Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.
*Bloom’s COs
Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
b What is BPO? Explain three types of strategies in BPO and give some L2 CO1 7
drawbacks of BPO.
c Explain different flavors of RPA. How did the Mainframe Era contribute L2 CO1 9
to the foundation of RPA platforms, and what were its key limitations?
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b What is task recorder? Explain four type of recording in UiPath Studio. L2 CO2 7
c With the neat diagram list and explain the components of RPA. L2 8
Q.04 a L2 CO2 6
b What is UiPath? List the important components of UiPath RPA and L2 CO2 7
explain each of them.
c What are the steps involved in using UiPath's Web Recorder to automate L2 CO2 8
the task of emptying the Trash folder in Gmail? Explain briefly.
Q. 05 a Explain the use of arguments in UiPath and their direction properties. L2 CO3 6
b Discuss the use of the For Each activity in automating repetitive tasks. L3 CO3 7
b Explain the use of arguments in UiPath and their direction properties. L3 CO3 7
c Illustrate how data tables are created and iterated in UiPath L3 CO3 7
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b Explain the differences between the various types of recording in UiPath. L2 CO4 7
c Discuss the different types of mouse and keyboard activities available in L3 CO4 7
Q. 08 a What are the different techniques for waiting for controls in UiPath? L2 CO4 6
Provide examples.
b Explain the use of selectors in UiPath and their role in automating UI L2 CO4 7
b Define exception handling. Discuss how to use Try-Catch for exception L2 CO5 7
handling in UiPath.
Q. 10 a Explain common exception handling that we usually face while working L2 CO5 6
on UiPath.
b What is the purpose of debugging in UiPath Studio, and how do the L2 CO5 7
different debugging techniques help ensure that a workflow runs
*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.
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