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Research Article ISSN: 0976-7126

CODEN (USA): IJPLCP Chhajed et al., 11(6):6675-6682, 2020


Formulation Development and Evaluation of Poly Herbal Hair Oil for Hair Growth
Stimulating Activity
Mahavir Chhajed1*, Pritesh Paliwal2 and Sumeet Dwivedi3
1, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Oriental College of Pharmacy and Research, Oriental
University, Indore, (M.P.) - India
2, Department of Pharmacognosy, Indore Institute of Pharmacy, Indore, (M.P.) - India
3, Department of Pharmaconosy, Oriental College of Pharmacy and Research, Oriental University,
Indore, (M.P.) - India

Article info
Herbal formulations always have attracted considerable attention because
of its lesser and nil side effect compared with synthetic drugs. The
Received: 20/04/2020 concept of beauty and cosmetics are an ancient as mankind and
civilization. Various herbal beauty products are widely used and
Revised: 30/05/2020 continuously increasing in their demand by the common people because
of lesser side effects and with better safety and security profile The
Accepted: 13/06/2020 objective of the present study is to prepare poly herbal hair oil using
Emblicaofficinalis (Amla), Eclipta prostrate (Bhringraj),
© IJPLS Azadiractaindica (Neem), Tinosporacardifolia (Giloy), Bacopamonnieri
(Bramhi), Mesuaferra (Nagkesar), Cyperus rotendus (Nagarmutha), Nardocstachys jatamansi (Jatamansi), Psoralia caryfolia (Bakuchi),
Acorous calamus (Vacha) and Abrus precatorious (Gunja). The six
different oil formulations were prepared using different oil base either
single or in combinations with different concentrations.
For the purpose the powdered drugs soften by cold maceration process for overnight and further the
extraction was done in oil base by boiling method. The formulated herbal oils of different concentrations
were evaluated for proximate analysis and various parameters such as Viscosity, Saponification value,
pH, Acid value, Grittiness, Skin irritation, Sensitivity test, Moisture content, and Specific gravity are
reported in this paper. Further the prepared oils will be evaluated for their hair growth stimulating
Keywords: Hair, polyherbal, Oil, maceration, evaluation

Introduction (which is the hair lying beneath the skin surface),

Hair is one of the imperative parts of the body shaft (which is the hair above the skin surface) [4].
derived from ectoderm of the skin, it is ornament Hair germs begin from an aggregation of
structure along with sebaceous gland. Hair is a keratinocytes in the stratum basal of the
dead part with no nerve connections. The hair epidermis. The initiating factor is the underlying
follicle has the unique ability to regenerate itself dermal fibroblast cells [1].
. The basic part of hair is bulb (a swelling at
the base which originates from the dermis), root *Corresponding Author

International Journal of Pharmacy & Life Sciences Volume 11 Issue 6: June. 2020 6675
Research Article ISSN: 0976-7126
CODEN (USA): IJPLCP Chhajed et al., 11(6):6675-6682, 2020

The keratinocytes elongate, divide and relocate to Hair Growth Cycle

the dermis [2]. Dermal fibroblasts then form a
dermal papilla beneath the hair germ. This causes Hair grows from the follicle, or root,
stimulation of the basal stem cells to up-regulate underneath the skin. The hair is ‘fed’ by blood
their cycle, producing cells that will keratinise and
vessels at the base of the follicle, which give
form the hair shaft [3]. Two swellings form on the
shaft, one containing stem cells for follicle
it the nourishment it needs to grow [6].
Between starting to grow and falling out years
regeneration, the other becomes a sebaceous gland
later, each hair passes through four stages:
which will secrete sebum onto the hair shaft. The
anagen, catagen, telogen and exogen. Every hair is
follicles develop from an ectodermal bud which
at a different stage of the growth cycle [7].
invades the mesenchyme during embryonic
The growth of hair is cyclic phase divided into
development [4]. The mesoderm also condenses
following- anagen (growth), catagen (involution)
during the development creating an outer
and telogen (rest) [5]. Pigmentation problems
mesodermal component to the embedded part of
(Fading), dandruff and falling of hair (Shedding)
the hair [5].
are associated problems with hair [6]. The loss of
hair is not life threatening, but has profound
impact on social interactions [7]. There are no
concord views on hair loss, it is quite
controversial issue [8, 9].
Over time, the length of the anagen stage
decreases. Therefore, the hair may become weaker
and thinner after each cycle. That’s why it’s
important to ensure your diet is rich in specific
nutrients to maintain normal, healthy hair

Fig. 1: Schematic structure of hair fiber

Fig. 2: Structure of hair Fig.3: Schematic Representation of Hair

Growth Cycle
In Ayurveda, Baldness is known as Khalitya. The
loss of hair from the skull is known as baldness.

