An HLD framework for cationic ammonium surfactants
An HLD framework for cationic ammonium surfactants
An HLD framework for cationic ammonium surfactants
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Keywords: The Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Difference (HLD) model can be described by additive contributions accounting for the
Surfactants effect of the oil and surfactant nature, temperature, ionic strength, and so on. The first step to build an HLD
Microemulsions framework for a surfactant class is to have Winsor III phase equilibria in a restricted range of formulation vari-
Hydrophilic-lipophilic difference
ables. In this respect, anionic and nonionic surfactants are well suited for an HLD study. On the contrary, it is
difficult achieve for pure cationic surfactant Winsor III phase equilibria without the addition of alcohols and this
has precluded the extension of the HLD to cationic surfactants.
In the present contribution, we first propose a system based on a blend of single-tailed and double-tailed
cationic surfactant to study the oil contribution, and then we afforded the determination of the surfactant
contribution trough an experimental approach (the “HLD-titration”) that is especially tailored for systems dis-
playing a wide range of existence of Winsor III phase equilibria.
HLD-titration results confirmed the ionic strength contribution to HLD as a logarithmic function of salinity for
cationic-based microemulsions similarly to anionic ones. However, the oil carbon number contribution is almost
four-fold larger (k ¼ 0.7 0.1) with respect to anionic surfactants. A clearing point was observed in corre-
spondence of the Winsor III phase equilibria under stirring. This approach allows us the determination of the so-
called characteristic curvature (Cc), i.e. the term describing the surfactant nature contribution to the film cur-
vature, of the cationic surfactant. Finally, the method was adopted to determine Cc values of 7 quaternary
ammonium surfactants differing in the polar heads nature and further three amine oxide surfactant at pH ¼ 1
where they are protonated.
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author. Department of Chemistry, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Orabona 4, 70126, Bari, Italy.
E-mail address: (D. Schirone).
Received 10 June 2021; Received in revised form 2 November 2021; Accepted 8 November 2021
2666-934X/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
D. Schirone et al. JCIS Open 4 (2021) 100033
Consequently, HLD does not depend on the concentration of the oil contribution, and then we afforded the determination of the surfac-
components (composition variables) but only on their number and tant contribution trough an experimental approach (the “HLD-titration”)
chemical nature (formulation variables). Aqueous and oil phases are that is especially tailored for systems displaying a wide range of existence
taken as pseudo components as long as their composition does not of Winsor III phase equilibria.
change. For example, μ*surf
o will depends on the surfactant and oil nature
but not on their concentration. Being a property of the chemical nature of 2. Materials & methods
surfactant, oil and aqueous phases is a feature the HLD shares with other
descriptors of surfactant systems such as the spontaneous mean curvature 2.1. Materials
(H ) or the optimal packing parameter (p ). Indeed, the HLD has been
recently correlated to the spontaneous mean curvature of the interfacial The following chemicals have been purchased from Sigma Aldrich:
film normalized by its thickness l via HLD ¼ p 1 H l [11], where hexane (>99%), heptane (>99%), octane (>99%), nonane (>99%),
the last equality should be taken with caution because it holds only when decane (>99%), sodium chloride (>99%) and HPLC grade water.
H « l1 [12]. Cationic surfactants are pure grade chemicals (>98–99%) purchased
Therefore, all the models rationalizing the system evolution upon from Sigma Aldrich and have been used without further purification:
changing the spontaneous curvature equally holds for changes in HLD. didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) is a double chain qua-
The surfactant chemical potential accounts for the effect of the oil and ternary ammonium surfactant (quat); hexadecyltrimethylammonium
surfactant nature, temperature, ionic strength, and so on, in an additive bromide (cetyl-TAB or CTAB), tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide
manner, consequently the same holds for the dimensionless parameter (myristyl-TAB or MTAB), dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (lauryl-
HLD. This is the main advantage of the HLD approach leading to simple TAB or LTAB), benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride (BDHC),
semiempirical relations, as eq. (1) to be discussed in the next section that cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) and 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium
allows the numerical evaluation of the HLD value once the nature of chloride (CMIC) are single chain quats. Stock solution of cationic sur-
surfactant and oil together with temperature and salinity of aqueous factants have been prepared dissolving 2 g of surfactant in 100 g of water
phase are known. For HLD~0 bicontinuous ultralow interfacial tension (2% w/w). Amine oxides 2% (w/w) solution at pH ¼ 1 have been pre-
(102 103 mN=m) microemulsion are expected [8,13,14]; for HLD<0 pared by acidification with HCl and dilution of stock solutions purchased
direct oil swollen micelles are favoured while fore HLD>0 reverse from different dealers: LDAO (N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine N-oxide so-
micelle are expected to form. lution) is a 30% water solution purchased from Sigma; EMPIGEN® OB/
The additive property of the HLD can be employed to quantify the EG is an industrial grade (32% water solution) C12-14 dimethyl N-oxides
contribution of a surfactant or oil that are not yet in a database. The mixture from Huntsman Holland; AMMONYX CSO is an industrial grade
procedure consists in finding the conditions (T and/or salinity) leading to (30% water solution) C12-18 dimethyl N-oxides mixture distributed by
a Winsor III phase equilibrium for a microemulsion made by the un- STEPAN EUROPE.
