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Fourth semester
Mechanical engineering
(Regulation 2008)
Answer ALL questions
1. How do you classify tool wear?
2. Define tool life?
3. Distinguish between capstan lathes from turret lathe?
4. State the different methods of taper turning?
5. How do you classify milling cutters?
6. Define broaching?
7. State the application of honing and lapping finishing methods?
8. Compare gear forming with gear generation methods:
9. State the limitation ofCNC machine tools.
10. What is a canned cycle?

(1)ART B)
11. (a) (i) Discuss the various types of chips produced during. metal
(ii) State the parameters that influence the life of tool and discuss.
(b) (i) what is meant by orthogonal cutting and oblique cutting.
(ii) Explain "merchant force circle" along with assumptions.
12. (a) (i) Discuss the main parts of a turret lathe.
(ii) Explain the working of Swiss type auto lathe with a neat
(b) (i) What is meant by tool layout ofa turret lathe?
(ii) Name the various lathe accessories. how does a four jaw
chuck differ from a three jaw chuck.
13. (a) (i) what are the operations performed on a milling machine?
(ii) Explain different types of drilling machines with their specific
(b) (i) discuss the various types of broaches. Types of broaching
. (ii) Discuss the common work holding devices used on shapers
slotters and planers.
14. (a) (i) Give the specification of grinding wheel.
(ii) What is meant by dressing and turning of grinding wheel?
(b) (i) List the advantages and limitation of gear shaping.
(i i) Explain the principle of gear bobbing with neat sketches.
15. (a) (i) Under what condition of production the numerically
controlled machine tools are employed?
(ii) Explain the various elements ofNC machine with closed
loop control system.
(b) (i) Explain the main difference between point and continuous
path type of numerically controlled machine tools.
(ii) List any rive motions and control statements of computer.
assisted NC programming and explain.
Fourth semester
Mechanical engineering
(Regulation 2008)
Answer ALL questions
1. How do you classify tool wear?
The tool wear is generally classified as follows
i. flank wear or crater wear, ii. Face wear, iii. Nose wear
2. Define tool life?'
Tool life is defined as the time" elapsed between two consecutive
tool re-sharpening during this period the tool serves effectively and
3. Distinguish between capstan lathes from turret lathe?

. J. Its turret (bead) U mounted directly lts turret (bead) is mounted on

on the saddle. an auxiliary
Sl ide, which moves on the gu ide
ways provided on the saddle
2. For feeding the tools to the work In this Case the saddle is fixed at a
the entire saddle unit is moved convenient distance from the work.
and the tools are fed by moving the slide.
4. State the different methods of taper turning?
1. Form tool method, 2. Tailstock set over method, 3. Compound
rest method, 4. Taper turning attachment method
5. How do you classify milling cutters? .
I) plain milling cutter, 2) side milling cutter, 3) slitting saw, 4) single
angle and double angle milling cutter,S) end mill, 6) face milling cutter,
7) T-slot milling cutter, 8) fly cutter, 9) form cutter
6. Define broaching?
Broaching is a process of machining a surface with a special
multipoint cutting tool called broach which has successively higher cutting
edges in a fixed path.
7. State the application of honing and lapping finishing methods?
Honing: An abrading process of finishing previously machined surface
is known as honing.
Lapping: Lapping is a surface finishing process used for producing
geometrically accurate flat, cylindrical and spherical surfaces.
8. Compare gear forming with gear generation methods.
Gear generation is based on the fact that any two involute gears of
the same module will mesh together here one of the meshing gears is
made as the cutter.
Gear forming methods;
1 . gear cutting by single point form tool
2. gear cutting by shear speed shaping process
3. gear milling using a formed end mill
4. gear broaching
5. template method'
9. State the limitation of CNC machine tools.
1. Cantilever construction; 2. Bridge construction; 3 ..
Column construction; 4. Gantry construction
10. What is a canned cycle?
A canned cycle is a combination of mach ine moves that performs
anyone particular machining function such as drilling, tuming, milling,
boring, tapping etc,
11. (a) (i) discuss the various types of chips produced during metal
. machining.
The removed metal layer during the metal cutting operation is known
The layer undergoes the following operations.
i.Elastic deformation ii.Plastic deformation
• The type of chip depends on the material being cut and the cutting
1. continuous chip (without built up edge)
2. discontinuous chips
3. continuous chips (with built up edge)
1. Continuous chip (without built up edge)
When the cutting tool moves towards the work piece, there
occurs a plastic deformation of the work piece and the metal is separated
without any discontinuity and it moves 11 kc a ribbon.
The chip moves along the face of the tool. This mostly occurs
while cutting a ductile material. It is desirable to have smaller chip
thickness and higher cutting speed in order to get continuous chips.
2. Discontinuous chips
This can also be called as segmental chips. This mostly occurs
while cutting brittle material such as cast iron or low ductile
materials. Instead of shearing the metal as it happens in the previous
process, the metal is being fractured like segments of fragments and
they pass over the tool faces.
3. Continuous chips (with built up edge)
When cutting a. ductile metal, the compression of the metal is
followed b~ the high heat at tool face. This in turns enables part of
the removed metal to be welded into the tool. This is known as built up
11. (a) (ii) State the parameters that influence the life of tool and
Tool life is the time a tool will operate satisfaction until it is dulled.
If a cutting tool is to have a long life it is estimated that the face of the
tool be as smooth as possible.
The life of the cutting tool isaffected by the following factors.
I. cutting speed; 2. feed and depth of cut; 3. tool geometry; 4.
tool material; 5. cutting fluid; 6. workmaterial; 7. rigidityof work tool and
1. Cutting speed: Cutting speed has the greatest influence on tool
life. As the cutting speed increases the temperature also raises the
heat is more concentrated on the tool than on the work and also
increase in the hardness of the work acceleration the abrasive action.

