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I, the undersigned, certify that I have read the Project entitled: “Design of

tier changer” in Federal technology institute and hereby recommend for

acceptance by the automotive technology Department in the partial

fulfillment for the Award of requirements for B.Sc. Degree in automotive


Dr. /Mr. Dr. / Mr.

(Advisor) (Co-Advisor)

Date Date

This project entitled “Design of tire changer” has been approved by the
following Examiners and Department Head, for the award of B.Sc. degree in
automotive technology at automotive technology institute, Federal technical
university, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Date of defense: ………………E.C...................G.C.

Members of the examining board:

1. Mr./Dr... …………….

Examiner Signature Date

2. Mr./ Dr. …………….

Examiner Signature Date

3. Mr.

Head of the Department Signature Date


The first to be acknowledged on this paper is the Almighty God for making us to be here and
helped us in any matter.

Then we would like to give our sincere gratitude to our project advisor Ato. -------------- (Msc).
For giving us comments, ideas and unlimited knowledge related with our title on different parts
of the project.

Our gratitude also goes to our department head Ato. ---------------------- and all the department
staffs for their kindness and supports though out all semesters.

We have also a great pleasure in expressing our special thanks to our university to give this

We are also deeply indebted to our parents as well as our friends for their inspiration and ever
encouraging moral support, which enabled us to complete our studies.

Lastly we would like to express gratitude to anyone who has contribution in many ways for
Successful completion of this project.

I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in to dissertation

titled “Design of tire changer.” is partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the award of the Bachelor of Science Automotive technology. The work has
been carried out at Institute of Technology, federal technical university of
automotive technology; Addis Ababa Ethiopia is an authentic record of my
work carried out under the guidance of Ato. ---------------. (Msc) in
Automotive Technology Department, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The matter embodied in the Project presentation has not been submitted by
me or anyone else for the award of any other degree or diploma.
S. No. Name ID NO Students Signature
This is to certify that the above statement made by candidate is correct to
the best of my knowledge. The presentation is the candidate’s own project
work and embodies the finding made by the candidate himself under
my/our supervision.

Advisor HOD
……………………… ………………………..
Lecturer, Automotive Technology Lecturer, Automotive
Technical and vocational training

In present situation in case of tire worn-out or air leakage in heavy and light vehicles,
conventional way of mounting and dismounting of tire from the rim plays a great role. By using
conventional method which involves hammers and rods for removing the tire from heavy wheels
leads to the chances of tire wear, and also it could lead to serious injuries on the person. The
conventional method used to remove the tire consumes a lot of efforts, time and wasting of
different equipment’s. The conventional method uses only one source of energy which is
mechanical. In the present context of market situation, there is always a need for better design of
the equipment with the maximum reduction in cost and time. In addition to this, the human
comfort which enables a person to operate it with ease and least consumption of human effort.
The tire changer equipment is used by vulcanizing shops, retailers of tires, tire retreading works
and servicing stations for easy and safe tire demounting and mounting operation from and/or on
to the wheel disc/rim. There are various types of tire changer equipment used all over the world,
which are varies from the manually operated models to the sophisticated automatic models, and
also cost of which ranging from lower to higher with respect to their complexity. The main
objective of this paper is to design of tire and rim inserter and separator machine which is
operated electrically, mechanically, pneumatically and less human effort. The tire changer design
which is focused in this paper, does not require extra manpower and a single person can do the
entire job in a short period of time.

Key words: tire changer, tire removing method, tire press, human effort
1. Introduction

1.1 Back ground

A tyre changer is a machine used to help tire technicians dismount and mount tyre with
automobile wheels. After the wheel and tyre assembly are removed from the automobile, the tire
changer has all the components necessary to remove and replace the tyre from the wheel.
Different tyre changers allow technicians to replace tyre on automobiles, motorcycles and heavy-
duty trucks. New tyre and wheel technology has improved certain tyre changers to be able to
change a low profile tire or a run-flat tyre [3].

A tyre is a ring-shaped vehicle component that covers the wheel's rim to protect it and enable
better vehicle performance. Most tyres, such as those for automobiles and bicycles, provide
traction between the vehicle and the road while providing a flexible cushion that absorbs shock.

The materials of modern pneumatic tyres are synthetic rubber, natural rubber, fabric and wire,
along with carbon black and other chemical compounds. They consist of a tread and a body. The
tread provides traction while the body provides containment for a quantity of compressed air.
Today, the majority of tyres are pneumatic inflatable structures, comprising a doughnut-shaped
body of cords and wires encased in rubber and generally filled with compressed air to form an
inflatable cushion. Pneumatic tires are used on many types of vehicles, including cars, bicycles,
motorcycles, buses, trucks, heavy equipment, and aircraft. Metal tires are still used on
locomotives and railcars, and solid rubber (or other polymer) tires are still used in various non-
automotive applications, such as some casters, carts, lawnmowers, and wheelbarrows as shown
in figure 1.1 [10].

Therefore this tires are used for certain period of time and they need to be maintained. Tire
maintenance is occupied in several methods based on the tire failure such as: changing tread,
removing leakage, changing inner tube and changing wheel (rim). This kinds of works are done,
but to do this work there are two primary tasks to be done and this will be separating tire and rim
and reinserting the tire into the rim. This tasks are done by tire changing machine. Tire changing
machine can be either manually or automatically operated. Manual tire changers are good and
considerable for automobiles, since there tire
is small in size, the labor effort required is affordable but for higher truck, buses and heavy duty
trucks the tire is larger in size and the labor effort required is relatively higher and very difficult
task. Therefore automatic tire changing machines are used, to gain power from several system
components such as: hydraulic system, pneumatic system, lever system, electrical motors and
several accessories.

Figure 1.1 different type of tyers [10]

1.2. Statement of problem

Most of time maintenance machines are required for different purpose and this machines
commonly either manual or automatic. But now a days, machines become highly complex in
design and highly costly due to the system that the machine works. According to the capacity of
company and the type of machine required, the company will choose the machine which is list in
cost, requires less labor effort, less power consumption, and easy to operate and other
characteristics of the machine.

In this paper “tire changing machine” there are a lot of tyre changing machine available in
different western countries. This machine are imported and transaction is done in foreign
currency ($).

Manually operated tyre changing machine has relatively good cost as compared to automatically
operated or modern machines. These automatic machines are operated by using several system
components like: electrical motor, hydraulic and pneumatic system, and several mechanisms and
highly coasted material selection. This is our basic problem statement to design a tyre changing
machine that minimizes the cost spent importing this machines.

This project is simple, easy to operate and relatively cheap material and reduce labor effect as the
same as a machines that are imported from foreign countries. This problem is obtained when we
were in internship at Anbessa city bus enterprise in tyre retreading and maintaining plant.

During our internship at Anbessa city bus service enterprise, we have seen the maintenance
departments. In this department, there are major tasks done. From this tasks repairing the bus
tires fundamental. Here the repairing tires are DAF and Bishoftu bus. As we observed, the
maintenance of tyre before repair from the bus is somewhat easy. But there is a difficulty of
extract and insert the tyre from rim due to the absence of tyre inserter and extractor machine. The
organization use old fashioned method that removing tyre from rim and reinstalling on to rim
and it is also time-consuming and expensive job. So we are interested to design a pneumatic tyre
inserter and extractor machine for the tyre to reduce
Labor cost, to reduce repair time and to reduce physical load required. Our design enables the
workers to handle this job easily and quickly without consuming high effort.

