branches at
a) Mass b. Weight
c. Height d. Volume
19- Which of the following acts on filtering the seeped groundwater inside the soil
a) Soil grains b) The plant roots
c) Earthworms d) The decomposers bacteria
75-When dissolving sodium bicarbonate in water.
a. the salt dissociates but no hydrolysis occurs
b. hydrolysis occurs and the solution becomes acidic
c. hydrolysis occurs and the solution becomes alkaline
d. the salt doesn't dissociate and no hydrolysis occurs.
21-The organ that adapted in the salmon fish to the change in the amount of dissolved
oxygen in water is/are
a. gills b. heart c. two kidneys d. stomach
22-If the temperatures at the base and the top of Cairo Tower are 30°C and 28.94°C
respectively, the height of the tower is approximately equal to
a. 334 m b) 279 m c) 187 m d) 180 m
23-An amount of water of mass m is poured in a container then another amount of water of
mass m is added to it at the same temperature, then the specific heat of water.
a. is doubled b. is tripled c. remains unchanged d) is halved
72- Tigers that live in warm regions have a thinner layer of fur than those which live in cold
regions, this is an example for
a. ecological diversity only b. diversity among species only
c. genetic diversity only d. ecological and genetic diversity
25-Three glass vessels, each of them contains the same volume of a different liquid, a
hydrometer was used to measure the density of the three liquids, so its position at
equilibrium was as shown in the following figures, the correct order of these figures
according to the mass of the liquid in each vessel is
a. (3) > (2) > (1)
b. (2) > (3) > (1)
c. (1) > (2) > (3)
d. (1) > (3) > (2)

7 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 8
1st Secondary 1st term
Answer the following questions (26:30)
76- Explain: algae and phytoplankton are abundant in the surficial layers of water bodies.
72-The following table shows the colors of one of the prepared indicators from the flowers
of a plant:

What is the formed color when adding drops of this indicator to a sodium chloride solution?
28-Egypt resorts to construct many power generating stations by using solar panels
Show the importance of this, according to your study to the concept of sustamability
29-Give reason for: the presence of nitrogen in the soil has a great importance in one of the
plant growth stages
30-Mention the important strategies that are required for limiting air pollution

8 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 9
1stst Secondary 1st term
Arab Republic of Egypt
Biology / 1 term
Cairo Governorate (Model (3) Grade /1st secondary
………… Educational Directorate Time/ 1.5 Hours
………. Experimental Language School

Choose the correct answer (1:20):-

(1) The absence of hydrogen bonds in the hydrogen sulfide molecule makes its boiling
point equal to:
a) -61°C b) -48°C c) -20°C d) 80°C
(2) In the figure, four liquids are arranged according to highest and lowest density
If a hydrometer is placed inside the four liquids, in which liquid will the
hydrometer float the most? And in which will it sink the
deepest, respectively?
a) 1-4 b) 4-1 c) 4-3 d) 1-1
(3) Metabolic processes (catabolism and anabolism) are important for the electric eel
because they:
a) Help it remain still throughout the night and active throughout the day.
b) Help it reduce its oxygen needs when slowing down these processes.
c) Work to increase the resulting energy so that it can hunt.
d) Work to improve its vision.
(4) The reason for the moderate weather in coastal areas is due to:
a) The high specific heat of seawater. b) The high density of saltwater.
c) The low atmospheric pressure. d) All of the above.
(5) Solar radiation helps in the formation of ocean currents, which leads to:
a) Decreased water salinity. b) Moderate climate in northern regions.
c) Reduced temperatures in tropical regions.
d) Constant atmospheric pressure.
(5) The presence of a fish at a depth of 90 m in a lake exposes it to pressure of :
a) 91 atm b) 10 atm c) 20 atm d) 15 atm
(7) The adjacent figure illustrates a ground cave whose rocks
consist of calcium carbonate. Acidic groundwater has caused the
dissolution of part of its rocks, forming an underground void
called a cave. Based on your studies, what is the acid that caused
the dissolution of the cave's rocks?
a) Sulfuric b) Carbonic c) Nitric d) Hydrochloric
(8) All the following are osmotic adaptations of marine organisms except:
a) Adaptation to high salt levels. b) Adaptation to water currents.
c) Adaptation to changes in pollutant concentration.
d) Adaptation to seawater evaporation.