known surfactant (or oil) and a known oil (or surfactant). Operating in
such a way, large data sets for systems made of anionic and nonionic 2.2. Salinity scans
surfactant have been constructed and are continuously updated and
refined [15–18]. It worth to highlight that the HLD model does not Different volume ratio (from 1:4 to 1:2) of DDAB and CTAB stock
consider explicitly the counterions nature and cannot predict ion-specific solutions are mixed and tested for several electrolyte concentration from
effects such as the Hofmeister series. On the other hand, using the HLD as 1% to 25% (w/v). The organic phase is added keeping the water/oil
a guide to rational formulation one often resorts to concentrate solutions volume ratio (WOR) at 1. Samples are vigorously shaken and allowed to
of NaCl that furnishes the counterion, independently from the chemical stay at 25 C until complete stabilization. The optimal salinity (S*) is
formula of the pristine solid surfactant. determined as the salinity at which a three phase Winsor III equilibrium
Anionic and nonionic surfactants have been intensively studied with equal oil and water excess phase volumes are found.
because of their use in economically important processes such as
enhanced oil recovery (EOR), detergency, cosmetic and pharmaceutical 2.3. Perturbation experiments
formulations but also because they are well suited for an HLD study.
Indeed, it is easy to find a pure anionic or nonionic surfactant that is able Equal volumes (2 mL) of DDAB 2% solution and linear alkane have
to give rise to Winsor III phase equilibria in a restricted range of been mixed in a test tube with NaCl (10% w/v). Perturbations are per-
formulation variables [19–22]. Such a condition is the first step to build formed adding progressive amount of single chain surfactant (2%) so-
an HLD framework for a surfactant class. lution to the stabilized starting system: each step 20 μL are added then
On the other hand, cationic surfactants are of primary importance on the sample is stabilized at 25 C. The stabilization is monitored using
some selected products such as sanitization formulation, hair conditioners, photos until the coalescence phenomenon ends revealing the micro-
softeners, gene delivery systems, and so on. As such they have been widely emulsion in equilibrium with perfectly transparent excess phase.
investigated experimentally [5,23,24]. In particular the ternary mixtures Microemulsion conductivities are measured using the SevenCompact®
of water and hydrocarbons with didodecyldimethylammonium bromide S230 conductivity meter equipped with InLab®752-4 mm microprobe
(DDAB) have yielded fascinating data on microstructure in microemulsion from METTLER TOLEDO, conductivity has been normalized with respect
mesophases [25]. These water/alkane/DDAB microemulsions have been to the corresponding brine conductivity.
modelled by the so-called “DOC cylinder” approximation, a simple model
reminiscent of connected water channels [26,27]. 2.4. Titration experiments
Unfortunately, it is not straightforward to apply to cationic surfac-
tants the procedures developed for other surfactants to obtain the rele- In a 12 mL vial, 2 mL of DDAB 2% aqueous solution and 2 mL of the
vant HLD-parameters and this has considerably hindered the extension of organic phase have been mixed with 199.4 mg of NaCl (10% w/v with
HLD to cationic systems. To the best of our knowledge, the only HLD- respect to the aqueous phase). Progressive addition of 20 μL single chain
investigation of cationic surfactant is found in a dated (1997) paper by surfactant solution (2%) is made using a micropipette under constant
Anton et al. that, however, loaded the systems with alcohol to obtain stirring. We performed the additions until a maximum added volume of
bicontinuous microemulsion [28]. 1 mL is reached to avoid the so called catastrophic emulsion inversion
In the present contribution, we first propose a system based on a [29,30] (if the water phase exceed 75% the emulsion preferred
blend of single-tailed and double-tailed cationic surfactant to study the morphology will be O/W having water as continuous-exceeding phase, in
this regime Bancroft's rule irrelevant). The experiment is monitored with
D. Schirone et al. JCIS Open 4 (2021) 100033
a conductometer and a fixed angle camera connected to a PC running an balanced) formulation for historical reasons linked to EOR. The condition
image analysis software (ImageJ 1.53a [31]). of balanced formulation is easily detected by the three phases coexistence
(oil/microemulsion/water) and is associated to minimum interfacial
2.5. Turbidity experiments tension and maximum solubilization of oil and water. Salinity scans are
performed, at the same temperature, for several oil i.e. at different EACN.
