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ME8451 Manufacturing Technology – II

Question Bank
Unit 1 – Theory of Metal Cutting

1. List the various metal removal processes?

a. Non cutting process or chip less process.
b. Cutting process or Chip process

2. How chip formation occurs in metal cutting?

The material of the work piece is stressed beyond its yield point under
compressive force .This cause the material to deform plastically and shear

3. What is tool wear?

During machining the tool is subjected to three important factors such as
forces, temperature and sliding action due to relative motion between
tool and work piece. Due to these factors tool will undergo wear.

4. Mention the cutting fluids?

Two basic types are
(i) Water based cutting fluids
(ii) Straight or heat oil based cutting fluids

5. Draw the nomenclature of cutting tool geometry or cutting tool

6. Compare orthogonal and oblique cutting

7. Define tool life.

Tool life is defined as the time elapsed between two consecutive tool re-
sharpening. During this period the tool serves effectively and efficiently.

8. What are the objectives and functions of cutting fluids?

(i) It is used to cool the cutting tool and work piece
(ii) It improves surface finish
(iii) It protects finished surface from corrosion
(iv) It washes away chips from tool
9. Briefly explain the effect of rake angle during cutting?
Effect of back rack angle:
For softer material greater angle should be given for harder
material smaller angle is enough
Effect of Side rack angle:
Curling of chip depends on this angle.

10. What are the factors responsible for builtup edge in cutting tools?
(i) Low cutting speed
(ii) Small rake angle
(iii) Coarse feed
(iv) Strong adhesion between chip and tool face.
11. List out the essential characteristics of a cutting fluid.
(i) It should have good lubricating properties
(ii) High heat absorbing capacity
(iii) High flash point
(iv) It should be odorless

12. Name the various cutting tool materials.

(i) Carbon tool steel
(ii) High speed steel
(iii) Cemented carbides
(iv) Ceramics
(v) Diamonds

13. Give two examples of orthogonal cutting.

(i) Turning (ii) Facing (iii) Thread cutting (iv) Parting off

14. What are the four important characteristics of materials used for
cutting tools?
(i) Hot hardness (ii) Wear resistance (iii) High thermal conductivity
(iv) Easy to grind and sharpen (v) Resistance to thermal shock

15. What is the function of chip breakers?

The chip breakers are used to break the chips into small pieces for
removal, safety and to prevent both the machine and work damage

16. Name the factors that contribute to poor surface finish in cutting.
(i) Cutting speed
(ii) Feed
(iii) Depth of cut

17. Define the term machinability and machinability rating.

Machinability:- It can be defined as ability of being machined the
components and more reasonably as ease of machining.
Machinability rating:- Relative machining response of the work materials
compared to that of a standard metal was tried to be evaluated
quantitatively only based on tool life (VB* = 0.33 mm) by an index

18. Write a short note on Heat zones in cutting.

 Primary shear zone (1) where the major part of the energy is
converted into heat
• Secondary deformation zone (2) at the chip – tool interface where
further heat is generated due to rubbing and / or shear
• At the worn out flanks (3) due to rubbing between the tool and
the finished surfaces

19. Write a short note on any two modern tool materials.

(a) Coated carbides
(b) Cermets
(c) High Performance Ceramics (HPC)
(d) Cubic Boron Nitride (cBN)
(e) Diamond
Coated Carbides:-The properties and performance of carbide tools could
be substantially improved
• Refining microstructure
• Manufacturing by casting – expensive and uncommon
• Surface coating – made remarkable contribution.
Thin but hard coating of single or multilayers of more stable and heat and
wear resistive materials like TiC, TiCN, TiOCN, TiN, Al2O3 etc on the tough
carbide inserts (substrate) by processes like chemical Vapour Deposition
(CVD), Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) etc at controlled pressure and
temperature enhanced MRR and overall machining economy
Cermets:- These sintered hard inserts are made by combining ‘cer’ from
ceramics like TiC, TiN, TiCN and ‘met’ from metal (binder) like Ni, Ni-Co, Fe
etc. Since around 1980, the modern cermets providing much better
performance are being made by TiCN which is consistently more wear
resistant, less porous and easier to make.

