Anirban Ghosh
Department of Physics, Amity Institute of Applied Sciences, Amity University, Kolkata, 700135, India
Sudipta Mandal
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali and
Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, FORTH-Hellas, Greece
(Dated: January 10, 2025)
We analytically investigate the dynamic behavior of an anisotropic active Brownian particle under
arXiv:2501.05149v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 9 Jan 2025
various stochastic resetting protocols in two dimensions. The motion of shape-asymmetric active
Brownian particles in two dimensions leads to anisotropic diffusion at short times, whereas rota-
tional diffusion causes the transport to become isotropic at longer times. We have considered three
different resetting protocols: (a) complete resetting, when both position and orientation are reset
to their initial states, (b) only position is reset to its initial state, (c) only orientation is reset to its
initial state. We reveal that orientational resetting sustains anisotropy even at late times. When
both the spatial position and orientation are subject to resetting, a complex position probability
distribution forms in the steady state. This distribution is shaped by factors such as the initial ori-
entation angle, the anisotropy of the particle, and the resetting rate. We have calculated the exact
expressions for mean-square displacements using a renewal approach for different resetting protocols
and numerically verified the analytical results. When only the translational degrees of freedom are
reset, while the particle’s orientation evolves naturally, the steady-state no longer depends on par-
ticle asymmetry. In contrast, if only the orientation is reset, the long-term probability distribution
becomes a Gaussian, using an effective diffusion tensor—containing non-diagonal elements—defined
by the resetting rate. More broadly, the interaction between translational and rotational dynamics,
in combination with stochastic resetting, produces distinct behaviors at late times that are absent in
symmetric particles. Given recent progress in experimental resetting techniques, these results could
be highly useful for controlling asymmetric active colloids, such as in self-assembly applications.
states, unique temporal relaxation behaviors, and non- vector n̂i = (cos θi , sin θi ), which defines the direction of
monotonic mean first passage times52–54 . The impact of the propulsion velocity. In the lab frame (x-y plane),
resetting on various diffusive processes has been exten- the particle’s state at any given time t can be described
sively studied in the past decade. While it might seem by the position vector R(t), which indicates the coordi-
intuitive that restarting a stochastic process repeatedly nates of its center of mass. This vector also represents
would delay its overall completion, this is not necessarily the coordinates relative to the particle’s intrinsic body
the case. In fact, a surprising feature of stochastic reset- frame (δ x̃, δ ỹ). The angle θ(t) represents the orientation
ting is its potential to speed up the completion of specific of the particle, specifically the angle between the x axis
random search processes. As an instance, resetting can of the laboratory frame and the x̃ axis of the body frame.
lower the mean first-passage time for a diffusive parti- Understanding the frame of reference is essential for an-
cle to reach a target44,52,55–58 , decrease the runtime of alyzing the behavior of anisotropic particles, as the rota-
stochastic algorithms59–61 , and reduce the turnover time tional and translational motions in the body frame are
in enzymatic reactions62,63 . Therefore, stochastic reset- decoupled. The motion of the anisotropic ABP as shown
ting is an effective method for optimizing the completion in the fig.(1a) is governed by the Langevin equation in
times of stochastic processes and dynamical systems. body frame, which can be expressed as:
While most previous studies on resetting have focused
on symmetric particles, this paper investigates the im- 1 ∂ x̃ v0
= + η̃x (t)
pact of resetting on an anisotropic active Brownian par- Γ∥ ∂t Γ∥
ticle (ABP) in two dimensions. The ABP in our study 1 ∂ ỹ
is an overdamped particle with an orientational degree = η̃y (t) (1)
Γ⊥ ∂t
of freedom, undergoing rotational diffusion. Its behavior 1 ∂ θ̃
in two-dimensional space is defined by its position (x, y) = η̃θ (t)
Γθ ∂t
and orientation θ. We examine three distinct resetting
protocols: (a) complete resetting, where both the par- Here v0 is the propulsion velocity in the body frame, it
ticle’s position and orientation are reset to their initial is directed along the longer axis of the anisotropic parti-
values at a rate r, (b) resetting of only the position, and cle. The mobilities along its longer and shorter axes are
(c) resetting of only the orientation angle. In the first respectively Γ∥ = kB∥T and Γ⊥ = kDB⊥T . Γθ = kDBθT is the
two protocols involving position resetting, the particle’s rotational mobility. Here D∥ , D⊥ and Dθ represent dif-
mean-square displacement (MSD) reaches a steady state. fusion coefficients along the parallel, perpendicular and
Conversely, for the protocol that resets only the orienta- rotational axes respectively. The correlations of the ther-
tion, the particle does not attain a stationary state. In- mal fluctuations in the body frame are described as,
stead, it exhibits anisotropic diffusion, with a transition ⟨η̃⟩ = 0
from ballistic to diffusive behavior as time progresses. (2)
⟨η̃i (t)η̃j (t′ )⟩ = 2kB T Γi δij δ(t − t′ )
The structure of the paper is as follows: Sec.(II) intro-
duces the fundamental model and theoretical framework; To derive these equations in the laboratory frame, we
Sec.(III A) elaborates on the complete resetting protocol, must perform a straightforward coordinate rotation. The
detailing its dynamics; Sec.(III B) focuses on the dynam- displacement in the two frames is related with the follow-
ics under the position-reset protocol; Sec.(III C) discusses ing equations;
the effects of orientation resetting; Sec.(IV) presents the
conclusions. Additionally, Appendix(A) provides a com- δx = cos θδ x̃ − sin θδ ỹ
prehensive analytical derivation of steady state probabil- δy = sin θδ x̃ + cos θδ ỹ
ity distribution function using a perturbative scheme.
