typical example of this morphology is the genus Sargassum (Fig. 41A). The function
of the holdfast is solely attachment (as opposed to roots in higher plants which also
play a role in extracting water and nutrients from the soil). It can be rhizoids (thin
filamentous structures: Caulerpa spp., Fig. 41B). In Avrainvillea erecta (Fig. 41C)
and Halimeda macroloba, these filamentous structures get intricated and hold large
amounts of sand, resulting in a ‘bulbous holdfast’ which is completely sunken in the
soft substratum. Attachment can also be performed by a disc (most Sargassum spp.,
most red algae, Fig. 41D). The stem-like portion (stipe) of the thallus can be cylindrical
or compressed, unbranched or branched, supple or rigid. It bears one or several
blades (the genus Sargassum, Fig. 41G) which are wider than the stipe and are the
main photosynthetic part of the seaweed. At the basis of the stipe, horizontally spread
branches can be present (stolons or rhizomes, Figs 19D, 41E, F), spreading across
the substratum, possibly attaching to the substratum again and giving rise to new
uprights. In some species (Sargassum) the uprights bear air bladders (Fig. 41H) as
‘floaters’, to keep the plant upright and optimalize the surface for photosynthesis.
Fig. 42. Growth forms. A. Erect: Dermonema virens; B. Prostrate: Dictyota; C. Ascending:
Halimeda gracilis; D. Arched branches of Valoniopsis pachynema; E. Resupinate: Halimeda
sp.; F. Pendulous: Halimeda sp. hanging down from an overhang.
Reproductive structures, or even the presence of a particular life history phase, are
generally seasonal. It is therefore imperative to carry out collecting in different seasons
as reproductive characters are mostly needed for correct identification (as flowers are
in higher plants).
For this chapter we also refer to Leliaert & Coppejans (2004); http://www.persga.org/.
9.1. Qualitative assessment of the macroalgal flora of an area
Qualitative assessment of the marine flora of a coastal area implies general collecting
in a specific area, resulting in a more or less complete list of species. Depending on
the study, the coastal area can vary from a small area (e.g. a coastal strip of 10 m, a
rock outcrop, etc.) to a large area (e.g. one to several km of coastline, a small offshore
island, etc.). When comparing species numbers or biodiversity indices of different
coastal areas, these areas should be of comparable size. The resulting species list
is important for calculating biodiversity indices of an area. A major disadvantage of
qualitative collection data is that species abundance is not taken into account. This
can partially be corrected by making the sampling method semi-quantitative. This
implies that each species is ranked based on its abundance, evaluated by visual
observations. An example of such a ranking is the Tansley scale (Table 1 in Appendix).
The growth form (sociability) of the seaweeds can also be taken into account; here the
Braun-Blanquet’s sociability scale can be used for each species (Table 2 in Appendix).
As a matter of fact, Braun-Blanquet’s cover-abundance scale is most used (Table 3 in
Appendix). These data can be added on the herbarium labels.
9.1.1. Getting ready for fieldwork
It is evident that adapted clothing (protection against the sun/rain) is needed. In this
respect good footwear is extremely important. The use of booties (tight, ankle-high,
rubber boots with a thick sole and a zipper) is advisable, as well on rocky as on sandy
or even muddy substratum, because they completely protect the feet against sharp
obstacles (barnacles, oysters, coral fragments, …). If snorkeling is planned, a (thin)
rubber wetsuit is useful for protection against sharp walls or irritating animals (jelly
fishes, siphonophores, …), or at least knee pads. The availability of a towel also
comes out handy.
The value of a report/publication on the biodiversity of an area largely depends on
the presence of reference (voucher) specimens which allow ulterior control of the
identifications. On its turn, the value of these specimens depends on the field data
which are added to them. Therefore, a notebook (intertidal work) or a white plexiglass
plate (in the subtidal and in intertidal pools) and a pencil are indispensable (Fig. 46A).
Collecting gear includes a bucket, plastic vials, plastic bags, prenumbered labels
on hard paper. Many algae and some seagrasses can be removed by hand, but a
scraper or a stout knife may be handy or even necessary. Some thick encrusting
algae can be removed with a knife, but many (especially the crustose coralline algae)
must be collected along with the substratum. This can only be done by use of a heavy
instrument such as a hammer and a chisel.
If available, a camera, a map, and a Global Positioning System (GPS) can be extremely
useful. Be careful in this wet environment: put them in a watertight camerabox or
(ziplock) bags!
Intertidal habitats can be sampled by wading (Fig. 46B) during (extreme) low tide or
by snorkeling at high tide. Therefore, check the time of low tide as to get organized
for the sampling. If snorkeling is planned (deep intertidal pools or subtidal) mask,
snorkel, fins, mesh bag, plastic collecting bags and labels shouldn’t be forgotten. For
Fig. 47. Preparing herbarium specimens. A. Sorting out specimens in trays filled with
seawater; B. The cork floater in the tray filled with seawater; C. The numbered bristol card
on the floater; D. Arranging the specimens of the bristol card; E. Specimens arranged on the
bristol card, on the floater, still in the tray with seawater; F. Taking the floater and the bristol
card with specimens out of the water, letting drip off most of the water; G. The bristol card with
specimens is (shortly) air dried.
Fig. 50. Silicagel dried specimens. A. Putting a specimen in a labeled Eppendorf; B. Closing
the Eppendorf; C. Indicating that the Eppendorf has been used.
Molecular techniques are outside the scope of this field guide. For details we refer to
Hillis & Moritz (1996).