Article in Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology · June 2014
DOI: 10.19026/rjaset.7.878
11 1,107
4 authors, including:
Frimpong J. Alex
Wuhan University of Technology; Kumasi Technical University
All content following this page was uploaded by Frimpong J. Alex on 03 January 2023.
Research Article
Survey of the Causes of Brake Failure in Commercial Mini-buses in Kumasi
Prince Owusu-Ansah, 1Timothy Alhassan, 1Alex Frimpong and 2A. Agyei Agyemang
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kumasi Polytechnic, P.O. Box 854, Kumasi, Ghana
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
(KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana
Abstract: This paper studies the causes of brake failure in commercial mini-buses in Kumasi, Ghana. A structured
questionnaire was administered at (20) bus terminals, (65) automotive workshops and (25) government institutions.
The researcher met the personnel in charge of these institutions and explained the objectives of the research. The
questionnaire was left with the authorities overseeing these institutions and the response was collected at a later date.
In all a total of (485) people were surveyed. The results and responses suggested that the main causes of brake
failure in mini-buses are: Overheating of the brake assembly due to prolong application of the brakes, low brake
fluid level as a result of defective rubber seals in the master cylinder and air trapped in the braking system resulting
in spongy brakes and reducing braking efficiency. The survey results showed that brake failure in commercial mini-
buses is caused mainly by Overheating of the brake assembly due to prolong application of the brakes. The survey
responses suggest that the braking system should be inspected and serviced periodically in order to minimize the rate
of brake failure in mini-buses.
Corresponding Author: Prince Owusu-Ansah, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kumasi Polytechnic, P.O. Box 854,
Kumasi, Ghana
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (URL:
Res. J. App. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(23): 4877-4882, 2014
achieve a given retardation. A disc brake requires a according to Nunney et al. (1998). However, most
greater pedal pressure than that needed for a drum Ghanaian drivers use other fluid such as dirty brake
brake. Adjustment to take up pad wear is automatic on fluid, less dirty fluid and even soapy water as substitute
a disc brake, therefore minimum attention is required. A to the original brake fluid.
merit of this type is the ease with which the pads can be
inspected. If corrosion is not present, the pads can be Fluid contamination: It is even more important that
easily renewed. engine oil, shock absorber oil, petrol and paraffin never
The disc brake assembly consists of the following be introduced into a fluid brake system-nor should they
components: ever be used to clean brake parts. The use of these
mineral-based oils results in the rapid weakening or
• Master cylinder destruction of all the rubber components and possibly in
• Brake pads the injury or death of the vehicle users as a result of
• Brake discs brake failure. Cleaning should always be done with
• Rotor industrial methylated spirit, followed by washing in
clean brake fluid and/or application of the correct
Advantages of the disc brakes: Disc brakes have the rubber grease. A system contaminated by mineral oils
following advantages over drum brakes. or wrong fluids must be thoroughly flushed out with
methylated spirit, have the contaminated fluid
Greater heat dissipation: This is because only small destroyed at once and all rubber parts replaced.
part of the disc is heated by contact with the pads, the Flushing is similar to normal bleeding except that
greater part always being in contact with the stream of the fluid is replaced by methylated spirit and at least a
cooling air. Brake fade is therefore greatly reduced and litre of spirit passed through each bleed valve. Flushing
pedal travel remains fairly constant. should be carried out once every 3 years of normal
service and whenever the fluid appears thick and dirty
Cleaner braking surfaces: Centrifugal force throws (Reed and Reid, 2000).
water, dirt and oil off the discs, which therefore retain
their efficiency and are worn less. The discs are more Anti-lock Braking System (ABS): There is an
substantial and so less liable to distortion than drums. increasing need for systems that provide better safety,
as the number of vehicles that use the road. A braking
system that incorporates an arrangement that prevents
Lighter in weight: The disc brake assembly is about
the road wheels from locking up and skidding should
20% less in weight than the equivalent drum type. contribute to this extra safety required if used correctly.
A driver finds it difficult to assess the force that
Simpler construction: Pads are visible and wear is should be applied to the brake pedal to make an
easy to observe or see. emergency stop and bring the vehicle to rest in the
shortest possible distance. This is because it is an
Easier maintenance: Brake pads can be changed much impossible task to take into account the many varying
quicker than brake shoes. factors such as type and roughness of the road and tyre
and the condition of the surfaces; e.g., wet, dry, greasy
Disadvantages of disc brakes: or icy. This generally means that the driver applies
either too much or too little pressure on the pedal. The
• The disc brake has no self servo action, therefore effects of such actions are:
higher operating forces and pressures are required.