Where, V= cutting speed T=toollife in min 11 = exponent C= a
2. Feed and depth of cut:The tool life is influenced by the feed rate
also with a nne teed the area of chip passing over the tool face is greater
than that of a coarse feed for a given volume.
3. Tool geometry: The tool life is also affected by tool geometry tool
with large rake angle becomes weak as a large reduces the tool cross-
section and the amount of metal to absorb the heat. The nose radius
tends to improve toll life. The effect of clearance is to improve tool life.
The optimum clearance is between 10' to 15'.
4. Tool material: The effect of tool material on life indicates that
higher cutting speed is not only criteria considered for removing large
volume of metal. What is desirable is the high rate .at which the stock
will be removed per cutting edge or tool life.
5. Cutting fluids: Cutting fluids affect tool life to a grater extent. A
cutting fluids does not only carry away the heat generated and keep the
tool, chip and workpiece cool, put reduces the coefficient of friction at
the chip tool interface and increase tool life.
Measuring tool Iife:Tool life is the time elapsed between two
successive grinding of a cutting tool, tool life may be measured in the
following ways.
I. Num,ber of pieces machined between tool sharpening.
2. time of actual operation
3. total time of operation
4. equivalent cutting speed
5. Volume of material removed between tool sharpening.
11. (b) (i) what is meant by orthogonal cutting and oblique cutting .
Orthogonat cutting Oblique cutting
r Cutting edge of tool is to The cutting edge is inclined at an
perpendicular the direction of tool angle less than 90 to the direction
travel tool
of trave]
2 The direction of chip flow is The chip flows on the tool face making
oernendicular to the cuulnz edse an anzle
3 The chip coils in a tight flat spiral The chip flows side ways in a long
4 Produces sharp comers curl
Produces a chamfer at the end of
5 Smaller length of cutting edge is in cut
For the same depth of cut greater length
contact with the work of cutting edge is in contact with
6 Generally parting off in lathe. broaching This method of cutting is used in
and slotting operations are done in this all machining operations,
tan 13 = rcoso. 11- rsin a

chip thickness ratio, t = tIl 12

Where tl and t2 -chip thickness before and after cutting respectively,

P-frictional resistance
P == Fx cos a + Fz sin a
N == normal force
N == Fx cos a - Fz sino;
F = resultant force
Resultant force,
Let, AI - Area of the chip before removal
As - Area of the shear plane
"t - shear stress in the shear plane

shear force F
shear stress, r = _l_
Area As


== (Fs COS 13- Fx sin 13) sin 13

shear stress

r ~ F cos 13sin 13 - Ex sin 213

Fz=~utting force
cutting force

Fz == Fcos(r - a)

Fz = Fease
where, 8 = ~ + y - a.

. F=_!i_
" case
Substuting F value in F z equation we get

:. F_ = Fs cos(y - a.)
,(. case

F Fscqs(y-a.) (8 A ]
z cos(~ + y - a.)

