1. Why is it very rare for a star to come close to another one? 2. What are planets of our solar system? How did they come into being? 3. What happened when a wandering star came nearer and nearer? 4. What are planets and how did they come into existence? 5. Why is life not possible on stars? OR Why is there no life on stars? 6. How did life begin on Earth? OR Write a note on the beginning of life on Earth. 7. Why is the universe frightening? 8. What in your opinion, should be the conditions necessary for the kind of life we know to exist on other heavenly bodies? Do such conditions generally exist? 9. What kind of physical conditions does life need to exist? 10. What is the Milky Way?
Answer any seven (07) of the following questions.
1. How has the scientific method helped us in our fight against disease? 2. Write a note on the better sanitary conditions available in our cities today and compare them with what they were like a hundred years ago? 3. How has the scientific method helped us in the production and preservation of foods? 4. We are less fearful than our ancestors. What were our ancestors afraid of? 5. What part did astrology play in the lives of men and women in the past? Give examples? 6. Describe some of the superstitions still current in our country. How do they affect the lives of those who believe in them? 7. What do we mean by the word attitude? 8. What is meant by superstitions? 9. How scientific method has improved our ways of life? 10. What is the purpose of this lesson?
Answer any seven (07) of the following questions.
1. According to the author, there are some boys who fail because they do not try? Who are they? Can we help them? 2. How does mistaken ambition on the part of the boy's parents lead to the failure of the boy? 3. How does over-confidence become a reason of failure for the college boys? OR There are some boys who have done well at school but fail to make their mark at college. Who are they? Do you have such boys in college in your country? 4. How does financial pressure lead to the failure of boys in college? Do you have such boys in your country? 5. To what extent does the question of health lead to failure at college? How far can the college authorities with their medical officers help students with such cases? 6. What place do you accord to sportsmanship in college? 7. There are some students who join college for the fun of it. Should they be allowed to stay? 8. Basically, how many kinds of bo fail ysto complete their education and why? 9. How do nervous habits become a cause of failure for the college boys? 10. What is the responsibility of the college dean?
Answer any seven (07) of the following questions.
1. What was the Daiches' attitude towards weekend holidays as a school boy? Why did he long for it? 2. What was the writer's general view of school life? 3. The writer liked holidays for freedom — freedom from what? 4. How did Daiches spend his summer vacation? 5. Wishes don't come true in this life, writes Dachies. What are the things he longed for, but couldn't have? 6. What did David Daiches do with his pocket money? 7. Why did Daiches consider Friday morning as rose-colored? 8. What did David Daiches think of Friday and Saturday nights? 9. What kind of un-expected holidays did the writer enjoy in his school life? 10. When and how did the writer buy his first bicycle?
Answer any seven (07) of the following questions.
1. What sort of books were presented by the British public to soldiers? 2. Was it the interest of soldiers that prompted their action, or wasn't the wish to get rid of useless books? 3. Why should bad books be destroyed? 4. Why is it difficult to destroy books? 5. Why could not the author burn the unwanted books? 6. How did the writer finally decided about his useless books? 7. Describe the author's midnight venture. 8. How did he muster up the courage at last to fling them into the river? 9. What did the writer think about the books after throwing them into the river?