In-spite of this feature the disc brake, particularly • Pedal pressure too high: One or more of the
when used with a hydraulic servo unit, provides a wheels may skid over the surface with the result
braking effort which is directly proportional to the that:
o Stopping distance is increased because the
applied pedal force.
adhesion between a skidding wheel and the road is
• The higher operating forces required complicate less than that given by a wheel that is held on the
the design of the hand-brake mechanism. For this verge of skidding.
reason many cars are fitted with disc brakes at the o Directional control is jeopardized: In the case of
front wheels only. a rear-wheel skid, the vehicle turns from front to
Brake fluid: The fluid used in the hydraulic brake • Pedal pressure too low: Stopping distance is
systems is a vegetable oil with certain additives. The increased, which can result in impact with an
main requirements of a good brake fluid include low object.
viscosity, high boiling point, compatibility with rubber
components, lubricating properties, resistance to The adhesion between the road wheel and road
chemical ageing and compatibility with other fluids surface is governed by the coefficient of friction. This
Res. J. App. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(23): 4877-4882, 2014
varies considerably when the condition of the road causes of brake failure, whiles results obtained from the
surface is changed. For example, the friction value of a experiment showed that when the brakes were operated
dry asphalt road falls by about 0.8 to 0.15 when it is under hot condition even with the use of the servo, the
covered with black ice. braking force was much lower than when higher pedal
On a dry surface the adhesion varies as the force was applied, which meant that the braking
percentage of wheel slip changes from 0 to 100%. efficiency was very low. The viscosity temperature
Retention of steer ability in maximum braking graph indicates that the brake fluid became less viscous
situations and avoidance of skid danger under all road as a result of the temperature effect which affected the
conditions are the basic requirements of a good anti- braking efficiency.
locking system. The system should be fail-safe, low in From the survey it was observed that most cases
weight and the initial cost should be reasonable. having dirty brake fluid, had low brake fluid levels.
The systems in use differ in the method that is used This may be because the brake rubber seals were
to sense wheel slip. The systems of ABS available are: attacked which created a leakage and resulted in the
brake fluid leaking out from the master cylinder and
• Mechanic resulting in low brake fluid level. This could also have
• Electronic resulted in air being trapped into the system. The effect
was that, the pedal force which was meant to transmit
The layout of the main components of a four-wheel fluid in order to achieve a high braking force was rather
regulated system is similar to that produced by used to compress the air which was trapped in the
Association of Technical Engineers (‘ATE’). The pipelines.
system may be divided into two sub-systems: Hydraulic
and Electronic. Responses to questionnaire: It was observed that out
of the total number of (485), (132) representing 27.2%
did indicate that low brake fluid level in the master
Survey: A structured questionnaire was administered at cylinder did cause brake failure. One hundred and nine
(20) bus terminals, (65) automotive workshops and (25) representing 22.5% attributed the cause of brake failure
government institutions. The researcher met the to overheating of the brake assembly, while (65),
personnel in charge of these institutions and explained representing 13.4% said the cause of brake failure was
the objectives of the research. The questionnaire was air being trapped in the pipeline.
left with the authorities overseeing these institutions The results from the survey show that out of the
and the response was collected at a later date. various causes that are attributed to brake failure, low
Bus terminals, automotive workshops and brake fluid, overheating of the brake assembly and air
government institutions fall into several categories. Due trapped in the pipeline which amounted to 63.1%
to the different categories, random sampling was used indicates that they are the most often causes of brake
to select the sampling units. Stratified random sampling failure in mini-commercial buses.
was used to select samples in situation where The rest of the results were: twenty nine
population is heterogeneous but has definite strata or representing 5.9%, stating that grease or brake fluid on
classes which are homogeneous (Kalton and Moses, lining was the cause, (17) representing 3.5% said
1989). Kejetia bus terminal and Suame magazine were incorrect shoe adjustment, while (10) people
investigated and the sample units taken. representing 2.1% attributed uneven tyre pressure and
brake shoe adjustment as the cause of brake failure.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Automatic shoe adjuster not functioning, poor or wrong
lining fitted into the brake assembly and master
Survey responses: Out of a total number of four cylinder or wheel cap being soft and sticky had (16),
hundred and (485) people interviewed, (132) (20) and (26) representing 3.3, 4.1 and 5.4%,
representing 27.2% indicated that the brake failure they respectively in commercial mini buses, while (28)
experienced was as a result of low brake fluid level in people representing 5.7% attributed brake failure to
the master cylinder. One hundred and nine representing causes different from what was stated in the
22.4% indicated that overheating was the main cause of questionnaire.
the brake failure they experienced in commercial mini Table 1 gives the causes of brake failure in
buses whiles (65) people representing 13.4% indicated commercial mini-buses. Figure 3 shows a bar chart of
that air trapped in the system caused the brake failure. the results in Table 1.
The results from the survey indicated that (306)
representing 63% indicated that low brake fluid level in Servicing periods: The servicing period gives the
the master cylinder, overheating of the brake assembly number of times the people who answered the
and air trapped in the braking system was the main questionnaire service their brakes. With reference to the
Res. J. App. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(23): 4877-4882, 2014