BSc Biochemistry 2020 2023 Effective From June 2020
BSc Biochemistry 2020 2023 Effective From June 2020
BSc Biochemistry 2020 2023 Effective From June 2020
Programme Outcomes
PO4. Encouraging social interaction, service learning and develop equity centred national
development (Social Extension work)
PSO1. Describe the nature and basic concepts of all subjects that collate to applicability of
PSO2. Analyse biochemical systems, such as, changes associated with stressful conditions,
evolutionarily conserved pathways, genetic, nutritional and environmental adaptations
etc, and link it with life in all forms,
PSO3. Learn technical skills through laboratory sessions/ research projects and develop self-
directed experiential learning
PSO5. Extend the applicability of Biochemistry to service learning and nation development
through awareness programmes/ action - oriented projects in health, nutrition, and
Semester I
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to build the basic foundation for studying biochemistry.
By the end of the paper, a student should be able to:
CO 1: To explain the importance of having water as a solvent system in cells
CO 2: To spell out the importance of bonding and spatial arrangements of molecules for proper
functioning and stability.
CO 3: To establish the concept of how proper conformations are needed for optimum
functioning of the molecules and thereby the entire cell
CO 4: To specify how proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids can contribute to
structural integrity of the cell as well as the biochemical reactions.
CO 5: To analyse how a change in the structure of the molecules can lead to abnormalities, for
eg. A mutated globin results in sickle cell anaemia
CO 6: To state both the physical as well as chemical properties of these biomolecules, as these
properties can be used to carry out various studies.
CO 7: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the structure of
biomolecules, understand their properties, design of experiments to prove the same and
analyse the data and give interpretations.
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
a. The students could pursue a career in clinical Biochemistry as maintaining levels of these
biomolecules in the body are of utmost importance. The decrease or increase in the
amount of some of the biomolecules can have clinical significance. For example,
increased blood sugar levels are indicative of a person suffering from diabetes mellitus.
b. The students can carry out basic research in Biochemistry, which in turn can be of great
help in the medical and diagnostic fields.
c. Students can also go in for Medical Laboratory Technique Courses, opening
opportunities in hospitals and pathological laboratories.
d. Basic knowledge of biochemistry is also required for Nutrition and Dietetics.
e. The understanding of proteins, its study, has opened up the field of Proteomics.
f. Many of the carbohydrates, proteins and lipids discussed have commercial value and
thus, find a place in Industrial Biotechnology.
Water: Properties of water, Water a biological solvent, Proton mobility, fitness of the aqueous
environment for living organisms, self-ionisation of water: Kw and pKw. Acid base reactions,
pH, pOH, pKa, weak and strong acids, physiological importance of pH; Osmosis and Donnan
membrane equilibrium.
Buffers: Buffers, buffer action, buffer capacity, Henderson – Hasselbalch equation, its
limitations and uses, laboratory use of buffers, physiological importance of buffers in body fluids
and tissues.
Unit 2: Carbohydrates
Introduction, natural occurrence and physiological importance; Classification and structure of
carbohydrates: aldose and ketoses, Mono, oligo and polysaccharides, Structure of
Chemical reactions of amino acids: Sanger’s reaction, Edman’s reaction, Nitrous acid reaction,
Siegfried’s carbamino reaction, Dansyl chloride reaction, oxidative deamination by oxides and
Proteins: Peptides – structure, formation and characteristics of peptide bond; Classification based
on solubility, shape and composition; Functions of proteins; Properties – isoelectric pH ,
hydration, behaviour in solution, solubility, salting in and salting out, precipitation of proteins by
acid reagents, heavy metals, heat, extreme pH changes, denaturation and renaturation of proteins.
Structure of proteins – primary, secondary, super secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures;
Determination of sequences of proteins (Protein sequencing); Biological functions of fibrous
proteins, keratins, collagen, elastin, globular proteins – haemoglobin, myoglobin, glycoproteins,
lipoproteins, nucleoproteins and metalloproteins.