1.3. Objective

1.3.1. General objective

The general objective of this project is to Design a machine which is used for the purpose of tyer
inserter and extractor.

1.3.2 Specific objective

To design tire changer machine which saves time, cost and operated by without need of
extra human effort.
To design safe tire and rim inserter and extractor in terms of prevention of damage/injury
to the material and the worker.

1.4. Benefits and beneficiaries

1.4.1. Benefits

The tyer changer machine design made by appreciable idea and with main reasons to overcome
the project. Depending on the previous design we aim to modify the machine with many benefits
in our country context.

Easily use the machine Ergonomically fit to workers Save time for operation
Reduce extra cost of labor and equipment’s

1.4.2. Beneficiaries

From this tyer changer machine project there are many beneficiaries directly or indirectly. We
are the first beneficiaries from this project because we get a great satisfactory for doing the
project perfectly and acceptable.

The workshops are greatly beneficiaries from this project their work became easily done with in
less manpower. This makes the workshop high productivity and profitable.
The other beneficial will be the manufacture company by gaining a new type or modified tier
inserter and extractor to manufacture and it will open a great job opportunity for the employers.
Generally this project the following are some of the beneficiaries.

Students or researchers

1.5. Scope

As the name indicates tire changing machine is used according to the size and types of tyre.

This project has a great significant in ACBSE work shop maintenance department. We observe
the problems in workshop maintenance department such as ACBSE, and other related companies
during our internship time.

When we work in the workshop during our internship time, we gather information about the
main problem on removing and installing tire from rim and also we collect some information by
interview the workshop technicians and workshop assistants.

This project is concentrated on the removing tyre from rim and reinstalling tyre in on to rim. This
is used on the ACBSE work shop in our country at this time. That means our project focuses on
the whole buses that maintain in this company.
2. Literature review

Demounting and mounting procedure for tube type truck and bus tyres manual in this manual
information about the use of proper tools to demount or mount tires and rims and use of lubricant
on the beads and rim surfaces to make tire demounting and mounting easier is mentioned . Tom
duke contributing editor tire mounting and demounting manual in this manual mentioned that
there are two basic types of tire changers: the table top or rim clamp style, and the center post
style [2]. Atlas tc-733 automatic car tire changer maintenance manual technical specifications of
tc-733 also assembly of different parts and operation of machine has been discussed. They have
also discussed procedure of removing the tire from the wheels with safety instructions Pornima
T. Godbole et.al reviewed “machines for tyre removing and fitting on rim of wheel” (fig 2.1) [2].

Figure 2.1 manual tier changer [10]

Tyre changer machine commonly in our country is not available due to several reasons which
can be associated with financial capacity, availability, and other problems. But there are
commercially various types of tyre changing machines including manual operating, semi-
automatic (fig 2.2), highly complex and robotics tyre changing machines [10]. Manually
operating tyre changing machines are widely used now days this are better than old fashion tyre
changing method. Its models and designs are various according to tyre size. Commonly available
commercially in market, now days will be imported or build homemade, this are some of manual
tyre changing machines with respect to their cost:
Figure 2.2 semi-automatic tier changer [10]

This is some of manual tire changer machines but this machine still needs human labor and
requires good and power full person or physically fitted, to generate such amount of force. There
for there will be progress in design of the machines, that will operates in automatic by using
several systems like pneumatic system, hydraulic system and electrical system that are operated
by using different actuating mechanisms, Such as solenoid and mechanical actuators [10].

Figure 2.3 automatic tier changer [10]

Now let us overview automatic and complex robotic tire changing machines according to their
system, cost, scope and other parameters (fig 2.3). There are a lot of manufacturers of tire
changing machines.
Selection and identification of the value chain / size of consumers of the sub-sector

1.11.1 Selection of value chain

Value chain selection is the process of prioritizing sectors, industries or value chains based on
criteria including their potential for growth and competitiveness, impact, and contribution to
other development objectives such as MSEs development, Youth, women’s empowerment, food
security or natural resource management. Therefore, the value chain selection includes the
following criteria but not limited.

women size of
impowe sub
rment sector

ation emplo
importa yment

potential value
impact chain GDP
in selection share

product share
diversfic of
ation export

factor growth
condit potentia
ion Market l

Fig selection criteria chart

Table selection criteria table

Sources of
Key Guiding questions Suggested indicators data

1. What are the prospects • Volume and value • National

for market growth? of (local and statis- tics
2. Is there (seasonally) export) market • OECD,
unmet market demand? demand in the last ITC and
Are traders/customers 5 years. CBI
willing to buy more of • Volume of unmet database
Market the product/ service? market demand • Existing
demand 3. Is there scope for import • Price of products market
prospects substitution? (and variations surveys and
(local and/or during the year) value chain
export) • Volume of analysis
production and reports
• Share (%) of the
value chain/sector
in Gross Domestic
Production (GDP)
and export value
4. How many persons • Number of persons • National
(male/female) are (M/F) (self) Labour
currently (self) employed employed in the Statistics
in the value chain (sector)? value chain (sector) • Business
(estimation) and trends. associa-

5. Has the (self) • Labor intensity: tions and

employment in the sector number of persons unions
Opportuniti in last 5 years increased, employed in annual
es for de- creased or remained various VC stages reports and
the same? And what are • Number and size websites
drivers/ causes? (workers) of SMEs
6. Which are the growth in the value chain,
prospects and both formal and
opportunities for informal
employment creation? • Available labor
force (size, skills
and education)
7. What are the production • Cost of • Business
costs/unit, relative to the production/unit associations
benchmark? Can the • Prices of products of specific
product be supplied to • Quality of products sector
the buyer/ consumer at • Certification • Reports/
attractive prices? /labelling analyses of
8. What are the other • Proximity to market global or
comparative (dis) • Costs and regional
advantages of the possibilities for sector/
product/VC in national packaging commodity
Comparativ No and type of key
and export markets? E.g. • organization
e com- peting
product differentiation, s
product quality, standards/ products
labelling, image, • Prices and quality
proximity to markets, of (imported) key
Level of
other. products
9. Which competing • Labor costs
s (in
comparison to imported products are (compared to
competing found in the markets, for surrounding
producers) which price, which producing areas)
quality? • Presence of key
Can local products inputs, resources
substitute imports? and skills
10. Are infrastructure,
qualified labour force,
raw materials, and inputs
sufficiently available at
comparative price and
11. Do enterprises in the
sector have the
management and technical
capacity for upgrading
and innovation?
1. Which environmental • Use (and origin) • Hot spot
issues do play a role in of raw materials analysis
the VC and how? • Energy (non- • Reports/
2. Which (natural) raw renewable) research
materials are used in the consumption from other
VC? levels organization
3. Which type and level of • Level of soil or soil s in the VC;
energy is consumed? fertility loss • Own
Impact of the Does the VC have impact assessment /
4. • Water
value chain on land and its future

