Cat: Safety Rules and Procedures Risk Level: MED UA/UC UC Cat: Safety Rules and Procedures Risk Level: MED UA/UC UA
Date Closed: Verified : With SNCR Date Closed: Verified : With SNCR
Findings: Findings:
conducted inspection at T-75 common area in D-001/002, it was caught on the act the conducted inspection at T-75 common area in D-001/002, task supervisor neglected his
worker changing the color code for the tools and equipment which they are not responsibility to ensure the tools and equipment should be inspected updated and color
qualified/competent/authorized. coded by the competent/qualified personnel not to allow his workers to do the color
Reference: Reference:
CSM-CSAR, Section: 7.9, Pg. No. 26: Contractor Personnel Contractor personnel shall visibly CSM- CSAR, Contractor Personnel Safety Responsibilities, Section 7.6: Site Supervision The
demonstrate the priority of safety in all activities and shall: contractor’s site supervision (field engineers, supervisors, foremen or equivalent position)
their management to stop their own work and work related to the contract that they deem shall visibly demonstrate the priority of safety in all activities, including setting a good
to be unsafe (without fear of retribution). personal example and as follows.
conditions to their supervisor. •Inform their personnel of safe work methods and safety requirements detailed in the
Recommendation Recommendation
To adhere with SA HSE Standards, Procedures and including Contractor own procedure... To adhere with SA HSE Standards, Procedures and including Contractor own procedure...