Unit 4: Lipids
Lipids: Introduction, classification of lipids, fatty acids. Structure, properties, functions and
importance of saturated, unsaturated, hydroxyl, cyclic, branched chain fatty acids and PUFA;
Physical properties, isomerism, geometrical isomerism, positional isomers, melting point, boiling
point, solubility and absorption spectra; Chemical properties: salt formation, detergent,
esterification, hydrogenation, halogenations, oxidation, saponification; Chemical constants of
fats: saponification value, iodine number, Reichert Meissl number, acetyl number, acid number.
Rancidity of fats due to hydrolysis, oxidation and lipolysis, prevention of rancidity; Waxes –
natural waxes, properties and importance.
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to build the basic foundation as well as skill in the
subject of biochemistry.
By the end of the paper, a student should be able to:
CO 1: To explain the importance of various instruments used in biochemistry.
CO 2: To establish the concept with lab sessions
CO 3: To analyse and to identify carbohydrates
CO 4: To experimentally prove both the physical as well as chemical properties of these
biomolecules, as these properties can be used to carry out various studies.
CO 5: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the structure of
biomolecules, understand their properties, design of experiments to prove the same and
analyse the data and give interpretations.
Students should learn the principles, theory, protocol and calculations for each
They should learn about reagent preparations.
Basic Practicals
1. Introduction to Biochemistry Lab: Understanding of Lab Protocols. Safety aspects in
Biochemical Laboratory.
2. Glossary of technical terms in Biochemistry
3. Calibration of instruments and pipettes.
4. Biochemical reagent preparations for various solutions with respect to different
Normality, Molarity, % Solutions (W/V), (V/V).
5. Use of microscope and microscopic examination of osazones.
6. Preparation of distilled water.
7. pH measurements*& numerical based on pH & buffer.
8. Preparation of buffer and its pH determination.
Titration Practicals
8. Use of potassium dichromate in the standardization of sodium thiosulphate
9. Estimation of sugar by Cole’s method.
Qualitative analysis
11. Qualitative tests for carbohydrates.
*Note: These will be conducted as a mini project, wherein the students will be asked to check
the pH and hardness of different water samples to conclude whether there is a correlation
between the two measured parameters and also discuss the results obtained.
III. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
interaction based teaching.
I. Course Outcome
The basic unit of life is a cell. Therefore, study of its structure and functions gives an insight into
an intricately woven network of efficient and coordinated molecular mechanisms that renders a
cell fit to not just survive but also to multiply, get differentiated and move around.
Understanding various concepts like how cells originated, transport across membranes, transport
within cells, cell division, regulation of cell cycle, cell senescence etc. opens up a lot of target
areas for drugs and treatment. For example, today there are a lot of drugs that target the
ribosomes, which has been possible because its structure and functions has been thoroughly
a) The assembly of biomolecules to form a cell, which has been the crux of origin of life and the
evolutionary changes thereafter, especially, the role of RNA and genetic changes.
b) The detailed study of membrane biochemistry, transport across membranes and within cells by
c) Studying the organization of the cell and the structure and functions of various organelles.
d) The structure and function of nucleus, cell division, cell cycle regulation and senescence
CO 1: To explain the evolution of a cell and the role of nucleic acids in evolution
CO 4: To clarify how important each organelle is to make cell the basic unit of life – the entire
organization within a cell is a perfect example of division of labour with proper
coordination and networking.
CO 6: To question why a cell cycle needs to be regulated and when does a cell need to die.
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to build the basic foundation as well as skill in the
subject of biochemistry.
By the end of the paper, a student should be able to:
CO 1: To explain the importance of various biomolecules and correlate concepts with lab
CO 2: To analyse and to identify proteins and lipids
CO 3: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the working of a
cell, design of experiments to prove the same and analyse the data and give
Students should know the principles, theory, protocol and calculations for each
They should know about reagent preparations.
*Note: This will be conducted as a mini project, wherein the students will be asked to check
the sugar content of juices, soft drinks etc. and assess whether the sugar content is in
accordance to the amount written on their labels.
III. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
Semester- III
CORE Paper: Concepts in Microbiology
Course Code: BC 3501
No. of Credits: 04
Learning Hours: 60 hrs
I. Course Outcome
CO 1: To explain the morphology of a prokaryotic cell and the fine structure of its organelles
CO 4: To describe the basic growth requirements of bacteria in vitro in order to culture them.
CO 7: To justify how microbes have been a tool to minimise use of chemicals, improvise waste
water treatment and decreasing environmental pollution by biodegradation
CO 8: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the use of microbial
systems in enhancing the quality of life.
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
a) The students could pursue a career in industries that specialize in synthesis of various
chemical components like acetic acid, enzymes, antibiotics, drugs etc.
b) The students can carry out basic research in Microbiology and Biotechnology, which in turn
can be of great help in the commercialization of various microbial products.
c) Students can also go in for Medical Laboratory Technique Courses, opening opportunities in
hospitals and pathological laboratories.
f) Entrepreneurial start ups for small scale industries like production of biofertilizers, fermented
foods etc.
Salient features and economic importance of Archeabacteria, rickettsia, fungi, algae, and viruses
Unit 2: Microscopy
Parts of a compound microscope: condenser, objective, ocular lens systems; Basic principles of
image formation; Relationship between magnification and numerical aperture; angular power
and resolving power.
Growth and Nutrition: Definition and calculation of generation time, Growth curve, diauxic
growth curve. Measuring bacterial growth (SPC, serial dilution, direct microscopic count); Effect
of various factors on growth and reproduction of bacteria: temperature, osmotic pressure,
radiation, hydrostatic pressure, mechanical impact, surface tension (define types based on
specific requirement e.g. thermophilic); Cultivation of anaerobes, pure culture isolation and
Nutritional requirements and broad categories of bacteria (auxotrophs, lithotrophsetc)
Preparation of media, Types of media (Natural, empirical, synthetic, defined, special media)
III. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
interaction based teaching.
Semester- III
CORE Paper: Biophysical Chemistry
Course Code: BC 3502
No. of Credits: 04
Learning Hours: 60 hrs
I. Course Outcome
CO 1: To state the basic concepts of physics like adsorption, viscosity, surface tension,
absorption of light to be able to apply in understanding concepts in biochemistry
CO 3: To justify that the discovery and advancement of biophysics has opened up understanding
pathways and mode of actions of various biological systems.
CO 5: Design experiments with appropriate techniques in the methodologies and analyze the
data obtained.
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
a) The students could pursue a career in industries that specialize in Instrumentation specifically
for Life Science Research and Analysis
b) Avail jobs in Production, Quality Control and Rand D divisions of Pharmaceutical and
Biotech companies.
1. Berg JM, and Tymoczko TJ, Stryer L,: Biochemistry (6th Ed)
2. Daniel, C Harris: Quantitative Chemical Analysis
3. David Freifelder: Physical biochemistry (2nd Ed) WH Freeman, USA)
4. Donald Voet and Voet J: Biochemistry (4th Ed) 2011
5. Ghatak KL: Techniques and methods in Biology. PHI learning Pvt Ltd. 2011
6. Nelson DL and Cox MM: Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry (5th Ed) 2008
7. Oser: Hawks Physiological Chemistry (4th Ed) 1965.
8. Upadhyay and Nath: Biophysical chemistry: Principles and Techniques (3rd Ed)
9. Van Holde KE: Physical Biochemistry. Prentice Hall, NJ.
10. Vogel AI: A text book of quantitative inorganic analysis (3rd Ed), 1975.
11. Westand Todd: Text book of biochemistry ((4th Ed) 1970
12. Wharton and McCarty: Experiments and methods in Biochemistry
13. Willard and Merrit: Instrumental methods of analysis (4th Ed) 1971.
14. Wilson K and Walker J: Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology (6th Ed) 2006. Cambridge University Press.
Semester- III
Practical Paper: Fundamentals of Biophysical techniques and Microbiology
Course Code: BC 3503L
No. of Credits: 2.5
Learning Hours: 60 hrs
Session: 3 hours
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to build the basic foundation as well as skill in the
subject of biochemistry.
