St. Xavier'S College (Autonomous), Ahmedabad-9: Msc. Biotechnology (Syllabus) (Effective 2020-2023)
St. Xavier'S College (Autonomous), Ahmedabad-9: Msc. Biotechnology (Syllabus) (Effective 2020-2023)
St. Xavier'S College (Autonomous), Ahmedabad-9: Msc. Biotechnology (Syllabus) (Effective 2020-2023)
Programme Outcomes
PO4. Encouraging social interaction, service learning and develop equity centred national
development (Social Extension work)
PSO1 Understanding and proposing experimental designs, develop problem solving abilities
of the protocols developed for commercially viable biotech products
PSO4 Finding sustainable solutions to issues pertaining to environment, health, agriculture etc.
Note: An average of 15 lectures per unit and a total of 60 hours per paper.
I. Course Outcome
CO1: To describe the structure of protein and correlate with its functions such as like molecular
motors, interaction, carriers, signalling, repair and structure
CO3: To understand and interpret the original experiments carried out to propose structure and
functioning of various proteins
CO4: Ability to interpret Ramachandran plot and explaining proteins structure using
bioinformatics tool
CO6: To appreciate the importance of proper folding of proteins and relate to health, agriculture,
and environmental issues arising from its expression.
Various articles from journals
I. Course Outcome
CO 1: To explain the synthesis, breakdown of nucleic acids and role of inhibitors which has
applications in medical field.
CO 2: To demonstrate the existence of various forms of nucleic acids and its relevance and to
comprehend that the modern concepts of DNA structure beyond what Watson – Crick
CO 3: To analyze how topological changes and condensation of DNA influences gene
CO 3: To explain the concept of RNA interference and its applications in various fields
CO 4: To describe and interpret experimental result arising from various DNA based studies
CO 5: To apply the concepts of regulation of gene expression as a tool in research and industry
CO 6: To assess how genetic complexity is associated with repetitive sequences and gene
Various articles from journals
I. Course Outcome
Various articles from journals
I. Course Outcome
CO 1: To describe the various centrifugal techniques used for fractionation of cells, cell
organelles and bio-molecules.
CO 2: To apply the techniques of chromatography and electrophoresis to separate bio-
CO 6: Acquire adequate skills to use the instruments and analyze the experimental data.
CO 7: Implement the theoretical knowledge gained experimentally all the analytical techniques
for characterization of bio-molecules.
Unit-2: Electrophoresis
Migration of Ions in an electric field, factors affecting mobility, types of electrophoresis-Free
and Zonal, General techniques of zonal electrophoresis, Specialized electrophoretic techniques-
DISC, Gradient, High Voltage Electrophoresis, Isoelectric focusing, 2D electrophoresis,
Immuno-electrophoresis, Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis, Di-electrophoresis. Capillary
Unit-3: Chromatography
Chromatographic techniques - General principles of partition and adsorption chromatography.
Thin layer, column, ion - exchange, molecular exclusion, gas - liquid and HPLC, normal phase,
reverse phase, chromatofocusing, immune affinity, capillary elctrochromatography.
Various articles from journals
I. Course Outcome
1. Introduction to Practical Biochemistry. Plummer D, Plummer M. Tata McGraw Hill
2. Practical Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students. Vasudevan DM et al. 2nd Edition,
2013. Jaypee Brothers publishers.
3. Extraction and Characterisation of Starches from Four Varieties of Mangifera indica Seeds
4. Modified Orcinol Reaction for RNA determination.
5. Optimization of a UV-Vis spectrometric method for Caffeine analysis in tea, coffee and other
Note: An average of 15 lectures per unit and a total of 60 hours per paper.
