dino SpinAYarnStudio - Jillian Hewitt - Brachioaurus
dino SpinAYarnStudio - Jillian Hewitt - Brachioaurus
dino SpinAYarnStudio - Jillian Hewitt - Brachioaurus
Terms and :
Ch – Chain
MR – Magic Ring
Sc – Single Crochet
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Place a stitch marker in the last st of row 10. Tie off and set aside for later.
With Blue yarn and 3.25mm hook. Ch 1 and turn at the end of each row.
In the next row you will only be crocheting part way across the row before stopping and tying
Tie off.
Now we will add the tip on the tail. Position the piece so that the starting yarn tail is on the left.
Join your yarn in the right most st and continue to row 5.
Join yarn here to crochet tip
Finished tail
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Row 5: Sc 3 (3 sts)
Row 7: Sc 3 (3 sts)
Position all four legs next to each other so that the beginning yarn tail for each one is on the left.
Position the tail (again with the starting yarn tail on the left) to the right of all four legs, as seen
below. In the first row of the body, we will be crocheting across all five pieces.
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Row 1: Dec, sc 6 along tail, sc 3 across first leg, inc in last st of leg, join next leg, inc in first st, sc
3, ch 6, join third leg, sc 3, inc in last st of leg, join last leg, inc in first st, sc 1, inc in last 2 sts (35
sts including chs)
Row 2: Inc twice, sc 10, sc 6 across chains, sc 15, dec (36 sts)
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Now we will start the neck. You will only be crocheting part way across the row before chaining
and turning.
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Tie off.
Position your piece so that the tail is on the right and the neck is on the left. Take the head piece
that you set aside earlier and position it to the right of the neck (with the stitch marker also on
the right). In the next row, we will attach the head and neck together. Join your yarn in the
stitch with the stitch marker.
After Row 1
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Tie off.
Now we will reattach the yarn to finish the back. Position your panel so that the head/neck is on
the left and the tail is on the right. Join your yarn in the right-most stitch of the back.
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Tie off.
Repeat all of the above for the back panel, but make sure any yarn ends on the back panel are
facing the opposite side than they were for the first panel. This ensures all the yarn tails are
facing the inside when we match up the panels later (so, the “right side” of the front panel
becomes the “wrong side” for the back panel and vice versa).
I made three spots; one large and two small.
Large Spot:
Worked in continuous rounds. With 3.25mm hook and green yarn, you will be working around
a base chain to make an oval.
Rnd 1: Ch 4, sc 2, 5 sc in last ch, working on opposite side of chain, sc 1, 2 sc in last ch (10 sts)
Small spots:
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Step 1: Face and Spots
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First thing’s first! We need to attach the face and spots to the front panel.
Insert 10mm eyes (make sure they are on the same row. Since the head is on a bit of an angle,
you may be tempted to position the eyes so that are horizontal with one another but you should
line the eyes up on the same row.)
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Place the two panels together, matching up all sides. Make sure the front is facing you as you
crochet around.
Starting on the top on the left side (see photo above), begin attaching the panels
together by chaining one and single crocheting around the outside of the panels in blue.
When crocheting around, try to crochet with a looser tension than usual. If this is tricky for you,
try sizing up to a 3.5mm or 3.75mm hook. Crocheting loosely, especially around the curved
areas, helps keep all the edges curved.
Crochet down the neck and up and around each leg. [Sc, ch 1, sc] in the corner of each leg to
make them square.
Stop once you reach the top of the tail. Stuff the legs.
From here on out, you will stop to top up stuffing after every 5 stitches. Trust me on
this; Brian’s shape is a bit unique so if you crochet too many stitches at once, you will have a
really tough time reaching certain spots, like the tail and the top of his back.
So, crochet 5 stitches, stuff the tail, crochet 5 more, stuff the tail some more, crochet 5 more,
begin stuffing the body, and so on. Continue doing this all the way up the back, down the other
side, and up the neck. Make sure you stuff the neck firmly.
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Close with a slst to first st. Tie off. With your tapestry needle, poke the yarn tail back inside the
You’re done!