C2 Fluid Statics
C2 Fluid Statics
C2 Fluid Statics
1. Among the following the fluid is
A) Solid B) Liquid C) Gases D) Both (B) and (C)
Answer: D
Solution: A substance which has no definite shape and has the ability to flow is called fluid.
2. The property of liquid that is constant at constant temperature is
A) Compressibility B) Density C) Motion D) None
Answer: B
Solution: The property of liquid is constant because here volume and temperature are
constant. The motion indicates that motion of the particle.
3. The SI unit of density is
A) g cm 3 B) kg m1 C) kg m3 D) g cm 2
Answer: C
Solution: The SI unit density is kgm 3
l bh
SI unit of density is kgm 3
4. Among the following the unit less quantity is
A) Mass B) Volume C) Relative density D) Area
Answer: C
density of substance Kg / m3
Solution: Relative Density = = No units
density of water Kg / m3
5. The dimensional formula of density is
A) [M1 L3 T 0 ] B) [M1 L2 T 0 ] C) [M1 L2 T 0 ] D) [ML3 T 0 ]
Answer: A
10 g/cm 3
m 100
d 10 kg/m3
v 10
g/cm 3 0.01g/cm 3
d 0.01g/cm3 in C.G.S
Where ‘d’ is density
2. As the pressure increases, density will
A) remain same B) Decrease C) Increase D) may increase
Answer: C
Solution: As the pressure increases, then the density will be increase because,
According to Boyle’s law
PV = constant
That is density is directly proportional to pressure.
1 d
P P d density
v m
3. As the temperature of a liquid increases, density will(except water)
A) increase B) remain same C) decrease D) may increase
Answer: C
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Solution: The temperature of a liquid increases, then density will decrease.
Because according to charle’s law
m 1
Tv T
d d
4. Two liquids of densities ' r1 & r2 ' having equal masses are mixed together. The density of
mixture will be
m1 m2 2 12 1 2 m1 m2
A) B) C) D)
v1 v2 1 2 2 12 m1 m2
1 2
Answer: B
Solution: For liquid 1
Density = 1 , mass = m; Volume = m/1
For liquid 2
Density = 2 , mass = m ; Volume = m/ 2
m m m 2 1
Total volume
1 2 1 2
Total mass m m 2m
Total mass 2m 2m1 2 2 1 2
Density of mixture =
Total volume m 1 2 m 1 2 1 2
1 2
2 1 2
The density of mixture
1 2
5. Two liquids of densities ' r1 & r2 ' having volumes V1 & V2 are mixed, then the density of
mixture is
m1m 2 m1 +m 2 1V1 + 2 V2 1V1 2 V2
A) B) C) D)
V1 +V2 V1V2 V1 +V2 V1V2
Answer: C
Solution: If the liquids of densities 1 and 2 having volumes v1 and v2 are mixed, then the density
of the mixture is
m1 m 2 1v1 2v2
v1 v 2 v1 v 2
6. As the temperature of liquid is increased, mass & volume will (except water)
A) Both change B) mass change & volume is fixed
C) Mass remains same & volume increases D) both remain same
1 T 1 T 1 2 T 1 2 T
Answer: A
Solution: As the temperature of a liquid is increased, the mass remains the same while the volume
increases and hence, the density of two liquids decreases.
1 v v 1
2 v1 v dv 1 T 1 T
8. Relative density of oil is 0.8. The absolute density of oil in CGS & SI units is
A) 0.8gcm3 ,800kgm3 B) 0.8g/cm3 ,800kg/m3
C) 800g/cm3 , 0.8kg/m3 D) 8g/cm3 ,80kg/m3
Answer: B
Solution: Relative density of oil is 0.8
The absolute density of oil in C.G.S 0.8g/cm3
In SI 800kg/m3
Density of water at 4c in SI =1000kg/m3
Density of water at 4c in C.G.S 1g/cm3
9. A liquid can easily change its shape but a solid cannot because
A) Density of liquid is smaller that of solid
B) The forces between the molecule is stronger in solid than in liquids
C) The atoms combined to form bigger molecules in a solid
D) The average separation between the molecules is larger in solids
Answer: B
Solution: The forces holding the atoms together are weaker in liquids than in solids.
And also solid can change shape but humans and erosion would have to do that liquids on the
other hand will form into any mold that you put it in. It also depends on the hardness.
