Def Business: using the ressources efficiently to create added-value outputs by satisfying needs
intellectual ressources Factors of production:
materials ressources
human “ capital
financial “ labour
Satisfying needs: Job to be done, the pain to avoid, the benefits to obtain entrepreneur
Business types:
Apple Mac
hotels, Ailrline, Netflix
-Good & Services:
car dealerships
-Not-for-profit (non profit):
habitat for humanity
How to measure economies ?
How does an increase in productivity affect the economy ?
Business ethics
Ethical philosophies
Utilitarisme : consider the best outcome without degrading the situation of others by this choice
Confucian thought has influenced the culture of all East Asian countries.
Relationships and connections (dont drink in front of your senpai)
Asian companies have a greater duty to “take care of employees”
Managing a socially responsible business
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
= maximise positive impacts and minimize negative impacts
give back to society
build projets for good impacts on stakeholders (consumer, society, environmental, firm)
70’s - 80 :
regulated CSR = CRS commitment were facilitated
related to Legal and Ethical responsibilities
80’s-90 :
90’s - now :
too to reach sales and competitive strategy
created shared values (2011) = seen as a value creation process
Responsibilities to stakeholders
Shareholders, employees, consumers, partners, suppliers, other impacted people (population)
Step 1: Mapping stakeholders relationships
Who are them?
How they work together ?
What are their expectations ?
Absolute advantage:
Only source of this product. Or using fewer ressources.
But the name of big company can really improve your cv but i
Do you have the financial capacity to get start up ?
think its matter for internship. And they go to smaller ones
4 Business types : So maybe go i small companies first with good scalability
Sole proprietorship
aiming to be in top management few later when the firm has
run by one person
sole proprietorship with several partners 2. We think that it should be a part time first aiming to get
Ex: real estate firm, lawyers cabinets financial security to run it and leave your job. But also to take
responsibility if you fail.
Limited liability companies and partnerships (LLC and LLP)
“Member” of the firm You have also to see if your business can be really scalable. And
can improve your way of living.
separate legal entity that owns the assets and liabilities of I have an exemple of a French influencer who quite his job to
begin twitch. I was VP trader at Goldman Sachs.
Fujifilm near to death
Loose market share in photo during the 2000’s
Outbound logistic:
When is the perfect time to recruit