Taking the limit δt → 0 after dividing the equations by
δt and substituting the expressions for linear and angular
velocities in the body frame from Eq.(28), we derive the
final set of equations that describe the motion in the lab
We have investigated the dynamics of an anisotropic
active Brownian particle (ABP) subjected to reset- ∂x
ting. This particle is confined to move within a two- = v0 cos θ(t) + ηx (t)
dimensional framework and possesses a propulsion veloc- ∂y
ity along its longer axis, denoted as (x̃). The particle’s = v0 sin θ(t) + ηy (t) (4)
orientation in the x-y plane plays a crucial role in its ∂θ
motion. This orientation can be characterized by a unit = ηθ (t)
FIG. 1. (a) The basic model of an anisotropic ABP incorporates parallel, perpendicular, and rotational diffusion coefficients,
with the propulsion velocity directed along the particle’s major axis. (b) In the position-orientation complete resetting protocol,
both the particle’s position and orientation are reset simultaneously. (c) The position-only resetting protocol involves resetting
the particle’s position to the origin while leaving its orientation unchanged. (d) The orientation-only resetting protocol resets
the particle’s orientation to its initial orientation as θ = 0 without altering its position.
The random noise ηi have zero mean and the correla- In the long time regime when t ≫ Dθ−1 , the mean-
tions at fixed θ(t) are given by square displacements along both the x and y axes ex-
hibit diffusive behavior similar to an isotropic particle
⟨ηi (t)ηj (t′ )⟩ = 2kB T Γij [θ(t)]δ(t − t′ ) expressed as24,64 ,
⟨ηθ (t)ηθ (t′ )⟩ = 2kB T Γθ δ(t − t′ ) !
v ∆D 7v 2
Here ⟨∆x2 (t)⟩0 = 2 D̄ + 0 t + − 02
2Dθ 4Dθ 4Dθ
! (10)
∆Γ cos 2θ sin 2θ v2 ∆D 5v 2
Γij [θ(t)] = Γ̄δij + (6) ⟨∆y 2 (t)⟩0 = 2 D̄ + 0 t − − 02
2 sin 2θ − cos 2θ 2Dθ 4Dθ 4Dθ
(Γ +Γ )
where Γ̄ = ∥ 2 ⊥ and ∆Γ = (Γ∥ − Γ⊥ ). Furthermore, at the short time regime t < Dθ−1 , we
We integrate Eq.(4) with respect to t for x, and it is find initially instantaneous diffusion regime and then
found as, super-diffusion regime as depicted24
Z t Z t
x(t) = dt′ ηx (t′ ) + dt′ v0 cos θ(t′ ) (7) ⟨∆x2 (t)⟩0 = 2D∥ t − 2Dθ ∆Dt2 + O(t3 )
0 0
⟨∆y 2 (t)⟩0 = 2D⊥ t + 2Dθ ∆Dt2 + O(t3 )
The second moment of the particle along x and y axes
with an initial angle θ0 without any resetting, is calcu- In this paper, we study the effect of stochastic reset-
lated as24,64 ting on the dynamics of and anisotropic ABP. For ABP,
the presence of rotational and translational degrees of
1 − e−4Dθ t
# freedom give rise to the chance of resetting in the phase
⟨x (t)⟩0 = 2D̄t + ∆D cos 2θ0 space, instead of in position space only. The first ex-
4Dθ plored study shows different resetting protocols involving
v02 cos 2θ0 position and velocity in one-dimensional RTP65 . In the
3 − 4e−Dθ t + e−4Dθ t (8)
+ 2 case of anisotropic ABP, where the translational and ro-
2 tational degrees are the important variables, the similar
+ 02 Dθ t + e−Dθ t − 1
situation arises like RTP. In the following, we study three
different resetting protocols.
and (I) Position-orientation resetting: All the phase
" #
1 − e−4Dθ t variables are reset to its initial values with the reset rate
⟨y (t)⟩0 = 2D̄t − ∆D cos 2θ0 r as shown in the fig.(1b). We assumed that the particle
starts from the origin and initial angle θ0 = 0. The par-
v02 cos 2θ0 (9) ticle resets to x = y = 0 and θ0 = 0 at any time t with
3 − 4e−Dθ t + e−4Dθ t
− 2
12Dθ reset rate r.
v (II) Position resetting: According to this protocol
+ 02 Dθ t + e−Dθ t − 1
Dθ shown in the fig.(1c), we reset the position of the particle
For θ0 = 0, where the particle is initially oriented along For very small t, if we expand the exponential terms
the x axis, the mean-squared displacements along the x up to second order, we find
and y directions are given as:
v02 v02 (2r − 11Dθ )
σx2 (t) = 2D∥ − t− rD∥ +
r + Dθ 6Dθ
2D̄ ∆D 2v02 (r + 2Dθ )
σx2 = + + !
r r + 4Dθ r(r + Dθ )(r + 4Dθ ) rv (3r + 4D θ )
" + 2Dθ ∆D t2 + 2rDθ ∆D − 0 t3
2 −Dθ t
2v0 e e−4Dθ t v02 3(r + Dθ )
+ e−rt + − ∆D (21) !