We know that

J..l. = tan y =.E..


= Fx cos a. + Fz sina.
F2 cos a. - Fx sincx
The coefficient offriction

Fx +F tan a.
~t = F -r,z tan a.

The relation for F and F are as follows

S 11

Fs = F;; cos~- Fx sin ~

Fn = Fz sinp + Fx cos B
12. (a) (i) Discuss the main parts of a turret lathe.
Turret head and saddle: A turret is a block which can hold number of
tools at time. The turret can be indexed about a vertical axis.
Generally, a hexagonal turret is-tised. It has six faces. On each
face, there is a bore to receive the shank of a tool. Four tapped holes
are available on each face, of the turret for clamping tool holders.
· Cross Slide: The cross slide is provided over the bed of the lathe
between the head stock and turret saddle. The cross slide has two tool
posts. One tool post is mounted at the front of the machine. This front
tool post has a square turret. This has four gases for mounting the
cutting tools.
(ii) Explain the working of Swiss type auto latbe with aneat sketch.
Swiss type automatic screw machine: This machine was designed
and developed in Switzerland. So it is often called as Swiss auto lathe:
The machine is also known as sliding head screw machine or movable
headstock machine.

12. (b) (i) What is meant by tool layout of a turret lathe?

Problem-I: A tool layout is prepared for the manufacture of square
headed bolt from a square bar stock
Using a turret lathe as shown in fig.
o peratron
sequence Tool position Tools
Description of operation
I. Holding the square bar in
collet and setting the equired . Turret positions Bar
stop length ofI OOmm(90 + 10).

2. Tum to 20mm. diameter to a

length 70mm (from the right Turret position-2 Roller steady
box- end)
3. Form 'the right end of the Turret position-S Roller steady
bar bolt. Ending tool.

4. Make the external thread Turret, position-4 Self opening die

head cutting of20mm diameter to with chases
a length of 40mm (from
the right end)
5. Chamfering the bolt head. Front cross slid Chamfering tool
tool post-I
6. Parting off the work piece Rear tool post. Parting tool is place in
inverted position (making
. the rotation of work
anticlockwise with
respective to tool)
Description of operations to be performed:
(i) Setting the bar stop: The bar stop (I ) is set a I the distance of!
OOmmfrom the collet face by using slip gauge. An extra length of
1Omm is allowed for parting off( 4mm) and clearance of the collet
face (Szzrn). This clearance is allowed to penetrate the parting
tool deep into the work piece without any Inference.
(ii) Setting of the roller steady box turning rod: This tool is set on
turret face of2. This tool (2) is used for turning the work piece to
200mm diameter and 80zm long from the right end.
(iii) Setting of bar ending tool: This tool is set (3) on fourth turret
face but turret postion-3. This is usedto chamfer the right end of
the work piece.
(iv) Setting self opening die head: This tool (4) is set on the fifth
face of the turret. The proper blades of chasers ate selected and
fitted into the die head to cut a thread of20mm diameter.
(iv) Setting of chamfering tool: This tool (5) is set on the cross-slide
front-end position-I used to chamfer the bolt head edges by giving
cross feed.
(vi) Setting of: parting tool: This tool is set on the rear end of cross-
slide. It is used to part off the work piece after completing a.11
[Note: Distance of each tool movement is set by positioning the stop
with the help of slip gauges]
12. (b) (ii) Name the various lathe accessories. how does' a four
jaw chuck differ from a three jaw chuck.
Three jaw self centering chuck:


It has three jaws when the chuck key is turned, all the jaws will
move equal distance at the same time. The work can be centered
automatically and quickly.
Four jaw independent chuck:
13. (a) (ii) Explain different types of drilling machines with their
specific features.
Drilling machines are classified according to the construction
and the work formed as follows
l. portable drilling mach ine
2. sensitive drilling machine
a). bench type b) floor
3. upright drilling machine
4. radial drilling machine
. 5. gang drilling mach ine
6. multi spindle drilling machine
7. automatic drilling
8. deep hole drilling
1. Portable drilling machine: The portable drilling machine is a
small and compact machine which can be easily moved from place to
place by conveniently holding it by hand. It is driven by electric or
pneumatic power at high speed. It can drill holes upto 12mm
diameter hand drill, ratchet drills and pneumatic arms are examples
of portable drilling machines. 2. Sensitive drilling machine: The
sensitive drilling machine is a light, high speed drilling machine. If
the machine is mounted on a bench it is called bench type and if
mounted on the floor it is called floor type ...
This is used generally for light duty and can drill from 1.Smm to
1Smm. diameter holes. The drill is fed into the pulley work by hand
only the operator can feel or sense the travel of the drill hence the
machine is called as sensitive drilling machine.
l::ienct'l type drilling maCl'1ina
(i) Base: The base is of heavy casting made up of cast iron it supports
the column and other parts of a mach ine.
(ii) Column: The column is a vertical upright cylinder firmly attached
to the base it supports the table, spindle head, motor and the driving
(iii) Table: Table is attached to the column by a clamp. it supports the
work piece and the work holding devices the table can ,be moved
up and can also be rotated around the column.
(iv) Spindle bead: The spindle head is mounted at the top of the column
it has a drive motor on one side and spindle assembly on the other,
(v) 'Drive mechanism: The motor drives the spindJe through a V-belt
and stepped cone pulley, by shifting the V-belt from one pulley
step to another, spindle speeds can be changed.
3. Piller type drilling machine: This arrangement is mainly for
handling medium sized jobs there are two different constructions.'
,a) Round column known as piller type drilling machine
b) A box column dri IIing machine which is known as upright or
vertical drilling machine.
This drilling machine is provided with an individual motor drive, and
the power is transmitted to the spindle through a gear box.the gears are ,
selected with the help of a shift lever. A radial arm is provided to slide
over the guide ways on this round vertical column.

Horizontal and vertical movements of the bead are achieved by the
operation of the gear mechanism provided in the radial arm thus, the
arm and table have adjustments to locate the work directly under the.
drill spindle. Hence this machine is suitable only for light works.
4. Radial drilling machine: Radial drilling machine consists of a vertical
column with an arrangements to raise or lower and to revolve the arm
this arrangement helps to accommodate jobs of different heights and to
have the radial arm swung around to any position above the machine
bed a drill head mechanism is mounted on the radial arm. This mechanism
can be moved horizontally on the guide ways and clamped at any desired
position along the arm.
Thus the three possible movements are;
a) Base b) Column C) Radial arm d) Drill head e) Spindle speed
and fed mechanism

(i) Base: The base is' of heavy casting made up of cast iron
.itsupports the column and other parts of a machine.
(ii) Column: The column is a vertical upright cylinder, firmly attached
to the base it supports the table, spindle head, motor and the driving
(iii) Table: Table is attached to the column by a clamp. It supports the
work piece and the work holding devices. The table can be-moved
up and can also be rotated around the column.
(iv) Spindle head: The spindle head is mounted at the top of the column.
It has a drive motor on one side and spindle assembly on the other
side ..
(v) Drive mechanism: A constant speed motor is fixed at the end
of the radial arm. This drives a horizontal spindle running along
the length of the radial arm.
Advantages of radial drilling machine:
I) The arrangement is flexible for any further improvements or
alteration.. .
2) The drilling machine is suitable for other operations also like
reaming, boring, counter boring, spot facing, tapping, counter
sinking, trepanning etc.
3) Several holes can be drilled simultaneously by using proper jigs
in mass production.
4) The operation is quick and cost is less.
5) Setting is simple with minimum skill.
4. Gang drilling machine:

Fixed .,'" ---;<:tbI!,



Tillie Elevating

The machine has a long common base and table four to six drill
heads are mounted on the table. Each head has its own driving motor
so that the speeds and feeds of individual units can be
controlled independently. Gang drilling machines are used in production
line where a series of operation.
5. Multiple spindle drilling machine:

ro) (bl

In mass production, in order to reproduce a pattern of holes in a
number of identical jobs, multiple spindle dri lling machines is used.
This' is a special purpose drilling machine and is designed for a
particular job
01 for a particular group of jobs.

6. Deep hole. drill: Deep hole drilJing is required to driJllong holes in

products such as crank shafts cam shafts, rifle barrels and long shafts.

( «
The drill used for drilling deep holes is shown in figure. it has
usually one vee flute of 100' included angle the flute is parallel to the
length of drill the extended lip cuts lhe metal.
7. Micro drilling: As the .terrn suggest, micro drilling is tbe name for
the very special world of miniature hole machining, involving dimensions
at which many work piece materials no longer exhibit uniformity and'
homogeneity. Grain borders, inclutions, alloy or carbide segregates and
microscope voids and problems in micro drilling where holes of 0.02 to
0.0091 inch have been drilled using pivot drills as shown in figure.

