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International Journal of Ayurveda
and Pharma Research

Review Article


Sandip Suresh Khandagale1*, Chaitanaya Laxman Ratnaparkhe, Samir Raju Sayyad, Vivek
Dipak Shelar, Amol Vilas Supekar, Vikram Sadashiv Sarukh
*1Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Abasaheb Kakade College of B Pharmacy, Bodhegaon,
Maharashtra, India.
Article info ABSTRACT
Article History: Alopecia is a condition that causes baldness and hair loss. It is a medical disorder that
Received: 28-08-2023
causes hair loss, often from the scalp or head skin. There are several factors that might
Accepted: 21-09-2023
contribute to hair loss, including genetics, environment, pollutants, different drugs,
Published: 12-10-2023
nutritional deficiencies, etc. Hair loss condition is essentially divided into numerous groups
KEYWORDS: based on hair loss pattern and its various causes. Hairs are the development of follicles that
Hair, are present on our skin and are described as "increased epithelial structure created by the
Hair loss, keratinization of germ cells" in the definition of hair. Herbal remedies are used both
Alopecia Areata, externally and inwardly to stop hair loss and early greying. Promises of improved hair
Fenugreek, growth and less hair loss. The foundation of all medical research is herbs. Since herbal
Eclipta. medications have fewer negative side effects than synthetic treatments and more positive
outcomes, almost 80% of individuals have started using them. Several synthetic therapies,
including corticosteroids, dithranol, tretinoin, minoxidil, zinc, systemic cortisone, irritants,
immunosuppressant’s, finasteride, and azelaic acid, are currently available to treat hair loss
(androgenetic and areata), but none of these treatments have been shown to have positive
and long-lasting effects on patients. These medications' synthetic side effects, such as
erythema, scaliness, pruritus, dermatitis, itching, etc., are also linked to their usage. So, in
order to address the issue of hair loss, we looked into nature's treasures and discovered a
number of herbs that have a track record of successfully treating hair loss. These herbal
medicines' claimed modes of action include improved scalp blood circulation, DHT and 5-
Reductase blockers, aromatherapy, and nutritional support. Phyllanthus Emblica, Oscimum
sanctum, Allium cepa, Allium sativum, Thea Sinensis, Eclipta alba, Cocas nucifera, Sesamum
indicum, Centella asiatica, Terminalia Chebula, Emblica officinalis, and Trigonella Foenum
graecum are a few examples of herbal medications used to treat alopecia.

One of the crucial body components that skin. It is a structure that is created as a consequence
develop from the skin's ectoderm is hair. It serves as a of "Gem cells" being keratinized. Chemical elements
protective appendage and is regarded as an accessory such as carbon (C), nitrogen (N), sulphur (S), and
structure of the skin, along with sebaceous glands, oxygen make up the keratin that makes up hair (O).
sweat glands, and nails. Because they are formed from Although each person's rate of hair growth is different,
the epidermis during embryonic development, they are on average, hair grows between 15 and 30mm every
also known as epidermal derivatives. month.[2]
The term "enhanced epithelium" refers to hair. A dermatological disorder called alopecia the
Hair is a growth of hair follicles that are seen in the prevalent both aesthetic and primary care problems
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https://doi.org/10.47070/ijapr.v11iSuppl4.2974 2% of humanity. There are several synthetic
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medications available to cure hair loss, which is
publication licensed under a Creative Commons irreversible and has harmful side effects. The use of
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International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) herbal remedies is a more effective technique to treat