3Dθ (r + Dθ ) r + 4Dθ 3Dθ r2 v02 Dθ (5r + 8Dθ ) 4r2 Dθ2 ∆D 4
# + − t + O(t5 )
v02 2D̄ v02 2 (r + Dθ )(r + 4Dθ ) r + 4Dθ
− − − 1 − e−(r+Dθ )t
rDθ r (r + Dθ ) 2 (23)
and and
2D̄ ∆D 4Dθ v02 σy2 (t) = 2D⊥ t + 2Dθ ∆D − rD⊥ t2 − 2rDθ ∆Dt3
σy2 = − +
r r + 4Dθ r(r + Dθ )(r + 4Dθ ) !
4r2 Dθ2 ∆D r3 v02
− t4 + O(t5 )
2 −Dθ t
4v0 e e−4Dθ t v2 r + 4Dθ (r + Dθ )(r + 4Dθ )
+ e−rt + ∆D − 0
3Dθ (r + Dθ ) r + 4Dθ 3Dθ (22) (24)
v02 2D̄ It is intriguing to contrast this short-time behav-
− −
rDθ r ior with that of an ellipsoidal active Brownian particle
(ABP) without resetting. When starting from the origin
0.2 0.5
0.0 0.0
10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
FIG. 4. Steady state position distribution along x of FIG. 5. Steady state position distribution along y of
anisotropic ABP under position-orientation resetting when anisotropic ABP under position-orientation resetting when
Dθ = 0.1, D∥ = 1, D⊥ = 0.1, v0 = 1 and θ0 = 0 for dif- Dθ = 0.1, D∥ = 1, D⊥ = 0.1, v0 = 1 and θ0 = 0 for dif-
ferent values of reset rate r as shown in the legends taken at ferent values of reset rate r as shown in the legends taken at
t = 100. t = 100.
and aligned along the x axis, the mean squared displace- Figs.(4) and (5) show the simulation results for the
ment (MSD) of a regular ellipsoidal ABP along the x long time position distribution for both x and y. For a
axis exhibits hyper-diffusive behavior in the short-time small resetting rate, the particle behaves like a free par-
regime24 . In the presence of position-orientation reset- ticle for an extended duration before being reset to the
ting, however, both σx2 and σy2 exhibit growth with a origin. Conversely, for a large resetting rate, the time in-
super-diffusive nature. Additionally, the resetting sig- terval between successive resetting events is significantly
nificantly alters the leading-order behavior of the mean shorter than the rotational diffusion timescale of the free
squared displacement (MSD) as shown in the figs.(2) and anisotropic ABP dynamics. The anisotropic character-
(3). istics of the position distribution, as depicted in figs.(4)
At long times, the particle is anticipated to reach a and (5), reveal that the distribution along the y-direction
stationary state in which the mean squared displacement significantly differs from that along the x-direction.
(MSD) becomes time-independent and attains a constant A novel perturbative scheme is employed to an-
value. alytically determine the distribution function of the
anisotropic active Brownian particle (ABP). The com-
2D̄ ∆D v 2 (r2 + 2rDθ + 4Dθ2 ) plete calculation and details of the method are provided
lim σx2 = + + 0 in Appendix A.
t→∞ r r + 4Dθ r(r + Dθ )2 (r + 4Dθ )
2 2D̄ ∆D 4Dθ v02
lim σy = − +
t→∞ r r + 4Dθ r(r + Dθ )(r + 4Dθ ) B. Position Resetting
Interestingly, the stationary mean squared displacement
(MSD) exhibits distinct values for the x and y compo- In this section, we analyze the dynamics of the ac-
nents, reflecting the continued presence of anisotropy. tive Brownian particle (ABP) under resetting protocol
This outcome is anticipated, as resetting to θ0 = 0 con- II, wherein only the particle’s position is reset. Specifi-
sistently introduces a pronounced directional bias with cally, the particle is returned to the origin, x = y = 0,
each resetting event. Figs.(2) and (3) illustrate the at a resetting rate r, while its orientation θ remains un-
plots of σx2 and σy2 as functions of time t for various affected by the reset. As in the earlier case, the particle
values of r. As expected, the MSD saturates faster begins its motion at the origin with an initial orientation
to its stationary value with increasing r. The leading- θ = 0 at time t = 0. Consequently, the distribution of
order time-scale of relaxation to the stationary value is θ at any time t remains Gaussian in nature, with a zero
τrelax = min[(r + Dθ )−1 , (r + 4Dθ )−1 ]. mean and a variance of 2Dθ t. The corresponding renewal
equation is formulated as follows: Let us consider the trajectory of the particle over the
interval [θ, t]. If no resetting occurs during this interval,
the position evolves according to the motion of standard
Pr (x, y, θ, t|0, 0, θ0 ) = e−rt P0 (x, y, θ, t|0, 0, θ0 )
Z t Z Z Z active Brownian particle. For trajectories involving at
+r dτ e −rτ
dx ′
dy ′
dθ′ Pr (x′ , y ′ , θ′ , t − τ |0, 0, θ0 ) least one resetting event, let the time elapsed since the
0 last resetting be denoted by τ . The position at time t is
P0 (x, y, θ, τ |0, 0, θ′ ) then determined by the free ABP evolution during the
(26) interval τ , starting from an arbitrary orientation θt−τ ,
which itself is governed by the Brownian motion of θ.