By the end of the paper, a student should be able to:
CO 1: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the use of microbial
systems in enhancing the quality of life.
CO2: To apply the techniques for production, analysis and modifications of biomolecules.
CO3: Design experiments with appropriate techniques in the methodologies to study various
aspects of microorganisms
Colorimetric Estimations
1. Estimation of sugar by Folin-Wu method
2. Estimation of protein by Folin-Lowry method
Biophysical methods
3. Measurement of absorption spectra
4. Agarose gel electrophoresis
5. SDS-Poly acrylamide gel electrophoresis
6. Thin layer chromatography
7. Paper chromatography
8. Column chromatography
9. Off site visit to Industry
*Note: These will be conducted as a mini project, wherein the students will be asked to check
the growth characteristics of microorganisms under static and aerated conditions; under
different temperature and pH conditions. Production of alcohol by yeasts from different food
1. Plummer: An introduction to practical Biochemistry
2. Thomas and Schalkhammer: Analytical Biochemistry, 2002
3. Varley H: Practical Clinical Biochemistry
4. Wharton and McCarty: Experimental methods in Biochemistry
5. Willard and Merrit: Instrumental methods of analysis.
6. Seeley HW and Van Denmark PJ: Microbes in Action
I. Course Outcome
CO 1: To justify that physiological functions of cells are aided and regulated by signal
molecules likes hormones, owing to its specificity and transduction mechanisms, which
in turn become a target for treatment of various ailments
CO 4: To state the importance of secretions and absorption in the body to aid digestion,
circulation and excretions. The mechanisms involved will also enable comprehend what
happens when there is any defect in any of the steps.
CO 5: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the basic concepts
involved in signalling, transport, regulation and movement.
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
a) An ability to carry out basic research in understanding various physiological actions in cells.
b) Work in research institutions, hospitals which are involved in finding molecular targets to
treat diseases.
c) Opportunities to work in companies that are into discovery of drugs that target cells at the
molecular level for therapeutics
Role of surface tension in inhalation; (Theory of surface tension and its measurement); Role of
hemoglobin in oxygen transport, dissociation curve of oxyhemoglobin and its significance.
Bohr’s effect, transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide, chloride shift.
Various buffer systems of the blood, acid base balance, factors affecting acid-base balance.
Acidosis and alkalosis, Role of lung and kidney in regulation of acid base balance.
Functions of glomerular membrane and glomerular filtration rate (GFR), selective reabsorption
and secretion, active passive transport of various substances (sugars, amino acids, urea and
creatinine), mechanism of urine formation; Role of hormones in regulation.
Semester- IV
CORE Paper: Nutrition
Course Code: BC 4502
No. of Credits: 04
Learning Hours: 60 hrs
I. Course Overview
The main objective of the course will be to understand the importance of Nutrition and its
biochemical implications
CO 1: To explain simple concepts related to Nutrition like balanced diet, RDA etc.,
CO 4: To assess the contribution of minerals, trace elements and vitamins to the well being of
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
c) The students can carry out basic research in nutrition based projects
Unit 4: Vitamins
Water soluble vitamins: Occurrence/ Dietary sources; Biochemical functions; recommended
dietary allowances; assimilation; and deficiency.
Fat soluble vitamins: Occurrence/ Dietary sources; Biochemical functions; recommended dietary
allowances; assimilation and deficiency.
II. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
interaction based teaching.
1. B. Srilakshmi: Dietetics
2. B. Srilakshmi: Nutrition Science
3. Christopher Haslett: Davidson’s principles and Practice of medicine (18thed) 1999.
Churchill Livingston.
4. Guthrie
5. Guyton A: Text book of Medical Physiology (10thed).
6. Murray H et al: Harper’s Biochemistry (25thed) 2000.
7. Rang HM and Dale MM: Rang and Dale’s pharmacology (6thed) 2007, Churchill
Livingston Elsevier.
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to build the basic foundation as well as skill in the
subject of biochemistry.
