Schedules AB Kota-Baran

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Engineering Procurement Construction Mode (EPC)


Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of


National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)

January 2025
Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Schedules A, B, C, D & H
Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.



(See Clauses 2.1 and 8.1)

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of




1.1 The site of Four Lane Project Highway shall include land, buildings, structures & road works as described in Annexure-I of this

Schedule – A.

1.2 An inventory of the Site including land, buildings, structures, road works, trees and any other immovable property on, or attached to,

the site shall be prepared jointly by the Authority Representative and the Contractor, and such inventory shall form part of the memorandum

referred to in clause 10.3.1 of the Agreement.

1.3 Additional land required for toll plaza, Traffic Aid post, medical aid post and vehicle rescue post or for construction of works specified

in the Change of Scope Order issued under clause 16.2.3 of this Agreement shall be acquired in accordance with the provisions of Clause 10.3.6 of

this Agreement. Upon acquisition, such land shall form part of the Site and vest in Authority.

1.4 The status of the clearances (Forest/Environmental) obtained or awaited is given in Annex IV.

Location Map of: Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan is

as under:
Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Annex - I

Schedule – A

Site for Project –Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.

1. Site

The Site of 104.059 Km of Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.

An index map showing the existing features of the Project Highway is given at Annexure II of Schedule -A.

The design Chainage co-ordinates (center line) at every 500m distance are given at Annexure III of Schedule A.

2. Land

The Section of 104.059 Km of Four Lane Section of Kota- Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to 1184+322, the existing right of way is as follows.


Existing Chainage (km)

Sl No. Length (Km) Average EROW (m) BHS
From To

1. 1080+263 1122+493 42.68 22.5

2. 1122+943 1135+143 12.20 22.5

3. 1135+143 1150+723 15.58 30.0

4. 1150+723 1184+322 33.599 22.5

Total Length (Km) 104.059

3. Carriageway

The present carriageway of the Project Highway is Flexible pavement highway. The details of the existing carriageway are as given under-

Existing Chainage (Km) Carriageway

Sl No. Length, km Configuration Remarks
Width, m (BHS)
From To

Except Toll Plazas at Simliya ( Area

= 3702.00 sqmt)and Fathepur

1. 1080.263 1184.322 104.059 8.75 Flexible Pavement ( Area = 3943.00 sqmt) whereat 8

lane rigid pavements have been


Total Length (Km) 104.059

4. At Grade Intersections

A. Major Junctions

The details of major junctions are as follows:

Type of
Sl No. Existing Chainage (Km)

1 1086+300 + LHS RHS

(NH: National Highway, SH: State Highway, MDR: Major District Road)

B. Minor Junctions

The details of minor junctions are as follows:

Sl No. Design/Existing Junction Leads Remarks

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Chainage (Km) type


1 1082.000 Y LHS Jhalipura

2 1082.900 Y LHS Jhalipura

3 1084.300 T LHS Brijeshpura

4 1084.800 Y RHS Tathed

5 1088.620 T RHS

6 1089.300 T LHS

7 1089.700 Y RHS Dayera

8 1092.650 T LHS Polai

9 1092.930 Y RHS

10 1093.900 Y RHS

11 1098.900 Y LHS

12 1106.600 T LHS

13 1107.250 Y RHS GADHEPAN

14 1110.600 Y RHS CHEENSA

15 1113.700 Y RHS PALAYETHA

16 1117.900 y LHS ANTA

17 1120.750 T LHS ANTA

18 1122.400 Y LHS

19 1124.050 Y LHS BAMBOOLIYA

20 1125.450 Y LHS BAMBOOLIYA

21 1128.050 T LHS Batawda

22 1129.950 Y LHS(Y) RHS(T) Batawda

23 1130.050 T LHS Batawda

24 1130.550 Y RHS

25 1131.650 Y RHS

26 1140.400 + LHS RHS

27 1150.800 Y RHS

28 1155.050 T LHS

29 1156.300 + LHS RHS

30 1159.200 T RHS KISHANGANJ

31 1162.300 Y RHS KISHANGANJ

32 1165.550 T RHS

33 1167.500 T RHS

34 1169.150 Y LHS


5. Service Roads / Slip roads

The details of Service Roads and Slip Roads are as follows.

Chainage Total Length

Sr. No. Side Remarks
From To (mt.)(B/S)

1 1080+663 1081+113 B/S 900

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


2 1085+788 1086+788 B/S 2000

3 1088+463 1089+188 B/S 1450

4 1090+038 1090+488 B/S 900

5 1097+413 1097+963 B/S 1100

6 1102+163 1102+888 B/S 1450

7 1105+563 1106+063 B/S 1000 ROB

8 1108+163 1108+438 B/S 550

9 1134+833 1135+433 B/S 1200

10 1142+823 1143+523 B/S 1400

11 1149+573 1150+343 B/S 1540

12 1152+133 1152+673 B/S 1080

13 1153+753 1154+483 B/S 1460

14 1156+323 1156+863 B/S 1080

15 1169+543 1170+113 B/S 1140

16 1178+143 1178+963 B/S 1640

6. Bypasses

The details of the bypasses are as follows.