The propagator for x in this scenario can be derived To compute the position distribution, we integrate over
by integrating the previously stated equation over the all possible values of τ ∈ [0, t] and θt−τ ∈ [−∞, ∞]. Com-
variables y, θ, x′ , and y ′ , as follows: bining all these contributions, the renewal equation is
expressed as:
Pr (x, t|0, θ0 ) = e−rt P0 (x, t|0, θ0 )
Z t Z t
Z (27)
+r dτ e−rτ dθ′ P0 (θ′ , t − τ |θ0 )P0 (x, τ |0, θ′ ) P (x, y, t) = e−rt P0 (x, y, t) + r dτ e−rτ ×
0 0
− 4D θ2 (31)
Z ∞
The corresponding nth moment for x in this scenario e θ (t−τ )
Pθ0 (x, y, τ ) p
can be expressed as: −∞ 4πDθ (t − τ )
We will use the following properties to calculate the Putting n = 1 in Eq.(28) we can find the value of
above integral ⟨x2 (t)|θ0 ⟩r for initial orientation θ0 = 0 as,
⟨x(t)|θ0 ⟩r = (e−Dθ t − e−rt ) (33)
"Z (θ−θ0 )2 # (r − Dθ )
− 4D
e θ (t−τ )
⟨cos 2θ(t)|θ0 ⟩ = Re dθei2θ p and ⟨y(t)⟩ = 0. Note that, for r = Dθ the above equation
4πDθ (t − τ )
remains well defined when t ≪ Dθ−1 . At short times, i.e.
= cos 2θ0 e−4Dθ (t−τ ) (30) for t ≪ min(r−1 , Dθ−1 )
(θ−θ0 )2
Z − 4D (t−τ
e θ )
and dθ p =1
4πDθ (t − τ ) ⟨x(t)⟩ = v0 t − v0 (r + Dθ )t2 + O(t3 ) (34)
rv02 v02
σx2 (t)pr = 2D∥ + t+ − − rD̄
12Dθ2 2
∆D(r + 4Dθ ) v02
− + 18Dθ2
2 3(3Dθ − r)(4Dθ − r)
49r2 r4 9r3 9r3 2
− 21rDθ + − + − t
FIG. 6. Position resetting: Mean square displacement as a 8 8Dθ2 4Dθ 4
function of time t for Dθ = 1, D∥ = 1, D⊥ = 0.1, v0 = 1, !
θ0 = 0 and different values of resetting rate r. Symbols rep- v02 (r + Dθ )(24Dθ2 − 4rDθ − r2 ) rv02 3
+ − t + O(t4 )
resent the data from simulations. Solid lines are representing 8Dθ (3Dθ − r) 2
expressions from Eq.(35) and (36). (37)
The MSD along x direction can be found as σx2 (t)pr = v02 (r − 4Dθ )
σy2 (t)pr = + 2D⊥
⟨x2 (t)|θ0 = 0⟩r − ⟨x(t)|θ0 = 0⟩2r , here σx2 (t)pr denotes as 4Dθ (r − 3Dθ )(r − 4Dθ )
MSD along x due to position reset at θ0 = 0. v02 (27r2 Dθ − 12rDθ2 − r3 − 48Dθ3 )
12Dθ2 (r − 3Dθ )(r − 4Dθ )
v02 (r2 − 6rDθ + 12Dθ2 ) ∆D(r + 4Dθ )
+ t+ − rD̄
3Dθ (r − 3Dθ )(r − 4Dθ ) 2
v02 2D̄
σx2 (t)pr = + v02 r r2 v02 (r − 6Dθ ) 2v 2 (r2 − 6rDθ + 12Dθ2 )
r(r + Dθ ) r − − 2 − 0
" # 2Dθ 12Dθ (r − 4Dθ ) (r − 4Dθ )(r − 3Dθ )
2 2
v (r − 6Dθ ) v 2 D̄ ∆D !
+ e−rt 0
− 0 − − v02 (r − Dθ )2 (r2 + rDθ − 16Dθ2 ) 2 rv02
6Dθ2 (r − 4Dθ ) rDθ r r − 4Dθ + t − 1
" # 8Dθ2 (r − 3Dθ )(r + Dθ ) 2
−4Dθ t v02 (r2 − 6rDθ + 12Dθ2 ) ∆D !
+e + (35) (r + Dθ )(r − 4Dθ ) 3
12Dθ2 (r − 3Dθ )(r − 4Dθ ) r − 4Dθ + t + O(t4 )
" # 4Dθ (r − 3Dθ )
2 2
v v (r − 4Dθ ) (38)
+ e−(r+Dθ )t 0
− 0
Dθ (r + Dθ ) 4Dθ2 (r − 3Dθ )
At short times, Eqs. (37) and (38) indicate that the sys-
v02 tem exhibits super-diffusive behavior, highlighting the
− (e−Dθ t − e−rt )2
(r − Dθ )2 pronounced anisotropy in the dynamics. Conversely, at
long times t ≫ max(r−1 , Dθ−1 ), both σx2 and σy2 settle
into a stationary state. Interestingly, at this stage, their
Similarly MSD along y axis becomes for θ0 = 0
values become identical.
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
FIG. 7. Position distribution along x of anisotropic ABP un- FIG. 8. Position distribution along y of anisotropic ABP un-
der position resetting rate at t = 100 (stationary state) when der position resetting rate at t = 100 (stationary state) when
Dθ = 0.1, D∥ = 1, D⊥ = 0.1, v0 = 1 and θ0 = 0 for different Dθ = 0.1, D∥ = 1, D⊥ = 0.1, v0 = 1 and θ0 = 0 for different
values of reset rate r as shown in the legends. values of reset rate r as shown in the legends.