20. What are the main requirements of cutting tool materials?

i) High mechanical strength; compressive, tensile, and TRA
ii) Fracture toughness – high or at least adequate
iii) High hardness for abrasion resistance
iv) High hot hardness to resist plastic deformation and reduce
wear rate at elevated temperature
v) Chemical stability or inertness against work material,
atmospheric gases and cutting fluids
vi) Resistance to adhesion and diffusion
vii) Thermal conductivity – low at the surface to resist incoming of
heat and high at the core to quickly dissipate the heat entered
viii) High heat resistance and stiffness
ix) Manufacturability, availability and low cost.

21. List the physical function of a machine tool in machining.

The physical functions of a machine tool machining are
(i) Firmly holding the blank and the tool
(ii) Transmit motions to the tool and the work piece
(iii) Provide power to the tool-work pair for the machining
(iv) Control of the machining parameters.

22. Classify the types of cutting fluids.

Oils - mineral, animal, vegetable, compounded, and synthetic oils,
Emulsions - a mixture of oil and water and additives
Semisynthetics - chemical emulsions containing little mineral oil
Synthetics - chemicals with additives

23. What do you understand by the term “Tool Designation or Tool

Consider the example

ORA System
–6º, –6º, 10º, 15º, 15º, 45º, 1.2 (mm)
Inclination Angle (λ) = –6º,
Orthogonal Rake Angle (γ) = –6º,
Orthogonal Clearance Angle (α) = 10º,
Auxiliary Orthogonal Clearance Angle (αo’) = 15º,
Auxiliary Cutting Edge Angle (Φ1) = 15º,
Principal Cutting Edge Angle (Φ) = 45º,
Nose Radius (r) = 1.2 mm.
24. What are the factors that affect the tool life?
Work piece material, Tool Geometry, Use of cutting fluid, Process

ME8451 Manufacturing Technology – II

Question Bank
Unit 2 – Turning Machines

1. What are the various thread cutting methods?

(1) Reversing the machine.
(2) Marking the lathe parts
(3) Using a chasing dial or thread indicator
(4) Using thread chaser

2. What is Swiss type automat?

In this type, the work piece is feed against the tool. The head stock
carrying the bar stock moves back and forth for providing the feed
movement in the longitudinal direction.

3. Explain the following parts of lathe?

(a) Lathe bed
(b) Carriage
Lathe bed: It is the base of the machine. It carries headstock on its left end
and tailstock on its right end.
Carriage: It is the moving part that slides over the guide ways between
headstock and tailstock.

4. What is an apron?
It is an integral part of several gears, levers and clutches which are
mounted with saddle for moving the carriage along with lead screw while
thread cutting.
5. List any four methods by which taper turning is done in a center
(i) Form tool method
(ii) Tailstock set over method
(iii) Compound rest method
(iv) Taper turning attachment method

6. Distinguish between Capstan lathe and Turret lathe.


1 Turret head is mounted on a Turret head is directly mounted
ram which slides over the on saddle .But it slides on the
saddle. bed

2 Turret movement is limited Turret moves on the entire

length of the bed without any

7. Mention four different types of chucks used in a machine shop.

(i) Three jaw chuck (or) self centering chuck
(ii) Four jaw chuck or independent chuck
(iii) Magnetic chuck

8. What is the purpose of a mandrel? How many types of mandrels

is there in common use?
Mandrels are used for holding hollow work pieces
(1) Plain mandrel
(2) Collar mandrel
(3) Cone mandrel
(4) Step mandrel
(5) Gang mandrel
9. What are the advantages of using a collect chuck?
(i) Job setting will be easy and quicker
(ii) Heavy cut can be taken

10. Why is it essential that the cutting point of the tool should be
level with the spindle center while machining taper on a work piece?
It is done to avoid eccentric taper.

11. What is the difference between a ram type turret lathe and saddle
type turret lathe?


1 Turret head can be moved Turret head cannot be moved
manually manually.

2 The maximum size of 60mm It can accommodate only from

diameter work can be 125 to 200mm.