Turbidity measurements are performed using a homemade instru- In case of anionic surfactant microemulsion (at T ¼ 25 C) Eq. (3) at
ment pictured in the inset of Fig. 5. The instrument consists in a red laser optimum formulation condition can be written as:
probe (650 nm) module (KY-008) and in a photoresistor module which
lnS* ¼ k EACN Cc (5)
function as detector (KY-018). Both modules are controlled by an
ARDUINO UNO microcontroller: the probe is switched on and off Therefore, by plotting ln(S*) versus EACN one finds a linear trend
through a digital port (D13) while the photocell signal is read through an whose slope is the k of eq. (1) and the intercept equals -Cc. Nowadays,
analogical port (A0). Measurements are displayed on ARDUINO soft- plenty of values of Cc are available for many surfactants [14,21,32,
ware's serial port and then processed using MATLAB (ver. R2019b). 44–47].
Surfactant blend can be handled as well by the HLD framework: the
3. Phenomenology of HLD so-called mixing rule can describe efficiently a surfactant mixture (if the
two surfactants do not interact synergically) with a proper Cc value
The general HLD equation is computed as a mole average of Ccs of the surfactants in the mixture [21,
HLD ¼ þ Cc k EACN αΔT þ f ðSÞ (2)
The rhs of Eq. (2) is a semi-empirical relation in which the contri- CcMix ¼ Cci χ i (6)
butions of the nature of surfactant, oil and aqueous phases and of the
temperature sum up [32]. χ i and Cci are the molar fraction and the Cc-values of surfactant i in
Cc is a characteristic term for the surfactant that describes its the blend, respectively. An analogous relationship holds for the EACN of
contribution to the film curvature. More hydrophobic surfactant has a mixture of oils but in this case the EACNs are weight-averaged [43,53,
large positive Cc and favours positive HLD (p >1). Such a parameter is 54].
often called the characteristic curvature although the name is misleading The key parameters of the HLD are defined (and measured) for
(film curvature depends also on the oil and brine composition) but in the microemulsion systems, however, macroemulsion properties made with
original works it was called surfactant characteristic parameter and the same components can be predicted by the HLD model as well
denoted by the Greek letter σ [8,13,14]. [55–57]. HLD>0 implies that stable W/O emulsion are formed while
The EACN (equivalent alkane carbon number) is used for describing systems with HLD<0 give rise to direct O/W emulsion.
the contribution of the oil phase and, for linear alkanes, corresponds to For balanced formulation HLD~0, bicontinuous microemulsion co-
the number of carbon atoms [33]. In the case of oil different from n-al- exists with excess oil and water in the Winsor III phase equilibrium. In
kanes, EACN must be determined experimentally [19,34–36]. The con- such a balanced state, any attempt to emulsify the three phases in each
stant k scales the EACN for a fair sum with the salinity function f(S); k is other fails because the resulting emulsions are very unstable and break
assumed to be roughly constant for a class of surfactants and must be within several seconds after emulsification.
