A Study on Investor s Awareness and Perc
A Study on Investor s Awareness and Perc
A Study on Investor s Awareness and Perc
ISSN 2250-3153
DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.8.12.2018.p8442
Abstract- After the financial crises, it is evident that Bitcoin has It uses a peer-to-peer network which consists of nodes of
emerged to be the most successful crypto currency since its computer systems, which provide the computer necessary power
appearance back in 2009.The success can be attributed primarily to run the software for the network. The USP of these networks
to its security robustness, along with two main properties ie is that they have implemented the distributed ledger technology,
anonymity and decentralization. The robust network of which uses cryptographic techniques for the identification and
decentralized payment transactions has attracted a lot of attention validation of payments by network nodes;that are subsequently
among ecommerce users. This paper investigates whether bitcoin recorded decentralized in a public distributed ledger, called the
as an investment asset offers diversification benefits,more blockchain
specific whether bitcoin has hedge or safe haven properties.
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital cryptographic currency which
has gone through and still goes through spectacular
developments leading to a lot of media but also academic
A cryptocurrency works best when the volume of
transactions is large relative to the individual transaction size
(e.g., as in a retail payment system). It uses peer to peer payment
network involving negligible cost with no involvement of third
party or financial institution in the payment transaction. Such
anonymity in the bitcoin network is the unique propagation
which was not inherently present in any e-commerce transaction.
Although blockchain technology brings innovation and a variety
of new applications to many industries, it is clear that the crypto
currencies based on this technology entail numerous risks. In this
paper, we have made an attempt to find out if Bitcoin or any
cryptocurrency is a feasible investment alternative for investors
seeking to compound the value of their wealth over time. Since
public awareness eventually defines Bitcoin’s price, the future
for Bitcoin lays with increasing positive public perception.
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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2018 312
ISSN 2250-3153
Source: www.bithumb.com
Bitcoin is most preferred Cryptocurrency with a market process lead-time and faster time to market, Increased customer
Cap of 120.56 billion $trading at a price of 7311.35 as on march service, Improved convenience and shopping experience,
30th march,2017. Apart from Bitcoin, Ethereum and ripple are Increased information transparency, Knowledge generation,
also preferred Cryptocurrency. From a user’s perspective Bitcoin Novel products and services.
is nothing more than a mobile application or computer program Mittal Alka (2017) focuses on merchants and traders who
that provides a personal Bitcoin wallet and allows a user to send accept this digital currency as a medium of exchange to
and receive Bitcoin with them. This is how Bitcoin works for overcome its problem of volatility. This will boost the market of
most users. Bitcoins not only in India but also in other developing
economies. This emphasizes that to survive in the system;
Bitcoin has to adapt itself to the required technical and
III. REVIEW OF LITERATURE operational innovations. In addition to this, government should
Singh Aarti and Nidhi Chawla (2016) discuss that future impose proper legal framework, to protect the consumers or users
of Ecommerce is difficult to predict but there are various of these digital currencies, as the progress seen in the
segments that would grow in the future like: emerging new transactions in this currency during the past few months is
technologies, education, awareness regarding new technology tremendous.
and frauds, Reduced search and transaction cost, Reduced
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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2018 313
ISSN 2250-3153
IV. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The level of awareness varied by Gender, Age group, Income
1. To study the level of awareness among investors and Education.
regarding bitcoin as a virtual currency
2. To study the perception of investors regarding Demographic Category Percentage
acceptance of bitcoin as mode of cash less transaction
3. To know investors opinion about future of bitcoin in Age 20-35 years 67.2%
4. To understand the investor opinion regarding 36-50 years 27.6%
government intervention and involvement to develop bitcoin as
legal mode for cash less transactions
Above 50 years 5.2%
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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2018 314
ISSN 2250-3153
Figure 1 Awareness about Bitcoin(Age wise distribution) Investment in Bitcoin or other Crypto currencies
Of the Respondents who had heard of Bitcoin, 27 % of
Note: This graph provides the percentage of individuals respondents had invested Bitcoin.Of those most likely to have
who answered “YES” to the question – “Have you heard of purchase were young respondents, aged 20-35 years old, as well
Bitcoin?” Results are broken down into age groups. The sample as post graduates.
consists of 114 respondents aged 20 or older. The investment pattern of Bitcoin varied dramatically by
population subgroup:
The younger respondents reported much greater willingness
to investment in Bitcoin and other currencies than older
respondents. Among 20-35 year olds, 29% have invested in
Bitcoin, compared to 14 % of those older than 50 years.
Moreover among those respondents who were 36- 50 years old
were very unlikely to invest in Bitcoin (76%)
A greater Proportion of Male(28%) than Female (18%)
have invested in Bitcoin.
Respondents with High household income (above 25 lakhs)
have not invested in Bitcoin whereas 39% of respondents with
medium income (5 -10 lakhs) have invested in Bitcoin.it is
assumed that high household income were least likely to invest in
Bitcoin in future v/s 39% of those with less than 10 lakhs.
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ISSN 2250-3153
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ISSN 2250-3153
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ISSN 2250-3153
Weighted Average
Mean of
Low Medium High advantages of
Advantages advantage advantage advantage cryptocurrency
No inflation 22 32 57 1.9
Of 114 respondents who answered the below question concerning about the disadvantages of using Bitcoin or crypto currency,
most respondents feels that theft of hacking of Bitcoin and Technical glitches or errors are the disadvantages of bitcoin.
96 respondents or 84% said that volatility of exchange rate is considered to be disadvantageous factor for the use of Bitcoin in the
pursuit of cashless economy.
Volatility of
Exchange Rate 10 30 96 2.4
No Central
Authority 12 14 114 2.46
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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2018 318
ISSN 2250-3153
Of 114 respondents who answered the below question concerning about easy adaptation of Bitcoin as a method of cashless payment or
crypto currency, most respondents feels that Bitcoin should be regulated by government legislation or Government stamps for
approval should be considered.
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ISSN 2250-3153
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