I. Course Outcome
CO 1: To describe the molecules of life and conserved structures; recount how the working of
the cell was discovered through model organisms
CO 2: To be able to recognize and identify the importance and functions of cell membrane
CO 3: To develop capacity to distinguish signalling pathways for regulation of various cellular
CO 4: To be able to explain mechanism of development across species
CO 5: To evaluate the use of various model organisms to relate the development of vertebrates
Various articles from journals
CO1: To describe the different models of enzyme catalysis and the mechanisms for its
CO2: To explain various methods for identifying active site residues
CO3: To illustrate the several methods for the enzyme regulation
CO4: To appreciate the applicability of enzymology in various industries for growth and
CO5: To develop skill for analyzing kinetic data of enzyme substrate reaction
Immobilized enzymes: methods, kinetics and their industrial applications. Nanomaterials for
Enzyme immobilization.
I. Course Outcome
Various articles from journals
I. Course Outcome
CO 1: To assess the variation of genes and their alleles that exist at a population level
CO 2: To evaluate, understand and become aware of the risk factors and ethical issues
associated with inbreeding in humans and pre-natal diagnosis of genetic diseases.
CO 3: To analyse the impact of human migration on genetic material and utilizing this
epigenetic data to map migration
Various articles from journals
Course Outcome
At the end of course students will be able to
CO1: To describe the different models of enzyme catalysis and the mechanisms for its
CO2: To develop skill for analyzing kinetic data of enzyme substrate reaction
CO3: To master immobilization techniques
CO4: To cultivate and analyse yeast growth
Course Outcome
At the end of course students will be able to
CO1: To study the techniques used in understanding the characteristics of immune system
CO2: To understand the bio-analytical tools used to study proteins and nucleic acids
CO3: To familiarise with softwares used in bioinformatics
1. Introduction to Practical Biochemistry. Plummer D, Plummer M. Tata McGraw Hill
2. Practical Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students. Vasudevan DM et al. 2nd Edition,
2013. Jaypee Brothers publishers.
Note: An average of 15 lectures per unit and a total of 60 hours per paper.
I. Course Outcome
CO 1: To compare the replication and repair mechanism in eukaryotic system with the
prokaryotic system
CO 2: To explain the process of transcription in eukaryotes and its multi-level regulation
CO 3: To correlate the external signalling with the changes in gene expression
CO 4: To describe gene regulation and its significance in biological sciences
CO 5: To learn to apply various molecular biology techniques in research
CO 6: To explain methodologies that have been used to understand the concepts of molecular
CO 7: To design simple experiments based on the concepts of gene expression in eukaryotes.
Various articles from journals
I. Course Outcome
I. Course Outcome
Non-fermentation processes: MEOR (Microbial enhanced oil recovery, Microbial fuel cell.
I. Course Outcome
CO 1: To explore how different techniques in plant biotechnology has contributed to the society
CO 2: Comprehend how biotechnology has helped in Drug Discovery and Development
CO 3: To explain the culturing of animal cells in vitro and its applications
CO 4: To describe the role that biotechnology concepts have helped in environment management
CO 5: To describe the innovations and development of tools in Biotechnology
Various articles from journals
I. Course Outcome
1. Isolation of DNA and gel electrophoresis and Using Gel Documentation System to analyze
2. Random mutagenesis and screening
3. DNA amplification by PCR and its phylogenic analysis
4. Southern Transfer
5. Plasmid Isolation
6. Transformation of pBR322/pUC 8 in E. Coli (DH5 alpha) and its screening
7. Restriction digestion of Genomic DNA (Software)
8. Restriction digestion of Plasmid DNA
9. DNA Ligation
10. RNA Isolation
11. Recovery of DNA from Low-Melting-Temperature Agarose Gels: Organic Extraction
12. Isolation of Lambda phage
I. Course Outcome
CO 2: To produce biofertilizer and explain the role that biotechnology concepts have helped in
environment management
CO 3: Assessing and analyzing the effect of environmental, chemical factors on plant growth
CO 4: To demonstrate the culturing of animal cells in vitro
1. Molecular Cloning by Sambrook and Manniatis
2. Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology. McGraw – Hill, 2003
Note: An average of 15 lectures per unit and a total of 60 hours per paper.
I. Course Outcome
Various articles from journals