determined experimentally (k~ 0.15–0.17 for anionic surfactants) [9,21, Extensive studies about macroemulsion stability have been conducted
37,38]. in mid-90s. Kabalnov showed how macroemulsion lifetime can be related
The effect of changes in temperature with respect to the reference to activation energy expressed according to Helfrich's model: this energy
temperature (25 C) is handled by the term αΔT where α is slightly barrier depends on the spontaneous curvature (H0 ), the bending modulus
positive for ionic surfactant (0.01) and negative for ethoxylated (0.06) (κ) and the saddle-splay modulus (κ) [58,59]. In the Winsor III regime,
[39]; ΔT is the difference between the actual and the reference (298 K) the stabilization kinetic is mostly driven by the spontaneous curvature:
temperatures. for small absolute value of H0 the macroemulsion is unstable, the film
The term f(S) handles the influence of ionic strength on the film quickly breaks up. H0 has been related to HLD in case of non-ionic sur-
curvature. For convenience it is expressed as a function of the salinity, S, factants, so near balanced formulation we can expect a strong de-
of the aqueous phase expressed as equivalent grams of NaCl per 100 mL pendency of macroemulsion stability upon HLD [11,60,61].
and it equals ln(S) for ionic surfactants (as expected for the counterion
contribution to their chemical potential) while it is linear (b⋅S) for 4. Results and discussion
nonionic (b~0.13 dL/g) surfactants [21,40]. The latter can be attributed
to osmotic dehydration of the polyethyleneoxide surfactant brush [41]. The first obstacle in applying HLD to cationic surfactants is the lack of
Thus, the HLD equation for ionic surfactant is: a commercially available surfactant that easily forms a Winsor III equi-
librium. Among the cationic surfactants, the asymmetric quaternary
HLD ¼ lnðSÞ k EACN αΔT þ Cc (3) ammonium salts (quats) are widely used. The two-tail quats (such as
DDAB) form reverse microemulsions that loaded with water give rise to a
While the analogous equation for nonionic can be written as:
Winsor II equilibrium, while single tail quats form oil-in-water (o/w)
HLD ¼ b S k EACN αΔT þ Cc (4) microemulsion prone to Winsor I equilibrium. Increasing ionic strength
in single tail quats-based microemulsions leads to surfactant precipita-
Ionic surfactants contribute to the overall salinity of the system, and tion, i.e. it is challenging to increase their lipophilic character.
this must be considered in the calculation of HLD so that ln(S) does not We have circumvented this difficulty by exploiting the property that a
diverge in the case of no added salt. According to the “dressed micelle” blend of surfactants is characterized by its own Cc-value keeping constant
model [42] only a fraction of ionic surfactants present on the micellar the mole ratio between the two surfactants.
surface are fully ionized so that the surfactant contribution to the salinity The interfacial film tendency to form bicontinuous microemulsion has
is usually approximate as the 30% of its molar equivalent in NaCl [43]. been tuned by mixing suitable amounts of two-tailed and single-tailed
Numerical parameters for Eq. s 3–4 have been found through the so- cationic surfactant. The optimal salinity content, S*, to achieve the
called salinity scans. In these experiments, the aqueous phase salinity is balanced state in the mixtures of DDAB and CTAB (2:1 M ratio) is ach-
changed and the salinity at which a Winsor III system occurs is labelled as ieved through a scan for each n-alkanes adopted. A representative
S*. When S ¼ S* the HLD ¼ 0, this condition is called optimum (or
D. Schirone et al. JCIS Open 4 (2021) 100033
experiment is shown in Fig. 1A, while Fig. 1B reports the logarithm of S* as oil and the corresponding lnS* as a function of EACN and of χDDAB are
that scales linearly with the EACN. These experiments corroborate the shown in Fig. 2. By the interpolation of the experimental data to the
idea of extending the use of Equation (3) to cationic surfactants and al- plane's equation in eq. (5), the value of k ¼ 0.7 0.1 and the Cc values for
lows an estimate of the k-value (slope) and of the Cc (-intercept) of the CTAB (6.5 1.1) and DDAB (8.3 1.4) have been obtained.
To evaluate the Cc value of the single surfactants another dimension 4.1. Perturbation method
must be introduced in the scan experiments [62].
According to the mixing rule we can write Eq. (6) as The three-dimensional (3D) scan is time demanding. However, the 3D
scan leads to the Cc determination of DDAB's allowing the implement of a
CcMix ¼ CcDDAB χ DDAB þ CcCTAB ð1 χ DDAB Þ (7)
perturbation method to evaluate the Cc-values of other single tails
Where χDDAB il the DDAB mole fraction in the blend. cationic surfactants.
Combining the HLD equation for ionic surfactant with the mixing rule The initial reference system is a DDAB/oil/brine system that is in a
as written as in Eq. (7), and exploiting the fact that our blend is made by Winsor II equilibrium with a positive HLD value given by:
surfactants with ammonium head group which should share the same k-
HLDi ¼ lnS k EACN þ CcDDAB (9)
value [20], the equation of a plane comes out (Eq. (8)).