consumption and/ research of

functions on the production potential? If VC &
or pollution
environment so, what impact? context
• air pollution level
5. Which impact has the • GHG emissions level
VC on water resources • Waste produced
(consumption, pollution, • Carbon footprint
quantity/quality)? • (Key) impact on
6. Does the VC cause biodiversity
(low/high levels of) air
pollution, GHG emissions,
and waste? If so, which?
7. (How) does the VC
impact on biodiversity?
8. Which environmental • Use (and origin) • Hot spot
issues do play a role in of raw materials analysis
the VC and how? • Energy (non- • Reports/
9. Which (natural) raw renewable) research
materials are used in the consumption from other
VC? levels organization
10. Which type and • Level of soil or soil s in the VC;
level of energy is fertility loss • Own
Impact of the consumed? assessment /
• Water
value chain Does the VC have research of
11. consumption and/
functions on the impact on land and its VC &
or pollution
environment future production context
• air pollution level
potential? If so, what • GHG emissions level
impact? • Waste produced
12. Which impact has the • Carbon footprint
VC on water resources • (Key) impact on
(consumption, pollution, biodiversity
13. Does the VC cause
(low/high levels of) air
pollution, GHG emissions,
and waste? If so, which?
14. (How) does the VC
1. Do disadvantaged groups • List of (type of) • Own
have a (potential) functions of assessment
function in the VC? If so, disadvantaged • Expert
which group, which groups interview
function/role? • Share (number) of • Research/
(Prospects 2. Is the number of disadvantaged anal- ysis
for) Inclusion disadvantaged groups group members on specific

of active/employed in the active in the VC disadvantag

disadvantaged value chain relatively • Access and ed groups
groups (poor, high? Of which groups? control to by other
women, youth, 3. Do they have the resources and organisatio
refugees, necessary skills or what assets ns,
minorities, is necessary to achieve • Skills requirements institutions.
handicapped, those and is this vis- à-vis available
…) feasible? skills of
4. Do disadvantaged groups disadvantaged
control as- sets, groups
equipment, and sales • Type and level of
income? barriers, and
5. Which are the barriers to availability of solu-
enter the VC for tions
disadvantaged groups?
What are the causes?
6. What are the health and • List and level of Primary:
safety risks for health and safety • Enterprise/
entrepreneurs and risks. Incidence of worker
workers in the (different occupational Surveys
stages/functions of the) accidents in the • Human
VC? work- place; rights risks
7. How prevalent is freedom working time lost assessment

of association and how is due to sickness; in the sector/

it regulated? worker perceptions value chain:
8. Is child and/or forced of physical and specific
labour present in the VC? mental well-being focus on
Is so, at what level and in • Existence of labour rights.
Working which activities? freedom of
conditions association/collectiv Secondary:
e bar- gaining • Labor
regulations and force
laws; coverage of surveys
workers/ enterprises • Business
in practice; workers’ registers
recognition of right • State
to organize reports,
• Number or population
percentage of censuses
child and/or • UN
forced laborers country
• Relevant reports
regulations, and
enforcement, by
government and/ or
other institutions/
standard bodies (see
also institutional

Tyer changer Machine selection criteria

The tyer changer machine was selected to undertake extended value chain analysis due to the
following reasons:

Majority of the current micro and small enterprise are not involved in advanced
automobile tyre changing processes. But there is a big need for advanced tyer changing
service and opportunity for a new job
Automobile tyer maintenance product supply and demand gap
Have High current and future job opportunity in the study area and other as well
Good in loss minimization and profitability
Have potential to stop imported automobile tyer changing machine helping to save a
foreign currency.

Table . Production comparison

No Comparison points for Automobile gear box Automobile Automobile tyer
the product type maintenance engine changing machine
1 Future market demand X X X
 Marketopport.
 Jobe opport.
2 Involvement of MSE X X
 Labour intensive
 Low capital X
 Possibility of
 Benefit to urban
 Complementary with
other sector & indus.
3 Import substitution & X X X
Export opportunity
 Processing potential
 MSE lead industry
4 Attraction to government X
& NGO organization X
 Effective use of NR X
 Sustainability issue
 Investor
 Positive impact to
5 Outcomes of product X X X
 Reducing post
harvest problems
 Stakeholder
participation oppr.
 Impact on poverity
 Potential to
participate peoples
 Traditional skill
improvement and
 Women
6 Quantity of product and X X X
7 Improved breed X X X

Value chain selection criteria checklist

A. Robotic arm
B. Food Dehydration Processes
C. Incubation processes
D. Automotive tyer changing processes
E. Dust removing Processes

Table 1 Value chain selection criteria checklist

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 Size of sector     
2 Employment     
3 GDP share     
4 Market share     
5 Share of Export     
6 Growth Potential     
7 Market Potential     
8 Factor     
9 Product     
10 Potential impact     
to MSE
11 Conversation     
12 Women     
Total Rating 49 51 47 56 53
Rank 4 3 5 1 2

Depending up on the above criteria automotive tyer changing process is firstly necessary to
manufacture. So our value chain concentrates on automotive tyer changing processes.

1.11.3 Mapping Value Chain Activities

Mapping a chain means creating a visual representation or a flow diagram of the connections
between activities in value chains as well as other market players. It helps to illustrate and
understand the process by which a product goes through several stages until it reaches the final

Activity Analysis, The identification of the activities undertaken by the enterprise that
contributed to the delivery of the product or service. After the identification the survey team will
do, the brainstorming with the activities identified which are the Main Chain and the Sub Chain.
The purpose of mapping the value chain is to translate the findings of the gathering of data into a
Value Chain. The Value Chain map is a simple tool, which visualizes complex things we find in

Mapping of a Value Chain follows a certain terminology, meaning that

The Main Chain is a major activities of work flow in a chain that are written down using
a BLUE arrow box
The Sub Chain is a sub/support activities of work flow in a chain that are written down
using a WHITE arrow box
The AS IS: is the actual or existing sequence of activities to deliver a product or services
to the market by an enterprise.
1.11.4 Benchmarking
The process of comparing own performance parameters with the performance parameters of
businesses or value chains considered the leaders in the field. Parameters can refer to various
aspects. Important benchmark parameters are productivity, cost of production or product
quality. Benchmarking is uses to identify gaps in the performance of the value chain

Factors consider during selection of benchmarking but not limited;

Productivity(quality, production/yield, cost)
other condition factor(level of technology, skill, employment/ labor intensive,

1.11.5 Feasibility study

Feasibility study is an analysis and evaluation of proposed project to determine if technically
feasible, is feasible with in the estimated cost, and will be profitable. Feasibility studies are
almost always conducted where large sums are as stake also called feasibility analysis.

1.12 Value chain of automotive tyer manufacturing Process (AS IS practice)

Input Inspection Processes Marketing
1.12 Value chain of automotive tyer manufacturing Process (TO BE practice)

Mounting Machine
Input Inspection Processes Marketing
tyer operation
1.14 Value Analysis

Value Analysis is analyzing value of each activities and how it is undertaken in existing
situation (AS IS) with respect benchmark. A value analysis, providing both qualitative and
quantitative background information for activities to be analyzed; Sources of information for this
analysis may include secondary data, published or unpublished literature, surveys, focus groups,
and rapid appraisal. A major goal of analyzing is to identify any “bottlenecks” in the value chain.