9 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 11
1st Secondary 1st term
(9) If traditional agricultural technology is replaced with sustainable agriculture techniques
that rely on reducing the use of fertilizers, what is the expected impact on nearby aquatic
a) Increased groundwater pollution.
b) Reduced algal blooms and improved water quality.
c) Increased overfishing of fish. d) Decreased biodiversity in the water.
(10) Hot convection currents at the equator cause:
a) A decrease in the thickness of the troposphere at the equator
b) upward and downward air movement.
c) A decrease in temperatures at the equator.
d) An increase in the thickness of the ozone layer.
(11) Organisms living in low atmospheric pressure areas adapt by:
a) Increased breathing rate. b) Decreased red blood cell count.
c) Increased white blood cell count. d) Increased physical activity.
(12) Ozone gas is formed in the stratosphere because of:
a) The reaction of oxygen with carbon dioxide.
b) The reaction of ozone with water.
c) The merging of nitrogen and hydrogen gases.
d) The effect of ultraviolet radiation on oxygen molecules.
(13) If long-wavelength radiation reflected from the Earth can escape the Earth's
atmosphere, this leads to:
a) Global warming. b) Melting of ice at the poles.
c) A decrease in temperatures.
d) An increase in carbon dioxide levels.
(14) In the adjacent figure, plant roots do not penetrate zone:
a) A b) B c) C d) B and C
(15) The potential environmental impact if agricultural soil is
polluted with nitrates for long periods is:
a) Increased growth of food crops. b) Improved soil fertility.
c) Changes in soil quality and pollution of groundwater and nearby water bodies.
d) Increased soil resistance to erosion.
(16) To reduce harmful emissions, devices are added to cars to reduce the emission of oxides of:
a) Calcium b) Sulfur c) Iron d) Aluminum
(17) When analyzing soil, it was found to contain high levels of
phosphorus and potassium and be poor in nitrogen. The optimal
procedure to compensate for the nitrogen deficiency is:
a) Planting crops that need a small amount of nitrogen.
b) Using a fertilizer containing phosphorus.
c) Planting leguminous plants.
11 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous
01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 11
1st Secondary 1st term
d) Reducing irrigation to improve nitrogen absorption.
(18) When the fish shown in the figure are subjected to large amounts of
fishing, this results in:
a) Increased biodiversity due to increased numbers of predators.
b) Decreased biodiversity.
c) Increased oxygen levels in the ocean.
d) Increased carbon dioxide levels in the ocean.
(19) Activated carbon is used in water treatment because it:
a) Reacts with chemicals b) Absorbs chemicals
c) Breaks down toxic organic compounds. d) Reacts with bacteria and fungi.
(20) One of the forms of stability in the ecosystem in tropical forests is:
a) Diversity and spread of trees and animals within it.
b) Dominance of one type of tree.
c) Absence of fertile soil and the spread of animals only.
d) Few numbers and types of trees.
(21) From the figure comparing depths (A, B, C), arrange them in ascending order based on
pressure values.
(22) Mention the effects of increased waste resulting from the reproductive processes of
marine organisms on the pH level and the reproduction rate of fish.
(23) Classify the types of adaptations for each of the following:
2-Electric eel……………………………………………………………………
3-Salmon fish……………………………………………………………………
4-Ice fish……………………………………………………………………
(24) Two bodies with the same mass gain the same amount of heat. If the temperature increase in
the first body is twice the increase in the second body, which of the two bodies has a greater
specific heat capacity, and why?
(25) Mention three problems that this man faces in the environment.
11 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous
01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 12
1st Secondary 1st term
Arab Republic of Egypt
Biology / 1st term
Cairo Governorate (Model (4) Grade /1st secondary
………… Educational Directorate Time/ 1.5 Hours
………. Experimental Language School