12. Calculate the power required for cutting a steel rod of 50mm in
diameter at 200rpm. Assume cutting force of 160 kg.
Power Required = FC X V
= FC x DN
= (160 x 9.81) x 1000 X 50 X 200 X 1000 X 60
= 821.8 kW

13. What are the advantages of automatic lathes?

(i) Mass production of identical parts.
(ii) High accuracy is maintained
(iii) Time of production is minimized.
(iv) The bar stock is fed automatically.
14. What are the functions of feed rod and lead screw?
Feed Rod: It is used to guide the carriage in a straight then moves along
the bed.
Lead screw: It is used to move the carriage while thread cutting operation
is carried out. It also ensures the proper speed of work relative to the tool
for thread cutting operation.

15. Why was power chucks developed?

Power chucks are primarily developed for the application as work holding
divides for automatic machines, numerical control and CNC machines

16. Give the specification of a lathe

The size of the lathe is specified as follows
i) The length between the centres
ii) The length of bed
iii) The height of the centres
iv) The maximum diameter
v) The swing diameter of the bed
vi) The swing diameter over carriage

17. What is meant by “swing of the lathe”?

Swing over bed refers to the maximum diameter of work piece
the lathe can handle.
Swing over cross slide means the maximum diameter that will
clear the cross slide.

18. What do you mean by copy turning?

Copy turning is carried out on special lathes that control the
cutting tool in some manner to produce identical items.
The copy lathe uses a template to guide the cutter. They are
capable of creating good quality components for little expense in patterns
and setting up. Sanding is usually carried out by hand.
19. List out the various types of lathe.
(i) Speed lathe
(ii) Engine lathe
(iii) Bench lathe
(iv) Tool room lathe
(v) Semi-Automatic lathe
(vi) Automatic lathe
(vii) Special purpose lathe
(viii) Copying lathe

20. How are automatic lathes are classified?

21. What are the various mechanisms are used for a automatic
feeding in lathes?
(i) Tumbler gear mechanism
(ii) Quick change gear box mechanism
(iii) Tumbler gear mechanism
(iv) Apron mechanism
22. Write the advantages of automat over conventional lathes
(i) Mass production is identical parts
(ii) High accuracy is maintained
(iii) Time of production is minimized
(iv) The bar stock is feed automatically

23. What is called carrier plate and lathe dog?

Carrier plate – Threaded hole mounted on lathe spindle for

transfer motion

Lathe dog – Transfer motion from driving plate to workpiece

between centers

24. Differentiate semi-automatic and automatic lathe.

Semi-automatic – Loading and unloading can be done manually

Automatic lathe - Capable of producing identical process at a time

with auto set up
ME8451 Manufacturing Technology – II
Question Bank
Unit 3 – Shaper, Milling and Gear Cutting Machines

1. Mention the differences between shaper and planer.

Sl No Shaper Planar
Tool reciprocates and the Tool is stationary and work
work is stationary reciprocates
It gives more accuracy as the tool
Less accuracy due to
2 is rigidly supported during
overhanging of ram

2. What are the differences between drilling and reaming?

Drilling is the operation of producing cylindrical hole in a work
piece. It is done by rotating the cutting edge of a cutter known as drill. The
work is rotated at high speed.
Reaming is the operation of finishing and sizing hole which is
already drilled while the work is revolved at a very slow speed.

3. Briefly describe the importance of quill mechanism.

If the taper shank of drill is smaller than the taper in the spindle
hole, a sleeve is used. The sleeve with drill is fitted in the hole of the
spindle. The sleeve has outside taper surface. This fits into the tapered
hole of the spindle.

4. List the types of sawing machines.

Types of sawing machines are (1) Reciprocating saw (2) Circular
saw (3) Band saw
5. Define the cutting speed, feed and machining time for drilling.
Cutting Speed: It is the peripheral speed of a point on the surface
of the drill in contact with the Work piece. It is usually expressed in
Feed: It is the distance of a drill moved into the work at each
revolution of the spindle. It is expressed in mm/rev.
Machining time: The time taken to complete the machining
process without considering the idle time of machines is called machining

6. What is broaching?
It is a process of machining a surface with a special multipoint
cutting tool called “BROACH” which has successively higher cutting edges
in a fixed path.

