ABSTRACT Among the renewable energy applications, the most popular inverters are cascaded multilevel
inverters. Irrespective of numerous benefits these inverters face reliability issues due to the presence of more
circuit components in the design. This has been a critical challenge for researchers in designing inverters
with enhanced reliability by reducing the total harmonic distortion (THD). This paper proposes a 31-level
asymmetric cascaded multilevel inverter for renewable energy applications. The proposed topology produces
waveforms consisting of the staircase with a high number of output levels with lesser components with
low THD. The investigations on the feasibility and performance of MLI under steady-state, transient, and
dynamic load disturbances. The results are validated from a 1.6kW system which provides the proposed
INDEX TERMS Multilevel inverter (MLI), total harmonic distraction (THD), staircase modulation
of H Bridge MLI with transistor clamp to increase the num- TABLE 1. Switching states of proposed seven-level inverter.
ber of output levels was presented by [10]. The proposed
topology was able to achieve operation at a higher volt-
age (HV) and higher power level without increasing the
device rating [9]. This topology is controlled by carrier-based
Pulse Width Modulation (CBPWM) which reduce switching
losses at higher switching frequencies and thereby improv-
ing the energy efficiency of the system [11]–[15]. A Total
Harmonic Distortion and efficiency improvement in multi-
level inverters through an open end wind configuration were peak voltage of 405 V at the load terminals. The load used
analyzed in 2016 [16]. for testing is 100 ohm resistor and 175 mH respectively.
High-frequency switching causes high power loss in high Figure.10 and Figure.11 depicts the simulation and experi-
power applications [16]–[19]. Most of the proposed topolo- mental output voltage and current of seven-level inverter.
gies use more switches in the configuration which makes The design of circuit parameters is discussed in the next
the circuit bulky and the generation process of gate pulses sub-section.
also is complex. This also results in higher THD and hence
poor efficiency. The topology proposed in this article over- A. DESIGN OF CIRCUIT PARAMETERS
comes this problem significantly [20], [21]. The thirty-one These sub-section discuss the method of choosing the number
level single phase asymmetric cascaded multilevel inverter of sources, switches, and output voltage levels.
is suggested in the present study. Several advantages have The quantity of output levels can be estimated as follows:
resulted from the reduced number of circuit components in
the suggested topology. These advantages include few DC Nlevels = 2k+1 − 1 (1)
sources with low THD, fewer number of switches, and the where k is the number of DC voltage sources on each leg
generation of higher number of output voltage levels. Addi- Number of switches can be obtained using
tionally, the dynamic condition is also examined [22], [23].
The suggested multilevel inverters are suitable for renewable Nswitches = 2k + 2 (2)
energy and industrial [18] applications.
Number of sources can be estimated using
This article organized in the following manner. The suc-
ceeding section disuses the details of the proposed seven-level Nsources = k (3)
topology. Section III presents the particulars of thirty-one
level inverter along with simulation results, section IV Maximum blocking voltage of all switches can be represented
presents the comparison, section V presents the loss & as
efficiency calculations, VI presents the experimental results Vblock = VA1 + VB1 (4)
Maximum output voltage of inverter can be represented as
The configuration of the suggested seven-level single-phase Vo,max = VAk + VBk (5)
inverter is depicted in Figure.1 [24]. Two switching elements The value of the switch blocking voltages and the magnitude
are connected to two DC power supplies and are added in of the DC voltage sources constitute the other significant
the conventional full-bridge inverter. The two DC voltages parameters in the evaluation of a multilevel inverter’s total
are represented as VA1 , VB1 and the power switches are cost. The total cost of inverter decreases with the reduction
represented as SA1 , SA2 ,SB1 , SB2 , SP ,SQ . The simultaneous in value of the switch blocking voltages, reduction in DC
turning (ON/OFF) of the power switches (SA1 , SA2 ) and (SB1 , voltage variations, and reduction in number of DC voltage
SB2 ) causes a short circuit and must be prevented. Further- sources.
more, the simultaneous switching ON of SP and SQ must
be avoided. VA1 = 1P.U and VB1 = 2P.U are the DC Kvariation = 2k (6)
voltage sources, whose magnitude is illustrated in Figure.1.