SI Name of Bypass Existing Chainage (Km) Carriageway

Length in (km)
No. (Town) From To Width (m) Type

1 BARAN BYPASS 1135+143 1150+723 15.58 8.75 4 LANE

7. Major Bridges

The site includes the following major Bridges.

Span Arrangement ( No. of span x Length in

Carriageway Width (mt.)
mt. )
Sr. Chainage Type of Super
No. (Km) Structure

1 1080+464 Old structure 2 x 36.85 + 4 x 38.2 Girder - RCC 8.50 8.50 226.50

2 1087+097 2x23.65+1x39.8 2x23.65+1x39.8 Girder - RCC 8.50 8.50 87.10

3 1101+271 2x23.65+1x39.8 2x23.65+1x39.8 Girder - RCC 8.50 8.50 87.10

4 1112+432 Old structure 1x44+33x38.11 Girder - RCC 8.50 8.50 1301.630

Solid-RCC & Continuous

5 1118+405 3 x 25 3 x 25 8.50 8.50 75.00

6 1120+381 2x23.65+1x24.77 2x24.385+1x24.77 Girder - RCC 8.50 8.50 73.54

Girder - RCC & solid

7 1144+215 1x40.00+2x15.0 1x40.00+2x15.0 8.50 8.50 70.00
Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Solid -RCC & Continu-

8 1147+662 3 x 25 3 x 25 8.50 8.50 75.00
ous slab

Solid -RCC & Continu-

9 1154+815 3 x 25 3 x 25 8.50 8.50 75.00
ous slab

10 1157+580 Old structure 2 x 46.780+16 x44.720 Girder -RCC slab Old structure 7.75 807.140

Solid -RCC & Continuous

11 1183+350 3 X 20 3 x 20 8.50 8.50 60.00

Solid -RCC & Continuous

12 1183+510 3 X 20 3 x 20 8.50 8.50 60.00

8. Minor Bridges

The site includes the following minor bridges.

Sr. Chainage Span Arrangement Type of Super
Width (mt.) Length
No. (KM+M) Structure

1 1089+838 1 x 15 1 x 15 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 15

2 1093+298 1 x 20 1 x 20 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 20

3 1099+860 1 x 15 1 x 15 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 15

4 1108+571 1 x 25 1 x 25 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 25

5 1114+791 1 x 15 1 x 15 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 15

6 1115+289 1 x 15 1 x 15 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 15

7 1124+986 1 x 20 1 x 20 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 20

8 1130+760 1 x 20 1 x 20 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 20

1 x 15.40 1 x 15.40
9 1135+872 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 45
+2x14.80 +2x14.80

10 1137+154 1 x 20 1 x 20 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 20

11 1137+319 1 x 15 1 x 15 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 15

12 1143+280 1 x 15 1 x 15 SOLID SLAB 8.5 15

13 1143+351 1 x 22 1 x 22 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 22

14 1143+465 1 x 15 1 x 15 SOLID SLAB 8.5 15

15 1146+534 1 x 25 1 x 25 GIRDER-RCC 8.5 25

16 1146+761 1 x 44 1 x 44 GIRDER-RCC 8.5 44

OLD STR. Stone

17 1151+200 1 x 20 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 20

18 1156+125 1 x 20 1 x 20 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 20

19 1161+170 1 x 20 1 x 20 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 20

20 1162+044 1 x 30 1 x 30 GIRDER-RCC 8.5 30

21 1162+47 1 x 20 1 x 20 SOLID SLAB 8.5 1

Old Struc- GIRDER-RCC &

22 1166+739 1x27.2+2x15 8.5 57.2

23 1167+056 Old Structure. 1 x 30 GIRDER-RCC 8.5 30

24 1169+692 1 x 10 1 x 10 SOLID SLAB 8.5 10

25 1170+672 1 x 15 1 x 15 SOLID SLAB 8.5 15

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


26 1178+310 1 x 20 1 x 20 SOLID SLAB-RCC 8.5 20

27 1180+704 1 x 20 1 x 20 SOLID SLAB 8.5 15

28 1181+449 2 x 15.6 2 x 15.6 SOLID SLAB 8.5 31.2

9. Causeways

The site includes the following cause ways.

Existing Chainage (Km) Span Arrangement (No. x Span Length) Type of Structure Deck Width (m)


10. Road Over Bridge (ROB)

The site includes the following ROBs.