C. Orientational Resetting
plays a significant independent role since orientation dy-
namics are not reset. When rotational diffusion constant Let us now study the case of orientational resetting,
is very very small then the relaxation time scale depends when θ undergoes reset to θ = 0 with rate r, while x and y
on the term 4Dθ . This adds a separate time scale to diffuse usually. In this scenario, the position distribution
the competition. In the position-and-orientation reset, does not directly adhere to any renewal equation, whereas
the dynamics of orientation are directly tied to the reset the θ distribution does. We follow the general discussion
rate r, reducing the competition to only two combined of the renewal equation approach
rates. For position-only reset, when Dθ is very small, the
relaxation time scale depends on 4Dθ . For position-and- Z t
orientation reset, when Dθ is very small, the relaxation
Pr (x, y, θ, t|0, 0, θ0 ) = e−rt P0 (x, y, θ, t|0, 0, θ0 ) + r dτ e−rτ
time scale depends on the reset rate r, as orientation is 0
reset along with position. ′ ′
dx dy dθ Pr (x , y , θ , t − τ |0, 0, θ0 )P0 (x, y, θ, τ |x′ , y ′ , θ0 )
′ ′ ′ ′
Figs.(7) and (8) present the simulation results for the (40)
position distribution in the long-time stationary state for
both the x and y components. As observed in the previ- We examine the third resetting protocol, in which the
ous section, the x and y position probability distributions orientation θ resets to θ = 0 at a rate r, while the po-
are distinct under position-orientation resetting. How- sition remains unchanged. Let P (θ, t|θ′ , t′ ) represent the
ever, in the case where only position resetting is imple- probability that the orientation is θ at time t, given it
mented, the probability distributions become identical was θ′ at an earlier time t′ . This conditional probability
in both the x and y directions. When position resetting P (θ, t|θ′ , t′ ) adheres to a renewal equation:
occurs, the particle’s position is reset independent of its ′
P (θ, t|θ′ , t′ ) = e−r(t−t ) P0 (θ, t|θ′ , t′ )
orientation or velocity direction. The subsequent motion,
Z t−t′ (41)
influenced by the anisotropy, may lead to an anisotropic
+r dτ e−rτ P0 (θ, τ |0, 0)
trajectory, but the distribution of positions after the re- 0
set is governed by the reset distribution itself, which is
usually symmetric in both the x and y directions. Even where P0 (θ, t|θ′ , t′ ) denotes the propagator for the stan-
if the particle is biased in a particular direction by its dard Brownian motion.
self-propulsion, the reset process essentially "erases" the The final form of the second moment of x can be found
effect of previous motion, resetting the position in a sym- using Eqs.(C7),(C9), and (C13) (detailed calculations are
metric manner. done in Appendix(C))
r∆D cos 2θ0
⟨x2 (t)|θ0 ⟩or = 2D̄ + t
r + 4Dθ
4Dθ ∆D cos 2θ0 −(r+4Dθ )t v02
+ (1 − e ) + r2 t2
(r + 4Dθ )2 (r + Dθ )2
2Dθ t(2Dθ2 + 9rDθ + r2 ) 4v 2 e−(r+4Dθ )t
+ + 0
(r + Dθ )(r + 4Dθ ) 3(r + 4Dθ )2
The MSD σx2 (t)or = ⟨x2 (t)|θ0 ⟩or − ⟨x(t)|θ0 ⟩2or is then FIG. 10. Orientation resetting: Mean square displacement
along y as a function of time t for Dθ = 0.1, D∥ = 1,
given by using Eqs.(43) and (C6)
D⊥ = 0.1, v0 = 1, θ0 = 0 and varying reset rate r. Symbols
represent the data from simulations. Solid lines are represent-
" ing expression from Eq.(45).
σx2 (t)or = 2D̄ + t
r + 4Dθ
# " Similarly, we can calculated ⟨y 2 (t)|θ0 = 0⟩or as written,
4Dθ ∆D −(r+4Dθ )t v02
+ (1 − e ) + r 2 t2 " ! #
(r + 4Dθ )2 (r + Dθ )2 2 r∆D 4Dθ ∆D −(r+4Dθ )t
σy (t)or = 2D̄ − t− 1−e
# r + 4Dθ (r + 4Dθ )2
2Dθ t(2Dθ2 + 9rDθ + r2 ) 4v 2 e−(r+4Dθ )t
+ + 0 4v02 Dθ t 4v02 Dθ (2r + 5Dθ )
(r + Dθ )(r + 4Dθ ) 3(r + 4Dθ )2 + −
(44) (r + 4Dθ )(r + Dθ ) (r + 4Dθ )2 (r + Dθ )2
6v 2 D2 (2Dθ2 + 16rDθ + 5r2 )
− 0 θ
" #
(r + Dθ )4 (r + 4Dθ )2 4v02 e−(r+Dθ )t e−(r+4Dθ )t
+ −
! 3 (r + Dθ )2 (r + 4Dθ )2
2v 2 e−(r+Dθ )t 4Dθ3 + 33rDθ2 − 2r3
+ 0 rD θ t + (45)
(r + Dθ )3 3(r + Dθ )(r + 4Dθ )
" #2 Fig. (9) and (10) present the simulation results of the
v02 Dθ
− rt + (1 − e−(r+Dθ )t ) mean-square displacement (MSD) along the x and y-axes
(r + Dθ )2 r + Dθ
respectively as a function of time t. These results align
well with the analytical expressions derived in Eq.(44)
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Although we obtain exact formulas for the lower-order moments, we are also interested in gaining a deeper un-
derstanding of the overall form of the non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) under resetting. For this, we adopt a
simplified perturbative method. First, we compute the propagator without considering resetting, and then we apply
the renewal framework to incorporate resetting and determine the steady state.