The identification of the factors that the customer’s value in the way of the conduct of each
activity and then work out on the changes that are needed.

1.14.1 Method of Comparative Analysis

All data and information gathered in Value chain can be analyzed using a combination of the
following methods.

A. Four Parameters (Yield, Quality, Cost, Time)

B. Line Graph
C. Cost and Return Analysis
A. Four Parameters (Yield, Quality, Cost, Time)

The process of analyzing the Value chain activities is according to the four parameters (Yield,
Quality, Cost and Time) to identify the Gaps between AS IS compared to the Benchmark. The
four parameters defined as flows:

Yield – refers to level or number of output acquired

Quality – refers to the level of standard applied

Cost – refers to the amount of money allotted in a specific activities

Time – refers to the specific duration, time limitation in performing the activities

The following is an example on how to analyze the value chain in rice production. The main
Chain and Sub Chain should be listed and using the four parameters, which are the yield, quality,
cost and time, we can compare already the benchmark versus the AS IS. Using this approach we
can clearly see the difference between the two elements.
Table 4 comparative analysis table

Comparative analysis
NO Value chain yield quality cost time
1 Capital 2000 5000 HIGH LOW Low high
Raw material 1200 2000 LOW HIGH low high 1week 3day
Workplace 900 3000 low high
Tool & Equipment 1100 1400 low high 21day 15day
Skilled man power 500 1500 HIGH LOW low high
2 Metal 800 1300 low high 1day 2hr
Plastic 900 1240 low high 1day 2hr
Chromium 970 1560 Low high 1day 2hr
Metal frame 600 1200 low High 2day 1day
plate 1600 2000 low High 2day 1day
Nobelium 700 1400 low High 2day 1day
3 Quality & check 300 2000 low High 1hr 30min
Wax 500 1500 low High 1:40min 40min
Diagnostic cast low High 2day 1day
Mouth shape 300 800 Low High 2day 1day
Cast from gypsum 400 1200 low High 2day 1day
Inspected & 500 900 low High 1hr 20min
4 Capture 200 500 low High 1min
3D Drawing 500 1200 low High 50min
5 Filled with acrylic 750 1500 low High 1hr 30min
Hardened acrylic 800 1400 low High 1hr 30min
Mix the appropriate 900 2200 low High 1hr 30min
Minor grinding 200 800 low High
6 Customer payment 300 1000 low High
Deliver to 700 1450 low High
1.12 Value chain of automotive tyer manufacturing Process (GAP Identification)

Mounting Machine
Input Inspection Processes Marketing
tyer operation
1.16 Technology Identification and Categorization

Technology identification is the process of identifying technologies from the benchmark. If the
technology in the benchmark is somehow complicated and sophisticated with respect to the
country`s potential and focus, it is possible to look for other additional alternative technologies
(equivalent technology from other best practices) without compromising the quality and

Categorization of technology: The process of segregating identified technologies according to

four categories of technologies namely Techno ware, Human ware, Info ware and Orga ware.
The definitions of the four are follows:

Table 6 categorized of technology


TECHNOWARE (TOOLS) Includes materials, gadgets etc. This component is the object-embodied
physical technologies, like tools & equipment, implements, vehicles and
HUMANWARE (SKILLS) Includes human knowledge, ability and experience. This component is
the person-embodied art-of-doing technologies, like ingenuity, craftsmanship,
skills in performing the task.
INFOWARE (FACTS) Includes organized information, work processes, design etc. This
component is the record-embodies know-what–why-how-type technologies, like
systematized concepts and technical specifications (parameters, diagrams,
formulae, theories and manuals).
ORGAWARE (SETUPS) Includes organizational structures, setups, methods of doing things etc.
This component is the organization-embodied work-operations-schemes-type
technologies. Like Soil testing Laboratory, Food Processing Plant
Table 7 gap identification

No Gap/constraints Techno-ware Human- Info-ware orga-ware

1 INPUT Project and 1.materials 1.quality control center
1. Hydraulic technology equipment 2.equipment and supply center
chair based and 3.data collection and
2.Dental training for machinery processing center
servitor MSE 2. material
3.digital white (Technology preparation
star bleaching manufacturi manual
unit ng process 3.operation
4.Endo motor and user and
manual) maintenanc
e manual

2 Mounting frame 5.circular saw Web site

machine Design
6.hand grinder manual
7.small grinder
3 Design 8.model Material selection
capture device Quality checking
9.casting frame Material preparation
4 Modeling 10.3D printer Implement Quality testing laboratory
machine quality Product packaging material
11.Automatic system and supply center
plotter Machine procedures market linkage
5 Processes 12.different Checking
chemicals Approved product quality
13. hardened
6 Marketing product 1. Organized market channel
promotion 2. Product announcement
and market
1.17 Prioritizing the technology Gaps/Constraints

The analysis of technologies constraints and gaps collected, and rank it according to the priority
using the following parameters.

1 Marketability
Attractiveness to potential buyers of the product and services
2 Profitability
Able to yield a profit or financial gain
3 Capability and Usefulness
Able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways
4 Functionality
The quality of being suited to serve a purpose well
5 Import Substitution
Able to replace the product imported from outside of the country
6 Feasibility
State or degree of being easily or conveniently done within MSE’s level
7 Adaptability
Able to adjust into a local condition
8 Potential Impact to the MSE
Able to strengthen the linkages with Micro Small and Medium Enterprises
9 Woman Empowerment
Able to offer equal rights to men and women
10 Employment
Ability to utilize available manpower including persons with disability and can reduce the
unemployment rate in the country
1.17.1 Prioritization of gaps
A. Automatic Plotter Machine
B. CNC milling machine
C. CNC Robotic arm
D. Automatic Tyer changer machine
E. How to enhance Modeling process in Ethiopia
F. Mini Modeling Machine
G. 3D Modeling machine With Automatic tool changer Machine
Criteria A B C D E F G
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Marketability       
Profitability       
Capability &       
Functionality       
Import       
Feasibility (how       
difficult to realize
it in Ethiopia)

Adaptability       
Impact to SME       
Woman       
Employment       
TOTAL 41 39 43 48 42 38 35
Rank 4 5 2 1 3 6 7

Depending up on the above criteria automatic tyer changer Machine is necessary to manufacture. So we will design and manufacture
automatic tyer changer machine in our college to solve problem.
1.18 Product SWOT Analysis

Strength Weakness Suitability Impact

 Creating job  Limited  Is target sector  difficulty of

opportunist for many knowledge and of the government change attitude
peoples skill  Professionals  high demand
 The activates  Limited to Are encouraged by of machine
are done both Use better training
traditionally and technologies  Highly
interestingly demanded and
 The use of productive sector
interchangeable  availability of
products for different different tyer changer
uses in our country

1.19 GTP Priority Sectors

The Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) is a national created by the Ethiopian Government
to improve the country's economy.
The following table shows the ranking of the identified priority sectors, which says that
Agriculture is the main priority followed by other sectors within the country.
1 Agriculture 4.2 Road Transport
2 Industry development 4.3 Shipping Transport
2.1 Textile and Garment 4.4 Air Transport
2.2 Leather Industry Energy
2.3 Sugar 4.6 Water and Irrigation
2.4 Cement 4.7 Telecommunication
2.5 Metal Engineering 4.8 Urban Development
2.6 Chemical 5. Trade
2.7 Agro processing 6. Health
3. Mining 7. Culture , tourism, sport
4. Economy and infrastructure 8. Social
4.1 Rail transport
1.19.1 Size of Subsector

This is focus given to a subsector in enhancing the employment opportunity, GDP share in the
economy and the market share.

