Learning Outcome:
1. Students are expected to get familiarized with the with the essential tools of calculus to apply the
concepts and the techniques in their respective disciplines
Assessment Strategies:
1. Lecture Based Examination (Objective and Subjective)
2. Assignments
3. Class discussion
4. Quiz
5. Tests
Recommended Readings:
1. Adamson A. W. “Understanding Physical Chemistry” 3rd Ed., Benjamin Cummings Publishing
Company Inc.
2. Akhtar M.N.& Ghulam Nabi, “Textbook of Physical Chemistry”, ilmi Kutab Khana, Lahore. 3.
Bhatti H.N. and K.Hussain, “Principles of Physical Chemistry”; Carwan Book House, Lahore.
3. Maron S.H. & B. Jerome, “Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry”, Macruthan Publishing Co., Inc.
New York. (Also published by National Book Foundation).
4. Atikins P.W.& M.J.Clugston, “Principles of Physical Chemistry” Pitman Publishing Company
5. Moore W.J. “Physical Chemistry”, 5th Ed. Longmans Publishers.
6. Jones M. “Elements of Physical Chemistry” Addison-Sesky Publishing Company.
7. G.M.Barrow, International six Edition “Physical Chemistry”.
8. IRA. N. Levine fourth edition “Physical Chemistry”
9. Alberty and Danials, “Physical Chemistry”
10. Castallon, “Physical Chemistry”
11. Laidler & Meiser “Physical Chemistry”
12. Friemental “Chemistry in Action”