International Journal of Pharmacy & Life Sciences Volume 11 Issue 6: June. 2020 6676
Research Article ISSN: 0976-7126
CODEN (USA): IJPLCP Chhajed et al., 11(6):6675-6682, 2020

Baldness is a very common problem of the For the preparation of polyherbal hair oil all the
modern world. ingredient viz. Amla, Bhringraj, Brahmi, Neem,
Certain disease like acute fevers, syphilis, Giloy, Jatamansi, Gunja, Nagkesar, Nagarmutha,
anaemia, myxodema and influenza may be the Vacha and Bakuchi were procured from the local
cause of baldness. Also anxiety and nervous shock vendors. The plant materials were procured in
may lead to baldness. Heredity also plays a major powder form. Further the procured powdered
role in the premature baldness. Eczema of the drugs were subject to pharmacognostical studies
scalp also leads to fast hair loss. Presence of for conformation [14]. Coconut oil, Sesame oil,
dandruff or lice and imbalance of the hormones Aloe oil and Mustard oil used as oil base in single
also cause hair loss. or in combination for the preparation of oil. This
According to ayurveda, all hair problems oil bases were procured from the local vendor.
including hair loss is caused due to the Methodology [15-17]
aggravation of the pitta.  Weigh the powder form of drug up to
Types of hair loss 10% individually.
Androgenetic or androgenic alopecia  Further cold maceration performed with
(baldness) water for overnight.
It is the most common cause of hair loss in men  Weigh the moist drug accurately and
also known as hereditary baldness.11 In transferred in beaker and the oil base
androgenetic alopecia hair follicle size is reduced added to sufficient quantity to produce
and duration of anagen is diminished while an 100 ml.
increase in the percentage of hair follicles in  By using the different concentrations of
telogen [10]. drugs and different combinations of oil
Alopecia areata base the formulation was done for the
In alopecia areata the hair is lost from the scalp better hair growth stimulating activity.
(alopecia areata totalis) or from the whole body The different formulations prepared by
(alopecia areata universalis) [11]. following the procedure are depicted in
Telogen effluvium the table 2.
Telogen effluvium is characterized by the early  The mixture heated for 8-10 hour between
entrance of a large no of hairs in to telogen phase the temperatures 60 to 70°C.
at one time [12].  Allow the oil to cool to room temperature
Chemotherapy-induced alopecia and filtered by using filtration assembly.
This type of hair loss is occurred due to the side- Formulation
effects of cancer therapy [13]. Formulation of oil was prepared by using different
Collection and identification of plant formulation compositions as mentioned in table 1.
Table 1: Formulation compositions of different prepared polyherbal hair oil formulation
Ingredients Formula composition
No. F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
1 Bringhraj 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20%
2 Brahmi 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20%

3 Neem 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20%

4 Amla 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20%

5 Giloy 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20%

6 Jatamansi 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20%

International Journal of Pharmacy & Life Sciences Volume 11 Issue 6: June. 2020 6677
Research Article ISSN: 0976-7126
CODEN (USA): IJPLCP Chhajed et al., 11(6):6675-6682, 2020

7 Vacha 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20%

8 Bakuchi 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20%

9 Nagkesar 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20%

10 Gunja 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20%

11 Nagarmutha 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20%

12 Coconut oil q.s.50 ml - - - All oils in All oils in

equal equal
amount to amount to
13 Sesame oil - q.s.50 ml - -
q.s. 50 ml q.s. 50 ml
14 Olive oil - - q.s.50 ml -

15 Mustard oil - - - q.s.50 ml

Physicochemical evaluation of poly herbal hair Saponification value

oil 2g of oil was accurately weighed and transferred
Investigations were carried out to study the into a 250ml iodine flask.25ml of 0.5m alcoholic
physicochemical and phytochemical properties of potassium hydroxide was added and boiled under
the formulated oil preparations. The formulation reflux on a water bath for 30 mins.
herbal oil was evaluated for qualitative and Phenophthalein was added as indicator and
quantitative parameter like pH, acid value, titrated against 0.5m HCl (a). Similarly blank was
Saponification value, viscosity, specific gravity, performed (b) without the sample. The
and organoleptic property. Determinations of saponification value of the prepared oil was
these parameters are very essential to assure the calculated by using formula [22]:
quality, safety, and efficacy of this formulation Saponifation value = 28.05 (b-a)\w
Where, W= weight in gram of the solution [23].
Sensitivity test pH
The prepared herbal hair oil was applied on 1 cm pH of the poly herbal hair was detected using pH
skin of hand and exposed to sunlight for 4-5 min meter. Take the formulated oil in beaker
. individually now deep the ph meter in beaker and
Acid value weight for 1minute till the reading come, as the
Preparation of 0.1molar solution weighted 0.56g pH meter show the reading note it down
of KOH pellets and dissolved water and stirred individually. Before using pH meter deep it into
continuously. The prepared 0.1 molar KOH the water [24].
solution .Was filled in the burette. Preparation of Viscosity
sample: measured 10ml oil and dissolved in 25ml Viscosity is determined by means of Brook field’s
of ether mixture and shocked. Added 1ml of viscometer. In which firstly take sample of
phenolphthalein solution and titrate against with prepared oil and then use spindle no 63 for
0.1molar KOH solution. The acid value of the viscosity determination now start brook field
prepared oil was calculated by using formula[21]: viscometer and weight for 1 min and reading is
Acid value = 5.61n\w noted down in centiposise [25].
Where, n= number of ml 0.1 molar KOH, w= Specific gravity
weight of oil Take two specific gravity bottle, rinsed it with
distilled water, dry it in ovenfor 15min, cool,
closed it with cap and weight it (a). Now fill the