Then the composition is perturbed: a surfactant scan is performed by
lnS* ¼ k EACN CcDDAB χ DDAB CcCTAB ð1 χ DDAB Þ (8) keeping constant the oil and salinity and adding the surfactant under
Salinity scans were performed at different χDDAB, using five n-alkanes scrutiny (mole fraction in the blend χ2) having care to keep constant total
surfactant concentration. Different samples varying in the χ2 are pre-
pared. At a given mole fraction, χ2*, the balanced condition is met (HLD
¼ 0) and combining eqs 5, 6 and 9 one easily evaluate the unknown Cc2
of the unclassified cationic surfactant as:
Cc2 ¼ CcDDAB HLDi χ *2 (10)
D. Schirone et al. JCIS Open 4 (2021) 100033
D. Schirone et al. JCIS Open 4 (2021) 100033
Table 1 and the results are also shown in Fig. 5 (left ordinate). Experimentally the
Cc values of cationic surfactants, also shown is χ* the mol fraction of the sur- initial DDAB-brine-nonane W/O emulsion has a lower turbidity (0.2)
factant in the blend with DDAB that corresponds to the balanced state. than the O/W emulsions found in presence of large amount of LTAB
χ* Cc Cc/k HLB P (~0.6). Upon loading the initial DDAB-brine-nonane system with LTAB,
the turbidity increases steadily towards the value observed for O/W
LTAB 0:240 0:009 10:0 0:7 14.0 23:3 0.335
0.2 emulsion but, at the balanced condition, a deep minimum in turbidity is
MTAB 0:263 0:008 8:4 0:5 12.0 22:35 0.325 observed, i.e., the clearing point. The stirred emulsion is more whiteish
0.15 than milky at this clearing point, it looks like water and alkane stirred
CTAB 0:314 0:006 5:7 0:3 8.14 21:4 0.329 without the surfactant. This is likely linked to the high emulsion insta-
CMIC 0:288 0:007 7:0 0:1 10.0
bility previously observed at the balanced formulation where large
0.1 amounts of water and oil coexists. Upon further loading with LTAB a
BDHC 0:259 0:013 0:1 0:4 þ0.14 19:8 relatively stable, milky, O/W emulsions forms leading to a dramatic in-
0.3 crease in the turbidity. It is worth to recall that the oil-to-water ratio here
CPC 0:181 0:007 50.2
is 1 and we expect to always have some excess phase so that the trans-
DDAB þ 8:3 1:4 þ12 18:1
0.2 formation of droplets into micelles leading to the clearing boundary
LDAO (pH ¼ 0:1951 0:013 1:0 0:6 1.4 found in T-scan around the PIT with nonionic surfactants [67] can hardly
1) 0.6 account for this minimum in turbidity.
EMPIGEN (ph 0:2388 0:012 þ 0:7 0:6 þ1.0 However, performing these experiments we have observed that in
¼ 1) 0.8
AMMONYX 0:2701 0:010 þ 1:6 0:2 þ2.3
correspondence of the balanced state, the level reached by the fluid
(ph ¼ 1) 0.2 under stirring has a consistent jump.
ANIONIC SURFACTANT FROM REFERENCE [21] Such a sudden increase in the fluid level of the stirred sample can also
SDS 2.3 with k 15 0.42 be adopted as readout of the balanced condition similarly to the turbidity
¼ 0.16 measurements. First at all the initial level of the DDAB-brine-nonane
AOT 2.55 with k þ16 0.53 system under stirring is marked as a reference. Then, leaving un-
¼ 0.16 changed the stirring rate, the system is loaded with aqueous solution of
For cationic surfactant cc data are collected from titration experiments, except for the unclassified cationic surfactant. When the salinity of the brine is
DDAB data that comes from 3d scan; in all cases the constant entering eq. (3) is k properly chosen the volume of titrant required to pass from a Winsor II to
¼ 0.7 0.1. HLB comes from Ref. [80]; the optimal packing parameter is from a Winsor I equilibrium is negligible with respect to the starting volume.
