Applied Ai Enterprise Java ER Red Hat Developer

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Applied AI for Enterprise Java

How to Successfully Leverage Generative AI,
Large Language Models, and Machine Learning
in the Java Enterprise

With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest

form—the author’s raw and unedited content as they write—
so you can take advantage of these technologies long before
the official release of these titles.

Alex Soto Bueno, Markus Eisele, and Natale Vinto

Applied AI for Enterprise Java Development
by Alex Soto Bueno, Markus Eisele, and Natale Vinto
Copyright © 2025 Alex Soto Beuno, Markus Eisele, Natale Vinto. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472.
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Editors: Melissa Potter and Brian Guerin Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery
Production Editor: Katherine Tozer Illustrator: Kate Dullea
Interior Designer: David Futato

September 2025: First Edition

Revision History for the Early Release

2024-10-30: First Release
2024-12-12: Second Release

See for release details.

The O’Reilly logo is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Applied AI for Enterprise Java Develop‐
ment, the cover image, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc.
The views expressed in this work are those of the authors and do not represent the publisher’s views.
While the publisher and the authors have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and
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thereof complies with such licenses and/or rights.
This work is part of a collaboration between O’Reilly and Red Hat. See our statement of editorial

Table of Contents

Brief Table of Contents (Not Yet Final). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

1. The Enterprise AI Conundrum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Understanding the AI Landscape: A Technical Perspective all the way to Gen
AI 15
Machine Learning (ML): The Foundation of today’s AI 16
Deep Learning: A Powerful Tool in the AI Arsenal 16
Generative AI: The Future of Content Generation 17
Open-Source Models and Training Data 19
Why Open Source is an Important Driver for Gen AI 19
Open Source Training Data 19
Adding Company specific Data to LLMs 20
Explainable and transparent AI decisions 21
Ethical and Sustainability Considerations 21
The lifecycle of LLMs and ways to influence their behaviour 22
MLOps vs DevOps 23
Conclusion 25

2. Inference API. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
What is an Inference API? 28
Examples of Inference APIs 29
Deplying Inference Models in Java 33
Inferencing models with DJL 34
Under the hood 42
Inferencing Models with gRPC 43
Next Steps 49

3. Accessing the Inference Model with Java. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Connecting to an Inference API with Quarkus 51
Architecture 52
The Fraud Inference API 53
Creating the Quarkus project 53
REST Client interface 53
REST Resource 54
Testing the example 55
Connecting to an inference API with Spring Boot WebClient 56
Adding WebClient Dependency 56
Using the WebClient 56
Connecting to the Inference API with Quarkus gRPC client 57
Adding gRPC Dependencies 58
Implementing the gRPC Client 58
Going Beyond 61

vi | Table of Contents
Brief Table of Contents (Not Yet Final)

Chapter 1: The Enterprise AI Conundrum (available)

Chapter 2: The New Types of Applications (unavailable)
Chapter 3: Models: Serving, Inference, and Architectures (unavailable)
Chapter 4: Public Models (unavailable)
Chapter 5: Inference API (available)
Chapter 6: Accessing the Inference Model with Java (available)
Chapter 7: Langchain4J (unavailable)
Chapter 8: Image Processing (unavailable)
Chapter 9: Enterprise Use Cases (unavailable)
Chapter 10: Architecture AI Patterns (unavailable)


Why We Wrote the Book

The demand for AI skills in the enterprise Java world is exploding, but let’s face
it: learning AI can be intimidating for Java developers. Many resources are too
theoretical, focus heavily on data science, or rely on programming languages that
are unfamiliar to enterprise environments. As seasoned programmers with years of
experience in large-scale enterprise Java projects, we’ve faced the same challenges.
When we started exploring AI and LLMs, we were frustrated by the lack of practical
resources tailored to Java developers. Most materials seemed out of reach, buried
under layers of Python code and abstract concepts.
That’s why we wrote this book. It’s the practical guide we wish we had, designed
for Java developers who want to build real-world AI applications using the tools
and frameworks they already know and love. Inside, you’ll find clear explanations
of essential AI techniques, hands-on examples, and real-world projects that will help
you to integrate AI into your existing Java projects.

Who Should Read This Book

It is designed for developers who are interested in learning how to build systems that
use AI and Deep Learning coupled with technologies they know and love around
cloud native infrastructure and Java based applications and services. Developers
like yourself, who are curious about the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
specifically Deep Learning (DL) and of course Large Language Models. We do not
only want to help you understand the basics but also give you the ability to apply
core technologies and concepts to transform your projects into modern applications.
Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, this book will guide you
through the process of applying AI concepts and techniques to real-world problems
with concrete examples.
This book is perfect for:

• Java developers looking to expand their skill set into AI and machine learning
• IT professionals seeking to understand the practical implementation of the busi‐
ness value that AI promises to deliver

As the title already implies, we intend to keep this book practical and development
centric. This book isn’t a perfect fit but will still benefit:

• Business leaders and decision-makers. We focus on code and implementation

details a lot. While the introductory chapters provides some context and intro‐
duce challenges, we will not talk a lot about business challenges.
• Data scientists and analysts. Developers could get some use out of our tuning
approaches but won’t need a complete overview of the data science theory behind
the magic.

How the Book Is Organized

In this book, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to apply AI techniques
like machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and deep learning
(DL) to solve real-world problems. Each chapter is designed to build your knowledge
progressively, giving you the practical skills needed to apply AI within the Java
Chapter 1: The Enterprise AI Conundrum - Fundamentals of AI and Deep Learning
We begin with the foundational concepts necessary for working on modern AI
projects, focusing on the key principles of machine learning and deep learning.
This chapter covers the minimal knowledge needed to collaborate effectively with
Data Scientists and use AI frameworks. Think about it as building a comon
taxonomy. We also provide a brief history of AI and DL, explaining their evolu‐
tion and how they’ve shaped today’s landscape. From here, we introduce how
these techniques can be applied to real-world problems, touching on the impor‐
tance and role of Open Source within the new world, the challenge of training
data, and the side effects developers face when working with these data-driven
Chapter 2: The New Types of Applications - Generative AI and Language Models
In this chapter, we explore the world of large language models. After a brief
introduction to AI classifications, you’ll get an overview of the most common
taxonomies used to describe generative AI models. We’ll dive into the mechanics
of tuning models, including the differences between alignment tuning, prompt
tuning, and prompt engineering. By the end of this chapter, you’ll understand
how to “query” models and apply different tuning strategies to get the results you

x | Preface
Chapter 3: Models: Serving, Inference, and Architectures - Architectural Concepts for
AI-Infused Applications
Now that we have the basics in place, we move into the architectural aspects of
AI applications. This chapter walks you through best practices for integrating
AI into existing systems, focusing on modern enterprise architectures like APIs,
microservices, and cloud-native applications. We’ll start with a simple scenario
and build out more complex solutions, adding one conceptual building block at a
Chapter 4: Public Models - Exploring AI Models and Model Serving Infrastructure
This chapter talks about the most prominent AI models and their unique special‐
ties. We help you understand the available models and you’ll learn how to choose
the right model for your use case. We also cover model serving infrastructure—
how to deploy, scale, and manage AI models in both cloud and local environ‐
ments. This chapter equips you with the knowledge to serve models efficiently in
Chapter 5: Inference API - Inference and Querying AI Models with Java
We take a closer look at the process of “querying” AI models, often referred to
as inference or asking a model to make a prediction. We introduce the standard
APIs that allow you to perform inference and walk through practical Java exam‐
ples that show how to integrate AI models seamlessly into your applications. By
the end of this chapter, you’ll be proficient in writing Java code that interacts with
AI models to deliver real-time results.
Chapter 6: Accessing the Inference Model with Java - Building a Full Quarkus-Based AI
This hands-on chapter walks you through the creation of a full AI-infused appli‐
cation using Quarkus, a lightweight Java framework. You’ll learn how to integrate
a trained model into your application using both REST and gRPC protocols and
explore testing strategies to ensure your AI components work as expected. By the
end, you’ll have your first functional AI-powered Java application.
Chapter 7: Introduction to LangChain4J
LangChain4J is a powerful library that simplifies the integration of large language
models (LLMs) into Java applications. In this chapter, we introduce the core
concepts of LangChain4J and explain its key abstractions.
Chapter 8: Image Processing - Stream-Based Processing for Images and Video
This chapter takes you through stream-based data processing, where you’ll learn
to work with complex data types like images and videos. We’ll walk you through
image manipulation algorithms and cover video processing techniques, including
optical character recognition (OCR).

Preface | xi
Chapter 9: Enterprise Use Cases
Chapter nine covers enterprise use cases. We’ll discuss real life examples that we
have seen and how they make use of either generative or predictive AI. It is a
selection of experiences you can use to extend your problem solving toolbox with
the help of AI.
Chapter 10: Architecture AI Patterns
In this final chapter, we shift focus from foundational concepts and basic
implementations to the patterns and best practices you’ll need for building AI
applications that are robust, efficient, and production-ready. While the previous
chapters provided clear, easy-to-follow examples, real-world AI deployments
often require more sophisticated approaches to address the unique challenges
that arise at scale which you will experience a selection of in this chapter.