Example: A rock is hand so it is harder to form water isn’t hard so it is easier to mold.
10. Density of Gold is
12. If two liquids are mixed in equal volumes, their resultant density is 5g/cc and mixed in equal
masses their resultant density is 4.8g/cc . The ratio of their densities is . The k is ___
Answer: 3
Solution: 1 2 1 2 10 1
2 12
4.8 2 12 48 2
1 2
1 2 1 2 412
2 2
100 96 4
1 2 10 (Mass multiplication)
1 2 2
12 8 2
1 or 2
2 8 1 12 3
k 3
A) Maximum in vessel A B) Maximum in vessel B
C) Maximum in vessel C D) Equal in all the vessels
Answer: C
Solution: F = mg
F = (mass of liquid) g
Mass of liquid same in all vessels
Pressure P
When equal volume of liquid is poured in three vessels, the height of the liquid in vessel ‘c’ is
more due to its shape .
Pressure p h g s
Pressure at the base of vessel ‘c’ is more
9. Equal mass of three liquids are kept in three identical cylindrical vessels A,B and C. The
densities are A , B , C with A B C . The force on the base will be
A) Maximum in vessel A B) Maximum in vessel B
C) Maximum in vessel C D) Equal in all the vessels
Answer: D
Solution: F P A
hg A v g = A g
= mg masses are equal
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2. The area of cross section of the two arms of a hydraulic press are 1cm2 and10cm 2 respectively.
A force of 5 N is applied on the water in the thinner arm. What force should be applied on the
water in the thicker arm so that the water may remain in equilibrium
A) 50 N B) 10 N C) 5 N D) 100 N
Answer: A
Solution: PA PB
a A
5 FB
FB 50N
1 10
3. A wooden object floats in water kept in a beaker. The object is near a side of the beaker. Let
P1 , P2 , P3 be the pressure at the three points A, B and C of the bottom as shown in the figure.
A) P1 P2 P3 B) P1 P2 P3 C) P1 P2 P3 D) P2 P3 P1
Answer: A
Solution: Three points are in the same horizontal level.
4. A massless conical flask filled with a liquid is kept on a table in a vaccum. The force exerted by
the liquid on the base of the flask is w 1 . The force exerted by the flask on the table is w 2 . (MAQ)
A) w1 w 2 B) w1 w 2 C) w1 w 2
D) The force exerted by the liquid on the walls of the flask is w1 w 2
Answer: B, D
Solution: Force exerted by liquid on the base is P A W1
Weight of the liquid is nothing but force exerted by flask on the table
W2 mg
W1 W2
5. A vessel has cross – section area A 2 up to height 2 h and area A 1 for further height h. A and B
are two points in fluid at the bottom of the vessel as shown. It is filled with liquid of density ' ' .
Neglect atmospheric pressure (MAQ)
A) Pressure at A 3 gh B) Pressure at B 3 gh
C) Pressure at A < Pressure at B D) None of these
Answer: A, B
Solution: PA PB 3 gh
1 h 2 1 h1
2 h1 2 h 2
Answer: A, B, C
Solution: PA PB P0 (atmospheric pressure)
PC PD P0 h 2 2g P0 h11g
1 h 2
h1 1 h 2 2
2 h1
Passage type questions :
7. Two pistons of a hydraulic press have diameters of 30 cm and 2.5 cm. A weight of 50 kg is
placed on the smaller Piston.