Ref. [82] and refers to surfactant in water without oil. Therefore, the stepwise loading with the titrant does not change the
height of the stirred fluid until one reaches the balanced condition at
concentrated solution of the unclassified surfactant does not pose prob- which a sudden jump in the level is observed. The relative increase in the
lem, the lack of an instantaneous determination of the Winsor III regime height of the stirred fluid (h) normalized by the initial level (h0) is clearly
is a serious hindrance to such an approach. visible by naked eye (h/h0~ 30%) and remain stable in time. Very
For this reason, we explored different parameters that could be used important, further addition of titrant leading to leave the balanced state
to probe the formation of a balanced state. Conductivity, under vigorous results in a drop in the stirred fluid level that returns to the previous
stirring, has been already proposed as a method to probe the nature of the value. In Fig. 6 this version of the HLD-titration is showed by plotting the
continuous phase of emulsions exploiting the fact that, under stirring, a h/h0 ratio versus the added titrant volume. A movie describing the
Winsor I equilibrium forms highly conductive O/W emulsion, while a process is provided in the Supporting Information section. Stability time
Winsor II equilibrium forms non-conductive W/O emulsion [29,55,57]. measurements proof that the maximum in the stirred fluid level always
We have therefore compared the evolution of conductivity along a “HLD corresponds to the null spontaneous curvature case.
titration”. The height of the stirring vortex in a fluid is inversely proportional to
Starting from a DDAB/brine/nonane Winsor II equilibrium, the sys- its viscosity [68]. For this reason, the dramatic increase the level reached
tem has been perturbed through the addition of an aqueous solution of under stirring, when the balanced condition is fulfilled, should be asso-
LTAB. The system was under vigorous stirring and after each addition the ciated to the minimum in the viscosity of emulsified systems in the
conductivity was measured. This resulted in milky emulsions due to the Winsor III equilibrium previously reported by others [55,61,69–73]. This
Mie light scattering. A representative result is shown in Fig. 5 (right minimum has been associated to the ultralow interfacial tension that
ordinate). For small addition of titrant, the HLD remains positive leading
to a water-in-oil emulsion that is, essentially, nonconductive. When the
ratio LTAB/DDAB approaches the condition HLD ¼ 0 there is a
measurable increase in the conductivity (from 0 to ~ 10 mS/cm). In the
experiment of Fig. 5 this corresponds to 0.4 mL of titrant added. How-
ever, the increase in conductivity continues, up to 65 mS/cm, for further
LTAB loading. The comparison of the conductivity evolution along
titration with the composition at which the emulsion stability is mini-
mum (Fig. 4) indicates the conductivity measurement cannot be pro-
posed as an accurate indicator to determine the balance condition along a
Notably, the sample under stirring appeared clearer in correspon-
dence of the LTAB/DDAB ratio associated to the minimum in emulsion
stability, i.e. the balanced state. Roger et al. observed a clearing boundary
caused by the solubilization of the oil into surfactant-rich objects, as a
function of temperature. Here, the clearing point take place exactly at the
balanced LTAB/DDAB ratio and thus have been investigated as poten-
tially useful as indicator of the HLD ¼ 0 state [67]. Fig. 6. The titration of a DDAB/brine/nonane at S ¼ 10% is monitored by a
The turbidity of the stirred sample along the HLD-titration has been camera and a conductometer. The titrant is a solution of LTAB 2% and
probed in parallel with the conductivity measurements discussed above NaCl 10%.
D. Schirone et al. JCIS Open 4 (2021) 100033
allows elongating the oil, water and microemulsion domains along the A comparison with the literature for anionic surfactants evidences
stream lines with a very low energy cost [55–57,74,75]. that the value k ¼ 0.7, in eq. (3), obtained for quaternary ammonium
surfactants is more than four-fold larger than the value reported for
anionic surfactants (k ~ 0.16) [9]. An analogous discrepancy is observed
4.3. Cc values of quaternary ammonium surfactants for the absolute value of the Cc values [9]. For example, the Cc of LTAB
reported in Table 1 is 10 while for SDS, an anionic surfactant with the
The balanced condition for several quats has been routinely deter- same alkane tail, Cc ¼ 2.3. Similarly, the Cc for two typical double tail
mined by means of HLD-titration using the jump in the stirred fluid level surfactants, usually forming reverse microemulsions are 8.3 for the
as an indicator and using the same salinity in the titrant and in the cationic DDAB and 2.55 for the anionic AOT.
titrand. Examples of titrations are shown in Fig. 7. Experimentally, a Such differences in the k and Cc values obtained for anionic and
suitable NaCl concentration must be chosen. In the case of very hydro- cationic surfactants reflect the difference in their sensitivity to salinity.