By the end of the paper, a student should be able to:
CO 1: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the basic concepts
involved in signalling, transport, regulation and movement.
CO 2: To assess the contribution of minerals, trace elements and vitamins to the well being of
Students should learn the principles, theory, protocol and calculations for each
They should learn about reagent preparations.
1. Estimation of Iron by KSCN method
2. Estimation of Magnesium
3. Estimation of Calcium
4. Estimation of Vitamin C*
5. Measurement of obesity indices*
6. Interpretation of Lipid Profile Indices*
7. Tests for Food adulteration*
Urine Analysis
8. Physical parameters of Urine
9. Normal chemical constituents of Urine
10. Detecting abnormal and pathological constituents of Urine
Basic Hematology
11. Red blood cell count
12. White blood cell count
13. Differential counting
14. Estimation of Hb by Sahli’s method
15. Determination of ESR
16. Determination of PCV
17. Determination of bleeding time, clotting time and blood group
1. Oser: Hawk’s Physiological Chemistry (14thed)
2. Plummer: An introduction to practical Biochemistry
3. Sheela Sharma: Experiments and Techniques, 2007.
4. Thomas and Schalkhammer: Analytical Biochemistry, 2002
5. Varlery H: Practical Clinical Biochemistry
6. Whatton and McCarty: Experimental methods in Biochemistry
Semester V
CORE Paper: Metabolism-I
Course Code: BC 5501
No. of Credits: 04
Learning Hours: 60 hrs
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to understand the concepts of Metabolism and its
importance in the proper functioning of each cell.
CO 2: To see the correlation between energy molecules, reducing equivalents and pathways;
CO 4: To compare anabolic and catabolic pathways of carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids
and comprehend how any defect in a pathway could lead to diseases.
CO 5: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the pathways and
cycles of metabolism
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
e) Carry out basic research in understanding aspects of metabolism that are still not clear
II. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
1. Berg JM, and Tymoczko TJ Stryer L,: Biochemistry (7thed), (2012).WH Freeman
2. Bhagvan NV: Medical Biochemistry (4thed) Bartlett Publishers.
3. Donald Voet and Voet J: Biochemistry (4thed) 2011, Wiley Publications.
4. Grisham and Garett: Biochemistry (3rded), Pearson-Thomson publishers
5. Jeoffrey Zubay: Principles of Biochemistry, McGraw Hill Publications, (1996).
6. Murray RK, Rodwell VW: Harpers review of Biochemistry (25thed), (2000).
7. Nelson DL and Cox MM: Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry (7thed) 2017.
8. Metzler: Biochemistry (2nded)
9. Dee Unglaub Silverthron: Human Physiology an integrated approach (5thed), Pearson –
Benjamin Cummngs (2010).
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to understand the importance of Molecular Biology and
its implications.
CO1: To analyse the experiments carried out by various scientists to prove that DNA is the
genetic material,
CO3: To narrate the mechanisms of DNA replication, transcription and translation in prokaryotes
CO4: To evaluate how DNA damage can lead to detrimental effects and how DNA repair
systems in the cells try to prevent mutations before being inherited.
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
c) The students can carry out basic research in cell and molecular biology
II. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
interaction based teaching.
1. Berg JM, and Tymoczko TJ, Stryer L,: Biochemistry (6th Edition)
2. Watson, J.D - Molecular Biology of the Gene (5th Edition)
3. De Robertis and De Robertis: Cell and Molecular Biology (8th Edition)
4. Donald Voet and Voet J: Biochemistry (4th Edition) 2011
5. Grisham and Garett: Biochemistry (3rd ed)
6. Benjamin Lewin: Genes IX (2007)
7. Nelson DL and Cox MM: Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry (7th ed) 2017
8. Lodish: Molecular Cell Biology (5th Edition) 2004
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to understand the concepts of Metabolism and its
importance in the proper functioning of each cell.
