Rushil test
Rushil test
Rushil test
These seeds can remain dormant for long periods of time before germination takes place.
(a) What is meant by the term germination?
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2 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
(ii) Name the type of cell division used to produce the embryo.
(iii) Complete the table by ticking the box that shows the correct description of
each cell in the embryo.
Description Tick
(b) Sexual reproduction in flowering plants and mammals involves the process of
gamete formation by meiosis followed by fertilisation.
Use the words from the box to complete the table about sexual reproduction in
flowering plants and mammals.
Each word can be used once, more than once or not at all.
1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
(d) Suggest why a flower grower may want his coloured flowers to reproduce asexually.
(a) Describe the function of the amniotic fluid surrounding the foetus.
(i) Name two substances, required by the foetus, that move from the mother’s blood
into the blood of the foetus.
1 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (ii) Name two
waste substances that move from the blood of the foetus into the mother’s blood. (2)
1 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
(c) Use information from the diagram to help explain how the placenta is adapted for
the efficient exchange of substances.
Fig. 3.1
(a) Table 3.1 shows four functions of the female reproductive system.
• naming the part of the system that carries out each of the functions;
• using the letters from Fig. 3.1 to identify the part of the system named.
Table 3.1
site of implantation
site of fertilisation
(c) The drug clomiphene is given to women who have difficulty in having children. The drug increases the
secretion of FSH.
As part of treatment for infertility, a woman was given clomiphene for five days. The concentration of
oestrogen in her blood was measured every day for 27 days.
Fig. 3.2
(i) Describe the changes in oestrogen in the blood over the 27 days.
You will gain credit if you use results from Fig. 3.2 in your answer.
As an alternative to this treatment, women may be offered in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment.
In IVF treatment, an egg is fertilised outside the body and the resulting embryo is placed into the
(e) Some embryos produced by IVF do not develop because there are problems with their chromosomes,
such as having the wrong number.
(i) Define the term chromosome.
(ii) State the correct number of chromosomes that should be in a cell of a human embryo.
[Total: 17]
6. A newspaper headline incorrectly stated, “The use of condoms can result in erectile dysfunction”.
Erectile dysfunction is a medical problem which results in problems with sexual intercourse.
Scientists are concerned that this incorrect statement could lead to an increase in HIV.
(c) Some readers of the newspaper may believe the newspaper and stop using condoms during sexual
(i) Explain how a decrease in the use of condoms may lead to an increase in the incidence of HIV.
(ii) State two ways by which a person who does not have sexual intercourse might still become infected
with HIV.
2. [2]
(iii) Explain why the immune system is less effective in a person with HIV.
[Total: 15]
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