Prerequisites and Software

While the first chapter introduces a lot of concepts that are likely not familiar to
you yet, we’ll dive into coding later on. For this, you need some software packages
installed on your local machine. Make sure to download and install the following

• Java 17+ (

• Maven 3.8+ (
• Podman Desktop v1.11.1+ (
• Podman Desktop AI lab extension

We are assuming that you’ll run the examples from this book on your laptop and you
have a solid understanding of Java already. The models we are going to work with are
publicly accessible and we will help you download, install, and access them when we
get to later chapters. If you have a GPU at hand, perfect. But it won’t be neccessary
for this book. Just make sure you have a reasonable amount of disc space available on
your machine.

xii | Preface
The Enterprise AI Conundrum

A Note for Early Release Readers

With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author’s raw and
unedited content as they write—so you can take advantage of these technologies long
before the official release of these titles.
This will be the 1st chapter of the final book. Please note that the GitHub repo will be
made active later on.
If you have comments about how we might improve the content and/or examples in
this book, or if you notice missing material within this chapter, please reach out to the
editor at

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly become an essential part of modern enterprise
systems. We witness how it is reshaping industries and transforming the way busi‐
nesses operate. And this includes the way Developers work with code. However,
understanding the landscape of AI and its various classifications can be overwhelm‐
ing, especially when trying to identify how it fits into the enterprise Java ecosystem
and existing applications. In this chapter, we aim to provide you with a foundation by
introducing the core concepts, methodologies, and terminologies that are critical to
building AI-infused applications.
While the focus of this chapter is on setting the stage, it is not just about abstract
definitions or acronyms. The upcoming sections will cover:
A Technical Perspective All the Way to Generative AI While large language models
(LLMs) are getting most of the attention today, the field of artificial intelligence has
a much longer history. Understanding how AI has developed over time is important
when deciding how to use it in your projects. AI is not just about the latest trends

—it’s about recognizing which technologies are reliable and ready for real-world
applications. By learning about AI’s background and how different approaches have
evolved, you will be able to separate what is just hype from what is actually useful
in your daily work. This will help you make smarter decisions when it comes to
choosing AI solutions for your enterprise projects.
Open-Source Models and Training Data AI is only as good as the data it learns from.
High-quality, relevant, and well-organized data is crucial to building AI systems
that produce accurate and reliable results. In this chapter, you’ll learn why using
open-source models and data is a great advantage for your AI projects. The open-
source community shares tools and resources that help everyone, including smaller
companies, access the latest advancements in AI.
Ethical and Sustainability Considerations As AI becomes more common in business,
it’s important to think about the ethical and environmental impacts of using these
technologies. Building AI systems that respect privacy, avoid bias, and are transparent
in how they make decisions is becoming more and more important. And training
large models requires significant computing power, which has an environmental
impact. We’ll introduce some of the key ethical principles you should keep in mind
when building AI systems, along with the importance of designing AI in ways that are
environmentally friendly.
The Lifecycle of LLMs and Ways to Influence Their Behavior If you’ve used AI chatbots
or other tools that respond to your questions, you’ve interacted with large language
models (LLMs). But these models don’t just work by magic—they follow a lifecycle,
from training to fine-tuning for specific tasks. In this chapter, we’ll explain how LLMs
are created and how you can influence their behavior. You’ll learn the very basics
about prompt tuning, prompt engineering, and alignment tuning, which are ways to
guide a model’s responses. By understanding how these models work, you’ll be able to
select the right technique for your projects.
DevOps vs. MLOps As AI becomes part of everyday software development, it’s impor‐
tant to understand how traditional DevOps practices interact with machine learning
operations (MLOps). DevOps focuses on the efficient development and deployment
of software, while MLOps applies similar principles to the development and deploy‐
ment of AI models. These two areas are increasingly connected, and development
teams need to understand how they complement each other. We’ll briefly outline the
key similarities and differences between DevOps and MLOps, and show how both are
necessary and interconnected to successfully deliver AI-powered applications.
Fundamental Terms AI comes with a lot of technical terms and abbreviations, and it
can be easy to get lost in all the jargon. Throughout this book, we will introduce you
to important AI terms in simple, clear language. From LLMs to MLOps, we’ll explain
everything in a way that’s easy to understand and relevant to your projects. You’ll
also find a glossary at the end of the book that you can refer to whenever you need a

14 | Chapter 1: The Enterprise AI Conundrum

quick reminder. Understanding these basic terms will help you communicate with AI
specialists and apply these concepts in your own Java development projects.
By the end of this chapter, you’ll have a clearer understanding of the AI landscape and
the fundamental principles. Let’s begin by learning some basics and setting the stage
for your journey into enterprise-level AI development.

Understanding the AI Landscape: A Technical Perspective

all the way to Gen AI
Gen AI employs neural networks and deep learning algorithms to identify patterns
within existing data, generating original content as a result. By analyzing large vol‐
umes of data, Gen AI algorithms synthesize knowledge to create novel text, images,
audio, video, and other forms of output. The history of AI spans decades, marked by
progress, occasional setbacks, and periodic breakthroughs. The individual disciplines
and specializations can be thought of as a nested box system as shown in Figure
1-1. Foundational ideas in AI date back to the early 20th century, while classical AI
emerged in the 1950s and gained traction in the following decades. Machine learning
(ML) is a comparably new discipline which was created in the 1980s, involving
training computer algorithms to learn patterns and make predictions based on data.
The popularity of neural networks during this period was inspired by the structure
and functioning of the human brain.

Figure 1-1. What is Gen AI and how is it positioned within the AI Stack.

What initially sounds like individual disciplines can be summarized under the gen‐
eral term Artificial Intelligence (AI). And AI itself is a multidisciplinary field within
Computer Science that boldly strives to create systems capable of emulating and
surpassing human-level intelligence. While traditional AI can be looked at as a mostly
rule-based system the next evolution step is ML, which we’ll dig into next.

Understanding the AI Landscape: A Technical Perspective all the way to Gen AI | 15

Machine Learning (ML): The Foundation of today’s AI
ML is the foundation of today’s AI technology. It was the first approach that allowed
computers to learn from data without the need to be explicitly programmed for every
task. Instead of following predefined rules, ML algorithms can analyze patterns and
relationships within large sets of data. This enables them to make decisions, classify
objects, or predict outcomes based on what they’ve learned. The key idea behind ML
is that it focuses on finding relationships between input data (features) and the results
we want to predict (targets). This makes ML incredibly versatile, as it can be applied
to a wide range of tasks, from recognizing images to predicting trends in data.
Machine Learning has far-reaching implications across various industries and
domains. One prominent applications is Image Classification, where ML algorithms
can be trained to identify objects, scenes, and actions from visual data. For instance,
self-driving cars rely on image classification to detect pedestrians, roads, and obsta‐
Another application is Natural Language Processing (NLP), which enables computers
to comprehend, generate, and process human language. NLP has numerous practi‐
cal uses, such as chatbots that can engage in conversation, sentiment analysis for
customer feedback, and machine translation for real-time language interpretation.
Speech Recognition is another significant application of ML, allowing devices to
transcribe spoken words into text. This technology has changed the way we interact
with devices. It’s early iterations brought us voice assistants like Siri, Google Assistant,
and Alexa. Finally, Predictive Analytics uses ML to analyze data and forecast future
outcomes. For example, healthcare providers use predictive analytics to identify
high-risk patients and prevent complications, while financial institutions utilize this
technology to predict stock market trends and make informed investment decisions.

Deep Learning: A Powerful Tool in the AI Arsenal

While it may have seemed like everyone was just interested in talking about LLMs,
the basic theories of Machine Learning still made real progress in recent years. ML’s
progress was followed by Deep Learning (DL) which added another evolution to
the artifical intelligence toolbox. As a subset of ML, DL involves the use of neural
networks to analyze and learn from data, leveraging their unique ability to learn hier‐
archical representations of complex patterns. This allows DL algorithms to perform
at tasks that require understanding and decision-making, such as image recognition,
object detection, and segmentation in computer vision applications.
Looking at Machine Learning (ML) compared to Deep Learning (DL), many people
assume that they’re one and the same. However, while both techniques share some
similarities, they also have major differences in the way they model reality. One key
difference lies in their depth - ML algorithms can be shallow or deep, whereas DL
specifically refers to the use of neural networks with multiple layers. This added com‐

16 | Chapter 1: The Enterprise AI Conundrum

plexity gives DL its unique ability to learn complex patterns and relationships in data.
But what about the complexity itself? In most cases, DL algorithms are indeed more
complex and with that computationally more expensive than ML algorithms. This is
because they require larger amounts of data to train and validate models, whereas
ML can often work with smaller datasets. And yet, despite these differences, both ML
and DL have a wide range of applications across various fields - from image classifi‐
cation and speech recognition to predictive analytics and game playing AI. The key
difference lies in their suitability for specific tasks: while ML is well-suited for more
straightforward pattern recognition, DL shines when it comes to complex problems
that require hierarchical representations of data. Machine Learning encompasses a
broader range of techniques and algorithms, while Deep Learning specifically focuses
on the use of neural networks to analyze and learn from data.