1.19.2 Employment

For countries like Ethiopia, unemployment is a critical problem. The selected value chain will
create a considerable amount of job opportunities and absorb unemployed labor force. Thus,
beyond supplying of quality products a value chain expected to reduce unemployment.

1.19.3 GDP share

An Economic development of a country is the total sum of GDP shares for every
product/subsector. A product that has a greater GDP share in an economy is more likely to
create jobs and alleviate poverty. A selected value chain should be those products/subsectors
with a relatively higher share of national GDP.

1.19.4 Market share

If a product is not competitive in quality and price on the market to satisfy customer
requirements it no longer exists in the market. Therefore, the value chain we are in a position
to develop should have a sustainable and significant market share.

1.19.5 Share of Export

The share of export represent the shares of the product/subsector from the country`s total
export of goods and services. The indicator measures the degree of importance of a product
within the total exports of country. The export share of a product/subsector is a determinant
factor for a value chain selection.
1.19.6 Growth Potential
Define as the mathematical probability that a business will become larger. The growth potential
refers to amount of sales or revenues the organization generates currently and keeps the future
demand and satisfaction. A growth potential is often the most important selection criteria
because without growth competitiveness a product/subsector cannot be sustained. A selected
value chain should have the potential to grow parallel to the customer`s growing demand.
1.19.7 Market potential
The estimated total sales revenue of all suppliers of a product in a market during a certain period
for both domestic and export scenario.
Factor condition (human, material, knowledge, capital, infrastructure)
Other condition factors related with human resources, the accessibility of the materials,
knowledge imposed, amount of capital and infrastructure in producing the product and services
should be considered in selection of value chain development.
1.19.8 Product diversification
Enterprise is expanding opportunities through additional of an existing . Achieved by entering
into additional and/or . Often the product may be improved, altered or changed, or new
marketing activities are. Value chain is developing for products that have a potential to diversify.
1.19.9 Potential impact on MSE’s, youth
A value chain is developing to support MSEs with identified gaps. On the other hand, the
developed value chain promotes the establishment of MSEs by creating jobs, and strengthening
the linkages with large industries. Growth in industries with high rates of MSE participation and
employment will have an impact in reducing poverty more than growth in industries with low
employment and minimal MSE participation. A value chain that has positive contribution to
massive MSEs participation and job opportunity for youth should be selected.
1.19.10 Conservation importance
A production of environment friendly product and services, business operation with the utmost
consideration of the environment and natural resources that aims to identify the most significant
positive and negative impacts of the value chain on the environment and vice versa. To remain in
business and be profitable in the longer term, the value chains in which we develop need to be all
encompassing and green. Focusing on economic development alone brings environmental
damage, and therefore the selected value chain will have no/less harm on the environment that
enhances the quality of growth.
1.19.11 Women Empowerment
Women's empowerment, referring to the of women in our present society, has become a
significant topic of discussion in regards to development. An equal right for men and women as
basic human rights should give great considerations. The value chain that we are going to select
should consider gender equal opportunity.
1. Methodology and Materials

3.1 Introduction

This chapter covers different aspects of methodology used during the project. It presents the
different options available to carry out the study and gives reasons why a particular method was
selected at different stages of the project. As a lot of data collection is involved in the project, the
way the collection was made can affect the outcome of the project. For this reason, the data
collection method selected on the course of the project also discussed here.

3.2. Data Collection Techniques

Depending on the research perspective and strategy chosen, the researcher must choose methods
for collecting data. The data or information collected by the researcher can be either primary, i.e.
the researcher collects the material himself, or secondary, i.e. already documented material are
being used as a data source, which can be done in either quantitative or qualitative way. In this
thesis, both the primary and secondary data are used.

3.3. Methodology

This paper started from observation, gather information and discussion about the design of
machine. This discussion covering most part of project time. Then we inform our instructor
about the selection of this machine. Then go to literature review about the title. The most
important in these manner is a determined the project scope, objective and project planning so
that we could easy get a clear overview.

After gather and collect all related information and obtain new idea and knowledge about the
project would continue with design process. We calculate the force analysis that excreted on the
machine.by this result we select material type that has to be used to this machine this type of
selection is consider that;

The availability,
Durability, and
Cost of the material.
In this stage, the knowledge and idea should throw out in sketching process. After several design
sketched, the best design would be choose among previous design so that we could carry on
designing process. Then the selected design would be transfer to engineering drawing using solid
work and other software.

3.3.1. Methods

1. Data collection (for literature review, method of report writing, design analysis, material

Collect the necessary information

By using internet
By asking maintenance workers
By referring different available journals and
By make contact with our advisor and instructor in our department By visiting garage
maintenance department

2. Work on design calculation for stress and force which are acting on machine.

By referring books
By contacting department instructors

3.3.2 Materials

3. Make simulation and drawing of each part by selecting material type By using solid

4. Make final project writing and presentation

By using Microsoft word

By using Microsoft PowerPoint

In short we discuss about working method and process of our machine. The steps we follow are
shown below by using flow chart.
Methodology chart
3.4. Selection of material

The material selection is the critical part on the project and we select every material
according to the standard and based on this projects necessity.
The tyer changer physical properties such us length, thinness, diameter of different
We would try to select the easy mechanisms to be performed to the project.
By considering our countries maintenance shop ergonomic style we select the overall
length or diameter which the tyer changer is operated.

3.5. Components


An electric motor is a device for converting electrical power into mechanical power. An electric
motor will try to deliver the required power even at the risk of self-destruction. Therefore, an
electric motor must be protected from self-destruction. Motors may be ruined by physical
damage to the windings but, usually, the enemy of a motor is excessive heat in the windings.
Overheating breaks down the thin varnish like insulation on the windings. When the insulation
fails, the motor fails. Overheating is the result of excessive current flow or inadequate
ventilation. Accumulation of dust and dirt on and in the motor can reduce ventilation and heat
removal [14].

Gear box

The gear box is necessary in the transmission system to maintain speed that comes from different
rotating part at the most economic value under all conditions of movement [1].


A shaft is a rotating machine element, usually circular in cross section, which is used to transmit
power from one part to another, or from a machine which produces power to a machine which
absorbs power. The various members such as pulleys and gears are mounted on it [1].

A bearing is a machine element that constrains relative motion to only the desired motion, and
reduces friction between moving parts. The design of the bearing may, for example, provide for
free linear movement of the moving part or for free rotation around a fixed axis; or, it may
prevent a motion by controlling the vectors of normal forces that bear on the moving parts. Many
bearings also facilitate the desired motion as much as possible, such as by minimizing friction.
Bearings are classified broadly according to the type of operation, the motions allowed, or to the
directions of the loads (forces) applied to the parts.

