A guide to make Proposal corrections
A guide to make Proposal corrections
A guide to make Proposal corrections
SID: 10562217
Email: Abbasg@coventry.ac.uk
Title: The impact of influencer marketing and brand equity on consumers purchases intentions
in the United Kingdom.
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background of the study:...................................................................................................................3
1.2 Problem Statement:............................................................................................................................3
1.3 Research Questions:..........................................................................................................................3
1.4 Research Objectives:.........................................................................................................................4
1.5 Variables of the Study.......................................................................................................................4
1.5.1 Influencer marketing...................................................................................................................4
1.5.2 Consumer’s buying behavior......................................................................................................5
1.6 Significance of the Study:..................................................................................................................5
1.7 Scope of the Study:............................................................................................................................5
Chapter 2 Literature Review........................................................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Influencer marketing..........................................................................................................................5
2.3 Consumer buying behavior................................................................................................................6
2.4 Research Gaps...................................................................................................................................6
2.5 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework:...........................................................................................6
2.6 Hypothesis.........................................................................................................................................7
Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology.............................................................................................7
3.1 Population of the study......................................................................................................................7
3.2 Sampling Technique..........................................................................................................................7
3.3 Sample Size.......................................................................................................................................8
3.4 Unit of Analysis.................................................................................................................................8
3.6 Research Instrument and Data Collection Method.............................................................................8
3.7 Data Analysis Software and Statistical Methods...............................................................................8
Nowadays, marketing is the key factor for any business to sell out their product and to reach any
potential consumer. It was never easy before, as it is easy today to showcase what is
manufactured for selling purposes to its customers through social media ( Kizgin, Jamal, Dey and
Rana , 2018). According to the research of Johansen and Guldvik (2017) For the last couple of
years, the new strategy to sell out their product adopted by different businesses is influencer
marketing. It is the nature of humans that they are influenced by their environment. Humans
tend to adopt and follow what they see and what they observed.
According to the research of Balakrishnan , Dahnil and Yi (2014) This is the era of information
technology. All information is available on the internet, websites, or any social blog related to an
interest of the majority. Many businesses are using these platforms to advertise their product to
potential consumers and through the feedback, they get to know what demand is, what are the
new trends, and what is required from them by the diversity of people. it has been observed
different organizations have their target influencers who are the inspiration of many people.
people follow them, trust them, and want to be like them. Through these influencers, different
business organizations are reaching out to their customers to sell out their products and earn
maximum profit.
According to the study of Shahid , Hussain and Zafar (2017) The business organizations create
brand equity for the consumers to make them loyal to the product of the business. For creating
brand equity organizations use multiple techniques and strategies for this purpose one of them is
use of the influencers. Consumers become loyal to the brand because of the faith and love for the
influencers which eventually benefits the organization in term of profit and in term of increase in
sales of the product.
In this study, it will be observed how influencer marketing and brand equity are influencing the
purchase intentions of consumers.
1.2 Problem Statement:
By observing the strong effect of influencer marketing and brand equity on consumer purchase
intentions the following statement is formulated:
“To what extent the influencer marketing and brand equity are affecting the purchase intentions
of consumer in the United Kingdom”
How elements of brand equity and influencer marketing effecting the purchasing
intentions of consumer in united kingdom
To what extent elements of brand equity are affecting the purchase intentions
1.5 Variables of the Study
Influencer marketing
Brand equity
Purchase intentions
In this study, influencer marketing and brand equity are an independent variable whereas
purchase intentions is the dependent variable
Influencer marketing is a marketing technique through which particular people are targeted for
the sale of products and for earning profit purposes.
The strategy with which different groups of people are targeted to increase the sale of the
business by influencers through digital media is called influencer marketing.
According to the research of Adam & Hussain (2017) Consumers, purchase intentions means the
process through which a consumer undergoes to buy the desired product is called consumers
purchase intentions
According to the research of Schivinski and Dąbrowski (2013 ) Purchase intentions means to
what degree consumer is willing to purchase a product. the consumer’s intentions to buy a
product is greatly influenced by the brand equity as well as by the influencers he or she the
consumer followed or admired.
1.5.3 Brand equity
According to the research of Chang and Liu (2009) Brand equity means the value which is
associated with product according to the perception of the consumers rather than its on itself
value is called brand equity.
The term brand equity is consisted of different elements such as brand awareness, brand
association, perceived quality and brand loyalty.
This research will investigate how the consumer's purchase intentions get influenced through the
choice of influencer and by the brand equity. This study will also cover up all the important
strategies and channels which will be taken by different organization to sell out the product
through influencer marketing.
This study revolves around two variables influencer marketing and consumer buying behavior.
This study will put a light on the role of influencers on consumers of the United Kingdom.
2.1 Introduction
Since the importance of influencer marketing is recognized many researchers contribute their
knowledge which shows that influencer marketing is highly correlated to consumers buying
Many different business organizations and many business icons are recognizing the importance
of social media and digital marketing to enhance the number of customers to sell out the product
and impacting the decisions of consumers. Through social media, consumers get a chance to
share their feedback which helps the business industries to be aware of timely information and
take measures accordingly (Sudha & Sheena, 2017).
This is an age of information technology. The world has become a global village everyone is
connected within a blink of an eye. People of every age group are in touch with social media
through social websites such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and social blogs. It is
observed that people are aware of new marketing trends, new products through digital
advertisements and by following the influencers. this social connectivity has been creating a buzz
in every age group and influencing the buying decisions of consumers (Lim et al., 2017)
According to the study of Valaei & Nikhashemi (2017) people are trying to fit in the society by
becoming like them and by following the new trends which are being followed by the majority of
the society. Famous personalities whether celebrities or a person who has a great fan following
are a trend setter. People get connected through social channels and be influenced through their
lifestyle and fashion sense and make decisions accordingly.
Humans are social animals they get influenced through their environment and make decisions
accordingly by making good observations and following the footsteps of the people they have
strong faith in and admire. Business organizations are observing every factor which can
influence the consumer's buying behavior. Marketing departments of many organizations
keeping in notice every factor that can influence the decision of consumers. Social media and
social connectivity is one of the most important key factors through which business
organizations increasing the number of customers and maximizing the business profit (Ramyan
& Ali, 2016)
2.5 Research Gaps
This research will observe the impact of influencer marketing as well as the impact of brand
equity and its elements on the purchase intentions of the consumers of the united kingdom
simultaneously .Further, it compares the demographic factors. Whether the factors are about
people of different age groups or different gender e.g. male or female. This study will investigate
how males and females, or people of different age groups are influenced by the influencers.
2.7 Hypothesis
H1: There is a positive relation between influencer marketing and consumers purchase
H2: there is positive relationship between influencer marketing and brand equity
H3: There is positive relationship between brand equity and purchase intentions of consumers
Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology
This chapter layouts the methodology and research designed which is taken into consideration
while conducting the research. As this is quantitative research all the hypothesis will be tested
with certain statistical tests to get to the conclusion.
The population of this study involves the consumers of the United Kingdom. This study
investigates purchase intentions of the consumers of United Kingdom and how it is affected by
influencer marketing and brand equity
The sampling technique which is being used in this study is non-probability sampling and under
non-probability sampling, the type is being used is convenience sampling due to the time
limitation and pandemic condition of the country.
The individual consumers of the United Kingdom are the unit of analysis of this study.
A well-formulated questionnaire will be used for the collection of data for this study.
Microsoft word, SPSS , and Microsoft excel will be mainly used for this study. The test which
will be conducted to test the hypothesis are T - test, Pearson correlational test and regression test.
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