01 Bering Puller
01 Bering Puller
01 Bering Puller
Documented by :-habtiediress
Design by:-desalewdemilew
Welding by :-tesfahunayana
March 2013 E.C
Table of Contents
1 .tecnology proposal.............................................................................................................................1
2. Occupational title...............................................................................................................................1
3. Unit of competence covered............................................................................................................…1
4. Rationality of the project proposal.....................................................................................................1
5 .tecnology description.........................................................................................................................2
6. tecnology objectives...........................................................................................................................3
7 .tecnology photo.................................................................................................................................3
8. tecnology procedures/steps...............................................................................................................4
9. tecnology bill of quantity..................................................................................................................12
10. Tools and equipments....................................................................................................................12
11. Conclusion......................................................................................................................................13
1. technology proposal; - bearing puller.
2. Occupational title: -vehicle servicing
Based on technology:-
bearing puller- nowadays for a garage work become widely, to finish the work on time there are many
factors, from those lab our productive per a day or a hour is a critical one .So, to increase lab our
productive these technology is vital.This technology has no more Removing time. So, we can decrease
usage time of engine bearing replace or loosing and tithing.
This technology enable for income generation, job creation opportunity, people satisfaction with
providing quality product at reasonable price at any time.
These technology helps to decrease labor costs
Based on durability:-
Based on labor
as the TVET strategy states many labor in our country have no work and my aim is to create a job
opportunity for the people, so this technology has available for a lot of unemployed people that
participate preparation of this bearing pullerproduction, up to the building work by creating a job
opportunity in city and towns that decrease unemployed people.
Based on price
Based on the price of technology as stated above it can adopt in our colleges. Then technology
transfer by trainees using simply acceptable materials like, Angle Iron, Grinder Disk,
Electrode. So it can decrease transportation cost and electric power
When we compare to the other similar technology like;bearing puller; my technology is more
chipset one.
It reduce labor and material cost
It also reduce the vehicle service time
5 .technology description
This tool and equipment is made from available materials such as (sheet metal, bolt and
Nut, Angle iron and rubber wheel), simple to make or produce, portable and cost of
is very low. Thebearing puller which is used to assemble and disassemble
This bearing puller is an attractive project and that can make easily. This project is notavailable for
Injibara town, rural areas and neighboring towns. But it can be familiar easily,because of necessity.So
the project is highly demanded, easily acceptable and accessible technology in both areas.
Especiallythese types of technology have not existed in bothareas until now. So it is the unique project
for bothareas. Theprojects will operate and produce the product simply by using prefabricated steel and
local available materials (Sheet meal, Angle iron, Grinder disc,and rubber bushing). For the future the
project will have create large job opportunities for unemployed because Injibara and neighboring towns
rapidly increase forautomobilegarage.
6. Technology objectives
1. To generate income
1. Economic Feasibility
technology cost is simple of the total amount of the importing bearing puller.
Medium and small enterprise become competitive in the market because of the fabricating bearing
Finalize of design and producing of the bearing puller, to give service of the MSE’s members and
TVET College.
2. Technical Feasibility
Design and modification of bearing pulleris very important technology since from their we can teach the
trainers or industry worker the following factors: entrepreneur most especially producing on how to
estimate the cost of product, how to sell machines, then we teach them the skills in producing in
accordance with company standard, the technology and also how to handle continues improvement on
3. Environmental Feasibility
Design and modification of bearing puller is in need since is doesn’t have our college then this help the
government to fight economic crises most likely in our TVET college, we think we can be producing by
design and modification of the puller be to solve practical training problems of our TVET college. And
to reduce the cost from importing the tool.
7. Technologyphoto
Technology based on four packages
1/site selection for production of bearing pullerProduct.