Span Arrangement
Sr. Chainage Tupe of Super Carriageway Width
No. ( KM+M) Structure (mt.)

1 1106+076 2 x 32+1 x 30 2 x 32 +1 x 30 Girder - PSC 8.75 94.00

2 1146+427 3 x 24 3 x 24 Girder - PSC 11 72.00

11. Road Under Bridge (RUB)

The site includes the following RUBs.

Sl Super
Existing Chainage (Km) Span Arrangement (No. x Span Length) Deck Width (m) Remarks
No. Structure


12. Grade Separators

The Site includes the following Grade Separators.

Sl. Type of
Existing Chainage (Km) Span Arrangement (No. x Span Length) Deck Width (m) Remarks
No Structure


13. Flyover

The Site includes the following Flyovers.

Type of Super Depth of Super Structure (mt.)

Structure/ under
Sr.No. Chainage (KM+M) Configuration of Structure pass

1 1080+863 1 x 5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


2 1086+300 1 x 60 x 7.5 SLAB 7.50 7.50

3 1088+800 1 x 5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

4 1090+150 1 x 5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

5 1097+713 1 x 5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

6 1102+567 1 x 7.5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

7 1135+250 1 x 7.5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.5 3.5

8 1136+950 1 x 4 x 2.873 BOX TYPE 2.87 2.87

9 1143+300 1 x 25 x 7.5 Slab 7.5 7.5

10 1149+900 1 x 7 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

11 1152+250 1 x 4 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

12 1154+100 1 x 4 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

13 1169+753 1 x 4 x 3.1 BOX TYPE 3.10 3.10

14 1178+353 1 x 5 x 4.0 BOX TYPE 4.00 4.00

14. Vehicular Underpasses

The Site includes the following vehicular underpasses.

Depth of Super Structure (mt.)

Chainage Type of Super

Sr.No. (KM+M) Configuration of Structure Structure LHS RHS

1 1080+863 1 x 5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

2 1082+503 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

3 1085+493 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

4 1085+673 1 x 7.5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

5 1086+988 1 x 5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

6 1087+188 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

7 1088+863 1 x 5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

8 1090+263 1 x 5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

9 1093+203 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

10 1093+703 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

11 1097+713 1 x 5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

12 1099+363 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

13 1100+563 1 x 7.5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

14 1101+333 1 x 5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

15 1102+567 1 x 7.5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

16 1107+071 1 x 7.5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

17 1108+163 1 x 7.5 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 5.00 5.00

18 1111+188 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


19 1113+373 2x4x4 BOX TYPE 5.00 5.00

20 1113+528 1x5x5 BOX TYPE 5.00 5.00

21 1118+595 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

22 1118+953 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

23 1119+823 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

24 1120+327 1x4x4 BOX TYPE 4.00 4.00

25 1120+433 1 x 7.5 x 5 BOX TYPE 5.00 5.00

26 1122+313 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

27 1125+310 1 x 7 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

28 1131+198 1 x4 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

29 1134+073 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

30 1135+310 1x7x5 BOX TYPE 6.29 5.00

31 1136+678 1 x 4 x 2.873 BOX TYPE 2.87 2.87

32 1137+488 1 x 4 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

33 1139+173 1 x 4 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

34 1139+793 1 x 4 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

35 1141+918 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

36 1144+664 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

37 1145+463 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

38 1147+364 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

39 1148+573 1 x 7 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

40 1150+148 1x7x5 BOX TYPE 5.00 5.00

41 1152+613 1 x 4 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

42 1154+338 1 x 4 x 3.5 BOX TYPE 3.50 3.50

43 1156+863 1x7x5 BOX TYPE 5.00 5.00

44 1159+188 1x7x5 BOX TYPE 5.00 5.00

45 1159+992 1x7x5 BOX TYPE 5.00 5.00

46 1160+966 1 x 4 x 2.5 BOX TYPE 2.50 2.50

47 1169+753 1 x 4 x 3.1 BOX TYPE 3.10 3.10

48 1178+353 1 x 5 x 4.0 BOX TYPE 4.00 4.00

15. Vehicular Overpasses

The Site includes the following vehicular overpasses.

Type of
Sl No. Existing Chainage (Km) Span Arrangement (No. x Span Length) Deck Width (m) Remarks


16. Cattle/Pedestrian Underpasses

The Site includes the following Cattle/Pedestrian underpasses.

Type of
Sl No. Existing Chainage (Km) Span Arrangement (No. x Span Length) Deck Width (m) Remarks

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


17. Culverts

The Site has the following culverts.