Generative AI: The Future of Content Generation

The advances in deep learning have laid the groundwork for Generative AI. Genera‐
tive AI is all about generating new content, such as text, images, code, and more.
This area has received the most attention in recent years mainly because of it’s
impressive demos and results around text generation and live chats. Generative AI
is considered both a distinct research discipline and an application of deep learning
(DL) techniques to create new behaviors. As a distinct research discipline, Gen AI
integrates a wide range of techniques and approaches that focus on generating origi‐
nal content, such as text, images, audio, or videos. Researchers in this field explore
various new methods for training models to generate coherent, realistic, and often
creative outputs that get very close to perfectly mimic human-like behavior.
At its center, Gen AI uses neural networks, enriching them with specialized archi‐
tectures to further improve the results DL can already achive. For instance, convolu‐
tional neural networks (CNNs) are used for image synthesis, where complex patterns
and textures are learned from unbelievably large datasets. This allows generative AI
to produce almost photorealistic images that are closer to being indistinguishable
from real-world counterparts than ever before. Similarly, recurrent neural networks
(RNNs) are employed for language modeling, enabling GenAI to generate coherent
and grammatically correct text. Think about it as a Siri 2.0. With the addition of
transformer architectures for for text generation generative AI can efficently process
sequential data and respond in almost real time. In particular the transformer archi‐
tecture has changed the field of NLP and Large Language Models by introducing a
more efficient and effective architecture for sequenzing tasks. The core innovation
is the self-attention mechanism, which allows the model to capture specific parts
of the input sequence simultaneously, enabling the model to capture long-range
dependencies and context information. This is enhanced by an encoder-decoder
architecture, where the encoder processes the input sequence and generates a contex‐

Understanding the AI Landscape: A Technical Perspective all the way to Gen AI | 17

tualized representation, and the decoder generates the output sequence based on this
Beyond neural networks, Gen AI also leverages generative adversarial networks
(GANs) to create new data samples. GANs consist of two components: a generator
network that produces new data samples and a discriminator network that evaluates
the generated samples. This approach ensures that the generated data is not only real‐
istic but also diverse and meaningful. Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are another
type of DL model used by GenAI for image and audio generation. VAEs learn to
compress and reconstruct data. This capability enables applications that generate
high-quality audio samples simulating real-world sounds or even produce images
that blend the styles of different artists. By combining DL techniques with new data
chunking and transforming approaches, gen AI pushed applications a lot closer to
being able to produce human like content.
Despite the advenanccements in research, the ongoing developments of more sophis‐
ticated computing hardware also significantly contributed to the visibility of genera‐
tive AI. Namely Floating-Point Units (FPUs), Graphics Processing Unit (GPUs), and
Tensor Processing Units (TPUs). A FPU excels at tasks like multiplying matrices,
using specific math functions, and normalizing data. Matrix multiplication is a funda‐
mental part of neural network calculations, and FPUs are designed to do this super
fast. They also efficiently handle activation functions like sigmoid, tanh, and ReLU,
which enables the execution of complex neural networks. Additionally, FPUs can
perform normalization operations like batch normalization, helping to stabilize the
learning process.
GPUs, originally designed for rendering graphics, have evolved into specialized
processors that excel in machine learning tasks due to their unique architecture.
By leveraging multiple cores they can process multiple tasks simultaneously, GPUs
enable parallel processing capabilities that are particularly well-suited for handling
large amounts of data. TPUs are custom-built ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated
Circuits) specifically designed for accelerating machine learning and deep learning
computations, particularly matrix multiplications and other deep learning operations.
The speed and efficiency gains provided by FPUs, GPUs, and TPUs have a direct
impact on the overall performance of machine learning models. Both for training but
also for querying them.
One particular takeaway from this is that running LLMs on local developer machines
is quite challenging. These models are often very large in size, requiring significant
computational resources that can easily overwhelm not just the CPU, but also mem‐
ory and disk space on typical development machines. This makes working with
such models difficult in local environments. In later chapters, particularly Chapter 4,
we will dive into model classification and explore strategies to overcome this issue.
One such approach is model quantization, a technique that reduces the size and

18 | Chapter 1: The Enterprise AI Conundrum

complexity of models by lowering the precision of the numbers used in calculations,
without sacrificing too much accuracy. By quantizing models, you can reduce their
memory footprint and computational load, making them more suitable for local
testing and development, while still keeping them close enough to the performance
you’d expect in production.

Open-Source Models and Training Data

One very important piece of the AI ecosystem is open source models. What you
know and love from source code and libraries is something less comon in the world
of machine learning but has been gaining a lot more attention lately.

Why Open Source is an Important Driver for Gen AI

A simplified view of AI models breaks them down into two main parts. First, there’s
a collection of mathematical functions, often called “layers,” that are designed to solve
specific problems. These layers process data and make predictions based on the input
they receive. The second part involves adjusting these functions to work well with the
training data. This adjustment happens through a process called “backpropagation,”
which helps the model find the best values for its functions. These values, known as
“weights,” are what allow the model to make accurate predictions. Once a model is
trained, it consists of two main parts: the mathematical functions (the neural network
itself) and the weights, which are the learned values that allow the model to make
accurate predictions. Both the functions and the weights can be shared or published,
much like source code in a traditional software project. However, sharing the training
data is less common, as it is often proprietary or sensitive. As you might imagine,
open sourcing of the necessary amounts of data to train the most capable models
out there is something not every vendor would want to do. Not only because it
might cost the competetive advantage there are also speculations about the proper
attribution and usage rights on some of the largest models out there. For the purpose
of this book, we do use Open Source Models only. Not only because of the mostly
hidden usage restrictions or legal limitations but also because we, the authors, believe
that Open Source is an essential part of software development and the open source
community is a great place to learn.

Open Source Training Data

As you may have guessed, the training data is the ultimate factor that makes a model
capable of generating specific features. If you train a model on legal paperwork, it
will not be able to generate a good enough model for sport predictions. The domain
and context of the training data is crucial for the success of a model. We’ll talk about
picking the right model for certain requirements and the selection process in chapter
two, but note that it is generally important to understand the impact of data quality

Open-Source Models and Training Data | 19

for training the models. Low-quality data can lead to a range of problems, including
reduced accuracy, increased error rates, overfitting, underfitting, and biased outputs.
Overfitting happens when a model learns the specific details of the training data
so well that it fails to generalize to new, unseen data. This means that the model
will perform very poorly on test or validation data, which is drawn from the same
population as the training data but was not used during training.
In contrast to that, an underfitted model is like trying to fit a square peg into a
round hole - it just doesn’t match up with the true nature of the data. As a result, the
model fails to accurately predict or classify new, unseen data. In this context, data that
refers to information that is messy or contains errors is called “Noisy”. It is making
it harder for AI models to learn accurately. For example, if you’re training a model
to recognize images of cats, “noisy” data might include blurry pictures, mislabelled
images, or photos that aren’t even cats. This kind of incorrect or irrelevant data can
confuse the model, leading it to make mistakes or give inaccurate results. In addition,
data that is inconsistent, like missing values or using different formats for the same
kind of information, can also cause problems. If the model doesn’t have clean, reliable
data to learn from, its performance will suffer, resulting in poor or biased predictions.
For instance, if an AI model is trained on data that includes biased or stereotypical
information, it can end up making unfair decisions based on those biases, which
could negatively impact people or groups.
You can mitigate these risks by prioritizing data quality from the beginning. This
involves collecting high-quality data from the right sources, cleaning and preprocess‐
ing the data to remove noise, outliers, and inconsistencies, validating the data to
ensure it meets required standards, and regularly updating and refining the model
using new, high-quality data. And you may have guessed already, that this is some‐
thing that developers should only rarely do but absolutely need to be aware of.
Especially if they observe that their models are not performing as expected. A very
simple example why this is relevant to you can be JSON processing for what is called
“function calling” or “agent integration”. While we will talk about this in Chapter 10
in more detail, you need to know that a model that has not been trained on JSON
data, will not be able to generate it. This is a very common problem that developers

Adding Company specific Data to LLMs

Beyond the field of general purpose skills for large language models, there is also
a growing need for task specific optimizations in certain applications. These can
range from small scale edge scenarios with highly optimized models to larger scale
enterprise level solutions. The most powerful feature for business applications is to
add company specific data to the model. This allows it to learn more about the
context of the problem at hand, which in turn improves its performance. What
sounds like a job comparable to a database update is indeed more complex. There are

20 | Chapter 1: The Enterprise AI Conundrum

different approaches to this which provide different benefits. We will look at training
techniques that can be used for this later in chapter two when we talk about the
classification of LLMs and will talk about architectural approaches in chapter three.
For now it is essential to keep in mind, that there is no serious business application
possible without proper integration of business relevant data into the AI-infused

Explainable and transparent AI decisions

Another advantage of open source models is the growing need for explainable
and transpartent decision making by models. With recent incidents generated by
corporate chat bots only being indivudual examples, it is important that companies
understand how their models work and can trust in their output. As AI becomes
more relevant in all areas, people want to know how decisions are made and what
factors influence them. Instead of treating models like black-boxes, transparency and
openness builds trust in AI systems. On top, governments and regulatory bodies are
starting to require a certain level of transparency from AI-driven decision-making
processes, especially in healthcare, finance, and law enforcement. Lastly there is also
growing concerns about the potential for bias and unfair treatment. While there
are technical approaches to explaining model behaviour and giving insights into
behaviours most of the safeguards in place today aren’t perfect and require a certain
amount of safeguards in place. We will talk about this in chapter three.

