4) "Architecture is a way of seeing, thinking and questioning our world and our place in
it." - Thom Mayne in his Prtizker Prize Acceptance Speech
5) "Architecture is merciless: it is what it is, it works or doesn’t, and you can clearly see
the difference." - Jacques Herzog in a lecture at Columbia University
6) "Architecture is full of romantics who think that even relatively small changes to the
built environment create the aspiration for a better society." - Mark Wigley in Surface
10) "Architecture is the real battleground of the spirit." - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in
"ID Merger Speech"
13) “Architecture is much more than the building of an object on a site: it is a reinvention
of the site itself." - Sean Lally in The Air From Other Planets
14) "Architecture is about serving others through the design of the built environment."
- Kevin J Singh in "21 Rules for A Successful Life in Architecture"
17) "Architecture is not just about building. It's a means of improving people's quality of
life." - Diébédo Francis Kéré in Washington Post
19) "Architecture is not just a matter of technology and aesthetics but the frame for a way
of life – and, with luck, an intelligent way of life." - Bernard Rudofsky
20) "Architecture is a discipline where you can have multivalent interests. You could be
a philosopher, a geographer, a scientist, an artist, an engineer; you can be poetic about it."
- Toshiko Mori in Metropolis
21) "Architecture is the most public of the arts, and the public are severe critics." - Eric
Parry in The Guardian
23) "Architecture is a small piece of this human equation, but for those of us who practice
it, we believe in its potential to make a difference, to enlighten and to enrich the human
experience, to penetrate the barriers of misunderstanding and provide a beautiful context
for life's drama." - Frank Gehry in his 1989 Pritzker Prize Ceremony Speech
24) "Architecture is not a purely private transaction between architects and clients. It
affects everyone, so it ought to be understandable to everyone. - Blair Kamin
25) "Architecture is vital and enduring because it contains us; it describes space, space
we move through, exit in and use." - Richard Meier in his 1984 Pritzker Prize Ceremony
26) “Architecture is not a goal. Architecture is for life and pleasure and work and for
people. The picture frame, not the picture.” - William Wurster
30) "Architecture is a complex and articulated process but if you lose the process and
only keep the form you lose the core of architectural practice." - André
Tavares in Wallpaper*