Pipe Culverts

Existing km Span/Opening with Span Length Existing Width

Sl No. Structure No. Type of Culvert Remarks
(km) (m) (m)


Slab Culverts

Existing Chainage Span Arrangement

Sl No. Width(m)
(Km) (No. x Span in m)


Box Culverts

Sr. Chainage No.of Overall Condition Rural/
Type of structure Depth Type of Sub Structure
No. (KM+M) Cell ( G/F/P) Urban

1 1081+243 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

2 1081+863 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

3 1082+263 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

4 1082+898 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

5 1083+413 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

6 1083+963 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

7 1084+633 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

8 1084+828 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

9 1085+198 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

10 1085+593 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

11 1085+781 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

12 1085+643 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

13 1085+938 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

14 1086+830 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

15 1087+206 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

16 1087+853 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

17 1088+888 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

18 1089+443 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

19 1090+393 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

20 1090+835 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

21 1092+063 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

22 1094+149 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

23 1094+679 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

24 1097+458 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

25 1098+044 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

26 1099+148 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

27 1099+643 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


28 1100+538 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

29 1101+348 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

30 1101+688 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

31 1102+003 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

32 1103+093 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

33 1103+698 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

34 1105+228 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

35 1106+605 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

36 1107+003 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

37 1107+183 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

38 1108+200 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

39 1109+203 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

40 1109+563 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

41 1109+808 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

42 1110+113 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

43 1110+113 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

44 1114+228 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

45 1114+938 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

46 1115+088 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

47 1116+170 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

48 1117+588 BOX TYPE 2 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

49 1117+863 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

50 1118+238 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

51 1118+678 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

52 1119+232 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

53 1119+443 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

54 1119+584 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

55 1119+990 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

56 1120+103 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

57 1120+314 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

58 1120+441 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

59 1120+854 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

60 1121+413 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

61 1121+538 BOX TYPE 2 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

62 1121+713 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

63 1121+973 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

64 1122+138 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

65 1122+223 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

66 1122+568 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

67 1123+205 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

68 1123+384 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

69 1123+918 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

70 1124+771 BOX TYPE 1 0.25 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

71 1124+790 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


72 1125+292 BOX TYPE 1 0.25 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

73 1125+609 BOX TYPE 1 0.25 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

74 1125+973 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

75 1126+174 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

76 1126+374 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

77 1128+960 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

78 1126+782 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

79 1128+802 BOX TYPE 1 0.48 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

80 1129+577 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

81 1130+218 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

82 1130+393 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

83 1131+225 BOX TYPE 1 0.45 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

84 1131+412 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

85 1132+095 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

86 1133+147 BOX TYPE 1 0.25 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

87 1134+048 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

88 1137+744 BOX TYPE 1 0.45 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

89 1137+898 BOX TYPE 1 0.45 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

90 1138+779 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

91 1138+929 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

92 1138+600 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

93 1138+519 BOX TYPE 1 0.42 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

94 1138+658 BOX TYPE 1 0.42 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

95 1139+277 BOX TYPE 1 0.45 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

96 1140+501 BOX TYPE 1 0.42 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

97 1140+622 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

98 1140+985 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

99 1143+005 BOX TYPE 1 0.45 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

100 1144+685 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

101 1145+218 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

102 1145+781 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

103 1147+073 BOX TYPE 1 0.45 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

104 1148+942 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

105 1149+297 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

106 1149+575 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

107 1149+600 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

108 1152+575 BOX TYPE 1 0.62 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

109 1154+354 BOX TYPE 1 0.38 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

110 1155+468 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

111 1155+568 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

112 1155+685 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

113 1156+039 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

114 1156+386 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

115 1156+548 BOX TYPE 1 0.25 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


116 1156+853 BOX TYPE 1 0.30 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

117 1159+123 BOX TYPE 1 0.50 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

118 1159+760 BOX TYPE 1 0.42 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

119 1160+083 BOX TYPE 1 0.45 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

120 1163+957 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

121 1165+539 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

122 1167+740 BOX TYPE 1 0.45 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

123 1168+171 BOX TYPE 1 0.42 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

124 1168+312 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

125 1169+198 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

126 1172+785 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

127 1174+454 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

128 1174+931 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

129 1176+409 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

130 1176+670 BOX TYPE 1 0.35 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

131 1177+163 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

132 1177+578 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

133 1177+700 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

134 1178+073 BOX TYPE 1 0.48 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

135 1178+470 BOX TYPE 1 0.25 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

136 1178+973 BOX TYPE 1 0.37 Raft Foundation New/Good Rural

18. Railway Lane Crossing

The Site includes the following Railway Lane Crossings.

Sl Skew
Design Chainage (Km) Railway Lane From Railway Lane To
No. Angle


19. Total number of Existing structures

The total number of existing structures on the Project Highway is noted below.