w 50kg
A B a 2.5cm
d 30cm
Column - I Column - II
A) The net force exerted by the liquid on all side walls is P) 2h gA 2
B) The force exerted by the liquid on the bottom of the vessel is Q) Zero
C) The weight of the liquid contained in the vessel is R) hg A2 A1
D) The horizontal wall of the liquid vessel at the level xx1 S) Less than 2h gA 2
exert a downward force which is
A) A – Q ; B – P ; C – S ; D – R B) A – S ; B – P ; C – Q ; D – R
C) A – Q ; B – R ; C – S ; D – P D) A – P ; B – Q ; C – R ; D – S
Answer: A
A) zero
B) F P A 2h g A 2
C) less than 2h gA 2
D) F P A hg A2 A1
A) 60 N B) 40 N C) 50 N D) 30 N
Answer: C
Solution: A1 1cm 2 ,A 2 10cm 2 , F1 5N
Here pressure is same
F F 5 F
P1 P2 1 2 2
A1 A2 1 10
F2 50 N
3. The pressure in a liquid at two points in the same horizontal plane are equal. Consider an
elevator accelerating upward and a car accelerating on a horizontal road. The above statement
is correct in
A) the car only B) the elevator only C) both of them D) neither of them
Answer: B
Solution: elevator only
Column - I Column - II
A) The pressure at the base of the vessel P) 2h gA 2
B) The force exerted by the liquid on the base of the vessel Q) 2hg
C) The weight of the liquid is less than R) hg A2 A1
D) Down ward force on the liquid by the horizontal S) 2h gA1
A) A – P ; B – S ; C – Q ; D – R B) A – Q ; B – P ; C – P ; D – R
C) A – P ; B – Q ; C – S ; D – R D) A – P ; B – Q ; C – R ; D – S
Answer: B
Solution: i) Pressure at base 2h g
ii) Force P A 2 2h g A 2
iii) Wt of liquid less than 2h gA 2
iv) F P A2 A1 hg A2 A1
2. The area of cross section of the pump plunger & press plunger of a hydraulic press are
2m2 &8m2 respectively . If the hydraulic press overcomes a load of 800 Kg f , the force
acting as pump plunger is
A) 200 kg f B) 400 kg f C) 1600 kg f D) 3200 kg f
Answer: A
Solution: F2 A2
800 2
F 200 kgf
3. The radii of press plunger and pump plunger are in ratio of 50 : 4 if an effort of 20kgf acts on
the pump plunger , the maximum effort which the press plunger can overcome is
A) 225 kg f B) 3125 kg f C) 6250 kg f D) 1675 kg f
Answer: B
Solution: F2 A2
F 50 50 625 5 3125kgf
4 4
4. An automobile sack is lifted by a hydraulic jack that consists of two pistons . The larger piston
is 1 m in diameter and small piston is 10 cm in diameter . If W be weight of car , the
minimum force is needed on small piston to lift car is
A) 2% B) 1% C) 200% D) 100%
Answer: B
2 2
W 25 W
2500 100
%F 100 100 1%
5. Hydraulic press is used to lift a load of 500 Kg when the ratio of the diameter of pump
plunger and press plunger is 1: 5 . The effort applied on piston of pump plunger. If the
mechanical advantage of handle of pump plunger is 4 , the effort applied on handle of pump
plunger is ,
A) 5Kg f ,10Kg f B) 60Kg f ,5Kg f C) 20Kg f ,5Kg f D) 5Kg f ,30Kg f
Answer: C
F 500 500
Solution: 2
2 F 1 20 kgf
1 5 25
F F 20 kgf
MA 4 FA 5 kgf
FA 4 4
6. A heavy load W is supported on a platform of area S by applying a force F on a small piston of
area . The value of F for equilibrium is :
liquid of density
W W gh s W ghs
A) B) C) D) 10W
10 10 10
Answer: B
F W ghs W ghs
Solution: F
S/10 s 10
7. In a car lift, compressed air exerts a force F, on a small piston having a radius of 5 cm. This
pressure is transmitted to a second piston of radius 15 cm. The mass of the car to be lifted in
1350 Kg. Find F and the pressure necessary to accomplish this task is,
A) 0.5 103 N, 4.2 105 Pa B) 1.5 103 N,1.9 105 Pa
C) 3.6 103 N, 2.9 105 Pa D) 3.3 103 N, 6.2 105 Pa
Answer: B
Solution: =
a A
F r 2 × 2 5 102
W 2 1350
15 102
25 13500
F 1.5 103 N
1500 6 105
Pressure or
25 104 3.14
1.9 10 Pa
8. If the atmospheric pressure is 76 cm of mercury, at what depth of water the pressure will
becomes 4 atmospheres
A) 31 m B) 21 m C) 11 m D) 9 m
Answer: A
P P0 h g
4P0 P0 h g
3P0 h wg
3× 13600 h 1000
3 76 136
h 31m
9. A hydraulic press with the larger piston of diameter 35 cm at a height of 1.5 m relative to the
smaller piston of diameter 10 cm and 20 Kg mass is loaded. Then force exerted on the load by the
large piston is, [The density of oil on press is 750kg m3 ]
20 104 F 104
L 11250
25 306.25
25480 10.4 FL 11250 FL 1.34 103 N
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1. The pressure of water on the ground floor, in a water pipe is 150000 Pa. Whereas Pressure on
the fourth floor is 30000 Pa. The height of fourth floor is. Take g 10 ms 2 .