IJAPR | September 2023 | Vol 11 | Suppl 4 5

Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2023;11(Suppl 4):5-10
All hair grows in three cyclical stages: presents as patchy scalp baldness or "snake coils." He
1) Anagen (Growth Phase)– The anagen can be provided the first "modern" description of AA in 1813,
short, from 2 to 8 years. About 80% of hair is although the majority of the therapy still included
normally in the anagen phase. caustic substances. Infectious agents (1843),
2) Catagen (Regression)– During the recession neuropathies (1858), physical injury and psychological
phase, growth activity increases and the hair stress (1881), local inflammation (1891), decayed
moves to the next stage. The regression period teeth (1902), poisons (1912), and endocrine problems
lasts 10-14 days. all appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century
3) Telogen– Telogen is the state in which the hair (1913). With the introduction of corticosteroid
enters a resting state. This phase lasts 90-100 days. chemicals in 1952 and the first proof that AA was an
Usually 50 to 100 random hairs fall out every day. autoimmune illness in the 1950s, new therapies were
An increase of 100 or more hairs per 6 ingredients created (1958). Research is moving more and more
Hair loss or alopecia condition, which may be toward identifying hair-specific autoantibodies (1995).
temporary.[5,13] Implicitly, an immunohistological investigation has
Male Pattern Hair Loss suggested the potential participation of lymphocytes in
Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss that AA (1980s). However, research supports their role.
results in thinned hair. Male pattern baldness is the Only the function in developing rodent models was
term used to describe the condition when it is caused published (1990s). A new age in AA research has
by heredity and androgens. Alopecia is the term used begun thanks to interest in genetic research,
when androgenetic alopecia exposes a portion of the particularly whole-genome association study (2000s).
scalp. Hair loss on the crown and front of the head, as Genetics is a current area of ongoing AA research. The
well as a receding hairline, are characteristics of male microbiome, dietary regulators, atopy, immune cell
alopecia. As shown in fig. 1. types involved in AA pathogenesis, major antigen
targets, immune cell processes influencing hair growth,
A hereditary disorder known as androgenic
and of course the creation of new therapies based on
alopecia results from a genetic predisposition to the
these discoveries.
effects of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in specific
regions of the scalp. The hair follicles eventually get The German physician Johannes Jonston (1603-1675)
smaller as a result of this, resulting in fewer and originally described an alopecia patch in his book
thinner hairs over time. A protein called 5-reductase "Medicina Practica" (1664).[3]
controls the synthesis of DHT. Multiple genes have a Types of Hair Loss in Alopecia
role, which explains why hair loss manifests differently a) Alopecia Areata (primary stage)
in different families in terms of its start, progression, An autoimmune condition known as alopecia areata
pattern, and severity. Genes associated with frequently causes hair loss on the scalp. When one
susceptibility are inherited from both parents. Genetic or more tiny, round, faultless, smooth patches are
tests this time. Baldness prediction is inaccurate.[12,13] typically the first to appear.
Female Pattern Hair Loss Alopecia areata is a relatively brief condition in
Male pattern baldness, often referred to as which patients have recurrent episodes of hair loss;
female pattern baldness or alopecia, is the most nevertheless, it does not progress to Alopecia
prevalent kind of hair loss in women. Hair loss mostly Totalis or Universalis.
affects the parietal and temporal areas. The majority of b) Temporary Alopecia Areata
vulnerable women are impacted by it after menopause, Smooth, spherical patches that go fully bald over a
although it can also start at adolescence and affects few weeks and most frequently grow back over a
roughly one-third of all susceptible women. About few months are typical in people with alopecia
100–125 hairs per day are lost in normal hair loss. areata.
These hairs are thankfully replaceable. When hairs C) Ophiasis Alopecia Areata
stop growing back or when you lose more than 125 Strips of hair are lost due to peristaltic alopecia