Ethical and Sustainability Considerations

While explainability of results is one part of the challenge, there are also a lot of
ethical considerations. The most important thing to remember is that AI models are
defined by the underlaying training data. This means that AI systems will always
be biased towards the training data. This doesn’t seem to carry a risk on first sight
but there is a lot of potential for bias. For example, a model trained on racist com‐
ments might be biased towards white people. A model trained on political comments
might be biased towards democrats or republicans. And these are just two obvious
examples. AI models will reflect and reinforce societal biases present in the data they
are trained on. The Unesco released reccomendations on AI ethics. This is a good
starting point for understanding the potential biases that models might have.
But there are other thoughts that need to be taken into account when working
with AI-infused applications. Energy consumption of large model deployments is
dramatic, it is our duty as software architects and developers to pay close attention
when executing and measureing sustainability of these systems. While there is a
growing movement to direct AI usage towards good uses, towards the sustainable
development goals, for example, it is important to address the sustainability of devel‐
oping and using AI systems. A study by Strubell et al. illustrated that the process of

Ethical and Sustainability Considerations | 21

training a single, deep learning, NLP model on GPUs can lead to approx. 300 tons
of carbon dioxide emissions. This is roughly the equivalent of five cars over their
lifetime. Other studies looked at Google’s AlphaGo Zero, which generated almost 100
tons of CO2 over 40 days of training which is the equivalent of 1000 hours of air
travel. In a time of global warming and commitment to reducing carbon emissions, it
is essential to ask the question about whether using algorythms for simplistic tasks is
really worth the cost.

The lifecycle of LLMs and ways to influence their

Now that you know a bit more about the history of AI and the major components
of LLMs and how they are build, let’s take a deeper look at the lifecycle of LLMs and
how we can influence their behaviour as outlined in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2. Training, Tuning, Inference.

You’ve already heard about training data, so it should come as no surprise that at the
heart of the lifecycle lies something called the training phase. This is where LLMs
are fed unbelievable amounts of data to learn from and adapt to. Once an LLM has
been trained it is somewhat a general purpose model. Usually, those models are also
refered to as foundation models. In particularly if we look at very large models like
Llama3 example, their execution requires hughe amounts of resources and they are
generally exceptionally good at general purpose tasks. The next phase a model usually
goes through is known as tuning. This is where we adjust the model’s parameters
to optimize its performance on specific tasks or datasets. Through the process of
hyperparameter tuning, model architects can fine-tune models for greater accuracy,
efficiency, and scalability. This is generally called “hyperparameter optimization” and
includes techniques like: grid search, random search, and Bayesian methods. We do
not dive deeper into this in this book as both training and traditional fine-tuning are
more a Data Scientist’s realm. You can learn more about this in Natural Language
Processing with Transformers, Revised Edition. However we do cover two very spe‐

22 | Chapter 1: The Enterprise AI Conundrum

cific and more developer relevant tuning methods in chapter Two. Most importantly
prompt tuning and alignment tuning with InstructLab.
The last and probably most well known part of the lifecycle is inference, which is
another word for “querying” a model. The word “inference” itself comes from the
French word “inférence”. In the context of LLMs, “inference” referres to the process of
drawing conclusions from observations or premises. Which is a much more accurate
description to what a model actually delivers. There are several ways to “query” a
model and they can affect the quality and accuracy of the results, so it’s important to
understand the different approaches. One key aspect is how you structure your query,
this is where prompt engineering comes into play. Prompt engineering involves
crafting the input or question in a way that guides the model toward providing the
most useful and relevant response. Another important concept is data enrichment,
which refers to enhancing the data the model has access to during its processing.
One powerful technique for this is RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation), where
the model combines its internal knowledge with external, up-to-date information
retrieved from a database or document source. In chapter Three, we will explore
these techniques in more detail.
For now it is important to remember that models undergo a lifecycle within software
projects. They are not static and should not be treated as such. While inferencing
a model does not change model behavior in any way, models are only knowledable
to the so called “cut of date” for their training data. If new information occurs or
existing model “knowledge” needs to be changed, the weights ultimately will have
to be adjusted. Either fine-tuned or re-trained. While this initially sounds like a
responsiblity for a Data Science Team, it is not always possible to draw straight lines
between the ultimate responsibilities of Data Science Team and the actual application
developers. This book does draw a clear line though, as we do not cover training
at all. We do however look in more detail into tuning techniques and inferencing
architectures. But how do these teams work together in practice?

MLOps vs DevOps
Two important terms have been coined during the last few years when we look at
the way modern software-development and production setting is happening. The first
is DevOps, a term coined in 2009 by Patrick Debois to refer to “development” and
“operations”. The second is Machine Learning Operations or MLOps initialy used
by David Aronchick, in 2017. MLOps is a derived term and basically describes the
application of DevOps principles to the Machine Learning field. The most ovious
difference is the central artifact they are grouped around. The DevOps team is
focused on business applications and the MLOps team is more focused on Machine
Learning models. Both describe the process of developing an artifact and making it
ready for consumption in production.

MLOps vs DevOps | 23
DevOps and MLOps share many similarities, as both are focused on streamlining and
automating workflows to ensure continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery
(CD), and reliable deployment in production environments. Figure 1-3 describes one
possible combination of DevOps and MLOps.

Figure 1-3. DevOps and MLOps

The shared practices, such as cross-functional collaboration, using Git as a single

source of truth, repeatability, automation, security, and observability are at the
core. Both DevOps and MLOps rely on collaboration between developers, data
scientists, and operations teams to ensure that code, models, and configurations
are well-coordinated. Automation and repeatability are emphasized for building,
testing, and deploying both applications and models, ensuring consistent and reliable
results. However, MLOps introduces additional layers, such as model training and
data management, which are distinct from typical DevOps pipelines. The need to
constantly monitor models for drift and ensure their performance over time adds
complexity to MLOps, but both processes share a focus on security and observability
to maintain trust and transparency in production systems.
The two approaches are ultimately deeply interwined and complement each other.
To make things even more complicated, MLOps is kind of a catch-all term. There’s
plenty of other terms that are closely related. These include: ModelOps, LLMOps, or
DataOps. They all refer to a similar set of practices in different combinations. There
is no single “correct” way to combine DevOps and MLOps because the approach will
depend on the organization, the teams involved, and their established practices. Some
teams may prefer closer integration between data science and development, while
others may want clear divisions between model development and application devel‐
opment. Organizational structure, team expertise, and project goals play significant
roles in how the workflows are integrated.
For example, in a smaller organization, data scientists and developers might work
more closely, sharing codebases and automating model deployment alongside appli‐
cation code. In larger organizations, teams might be more specialized, requiring

24 | Chapter 1: The Enterprise AI Conundrum

distinct processes for model management and software engineering, leading to a
more modular approach to integration.
In summary, DevOps and MLOps work together by borrowing best practices from
each other, but with the added layers of data management, model training, and
continuous monitoring in MLOps. The right approach will depend on team collabo‐
ration, project complexity, and organizational needs.

In conclusion, the development and deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs)
require a solid understanding of the training, tuning, and inference processes
involved. As the field of MLOps continues to evolve, it is essential to recognize
the key differences between DevOps and MLOps, with the latter focusing on
the specific needs of machine learning model development and deployment. By
acknowledging the intersection approaches required for cloud-native application-
and model-development, teams can effectively collaborate across disciplines and
bring AI-infused applications successfully into production.
Chapter Two will introduce you to various classifications of LLMs and unveal more
of their inner workings. We’ll provide an overview of the most common taxonomies
used to describe these models. We will also dive into the mechanics of tuning these
models, breaking down the differences between alignment tuning, prompt tuning,
and prompt engineering.