The term "bearing" is derived from the verb "to bear"; a bearing being a machine element that
allows one part to bear (i.e., to support) another. The simplest bearings are bearing surfaces, cut
or formed into a part, with varying degrees of control over the form, size, roughness and location
of the surface. Other bearings are separate devices installed into a machine or machine part. The
most sophisticated bearings for the most demanding applications are very precise devices; their
manufacture requires some of the highest standards of current technology [1].

Knuckle joint

A knuckle joint is used to connect two rods which are under the action of tensile loads. However,
if the joint is guided, the rods may support a compressive load. A knuckle joint may be readily
disconnected for adjustments or repairs. Its use may be found in the link of a cycle chain, tie rod
joint for roof truss, valve rod joint with eccentric rod, pump rod joint, tension link in bridge
structure and lever and rod connections of various types [1].

Part of pneumatic system

A pneumatic system has the following parts


Pneumatic cylinder(s) (sometimes known as air cylinders) are mechanical devices which use the
power of compressed gas to produce a force in a reciprocating linear motion [11].
Piston rod

The piston rod is typically a hard chrome-plated piece of cold-rolled steel which attaches to the
piston and extends from the cylinder through the rod-end head. In double rod-end cylinders, the
actuator has a rod extending from both sides of the piston and out both ends of the barrel. The
piston rod connects the hydraulic actuator to the machine component doing the work. This
connection can be in the form of a machine thread or a mounting attachment [11].


The seals are considered / designed as per the cylinder working pressure, cylinder speed,
operating temperature, working medium and application. Piston seals are dynamic seals, and
they can be single acting or double acting. Generally speaking, Elastomer seals made from nitrile
rubber, Polyurethane or other materials are best in lower temperature environments, while seals
made of Fluorocarbon Viton are better for higher temperatures. Metallic seals are also available
and commonly use cast iron for the seal material. Rod seals are dynamic seals and generally are
single acting. The compounds of rod seals are nitrile rubber, Polyurethane, or Fluorocarbon
Viton. Wipers / scrapers are used to eliminate contaminants such as moisture, dirt, and dust,
which can cause extensive damage to cylinder walls, rods, seals and other components. The
common compound for wipers is polyurethane. Metallic scrapers are used for subzero
temperature applications, and applications where foreign materials can deposit on the rod. The
bearing elements / wear bands are used to eliminate metal to metal contact. The wear bands are
designed as per the side load requirements. The primary compounds for wear bands are filled
PTFE, woven fabric reinforced polyester resin and bronze [11].


A valve is a device that regulates, directs or controls the flow of a fluid (gases, liquids, fluidized
solids, or slurries) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways. Valves are
technically fittings, but are usually discussed as a separate category. In an open valve, fluid flows
in a direction from higher pressure to lower pressure. The word is derived from the Latin valve,
the moving part of a door, in turn from vulvar, to turn, roll. The simplest, and very ancient, valve
is simply a freely hinged flap which drops to obstruct fluid (gas or liquid) flow in one direction,
but is pushed open by flow in the opposite direction. This is called a check valve, as it prevents
or "checks" the flow in one direction. Modern control valves may regulate pressure or flow
downstream and operate on sophisticated automation systems. Valves have many uses, including
controlling water for irrigation, industrial uses for controlling processes, residential uses such as
on / off and pressure control to dish and clothes washers and taps in the home. Even aerosols
have a tiny valve built in. Valves are also used in the military and transport sectors [13].

3.6.Working principle of tire to rim separator and inserter machine

The principles of pneumatics are the same as those for hydraulics, but pneumatics transmits
power using a gas instead of a liquid. Compressed air is usually used, but nitrogen or other inert
gases can be used for special applications. With pneumatics, air is usually pumped into a receiver
using a compressor.

The tire changer with fixed column and pneumatic system. It is suitable to mount and demount
tire especially for ACBSE buses. The operation is easy, convenient, safety and reliable. It is
necessary equipment for the auto service shop and tire shop especially in ACBSE.

3.6.1. Operation tire

Deflate the air in the tire completely use the special tool to detach the weight on the rim and pull
out the core. After finish this work place the tire on the front of machine and fix the tire on the
turn table then return turn table shaft on the original position and lock the shaft to prevent
vibration and other problems. After the operation finish adjust the necessary dye for pressing tire.
Using pneumatic valve actuator and electric motor switch press the tire. Repeat the same
operation on the other side of the tire to make the tire completely detached from the rim. Then
change the dye and you can select the internal and external clamping according to the rim. Get
ready for tire demounting. Then using pneumatic valve actuator operate the pneumatic system
and clamping pressing the tire and enters in the tire and you return the valve on the original
position the clamping dye pull out tire from rim then rotate the tire using by switch ON electric
motor. tire

Before mount tire, check if the tire and rim are of the same dimension. Then clean the dirt and
rust on the rim and lock it on the turntable spread the lubrication liquid or soap liquid around the
lip. Tilt the tire against the rim and keep the front end upwards then using pneumatic system
press up the lever to move the demount rod to contact with the rim and lock. Then rotate the turn
table using electric motor switch then the tire mount to on the rim slowly. Then loosen the tire
from the turn table by unlock the tire from turn table and shaft from locker clamp.

Design analysis


In its simplest terms, design analysis is methods that find physical behavior of a machine
member. Will it break? Will it deform? Will it get too hot? These are the types of questions for
which design analysis provides accurate answers. Instead of building a prototype and developing
elaborate testing regimens to analyze the physical behavior of a product, engineers can elicit this
information quickly and accurately on the computer using different software. Because design
analysis can minimize or even eliminate the need for physical prototyping and testing, the
technology has gone mainstream in the manufacturing world over the past decade as a valuable
product development tool and has become omnipresent in almost all fields of engineering [6].

In the field of mechanical engineering, design analysis can solve a wide range of product
development problems. Engineers can use design analysis to predict the physical behavior of just
about any part or assembly under any loading conditions: from a simple beam under a bending
load to car crash simulations and vibration analysis of aircraft. The true power of design analysis
is the ability to perform any of these types of studies accurately without building a single thing.
All that is needed is a CAD model [6].

4.2. Design consideration

The machine designed should be simple, detachable, efficient and affordable. While designing
this machine following points need to be considered.
A. Reduction in human efforts

As compared to conventional method this machine should reduce the human efforts and also
increase the efficiency of work.

B. Compact structure and easy handling

the existing machines available in the market are comparatively longer in size .due to their size it
is quite difficult for the operator to carry out the procedure it takes lot of physical strength that
risk the health of the operator it also takes quite a bit of time to carry out the procedure so to
make it easy for the separator the machine should be light in weight and compact in size this will
ensure faster operation and well-being of the operator.

C. Portable machine

Existing machine not portable and cannot be dismantled easily. So mostly it confined to a
particular place. So the machine should facilitate easily dismantling and assembly to be
portable .it should also be movable to perform tasks at various locations.

D. To analyses failure in design

It is necessary to analyses various parts to ensure it does not fail during the operation .even if it
fails it should be fail safe to protect operator.

E. cost

The machine should be cost effective to make it affordable for small shops .it will also reduce the
operational cost.