hairs each day, you are experiencing true hair loss. areata. It frequently arises in the occipital region of
Alopecia can be passed down genetically from any the head, which is progressive, and is harder to treat
parent in the family.[1,14] because most medications promote dementia. A
History of Alopecia course of action in these areas.
A list of treatments for various illnesses may be d) Alopecia Totalis
found on a 3,500-year-old papyrus from ancient Egypt. Hair loss throughout the whole scalp. Removal of all
Comprising "bite". Most likely alopecia areata (AA). body hair, including eyelashes and eyebrows.
Treatment for AA as it has been for more than 500 Trichotillomania- This kind of hair loss is
years. Celsus identified AA around 30 AD and offered characterised by the patient's obsessive or dull self-
scarification and caustic substances as treatments. AA pulling.
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Sandip Suresh Khandagale et al. A Review of Herbal Medications for the Treatment of Alopecia
f) Traction Alopecia loss is usually the cause of general thinning hair, but
Hair straightening that bundles the hair tightly can it is temporary.
cause a lot of traction on the hair roots and lead to ▪ Hair Loss all Over: Some Medical Conditions and
the development of adhesive alopecia.[19] Treatments B. Chemotherapy for cancer can lead to
g) Chemotherapy and hair loss hair loss all over the body. Hair usually grows back.
Chemotherapy is an action reserved for cancer ▪ Patches of Dandruff that Spread all over the
patients, but it also marks normal cells and hair scalp: This is a symptom of ringworm. It can be
follicles. This causes hair loss and is called the accompanied by broken hair, redness, swelling, and
anagen phase Alopecia alopecia. sometimes discharge.[6,7]
h) Diffuse Alopecia Causes
Unwanted hair loss on the entire scalp without Hair loss is typically related to one or more of the
reinforcement. Hair loss as a side effect of beauty following factors
treatments- Beauty treatments such as hair ● Family History (Heredity): A hereditary disease
colouring, dyeing, straightening, softening, that develops with ageing is the most frequent
feathering, and perming that contain harsh cause of hair loss. Male hormonal alopecia, male
chemicals can cause hair loss in some people. pattern baldness, and female pattern baldness are
telogen effluvium (TE) and Chronic telogen all terms used to describe this illness. It often occurs
effluvium (CTE) Nutrient deficiencies, crash diets gradually and in predictable patterns, with women
High fever, Anemia, blood loss, hormonal imbalance, experiencing thinning hair above the head and
and pregnancy can all cause telogen males experiencing receding hairlines and bald
effluvium.[2,5,13,20] patches.
Symptoms ● Hormonal Changes and Medical Conditions:
Hair loss can occur in different ways, Permanent or temporary hair loss can result from a
depending on its cause. It can occur suddenly or number of circumstances, including hormonal
gradually, affecting only the scalp or the entire body. changes brought on by pregnancy, childbirth,
Signs and symptoms of hair loss may also include: menopause, and thyroid issues. Alopecia areata,
▪ Gradual Thinning on Top of Head: This is the which affects the immune system and results in
most prevalent form of hair loss that occurs as patchy hair loss, ringworm infections of the scalp,
people age. Hair loss in males frequently starts and trichotillomania, a disorder characterised by
around the forehead's hairline. Women typically compulsive hair pulling, are examples of medical
stretch out a portion of their hair. An increasing illnesses.
number of elderly women are developing a hair loss ● Medications and Supplements: Some drugs,
pattern known as the receding hairline (fibrosing including those for cancer, arthritis, depression,
alopecia frontal). heart issues, gout, and high blood pressure, can
▪ Circular or Patchy Bald Spots cause hair loss as adverse effects.
Some people lose hair in circular or patchy bald spots ● Radiation Therapy to the Head
on the scalp, beard or eyebrows. The skin can be Hair may not regrow as quickly as it formerly did.
itchy and painful before the hair falls out. Many people experience hair thinning months after
▪ Sudden Loosening of Hair: Physical or emotional a physical or mental shock, which is a highly
surprise can motive hair to fall out. Even after upsetting occurrence. Temporary hair loss results
combing, washing, or gently tugging your hair, a from this kind.
small amount of hair may fall out. This type of hair