philic surfactants a relatively high salinity is required to reach the For both the classes of surfactant the dependence of the HLD on the
balanced situation but for less hydrophilic surfactants this can results in salinity is logarithmic (see Figs. 1B and 2) according to eq. (3), but,
the surfactant salting out and a smaller salinity is advisable. The Cc values experimentally, the relative influence of the salinity on the HLD is weaker
have been then evaluated according to eqs 9 and 10 using the previously for quats.
determined values of k and CcDDAB to estimate the HLD value in the initial This means that to keep a balanced Winsor III equilibrium upon
state (HLDi) and the experimental χ2* value is taken from the added changing the oil (EACN), or the surfactant, one should change the salinity
volume during the titration that correspond to balanced composition. A to a larger extent in the case of cationic compared to anionic surfactant.
subsequent estimate based on the stability of emulsions around the HLD Since for HLD equations the multiplicative term of the ln(S) in eq. (3) is
¼ 0 confirm such estimates. fixed to one, a weaker salinity influence is formalized by larger contri-
The Cc values are listed in Table 1. butions of the Cc and k⋅EACN terms.
To compare the amphiphilicity of surfactants of different charge,
accounting for the different weight of the ln(S) term, it has been proposed
to normalize the measured Cc by the corresponding k-value [13,76]. This
is equivalent to write the HLD equation having unit coefficient in front of
the only variable which has exactly the same effect in both cases, and this
is not the salinity but the oil EACN [77].
The corresponding values of Cc/k are listed in Table 1. In terms of Cc/
k a substantial agreement between cationic and anionic surfactants is
found. Indeed, we observe for LTAB (Cc/k ¼ 14) almost the same value
reported for the analogous anionic SDS (Cc/k ¼ 15) and also the Cc/k
values of lipophilic AOT (þ16) and DDAB (þ12) are mutually close.
A dated way to categorize surfactants according to their relative
‘philicity’ for water or oil phases is the hydrophile/lipophile balance, or
HLB [78,79]. Such an approach cannot take into accounts the impact of
salinity, oil nature and temperature on the affinity of surfactant for water
and oil but is yet widely used.
Fig. 8 presents a comparison between the Cc values obtained by
experimental HLD-titration and the HLB values calculated by Davies
computational approach [80]. A linear correlation shows how Ccs values
can describe hydrophilic-lipophilic tendency of cationic surfactant as
well as HLB computational values, as found in previous work by Acosta
and coworkers for non-ionic surfactants [21].
Focusing on the quats sharing the hexadecyl (often called cetyl) tail,
Table 1 evidences as pyridinium or benzyl-dimethyl ammonium heads
lead to sensibly more hydrophobic surfactants (Ccs are 3.5 and 0.1,
respectively) compared with CTAB and CMIC. Therefore, one expects
pyridinium and benzalkonium based surfactant have a large affinity for
biological membranes and this could be related to their reported higher
antimicrobial efficiency [81].
D. Schirone et al. JCIS Open 4 (2021) 100033
For the first time cationic surfactants have been introduced into HLD The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
framework avoiding the complication of the use of cosurfactants. To this interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
purpose we have selected a blend of single (CTAB) and double (DDAB) the work reported in this paper.
tail cationic surfactants to achieve the Winsor III phase equilibrium
through salinity scans at different DDAB/CTAB ratio. Using different n- Acknowledgements
alkanes as oil the investigation has allowed the evaluation of the sur-
factant characteristic parameter of the DDAB (Cc ¼ 8.3) and CTAB (Cc ¼ D.S. was funded from the Italian Ministry of research MUR under the
5.7) and the multiplicative constant (k ¼ 0.7) for the contribution of program “PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014–2020 — Dottorati innovativi
EACN in the case of cationic surfactants. con caratterizzazione industriale XXXV Ciclo” project DOT1302393.
For the classification of the other single chain cationic surfactants a Partial financial support by the Center for Colloid and Surface Science
novel “HLD-titration” procedure was proposed. The procedure is very (CSGI) is acknowledged.
simple, does not require special instrumentation and circumvent the long Dr. Stefano Resta from Fater Group is kindly acknowledged for useful
equilibrium times required for conventional compositional scans. This discussion.
opens the way to the extension of HLD-based rational formulation to
systems composed by cationic surfactants. Appendix A. Supplementary data
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