The maximum magnitude of the power switch blocking volt-
As depicted in Figure.1, seven switching states constitute
ages is computed by using the following pattern. The block-
the proposed inverter functioning. The levels of output volt-
ing voltages of VSA1 , VSA2 , VSB1 , and VSB2 are estimated as
age are as per the switch-ON and switch-OFF conditions
follows (Fig.1).
(Table 1) and Figure.2 to Figure.8 depict the conventional
inverter states of functioning. The generation of gate signals, VSA1 = VSA2 = VA1 (7)
by using a staircase modulation technique, constitutes the VSB1 = VSB2 = VB1 (8)
proposed switching strategies as shown in Figure.9. In this
proposed topology, all the input voltage sources are fixed as where VSA1 , VSA2 ,VSB1 and VSB2 are the blocking voltage of
VA1 = 135 V and VB1 = 270 V for acquiring the maximum SA1 , SA2 , SB1 and SB2 respectively. The following is used to
FIGURE 7. Mode 6.
FIGURE 8. Mode 7.
Nsources = k = 4 (16)
Maximum output voltage of inverter can be represented as by
using equation (5).
Vo,max = VAk +VBk = 22.5+45+112.5+225 = 405V (17) FIGURE 10. Simulation output waveform of seven-level inverter.
IV. COMPARISON the DC-link capacitors are not essential for the proposed
The recommended topology employs only ten power topology, it is free from voltage balancing problem. In addi-
switches and four DC sources. Henceforth, the number tion to that, it does not require any clamping capacitor and
of gate driver modules are identical to the number of clamping diodes. However, each topology has its own merits
power switches. Then, the proposed asymmetric topology and demerits. The recommended topology has several bene-
is compared with conventional MLIs (DCMLI, FCMLI and fits, such as fewer number of switching devices, DC source
CHBMLI) in Table 3. In Table 3, every component is count and driver circuits and a least number of conducting
deliberate for a similar number of voltage levels. Although switches per voltage level. Also, the value of 3.7% total
all the conventional topologies need 60 switches to pro- harmonic distortion (THD) in asymmetric topology satisfies
vide a 31-level output voltage levels, the proposed topology the IEEE 519 standard. Therefore, it can be concluded that
involves only 10 switches. The significantly compact size of the proposed topology requires smallest switch count using
switches in the proposed topology compared with the conven- both high and fundamental switching frequencies, thereby
tional topology to products enhanced results creates it addi- reducing the power losses and cost. In the next sub section,
tional anticipated for a future renewable application. Since, losses and efficiency are discussed.
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G. ARUNKUMAR received the bachelor’s degree M. PRAVEEN KUMAR received the B.E. degree
in electrical and electronics engineering and the in electronics and instrumentation engineering
master’s degree in power electronics, in 2002 and from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India,
2005, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the M.Tech. degree in instrumentation and control
Anna University, Tamilnadu, India, in 2015. Since systems from the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological
2015, he has been an Associate Professor with the Institute (JNTU), Kakinada, India, and the Ph.D.
School of Electrical Engineering, Vellore Institute degree in electrical engineering from the Vellore
of Technology, Vellore. Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, India. He is
currently a Senior Assistant Professor with the
School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University,
Vellore, Tamilnadu, India. He has authored more than 10 research papers in
journals and conferences. His interests include process control and virtual
B. JAGANATHA PANDIAN received the M.E.
degree from the Madras Institute of Technology,
Anna University, Chennai. He is currently an
Assistant Professor with the School of Electri- A. RINI ANN JERIN received the bachelor’s
cal Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, degree in electrical and electronics engineering
Vellore. His research interests include machine and the master’s degree in power electronics,
learning, nonlinear control, and system identifica- in 2008 and 2010, respectively, and the Ph.D.
tion and optimization. degree from the Vellore Institute of Technology,
Tamilnadu, India.