7. What is the difference between up milling and down milling?

Sl Operation Up Milling Down Milling
1 Direction of Cutter rotates against Cutter rotates in the
travel the same direction of
direction of travel of travel of work piece
work piece
2 Cutting Force Increases from zero to Decreases from max to
max zero per tooth.
per tooth

8. List four applications of broaching machines.

(i) Straight and helical slots
(ii) External surfaces of various shape
(iii) External and internal toothed gears
(iv) Holes of cross sectional shape
9. How do you classify milling cutters?
They are classified based on following factors
(i) According to the shape of the teeth.
(ii) According to the type of operation
(iii) According to the way of mounting on the machine

10. What do you know about straight fluted drill and fluted drill?
The reamer with helical flutes provides smooth shear cutting
action and provides better surface finish .The pitch of the flutes is made
uneven to reduce vibration.

11. Write the differences between drilling and tapping.

Drilling is the operation of producing cylindrical hole in a work
piece. It is done by rotating the cutting edge of a cutter known as drill. The
work is rotated at high speed.
Tapping is the process used for making internal threads in a
machine component by a tool called “TAP”

12. Differentiate conventional and climb milling?

Conventional milling Climb milling
Work is feed against the rotating cutter Work moves parallel to the cutter rotation
Thickness of the chip is minimum in the Thickness of the chip is maximum in the
initial stages and increases maximum at initial stages and minimum at the end of
the end of the cut the cut
Cutter lifts the work, so requires more Cutter holds the work. Requires less
claiming force claiming force
Surface finish is not good, Good surface finish
13. State the differences between a vertical shaper and slotters.

Vertical Shaper Slotter
Vertical shapers generally fitted
Rotary table along with tools
1 with rotary table to
will move
machine curved surfaces
Slides will move to perform
2 Slides are fitted

14. What is a shell mill?

A shell mill is a large type of face or end mill , rather than having
an integral shank. Typically there is a hollow or recess in the centre of the
shell mill for mounting hardware on to a separate arbor.

15. Mention the operations performed by a planner.

a. Planning horizontal surface
b. Planning of an angle
c. Planning vertical surface
d. Planning curved surface

16. Why is sawing a commonly used process.

a. Easy handling of machines and spindle construction
b. Fast operation and cost of machinery is less

17. What is straddle milling?

It is just like side milling with difference that cutting (milling
operation) takes place simultaneously on both the sides of work piece as
shown in the figure.
18. What do you mean by differential indexing?
Differential indexing is similar to compound indexing except that
the index plate is turned during the indexing operation by gears
connected to the dividing head spindle. Because the index plate
movement is caused by the spindle movement, only one indexing
procedure is required. The gear train between the dividing head spindle
and the index plate provides the correct ratio of movement between the
spindle and the index plate.

19. Why is milling a versatile machining process?

Milling machines are very versatile. It is usually used to machine
flat surfaces, but can also produce irregular surfaces. It can also be used to
drill, bore, cut gears, and produce slots.

20. What do you understand by Gang milling?

Gang milling is the process of producing many surfaces of a job
simultaneously by feeding the table against a number of required cutters.
In gang milling, being employed, where feasible, for quick production of
complex contours comprising a number of parallel flat or curved surfaces
a proper combination of several cutters are mounted tightly on the same
horizontal milling arbour.
21. What is gear finishing? Why it is done?
Surface of gear teeth with accurate and of good quality cannot be
produced by any of the generating processes. Dimensional inaccuracies
and rough surface generated so become the source of lot of noise,
excessive wear and backlash generated between the pair of gear in mesh,
so the result of the loss of power to be transmitted and incorrect velocity
ratios. Therefore, these gears cannot transmit power efficiently. Hence
these problems can be overcome by finishing operations.

