Human Reproduction
Human Reproduction
Human Reproduction
A. Zygote
it is a single celled diploid structure that is formed after fertilisation.
B. Fertilisation:-
It is the process of fusion of two haploid gametes to form a
diploid cell called zygote.
Depending upon the place of fusion of gametes, fertilisation is of
two types- external and internal.
C. Gametes:-
They are reproductive or sex cells which take part in sexual
D. Menstrual cycle
It is a series of cyclical changes which occur in the reproductive
system of human females.
The average duration of menstrual cycle is 28 days.
E. Menstruation
it is discharge of blood mucus and broken thick and spongy lining
of the uterus .
It occurs, when the ovum is not fertilized.
It does not occur during pregnancy.
F. Gestation period
The period from fertilization till the birth of the baby is known as
Gestation period.
It is 40 weeks or 280 days or nine months.
G. Parturition
The act of giving birth to a baby is known as parturition.
H. Semen
It is Milky alkaline fluid which is released by males.
It consists of sperm along with the secretions from the seminal
vesicle and prostate gland.
I. Ovulation
The release of ovum from the ovary at around the 14th day of
the menstrual cycle is known as ovulation.
It occurs around 13-14th day of menstrual cycle.
Human Reproduction
a. The age at which sex hormones begin to be produced and the
individual begins development for sexual maturity is known as
b. It occurs at the age of 10 to 12 years for girls and 12 to 14 years
for boys.
a. It is the transitional stage between childhood and adulthood.
b. The period between the first sign of puberty and attainment of
complete sexual maturity is known as adolescence.
Common changes in boys and girls during puberty
a. Skin becomes oily and pimples may develop on face
b. Growth of pubic hair under the armpits and genital aea
c. Fine hairs appear on legs ,arms and face.
d. Increased production and secretion of sweat.
Changes in the girls during puberty
a. Broadening of pelvis
b. high pitched voice
c. Increase in the size of breast
d. Beginning of menstruation
e. deposition of fat on thighs and buttocks.
changes in boys during puberty
a. growth of beard and moustache.
b. broadening of shoulders
c. growth of larynx
d. strengthening of pelvis
e. low pitched cracking voice
f. Low pitched cracking voice
Male reproductive system
It consists of
A pair of testis
Vas deferens
Seminal vesicles
Prostate gland
A. Testis
It is male gonad or primary male sex organ
it lies outside the abdominal cavity in a pouch called
Testis is located outside the abdominal cavity because
formation of sperm requires a lower body temperature (2-
2.5 °C)than the normal body temperature.
Function of testis
a. To produce male gamete,sperm.
b. To secrete male sex hormone testosterone.
B. Epididymis
It is a long tubule whose one end is connected to testis
and the other vas deferens.
It stores and nourishes the sperm.
C. Vas deferens
It is a thick muscular tube which joins urethra .
It conducts the sperm hence it is a secondary sex organ
D. Seminal vesicles
It is a gland which adds its secretion(plasma) to the
The secretions provides nourishment to the sperm.
E. Prostate gland
Secretion of prostate gland provides motility to the sperm.
Secretion is alkaline in nature.
F. Penis
It is the male copulatory organ.
Through urethral opening it releases sperm outside the
Female Reproductive system
It consists of
A pair of ovaries
A pair of fallopian tube or oviduct
A. Ovaries
It is the female gonad or primary sex organ.
It lies inside the abdominal cavity near the kidneys.
Function of ovaries
a. To produce female gamete,ovum
b. To secrete female sex hormones, estrogen and
B. Fallopian tube
They are curved tubes which open into the uterus .
It is the site of fertilisation in humans.
C. Uterus
It is a muscular thick walled bag like organ.
It is the site of implantation.
It nourishes the foetus during pregnancy.
It undergoes changes during menstrual cycle.
D. Cervix
It connects uterus to vagina.
E. Vagina
It is the female copulatory organ.
It also serves as birth canal and passage for menstrual
Fertilisation in humans
Development of embryo
Reproductive health:-
Contraceptive devices:
Female foeticide:
Prevention of STDs:-