Conclusion | 25
Inference API

A Note for Early Release Readers

With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author’s raw and
unedited content as they write—so you can take advantage of these technologies long
before the official release of these titles.
This will be the 5th chapter of the final book. Please note that the GitHub repo will be
made active later on.
If you have comments about how we might improve the content and/or examples in
this book, or if you notice missing material within this chapter, please reach out to the
editor at

You’ve already expanded your knowledge about AI, and the many types of models.
Moreover, you deployed these models locally (if possible) and test them with some
queries. But when it is time to use models, you need to expose them properly,
follow your organization’s best practices, and provide developers with an easy way to
consume the model.
An Inference API helps solve these problems, making models accessible to all devel‐
This chapter will explore how to expose an AI/ML model using an Inference API in

What is an Inference API?
An Inference API allows developers to send data (in any protocol, such as HTTP,
gRPC, Kafka, etc.) to a server with a machine learning model deployed and receive
the predictions or classifications as a result.
Practically, every time you access cloud models like OpenAI or Gemini or models
deployed locally using ollama, you do so through their Inference API.
Even though it is common these days to use big models trained by big corporations
like Google, IBM, or Meta, mostly for LLM purposes, you might need to use small
custom-trained models to solve one specific problem for your business.
Usually, these models are developed by your organization’s data scientists, and you
must develop some code to infer them.
Let’s take a look at the following example:
Suppose you are working for a bank, and data scientists have trained a custom model
to detect whether a credit card transaction can be considered fraud.
The model is in onnx format with six input parameters and one output parameter of
type float.
As input parameters:
The distance from the last transaction that happened. For example,
Ratio of purchased price transaction to median purchase price. For example,
Is the transaction through the chip. 1.0 if true, `0.0 if false.
Is the transaction that happened by using a PIN number. 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
Is the transaction an online order. 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
And the output parameter:
The probability the transaction is fraudulent. For example, 0.9625362.
A few things you might notice here are:

28 | Chapter 2: Inference API

• Everything is a float, even when referring to a boolean like in the used_chip field.
• The output is a probability, but from the business point of view, you want to
know if there has been fraud.
• Developers prefer using classes instead of individual parameters.

This is a typical use case for creating an Inference API for the model to add an
abstraction layer that makes consuming the model easier.
The Figure 2-1 shows the transformation between a JSON document and the model
parameters done by the Inference API:

Figure 2-1. Inference API Schema

The advantages of having an Inference API are:

• The models are easily scalable. The model has a standard API, and because of the
stateless nature of models, you can scale up and down as any other application of
your portfolio.
• The models are easy to integrate with any service as they offer a well-known API
(REST, Kafka, gRPC, …)
• It offers an abstraction layer to add features like security, monitoring, logging, …

Now that we understand why having an Inference API for exposing a model is
important let’s explore some examples of Inference APIs.

Examples of Inference APIs

Open (and not Open) Source tools offer an inference API to consume models from
any application. In most cases, the model is exposed using a REST API with a
documented format. The application only needs a REST Client to interact with the

What is an Inference API? | 29

Nowadays, there are two popular Inference APIs that might become the de facto API
in the LLM space. We already discussed them in the previous chapter: one is OpenAI,
and the other is Ollama.
Let’s explore each of these APIs briefly. The idea is not to provide full documentation
of these APIs but to give you concrete examples of Infernece APIs so that in case you
develop one, you can get some ideas from them.

OpenAI offers different Inference APIs, such as chat completions, embeddings, image,
image manipulation, or fine tuning.
To interact with those models, create an HTTP request including the following parts:

• The HTTP method used to communicate with the API is POST.

• OpenAI uses a Bearer token to authenticate requests to the model.
• Hence, any call must have an HTTP header named Authorization with the value
• The body content of the request is a JSON document.

In the case of chat completions, two fields are mandatory: the model to use and the
messages to send to complete.
An example of body content sending a simple question is shown in the following
"model": "gpt-4o",
"messages": [
"role": "system",
"content": "You are a helpful assistant."
"role": "user",
"content": "What is the Capital of Japan?"
"temperature": 0.2

Model to use

Messages sent to the model with the role

Role system allows you to specify the way the model answers questions

30 | Chapter 2: Inference API

Role user is the question

Temperature value defaults to 1.

And the response contains multiple fields, the most important one choices offering
the responses calculated by the model:
"id": "chatcmpl-123",
"choices": [{
"index": 0,
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": "\n\nThe capital of Japan is Tokyo.",
"logprobs": null,
"finish_reason": "stop"

A list of chat completion choices.

The role of the author of this message.

The response of the message

In the case of embeddings, model and input fields are required:
"input": "This is a cat",
"model": "text-embedding-ada-002"

String to vectorize

Model to use
The response contains an array of floats in the data field containing the vector data:
"object": "list",
"data": [
"object": "embedding",
"embedding": [
.... (1536 floats total for ada-002)

What is an Inference API? | 31

"index": 0

The vector data

These are two examples of OpenAI Inference API, but you can find the documenta‐
tion at

Ollama provides an Inference API to access LLM models that are running in ollama.
Ollama has taken a significant step forward by making itself compatible with the
OpenAI Chat Completions API, making it possible to use more tooling and applica‐
tions with Ollama. This effectively means interacting with models running in ollama
for chat completions can be done either with OpenAI API or with ollama API.
It uses the POST HTTP method, and the body content of the request is a JSON
document, requiring two fields, model and prompt:
"model": "llama3",
"prompt": "Why is the sky blue?",
"stream": false

Name of the model to send the request

Message sent to the model

The response is returned as a single response object rather than a stream

The response is:
"model": "llama3",
"response": "The sky is blue because it is the color of the sky.",
"done": true,

The generated response

In a similar way to OpenAI, llama provides an API for calculating embeddings. The
request format is quite similar, requiring the model, and input fields:

32 | Chapter 2: Inference API

"model": "all-minilm",
"input": ["Why is the sky blue?"]
The response is a list of embeddings:
"model": "all-minilm",
"embeddings": [[
0.010071029, -0.0017594862, 0.05007221, 0.04692972, 0.054916814,
0.008599704, 0.105441414, -0.025878139, 0.12958129, 0.031952348
These are two examples of ollama Inference API, but you can find the documentation
In these sections, we discussed why an Inference API is important and explored some
existing ones, mostly for LLM models.
Next, let’s get back to our fraud detection model introduced at the beginning of this
chapter. Let’s discuss how to implement an Inference API for the model and, even
more importantly, how to do it in Java.
In the next section, we’ll develop an Inference API in Java, deploy it, and send some
queries to validate its correct behavior.

Deplying Inference Models in Java

Deep Java Library (or DJL) is an open-source Java project created by Amazon to
develop, create, train, test and infer machine learning and deep learning models
natively in Java.
DJL provides a set of APIs abstracting the complexity involved in developing Deep
learning models, providing a unified way for training and inferencing for most popu‐
lar AI/ML frameworks like Apache MxNet, PyTorch, Tensorflow, ONNX formats, or
even the popular HuggingFace AutoTokenizer and Pipeline.
DJL contains a high-level abstraction layer that connects to the corresponding AI/ML
model to use, making a change on the runtime almost transparent from the Java
application layer.
You can configure DJL to use CPU or GPU; both modes are supported based on the
hardware configuration.

Deplying Inference Models in Java | 33

A model is just a file/s. DJL will load the model and offer a pro‐
grammatic way to interact with it. The model can be trained using
DJL or any other training tool (Python sk-learn) as long as it saves
the model into a supported file format by DJL.

The Figure 2-2 shows an overview of the DJL architecture. The bottom layer shows
the integration between DJL and CPU/GPU, the middle layer are native libraries to
run the models, and tese layers are controlled using plain Java:

Figure 2-2. DJL Architecture

Even though DJL provides a layer of abstraction, you still need to have a basic
understanding of machine learning common concepts.

Inferencing models with DJL

The best way to understand DJL for inferencing models is to develop an example.
Let’s develop a Java application using DJL to create an Inference API to expose the
onnx fraud detection model described previously.
Let’s use Spring Boot to create a REST endpoint to infer the model. The Figure 2-3
shows what we want to implement:

34 | Chapter 2: Inference API

Figure 2-3. Spring Boot Rest API Schema

First, generate a simple Spring Boot application with Spring Web dependency. You
can use Spring Initializr ( to scaffold the project or start from
scratch. The name of the project is fraud-detection, and add the Spring Web
The Figure 2-4 shows the Spring Initializr parameters for this example:

Figure 2-4. Spring Initializr

With the basic layout of the project, let’s work through the details, starting with
adding the DJL dependencies.

DJL offers multiple dependencies depending on the AI/ML framework used. DJL
project provides a Bill of Materials (BOM) dependency to manage the versions of
the project’s dependencies, offering a centralized location to define and update these

Deplying Inference Models in Java | 35

Add the BOM dependency (in the dependencyManagement section) in the pom.xml
file of the project:

Since the model is in onnx format, add the following dependency containing the
ONNX engine: onnxruntime-engine:

No version is required as it is inherited from BOM

The next step is creating two Java records, one representing the request and another
representing the response.

The request is a simple Java record with all the transaction details.
public record TransactionDetails(String txId,
float distanceFromLastTransaction,
float ratioToMedianPrice, boolean usedChip,
boolean usedPinNumber, boolean onlineOrder) {}
The response is also a Java record returning a boolean setting if the transaction is
public record FraudResponse(String txId, boolean fraud) {
The next step is configuring and loading the model into memory.