Sl No. Type of Structure Nos

A Major bridges 12

B Minor Bridges 23

C Causeways Nil

D ROBs 2

E RUBs Nil

F Railway Level Crossings Nil

G Grade separators Nil

H Flyovers 14

I Vehicular Underpasses 48
Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Sl No. Type of Structure Nos

J Vehicular Overpasses Nil

K Cattle /Pedestrian Underpasses Nil

L Pipe Culverts Nil

M Slab Culverts Nil

N Box Culverts 136

20. Bus Bays & Truck Lay byes

The details of bus bays are as follows:

No. of Bus bays Chainage Side Remarks

1 1085+938 LHS Tathed overpass service road

2 1092+563 RHS Polaikalan bypass

3 1098+563 LHS Similiya bypass

4 1102+313 RHS Bhoura Service road

5 1108+633 RHS Gadepan

6 1113+858 LHS Palaitha

7 1117+683 LHS Anta

8 1142+235 LHS Baumalia

9 1142+185 RHS Baumalia

10 1148+136 LHS Batawada

11 1148+096 RHS Batawada

12 1167+546 LHS Fatehpur

13 1167+506 RHS Fatehpur

14 1175+141 LHS Kishangunj

15 1170+548 LHS Rampuria

16 1170+508 RHS Rampuria

17 1176+798 LHS Bhanwargarh

18 1176+758 RHS Bhanwargarh

No. of Bus Shelters Chainage Side Remarks

1 1085+938 LHS Tathed overpass service road

2 1092+563 RHS Polaikalan bypass

3 1098+563 LHS Similiya bypass

4 1102+313 RHS Bhoura Service road

5 1108+633 RHS Gadepan

6 1113+858 LHS Palaitha

7 1117+683 LHS Anta

8 1142+235 LHS Baumalia

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


9 1142+185 RHS Baumalia

10 1148+136 LHS Batawada

11 1148+096 RHS Batawada

12 1167+546 LHS Fatehpur

13 1167+506 RHS Fatehpur

14 1175+141 LHS Kishangunj

15 1170+548 LHS Rampuria

16 1170+508 RHS Rampuria

17 1176+798 LHS Bhanwargarh

18 1176+758 RHS Bhanwargarh

Truck Lay byes

Chainage Side
From To

1 1114+000 1115+000 LHS

2 1088+000 1089+000 RHS

21. Wayside Amenities

The details of wayside amenities are as follows:

Sl No. Location Side Remarks
Chainage (Km)

1 1114.000 Palayetha LHS

2 1151.000 Sambalpur LHS

22. Toll plaza

The details of Toll Plaza are as follows: Location No.of lane Name Remarks

1 1101+680 8 Simliya Toll Plaza

2 1153+290 8 Fathepur Toll Plaza

23. Design Chainage corresponding to Existing Chainage

The Proposed Highway runs majority runs is a Re-alignment Green field Highway and partly runs in Existing Alignment.

Sl No. Existing Chainage, Km Design Chainage, Km Remarks

24. Additional Features


No Footpath of 1.5m exists along the project stretch at the following locations.

Sl No. From (Km) To (Km) Side Remarks

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.



Lined Drain.

No Lined Drain exists along the project stretch at the following locations.

Sl No. From (Km) To (Km) Side Remarks


25. Details of Existing Utilities

The site includes utilities. Details at Annex-I of Schedule-A.

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Annex - I (Schedule-A)

Existing Utilities
Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.

Electrical Utilities: The site includes the following electrical utilities:
Extra High-Tension Lines (EHT Lines) *

Sl Design Chainage (Km) Length (in Km) Crossings

No. From To 400KV 220 KV 110KV 66KV 400KV 220 / 110KV 110KV 66KV

/ 110KV

High Tension/ Low Tension Lines (HT/LT Lines) *

Sl Chainage (Km) Length (in Km) Crossings Transformer

No From To 33KV 11KV LT 33KV 11KV LT No’s Capacity

Public Health utilities (Water/Sewage Pipelines) *

The site includes the following Public Health utilities: -

Sl Chainage (Km) Length (in Km) Crossings

No. From To Water Supply Line Sewage Line Water Supply Line Sewage Line

With Pumping With Gravity With Pumping With Gravity With Pumping With Gravity With Pumping With Gravity

Flow Flow Flow Flow

Any other Line

No Change of Scope shall be paid for any over – ground utilities. However, for any underground utilities not mentioned in schedule ‘B’ shall form change of scope,

which shall be worked out as per the estimation of the concerned utility owing department and shall be payable.
Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Annex - II (Schedule-A)
Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Annex - III (Schedule-A)

Alignment Plans
Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Annex – IV


Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322

in the state of Rajasthan.

Environment Clearance: Deleted

Forest Clearance: Deleted
Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Annexure — I

(Schedule — B)

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the
state of Rajasthan.