A) 10 m B) 9 m C) 12 m D) 15 m
Answer: C
P4 30,000 Pa
Pressure difference h g
120000 h 1000 10
h 12 m Pb 150000 Pa
d 1.3g/cm column of length 10 cm is introduced into one of the arms. Oil of density
0.8g/cm3 is poured in the other arm until the upper surfaces of the oil and glycerine are in the
same horizontal level. g 10 m/s 2 take P0 105 N/m 2
Glycerine Oil
10 x
(iii) Pressure at C is
A) 1.149 104 N/m2 B) 1.149 103 N/m2 C) 1.149 105 N/m2 D) None of these
Answer: C
Solution: PC PB h g 1.013 105 13600 10 1.013 0.136 105
1.149 105 N/m 2
Integer Type Question :
7. The surface of water in a water tank on the top of a house is 4 m above the tap level. The
pressure of water at the tap when the tap is closed is 10000 P (in N/m2 ). Where P is ...........
Density of water 1000 kg/m3 and g 10 m/s 2
Answer: 4
Solution: P1 h g 4 1000 10 40000 N/m2
Given 1000P 40000
1. The surface of water in a water tank on the top of a house is 4m above the tap level. The
pressure of water at the tap, when the tap closed is
A) 4000 Nm 2 B) 40000 Nm 2 C) 5000 Nm 2 D) 50000 Nm 2
Answer: B
Solution: P hg
P 4 1000 10 40, 000 N/m2
2. The area of cross section of the wider tube shown in figure is 900cm 2 .If the boy standing on the
piston weighs 45 kg, the difference in the levels of water in the two tubes is
A) 40 cm B) 30 cm C) 50 cm D) 60 cm
Answer: C
Solution: h g
45 10
h 1000 10
9 10 2
h 0.5m
h 50cm
3. The liquids shown in figure in the arms are mercury (Specific gravity = 13.6) and water. If the
different of heights of the mercury columns is 2 cm, then the height of the water column is
A) 72 cm B) 32 cm C) 30 cm D) 27 cm
Answer: D
Solution: PA PB
h1 1 h 2 2
h1 1 2 13.6
h1 27.2cm 27 cm
4. A cylindrical vessel containing a liquid is closed by a smooth piston of mass m as shown in the
figure. The area of cross section of the piston is A. If the atmospheric pressure is 'P0 ' , the
pressure of the liquid just below the piston is
wg A mg mg
A) P0 B) P0 C) P0 D) P0
A wg A A
Answer: D
Solution: PA P0 A mg
P0 A mg
P P0 mg/A
5. The area of cross section of the two arms of a hydraulic press are 1cm 2 and10cm 2
respectively. A force of 5N is applied on the thinner arm. The force should be applied on the
water in the thicker arm so that the water may remain in equilibrium is
A) 20 N B) 30 N C) 50 N D) 60 N
Answer: C
Solution: 2 1
A 2 A1
F 5
10 1
F2 50 N
6. The heights of mercury surfaces in the two arms of the manometer shown in figure are 2cm and
8cm. Then (i) The pressure of the gas in the cylinder and (ii) The pressure of mercury at the
bottom of the U tube are [Atmospheric pressure 1.01105 Nm2 ]
A) i 1.09 105 Nm2 , ii 1.12 105 Nm2 B) i 1.12105 Nm2 , ii 1.09 105 Nm2
C) i 2.12 105 Nm2 , ii 2.09 105 Nm2 D) i 2.09 105 Nm2 , ii 2.12 105 Nm2
Answer: A
Solution: i) Pressure of gas in the cylinder
1.01 105 13600 10 1.01105 0.08 105 1.09 105 N/m2
ii) Pressure at the bottom
1.01 105 13600 10
1.01105 10880
1.01105 0.1088 105
1.188 105
1.12 105 N/m2
Where P0 atmospheric pressure. When a metal sphere connected by a string and dipped in a
liquid then this pressure greater than this atmospheric pressure and buoyant force.
