Lesson Plan For REsearch
Lesson Plan For REsearch
Lesson Plan For REsearch
Classroom Management
Checking of Attendance
“Class Aristotle, who’s absent for today
or no one is absent?”
(Classroom Aristole) “Everyon
the class is present ma’am.”
“Very good class. I hope no one will be
absent tomorrow. Keep it up.
B. Reviewing previous Good afternoon, class! Today, we’re
lesson or presenting diving into the fascinating world of
the new lesson plan ecosystems. Let’s start with a few “I think it’s something to d
questions to get our brains thinking. nature, right?”
Raise your hand if you’ve heard the
word ‘ecosystem’ before. (wait for
C. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson Good Afternoon, Class!
Now, are you ready on our lesson for
today? If not, then be ready! Cause
today we are going to tackle another
interesting topic in the world of
1. Height
2. Age
3. Length of your hair
4. Skin Color
D. Presenting examples /
instances of the new “We’ve already know that this
lesson is an image of the female
reproductive system.
Base on the image, what are the
parts of the female reproductive
“That’s correct!”
“Absolutely right”
“What is the last one?
“Definitely right”
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills “From what you have learned in your
#1 past years level, what is Female
“the answer may vary”
Reproductive System?”
“Yes, ma’am!”
“Very Good!”
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3) “Is anything clear, class?” “Yes, ma’am!”
“Arrow number 3?”
“Arrow number 4?”
“Exactly right!”
“How about arrow number 5?”
“You’ve done a great job, class!”
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in “Okay class, since we have so far
daily living discussed the basic information on
the Female Reproductive System.
Let me ask a question.”
“Based on our discussion, do we
need to take care of our
Reproductive System, why?” “Yes, ma’am. It is for the reaso
our reproductive system is a de
and complex system in the bod
Taking care of it can help prote
from infections and diseases an
course protects your loved ones
“Very good!”
I. Evaluating learning
statements carefully and choose
your answer from the box. Write
your answers on your paper.
Ovaries Vagina
Cervix Uterus
Egg Cells Fallopian Tube Answer Key
1. Egg Cells
____1. It is the sex cells of female. 2. Cervix
3. Uterus
____2. Short canal which leads to 4. Ovaries
vagina. 5. Vagina
6. Fallopian Tube
____3. Hollow organ that is the home
to a developing fetus.
____4. Oval-shaped glands that are
located on either side of the uterus.
____5. Joins the cervix to the outside of
the body and known as the birth canal
____6. Serve as the tunnels for the ova
too travels from the ovaries to the
J. Assignment
Direction: Draw the Female
reproductive System, label its
corresponding parts, and place it in a
short bond paper.