Ppl Pharma
Ppl Pharma
Ppl Pharma
Piramal Pharma
84,914 25,940 CMP: INR218 TP: INR260 (+19%) Buy
Geared to drive robust operating leverage across segments
We met Piramal Pharma (PIRPHARM) management to understand the company’s
business outlook.
Stock Info PIRPHARM is well-positioned to offer differentiated services at the product
Bloomberg PIRPHARM IN development and commercial manufacturing stage in the CDMO segment.
Equity Shares (m) 1326 Industry tailwinds, such as the US Biosecure Act, should further boost business
M.Cap.(INRb)/(USDb) 288.6 / 3.4 prospects in this segment.
52-Week Range (INR) 244 / 88 With its established presence in complex hospital generic (CHG) products (like
1, 6, 12 Rel. Per (%) 12/62/90
Sevoflurane and baclofen), PIRPHARM can grow this business by adding more
12M Avg Val (INR M) 1071
Free float (%) 65.1 products, expanding into new markets and gaining market share in the existing
Financials Snapshot (INR b)
A focused approach to power brands and an enhanced distribution network
Sales 93.3 107.4 124.9
should drive better profitability for its India consumer health (ICH) segment.
EBITDA 15.1 20.2 24.9 We maintain our BUY rating on PIRPHARM with a TP of INR260, based on SOTP
Adj. PAT 3.4 7.1 10.4 (17x EV/EBITDA for CDMO business; 13x EV/EBITDA for CHG and India
EBIT Margin (%) 8.1 11.5 13.3 consumer health business).
Cons. Adj. EPS (INR) 2.6 5.3 7.8
EPS Gr. (%) 509.3 107.2 46.6 CDMO: Improved utilization, enhanced offerings to improve
BV/Sh. (INR) 69.2 75.1 83.8 prospects
PIRPHARMA has been increasingly focusing on (i) innovation-related work
Net D:E 0.5 0.4 0.4
RoE (%) 4.2 8.2 10.9 (50% of CDMO revenue), (ii) differentiated offerings with lower competition
RoCE (%) 4.0 6.6 8.4 and higher margins, and (iii) securing more integrated orders with higher
Payout (%) 17.6 17.6 17.6 value proposition.
The company has significantly invested in new differentiated capabilities,
P/E (x) 83.7 40.4 27.6
EV/EBITDA (x) 21.8 16.1 13.0 e.g., ADCs, HPAPI, on-patent API, mAbs and Peptides. It is also investing in
Div. Yield (%) 0.2 0.4 0.5 capacity expansion and debottlenecking of the existing plant.
FCF Yield (%) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Additionally, it has a strong pipeline of 151 molecules under various stages
EV/Sales (x) 3.5 3.0 2.6
of development. PIRPHARMA has witnessed a 3x jump in the development
Shareholding pattern (%) pipeline since FY17.
As On Jun-24 Mar-24 Jun-23 Revenue from the on-patent molecule doubled YoY to USD116m in FY24.
Promoter 35.0 35.0 34.8
With a large number of molecules in phase-3 development, PIRPHARMA
DII 13.0 12.1 5.5
FII 31.9 31.0 35.4 should witness a rise in commercial CDMO contracts from these molecules
Others 20.2 21.9 24.3 going forward.
FII Includes depository receipts Revenue from differentiated offerings clocked a CAGR of 22% over FY21-24
Stock performance (one-year) to USD253m and their revenue share in total CDMO revenue increased to
44% in FY24 from 27% in FY21.
Piramal Pharma
Nifty - Rebased
By 2030, the company targets USD1.2b of total CDMO revenues with
290 ~25% EBITDA margins.
230 CHG: Efforts under way to build pipeline, expand reach
170 PIRPHARMA reported a 10% CAGR over FY16-24 in CHG business, led by a
110 strong brand recall and well-established infrastructure.
Given the strong presence of Inhalation Anesthesia (IA), especially
Sevoflurane in the developed markets like the US and EU, PIRPHARM
For the expansion, the company is investing in additional lines at Digwal and
Dahej facilities to manufacture Sevoflurane. These lines would be vertically
integrated lines.
Moreover, with a strong brand franchise in Intrathecal and Pain management,
PIRPHARM is further investing in new differentiated products and has a pipeline
of 24 drugs with a market size of USD2.2b.
The company aims to deliver a 15% CAGR to USD600m and EBITDA margin of
25%+ over FY25-30.
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Piramal Pharma
50 48
18 11 14 18 12
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Piramal Pharma
21 68
3 18
FY17 FY24
Source: MOFSL, Company
In FY24, the company had 151 molecules at various stages of development. The
number of molecules in Phase III has increased approximately threefold over the
past seven years. Upon commercialization, these could lead to commercial
manufacturing contracts, driving growth.
Going ahead, the company plans to focus its investments towards ADC,
peptides, and on-patent API development & manufacturing.
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Piramal Pharma
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Piramal Pharma
About 67% of CHG revenue CHG: Efforts under way to build pipeline, expand reach
comes from Inhalation
Anesthesia in FY24 PIRPHARMA reported 10% CAGR over FY16-24 in CHG business, led by strong brand
recall and well established infrastructure.
Given that the company has a strong presence in the US and EU markets in
Sevoflurane, it is investing in vertically integrated capacities for new markets.
Further, it has 24 drugs under various stages of development with a market size of
USD2b, which would drive growth over the medium term.
Accordingly, we expect a 13% sales CAGR during FY24-26.
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Piramal Pharma
Given the strong presence in key therapies like IA, intrathecal and Pain, the
company plans to launch new products in the US and EU markets with high
entry barriers. It has 24 injectable products under the pipeline with a market
size of USD2.2b, which would aid growth over the medium term.
14 17 19 17 20 23 25 27 31 35
Source: MOFSL, Company
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Piramal Pharma
15 15
In the past three years, the company has launched 150+ new products and SKUs
and has spent 13-16% of its ICH revenues on media and trade promotion, which
resulted in a 29% CAGR in its power brands in the same period.
PIRPHARMA aims to strengthen its brands by increasing the reach to more
towns and cities and increasing its presence in alternative channels such as e-
New products launched over the last two years contribute 11% to ICH revenue.
The company plans to launch more brands, along with the line extension.
Recently the company launched the men’s grooming category, which would
drive growth over the medium term. The company is also looking to grow
through the inorganic route.
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Piramal Pharma
Story in charts
Exhibit 1: Expect 17% sales CAGR in CDMO over FY25-27 Exhibit 2: Expect 13% sales CAGR in CHG over FY25-27
25 28 32 36 40 40 47 55 64 76
14 17 19 17 20 23 25 27 31 35
Source: Company, MOFSL Source: Company, MOFSL
Exhibit 3: Expect 13% sales CAGR in ICH over FY25-27 Exhibit 4: Expect 13% CAGR in total sales over FY24-26
3 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 43 48 54 58 67 72 82 93 107 125
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Piramal Pharma
Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents carefully before investing
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Piramal Pharma
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Piramal Pharma
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Piramal Pharma
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