P P0 gh
7. Assertion (A) : Graph between pressure ‘p’ and depth ‘h’ below the surface of a liquid open to
atmosphere as shown
Reason (R) : Static pressure increases linearly with depth P
A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of the A
B) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the A.
C) A is correct, but R is incorrect
D) A is incorrect, but R is correct
Answer: A
Pressure Totalpressure
P P0 gh
depth, h h
If the weight of the fluid can be neglected, the pressure in a fluid is the same throughout its
volume. But after the fluid’s weight is not negligible and under such condition pressure
increases with increasing depth
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Match the following :
8. Bucket A contains only water, an identical bucket B contains water, but also contains a solid
object in the water. Match the column – I with column – II
Column - I Column - II
A) The object floats in bucket B, and the P) Bucket A has more weight
buckets have the same water level
B) The object floats in bucket B, and the Q) Both buckets have the same weight
buckets have the same volume of water
C) The object sinks completely in bucket B, R) Bucket B has more weight
and the buckets have the same water level.
D) The object sinks completely in bucket B, S) The answer cannot be determined from the
and the buckets have the same volume information given
of water.
A) A – S ; B – R ; C – Q ; D – S B) A – R ; B – Q ; C – Q ; D – P
C) A – R ; B – R ; C – P ; D – Q D) A – P ; B – R ; C – R ; D – R
Answer: D
Solution: By conceptual
1. A piece of metal weighs ‘x’ newton in air, ‘y’ newton when completely immersed in water
and ‘z’ newton when completely immeresed in liquid . The relative density of liquid is
yz yz x y xz
A) B) C) D)
x y xz xz x y
Answer: D
water in water
mg FB w app
x vdw g y x y vdw g 1
x vdl g z
x z vdl g 2
2 dl
1 d w x y
2. The quantity of pure gold in 50g of an alloy of gold and copper is, if the densities of gold,
copper and alloy are 19.0gcm 3 ,9.0gcm 3 and 16gcm 3 respectively
A) 48.3 g B) 45.7 g C) 50.1 g D) 41.6 g
Answer: D
Solution: VA =VG +VC
50 m 50 m
16 19 9
50 950 10m
16 171
8550 15200 160m
m 41.6g
3. A piece of solid weighs 120 g in air, 80 g in water and 60 g in liquid relative density of solid
& that of liquid is
3 9 6 7
A) 3, B) 9, C) 6, D) 7,
2 2 2 2
Answer: A
w air 120
Solution: R.Dsolid 3
w air w water 120 80
w w liquid 120 60 60 3
R.Dliquid air
w air w water 120 80 40 2
4. If a block of iron (density 5g cm 3 ) of size 5cm 5cm 5cm was weighed while it
completely submerged in water. The apparent weight is
A) 1000 g B) 500 g C) 200 g D) 800 g
Answer: B
Solution: Apparent weight = m vd w
v db dw 125 5 1 500g
5. A body weighs 200 gm in air 180 gm in a liquid and 175 gm in water. The density of the
material of the body is
A) 8000 kg/m3 B) 800 kg/m3 C) 8 kg/m3 D) 8 g/cc
Answer: A
Solution: mg FB w app
200 175 FB vd w 25 d w
25 100 d b 8000 kg/m3
4d 5d 2d 3d
A) B) C) D) H/2
5 4 5 4
Answer: B
Solution: mg FB 2d FB d
L 3L
ALd b A 2d A d
4 4
(ii) The total pressure at the bottom of the container (atmospheric pressure P0 )
6H L 6H L 3H
A) dg P0 B) dg P0 C) dg P0 D) None of these
4 4 2
Answer: A
Solution: P
wt of liquid wt of cylinder P
H H A 5
A d 2 g A 2d 2 g 5 4 d Lg
3H L
dg P0
2 4
6H L
P dg P0
(iii) Force on top surface of solid cylinder by the liquid of lower density is
H 3L A H A H 3L
A) dg B) dg C) dg A D) None of these
2 4 5 2 5 2 4
Answer: A
Solution: F P A/5
H 3L A
P dg
2 4 5
4 4
0.1+ R 3d b R 3d w
3 3
10 R 3 1 d b
100 3.14 125 1 d b
1 db
5 3.14
3 8
db 1 0.8
5 1.34 10
1 1
Given x 10 8 10
1. An ornament weighing 36 g in air , weighs only 34 g in water. Assuming that some copper is mixed
with gold to prepare an ornament the amount of copper in it is
(specific gravity of gold is 19.3 & copper is 8.9)