Without resetting, the dynamics of the system are governed by the Smoluchowski-Perrin equation, which provides
a framework for describing the motion of anisotropic particles in a diffusive medium.
∂t P0 (x, t|x0 ) = Dθ ∂θ2 P0 (x, t|x0 ) + ∇.[D.∇]P0 (x, t|x0 ) − vn̂.∇P0 (x, t|x0 ) (A1)
where D is the diffusion tensor, Dij = kB T Γij = D∥ ni nj + D⊥ (δij − ni nj ), with n̂ = (cos θ, sin θ), the unit vector
pointing along the particle’s major axis, v is the propulsion velocity of the anisotropic particle along its major axis.
Taking a Fourier transform,
P̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) ≡ dxe−ik.x P0 (x, θ, t|θ0 ) (A2)
∂t P̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) = Dθ ∂θ2 P̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) + k[D.k]P̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) − ivk cos θP̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) (A3)
To simplify the analysis, we focus on the steady-state behavior in the x-direction. Accordingly, we consider a wave
vector k = kex with ex the unit vector in the x-direction. Under these conditions, the marginal distribution in the
xx-direction satisfies:
" #
∂t P̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) = Dθ ∂θ2 − k 2 D̄ + cos 2θ P̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) − ivk cos θP̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) (A4)
A straightforward interpretation of this equation is that the diffusivity experienced by the particle in the x-direction,
given by D̄ + ∆D 2 cos 2θ , varies depending on the particle’s orientation. To derive an analytical solution that sheds
light on the steady-state shape under resetting, we adopt a perturbative approach. Specifically, we expand the solution
in powers of the dimensionless asymmetry parameter ϵ ≡ ∆D D̄
. The marginal Smoluchowski-Perrin equation can then
be expressed as:
cos 2θ
∂t P̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) = Dθ ∂θ2 P̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) − k 2 D̄P̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) − ϵk 2 D̄ P̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) − ivk cos θP̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) (A5)
We expand the solution in powers of the asymmetry as
P̂0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) = pn (k, θ, t|θ0 )ϵn (A6)
The function pn (k, θ, t|θ0 ) represents the coefficient of the n-th term in the power series expansion. Substituting
this ansatz into the Smoluchowski-Perrin equation results in a set of coupled equations that govern these coefficients.
These equations are derived by equating terms with the same powers of the asymmetry parameter ϵ, leading to a
hierarchy of equations that must be solved sequentially to determine the behavior of the system under the perturbative
∂t p0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) = Dθ ∂θ2 p0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) − k 2 D̄p0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) − ivk cos θp0 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) (A7)
k 2 D̄ cos 2θ
∂t pn (k, θ, t|θ0 ) = Dθ ∂θ2 pn (k, θ, t|θ0 ) − k 2 D̄pn (k, θ, t|θ0 ) − pn−1 (k, θ, t|θ0 ) − ivk cos θpn (k, θ, t|θ0 ) (A8)
First, it is important to observe that p0 (k, θ, t) corresponds to the solution characteristic of a symmetric colloid.
Since the focus lies on determining the spatial steady-state distribution to first order in the perturbative expansion, we
integrate over the angular degree of freedom for n = 0 and n = 1. This integration results in expressions that describe
the marginal steady-state distributions, incorporating the leading-order effects of anisotropy in the system. The
integration effectively reduces the problem to a spatial one while capturing the perturbative corrections introduced
by the asymmetry parameter.
