MILKEnglish grammar 10th
MILKEnglish grammar 10th
MILKEnglish grammar 10th
Myth: Babies need to have formula the first few days after birth because the
milk hasn’t “come in” yet.
All the fat is broken down and the size of the fat globule will
be less than 0.1 micron and fully dispersed; consequently this
milk will look more viscous. This is easily digestible, and curd
set using this milk, is of uniform consistency in comparison
to that made from non-homogenized milk. At the same time
skimming of the milk at home by removing the cream from
the milk, and churning out butter is not possible.
Classification of milk based on fat content
Type of Milk Fat % SNF Use
Ideal for youngsters and for making
Full Cream 6% 9% milk sweets
Ideal for all, except senior citizens who
Standardised 4.5 % 8.5 % do less physical work.
Toned 3% 8.5 % Suitable for all – the young and the old
HERE’S HOW YOU CAN TEST MILK AT texture of smoothness and roughness
HOME by just swirling a little milk in the
Most of us are adept at clearly stating
B. Lactometer Reading: Check with
the quality of the milk. There are some
lactometer for any adulteration with
simple easy to perform tests listed the addition of water. The specific
below which help to check whether gravity of unadulterated milk will
the milk is adulterated or neutralizers have to be 27/28 at room temperature.
or adulterants have been added to This meter is not expensive; it
enhance the total solids (TS) to get can be procured online from the
a better price. Neutralisers like soda manufacturers or a dealer dealing in
bicarb, urea in small but identifiable pressure gauges.
quantities, are added to milk to get
higher SNF which means a better Water is added sometimes even to
price. packed milk available in sachets.
Unscrupulous persons cut open
TESTS THAT CAN BE DONE IN THE the sachet in the corner, draw the
KITCHEN milk and reseal it after adding the
same volume of water. Even, if 50
A. Organoleptic (OT) Test: It is nothing ml is drawn from each sachet, the
but tasting the milk and checking adulterator can collect 2.5 litres from
whether freshness is retained and 50 one litre packets and make an
it possesses a milky flavour or if the illegal earning of nearly Rs.80-100 a
milk is sour or thready? One can feel a day.
Test Report on Milk
C. Test for Neutralizers: While doing traders; Hence the basic public
the OT test described above, if any health and economic consideration
irritation is felt in the mouth, then it necessitates that consumers should
could be due to the addition of some be provided with pure, unadulterated,
neutralizer (carbonate/urea — also bacteriologically safe, quality milk. To
used as a fertilizer) to improve the ensure this, Government of India has
specified the standards in Prevention
shelf life of milk; consequently there
of Food Adulterants (PFA) Rules1955
is an increase in Total Solids (TS),
under and PFA Act 1954. This has
which will fetch a better price for such been now changed to Food Safety
milk. CONCERT has developed a SPOT and Standard (FS and S) Rules (2011)
TEST KIT called Annam Kit which can under FS and S Act 2006. There are
be used to detect the adulteration of BIS (IS) standards for different
foods at home including milk. This types of milk. Conformance to these
simple method to detect adulteration standards is compulsory. The milk
at household level will be useful to you buy in sachets must conform to
consumers to select right type of food FSSA standard.
or to avoid foods of doubtful quality.
What is Comparative Testing?
QUALITY OF MILK AND NEED FOR Comparative Testing is a formal
COMPARATIVE TESTING process by which different brands
of a product category are tested
Milk is an integral part of nutrition. for Quality, for conformance to the
The production of milk in India is minimum standards laid down by
in the hands of cattle farmers in Bureau of Indian Standards. Such
villages, far from the dairies. The a test also reveals, if a particular
producers do not know about the tested brand exceeds such minimum
need for making wholesome, clean standards, whether there can be
milk available to consumers and how potential health and safety hazards
to avoid contamination. Because of and verification of special claims by
that, micro organisms gain entry manufacturers, if any. The results for
into milk; other factors -like delay all the tested brands are published
in transportation, improper cleaning in a Comparative Test Report which
of cans etc. (also aid in growth of the would provide consumers information
micro organisms.) to make an informed choice.
CONCERT has undertaken this
Further, milk and milk products project of Comparative Testing for
are easily subjected to adulteration Southern Region under a grant from
by unscrupulous producers and Department of Consumer Affairs,
Government of India. In the first year, Bacteriological Analysis - The
Concert will be testing 7 products and following bacteria may be found in
3 services. One of the products selected the milk you use; it can be dangerous
for testing is the packaged milk. The if it exceeds the permitted limit.
Comparative Testing of Milk has been
E. coli – is a bacteria which causes
carried out to evaluate the popular
enteritis, urinary infection etc., when it
brands of packaged milk sold in the
exceeds the threshold level. It should
four states of South India namely
be absent in the milk.
Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh
and Karnataka. A market survey Coliform bacteria – Its presence
revealed that 70 % of the milk used is indicates unhygienic manufacturing
Toned milk, 25 % milk is standardized process.
milk, and the other type of milk is only The under mentioned pathogenic or
5 %. Therefore only Standardized and disease causing bacteria, if present
toned milk were tested. Purchasing in milk will cause harmful effects as
the fresh samples from the 4 states under:
and sending the procured sample to
the testing lab was quite challenging Salmonella – causes food poisoning
as the milk sample had to be kept and typhoid.
between 0-4 deg. C to ensure the milk Listeria – causes Listeriosis infections
is not spoilt and to ensure the right which may create symptoms
microbiological content of the milk is such as fever, vomiting, diarrhoea,
maintained. lethargy, difficulty in breathing.
PARAMETERS FOR TESTING Staphylococcus – causes food
poisoning, diarrhoea and gastritis.
Health and Safety These pathogenic bacteria should be
Milk though wholesome and nutritive, absent in the milk.
will do more harm than good if the
safety standards are compromised. Total count Bacteria: Though it is
The health and safety parameters considered to be of non-pathogenic
go hand in hand. Since milk is a (harmless) origin, when it exceeds the
secretion from the body of an animal FSSAI standard limits, it is indicative
it will carry all the micro organisms of unhygienic processing of milk
the animal is infected with, as well as bringing down the shelf life and
the antibiotic residue administered to increasing the acidity very fast. If
treat and combat the infection of the such milk is consumed it will lead to
milching animal. indigestion and related ailments.
Test Report on Milk
Test Report on Milk
Toned Milk
Brand offer & Health & Quality MRP Color Taste Smell
of Milk packing Safety Price
label (500ml)
turn overleaf
contd from pg 11
Standardised Milk
Brand offer & Health & Quality MRP Color Taste Smell
of Milk packing Safety Price
label (500ml)
Green Very Good Good Light
Magic Good ` 13.00 Yellowish Creamy Milky
Arokya Very ` 16.00 Yellowish /
(TN) Good Good Good Yesllowish Powdery Milky
Dull White/
Niligiris Very Very Good ` 16.00 Light Milky Milky
(KA) Good Good
Note: Note: When any parameter tested fails to meet the standard
requirement it is scored as Poor or Fair based on the extent of deviation from
the standard. When it meets the defined standards, it is given the scoring
of Good. When it exceeds the standards significantly and shows appreciable
innovation it will be rated Excellent.
We present the results against these criteria, which in our opinion is fair, and
without any subjective element. The consumers are encouraged to study
these results and make their purchase decisions based on their requirements
and judgment.
In the comparative tests that CONCERT conducted, twenty five randomly chosen
participants were asked to observe the colour, taste and smell of the milk. Their
observation has been tabulated. The observation reported in the table pertains to the
opinion of the majority of the participants. If equal number of participants expressed
Test Report on Milk
different observations, in such cases both the observations have been reported. The
prices of different brands of milk mentioned in the table above were the prevailing
MRP in the month of September 2011
Sensory test is known as Organoleptic test (or OT). This permits rapid
identification of poor quality. No equipment is required but the milk grader
must have a good sense of sight, smell, and taste; this exercise which most
of have been doing on a day to day basis, is known as the organoleptic test.
In the comparative test that CONCERT conducted, twenty five randomly
chosen participants were asked to observe the colour, taste and smell of
the milk. Their observation is tabulated and pertains to the opinion of the
majority of the participants.
It is compulsory under Indian law that the label on every milk pack or the
plastic sachet should contain the following details:
P Name and type of product with appropriate prefix such as Toned, Full
Cream or Standardized.
Micro biology and volume of milk in the following brands did not conform
to the standards and the volume of milk in the 500 ml packed pouch was less.
Standard plate Coliform count Actual Volume
Brand of Milk count cfu/gm cfu/gm (500ml pack)
(Standardised) 32,000 380 -
(Standardised) - 20 494.9 ml
The milk packs of Arokya (toned and standardized), Nandini (toned and
standardized) and Vijaya (toned), depicts the picture of a cow and Cavin’s (toned
and standardized) milk sachets depict the udder of the cow. These pictorial
representations mislead consumers as packaged milk is not brought directly from
an animal or cow; but it is a processed one.
Test Report on Milk
Hatsun(Toned )
Aarokya (Standardized)
(Toned& standardized) Milk is not from a
Vegeterian Logo vegetable source but is
Heritage of animal origin.
(Toned & Standardized)
Cowma (Toned)
(Toned & Standardized)
Nilgiris brand (toned milk) and Nandini brand (standardized milk) contained
Cane Sugar in the sample tested. Cane sugar is an adulterant added to milk to
increase the solid content and to get a better price. This should be absent.
Strange observations:
Cavin’s is marketed only in 450ml (Toned) and 900ml (Standardized) sachets in
Palakkad, Kerala which is not the case in other states.
Aavin milk is priced the least. But the retail shops sell this above the MRP
(maximum retail price) marked on the pack.
Dear readers the milk these animals produced was not intended for us. Jenny
Moxham put it down as a poem which `provides a lot of food for thought.
‘ We’re told we need the calcium to make our bones grow strong,
Yet cow’s get theirs from nice green grass, How did we get it wrong? ‘
Be sure the milk you consume is treated and rendered safe for consumption.
Choose the right brand and the right milk!