Description of the Project

1. Development of the Project Highway

The Project Highway shall generally follow the horizontal alignment shown in the plan specified in Annexure- Ill of Schedule-A, unless otherwise specified by

the Authority. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement or IRC:SP:84/87, the proposed plan & profile, locations of different

structures/drains/service & slip road/RE walls, chainages of different structures/drains/service & slip road/RE walls, length of different

structures/drains/service & slip road/RE walls etc. of the project highway as indicated in the Schedule A, Schedule B, Schedule C and their Annexures shall be

treated as minimum requirement. Based on site/design requirement, the Contractor shall finalize their Detailed Designs (Development Stage) including plan &

profile of the project highway and submit the same to Authority & its Engineer for its Consent/Approval and Safety Audit by Safety Auditor, before the start of

the execution of project. The designs so approved shall not be in contradiction with the scope of the project. For avoidance of doubt, the provisions mentioned

in Schedule B & C cannot be changed, only the design of the components is to be submitted for consent/ approval.

1.1. Width of Carriageway

1.1.1. Deleted

1.1.2. Deleted

1.1.3. Deleted

1.1.4. Deleted

1.2. Width of Median

1.2.1. Deleted

1.2.2. Deleted

1.2.3. Deleted

1.2.4. Deleted

Geometric Design and General Features

2.1 General: Deleted

2.2 Design Speed: Deleted

2.3 Improvement of the existing road geometrics

2.3.1. The existing road geometrics shall be improved as per the codal provisions. In the sections, where improvement of the existing road geometrics

to the prescribed standards is not possible, the existing road geometrics shall be improved to the extent possible within the given right of way and

appropriate road signs, pavement markings and safety measures shall be provided.

S Stretch

(Design Chainage)
S Sl No. Type of deficiency Remarks

From To


2.3.2. Deleted

2.3.3 Realignments: The existing road shall be improved to the standards as specified in the manual at the following locations:

1-21 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Type of
Design Chainage (Km) Length (km) Type of C/S Remarks
Sl No Construction

From To


2.3.4. Bypasses: The existing road shall be bypassed to the standards as specified in the manual at the following locations:

Sr. No. Name of bypass Existing Chainage (Km) Design Chainage (Km) Length

From To From To (Km)


2.4 Right of Way

Details of the Right of Way along Project Highway and Side Roads are given in Annexure-II of Schedule-A. {Deleted}

2.5 Type of shoulders:- Deleted

2.6 Lateral and Vertical Clearance at Underpasses :- Deleted

2.7 Lateral and Vertical Clearances at Overpasses:- Deleted

2.7.1. Deleted

2.7.2 Lateral clearance: The width of the opening at the Overpasses shall be as follows:

Sr. N Sl Lo Location Chainage (Km) Span Span/opening (m) Remarks



(MCW - main carriageway, LHS - Left Hand Side and RHS - Right Hand Side).

2.8 Service roads/SIip roads/Connecting Roads:

2.8.1 Service Road: The height of embankment of service road shall conform to clause 4.2.1

2.8.2. The Service roads shall be constructed at the locations and for the lengths indicated below:

Sl No. Design Chainage (Km) Length (km) Paved Carriageway Width

Total (km) Remarks
From To LHS RHS including shyness (m)

1 LHS - 3.5 0.400 Kota to Baran police line

1139+500 1139+900

2.8.3. The Parking bays shall be provided along service road.

Design Chainage of Parking Bay

Sl No. Remarks
LHS Service Road RHS Service Road


2.8.4. Slip Road: The height of embankment of slip road shall conform to clause 4.21. The Slip roads shall be constructed at the locations and for the

lengths indicated below:

Sr. No. Design Chainage (Km) Length (km) Paved Carriageway Width
Total Remarks
From To LHS RHS including shyness (m)


2.8.5. Separator Between Main Carriageway and Service/Slip Road


2.9. Grade Separated Structures

1-22 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.



2.9.1. Vehicle Overpass (VOP)

LHS RHS Roadway Width Super Structure Skew

Design Span Arrangement Minimum Vertical
Sr. No. Roadway (m) Provision in Angle (to be Remarks
Chainage (Km) (m) Clearance (m)
Width (m) Median specified


2.9.2 Vehicle Underpasses (VUP)

LHS RHS Roadway Super Structure Skew

Sr. Design Chainage Span Arrangement Minimum Vertical
Roadway Width (m) Provision in Angle (to be Remarks
No. (Km) (m) Clearance (m)
Width (m) Median specified


2.9.3 Light Vehicle Underpasses (LVUP)

RHS Roadway Super Structure Skew

Sr. Design Width (m) Provision in Span Arrangement Minimum Vertical Angle (to be
Roadway Remarks
No. Chainage (Km) (m) Clearance (m)
Median specified
Width (m)