4.3. Geometric Analysis of the Tire Changing Machine

4.3.1. Geometry of the tire changing table (box)

Tire changing table is the main part that is used to assemble all parts and subassembly. The table
has a structure of a box and the overall diminution should be implemented carefully. There are
several consideration taken to decide the diminution of the table (box). Such as;
Tire size
max tire diameter max rim diameter
The tuning radius of the tire

When the tire is mounted to turn table and rotated to 90°to begin the operation the radius should
be perfectly match with the dimension of the box.

Since turning 90° of the tire is done by knuckle joint of the shaft the shaft that are lower
side is supported inside box part that are joint by the trust bearing.
The I-beam and arm of the machine that are used to hold pneumatic system, the cylinder
and piston arrangement, lever, cylinder guide and pressing rod with die.
The box should not be over heighted for the operator.

Therefore considering such parameters the geometry of the box will be:

Geometry of box

This is the geometry of the box that is considerably fulfilling the 5 considerations. The box will
be fitted to the ground (concrete) by using bolt to reduce vibration.

Material selection

Choose material for our machine box is alloy metal it is the compound of two or more materials.

4.4. Design of bolts for machine fixing with the ground

The machine is assumed to be fixed with the ground by using bolt with concrete floor. 4 bolts
are used for fixing the base box this bolt should withstand the total load exerted on the machine
at any position and situation. Our machine is stable which means the machine is can be operate
without bolt but for better safety and reduction of vibration and noise bolt is used.

Since bolt is designed for the up-stand or I-beam with consideration of pressing or pulling load
exerted by pneumatic system but for this case even the mass of tire will be considered (150Kg).

Total load = pressing force + weight of tire

Total load = 1524.7+(150*9.81)

= 2996.2 N

Common material used for this type of application our bolt is ASTM A307 grade A carbon steel
bolt Tensile strength = 250MPA Shear strength = 145MPA Young’s modulus = 200MPA The
diameter of the bolt is assumed to be twice of the diameter of the bolt for up – stand

D = 20mm

Which means our bolt is M20.

4.2. Selection of motor

For tire changing machine we need to select an electrical motor that can develop the required
torque for rotation of tire while operation of separating takes place.

As a reference we gather information from several tire changing machine uses single phase
electrical motor that operates with in the range of 220 – 230/400volt, 50/60 hz electrical power
supply and according to the tire size and tire different kinds of motor can be used with respect to
the required amount of power, speed, toque and physical dimension, most tire changing
machines uses over 1000-1800Nm torque for separation operation for automobiles and 2000 Nm
– 3000 Nm for higher trucks and buses tire.

For select the motor that used in our design we use the following basic parameter

Availability of motor near to company.

Motor type and physical dimensions
Working point and max. Continuous value.
Voltage and current supply

4.22.2. Pneumatic system circuit design

Pneumatic circuit diagram

Bill of material

categories Part name material Quant.

Cylinder Mild steel 1
Piston rod Stainless 1
Valve 1
Lever Iron 1
Pipe rubber 5m
Motor Electric 1
Electric 1
Spur gear Stainless 6
steel (c30)
Gear box Ball bearing Chrome 2
Shaft (d =20) Steel 40cm


This chapter addresses the process and Operation sheet for critical components of the project.
Manufacturing process is the part of the production process which is directly concerned with the
change of shape or dimensions of the part being produced. It is usually carried out as a unit
operation, which means that it is a single step in the sequence of steps required to transform the
starting material into a final product. Each part or component of a product must be designed so
that it is not only meets design requirements and specifications, but also can be manufactured
economically and with relative cost.

The broad categories of processing methods for materials are: Casting (expansion mold and
permanent mold),Forming and Shaping (rolling, extrusion, drawing, sheet forming, powder
metallurgy, and molding),Machining (turning, boring, drilling, milling, and so on),Joining
(welding, brazing, soldering, diffusion bonding, adhesive bonding and mechanical
joining),Finishing operations (polishing, burnishing, honing, surface treating, coating, and

Painting), Selection of a particular manufacturing process depends not only on the shape to be
produced but also on a large number of other factors.

General steps to manufacture components of the machine: -Take the material for the component
according to the design consideration. Check the selected diameter (dimension) to assure by
proper measuring tool. Mark the selected material to the recommended dimensions (layout).

Select the appropriate machine or tool for cutting the material to prepare the rough dimension.
Hold the selected material in the selected machine or tool to make the rough dimensions.
Perform the operation within the recommended and measured dimension on the marked line with
allowance. Perform the joining operation (welding, bolt & nut,). Finishing operations of the
recommended exact dimensions.

Manufacturing operation
It is series of operation in which components are manufactured in their sequential order.
Manufacturing operations can be divided into two basic types:-
(1) Processing operations and
(2) Assembly operations
A processing operation transforms a work material from one state of completion to a more
advanced state that is closer to the final desired product. It adds value by changing the geometry,
properties, or appearance of the starting material. In general, processing operations are
performed on separate work-parts, but certain processing operations are also applicable to
assembled items (e.g., painting a spot-welded car body). Processing operation is done by using
operation sheet which is the best & simplest way of showing how the part is manufacture
through different steps to complete the work. Therefore process operation of our project is
explained by using operation sheet.
An assembly operation joins two or more components to create a new entity, called an assembly,
subassembly, or some other term that refers to the joining process (e.g., a welded assembly is
called a weldment).
Operation sheet for critical parts

2.10.1 Operation sheet for body

It is a machine element produced from sheet metal and RHS
Material-------------sheet metal and RHS
Blank size-----------
Quantities ------------1
Manufacturing part name Qt Material Operation Machine Tool and
y used equipment

Tyer changer body Measuring & Grinding Cutter disc,

cutting to size machine steel rule,
Bending Bending Hammer
operation machine

Drilling Drilling Drill bit

operation machine
1 MS
Welding Welding Electrode
operation machine

Grinding and Grinding Grinding

surface machine disc& polisher
Operation sheet for shaft and gear box
It is a machine element produced from mild steel used for transmit rotating power
Material-------------mild steel
Blank size-----------
Quantities ------------1
Manufacturing part name Qt Material Operation Machin Tool and
y equipment used
e used

SHAFT FOR GEAR MOTOR Facing on both Lathe Facing cutter

sides machine
& V. caliper

Turning and Lathe Turning cutter

chamfering machine
V. Caliper
1 MS

Counter Lathe Turning

turning machine cutter

Slot milling Milling End mill

Project Operation/ Steps/Procedures
1. Prepare rough sketch
2. Prepare detail drawing
3. Prepare working drawing
4. Arrange work shop
5. Select raw materials
6. Transferring the dimension to the work piece
7. Cutting as per sketch
8. Filling
9. Lathe machine operation
10. Develop sheet metals as per dimension.
11. Weld the part as per sketch
12. Assemble the parts according to the drawing
13. Apply quality standard.
14. Apply painting and polishing
15. Testing

2.12 Tools and Equipment Needed

1. Scriber
2. Try Square
3. Different types of file
4. Divider
5. Measuring tools
6. Paint brush
7. Drilling machine
8. Lathe machine
9. HSS cutting tool
10. Open and closed wrench

Market Analysis

Demand and supply of the product

Automated technology has emerged as one of the most disruptive innovations to impact the
logistics industry and the global supply chain. Some claim that the technology merely enhances
some aspects of production process, while others argue that technology will revolutionize and
replace existing manufacturing technologies. Whether revolutionary or evolutionary, automated
technology is recognized as an important trend that will significantly impact supply chains. The
objective of this article is to explore basic issues related to automated technology and
possibilities for altering manufacturing and supply chain.