Flowchart no. 1
IJAPR | September 2023 | Vol 11 | Suppl 4 7
Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2023;11(Suppl 4):5-10
● Hairstyles and treatments: Traction alopecia is a be brought on by curling and hot oil treatments. If
kind of hair loss that is brought on by over-styling scarring develops, hair loss could be
and pulling hairstyles like braids. Hair loss can also irreversible. [6,7,17]

The Herbs Used in the Treatment of Alopecia

Flowchart No.2
1. Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) men and women, also works by inhibiting 5-alpha-
2. Phyllanthus Embilica (Amla) reductase.
3. Allium Sepa (Onion) ▪ Uses: Amla used to treat hair loss in both men and
4. Allium Sativam (Garlic) women baldness. Amla prevents dandruff and
improve scalp health as well as purifies blood.[11,13]
5. Eclipta Alba (Bhringraj)
Allium Cepa (Onion)
6. Thea Sinesis (Tea)
▪ Chemical Constituents: Protein (albumin), allyl
7. Trigonella Foenum graecum (Fenugreek)
propyl disulphide, diallyl sulphide, alliin, allicin.
8. Cocos nucifera L. (Coconut)
▪ Mechanism of Action: Zinc aids in the production
9. Prunus amygdalus (Almond) of essential scalp oil and guards against dandruff-
10. Oscimum sanctum (Tulsi) related hair loss. The body's red blood cells receive
Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) oxygen thanks in part to iron. It is essential for
▪ Chemical constituents: Barbaloin, Aloe- Emodin, maintaining healthy hair and proper hair
Aloenin. development.
▪ Mechanism of action: Aloe vera includes vitamins ▪ Uses: sulphur present in onion promotes strong,
A, C, and E, which strengthen and repair hair thick hair, thereby preventing hair loss and
strands. These three vitamins encourage healthy promoting hair growth. Collagen supports the
cell development, support cell regeneration, and production of healthy skin cells and hair growth.
add shine to hair. Aloe vera gel also contains folic [13][19]
acid and vitamin B12. You can prevent hair loss Allium Sativam (Garlic)
with these two substances. ▪ Chemical Constituents: Allicin, amino acids,
▪ Uses: In Aloe vera aloenin is the main constituent Essential oil (0.06–0.1%) contains allyl propyl
which Promoting hair growth in alopecia disulphide, diallyl disulphide.
condition.[19] ▪ Mechanism of Action: Garlic has antibacterial
Phyllanthus Emblica (Amla) properties, killing germs and bacteria that cause
▪ Chemical Constituents: Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), scalp damage and further hinders hair growth.
Gallic Acid, Ellagic Acid. Raw garlic is known to be rich in vitamin C,
▪ Mechanism of Action: Antifungal properties of the Promotes hair health. It also stimulates the
Amla that help prevent dandruff and other fungal production of collagen, which promotes hair
infections and improve scalp health. Amla is a growth.
powerful 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Vitamin B12 ▪ Uses: Raw garlic is rich in vitamins and minerals
and folic acid are also present in aloe vera gel. such as vitamin B-6, vitamin C, manganese and
finasteride, a drug used to treat hair loss in both selenium, all of which promote healthy hair.[10,14,15]