22. Name any four work holding driven in shaper.

(i) Shaper vice
(ii) Angle plate
(iii) V-Block
(iv) Clamps

23. List out the various milling operations.

(i) Plain or Slab Milling
(ii) Face Milling
(iii) Angular Milling
(iv) Straddle Milling

24. List the applications of gear hobbing.

Gear hobbing is used for generating spur gear, helical gear and
worm gear

25. Define lapping

The lapping process only corrects minute deviations from the
desired gear tooth profiles. The gear to be finished after machining and
heat treatment and even after grinding is run in mesh with a gear shaped
lapping tool or another mating gear of cast iron. An abrasive lapping
compound is used in between them. The gear tooth contact substantially
improves by such lapping.
26. Define gear shaving.
The teeth of straight or helical toothed external spur gears and
worm wheels of moderate size and made of soft materials like aluminium
alloy, brass, bronze, cast iron etc. and unhardened steels are mostly
finished by shaving process.

27. Why reaming operation is performed?

Reaming is a machining process that uses a multi edges fluted
cutting tool to smoothen, enlarge or accurately sized an existing hole. It is
performed using drilling machine

27. Define cutting ratio of the shaper

The ratio between the cutting stroke time and the return stroke
time is called as cutting ratio.
ME8451 Manufacturing Technology – II
Question Bank
Unit 4 – Abrasive Process and Broaching

1. What are the specifications of grinding wheel?

(a) Type of bond
(b) Grit or grain size
(c) Grade
(d) Structure Abrasive
(e) Manufacturer’s Code

2. What is honing?
An abrading process of finishing previously machined surfaces is
called honing.

3. Narrate the working principle of abrasive jet machining.

In this type the electrolyte used is replaced by abrasive jet. But
grinding process is as similar that of electrochemical grinding.

4. What is gear hobbing?

The process of generating a gear by means of rotating a cutter
called HOB is known as HOBBING.

5. Define hardness of the grinding wheel.

Grade or hardness indicates the strength with which the bonding
material holds the abrasive grains in the grinding wheel.

6. Define lapping.
Lapping is a surface finishing process used for producing
geometrically accurate flat, cylindrical and spherical surfaces.
7. What is meant by “grade” and “structure” of a grinding wheel?
Grade or hardness indicates the strength with which the bonding material
holds the abrasive grains in the grinding wheel. Structure denotes the
spacing between the abrasive grains or in other words the density of the

8. What are all the parameters that would affect the MRR in
abrasive jet machining?
The metal removal rate is affected by the following factors
Grinding wheel speed
Type of abrasive used
Capacity of pump
Capacity of filter

9. Mention four important factors that influence the selection of

grinding wheel.
(1) Constant factors
(a) Physical properties of material to be ground
(b) Amount and rate of stock to be removed
(c) Area of contact
(d) Type of grinding machine
(2) Variable factors
(a) Work speed
(b) Wheel speed (c) Condition of
grinding wheel

10. What is roller burnishing process?

It is a method of cold working metal surfaces in which hardened
sphere or cylindrical roller is pressed against the work to be processed

11. What is the need of truing and dressing operations in a grinding

To break away the glazed surface so that the new sharp abrasive
particles are again present to work for efficient cutting
To trim the cutting surface of the wheel to run true with the axis.

12. List the advantages of honing?

Simple process which can be done on any general purpose
machines such as lathes and drilling machines.
This process can be applied for both internal cylindrical and flat
Honing enables the maximum stock removing capacity out of
entire surface finishing operation.

13. State the abrasives used in manufacture of grinding wheels.

(1) Natural abrasives
(a) Sandstone or solid quartz
(b) Emery
(c) Corundum
(d) Diamond
(2) Artificial abrasives
(a) Aluminium oxide
(b) Silicon carbide
(c) Artificial diamond
(d) Boron carbide
(e) Cubic Boron Carbide

14. What are the types of surfaces that can be produced using plain
cylindrical grinders?
Plain cylindrical parts, Cylinders, Tapers, Shoulders, Fliers etc.,.