Choose the correct answer (1:20):-

(1) The variation in skin color among white, black, and brown individuals is an
example of:
a) Genetic diversity b) Ecosystem diversity
c) Species diversity d) Adaptive diversity
(2) Using chromatography, the concentration of all the following can be determined except:
a) Formaldehyde b) Nitrogen oxides c) Ozone d) Sulfur oxides
(3) The oxygen atom attracts the shared electrons in a water molecule, which confirms the
a) Number of electrons b) Electronegativity
c) Number of protons d) Number of neutrons
(4) What can be concluded if a hydrometer sinks to a deeper level in another liquid
compared to liquid (X) shown in the adjacent figure?
a) Liquid (X) is denser b) Liquid (X) is less dense
c) Both liquids have the same density d) There is no correct answer
(5) In winter, rainfall increases and wind speed increases, affecting surface disturbances of
seawater, which causes a possible increase in dissolved oxygen gas in the water. This results
a) Increased activity of organisms with increased fishing
b) Decreased water density with increased fishing
c) Decreased activity of organisms with increased fishing
d) Increased water density with decreased fishing
(6) Fish kidneys cannot be seen from only one side because:
a) The kidneys are located on both sides of the vertebral column, not on one side
b) The kidneys are located only on the oral (anterior) side
c) The kidneys are concave, so they are only visible from the dorsal (back) side
d) The kidneys are located only on the ventral (belly) side
(7) Study the adjacent figure and then deduce the temperature at point A:
a) 273 °C b) 351 °C c) 78 °C d) 0 °C
(8) A decrease in solar radiation in the oceans leads to:
a) An increase in marine biodiversity
b) An increase in photosynthetic efficiency
c) A decrease in marine organism populations
d) An increase in salmon populations

12 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 13
1st Secondary 1st term
(9) A fisherman with a mass of 75 kg sleeps on a four-legged chair with a mass of 5 kg,
where the area of each chair leg is 2.5 × 10 cm². The value of the pressure exerted by the
chair on the ground is Pa: (Knowing the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s²)
a) 784000 b) 852000 c) 963752 d) 789516
(10) The decrease in the vapor pressure of a salt solution is directly proportional to:
a) The number of NaCl molecules b) The number of Na⁺ ions
c) The number of Cl⁻ ions d) All of the above
(11) If the use of chemical fertilizers is reduced in agricultural areas adjacent to rivers, the
most likely effect on the aquatic ecosystem is:
a) A decrease in oxygen in the water
b) An improvement in water quality and a reduction in algal blooms
c) An increase in heavy metal pollution
d) A decrease in the number of producer organisms
(12) The layer of the atmosphere closest to outer space:
a) Plays an important role in wireless communications
b) Is where weather and climate phenomena occur
c) Contains most of the ozone gas d) Has the highest atmospheric pressure
(13) The wood frog adapts to low winter temperatures by:
a) Increasing its physical activity b) Producing large amounts of glucose
c) Migrating to warmer areas d) Producing antifreeze proteins
(14) One of the strategies that helps reduce pollution is:
a) Reducing green spaces b) Burning fossil fuels
c) Increasing energy consumption d) Using LED lights
15) What environmental disaster is threatened by the melting of polar ice?
B) Drowning of coastal areas A) Increased rainfall
D) Decrease in biodiversity C) Formation of new deserts
(16) All the following are characteristics of soil horizon (A) except:
a) Contains insects, worms, and plant roots b) Rich in humus
c) Contains nutrients and organic matter
d) Lighter in color than other horizons
(17) How can the accumulation of heavy metals such as lead and mercury in the soil affect
the biodiversity of plants and animals in the surrounding environment?
a) Increases plant adaptation to environmental conditions
b) Leads to a decrease in biodiversity due to metal toxicity
c) Improves agricultural crop productivity
d) Does not affect the ecosystem in general
(18) What is the product of the reaction of sulfur oxide SO2 with ozone O3₃ ?
a) H2SO4 b) CO2 c) CO d) NO2

13 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 14
1st Secondary 1st term
(19) If the pH reading of the soil is 5, what is the most appropriate procedure to improve its
cultivation for crops that need neutral soil?
a) Over-watering the soil b) Adding nitrogen fertilizer
c) Amending the soil with lime to reduce acidity
d) Increasing the amount of potassium in the soil
(20) Large parts of coastal cities may be exposed to flooding due to:
a) Climate change b) Overfishing
c) Urban expansion d) Destruction of natural habitats
(21) What is the reason for the ionosphere layer containing charged ions?
(22) Why does the blood of ice fish not contain hemoglobin?
(23) Based on the following figure:
1- What is the bond angle between two single bonds in the molecule?
2- What is the name of the bond in the molecule?
3- What is the name of the phenomenon that helps this molecule attract
(24) Earth's atmosphere retains several gases, forming its atmospheric layer. Based on what
you have studied, explain the reason for the difference between Earth's atmosphere and
(25) What are the consequences of planting the same crop repeatedly in the same soil for
several years?

