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3 authors:
Firdevs Senel
Beykent University
All content following this page was uploaded by Omur Polat-Ozsoy on 07 March 2016.
SUMMARY The aim of this study was to investigate if true incisor intrusion can be achieved using miniscrews.
Eleven patients (three males and eight females; mean age: 19.8 ± 4.8 years) with normal vertical dimension
showing a pre-treatment deep bite of 5.9 ± 0.9 mm and a ‘gummy’ smile were enrolled in the study. After
levelling of the maxillary central and lateral incisors with a segmental arch, an intrusive force of 80 g using
closed coil springs was applied from two miniscrews placed between the roots of the lateral and canine
teeth. The amount of incisor intrusion was evaluated on lateral cephalometric headfilms taken at the end
of levelling (T1) and at the end of intrusion (T2). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using a
paired t and Wilcoxon signed rank tests. A significance level of P < 0.05 was predetermined.
The mean upper incisor intrusion was 1.92 mm and the mean overbite decrease 2.25 ± 1.73 mm in 4.55
months. Upper incisor angulation resulted in a 1.81 ± 3.84 degree change in U1-PP angle and a 1.22 ± 3.64
degree change in U1-NA angle. However, these were not statistically significant (P > 0.05).
True intrusion can be achieved by application of intrusive forces close to the centre of resistance using
miniscrews. However, studies with a larger number of subjects and long-term follow-up are necessary.
Miniscrews are used in orthodontics as a stable anchorage
to the maxillary lateral incisors under local anaesthesia. The Periapical radiographs were obtained for each patient at
implants were inserted at the mucogingival junction into the T2 to determine any signs of root resorption.
bone without drilling. Placement of the implants was carried
out by an oral surgeon. Statistical analysis
One week after insertion, the screws were loaded with
One week after the initial evaluation, six radiographs were
medium superelastic NiTi closed coil springs and an
retraced by the same investigator to determine the method
intrusion force of 80 g was applied. The patients were
error. Spearman rho correlation coefficients were calculated
recalled every 4 weeks and the screws were checked for
for repeatability, and the coefficients were found to be close
signs of mobility or infection.
to 1.00.
In five patients, brackets (Victory series; 3M Unitek,
Descriptive statistics for age, duration of treatment, mean
Monrovia, California, USA) were bonded to teeth in the
differences, standard deviations, and minimum and maximum
lower arch.
values were calculated between T2 and T1. After checking
for normal distribution of the data, a paired t or a Wilcoxon
Records and measurements
signed rank test was performed for the assessment of treatment
Two lateral cephalometric headfilms of the patients, one at changes. A significance value of 0.05 was predetermined.
the end of levelling (T1) and the other at the end of intrusion
(T2), were obtained. All cephalograms were traced by the
same investigator (OPO) over a negatoscope in a dark room
using a 0.3 mm lead pencil. Fifteen landmarks were located A total of 22 screws were inserted. One screw was replaced
and 16 measurements (seven angular and nine linear) were due to close proximity to one of the lateral roots, and two
made on the cephalometric tracings (Figure 1). The centre due to post-operative infection and mobility.
of resistance (CR) of the maxillary central incisor was Upper intrusion was achieved in 4.55 ± 2.64 months. The
determined for each patient rather than the CR of the anterior mean rate of intrusion was 0.42 mm/month.
Figure 1 (a–c) Skeletal and dental measurements used in the study. (1) SNA (degree), angle formed between sella
nasion and nasion point A planes; (2) SNB (degree), angle formed between sella nasion and nasion point B planes; (3)
ANB (degree), angle formed between nasion point A and nasion point B planes; (4) GoMe-SN (degree), angle between
the mandibular and sella nasion planes; (5) N-ANS (mm), distance between nasion and anterior nasal spine; (6)
ANS-Me (mm), distance between anterior nasal spine and menton points; (7) S-Go (mm), distance between sella and
gonion points; (8) 1-NA (degree), angle formed between the upper incisor axis and nasion point A plane; (9) 1-NA
(mm), distance between the labial point of the upper incisor and nasion point A plane; (10) 1-PP (degree), angle formed
between the upper incisor axis and the palatal plane; (11) IMPA (degree), angle formed between the lower incisor axis
and the mandibular plane; (12) Cr-PP (mm), vertical distance between the centre of resistance (CR) of the upper
incisor and the palatal plane; (13) Cr-PFA (mm), horizontal distance between the CR of the upper incisor and the point
of force application on the upper incisor where the bracket is bonded; (14) 1-Ls (mm), vertical distance between the
upper incisor tip and upper lip stomion; (15) overjet (mm), horizontal distance between the tips of the upper and lower
central incisors; and (16) overbite (mm), vertical distance between the tips of the upper and lower central incisors.
Table 1 Pre-treatment (T1) and post-treatment (T2) cephalometric values and results of the statistical evaluation.
T1 T2 T2 − T1 P value
distance 0.86 ± 1.28 degrees; and U1-PP angle 1.81 ± 3.84 intrusion is the treatment of choice. Conventional intrusion
degrees); however, these changes were not significant mechanics frequently cause labial tipping of incisors, a
(P > 0.05). A change in the distance between the point of situation which does not always give favourable treatment
Figure 2 Frontal intraoral views of a patient treated with miniscrews: (a) pre-intrusion and (b) post-intrusion.
showed a gummy smile and incisor intrusion was the preferred In some of the patients, the lower arch was bonded for
choice of treatment. However, no overcorrection was carried levelling during upper incisor intrusion. As a result, the
out and bite opening was to be achieved by intrusion not only lower incisors showed minimal, non-significant protrusion.
of the maxillary but also of the mandibular incisors. The minimal increases in axial inclination of the upper and
In vitro studies using different methods such as the lower incisors resulted in a significant decrease in overjet.
laser reflection technique and holographic interferometry Root resorption is one of the most serious consequences of
(Dermaut and Vanden Buckle, 1976), photoelastic stress orthodontic treatment and intrusion is one type of tooth
analysis (Matsui et al., 2000), and the finite element method movement that has been suggested as a possible cause of root
(Reimann et al., 2007) as well as in vivo studies have been resorption. DeShields (1969) and Kaley and Phillips (1991)
performed to determine the CR of the incisors (Sia et al., found no correlation with upper incisor intrusion and root
2007). The results show that the CR of the four incisor teeth resorption. Conversely, McFadden et al. (1989) found 1.8 mm
lies 8–10 mm apical and 5–7 mm distal to the lateral incisors root shortening in patients treated with utility arches.
(Dermaut and Vanden Buckle, 1976; Matsui et al., 2000; Costipoulos and Nanda (1996) noted negligible amounts of
Turk et al., 2005; Reimann et al., 2007; Sia et al., 2007). resorption with intrusion and concluded that intrusion with low
Thus, application of intrusive forces mesial to the lateral forces can be effective in reducing overbite without significant
incisors would result in their proclination. The miniscrews root resorption. In this study, any possible sign of root resorption
used in the present sample were placed between the incisor was checked on the periapical radiographs and slight blunting
and canine roots in order to minimize forward movement of of only one central incisor was detected. Intrusion was
the incisors. The records were taken at the end of levelling undertaken with continuous forces via closed coil springs and
and intrusion; therefore, any protrusion occurring during the use of continuous forces might have favoured root
levelling was omitted from the measurements. continuity. Thus, force levels were within the limits
The use of the incisal edge or root apex for the evaluation recommended by Burstone (2001). However, controlled
of intrusion is not recommended because these points do not studies on the effects of incisor intrusion using miniscrews on
depend on any change in inclination (Ng et al., 2005). root resorption with a larger sample size should be performed.
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