15. What do you mean by loading of grinding wheels?

During operation, the chips formed get entrapped in the inner
granular space of abrasive particles. This is called loading
16. How does wheel dressing differ from wheel truing?
Truing is defined as the process of shaping the grinding wheel
while it is mounted on the grinding spindle in order to remove out-of-
roundness and to impart the desired profile to the surface of the wheel.
Dressing which is sometimes performed after truing, is the
process of conditioning the surface of the wheel to expose fresh abrasive

17. How does loading differ from glazing in grinding process?

Loading: During the operation the chips are formed get entrapped
in the inner granular space of abrasive particles
Glazing: Surface of the wheel becomes smooth and gets a glass
like appearance

18. What are the principal types of broaching machines?

(i) Horizontal broaching machine
(ii) Vertical Broaching machine
(iii) Surface broaching machine
(iv) Continuous broaching machine

19. What do you mean by duplex broach?

Duplex broaching is a machining process that uses a toothed tool,
called a duplex broach to remove material.

20. Define grinding ratio

Wheel life in grinding is expressed as a grinding ratio, G, defined
as the volume of material removed per unit volume of grinding wheel
wear. G-ratio is an important parameter because it is directly related to
wheel cost for most operations.

21. Why broaching process is long and laborious?

Broaching is a machining operation that involves the use of a
multiple, tooth cutting tool moved linearly relative to the work piece in
the direction of the tool axis. So broaching process is long since all the
machining parameters are built into the broach, skill is required from the

ME8451 Manufacturing Technology – II

Question Bank
Unit 5 – CNC Machining

1. Define NC.
Automatically controlling a machine tool based on a set of pre-
programmed machining and movement instructions is known as
numerical control, or NC.

2. Name the major elements of NC machines.

 Tape reader
 Mini computer
 Servos and interface logic
 Motion feedback

3. What are the classifications of NC machines?

 Point to point NC system
 Straight cut NC system
 Contouring NC system

4. What is the role of computer for NC machine tool?

Computer numerical control is an NC system that utilizes stored
program to perform basic numerical control functions .Mini or
microcomputer based controller unit is used.

5. Define DNC.
Distributive numerical control or Direct Numeric Control (DNC) is
a technology that allows a single computer to be networked with one or
more machines that use computer numerical control (CNC) through
connection and in real time. Using DNC, an operator can quickly load CNC
programs into multiple machines. It is also possible to remove programs
and replace them with updated or modified programs.

6. What is the difference between incremental and absolute system.

In an incremental system the movements in each Part program
block are expressed as the displacements along each coordinate axes with
reference to the final position achieved at the end of executing the
previous program block.

An absolute NC system is one in which all position coordinates are

referred to one fixed origin called the zero point

7. What are G-Codes and M-Codes?

G- Codes are preparatory function codes which prepare the
machine or tool for different modes of movement like positioning,
contouring, thread cutting etc.

M-codes are miscellaneous function codes which denote the

auxiliary or switching information such as coolant on / off, spindle speed

8. Define Part programming

Part program is a set of instructions often referred to as blocks,
each of which refers to a segment of the machining operation performed
by the machine tool. Each block may contain several code words in
sequence. These provide:
(i) Coordinate values (X, Y, Z, etc.)
(ii) Machining parameters such as, feed rate, spindle speed,
tool number, tool offset compensation parameters etc.
(iii) Codes for initiating machine tool functions
(iv) Program execution control codes
9. List the differences between NC and CNC.

NC Machine CNC Machine

NC stands for Numerical Control CNC stands for Computer Numerical
It is defined as the machine which is It is defined as the machine which is
controlled by the set of instructions used to control the motions of the
in the form of numbers, letters and work piece and tool with the help of
symbols. The set of instructions is prepared program in computer. The
called as program. program is written in alphanumeric
In NC machine the programs are fed In CNC machine the programs are
into the punch cards. fed directly into the computer by a
small key board similar to our
traditional keyboard.
Modification in the program is Modification in the program is very
difficult. easy.
The programs in the NC machine In CNC machines, the programs can
cannot be stored. be stored in the computer and can
be used again and again.
The accuracy is less as compared with It has high accuracy.
the CNC.
High skilled operator is required. Less skilled operator is required.
Cost of the machine is less. Cost of the CNC machine is high.
Maintenance cost is less Maintenance cost is high.