∂t p0 (k, t|θ0 ) = −k 2 D̄p0 (k, t|θ0 ) − ivk cos θ0 e−Dθ t p0 (k, t|θ0 ) (A9)
k 2 D̄
∂t p1 (k, t|θ0 ) = −k 2 D̄p1 (k, t|θ0 ) − cos 2θ0 e−4Dθ t p0 (k, t|θ0 ) − ivk cos θ0 e−Dθ t p1 (k, t|θ0 ) (A10)
Here the zeroth order solution can be written as
If we take an approximation that the propulsion velocity v is very small and in long time e−Dθ t term also goes to
very smaller, so we can expand the exponential term upto first order and we get,
−k2 D̄t −
ivk cos θ0 ivk cos θ0 −Dθ t
p0 (k, t) ≈ e e Dθ
1+ e (A12)
Performing a Laplace transform of the above equation followed by a Fourier inverse transform, we obtain
k 2 D̄ 2 −
ivk cos θ0 ivk cos θ0 −Dθ t
∂t p1 (k, t|θ0 ) = −k D̄p1 (k, t|θ0 )− cos 2θ0 e−(4Dθ +k D̄)t e Dθ
1+ e −ivk cos θ0 e−Dθ t p1 (k, t|θ0 )
2 Dθ
Performing a Laplace transform results in
ivk cos θ0
k 2 D̄ cos 2θ0 e Dθ Dθ s + k 2 D̄ + 5Dθ + ivk cos θ0 s + k 2 D̄ + 4Dθ )
p̂˜1 (k, s) = − (A15)
2Dθ 2
s + k D̄ + 4Dθ s + k D̄ + 5Dθ s + k D̄ + s + Dθ ivk cos θ0
By inverting the Fourier transform, we ultimately derive the first-order correction to the propagator as
q q
s+4Dθ v cos θ s+4Dθ v cos θ
(x− D 0 ) (x− D 0 )
" #
cos 2θ0 e D̄ θ e D̄ θ v cos θ0 cos 2θ0 (s + 5Dθ )
p̃1 (x, s|θ0 ) = q − q +
4 4Dθ s+4D D̄
− v cos θ0 (s + Dθ ) 4Dθ s+4D D̄
+ v cos θ0 (s + Dθ ) 4Dθ
θ θ
q q
s+5Dθ v cos θ s+5Dθ v cos θ
(x− D 0 ) (x− D 0 )
" #
e D̄ θ e D̄ θ
p + p
5Dθ D̄ − v cos θ0 (s + Dθ ) D̄(s + Dθ ) 5Dθ D̄ + v cos θ0 (s + Dθ ) D̄(s + Dθ )
− 1 −α(s,v,Dθ )+√α2 (s,v,Dθ )+4sD̄ (x− v cos θ0 )
" 2 p
2 2 D̄ Dθ
cos 2θ0 α (s, v, Dθ ) + 2sD̄ − α(s, v, Dθ ) α (s, v, Dθ ) + 4sD̄ e
+ h i
p p
α2 (s, v, Dθ ) + 4sD̄ 8Dθ D̄ − α(s, v, Dθ )(α(s, v, Dθ ) − α2 (s, v, Dθ ) + 4sD̄)
1 α(s,v,Dθ )+√α2 (s,v,Dθ )+4sD̄ (x− v cos θ0 ) #
p Dθ
α2 (s, v, Dθ ) + 2sD̄ + α(s, v, Dθ ) α2 (s, v, Dθ ) + 4sD̄ e 2D̄
− p h p i
α2 (s, v, Dθ ) + 4sD̄ 8Dθ D̄ − α(s, v, Dθ )(α(s, v, Dθ ) + α2 (s, v, Dθ ) + 4sD̄)
1 α(s,v,Dθ )+√α2 (s,v,Dθ )+4sD̄ (x− v cos θ0 )
" 3 √ Dθ
2 2 2 3/2 2 D̄
v cos θ0 cos 2θ0 4α + 3α α + 4sD̄ + 12αsD̄ + (α + 4sD̄) e
+ √ √
8Dθ D̄ α2 + 4sD̄ 10Dθ D̄ − α(α + α2 + 4sD̄)
− 1 −α(s,v,Dθ )+√α2 (s,v,Dθ )+4sD̄ (x− v cos θ0 ) #
√ Dθ
4α3 − 3α2 α2 + 4sD̄ + 12αsD̄ − (α2 + 4sD̄)3/2 e 2D̄
− √ √
α2 + 4sD̄ 10Dθ D̄ − α(α − α2 + 4sD̄)
The spatial probability distribution up to the first order correction without resetting is the combination of both
p̃0 (x, s) and p̃1 (x, s)
P̃0 (x, s|θ0 ) = p̃0 (x, s|θ0 ) + ϵp̃1 (x, s|θ0 ) (A17)
The term P̃0 (x, s|θ0 ) represents a normalized probability distribution. We can now readily obtain the steady state
distribution under the effect of resetting by using the renewal equation Eq.(13)
Z ∞
Pr (x|0, θ0 ) = r dτ e−rτ P0 (x, τ |0, θ0 ) = rP̃0 (x, r|0, θ0 ) (A18)
Substituting the value of P̃0 (x, s) from Eq.(A17) in the Eq.(A18) and replacing s as r, we get
v cos θ
β(r+4Dθ )(x− D 0 )
β(r) −β(r)|(x− v cos θ0
)| v cos θ0 −β(r+Dθ )|(x− v cos θ0
)| ϵ cos 2θ0 re θ
P̃r (x|θ0 ) = e Dθ
− e Dθ
+ q
2 2Dθ D̄ 4 4Dθ r+4D D̄
− v cos θ0 (r + Dθ )
v cos θ0 # " v cos θ0
−β(r+4Dθ )(x− D ) β(r+5Dθ )(x− D )
re θ ϵv cos θ0 cos 2θ0 (r + 5Dθ ) re θ
− q + p
4D D̄
+ v cos θ (r + D ) 4Dθ 5Dθ D̄ − v cos θ0 (r + Dθ ) D̄(r + Dθ )
θ r+4Dθ 0 0 θ
v cos θ
−β(r+5Dθ )(x− D 0
re θ
+ p
5Dθ D̄ + v cos θ0 (r + Dθ ) D̄(r + Dθ )
− 1 −α(r,v,Dθ )+√α2 (r,v,Dθ )+4rD̄ (x− v cos θ0 )
" 2
2 2D̄ Dθ
ϵr cos 2θ0 α (r, v, Dθ ) + 2rD̄ − α(r, v, Dθ ) α (r, v, Dθ ) + 4rD̄ e
+ h i
p p
α2 (r, v, Dθ ) + 4rD̄ 8Dθ D̄ − α(r, v, Dθ )(α(r, v, Dθ ) − α2 (r, v, Dθ ) + 4rD̄)
1 α(r,v,Dθ )+√α2 (r,v,Dθ )+4rD̄ (x− v cos θ0 ) #
p Dθ
α2 (r, v, Dθ ) + 2rD̄ + α(r, v, Dθ ) α2 (r, v, Dθ ) + 4rD̄ e 2D̄
− p h p i
α2 (r, v, Dθ ) + 4rD̄ 8Dθ D̄ − α(r, v, Dθ )(α(r, v, Dθ ) + α2 (r, v, Dθ ) + 4rD̄)
There are several noteworthy aspects to consider in the case of an anisotropic active Brownian particle (ABP). The
steady-state probability distribution at zeroth order is defined by a characteristic length scale, represented by β(r),
and the particle’s activity introduces an additional length scale, β(r + Dθ ), which is influenced by the resetting rate.