A) 1.2 g B) 2.2 kg C) 2.2 g D) 2 kg
Answer: C
Solution: w air FB w water FB 36 34 2
vd w 2 v 2cc (volume of ornament)
v total v Au A cu
36 x x
19.3 8.9
8.9 36 8.9 x 19.3 x
19.3 8.9
343.54 10.4x x 2.2g
2. Suppose if a gold smith argues that he has not mixed copper or any other material with gold,
rather some cavities might have been left inside ornament the volume of the cavities left that
will allow weights given in the above problem is
A) 1.98cm3 B) 0.112cm3 C) 1.54cm3 D) 0.214cm3
Answer: B
Solution: M AV 36gm
Again AV VC W g 2g
VC =Volume of cavity
VC 1 2
VC 2 0.112cm 3
3. Water is filled in a flask up to a height of 20cm. The bottom of the flask is circular with radius
10cm. If the atmospheric pressure is 1.01105 pa . The force exerted by water on the bottom is
A) 2330N B) 3230N C) 2.3 105 N D) 3104 N
Answer: B
Solution: P Patm h g
1.01105 0.2 1000 10
1.03 105
1.03105 3.14 102
3.23 103 3230N
4. A body weight 500 g in air and 300 g when completely immersed in water. Then
i) the apparent loss in the weight of the body
ii) the volume of the body
A) 300gf ,300cm3 B) 200gf , 200cm3 C) 100gf ,100cm3 D) 50gf ,50cm3
Answer: B
Solution: i wloss 500 300 200g
ii FB 200 v dw 200 v 200cm3
5. The density of ice is x gm/cc and that of water is ygm/cc . What is the change in volume in cc,
when ‘m’ gm of ice melts
A) m y x B) y x /m C) mxy x y D) m 1/y 1/x
Answer: D
Solution: mice m water
vice x v water y v water vice
x x m
v v water vice 1 vice 1
y y x
1 1
v m
y x
1. A tank contains water on top of mercury as shown. A cubical block of side 10cm is in
equilibrium inside the tank. The depth of the block inside mercury is (R.D of the material of
block = 8.56. R.D of mercury = 13.6)
10 x
A) 6 cm B) 5 cm C) 7 cm D) 8 cm
Answer: A
Solution: w 1g/cc,
Mercury =13.6g/cc ,
block 8.56g/cc ,
Mblock mw mmercury displaced
8.56 103 1102 (10 x) 13.6 102 x
85.6 10 x 13.6x
75.6 12.6x
x 6cm
2. A hemisphere portion of radius R is removed from the bottom of cylinder of radius R. The
volume of the remaining cylinder is V and its mass is M. It is suspended by a string in a liquid
of density where it stays vertical. The upper surface of the cylinder is AB at a depth of h
below the liquid surface. The force on the bottom of cylinder is
1 3 2 3
A) B) C) D)
2 8 3 4
Answer: A
Solution: mg FB vdbg vimdlg 1
If it is moving with ‘a’
vdb g a v1imdl g a 2
From (1) and (2)
vim vi1im
If the stones are unloded into the water in the tank, the level of waterfalls.
3. A piece of ice, with a stone frozen inside it, is floating in water contained in a beaker. When
the ice melts, the level of water in the beaker
A) rises
B) falls
C) remains unchanged
D) falls at first & then rises to the same height as before
Answer: B
A) P) Increases
B) Q) Decreases
C) R) Remains same
9. A block of cedar wood has a mass of 200kg and a density of 570 kgm 3 . The fraction of wood
will be under surface. [When the block is floating in water is density 1000kgm3
A) 1.29 B) 0.032 C) 1.114 D) 0.57
Answer: D
Solution: The fraction of wood will be under surface is 0.57.
0 196 2 s
s 3m
7. A piece or cark of density 250 kg m3 is immersed in water to a depth of 1 m & released. If
viscous forces due to water and air are neglected the piece of cork will jump to height above
the surface of water is
A) 1 m B) 2 m C) 3 m D) 4 m
Answer: C
Solution: The upward acceleration up to the surface of liquid from a depth of 1m is
F mg vin d L g mg
a B
m m
m L g mg
db g g 3g
m 250
v2 u 2 2as v2 2 3g 1 6g v 6g m/s
v 2 6g
H max in air 3m
2g 2g
8. An iron piece and a wooden piece have equal weights on air. If they are removed from air to
A) the iron piece appears to weigh more
B) the wooden piece appears to weigh more
C) there is no change in the weight of either
D) the information is insufficient to find which one will appear to weight more.