CO3: To outline mechanisms of catalysis and the involvement of various cofactors and
coenzymes in the process;
CO5: To reason out how the rate of reaction of an enzyme is affected by physical and chemical
CO6: To differentiate between regulatory enzymes and non regulatory enzymes through kinetic
CO7: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the pathways and
cycles of metabolism
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
Unit 1: Introduction
History, general characteristics, nomenclature, IUB enzyme classification, significance of
numbering system. Definitions with examples; holoenzyme, apoenzyme, cofactors, coenzymes,
activators, inhibitors.
Units of enzyme activity, Definition of IU, Katal, enzyme turn over number abd specific activity.
Methodology, sampling & continuous methods with examples, advantages,disadvantages of: (a)
Spectrophotometric method (b) Spectrofluorometric method(c) Electrochemical methods (d)
Polarimetric method, and(e) Manometric method;Handling of enzymes, Enzyme assays.
Kinetics of zero and first order reactions; Significance and evaluation of energy of activation and
free energy.
II. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
interaction based teaching.
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to understand the applications of metabolic reactions,
enzymes and fermentation
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
a) Give a basic understanding of clinical aspects of biochemistry and its use in diagnosis
b) Discover drugs related to metabolic disorders
c) Start small scale industries using microbes and enzymes
d) Work in industries related to fermentation
II. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
interaction based teaching.
1. Stanbury P., Whitaker and Hall. Principles of Fermentation Technology. Second Edition
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to build the basic foundation for doing research and to
give general overview of the field of intellectual properties. It explains the importance of
planning and development in research, designing and implementation of methodology to
maintain quality of research.
It explains the concepts and rational behind data analysis. Students will be introduced to basic
statistical methods to help prove hypotheses and validate data.
By the end of the paper, a student should be able to:
CO1: To develop most appropriate research strategy.
CO2: Know and use different methods and strategy for research.
CO3: To explain basic concepts of statistics and its application in biology
CO 4: To collect sample, categorize the data and understand variables
CO 5: Use measurements of central tendencies, deviation and errors
CO 6: To Analyse and interpret experimental results
CO 7: To solve problems involving Permutations, Combinations and Probability
CO 8: Use simple statistics softwares for substantiating data
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
a) The students can carry out quality research in Biochemistry, which in turn can be of great help
to the society.
b) The students are able to carry out significant research.
c) The students could pursue a career in Biostatistics
Permutations: Definition and basic formula (nPr = n!/(n-r)!), Permutations with repetition,
Application of permutations in biology (The genetic code), Combinations: Definition and basic
formula (nCr = n!/r!(n-r)!), Application in biology (pedigree analysis), Problems involving
Permutations, Combinations and Probability
Session: 3 hours
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to build the basic foundation as well as skill in the
subject of biochemistry.
By the end of the paper, a student should be able to:
CO1: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the pathways and
cycles of metabolism
CO3: To differentiate between regulatory enzymes and non regulatory enzymes through kinetic
CO4: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the pathways and
cycles of metabolism
Students should learn the principles, theory, protocol and calculations for each
They should learn about reagent preparations.