International Journal of Pharmacy & Life Sciences Volume 11 Issue 6: June. 2020 6678
Research Article ISSN: 0976-7126
CODEN (USA): IJPLCP Chhajed et al., 11(6):6675-6682, 2020

same specific gravity bottle with the sample and Table 2: Role of individual ingredients in poly
closed it with cap and again weight it (b). herbal hair oil formulation
Determine the weight of sample per milliliter by S. Ingredient Role
subtracting the weight (b-a) [26]. No.
Organoleptic property 1 Bringhraj (Eclipta Hair growth and
Organoleptic properties such as colour, odour was prostata / Eclipta alopecia [27-28]
determined manually. alba)
Results and Discussion 2 Brahmi (Bacopa Nervine tonic, enhance
Herbal hair oil is one of the most well recognized monniera) protion kinase activity
hair treatments. Herbal hair oil not only and also used for
moisturizes scalp but also reverses dry scalp and treatment for
dry hair condition. It provides numerous essential Dementia [29-30]
nutrients required to maintain normal function of 3 Neem (Azadiracta Antimicrobial, in the
sebaceous glands and promotes natural hair indica) treatment of dandruff
growth. The herbal hair oil was prepared as in hair and relief in
showed in Figure 4 from various herbs (Table 1) itching [31]
and their importance in the formulation is 4 Amla (Emblica Hair growth, provide
presented in Table 2. Formulation development officinalis) nutrition to hair and
was done with the optimized formula and also causes darkening
evaluated by mean of various parameters like of hair [32]
sensitivity test, color, odor, irritation test, 5 Giloy (Tinospora Antiallergic,
grittiness test, specific gravity, pH, viscosity, acid Cordifolia) antioxidant, anti-
value and saponification value. The results are inflammatory, enhance
depicted in the Table 3. Hence, from the present memory [33-34]
investigation it was found that the formulated 6 Jatamansi Hair growth, Flavoring
herbal hair oil has optimum standards and further (Nardostachys agent [35]
standardization and biological screening jatamansi)
establishes the efficacy of formulated herbal hair 7 Vacha (Acorus Antibacterial
oil. calamus) Properties, analgesic
and anti-inflammatory
activity [36-38]
8 Bakuchi (Psoralea Antibacterial,
corylifolia) antiscabies, antifungal
hence prevent dandruff

9 Nagkesar (Mesua Antiallergic, astringent

Ferrea) and cooling effect [40]
10 Gunja (Abrus Alopecia, antidandruff
11 Nagarmotha Antibacterial,
(Cyperus scariosus) antigungal, flavouring
agent [42-43]
12 Coconut oil Vehicle
13 Sesame oil Vehicle
14 Olive oil Vehicle
Fig. 4: Prepared poly herbal hair oil
15 Mustard oil Vehicle

International Journal of Pharmacy & Life Sciences Volume 11 Issue 6: June. 2020 6679
Research Article ISSN: 0976-7126
CODEN (USA): IJPLCP Chhajed et al., 11(6):6675-6682, 2020

Table 3: Evaluation of poly herbal hair oil

S. Parameter Observation of poly herbal hair oil
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
1 Colour Green Light green Dark brown Light green Brown Brown
2 Odour Characteris characterist Characteris characterist Characteris characteris
tic ic tic ic tic tic
3 pH 5.1 5 5.3 5.2 6 6.2
4 Viscosity 6cp 6cp 7cp 8cp 7cp 8cp
5 Acid value 2.8 3.48 2.93 3.9 2.89 3.83
6 Saponificat 336 378 350 336 354 394
ion value
7 Specific 0.920 0.897 0.946 0.934 0.9188 0.9064
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Cite this article as:

Chhajed M., Paliwal P. and Dwivedi S. (2020). Formulation Development and Evaluation of Poly
Herbal Hair Oil for Hair Growth Stimulating Activity, Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci., 11(6): 6675-6682.
Source of Support: Nil
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International Journal of Pharmacy & Life Sciences Volume 11 Issue 6: June. 2020 6682

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