Basic advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing

Less setup costs and less tooling costs
Lower production costs
Lower development time and costs (increase the pace of design to product)
Eco friendly: less influence on CO2
Lower cost price for small volumes and complex shaped parts
Shorter delivery time
Complex products relatively easy to print
Flexibility (printing on-demand, customization)
Import and export contribution and substitution
In today’s global economy, consumers are used to seeing products from every corner of the
world in their local grocery stores and retail shops. These overseas products—or imports—
provide more choices to consumers. And because they are usually manufactured more cheaply
than any domestically-produced equivalent, imports help consumers manage their strained
household budgets.

A country's importing and exporting activity can influence its GDP, its exchange rate,
and its level of inflation and interest rates.
A rising level of imports and a growing trade deficit can have a negative effect on a
country's exchange rate.
A weaker domestic currency stimulates exports and makes imports more expensive;
conversely, a strong domestic currency hampers exports and makes imports cheaper.
Higher inflation can also impact exports by having a direct impact on input costs such as
materials and labor.

Cost Analysis

3.2.1 Elements of cost established selling price

Design and manufacture a product according to a certain specification by minimizing total cost
and maximizing efficiency of the product or machine to meet service requirements is only one
aspect of production. Based on these the design and manufacture of certain sand screening
processing machine analysis should be done in order to be competitive. The way element of cost
builds up to establish a selling price is shown on figure below

Establishing of selling price

The chief cost elements of direct material cost and direct labor cost determines major cost.

The factory expense such as light, power, maintenance, supply plus prime cost gives factory cost.
The general expense such as marketing and sales cost, legal expense, and security cost, financial,
and administrative plus factory cost gives manufacturing cost. The sales expense such as taxes,
office stuff, and purchasing plus manufacturing cost gives total cost. (Total cost = manufacturing
cost + sales expense).

Finally, the selling price established by adding a profit to the total cost for a business.
Project Bill of Materials
categories Part name material Quant. Price Assembly
(birr) cost(birr)

Cylinder Mild steel 1 277

Pneumatic Piston rod Stainless 1 250

system steel

Valve 1 940 1812

Lever Iron 1 120

Pipe rubber 5m 225

Motor Electric 1 9460 9485


Electric 1 25

Spur gear Stainless 6 762

steel (c30)

Gear box Ball bearing Chrome 2 424 1419


Shaft (d =20) Steel 40cm 140

housing Sheet metal 93


pinion Alloy steel 1 113

gear Alloy steel 1 150

Shaft (d=40) Nickel 1m 180


Knuckle joint Nickel 1 740


Thrust bearing Chrome steel 1 430

I-beam Alloy steel 2m 900

lever steel 50cm 194

bolt Grade A 8 264

carbon steel

Turn table Carbon steel 1 93

box Alloy steel 3m(t=5m 370


pin steel 1 111

Total 16261

Machine Depreciation Cost

No Machine Useful Cost of Salvage Depression/year Depreciation Depression

life/year Machine value /month /unit

1 Charger 4 7000 200 167 1.66

2 Multi meter 2 3700 10000 833.3 8.33
Total 9.99

Total material cost =12380 + 9.99 = 12389.99 Birr

Labor Cost

Labor Cost: =total material cost x 15%

Labor Cost: =12389.99 x 15% = 1858.4985 Birr

Miscellaneous = total material cost x0.08

=12389.99 x 0.08 = 991.1992 Birr

Total cost
Total cost = total material cost + labor cost+ miscellaneous + depression
cost =12389.99 +1858.4985 + 991.1992 + 9.99= 15249.6777 birr

Estimated markup value

Estimated markup value is equal to 15% of total cost.
Estimated markup value contains Contingency cost
Profit margin = total cost X markup value
= 15,249.6777 x 15% =2287.451655Birr

Selling price
Selling price = total cost + profit margin
=15,249.6777 + 2287.451655
= 17,538 birr
1. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1. Conclusion

Tire and rim separator and inserter machine is the most critical machine in the maintenance shop.
However the conventional method of rim inserting and separating consumes more human power
and decrease the quality of tire and rim.

It was observed that the traditional (Manual) tire changer machine consumes more human power,
more time to remove tire from the rim/wheel, and risk of exposure of accidents for the

This project considers the design of tire changer machine in terms of saving time and energy
consumed by traditional way of removing and inserting tires to the rim/wheel this design
provides safer working/repairing condition, reduced damage to the tire and rim, minimized
human power and accident to the worker. To achieve these parameters the complete technical
specification, general drawings like 2D, 3D, detailed drawing, supplied together. And the design
is analyzed by using engineering design consideration, calculations, and design& simulation

In addition to this shaft design, design of set of spur gear, pneumatic system has been done. In
shaft and pneumatic cylinder and ram design diameter is determine and appropriate material was
selected. In the box and turn table design for tire changer suitable material for the operation was
selected and also its dimension are obtained.

Furthermore, forces and stress concentration areas and its maximum value is obtained using the
solid word voll-mess analysis.
5.2. Recommendation

As a result of the present work, it is possible to make certain recommendations in order to

improve the tire repair workshops, industries and companies.

It is recommended:

Any local companies that are working on this field or related machineries should have to use
safer, lest time and energy consuming machine i.e. “tire inserter and separator” machine to
improve their working conditions and increase the profit to their company by reducing cost of
time, money, energy and avoiding the risk of tire damage and injury to the working technicians

Most of the tire changing machines, tools, and equipment’s were imported from foreign
companies and this requires hard currency. In order to avoid these expenses, this design provides
best design, optimum local materials selection and further fulfils machine requirements which
are imported from abroad and substitute by locally manufactured machines.

Finally, this project enables us to transfer technology by coping and adapting according to our
country’s goals. In the near future, we are moving from agriculture based economy to
industrialization based economy. Thus it contributes a crucial role in the technology and
engineering sciences applications by manufacturing areas to satisfy the need of machineries by
producing in local industry.

Book and journals

1 A Textbook of Machine Design by R. S. Khurmi & J. K. Gupta.

2 Tom Duke Contributing Editor Tire Mounting And Demaunting Tire Review In May 2012.

3 Pornima T. Godbole, C. C. Handa , S. P. Bhorkar “ Machines For Tire Removing And Fitting
On Rim Of Wheel.” IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development Vol.
4, Issue 05, 2016

4 Dr. R.K.Bansal ,”Applied Mechanics And Strength Of Materials”

5 A Textbook of Mechanics of Material by Ferdinand P.beer & John T.Dewolf

6 ATextbook of Design of Machine Element by G.K Vijayaraghavan & S. Vishnupriyan 7 M.J.

Neale Contributing Editor Lubrication and Reliability Handbook In Sep 2014.

8 Monkmann J.H, on pneumatic system, 6th international symposium on industrial machinery,

Tokyo, 1985.

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