2.9.4 Small Vehicle Underpasses (SVUP)

RHS Roadway Super Structure Skew

Sr. Design Width (m) Provision in Span Arrangement Minimum Vertical Angle (to be
Roadway Remarks
No. Chainage (Km) Median (m) Clearance (m) specified
Width (m)


2.9.5 Cattle and Pedestrian underpasses

LHS RHS Roadway Super Structure Skew

Sr. Design Chainage Span Arrangement Minimum Vertical
Roadway Width (m) Provision in Angle (to be specified Remarks
No. (Km) (m) Clearance (m)
Width (m) Median

Cattle and pedestrian underpass shall be constructed as follows:

2.9.6 Interchanges (IC)

LHS RHS Roadway Width Super Structure

Design Chainage Span Arrangement Minimum Vertical
Sr. No. Roadway (m) Provision in
(Km) (m) Clearance (m)
Width (m) Median


2.9.7 Detail of Ramps, Crossroads and Connecting Roads at Interchanges (IC)

Carriageway Widths including Kerb Length (m) Description of Ramps, Crossroad and Connecting Roads
Sr. No. Remarks


2.10 Typical Cross Section (TCS) of the Project Highway

The Project Highway shall be constructed to Four/Six lane configuration. Typical cross sections required to be developed in different sections of the Project

Highway are given below.

1-23 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Type of TCS as per

Design Chainage (Km) Length (km) Type of C/S Remarks
Sl No. Construction Manual

From To

1 1184+322 104.059 TCS 1 4 lane BC overlay Existing highway

2 TCS 2 4 lane DBM Existing highway

3 1139+900 0.400 TCS 3 Service road LHS New Construction

Total Length (Km) 0000

3. Intersections and Grade Separated Intersections

All at-grade intersections and grade separated intersections shall be as per Section 3 of the manual. Existing at-grade intersections shall be improved to the

prescribed standards.

The service road pavement composition shall be continued on crossroads of the intersections for the length specified for at-grade and grade separated


Properly designed intersections shall be provided at the locations and of types and features given in the tables below

3.1. At-grade intersections:

(a) Major Junctions:

Sr. Design Chainage Leads to Medina Opening Carriageway width of Length of Cross Road to be Developed
Junction Type Category of Road
No. (Km) Left Right Cross Road LHS RHS


(b) Minor Intersections:

Leads to Length of crossroad to be

Design Junction Median Category of Carriageway width of
Sr. No. developed
Chainage (Km) Type Left Right Opening Cross Road crossroad



1. Type of Junction to be improved as per manual.

2. The Contractor shall take up a ‘Detailed Engineering study' to ascertain further details of all intersections and treatment of the intersections shall

be designed in accordance with the latest guidelines mentioned in section-3 of the manual. Auxiliary lanes including storage, acceleration and

deceleration lanes along with physical islands to be provided.

3. The crossroads at the junctions which have a level difference from the main carriageway, are to be improved at the level of main carriageway for

the length of 30 meter and then to be merged with the crossroad at the gradient not more than 1:50.

4. For minor / major layout for left-in / left out arrangement with physical islands with hazard marking. Where there is space constraint to provide

physical islands, the effect of junction kept wide open can be avoided by Ghost Island with marking.

5. For U-turn, Self-Regulated U-Turn facility shall be created.

3.2. At-Grade Intersections below Grade Separators / Interchanges: These shall be provided as given at para— of this Annexure-I of the Schedule B.

Leads to Length of crossroad

Design Junction U-Turn provision Category of Cross Carriageway width of to be developed
Sr. No.
Chainage (Km) Type Left Right in Vaiduct Spans Road crossroad



 The length of cross road to be developed given in the above table is minimum and up to available ROW limits whichever is higher.

1-24 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.



1. The Contractor shall take up a ‘Detailed Engineering study' to ascertain further details of all intersections and treatment of the intersections shall be

designed in accordance with the latest guidelines mentioned out in section-3 of manual.

2. Junction improvement under grade separators shall be carried out as per manual with proper entry/exit to crossroads and slip/service roads, etc. Auxiliary

lanes including storage, acceleration and deceleration lanes along with physical islands to be provided.

3. The location of grade-separated structures is indicative. Exact location should be decided in consultation with Independent Engineer

4. Intersection Layout, Entry/Exit, Right Turning Lane, U-Turns, Geometric Design and Typical Cross Sections of Interchange shall be included by DPR

consultant in Annexure to schedule-B.

