The Wonder of Raw Milk
The Wonder of Raw Milk
The Wonder of Raw Milk
Our son, Dan developed this non-homogenized milk when raw milk became unavailable. At 3.3 - 3.7% fat, this approximates 4% fat whole milk. From Breakfasts.
Mix together: 3 cups fat free milk (organic pasteurized, non-ultra-pasteurized) 5 tablespoons heavy cream (Grade A pasteurized, non-ultra-pasteurized)
Per 1 Cup: 139 Calories, 8 grams fat (49%). 7 gr protein (20%), 11 gr carbohydrate (49%)
About 1 Quart
Use raw whole milk (preferred), Dans Milk or commercial source of whole, pasteurized non-homogenized milk. Test temperature with candy thermometer. See Strawberry Milk Shake for quality raw milk and yogurt to use. From Breakfasts.
1. In double boiler, heat raw milk to 105-110 (not over 110); heat Dans Milk to 180 and cool it to 110: 3 cups whole raw milk or Dans Milk 2, Pour into a sterile quart jar and blend in yogurt: cup plain yogurt or a dry yogurt culture (amount according to
package directions; purchase at a health food store)
3. Cover; let stand 100 - 110 until coagulated, about 8 hours. A gas oven with only the pilot on at about 100 is ideal. Refrigerate immediately. 4. Save cup yogurt to make the next batch. Yogurt no older than 5 days will give the best results. Other methods for maintaining culturing temperature: commercial yogurt maker; thermos bottle; outdoors on a hot day between 90 - 110; pan of warm water at 105 - 115 - water half way up the jars (cover all with towels; water may need changing to maintain temperature. Pan may be set on top of heating pad or warmer; check water temperature not to go over 115).
Copyright 2009 from Breakfasts, SueGreggCookbooks
SPECIAL NOTE: Raw milk does not spoil like pasteurized milk. If left to stand, it will clabber naturally into a cultured milk. Many peoples have traditionally cultured raw milk in this way.
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2009 SueGreggCookbooks 8830 Glencoe Dr. Riverside CA 92503 951.687.5491 Reproduction on a website prohibited
Protein The protein of raw milk is 100% available in comparison to lowered digestibility by 4% and biological value by 17% in pasteurized milk. Heat also alters the protein of milk making it more difficult to digest. Likewise, the reduction of fat content in fat free and low fat milks reduces protein utilization. While some fat free raw milk is available, I do not recommend it. Most raw milk is whole with all the original fatrich cream. Vitamins All are 100% available: Vitamins A, D, E, K, B-complex, C. While vitamins D, E, and K are not altered, vitamin A is destroyed, 38% of the B-complex vitamins are destroyed, and vitamin C is weakened or destroyed. Minerals All major minerals are 100% available: calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, sulphur. All 24 trace minerals are available. Pasteurization greatly diminishes soluble calcium. Likewise, the lack of fat in fat free and lowfat milk diminishes the absorption of calcium. Fats 18 fatty acids are metabolically available in raw milk. The full fat content of whole raw milk is essential to full utilizaiton and absorption of the protein, calcium, vitamins A and D in milk. Homogenization suspends the fat molecules throughout the milk, whereas, the cream rises to the top naturally in non-homogenized milk. The health effects of homogenization is not completely understood, but considered to be a probable risk to health. Wulzen and X Factors The Wulzen Factor is the anti-stiffness nutrition factor. It is destroyed by pasteurization. The X Factor involved in tissue repair is not altered by pasteurizaiton. A Healing Agent Ron Schmid introduces his chapter Good Medicine: the History of the Milk Cure with a quote from J. E. Crewe, MD, The Mayo Foundation, January, 1929: Raw milk cures many diseases.6 Schmid then proceeds to present in detail how to proceed with a raw milk cure that can cure the following conditions: fatigue, skin troubles, poor digestion, pleurisy, ringing in the ears, constipation, asthma, allergies, hemorrhoids, insomnia, ulcers, colitis, goiter, malaria, arteriosclerosis, neuralgia, arthritis, hives, cystitis, dysentery or chronic diarrhea, impotence, gout, sciatica, migraine, enlargmement of the prostate, gallsones and liver disorders, kidney disease and the first stage of tuberculosis....normalization of either high or low blood pressure....greatly benefits the heart, building up the strength of a weak heart by building the blood...7 You will need to get The Untold Story of Milk if you want more information on the milk cure. Anyone who attempts it should at least read Schmids complete chapter on it, if not the entire book.
What is the Best Form of Raw Milk? . Traditionally, cultured milk such as yogurt, has been the most widely used form or milk. Cultured milks such as yogurt and kefir convert the milk lactose to lactic acid which provides many health benefits and is easier for many to digest and assimilate. Lactic acid foods help to maintain the vital friendly bacteria in the colon. See the yogurt recipe at end of this article. What About the Cholesterol and Saturated Fat of Milk Fat? Contrary to the popular diet-heart idea, these are not dangerous to heart health. A reading of The Cholesterol Myths, Exposing the Fallacy That Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease by Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD will cure this mental malady. What About Weight Loss and Drinking Whole Milk? A recent study revealed that drinking fat free milk can actually contribute to weight gain. Would it not be wiser to count the fat calories as part of ones total calorie limit for losing and maintaining weight and go the route of proper assimilation and utilization of all the nutrients in milk which the full fat provides? Where Can You Find A Safe Source of Raw Milk? Go to your local health food store. Especially seek out raw milk produced from grass-fed animals. Go to the website: for a complete listing of local sources of raw milk both nationally and internationally. The Untold Story of Milk also provides an outline of the status of raw milk state-by-state and in several countries. It is not as difficult to find a source as it may seem. What is the Best Alternative if You Cant Use Raw Milk? Locating and paying for raw milk is still problematic for many. I have presented my best solution which is a distant second best with our Dans Milk recipe which calls for mixing pasteurized, non-ultra-pasteurized, fat free milk with pasteurized, non-ultra-pasteurized heavy cream. This avoids homogenization, but not pasteurization, while providing the full fat content of whole milk. It is best to make it into yogurt. Most organic milk is ultra-pasteurized, both in supermarkets and in health food stores. I have only found one non-ultra-pasteurized organic milk which is at Trader Joe Markets (also carries non-ultrapasteurized heavy cream). Even though homogenized is on the milk label, this is a non issue in fat free milk. Trader Joes fat free organic pasteurized milk also does not contain extra dry milk solids which is problematic but found in most fat free milk. Notes from The Untold Story of Milk by Ron Schmid, ND 1 p. 6; 2p. xviii; 3p. xviii; 4p. xviii; 5p. 101; 6p. 71; 7pp. 75-76