平成22年度博士課程 入学
氏名 アタチャイ カンタチュンポー
指導教員名 小松 輝久
The genus Sargassum is the most widely distributed brown seaweed, which occurs in temperate
and tropical regions, especially in Indo-west Pacific region and Australia. This genus plays an important
role in marine ecological system that forms a dense submarine forest as an essential habitat for numerous
marine organisms and biosorption for improving environmental conditions. More than 400 species of the
genus Sargasum have been described based on morphological and anatomical structures; however, this
genus shows high levels of morphological variations that may lead to misidentification problem and
misunderstanding concept of taxonomic scenarios. In addition, this genus has been used as a model to
determine whether the distribution and connectivity of marine population that have been affected by
Molecular genetics have been applied as a useful tool for addressing some biological questions
regarding to taxonomy and distribution pattern of seaweed. With respect to the genus Sargassum,
molecular techniques combined with morphological data have been extensively applied to verify the
phylogenetic relationship and species boundaries, and also elucidate the perspicuous historical pattern of
population movement. Recently, most studies of phylogeny and phylogeography of this genus have been
successfully done in temperate region, while very few studies have been carried out in tropical region,
especially in Southeast Asia. As a result, species diversity, population structure and distribution pattern of
In order to gain a clear picture of phylogenetic diversity and phylogeographic pattern of the
genus Sargassum in Southeast Asian region, my PhD researches attempt (1) to investigate the
phylogenetic relationship of common species of Sargassum from Thailand based on morphological and
widely distributed species in South Asia, in more detail using three different DNA regions: cox1 and cox3
from mitochondrial DNA and ITS2 from nuclear DNA and then verify what factors influence such
Taxonomic research of the genus Sargassum in Thailand was investigated mainly on the basis of
gross morphology and anatomical structures, and roughly, twelve species were reported to date. Due to
a high amount of morphological plasticity in this genus, some closely related species are morphologically
indistinguishable that easily lead to misidentification, especially when these species occur in the same
area. This study aimed to determine the taxonomic framework and phylogenetic relationship of some
common species of Sargassum from Thailand using morphological and molecular data. Twenty
specimens recently collected from both in the Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea were morphologically
identifiable to nine species: Sargassum baccularia (Mertens) C. Agardh, S. binderi Sorder, S. cinereum J.
Montagne, S. stolonifolium Phang et Yoshida and S. swartzii (Turuner) C. Agardh. Only one species, S.
polycystum, was found in both sides, while S. baccularia, S. binderi, S.cinereum, S. crassifolium, S.
oligocystum and S. swartzii occurred in the Gulf of Thailand and S. cristaefolium and S.stolonifolium
For molecular analysis, internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) was used to investigate the
phylogenetic relationship within these nine species. Interspecific genetic variation in Sargassum species
found in Thailand was relatively low. Three different methods (MP, ML and BI) of phylogenetic analyses
revealed that our specimens formed a monophyletic group of the subgenus Sargassum with six distinct
crisraefolium clade, S. polycystum clade, S. stolonifolium clade and S. binderi/S. swartzii clade.
In the section level of subgenus Sargassum, morphological data and ITS2 sequences presented
the controversy classification schemes, which found in section Binderianae. Morphologically, the section
Binderianea consisted of four species found in Thailand: S. baccularia, S. binderi, S. oligocystum and S.
swartzii, while phylogenetic analyses showed two well-separated clades within this section: Binderianae I
clade (S. oligocystum and S. baccularia) and Binderianae II clade (S. binderi and S. swartzii). This result
indicated that section Binderianae is possibly divided into two distinct sections; however additional
samples of all members within this section and further studies in morphology and different molecular
markers are required. In the species level, closely related species of S. binderi and S. swartzii yielded
nearly identical sequences of ITS2, indicating possible species complex within these two species.
This study attempted to use a combined morphological and molecular approach for better
understanding of taxonomy of Thai Sargassum, yet the phylogenetic relationship and species boundaries
multi-markers phylogeny and coalescent strategies of species delimitation, are needed to gain more
abundance and genetic structure of marine organisms. Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh is the most
abundant species, which is likely to be an excellent model for studying distribution pattern and population
connectivity. In the study, phylogenetic patterns of S. polycystum were investigated using different
genetic markers of mitochondrial DNA (cox1 and cox3) and nuclear DNA (ITS2). Eleven populations
(141samples) from cox1, thirteen populations (141 samples) from cox3 and ten populations (127 samples)
form ITS2 were successfully carried out. All samples were randomly collected from Japan to Indonesia
(Two localities in Japan, one locality in Cambodia, four to seven localities in Thailand, one locality in
Singapore and one or two localities in Indonesia), emphasizing in the area of the Gulf of Thailand. In
mitochondrial DNA, 10 haplotypes (H1-H10) was found in cox1, and 6 haplotypes (S1-S6) was found in
cox3, while nuclear DNA ITS2 yielded 12 haplotypes (A1-A12). The results showed that H1, S1 and A1
were likely to be an ancestral haplotype as indicated by consisting these haplotype from almost all
populations. Differences in haplotypes diversity and haplotype sharing among population suggested two
distinct geographical areas, representing two main groups of population: northern group (Japan,
Cambodia and the Gulf of Thailand) and southern group (western of Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia)
High haplotype diversity was found in southern part of South East Asia (Bali, Indonesia and
Phuket, Thailand), while low haplotype diversity was encountered in between the Gulf of Thailand and
Japan. This suggested that the southern area of Southeast Asia was likely to be an origin of S. polycystum,
and distribution pattern of this species seemed to expand southward to the northern areas of Southeast
events of the last glacial maximum (LGM). In last glacial period, Southeast Asia region was connected by
land bridge between Java Sea and the Gulf of Thailand as called Sundaland. Since the LGM period, sea
levels in Sundaland have risen and affected coastal habitats, and this has an important impact on
population structure change in S. polycystum as found in population connectivity between southern and
northern population. Results also indicated that the northern population (the Gulf of Thailand to Japan)
of the circle is proportional to the sample size of each populations, and each pie-graph shows the
Figure 3 Geographical distribution of haplotypes in Sargassum polycystum based on mtDNA cox3. Size
of the circle is proportional to the sample size of each populations, and each pie-graph shows the
of the circle is proportional to the sample size of each populations, and each pie-graph shows the