Clinical Experiments
Enzyme practicals
7. Assay of salivary amylase.
8. Effect of pH on enzyme activity
9. Effect of enzyme concentration on enzyme activity
10. Effect of substrate concentration on enzyme activity
11. Effect of a competitive inhibitor on enzyme activity
12. Extraction and partial purification of an enzyme (amylase/peroxidase)
Fermentation Experiments
1. Oser: Hawk’s Physiological Chemistry (14thed)
2. Plummer: An introduction to Practical Biochemistry, 1988, Tata Mc Graw- Hill
3. Sheela Sharma: Experiments and Techniques, 2007.
4. Thomas and Schalkhammer: Analytical Biochemistry, 2002
5. Varley H: Practical Clinical Biochemistry, 1980, Heinemann, London
6. Thimmaiah S R: Standard Methods of Biochemical Analysis, 1999, Klayani Publishers
Semester VI
CORE Paper: Metabolism-II
Course Code: BC 6501
No. of Credits: 04
Learning Hours: 60 hrs
CO4: To relate metabolism in different conditions, in different tissues, and how intermediates
connect several metabolic pathways, thus, relating a single pathway to various metabolic
CO5: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the pathways and
cycles of metabolism
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
a) Give a basic understanding of clinical aspects of biochemistry
b) Discover drugs related to metabolic disorders
c) Basic technical knowledge required in pathological laboratories
d) Work in industries related to diagnostics
e) Carry out basic research in understanding aspects of metabolism that are still not clear
Mitochondria, Glycerol Phosphate And Malate- Aspartate Shuttle, ETC, various hypotheses for
ATP Production, Oxidative Phosphorylation, Binding Change Hypothesis, P/O Ratio, Regulation
of oxidative phosphorylation, Uncouplers & Inhibitors, mitochondrially mediated diseases.
II. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
interaction based teaching.
1. Berg JM, and Tymoczko TJ Stryer L,: Biochemistry (7thed), (2012).WH Freeman
2. Bhagvan NV: Medical Biochemistry (4thed) Bartlett Publishers.
3. Donald Voet and Voet J: Biochemistry (4thed) 2011, Wiley Publications.
4. Grisham and Garett: Biochemistry (5thed), (2013) Pearson-Thomson publishers
5. JeoffreyZubay: Principles of Biochemistry, McGraw Hill Publications, (1996).
6. Murray RK, Rodwell VW: Harpers review of Biochemistry (25thed), (2000).
7. Nelson DL and Cox MM: Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry (6thed) 2008.
8. Metzler D E: Biochemistry (2nded) (2003), Elsevier
9. Dee Unglaub Silverthron: Human Physiology an integrated approach (5thed), Pearson –
Benjamin Cummings (2010).
Semester VI
CORE Paper: Molecular Biology-II
Course Code: BC 6502
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to understand the concepts of molecular biology and its
By the end of the paper, a student should be able to:
CO1: To explain complex mechanisms like homologous recombination and transposition and
look at the importance of these in the cells.
CO2: To appraise the basic tools required in recombinant DNA technology
CO3: To demonstrate the various techniques in molecular biology and their applications
CO4: To evaluate the use of recombinant DNA technology in betterment of the society
CO5: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand various molecular
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
a) To chose a career in molecular biology and genetic engineering
b) Exploit the basic understanding of the subject to create something that can help society
c) Equip oneself with skills to grow in the biotech sector
d) Work in biotechnology industries in Research and Development/Production/ Quality
e) Carry out basic research in understanding many more molecular mechanisms inside a cell.
II. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
interaction based teaching.
1. Berg JM, and Tymoczko TJ, Stryer L,: Biochemistry (6th Edition)
2. Watson, J.D - Molecular Biology of the Gene (5th Edition)
3. De Robertis and De Robertis: Cell and Molecular Biology (8th Edition)
4. Donald Voet and Voet J: Biochemistry (4th Edition) 2011
5. Grisham and Garett: Biochemistry (3rd ed)
6. Benjamin Lewin: Genes IX (2007)
7. Nelson DL and Cox MM: Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry (5th ed) 2008
8. Lodish: Molecular Cell Biology (5th Edition) 2004
9. TA Brown. Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis (6th Edition), Wiley- Blackwell
Semester VI
CORE Paper: Immunology
Course Code: BC 6503
No. of Credits: 04
Learning Hours: 60 hrs
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
a) Working towards developing vaccines against many diseases
b) Use immune molecules or cells for diagnosis and therapy especially for cancer
c) Work in laboratories specifically using immune techniques like Radioimmunoassay,
ELISA etc.
d) Carry out basic research in understanding still unexplored areas of immunology.
Unit 3: MHC, Ag processing & presentation, T & B cell response, Complement system
Structure and functions of Class I and II MHC, role of APC, Ag processing (endocytic and
cytosolic pathways), Ag presentation
Activation, maturation and differentiation of T cell receptors, Humoral response, Activation,
maturation and differentiation of B cells
II. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
interaction based teaching.
