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Distinctive study on banana/sisal fiber hybrid composites filled with

nano marble dust particles
Suja Thangaraj a, A. Ranjith kumar b, M. Vigneshwaran c, M. Muthuraj d, R. Shenbagaraj e, R. Girimurugan f,⇑
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Thanthai Periyar Government Institute of Technology, Vellore 632002, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sona College of Technology, Salem 636 005, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore 641 008, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode 637 214, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore 641402, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nandha College of Technology, Perundurai 638 052, Tamilnadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The increased popularity of synthetic fibers has been hampered by high production costs and environ-
Available online xxxx mental concerns, despite the former’s superior stiffness and strength. As a result, it’s reasonable to con-
sider devoting considerable effort to finding natural fibers that can replace synthetic ones in various
Keywords: applications. Because they have superior mechanical and thermal qualities over synthetic fibers, hybrid
Nano marble dust particles fibers are typically preferred. Natural fibers have the advantage of being more pliable and robust, but they
Banana fiber cannot repel water. Most of the earlier research findings are very limited in determining the effects of
Sisal fiber
marble dust particle addition on the two different types of natural fiber-reinforced epoxy composites.
Injection moulding
This experimental research work has incorporated a novel approach to fill this gap. Researchers have
Hybrid composites invented novel materials that could reduce the usage of thermoplastics to reduce the environmental
issue. Cross-linking bond ability enhancement between the matrix and fiber has been done by adding
nano marble dust particles. Short banana and sisal fibers (1 to 2 cm in length) are combined via injection
molding with a polypropylene matrix to fabricate a hybrid composite with Nano marble dust particles
(50 to 60 nm). The composites’ flexural strength, impact strength, thermal conductivity, and water
absorption enhance by adding Nano marble dust particles as filler material. It notices that banana and
sisal fiber added composite contributed better tensile properties than Nano marble dust particles added
Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Second International
Conference on Advancements in Materials Science and Technology.

1. Introduction packaging, and structural components [3]. The sisal tree, which
produces valuable sisal fiber, is native to India [4]. Natural fiber
As ecological consciousness increases among people worldwide, has poor mechanical qualities because of its hydrophilic nature,
researchers are seeing a paradigm change in the creation of envi- which prevents it from being used as a reinforcing material in poly-
ronmentally friendly materials. Much effort in discovering new mer composites. Many researchers have considered chemical ther-
composites based on natural fibers that have improved material apy a potential answer to these problems [5]. The characteristics of
qualities in recent years. Because of their many advantages over FRP composites improved by combining the chemical treatment of
synthetic fibers and similar mechanical properties [1–2], several the fiber with the inclusion of filler. Fillers to improve polymer
researchers argue that natural fibers can be a suitable substitute composites’ stability, toughness, and cost-effectiveness [6]. The
for synthetic fibers. To strengthen polymer composites, employed significant effect of filler on the characteristics of composite mate-
a different natural fiber. These natural fiber-reinforced composites rials shows in many types of research. Hybrid polymer composites
use in various applications, such as furniture, sports equipment, combined with organic and inorganic particle fillers [7–9]. These
included SiC, Alumina, graphite, titanium oxide, clay, red mud,
⇑ Corresponding author cement bypass dust, granite powder, copper slag, wood dust, and
E-mail address: dr.r.girimurugan@gmail.com (R. Girimurugan). dolomite. Marble dust is a solid waste produced while cutting

2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Second International Conference on Advancements in Materials Science and Technology.

Please cite this article as: S. Thangaraj, A. Ranjith kumar, M. Vigneshwaran et al., Distinctive study on banana/sisal fiber hybrid composites filled with nano
marble dust particles, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.01.402
S. Thangaraj, A. Ranjith kumar, M. Vigneshwaran et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