The distribution exhibits a peak at x = 0 as a result of the restrictive influence exerted by resetting at the origin.
This peak value rises with an increase in the resetting rate r, as anticipated.
When the anisotropy of the particle is considered, the solution becomes dependent on the changes in length scales
and is influenced by the propulsion velocity, reset rate, rotational diffusivity and the initial orientation angle θ0 ,
introduced by the anisotropy of the particle. Interestingly, the rotational dynamics influence the spatial steady-state
distribution through the coupling between translational and rotational degrees of freedom, an effect that endures even
in the long-time regime.
Taking the statistical average over all possible trajectories of θ, we obtain the following expression
Z t D E
⟨x(t)⟩ = dt′ v0 cos θ(t′ )
Z t D E (C2)
⟨y(t)⟩ = dt′ v0 sin θ(t′ )
Let P(θ, t|θ , t ) represent the probability that the orientation takes the value θ at time t given that it was θ′ at an
′ ′
earlier time t′ . The evolution of this probability distribution satisfies a renewal equation, which captures the dynamics
of the system in the presence of resetting events.
Z (t−t′ )
′ ′ −r(t−t′ ) ′ ′
P(θ, t|θ , t ) = e P0 (θ, t|θ , t ) + r dτ e−rτ P0 (θ, τ |0, 0) (C3)
where P0 (θ, t|θ′ , t′ ) denotes the propagator for the standard Brownian motion, given as
" #
′ ′ 1 (θ − θ′ )2
P0 (θ, t|θ , t ) = p exp − (C4)
4πDθ (t − t′ ) 4Dθ (t − t′ )
The averages appearing on the right-hand side of the Eq.(C2) can be computed using the renewal equation Eq.(C3)
for P(θ, t). We get,
Z +∞
Dθ r
⟨cos θ(τ )⟩ = dθ cos θP(θ, τ ) = e−(r+Dθ )τ + (C5)
−∞ r + Dθ r + Dθ
and ⟨sin θ(s)⟩ = 0. Using the above expression in Eq.(C2) we can calculate the exact expression for the mean of x
position as,
" #
v0 Dθ
⟨x(t)|θ0 ⟩ = rt + 1 − e−(r+Dθ )t (C6)
r + Dθ r + Dθ
And ⟨y(t)⟩ = 0
Z t D Z t E Z t Z t D E
⟨x2 (t)|θ0 ⟩or = v02 dτ ′ cos θ(τ ) cos θ(τ ′ ) +
dτ dτ dτ ′ η(τ )η(τ ′ )
0 0 0 0
Z t Z t D E Z t Z t D E (C7)
⟨y (t)|θ0 ⟩or = v02 dτ dτ ′ sin θ(τ ) sin θ(τ ′ ) + dτ dτ ′ η(τ )η(τ ′ )
0 0 0 0
To compute the position moments, it is essential to first evaluate the two-time auto-correlations in the governing
equations. Beginning with the two-time correlation of cos θ; for τ > τ ′ we get,
C(τ, τ ′ ) ≡ cos θ(τ ) cos θ(τ ′ )
Z (C8)
= dθdθ′ cos θ cos θ′ P(θ, τ |θ′ , τ ′ )P(θ, τ ′ |0, 0)
where the propagator P(θ, τ |θ′ , τ ′ ) satisfies the renewal Eq.(C3). Using Eq.(C3) in the above equation and performing
the integrals, we get, for τ > τ ′ ,
To calculate the second term containing ⟨η(τ )η(τ ′ )⟩ in RHS of Eq.(C7), we approach as
" #
Z t Z t Z t Z t
′ ′ ∆Γ
dτ dτ ⟨η(τ )η(τ )⟩ = 2kB T dτ dτ Γ̄ + ⟨cos 2θ(τ ′ )|θ0 ⟩or (C10)
0 0 0 0 2
To determine ⟨cos θ(τ ′ )|θ0 ⟩or under resetting conditions, we apply the renewal equation specifically for θ, which
simplifies to the following form:
Z t
Pr (θ, t|θ0 ) = e P0 (θ, t|θ0 ) + r dτ e−rτ P0 (θ, τ |θ0 ) (C11)
Similarly, the second moment of the y-component is calculated using the renewal framework and incorporating the
effects of resetting and anisotropy
" ! #
2 r∆D 4Dθ ∆D −(r+4Dθ )t
4v02 Dθ t 4v02 Dθ (2r + 5Dθ )
⟨y (t)|θ0 ⟩or = 2 D̄ − t− 2
1−e + −
r + 4Dθ (r + 4Dθ ) (r + 4Dθ )(r + Dθ ) (r + 4Dθ )2 (r + Dθ )2
4v02 e−(r+Dθ )t e−(r+4Dθ )t
+ −
3 (r + Dθ )2 (r + 4Dθ )2