Loading the model

We’ll use two classes to configure and load the fraud detection model: ai.djl.repos
itory.zoo.Criteria and ai.djl.repository.zoo.ZooModel. Let’s look at each of
those in more detail:

36 | Chapter 2: Inference API

This class configures the location and interaction with the model. Criteria
support loading models from multiple storages (local, S3, HDFS, URL) or
implementing own protocol (FTP, JDBC, …). Moreover, you configure the trans‐
formation from Java parameters to model parameters and viceversa.
The ModelZoo API offers a standardized method for loading models while
abstracting from the engine. Its declarative approach provides excellent flexibility
for testing and deploying the model.
Create a Spring Boot Configuration class to instantiate these classes. A Spring
Boot Configuration class needs to be annotated with @org.springframework.con
public class ModelConfiguration {

Then, create two methods, one instantiating a Criteria and the other one a ZooMo
The first method creates a Criteria object with the following parameters:

• The location of the model file, in this case, the model is stored at classpath.
• The data type that developers send to the model, for this example, the Java record
created previously with all the transaction information.
• The data type returned by the model, a boolean indicating whether the given
transaction is fraudulent.
• The transformer to adapt the data types from Java code (TransactionDetails,
Boolean) to the model parameters (ai.djl.ndarray.NDList).
• The engine of the model.

public Criteria<TransactionDetails, Boolean> criteria() {

String modelLocation = Thread.currentThread()


return Criteria.builder()
.setTypes(TransactionDetails.class, Boolean.class)
.optTranslator(new TransactionTransformer(THRESHOLD))

Deplying Inference Models in Java | 37

The Criteria object is parametrized with the input and output types

Gets the location of the model within the classpath

Sets the types

The Model location

Instantiates the Transformer to adapt the parameter.

The Runtime. This is especially useful when more than one engine is present in
the classpath.
The second method creates the ZooModel instance from the Criteria object created
in the previous method:
public ZooModel<TransactionDetails, Boolean> model(
@Qualifier("criteria") Criteria<TransactionDetails, Boolean> criteria)
throws Exception {
return criteria.loadModel();

Criteria object is injected

Calls the method to load the model

One piece is missing from the previous implementation, and it is the Transaction
Transformer class code.

The transformer is a class implementing the ai.djl.translate.NoBatchifyTransla
tor to adapt the model’s input and output parameters to Java business classes.
The model input and output classes are of type ai.djl.ndarray.NDList, which
represents a list of arrays of floats.
For the fraud model, the input is an array in which the first position is the distan
ceFromLastTransaction parameter value, the second position is the value of ratio
ToMedianPrice, and so on. For the output, it is an array of one position with the
probability of fraud.
The transformer has the responsibility to have this knowledge and adapt it according
to the model.
Let’s implement one transformer for this use case:

38 | Chapter 2: Inference API

public class TransactionTransformer
implements NoBatchifyTranslator<TransactionDetails, Boolean> {

private final float threshold;

public TransactionTransformer(float threshold) {

this.threshold = threshold;

public NDList processInput(TranslatorContext ctx, TransactionDetails input)
throws Exception {
NDArray array = ctx.getNDManager().create(toFloatRepresentation(input),
new Shape(1, 5));
return new NDList(array);

private static float[] toFloatRepresentation(TransactionDetails td) {

return new float[] {

private static float booleanAsFloat(boolean flag) {

return flag ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

public Boolean processOutput(TranslatorContext ctx, NDList list)
throws Exception {
NDArray result = list.getFirst();
float prediction = result.toFloatArray()[0];
System.out.println("Prediction: " + prediction);

return prediction > threshold;


Interface with types to transform

Parameter set to decide when fraud is considered

Transforming business inputs to model inputs

Shape is the size of the array (5 parameters)

Deplying Inference Models in Java | 39

Process the output of the model

Calculates if the probability of fraud is beyond the threshold or not

With the model in memory, it is time to query it with some data.

The model is accessed through the ai.djl.inference.Predictor interface. The
predictor is the main class that orchestrates the inference process.
The predictor is not thread-safe, so performing predictions in parallel requires one
instance for each thread. There are multiple ways to handle this problem. One option
is creating the Predictor instance per request. Another option is to create a pool of
Predictor instances so threads can access them.
Moreover, it is very important to close the predictor when it is no longer required to
free memory.
Our advice here is to measure the performance of creating the Predictor instance
per request and then decide whether it is acceptable o use the first or the second
To implement per-request strategy in Spring Boot, return a java.util.function.Sup
plier instance, so you have control over when the object is created and closed.
public Supplier<Predictor<TransactionDetails, Boolean>>
predictorProvider(ZooModel<TransactionDetails, Boolean> model) {
return model::newPredictor;

Returns a Supplier instance of the parametrized Predictor

ZooModel created previously is injected

Creates the Supplier

The last thing to do is expose the model through a REST API.

REST Controller
To create a REST API in Spring Boot, annotate a class with @org.springframe
Moreover, since the request to detect fraud should go through the POST HTTP
Method, annotate the method with the’ @org.springframework.web.bind.annota‐
tion.PostMapping` annotation.

40 | Chapter 2: Inference API

The Predictor supplier instance is injected using the @jakarta.annota
tion.Resource annotation.
public class FraudDetectionInferenceController {

private Supplier<Predictor<TransactionDetails, Boolean>> predictorSupplier;

FraudResponse detectFraud(@RequestBody TransactionDetails transactionDetails)
throws TranslateException {
try (var p = predictorSupplier.get()) {
boolean fraud = p.predict(transactionDetails);
return new FraudResponse(transactionDetails.txId(), fraud);

Injects the supplier

Creates a new instance of the Predictor

Predictor implements Autoclosable, so try-with-resources is used

Makes the call to the model

Builds the response

The service is ready to start and expose the model.

Testing the example

Go to the terminal window, move to the application folder, and start the service by
calling the following command:
./mvnw clean spring-boot:run
Then send two requests to the service, one with no fraud parameters and another one
with fraud parameters:
// None Fraud Transaction

curl -X POST localhost:8080/inference \

-H 'Content-type:application/json' \
-d '{"txId": "1234",
"distanceFromLastTransaction": 0.3111400080477545,
"ratioToMedianPrice": 1.9459399775518593,
"usedChip": true,
"usedPinNumber": true,
"onlineOrder": false}'

Deplying Inference Models in Java | 41

// Fraud Transaction

curl -X POST localhost:8080/inference \

-H 'Content-type:application/json' \
-d '{"txId": "5678",
"distanceFromLastTransaction": 0.3111400080477545,
"ratioToMedianPrice": 1.9459399775518593,
"usedChip": true,
"usedPinNumber": false,
"onlineOrder": false}'
And the output of both requests are:
Moreover, if you inspect the Spring Boot console logs, you’ll see the calculated
probability of fraud done by the model.
Prediction: 0.4939952
Prediction: 0.9625362
Now, you’ve successfully run an Inference API exposing a model using only Java.
Let’s take a look of what’s happening under the hood when the application starts the
DJL framework:

Under the hood

JAR file doesn’t bundle the AI/ML engine for size reasons. In this example, if the
JAR contained the ONNX runtime, it should contain all ONNX runtime for all the
supported plaforms. For example, ONNX runtime for Operating Systems like Linux
or MacOS and all possible hardware, such as ARM or x86 architectures.
To avoid this problem, when we start an application using DJL, it automatically
downloads the model engine for the running architecture.
DJL uses cache directories to store model engine-specific native files; they are down‐
loaded only once. By default, cache directories are located in the directory
under the current user’s home directory.
You can change this, by setting the DJL_CACHE_DIR system property or environment
variable. Adjusting this variable will alter the storage location for both model and
engine native files.
DJL does not automatically clean obsolete cache in the current version. Users can
manually remove unused models or native engine files.

42 | Chapter 2: Inference API

If you plan to containerize the application, we recommend bun‐
dling the engine inside the container to avoid downloading the
model every time the container is started. Furthermore, start-up
time is improved.

One of the best features of the DJL framework is its flexibility in not requiring a spe‐
cific protocol for model inferencing. You can opt for the Kafka protocol if you have
an event-driven system or the gRPC protocol for high-performance communication.
Let’s see how the current example changes when using gRPC.

Inferencing Models with gRPC

gRPC is an open-source API framework following the Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
model. Although the RPC model is general, gRPC serves as a particular implementa‐
tion. gRPC employs Protocol Buffers and HTTP/2 for data transmission.
gRPC is only the protocol definition; every language and frameworks have an imple‐
mentation of both the main elements of a gRPC application, the gRPC Server and the
gRPC Stub .
gRPC Server
It is the server part of the application, where you define the endpoint and
implement the business logic.
gRPC Stub
It is the client part of the application, the code that makes remote calls to the
server part.
The Figure 2-5 provides a high-level overview of a gRPC architecture of an applica‐
tion. You see a gRPC Service implemented in Java, and two clients connecting to this
service (one in Java and the other one in Ruby) using Protocol Buffer format.

Figure 2-5. gRPC Architecture

Deplying Inference Models in Java | 43

gRPC offers advantages over REST when implementing high-performance systems,
with high data loads, or when you need real-time applications. In most cases, gRPC
is used for internal systems communications, for example, between internal services
in a microservices architecture. Our intention here is not to go deep in gRPC, but to
show you the versatility of inferencing models with Java.
Throughout the book, you’ll see more ways of doing this, but for now let’s transform
the Fraud Detection example into a gRPC application.

