Violet is the color of light at the short wavelength end of the visible spectrum. As a result, It
is one of the seven colors that Isaac Newton labeled when dividing the spectrum of visible
## Discussion
Violet light has a wavelength between approximately 380 and 435 nanometers. The color's
name is derived from the Viola genus of flowers. In the RGB color model used in computer
and television screens, violet is produced by mixing red and blue light, with more blue than
red. In the RYB color model historically used by painters, violet is created with a
combination of red and blue pigments and is located between blue and purple on the color
wheel. In the CMYK color model used in printing, violet is created with a combination of
On the RGB/CMY(K) color wheel, violet is located between blue and magenta. Violet is
closely associated with purple. In optics, violet is a spectral color (referring to the color of
different single wavelengths of light), whereas purple is the color of various combinations of
red and blue (or violet) light, some of which humans perceive as similar to violet. In
common usage, both terms are used to refer to a variety of colors between blue and red in
hue. Violet has a long history of association with royalty, originally because Tyrian purple
## Analysis
The emperors of Rome wore purple togas, as did the Byzantine emperors. During the
Middle Ages, violet was worn by bishops and university professors and was often used in
art as the color of the robes of the Virgin Mary. In Chinese painting, the color violet
represents the "unity transcending the duality of Yin and yang" and "the ultimate harmony
of the universe". In New Age thinking, purple and/or violet is associated with the crown
chakra. One European study suggests that violet is the color people most often associate
## Findings (List)
turn from the Latin viola, the name of the violet flower.
## Background (List)
- In optics, violet is a spectral color: It refers to the color of any different single wavelength
of light on the short wavelength end of the visible spectrum (between approximately 380
and 435 nanometers), whereas purple is the color of various combinations of red, blue and
- In common usage, both terms are used to refer to a variety of colors between blue and red
in hue.
- Historically, violet has tended to be used for bluer hues and purple for redder hues.
## Discussion
In the traditional color wheel used by painters, violet and purple are both placed between
Violet is at one end of the spectrum of visible light, between blue light, which has a longer
wavelength, and ultraviolet light, which has a shorter wavelength and is not visible to
humans. Violet wavelengths are between approximately 380 and 435 nanometers.
## Conclusion
Violet objects often appear dark, because human vision becomes less sensitive at
wavelengths this short. The reason why to (typical trichromat) humans violet light appears
slightly reddish compared to spectral blue (despite spectral red being at the other end of the
visible spectrum) is, according to the opponent process hypothesis of color vision, that the
## Analysis
the one most sensitive to short wavelengths) contributes some red to the red-versus-green
opponent channel (which at the longer blue wavelengths gets counteracted by the M-cone
type). Computer and television screens, using the RGB color model, cannot produce actual
violet light and instead mimic it by combining blue light at high intensity with red light at
## Findings (List)
- Objects reflecting spectral violet appear very dark, because human vision is relatively
by the color named electric violet, which is a composed-light violet producing a similar
effect to the human eye.
The earliest violet pigments used by humans, found in prehistoric cave paintings, were
## Background
Manganese is still used today by the Aranda people, a group of indigenous Australians, as a
traditional pigment for coloring the skin during rituals. It is also used by the Hopi Indians of
Arizona to color ritual objects. The most famous violet-purple dye in the ancient world was
Tyrian purple, made from a type of sea snail called the murex, found around the
## Discussion (List)
- In western Polynesia, residents of the islands made a violet dye similar to Tyrian purple
- In Central America, the inhabitants made a dye from a different sea snail, the purpura,
## Conclusion
The Mayans used this color to dye fabric for religious ceremonies, and the Aztecs used it for