Item Material name Specification Unit Quantity Unit cost Total cost
1 Round bar 14*mm pcs 1/4 300birr 75
2 nut 14 *M pcs 4 15birr 60
3 Brake shoe pcs 2 50birr 100
4 Electrode E6011 packet 1/2 150birr 75
5 Antirust/ paint Gray Gallon 1/4 200birr 50 birr
Total cost 360 birr
Material cost=360birr
Tax=41.4 birr
Boll pin hammer , scriber ,Anvil ,Hacksaw, claw hammer, mallet hammer, Meter, Try square
Welding machine
Grinding machine
Cutter machine
Maintenance procedure
To correctly and safely operate and maintain the technology you can the following steps
1. The final product of the technology or bearing pullertechnology will be produced correctly as it will be attractive,
durable and strong.
2. Adjust and fixing the tool that can spring on bearing pullerof this is the main part of the technology
3. Adjust and provide the valve making quality material which is the main part of the technology that gives quality
product of bearing pullerremover.
4. Selecting the proper place of bearing puller, which is appropriate for material delivery and loading of the product
5. The above materials will be stored on the appropriate place where it is selected
6. After producing the technology it must be cured properly.
7. After producing of the technology the tool can be re-used for the next service time.
8. When the problem occurs on the technology after build we can maintain easily by using soldering materials.
11. Conclusion
In general this project is available for governmental and privet sectors for example TVET sectors.
Automotive sector is one of the main focused areas of the government that our country goes in to double
digit economic growth. The project is an attractive that trainers in TVET can produce products for
gaining of skill at the time of training as well as after training produce for market; this is one of the
solutions to minimize unemployed and the main focused area to generate income.
Sector: Automotive technology.
Sub sector: vehicle servicing
bearing puller value chain
1. Objective
• Generally, the study was conducted to determine the automotivetechnology development practice
invalve spring remover at Injibara, awl zone.
Specifically, this aims to:
– Substitute the present traditional working practices in brake spring
– Identify the Value Chain (AS IS) in brake spring plierssystem
– Compare the Value Chain (AS IS) to that of the benchmark.
– Identify the gaps and constraints in attaining high yields.
– Identify and recommend technologies that will improve customers
Vehicle Vehicle under Vehicle jacking All work inspected Vehicle Pressured
Preparation chassis Inspection initial test done Wash or Chemically
Support with
safety jack Vehicle ready for Final Inspection
Owner Signs
Recording washing
Authorization Under chassis
component Recording Customer Notified
Job Order Request disassemble and re and Confirmed for
Approved inspection Vehicle Delivery or
Bearing puller
Recording Use special Cleaning Released Document
service tool machine
5.Auto under chassis Repair --Value Chain Analysis (gap)
Owner Signs Vehicle Inspection Use service All work inspected Final Inspection
Repair manual initial test done
Recording Recording Released
Use Use brake Document
Specia Special spring
l Service pliers
Servic machin
e tool
Sub activity gap
Main activity
6/Technology identification and categorization
Raw RHS ,plat, Round Skilled man power Metal work Standard material store
Material pipe, bolt and manual. should be organized.
nut ,bearing,
Design roundcad
Auto bar, Competence on: Drawing manuals Prepare drawing center
Interpreting working drawing
Drawing software
Prepare basic engineering guides(help)
Perform advance engineering
Measuring Tap rule and Measuring and reading Prepare measuring Arranging tools room
Verner caliper skilled man and shelf.
instruments manual.
Measuring and
reading techniques
Cutting Grinder. Skilled man Operation of metal cutting TVET colleges train
machine manual. SMEs.
Power hack saw.
Machining Lathe machine Skilled man Operation of turning, TVET colleges train
operation Drilling machine facing and chamfering SMEs.
machining manual
Threading Die and tapping Skilled man Operation of metal TVET colleges train
treading manual. SMEs.
Welding welding machine. Competence on: Operation and Industries can
Electrode and
Operating welding machine. techniques of
manufacture welding
temporary machines.
Performing oxy acetylene welding machine
fastener Welding safety manual. before
equipment’s. work on work &
Bolt and nut
Using safety equipment’s. after work
Performing arc welding
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8. Changes and results come from bench mark
10. Planning
Select the shop that can suit for brake spring pliers
Acquire new skill &knowledge
Provide the required/necessary/ materials
Fixing & welding the remover in a label surface
Smoothing the flat surface
Paint antirust