Protocol Buffers
The initial step in using protocol buffers is to define the structure for the data you
want to serialize, along with the services, specifying the RPC method parameters and
return types as protocol buffer messages. This information is defined in a .proto file
used as the Interface Definition Language (IDL).
Let’s implement the gRPC Server in the Spring Boot project.
Create a fraud.proto file in src/main/proto with the following content expressing
the Fraud Detection contract.
syntax = "proto3";

option java_multiple_files = true;

option java_package = "org.acme.stub";

package fraud;

service FraudDetection {
rpc Predict (TxDetails) returns (FraudRes) {}

message TxDetails {
string tx_id = 1;
float distance_from_last_transaction = 2;
float ratio_to_median_price = 3;
bool used_chip = 4;
bool used_pin_number = 5;
bool online_order = 6;

message FraudRes {
string tx_id = 1;
bool fraud = 2;

Defines package where classes are going to be materialized

Defines Service name

44 | Chapter 2: Inference API

Defines method signature

Defines the data transferred

Integer is the order of the field

With the contract API created, use a gRPC compiler to scaffold all the required classes
for implementing the server side.
The Figure 2-6 summarizes the process:

Figure 2-6. gRPC Generation Code

Let’s create the gRPC server reusing the Spring Boot project but implementing now
the Inference API for the Fraud Detection model using gRPC Protocol Buffers.

Implementing the gRPC Server

To implement the server part, open the pom.xml file and add dependencies for
coding the gRPC server using Spring Boot ecosystem. Add the Maven extension and
plugin to automatically read the src/main/proto/fraud.proto file and generate the
required stubs and skeletons classes.
These generated classes are the data messages (TxDetails and FraudRes) and the
base classes containing the logic for running the gRPC server.
Add the following dependencies:

Deplying Inference Models in Java | 45




46 | Chapter 2: Inference API


Adds an extension that gets OS information and stores it as system properties

Registers plugin to compile the protobuf file

Configures the plugin using properties set by the os-maven-plugin extension to

download the correct version of protobuf compiler

Links the plugin lifecycle to the Maven compile lifecycle

At this point, every time you compile the project through Maven, the protobuf-
maven-plugin generates the required gRPC classes from .proto file. These classes
are generated at target/generated-sources/protobuf directory, and automatically
added to the classpath and also packaged in the final JAR file.

Some IDEs don’t recognize these directories as source code, giving

you compilation errors. To avoid these problems, register these
directories as source directories in IDE configuration or using

In a terminal window, run the following command to generate these classes:

./mvnw clean compile
The final step is to implement the business logic executed by the gRPC server.
Generated classes are packaged in the package defined at the java_package option
defined in the fraud.proto file; in this case, it is org.acme.stub.
To implement the service, create a new class annotated with
@net.devh.boot.grpc.server.service.GrpcService and extend the base class
org.acme.stub.FraudDetectionGrpc.FraudDetectionImplBase generated previ‐
ously by protobuf plugin which contains all the code for binding the service.
public class FraudDetectionInferenceGrpcController

Deplying Inference Models in Java | 47

extends org.acme.stub.FraudDetectionGrpc.FraudDetectionImplBase {

Base class name is the servicename defined in the fraud.proto

Since the project uses the Spring Boot framework, you can inject dependencies using
the @Autowired or @Resource annotations.
Inject of the ai.djl.inference.Predictor class as done in the REST Controller to
access the model:
private Supplier<Predictor<org.acme.TransactionDetails, Boolean>>

Finally, implement the rpc method defined in fraud.proto file under FraudDetec
tion service. This method is the remote method invoked when the gRPC client makes
the request to the Inference API.
Because of the streaming nature of gRPC, the response is sent using a reactive call
through the io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver class.
public void predict(TxDetails request,
StreamObserver<FraudResponse> responseObserver) {

org.acme.TransactionDetails td =
new org.acme.TransactionDetails(

try (var p = predictorSupplier.get()) {

boolean fraud = p.predict(td);

FraudRes fraudResponse = FraudRes.newBuilder()


} catch (TranslateException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

48 | Chapter 2: Inference API

RPC Method receives input parameters and the StreamObserver instance to send
the output result.

Transforms the gRPC messages to DJL classes.

Gets the predictor as we did in the REST Controller

Creates the gRPC message for the output

Sends the result

Finishes the stream for the current request

Both REST and gRPC implementations can coexist in the same project. Start the
service with the spring-boot:run goal to notice that both endpoints are available:
./mvnw clean spring-boot:run

o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer: Tomcat started on port 8080

(http) with context path '/'
n.d.b.g.s.s.GrpcServerLifecycle: gRPC Server started,
listening on address: *, port: 9090
Sending requests to a gRPC server is not as easy as with REST; you can use tools
like grpc-client-cli (, but in the following
chapter, you’ll learn how to access both implementations from Java.

Next Steps
You’ve completed the first step in inferring models in Java. DJL has more advanced
features, such as training models, automatic download of popular models (resnet,
yolo, …), image manipulation utilities, or transformers.
This chapter’s example was simple, but depending on the model, things might be
more complicated, especially when images are involved.
In later chapters, we’ll explore more complex examples of inferencing models using
DJL and show you other useful enterprise use cases and models.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to consume the Inference APIs defined in this
chapter before diving deep into DJL.

Next Steps | 49
Accessing the Inference Model with Java

A Note for Early Release Readers

With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author’s raw and
unedited content as they write—so you can take advantage of these technologies long
before the official release of these titles.
This will be the 6th chapter of the final book. Please note that the GitHub repo will be
made active later on.
If you have comments about how we might improve the content and/or examples in
this book, or if you notice missing material within this chapter, please reach out to the
editor at

In the previous chapter, you learned to develop and expose a model that produces
data using an Inference API. That chapter covered half of the development; you only
learned how to expose the model, but how about consuming this model from another
service? Now it is time to cover the other half, which involves writing the code to
consume the API.
In this chapter, we’ll complete the previous example, you’ll create Java clients to
consume the Fraud Inference APIs to detect if a given transaction can be considered
fraudulent or not.
We’ll show you writting clients for Spring Boot and Quarkus using both REST and
gRPC clients.

Connecting to an Inference API with Quarkus

Quarkus provides two methods for implementing REST Clients:

• The Jakarta REST Client is the standard Jakarta EE approach for interacting with
RESTful services.
• The MicroProfile REST Client provides a type-safe approach to invoke RESTful
services over HTTP using as much of the Jakarta RESTful Web Services spec
as possible. The REST client is defined as a Java interface, making it type-safe
and providing the network configuration using Jakarta RESTful Web Services

In this section, you’ll develop a Quarkus service consuming the Fraud Detection
model using the MicroProfile REST Client.

Let’s create a Quarkus service sending requests to the Fraud Service Inference API
developed in the previous chapter.
This service contains a list of all transactions done and exposes an endpoint to
validate whether a given transaction ID can be considered fraudulent.
The Figure 3-1 shows the architecture of what you’ll be implementing in this chapter.
Quarkus service receives an incoming request to validate whether a given transaction
is fraudulent. The service gets the transaction information from the database and
sends the data to the fraudulent service to validate whether the transaction is fraudu‐
lent. Finally, the result is stored in the database and returned to the caller.

Figure 3-1. Overview of the architecture

52 | Chapter 3: Accessing the Inference Model with Java

Let’s remember the document format returned by the inference API, as it is important
to implement it correctly on the client side.

The Fraud Inference API

The Fraud Inference API developed in the previous chapter uses the HTTP POST
method, exposing the /inference endpoint and JSON documents as body requests
and responses.
An example of body content could be:
"txId": "5678",
"distanceFromLastTransaction": 0.3111400080477545,
"ratioToMedianPrice": 1.9459399775518593,
"usedChip": true,
"usedPinNumber": false,
"onlineOrder": false
And a response:
Let’s scaffold a Quarkus project to implement the consumer part.

Creating the Quarkus project

First, generate a simple Quarkus application with REST Jackson and REST Client
Jackson dependencies. You can use Code Quarkus to scaffold the project or start from
With the basic layout of the project, let’s write the REST Client using the MicroProfile
REST Client spec.

REST Client interface

Create the org.acme.FraudDetectionService interface to interact with the Inference
In this interface, you define the following information:

• The connection information using JakartaEE annotations (

for the endpoint and for the HTTP Method) .
• The classes used for body content and response.

Connecting to an Inference API with Quarkus | 53

• Annotate the class as a REST Client with the @org.eclipse.micropro annotation and set the client’s

@RegisterRestClient(configKey = "fraud-model")
public interface FraudDetectionService {

FraudResponse isFraud(TransactionDetails transactionDetails);

Remote Path to connect

Sets the interface as REST client

The request uses the POST HTTP method

TransactionDetails is serialized to JSON as body message

FraudResponse is serialized to JSON as response

Host to connect is set in the file with the quar<configKey>.url property. Open the src/main/resources/appli file and add the following line:

configKey value was set to fraud-model in the RegisterRestClient annotation

The inference API is deployed locally

With a few lines, we’ve developed the REST Client and it’s ready for use. The next step
is creating the REST endpoint.

REST Resource
The next step is to create the REST endpoint, which will call the REST client created
earlier. The endpoint is set up to handle requests using the GET HTTP method, and
it is implemented with the ` annotation. The transaction ID is
passed as a path parameter using the ` annotation.
To use the REST client, you should inject the interface using the `@org.eclipse.micro‐ annotation.
Please create a class called TransactionResource with the following content:

54 | Chapter 3: Accessing the Inference Model with Java

public class TransactionResource {

// ....