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Sandip Suresh Khandagale et al. A Review of Herbal Medications for the Treatment of Alopecia
Eclipta Alba (Bhringraj) and too much heat. Anti-fungal and antibacterial
Chemical Constituents: Wedelolactone, Daucosterol. qualities of coconut oil aid to shield against
▪ Mechanism of Action: Eclipta Alba methanol bacterial issues that may impede hair
extract promotes anagen in hair follicles in the development. Uses: Hair is moisturised, which
telogen (resting) phase, thereby increasing hair lessens damage
growth. Prunus amygdalus (Almond): Chemical
▪ Uses: It nourishes the scalp and hair follicles, Constituents: Almonds contain 40-55% fatty oils and
favouring the hair follicles to regrow more hair. about 20% proteins, mucilages and emulsions. Bitter
The herb rich in vitamin E, the false daisy plant, almonds contain 2.4- 4.1% of the colourless, crystalline
nourishes the hair scalp and strengthens the hair cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin.
strands. Moisturizes the skin, making it lustrous ▪ Mechanism of Action: Almond oil includes biotin,
and healthy.[13,19] so massaging your hair with it is a good method to
Thea Sinesis (Tea): Chemical Constituents: Caffeine, give it enough of the vitamin to encourage hair
Catechin, Theaflavin. growth and stop thinning.
Mechanism of Action: Tea contains caffeine, which ▪ Uses: Massaging almond oil into the epidermis and
stimulates hair follicles and increases blood flow to the scalp improves blood flow to the hair roots,
scalp. promoting hair growth and strengthening hair. It
helps to revitalize and produce enough keratin to
▪ Uses: Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) contained in
make hair thicker and thinner.[19]
tea prevents hair loss by inhibiting the activity of
hormones that cause hair loss and promotes hair Oscimum Sanctum (Tulsi)
growth by stimulating hair follicles.[14,15,16,20] ▪ Chemical Constituents: contains 20% eugenol
Trigonella Foenum graecum (Fenugreek) methyl ether, carvacrol, and around 70% eugenol.
It also has caryophylline in it. Alkaloids, glycosides,
 Chemical Constituents: The main components
saponins, tannins, significant levels of vitamin C,
present in fenugreek seeds are carbohydrates,
and trace amounts of maleic, citric, and tartaric
proteins, lipids, alkaloids, flavonoids, fibers,
acids have also been linked to the plant.
saponins, steroidal saponins, vitamins and
minerals, and nitrogen compounds, which can be ▪ Mechanism of Action: Tulsi has beneficial effects
divided into non-volatile and volatile components. on the hair, rejuvenating the hair follicles and
strengthening the hair roots to control hair loss.
 Mechanism of Action: Various plant compounds in
This herbal treatment increases blood flow to the
fenugreek can interact with a chemical in the body
scalp and keeps it cool.
known as DHT (dihydrotestosterone). When DHT
attaches to hair follicles, sooner or later it leads to ▪ Uses: Tulsi has been used to prevent hair loss and
hair loss. Fenugreek can reduce the ability of DHT thinning and improve hair thickness. The anti-
to bind to hair follicles. inflammatory ingredients in Tulsi are thought to
irritate the scalp.[19]
▪ Uses: Fenugreek is an excellent source of proteins
and amino acids that help repair hair shafts CONCLUSION
damaged by dehydration, heat styling, chemicals, Alopecia is the autoimmune disorder which is
sun damage, or colour treatments. Promotes the highly found in the urban people and rarely found in
integration of the cuticle into the hair shaft. and rural area. Because of in urban area there is lots of
promotes thicker hair growth.[11,19] environmental problem and due to change in lifestyle.
Cocos nucifera L. (Coconut) Alopecia is the condition which sometimes occurs due
to the excessive use of allopathic drugs such as
▪ Chemical Constituents: Saturated fatty acid
anticancer drugs the excessive hair loss may occurs
triglycerides make up coconut, which is extracted
due to the treatment of chemotherapy and in some
from the hard, dry endocarp. About 95% of the
cases family history is also responsible for this
fatty acids in this oil are saturated and have 8–10
condition. Hence the many physicians suggested avoid
carbon atoms. The caprylic acid concentration is
the allopathic or synthetic drugs, about 80% of
2%. 50–80% of capric acid; 3% of lauric acid; and
physician recommend the use herbal medicine. The
1% of myristic acid.
male hair baldness is mainly arising due to the
▪ Mechanism of action: Lauric acid, which is hormonal imbalance such as DHT. The alopecia is the
included in coconut oil, binds hair proteins and disorder which is mainly recoverable in the minor
shields the roots and strands of hair against condition and it is difficult. To recover in major
damage. Coconut oil's antioxidants encourage condition of alopecia. So, by the use of herbal drugs are
strong hair development. Coconut oil has a the best and safest alternative treatment in the
reputation for penetrating the hair shaft and alopecia, such as, aloe vera, Amla, Onion, Garlic,
shielding it from contaminants in the environment
IJAPR | September 2023 | Vol 11 | Suppl 4 9
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Cite this article as: *Address for correspondence

Sandip Suresh Khandagale, Chaitanaya Laxman Ratnaparkhe, Samir Raju Dr. Sandip Suresh Khandagale
Sayyad, Vivek Dipak Shelar, Amol Vilas Supekar, Vikram Sadashiv Sarukh. A Assistant Professor,
Review of Herbal Medications for the Treatment of Alopecia. International Department of Pharmaceutics,
Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2023;11(Suppl 4):5-10. Abasaheb Kakade College of
https://doi.org/10.47070/ijapr.v11iSuppl4.2974 B Pharmacy, Bodhegaon,
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared Maharashtra, India.
Contact: 9822813329

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