2974-Article Text-7007-1-10-20231014
2974-Article Text-7007-1-10-20231014
2974-Article Text-7007-1-10-20231014
Review Article
One of the crucial body components that skin. It is a structure that is created as a consequence
develop from the skin's ectoderm is hair. It serves as a of "Gem cells" being keratinized. Chemical elements
protective appendage and is regarded as an accessory such as carbon (C), nitrogen (N), sulphur (S), and
structure of the skin, along with sebaceous glands, oxygen make up the keratin that makes up hair (O).
sweat glands, and nails. Because they are formed from Although each person's rate of hair growth is different,
the epidermis during embryonic development, they are on average, hair grows between 15 and 30mm every
also known as epidermal derivatives. month.[2]
The term "enhanced epithelium" refers to hair. A dermatological disorder called alopecia the
Hair is a growth of hair follicles that are seen in the prevalent both aesthetic and primary care problems
Access this article online have been recognized for more than 2000 years. It is
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predicted to have a global spread and harm 0.2% to
https://doi.org/10.47070/ijapr.v11iSuppl4.2974 2% of humanity. There are several synthetic
Published by Mahadev Publications (Regd.)
medications available to cure hair loss, which is
publication licensed under a Creative Commons irreversible and has harmful side effects. The use of
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) herbal remedies is a more effective technique to treat
Flowchart no. 1
IJAPR | September 2023 | Vol 11 | Suppl 4 7
Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2023;11(Suppl 4):5-10
● Hairstyles and treatments: Traction alopecia is a be brought on by curling and hot oil treatments. If
kind of hair loss that is brought on by over-styling scarring develops, hair loss could be
and pulling hairstyles like braids. Hair loss can also irreversible. [6,7,17]
Flowchart No.2
1. Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) men and women, also works by inhibiting 5-alpha-
2. Phyllanthus Embilica (Amla) reductase.
3. Allium Sepa (Onion) ▪ Uses: Amla used to treat hair loss in both men and
4. Allium Sativam (Garlic) women baldness. Amla prevents dandruff and
improve scalp health as well as purifies blood.[11,13]
5. Eclipta Alba (Bhringraj)
Allium Cepa (Onion)
6. Thea Sinesis (Tea)
▪ Chemical Constituents: Protein (albumin), allyl
7. Trigonella Foenum graecum (Fenugreek)
propyl disulphide, diallyl sulphide, alliin, allicin.
8. Cocos nucifera L. (Coconut)
▪ Mechanism of Action: Zinc aids in the production
9. Prunus amygdalus (Almond) of essential scalp oil and guards against dandruff-
10. Oscimum sanctum (Tulsi) related hair loss. The body's red blood cells receive
Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) oxygen thanks in part to iron. It is essential for
▪ Chemical constituents: Barbaloin, Aloe- Emodin, maintaining healthy hair and proper hair
Aloenin. development.
▪ Mechanism of action: Aloe vera includes vitamins ▪ Uses: sulphur present in onion promotes strong,
A, C, and E, which strengthen and repair hair thick hair, thereby preventing hair loss and
strands. These three vitamins encourage healthy promoting hair growth. Collagen supports the
cell development, support cell regeneration, and production of healthy skin cells and hair growth.
add shine to hair. Aloe vera gel also contains folic [13][19]
acid and vitamin B12. You can prevent hair loss Allium Sativam (Garlic)
with these two substances. ▪ Chemical Constituents: Allicin, amino acids,
▪ Uses: In Aloe vera aloenin is the main constituent Essential oil (0.06–0.1%) contains allyl propyl
which Promoting hair growth in alopecia disulphide, diallyl disulphide.
condition.[19] ▪ Mechanism of Action: Garlic has antibacterial
Phyllanthus Emblica (Amla) properties, killing germs and bacteria that cause
▪ Chemical Constituents: Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), scalp damage and further hinders hair growth.
Gallic Acid, Ellagic Acid. Raw garlic is known to be rich in vitamin C,
▪ Mechanism of Action: Antifungal properties of the Promotes hair health. It also stimulates the
Amla that help prevent dandruff and other fungal production of collagen, which promotes hair
infections and improve scalp health. Amla is a growth.
powerful 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Vitamin B12 ▪ Uses: Raw garlic is rich in vitamins and minerals
and folic acid are also present in aloe vera gel. such as vitamin B-6, vitamin C, manganese and
finasteride, a drug used to treat hair loss in both selenium, all of which promote healthy hair.[10,14,15]
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