10. What are feed drives?

Feed drives are used to drive the axis as per the
programme fed in the CNC machine.

11. What is meant by APT language?

It is the abbreviation of automatically programmed tools.
APT program is used to command the cutting tool through its
sequence of machining process. APT is also used to calculate the
cutter positions. APT is a three dimensional system controlling up
to five axes including rotational coordinates.

12. Write down the types of statements in APT language.

(i) Geometric statements
(ii) Motion statements
(iii) Post processor statements
(iv) Special control or auxillary statements

13. Compare a closed loop NC system with open loop system.

Open loop Closed loop

The term open-loop means that there is
A closed loop system is also
no feedback, and in open loop systems
referred as a feedback control
the motion controller produces outputs
system. These systems record
depending only on its set points, without
the output instead of input and
feedback information about the effect
modify it according to the need.
that the output produces on the motion
It generates preferred
axes. condition of the output as
compared to the original one. It
doesn’t encounter any external
or internal disturbances.
The primary drawback of open-loop The control law takes the error
system is that there is no feedback as the input and drives the
system to check whether the actuator, in this case the servo
commanded position and velocity has motor and its drive system, to
been achieved. achieve motion variables that
are close to the set points.
14. What is a preparatory function? How is it important in CNC
Preparatory commands which prepare the machine or
tool for different modes of movement like positioning contouring,
thread cutting and also proceed the dimension word .They are
grouped .Group cannot affect each other. Only one function from
the same group can be at the same time.

15. Write the advantages of a CNC Machine

(i) Higher flexibility
(ii) Increased productivity
(iii) Improved quality
(iv) Reduced scrap rate
(v) Reliable and Safe operation
(vi) Several machines are fused into one.

16. State the limitations of CNC machine tools.

(i) CNC machines are more expensive than manually operated
machines, although costs are slowly coming down
(ii) The CNC machine operator only needs basic training and skills,
enough to supervise several machines.
(iii) Less workers are required to operate CNC machines compared
to manually operated machines

17. State the limitations of NC machine tools.

(i) Relatively higher cost compared to manual versions
(ii) More complicated maintenance due to the complex nature of
the technologies
(iii) Need for skilled part programmers.
(iv) It offers less flexibility and computational capability.
(v) It requires more time for the execution of the job.
18. What are linear bearings?
A linear motion bearing or linear slide is a bearing
designed to provide free motion in one dimension. Linear motion
bearings are widely used to guide, support , locate and accurately
move machinery components and products in a wide range of
automation application.

19. State the functions of the following G and M codes?

G01 G04 M04 M30
G01 - Linear move
G04 – Dwell
M04 - spindle on CCW
M30 - end of tape (rewind)

20. Compare Bulk and surface micro machining Process.

Bulk micromachining, the oldest of the micromachining
technologies, is accomplished by removing material from a
substrate to create holes, cavities, channels, or other desired
shapes Surface micromachining etches away layers deposited on
top of the silicon substrate. The process starts with a silicon
wafer, upon which structural and sacrificial layers are deposited.
Surface Micromachining is the process of forming
movable structures by placing the structures on initially rigid
platforms, then removing the platforms, usually by etching the
material away.

21. Define micromachining?

Micro machining is defined as the ability to produce features with
the dimensions from 1 µm to 999 µm or when the volume of the
material removed is at the micro level. Classification of
micromachining methods as shown in figure.
22. Mention the type of ball screws.

23. Differentiate Automation and Mechanization.

Mechanization is normally defined as the replacement of
a human task with a machine. Automatic transplants are an
example of mechanization.
Automation involves the entire process, including
bringing material to and from the mechanized equipment. It
normally involves integrating several operations and ensuring that
the different pieces of equipment talk to one another to ensure
smooth operation. Many times, true automation requires re-
evaluating and changing current processes rather than simply
mechanizing them.

24. What is adaptive control?

Adaptive control is the capability of the system to modify its own
operation to achieve the best possible mode of operation. Flow
chart as shown in figure.

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