Answer: B
Solution: Fnet mg FB
w app mg v b d a g w app w Real v b d a g
v wood vIron
wwood Real wIron Real
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9. A ball of negligible mass is filled with a liquid A will that with of its volume in water.
Same ball will float of its volume in water when filled with liquid B. Then ratio of A
3 B
3 3 1
A) B) C) D) 1
4 2 2
Answer: C
Solution: FB v b dl g mg
vin dl g v b d b g
vin v b v d b d l d w 1
1 2
vin 1 v, vin 2 v
3 3
A vin 1 1
B vin 2 2
10. To reach a height ‘h’ from a liquid surface of density 0 , to what depth a body of density
should be immerse
A) gh B) 2gh C) 2gh D) gh
0 0 0 0
Answer: A O
Solution: v 2gh
v 2 u 2 2g eff d h
2gh 2g 1 l d
db d
h 1 0 d
d h
1. A solid ball of density half that of waterfalls freely under gravity from a height of 19.6 m and
then enter into water. Up to what depth will the ball go. The time will it take to come again to
the water surface is [Neglect air resistance and viscosity effects in water, g 9.8m/s 2 ]
A) 2 s B) 4 s C) 1 s D) 8 s
Answer: B
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Solution: v 2gh 2 9.8 19.6 19.6m/s, with this velocity the ball hits the liquid
surface. Inside the liquid, the retardation is
mg FB dL
a g g
m db
dL 1000
g 1 g 1 g
db 500
v u at
0 19.6 9.8t t 25
Total time = 4sec
i.e., 2 sec downward and 2 sec up ward
2. A block of mass 1 kg and density 0.8g cm 3 is held stationary with the help of a string as
shown. The tank is accelerating vertically upwards with acceleration a 1m/s2
[ g 10m/s2 and density of water 103 kg/m3 ]
(i) The tension in the string is
2.75 N
(ii) If the string is now cut then the acceleration of the block is
A) 7.53m/s3 B) 1.37 m/s 2 C) 1.75m/s 2 D) 3.75m/s 2
Answer: D
Solution: FB vin d L g a N
mg = 10 N
If the string is cut, then
F mg 55 15
a B 10 3.75 m/s 2
1 4 4
20 cm
20cm 2
A) (i) 104 N (ii) 5N downward B) (i) 304 N (ii) 10 N downward
C) (i) 204 N (ii) 1 N upward D) (i) 404 N (ii) 5 N upward
Answer: A, B, C
Solution: i F P A P0 hg A = 1000 10 105 20 104
2000 10 20 10 2.04 100 204 N
ii v 2x A h x x
500 2 x 400
v 100c.c
w mg vdg 104 103 10 1N up ward
P0 1.0 105 N/m 2 20cm 2 Top
w 1000 kg/m 10 kg/m
3 3 3
g 10 m/s 2 20cm
volume lit 500 ml 500 g
2 20cm 2
or 500 103 kg bottom
or 0.5kg
a) Force exerted at the bottom
A h w g 0 A A hw g P0 20 104 20 102 103 10 105 204 N
b) P0 A mg A h w g FS P0A
mg A h w g FS
0.5 10 20 104 20 102 103 10 FS
FS 5 4 1N
1 h1
2 h2 2
3 h3 3
Column - I Column - II
A) Force on cylinder by liquid 1 is P) h1 gA
B) Force on cylinder by liquid 2 is Q) 3h 3 gA
C) Force on cylinder by liquid 3 is R) 2h 2 gA
D) Buoyancy force on cylinder is S) gA h1 2h 2 3h3
A) A – R ; B – Q ; C – R ; D – P B) A – P ; B – R ; C – Q ; D – S
C) A – R ; B – S ; C – P ; D – S D) A – R ; B – Q ; C – R ; D – S
Solution: FB v l g
Ahl g
F1 Ah11 g Ah1 g
F2 Ah2 2 g 2h2 gA
F3 3h3 gA
F.B on cylinder F F1 F2 F3
gA h1 2h2 3h3