and processing marbles. When this trash dump is outside, it can studies the inclusion of natural fillers significantly improves the
cause several problems if it’s not cleaned up very away. Use of performance of the composite. Banana and sisal fibers in this
waste materials as fillers in polymer composites is studied [10]. experimental work replaced synthetic fibers. This experimental
The mechanical characteristics of a vacuum-assisted resin transfer research work aims to evaluate the effects of waste marble particle
molded polymer composite containing marble dust-filled glass addition (5 and 10 wt%) on the physical, mechanical, and thermal
fibers were studied. They discovered that all mechanical qualities properties of banana/sisal fiber-reinforced composites made up
improved by as much as 20 % by weight after mixing with marble of polypropylene binder.
dust [11]. Adding fine granite and tamarind shell powder particles
to the epoxy resin matrix considerably enhances the compressive
capabilities of the hybrid bio-composites [12]. The mechanical 2. Materials and methods
characteristics of waste marble dust-loaded polyester composites
analyze. The tensile and flexural properties of the material studied 2.1. Materials preparation
decreased [13], but hardness, impact strength, and compressive
strength were all represented. Tensile strength, yield strength, Banana and sisal fibers as reinforcement, commercial
elongation percentage, flexural strength, and flexural modulus polypropylene (PDC 1280 Grade) as the matrix and nano marble
were all maximized in composite specimens with 35 % tamarind dust particles were considered filler material. In Coimbatore,
shell powder and 15 % waste marble dust powder [14]. Based on Banana fiber and commercial polypropylene obtain from Covai
the study’s results, the bio-composite specimen reinforced with Seenu and Company ltd. The marble was divided into pieces and
an epoxy matrix, 4 % volume percent filled with used camellia then ground into a powder using a Nano sieve to create the marble
sinensis particles, and 31 % volume percent filled with alkaline dust. Some mechanical characteristics of commercial polypropy-
modified banana fiber exhibited the best flexural behavior out of lene indicate in Table 1. Sisal and banana fibers’ mechanical and
the eight tested. The improved flexural performance of the com- physical properties list in Table 2. The chemical composition of
posites can be attributed mostly to the alkaline treatment of the Nano marble dust particles in Table. 3.
banana fiber surface and the optimal incorporation of Used Camel- A 1 % NaOH solution has been used to remove the contaminants
lia Sinensis (UCS) into the epoxy matrix [15]. Experimental data and wax from the banana and sisal fibres. After adding 250 g of
suggest that adding Camellia Sinensis particles to an epoxy resin NaOH to 25 L of water to make the solution, all the fibres from
matrix/banana fiber composite material significantly increases its the banana and sisal are soaked in the solution for a day before
hardness [16]. According to experiments, adding groundnut shell being neutralized with a 3 % acetic acid solution [24]. Following
powder to an epoxy-based banana fiber composite significantly a thorough cleaning with distilled water, the fibres are allowed
improves its mechanical properties [17]. Composites using sisal to dry for a day at room temperature before spending five hours
fiber, polypropylene, and recycled wood flour. Our findings suggest in a 50 °C oven. The fibres from the banana and sisal were then
that sisal fiber, an organic filler, has a greater strengthening impact trimmed to a length of around 8 mm. In a batch mixer with two
than wood flour [18] due to its mechanical and morphological fea- opposing rotating rotors and a chamber volume of 800–
tures. Sisal fibers add to low-density polyethylene to make a stron- 900 mm3, polypropylene was melted and mixed with short banana
ger material (Agave-Veracruz). The tensile properties of the and sisal fibre as well as additive material. At a steady temperature
manufactured composites grow gradually with increasing fiber of 210 °C, 100 grammes of material are mixed in a single batch that
content. The characteristics, which likewise improved with fiber takes 20 min to finish. The material was removed from the cham-
length, peaked at roughly 6 mm. The tensile strength and modulus ber and cut into small pieces after an appropriate combination had
of composites along the axis of fiber alignment are twice as high in formed there. The specimen was then prepared by feeding tiny
composites with unidirectional aligned short fibers as in those pieces into an injection moulding machine. Both the fibre and filler
with randomly oriented fibers [19]. The earliest research into the contents were changed, but the sample’s overall polypropylene
mechanical properties of sisal fiber focused on how fiber length content was set at 70 %. The injection molded sample was sub-
and percentage of fiber volume affected those capabilities. The jected to tensile, flexural, and impact testing in accordance with
results show that the composite with a 20 mm fiber length and a ASTM D 638, D 790, and D 256. Table 4 displays the percentage
20 vol fraction performs better in mechanical tests [20]. Chemi- of polymers and reinforcements used in composites, as well as
cally modifying Portunus sanguinolentus shell powder was rein- the sample’s composition.
forced with epoxy composites to investigate its thermo-
mechanical characteristics. Outcomes of the experimentation 2.2. Mechanical test
results suggested that chemically modifying Portunus sanguino-
lentus shell powder-filled jute fabrics-based epoxy composite According to the specifications of ASTM D638, a tensile test
improved its thermo-mechanical characteristics [21]. The mechan- using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM) with a crosshead speed
ical characteristics of the composites by the hybridization of areca of 20 mm/min. To assess how a material would respond to
fibers with synthetic fabrics [22]. Physical, mechanical, and water straightforward beam loading, the transverse beam test, also
absorption characteristics were employed to evaluate the effect known as the flexural test, is carried out. UTM to conduct a flexural
of a stacking sequence of jute/hemp fibers laminates. It observes test that complied with ASTM D790 specifications. A material can
from the results the laminate stacking sequence majorly con- absorb energy, while the fracture evaluates by impact testing.
tributes to the mechanical characteristics [23]. The literature The Izod test is a dynamic trial in which a freely swinging pendu-
review found many works on natural fiber reinforced with epoxy
composites. Most organic fillers produced significant performance
because of the anticipation of the cluster when mixed in the Table 1
Few Mechanical properties of commercial polypropylene (PDC 1280 Grade).
matrix. Fewer records of works with different organic filler-
reinforced composites, and there is no work reported with waste Property Units Values
marble dust powders in banana/sisal fiber-reinforced polymer- Tensile Strength MPa 34.72
based epoxy composites. The literature studies found that combin- Flexural Modulus GPa 1.39
ing two different natural fibers with an epoxy matrix improves its Rockwell Hardness HRC 92
Impact Strength J/m 47.2
mechanical properties. Also, it observes from past experimental
S. Thangaraj, A. Ranjith kumar, M. Vigneshwaran et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2 nevertheless carries the most significant load possible because of