14 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 15
1stst Secondary 1st term
Arab Republic of Egypt
Biology / 1 term
Cairo Governorate (Model (4) Grade /1st secondary
………… Educational Directorate Time/ 1.5 Hours
………. Experimental Language School

Choose the correct answer (1:20):-

(1) Adding NaHCO3 salt to water makes the salt solution:
a) Alkaline (basic) b) Acidic c) Amphoteric d) Neutral
(2) Two substances (A and B), the density of (A) is twice the density of (B).
If the mass of (A) is equal to half the mass of (B), which of the following statements is correct?
a) The volumes of the two substances are equal
b) The volume of A is greater than the volume of B
c) The volume of B is greater than the volume of A
d) Both substances have the same density
(3) The adjacent figure shows a ground cave whose rocks are composed of calcium carbonate.
Acidic groundwater has caused the dissolution of part of its rocks, forming a void
underground called a cave. Through this, what is the approximate pH of the groundwater that
caused the dissolution
of the cave rocks?
a) 4 b) 7 c) 7.5 d) 9
(4) An organism lives at depths reaching thousands of meters in the oceans. Which of the
following might it need to physiologically adapt to the conditions in which it lives:
a) Strong and fixed arteries and veins to withstand the pressure
b) Ability to effectively adjust blood pressure in proportion to external pressure
c) Migration from saltwater to freshwater d) Both (a) and (b)
(5) If an amount of heat of 3000 J is applied to a sphere of zinc with a mass of 240 g, and its
temperature reaches 60°C, what is the value of its initial temperature (Knowing that
the specific heat of zinc = 388 J/kg.)?
a) 30°C b) 27.78°C c) 24.7°C d) 37°C
(6) Which of the marine organisms is most dependent on solar radiation?
a) Codfish b) Sharks c) Organisms that live in the depths d) Algae
(7) Which of the following shapes expresses the movement of fluid particles?
a) A b) B c) C d) B and C
(8) Which of the following areas expresses the lowest boiling point of water?
a) Above a mountain peak b) On the seashore
c) On the riverbank d) In the Qattara Depression
(9) The potential effect of removing coral reefs on the aquatic ecosystem is:
a) Improving water quality
b) A decrease in the number of marine organisms that depend on reefs as a habitat
c) An increase in the flow of energy through food webs
d) A natural balance

15 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

01005136959 / 01222978682
Models &Answer 16
1st Secondary 1st term
(10) The layer that contains most of the ozone gas has an altitude of up to km above sea level.
a) 8 b) 18 c) 50 d) 100
(11) A temperature reading of -40°C on the Celsius scale is equivalent to on the Fahrenheit
a) -72 b) -40 c) 40 d) 0
(12) The cause of atmospheric smog in the atmosphere is a result of:
a) The accumulation of greenhouse gases
b) The reaction of ozone with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
c) Rising temperatures d) Burning fuel
(13) Wheat is usually planted in the months of October and November and gives its yield in
March and April. Therefore, it is considered one of the plants.
a) Winter b) Summer c) Tropical
d) That bloom throughout the year and are not affected by temperature changes
(14) The process that works on the weathering and fragmentation of rocks is:
a) Weathering b) Transportation c) Accumulation d) Deposition
(15) Which of the following graphs is correct? Knowing that the (X) axis represents the average
growth rate of plant roots and the (Y) axis represents the compaction of soil particles.

(16) One of the effects of the lack of certain minerals in the soil (reduced growth and deterioration
of crops) and such phenomena occur due to the low concentration of the element:
a) Iron b) Aluminum c) Calcium d) Arsenic
(17) The acidity of the soil in a farm was measured, and the results showed that the soil pH is 8.
What is the best solution to increase crop productivity in this soil?
a) Adding lime to raise the acidity (increase pH)
b) Planting crops that tolerate alkaline soil (high pH)
c) Adding sulfur to reduce the alkalinity of the soil (lower pH)
d) Increasing irrigation to help reduce alkalinity
(18) The adjacent figure in one of the seas and oceans expresses:
a) Species diversity b) Biodiversity
c) Disturbance of environmental diversity d) Absence of environmental diversity
(19) One of the positive effects of combating climate change is that it works to:
a) Increase oxygen production by converting forests into farms
b) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat pollution
c) Reduce the production of inert gases d) Not increase nitrogen production
(20) .......... is used to convert organic pollutants in water into less harmful substances.
a) Bacteria b) Ozone c) Activated carbon d) Chromatography device

16 Mr.: Alifaz .N. Tadrous

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