~f®9 Angle

Specification of drilling machine: A drilling machine is specified

by the following items: -
, 1) Maximum size of the drill in min that the machine can operate.
2} Table size of maximum dimensions of ajob can mount on a table
3) squire metre
Maximum spindle travel in rnrn
4) Number of spindle speed and range of spindle speeds in rpm,
5) Number of automatic spindle feeds or feed range available in
6) Morse taper number of the drill spindle nose

13. (b) (i) discuss the various types of broaches. Types of

broaching machine:
The broaching machine may be classified as follows
1) According to the nature and direction of primary cutting motion
a) Horizontal broaching machine,
b) Vertical broaching machine,
c) Continuous broaching machine,
2) According to the purpose
a, Internal broaching machine,
b. External surface broaching machine,
3) According to metbo~ operation
a) Pull broaching machine,
b) Push broaching machine

13. (b) (ii) Discuss .the common work holding devices used on
shapers slotters and planers.
Shaper:The work piece should be clamped tightly by using some holding
devices in shaper called as work holding devices,
Siotter: The work is held on a slotter table by a vise, using T bolts and
clamps or by special fixtures, The work is placed above the parallel or
packing pieces. This permits the over travel oftool the method of holding
a work on the slotter table for cutting internal keyway the gear is placed
on a ring block ..
The axis of gear is aligned with the axis of the rotary table it is.
clamped by using 'T' bolts and clamps.
Adjustable screw stop is used to clamp 'the work on its sides for
thin work pieces, inclined screw with a toe dog is used.


The figure shows the arrangement for holding large workpieces

strap clamp hold the work piece on all sides.
14. (a) (i) Give the specification of grinding wheel.
1. To remove small amount of metal from work pieces and finish
then to close.tolerances.
2. To obtain a better surface finish,
3. To machine hard surfaces that cannot be machined by high-speed
4. Sharpening of cutting tools.
5. GriI?-diI1gofthreads.
6. Sometimes, it is used for removing bigger stocks of metals .

. 14. (a) (Ii) What is meant by dressing and turning of grinding

Dressing:It is the process of loading and breaking away the glazed
surface so that new sharp abrasive particles are again present to work
The gear blank is mounted on a vertical arbor but the hob is mounted
in a rotating Arbor. To cut parallel teeth, the hob axis is tilted through the
hob lead angle of A
Application: Hobbing is used for generating spur, helical and worm
1. ~sing a single hob, any number of teeth of same module can be
2. Spur and helical gear can be produced using the same hob.
1. Internal gear cannot be generated.
2. Bobbing process cannot be applied very near to shoulders. lS.
(a) (i) Under what condition of production the numerically
controlled machine tools are employed?
It is a complex and flexible method of tool control. The path ofNC
cutter is continually controlled to generate the desired geometry of the
.work piece.
A system in which actions are controlled by the direct insertion of
numerical data at some point is known as Nt system in NC system, the
numerical data which is required for producing a part is maintained on a
punched tape called as part program.
The part program is arranged in the form of blocks ofinfonnation
the block contains the numerical data required to produce one segments
of workpiece. Types ofNe system:
There are three types ofNC used for motion control they are
i. point to point NC system
2. straight cut NC system .
3. contouring NC system
1. Point to point NC system: It is also called positioning system. The
objective of the machine tool control is to move the cutting tool to a
predefined location. The speed or path is not important in this system.
2. Straight cut method NC system: This system is capable of moving
cuttingtool parallel to one of the major axes at a controlled rate for
1) Point to point NC system, 2) Straight cut NC system, 3) Contouring
NC system
Point to point NC system: It is also called positioning system. The
objective of the machine tool control is to move the cutting tool to a
predefined location. The speed or path is not important in this system
15. (b) (ii) List any rlve motions and control statements of
computer assisted NC programming and explain.
Function Codes Meaning
MOO Programmed stop
. MOl Optional stop
M02 End of program without skip back
M03 Spindle clockwise
M04 Spindle antic lockwise
MOS Spindle stop

GOO Point to point positioning

GOI Linear interpolation
Circular interpolation, clockwise
G03 Circular interpolation anticlockwise
G04 Dwell
G06 Parabolic interpolation

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