1. Kuby Immunology (2007) 6th ed., Kindt, T.L., Goldsby, R.A. and Osborne, B.A., W.H
Freeman and Company (New York), ISBN:13: 978-0-7167-8590-3 / ISBN: 10:0-7617-
2. Immunology: A Short Course (2009) 6th ed., Coico, R and Sunshine, G., John Wiley&
sons, Inc (New Jersey), ISBN: 978-0-470-08158-7.
3. Janeway’sImmunobiology (2012) 8th ed., Murphy, K., Mowat, A., and Weaver, C.T.,
Garland Science (London & New York), ISBN: 978-0-8153-4243-4.
4. Immunology: Jan Klein, Blackwell Scientific
5. Immunology: Ivan Roitt, (10thed), Blackwell Scientific Press, 2010.
Semester VI
CORE Paper: Genetics
I. Course Overview
The main objective of the course will be to understand the concepts of Genetics and role of genes
in developmental biology
CO1: Apply the principles of Mendelian inheritance and their extensions by analysing
inheritance patterns from crosses
CO3: Describe the origins and genetic consequences of mutations and chromosomal
CO4: Describe the concept of maternal inheritance, epigenetics and evolutionary genetics
CO5: Analyse basic processes in population genetics, mutation, migration, natural selection and
genetic drift and describe how they affect the genetic diversity within a species
II. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
interaction based teaching.
Semester VI
Subject Elective Paper: Model Organisms
Course Code: BC 6401
No. of Credits: 02
Learning Hours: 30 hrs
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to understand the importance of having a model
organism to study the basic metabolic and molecular pathways, to understand responses of
systems to external stimuli or environment, to enable research oriented towards understanding
basics as well as looking at applications etc. The features and characteristics that are needed to
make use of an organism for various studies are of prime importance. In future, many more such
model organisms could be developed to unravel the mysteries of life.
Thus, the knowledge from this course can help in the following:
a) Defining a problem and explore using model organisms to seek for a solution, thus
looking at research as a career option
b) Enable use of these model organisms to develop products for the market, by beginning a
start up company.
II. Teaching methodologies: Apart from the conventional black board teaching, other modes of
teaching that will be adopted are power points, problem solving, and group projects.
Assignments will be designed such that students inculcate the habit of reading reference books
and science journals. The use of smart boards for teaching will also be promoted to enable more
interaction based teaching.
1. Genetics (2012) 6th ed., Sinustad, D.P. and Simmons, M.J., John Wiley &
2. Genetics - A Conceptual Approach (2012), 4th ed., Pierce, B.A., W.H. Freeman & Co.
(New York)
3. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis (2010), 10th ed., Griffiths, A.J.F, Wessler, S. R,
Carroll, S. B. and Doebley, J., W.H. Freeman & Company (New York)
4. Watson, J.D - Molecular Biology of the Gene (5th Ed)
5. Lodish: Molecular Cell Biology (5th Edition) 2004
6. Emerging model Organisms, Vol 1 and 2., CHL Press, 2010
Semester VI
Practical Paper: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Immunology and Genetics
Course Code: BC 6505L
No. of Credits: 5
Learning Hours: 60 hrs
Session: 3 hours
I. Course Outcome
The main objective of the course will be to build the basic foundation as well as skill in the
subject of biochemistry.
By the end of the paper, a student should be able to:
CO1: To relate metabolism in different conditions, in different tissues, and how intermediates
connect several metabolic pathways, thus, relating a single pathway to various metabolic
CO2: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the pathways and
cycles of metabolism
CO3: Appreciate experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand various molecular
CO4: To demonstrate that experiments carried out by scientists to enable understand the
mechanisms underlying immune responses
CO5: Analyse basic processes in population genetics, mutation, migration, natural selection and
genetic drift and describe how they affect the genetic diversity within a species
Students should learn the principles, theory, protocol and calculations for each
They should learn about reagent preparations.
Immunological Tests
Genetics practicals
1. Oser: Hawk’s Physiological Chemistry (14thed)
2. Plummer: An introduction to Practical Biochemistry
3. Sheela Sharma: Experiments and Techniques, 2007.
4. Thomas and Schalkhammer: Analytical Biochemistry, 2002
5. Varley H: Practical Clinical Biochemistry