Some mechanical and physical properties of sisal and banana fiber. its solid interfacial bonding and reduced specific surface area [25].
Fiber/Property Tensile Strength Tensile Modulus Density
(MPa) (GPa) (g/cm3)
3.3. Flexural properties
Sisal Fiber 64.54 3.8 1.36
Banana Fiber 54.32 3.6 1.38
Flexural strength and modulus measurements of the produced
composite specimens depict in Figs. 5, 6 and 7. Among the four
lum breaks a vertically clamped, v-notched sample. ASTM D 256 compositions mentioned above, the PP-BF-SF composite packed
standards testing machine is employed. with five-weight percent nano marble particles made the highest
flexural modulus reading of 5.68 GPa. The flexural modulus of
2.46, 2.72, 3.56, 4.17, and 4.89 GPa was observed in control and
2.3. Thermal and physical testing
other composites, respectively. Because the material is ductileness
in this case, the bending stress is better [26]. Better bending stress
Thermogravimetric analysis is most frequently utilized when
(61.87 MPa) was obtained by the composite filled with nanoscale
analyzing thermal characteristics. This technique continually
marble dust particles due to improved structural properties and
determines a sample’s mass at various temperatures. The Thermo
good adhesion in the zone where the fibers and matrix meet.
analyzer uses N2 and O2 gases to test thermal stability. ASTM D
570 was used to control the composites’ moisture absorption char-
acteristics. Each composition’s five samples submerge in water for 3.4. Impact energy
28 h at room temperature.
Fig. 8 depicts the variability in the impact energy of composite
2.4. Swelling thickness and measuring of density samples. In the control sample, which comprised identical weight
percents of banana and sisal fiber and contained no additives, the
Water absorption and swelling from thickness are similar. The impact energy was at its highest, 13.87 kJ/m2. Still, after adding
difference employs to contrast the thickness of the sample before Nano marble dust, it fell by 9 and 13 %, respectively. Composite
and after water immersion. The density of composites can be mea- specimens with fiber and nano marble dust loaded give more
sured using the ASTM D 1895 standards. incredible impact energy than control sample composites due to
the tensile performance and maximal energy absorption volume
3. Results and discussions of the two materials [27–28]. The matrix polypropylene and injec-
tion molding production procedure is the main element in increas-
3.1. Density ing the impact energy of the created composites.