FraudDetectionService fraudDetectionService;

public FraudResponse detectFraud(@PathParam("txId") String txId) {

final TransactionDetails transaction = findTransactionById(txId);

final FraudResponse fraudResponse = fraudDetectionService.isFraud(transaction);

markTransactionFraud(fraudResponse.txId(), fraudResponse.fraud());

return fraudResponse;

// ....

Interface is injected

Defines the path param

Injects the path param value as method parameter

Executes the remote call to Inference API

The service is ready to start using the inference model.

Set the quarkus.http.port=8000 property in the applica file to start this service in port 8000 so it doesn’t
collide with the Spring Boot port.

Testing the example

To test the example, you need to start the Spring Boot service developed in the
previous chapter and the Quarkus service developed in this chapter.
In one terminal window, navigate to the Fraud Detection Inference directory and
start the Spring Boot service by running the following command:
./mvnw clean spring-boot:run

Connecting to an Inference API with Quarkus | 55

In another terminal window, start the Quarkus service running the following com‐
./mvnw quarkus:dev

With both services running, send the following request to the TransactionResource
curl localhost:8000/fraud/1234

You consumed an Inference API using Quarkus; in the next section, we’ll see imple‐
menting the same consumer using Spring Boot.

Connecting to an inference API with Spring Boot

Let’s implement a REST client but at this time using Spring Boot WebFlux classes.
WebClient is an interface serving as the primary entry point for executing web
requests, replacing the traditional RestTemplate classes. Furthermore, this new client
is a reactive, non-blocking solution that operates over the HTTP/1.1 protocol, but it
is suitable for synchronous operations.

Adding WebClient Dependency

We can use WebClient with synchronous and asynchronous operations, but the client
is under reactive dependencies.
Add the following dependency if the project is not already a WebFlux service.
With the dependency registered, let’s implement the code to make REST calls.

Using the WebClient

To call remote REST services, instantiate the org.springframework.web.reac
tive.function.client.WebClient interface as a class attribute. Then, we’ll use this
interface to create the request call and retrieve the result.
private final WebClient webClient;

public TransactionController() {
webClient = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8080");

56 | Chapter 3: Accessing the Inference Model with Java

FraudResponse detectFraud(@org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable
String txId) {

final TransactionDetails transaction = findTransactionById(txId);

final ResponseEntity<FraudResponse> fraudResponseResponseEntity =

.body(Mono.just(transaction), TransactionDetails.class)

return fraudResponseResponseEntity.getBody();

Creates and configures the WebClient

Instantiates a new instance to execute a POST

Sets the path part

Body content

Executes the call

Transforms the async call to sync

So far, you have used both frameworks to consume an Inference API with two differ‐
ent approaches: declarative and programmatic. You can integrate any Java (REST)
HTTP client without issues.
Let’s now implement the same logic for consuming a model but using gRPC protocol
instead of REST.

Connecting to the Inference API with Quarkus gRPC client

Let’s build a gRPC client with Quarkus to access the Fraud Detection model exposed
as the gRPC server built in the previous chapter.
As you did when implementing the server-side part, you need to generate the gRPC
Stub from the protobuf file.
Quarkus only requires you to register quarkus-grpc and quarkus-rest extensions.

Connecting to the Inference API with Quarkus gRPC client | 57

Adding gRPC Dependencies
Open pom.xml file of the Fraud Client project and under the dependencies section
add the following dependency:

You should already have the quarkus-rest dependency registered

as you are reusing the project.

With the dependency registered, let’s implement the code to make gRPC calls.

Implementing the gRPC Client

Create the fraud.proto file under src/main/proto directory with the following
syntax = "proto3";

option java_multiple_files = true;

option java_package = "org.acme.stub";

package fraud;

service FraudDetection {
rpc Predict (TxDetails) returns (FraudRes) {}

message TxDetails {
string tx_id = 1;
float distance_from_last_transaction = 2;
float ratio_to_median_price = 3;
bool used_chip = 4;
bool used_pin_number = 5;
bool online_order = 6;

message FraudRes {
string tx_id = 1;
bool fraud = 2;

58 | Chapter 3: Accessing the Inference Model with Java

It is the same file created in the server-side project, so you can copy
it or put it in a shared project and add the project as an external

With this setup, you can place the protobuf file in the src/main/proto directory. The
quarkus-maven-plugin (already present in any Quarkus project) will then generate
Java files from the proto files.
Under the hood, the quarkus-maven-plugin fetches a compatible version of protoc
from Maven repositories based on your OS and CPU architecture.
At this point, every time you compile the project through Maven, the quarkus-
maven-plugin generates the required gRPC classes from the .proto file. These classes
are generated at the target/generated-sources/grpc directory, automatically added
to the classpath, and packaged in the final JAR file.

Some IDEs don’t recognize these directories as source code, giving

you compilation errors. To avoid these problems, register these
directories as source directories in IDE configuration or using

In a terminal window, run the following command to generate these classes:

./mvnw clean compile
The final step is sending requests using the gRPC client, which uses the classes
generated in the previous step.
Inject the generated service interface with the name org.acme.stub.FraudDetection
into the TransactionResource class using the @io.quarkus.grpc.GrpcClient anno‐
FraudDetection fraud;

Inject the service and configure its name.

Quarkus provides a runtime implementation for the interface that is similar to the
REST Client.
When implementing the server-side part, you have seen that gRPC applications are
inherently reactive. Quarkus uses the project Mutiny to implement reactive applica‐
tions, similar to Spring Boot WebFlux or ReactiveX, and it integrates smoothly with

Connecting to the Inference API with Quarkus gRPC client | 59

Mutiny uses the io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni class to represent a lazy asynchronous
operation that generates a single item. Since the Fraud Detection service returns a
single result (fraud or not), the Uni class is used as the return type by the gRPC client.
Let’s implement a new endpoint to verify if a transaction is fraudulent, but using
gRPC instead of REST.
public Uni<FraudResponse> detectFraudGrpcClient(
@PathParam("txId") String txId) {

final TransactionDetails tx = findTransactionById(txId);

final TxDetails txDetails = TxDetails.newBuilder()


final Uni<FraudRes> predicted = fraud.predict(txDetails);

return predicted
.transform(fr -> new FraudResponse(fr.getTxId(), fr.getFraud()));

Reactive endpoint, not necessary to block for the result

gRPC input message

Makes the remote call

For the message item returned by the service

Transforms the gRPC message to required output type

The last step before running the example is configuring the remote service location in
the file:

fraud is the name used in the @GrpcClient annotation

These are all the steps required for using a gRPC client in a Quarkus application.

60 | Chapter 3: Accessing the Inference Model with Java

Going Beyond
So far, we have looked at using Inference APIs as REST or gRPC using standard Java
libraries that were not specifically designed for AI/ML. This approach works well
for cases where the model is stateless and can be used for a single purpose, such as
detecting fraud or calculating embeddings.
However, when using large language models like Llama3, OpenAI, and Mistral, a
plain REST client might not be sufficient to meet all the requirements. For instance:

• Models are stateless, but in some scenarios, it’s crucial to know what was asked
before in order to generate a correct answer. Generic clients do not have memory
• Using RAG is not directly supported by clients.
• There is no agent support.
• You need to implement the specific Inference API for each model you use.

For these reasons, there are some projects in the Java ecosystem to address these
limitations. The most popular one is LangChain4J.
In the next chapter, we’ll introduce you the LangChain4J project and discuss how to
use it when interacting with LLM models.

Going Beyond | 61
About the Authors
Markus Eisele is a technical marketing manager in the Red Hat Application Devel‐
oper Business Unit. He has been working with Java EE servers from different vendors
for more than 14 years and gives presentations on his favorite topics at international
Java conferences. He is a Java Champion, former Java EE Expert Group member,
and founder of Germany’s number-one Java conference, JavaLand. He is excited to
educate developers about how microservices architectures can integrate and comple‐
ment existing platforms, as well as how to successfully build resilient applications
with Java and containers. He is also the author of Modern Java EE Design Patterns and
Developing Reactive Microservices (O’Reilly). You can follow more frequent updates
on Twitter and connect with him on LinkedIn.
Alex Soto Bueno is a director of developer experience at Red Hat. He is passionate
about the Java world, software automation, and he believes in the open source soft‐
ware model. Alex is the coauthor of Testing Java Microservices (Manning), Quar‐ kus
Cookbook (O’Reilly), and the forthcoming Kubernetes Secrets Management (Man‐
ning), and is a contributor to several open source projects. A Java Champion since
2017, he is also an international speaker and teacher at Salle URL University. You can
follow more frequent updates on his Twitter feed and connect with him on LinkedIn.
Natale Vinto is a software engineer with more than 10 years of expertise on IT and
ICT technologies and a consolidated background on telecommunications and Linux
operating systems. As a solution architect with a Java development background, he
spent some years as EMEA specialist solution architect for OpenShift at Red Hat.
Today, Natale is a developer advocate for OpenShift at Red Hat, helping people within
communities and customers have success with their Kubernetes and cloud native
strategy. You can follow more frequent updates on Twitter and connect with him on

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