The composites that use marble dust as a filler (PBSM 5) pro-

3.5. TGA analysis
vided denser results than the other five compositions since marble
dust has a higher density than the other five filler materials. Fig. 1
The control specimen’s mass changed at 389.25 °C during the
depicts the contrast between the created composites’ theoretical
thermal stability investigation and was reduced by 88.76 % at
and measured densities. During its preparation stage, the slighter
570 °C. At 423.75 °C, the mass of change for PBSM 1 occurs at
variations between the predicted and experimented densities are
632 °C; the mass declined by 84.52 % of the whole mass. At
owing to the void’s contents in the composite samples.
657 °C, the mass decreased by 86.71 % of the total in composite
samples from PBSM 2. The total mass reduction percentage of
3.2. Tensile properties 78.53 attain in PBSM 3 composite samples at 676 °C. At 721 °C,
PBSM 3 composite samples have lost their mass values of
It is self-evident from Figs. 2, 3 and 4 that adding banana and 74.21 %. In the case of the PBSM 4 composite specimen, the
sisal fibers to a polypropylene composite led to higher tensile decreased mass percentage of 81.37 % at 782 °C. PDSM 4 composite
stress than filler-reinforced and control samples. The maximum samples saw a significant weight change, as seen in Fig. 9, which
tensile strength of 32.58, 44.37, 40.93, 49.53, 39.21, and depicts the weight change of the specimen. Fig. 10 represents the
34.72 MPa was noticed in the control sample to composite five cor- TGA curves for prepared samples.
respondingly. But the 5 and 10 wt% nano marble dust with 12.5 wt
% banana and 12.5 wt% sisal fiber reinforced composites provide
better tensile stress of 39.21 and 34.72 MPa than the control sam- 3.6. Thickness swelling analysis
ple’s tensile strength (32.58 MPa). The tensile strength improve-
ment of 7 and 17 % were noticed in the developed composites The thicknesses swelling comparison indicates in Fig. 11. The
when the composites load with 5 and 10 wt% nano marble dust thickness changes of all six samples are 11.32, 9.81, 10.35, 8.12,
particles. The tensile strength of marble dust at 5 and 10 wt% 7.11, and 7.83 %, respectively. The samples PBSM 1 and PBSM 2
was reduced by 20.84 and 29.90 %, respectively, compared to the have more natural fiber than the other two compositions, which
PP-BF-SF composite. The modulus value increases by adding results in extraordinarily high water absorption capabilities
30 wt% banana fiber than sisal fiber and nano marble dust as it is (11.32 and 10.35 %) for these samples. In addition, the fillers in
a ceramic material that can be either crystalline or amorphous the different composite specimens had stronger bonds since they
and exhibits brittle behavior; it drops the tensile qualities. Still, it had less specific surface area [29].

Table 3
Chemical composition of waste marble dust particles.

Elements MgO CaO Al2O3 SiO2 K2O LOI

% 0.078 54.873 0.04 0.0412 0.042 42.31

S. Thangaraj, A. Ranjith kumar, M. Vigneshwaran et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4
Made-up composite specimen’s formation details (wt. %).

Composite Samples Polypropylene (PP) Banana Fiber (BF) Sisal Fiber (SF) Nano Marble Dust (NMD)
Control 100 0 0 0
PBSM 1 70 30 0 0
PBSM 2 70 0 30 0
PBSM 3 70 15 15 0
PBSM 4 70 12.5 12.5 5
PBSM 5 70 10 10 10

Fig. 1. Density comparison for invented composite samples.

Fig. 2. Graphical Comparison on Tensile Strength of the Prepared Composite

Fig. 4. Comparison on Tensile Modulus of the Developed Composites.

Fig. 3. Tensile stress vs tensile strain curves for prepared samples. Fig. 5. Flexural Strength Comparison for Fabricated Composite Samples.

S. Thangaraj, A. Ranjith kumar, M. Vigneshwaran et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 6. Flexural stress vs flexural strain curves for prepared samples.

Fig. 10. TGA Curves prepared specimens.

Fig. 7. Comparison on Flexural Modulus of the Developed Composites.

Fig. 11. Changes in Thickness of the Fabricated Composites after Water Absorption

Fig. 8. Impact Energy Variations of Composite Specimens.

Fig. 12. Water Absorption Percentage Comparison.

3.7. Water absorption analysis

The water absorption capacities of the six samples i.e. Control,

PBSM 1, PBSM 2, PBSM 3, PBSM 4, and PBSM 5 were found to be
0.92, 0.97, 0.94, 0.88, 0.83, and 0.85 after 48 h immersion time
respectively, after calculating the proportion of moisture-
Fig. 9. Weight loss of the composites during TGA Experimentation. retaining in composites specimen. Because they contain more nat-

S. Thangaraj, A. Ranjith kumar, M. Vigneshwaran et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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