5. Only Entry or Exit shall be designed at any location (provision of entry/exit by Ghost Island not permitted).

4. Road Embankment and Cut Section


5. Pavement design:- Deleted

5.1. Deleted.
5.2. Deleted
5.2.1. Deleted

5.2.2. Recommended Pavement Design


5.2.3 The pavement for service road/slip roads shall be designed for projected traffic subject to minimum as follows:

i. Service Road/Slip Road in Built-up areas for a minimum of 10 MSA

ii. Service Road/Slip Road for minimum 10 MSA (when two National Highways are crossing/ joining, the slip roads, it shall be designed for the highest MSA

of the concerned NH’s).

iii. Service Road for a minimum of 10 MSA

5.3 Deleted

5.3.1 Main carriageway, paved shoulder, median side paved strip, entry/exit locations, acceleration/ deceleration lane, right turning lanes (Flexible) with


Pavement Composition Minimum Crust Thickness (mm)

Subgrade with 10% Effective CBR -




BC -

5.3.2 Main carriageway, paved shoulder, median side paved strip, entry/exit locations, acceleration/ deceleration lane, right turning lanes (Flexible) with


Pavement Composition Minimum Crust Thickness (mm)

1-25 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Subgrade --


WMM --

DBM --

BC --

5.3.3. Main carriageway, paved shoulder, median side paved strip, entry/exit locations, acceleration/ deceleration lane, right turning lanes (Rigid) -For Toll

Plaza location.

Pavement Composition Minimum Crust Thickness (mm)

Sub Grade --

GSB --

DLC --

PQC --

5.3.4 Crossroads/ service roads/ slip roads

Pavement Composition Minimum Crust Thickness (mm)

Subgrade with 10% Effective CBR 500

GSB 150

WMM 250

DBM 50

BC 40

5.4 Reconstruction of Stretches with New pavement

The following stretches of the existing road shall be dismantled/milled and reconstructed. These shall be designed as new pavement –

Design Chainage (Km) Re-Construction Pavement

Sl No. Composition Remarks
From TO

1. - - BC-40, DBM-50 to 70 (varies as Annexure Z-1) 55 Km length in 2


5.5 Bituminous Mix for Overlay

The following stretches of the existing road shall be provided bituminous overlay as follows

Design Chainage (Km) Overlay Pavement

Sr. No. Composition Remarks
From TO

BC (PMB 76-10 E Grade II) 101.659 Km for MCW in 4 lane

40 mm 19.890 Km Bus Bays

1 1080+263 1184+322
4.170 km Truck bays

1.995 Km Bus baY

6. Roadside Drainage

6.1. Drainage system including surface and subsurface drains for the Project Highway including crossroads shall be provided as per section 6 of the manual.

RCC Drain cum footpaths shall conform to the cross- sectional features and other details as given in Annexures to Schedule-B and shall be provided as under:

Details of RCC Drain cum Footpath

Sr. Design Chainage (Km) Length (m) Width of Drain (m) Total Length (m)



6.2. Unlined Drains other than above mentioned locations shall be provided in the entire project length which gets terminated at all crossroad locations. In

1-26 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


case, the definite outfall is not available, a rainwater harvesting system shall be provided at the deepest location for dispersal of water.

Sr. Design Chainage (Km) Length (m) Width of Drain (m) Total Length (m)



6.3. Median Drain

Lined drain shall be provided in the center of the median at super elevation locations and depressed median. Draining of storm water from one carriageway to

another carriageway is not permitted. The Contractor shall design the median drain based on site/design requirement mentioned in Schedule D with approval

from the Authority Engineer and shall be connected with the nearest culvert/outfall. Provision of Catch pit required as per drainage design for collection of run

off and discharge to the nearest stream shall be made.

Sr. Design Chainage (Km) Length (m) Width of Drain (m) Total Length

From To LHS RHS (m)


6.4. Drainage arrangement between Main Carriageway and Service/Slip Roads


6.5. Drainage where Embankment Height is more than 3m


6.6. Drainage for Structures


6.7. Drainage for Underpass and Subways Structures


6.8. Drainage arrangement of Retaining Structures


7. Design of Structures

7.1 General


7.1.1 AII bridges, culverts and structures shall be designed Deleted

7.1.2. The overall width of the structures Deleted

7.1.3. The RCC Safety Barrier and Footpath Deleted

Details of Structures with footpaths

Footpath Width (m)

Sr. No. Location at km Remarks
angle Left Right


7.2. Culverts

7.2.1. Deleted

7.2.2. New/Reconstruction of existing RCC pipe culverts: The existing culverts at the following locations shall be re-constructed as new culverts:

Design Culvert Skew angle Span/ New/ Culvert Crossing Typ Remarks
Sl No.
Chainage Opening (m) Reconstruction Balancing {Stream, etc


7.2.3. Widening of existing RCC pipe culverts

All existing culverts which are to be retained shall be widened to the proposed roadway width of the Project Highway as per the typical cross section given in

section 7 of the Manual. Repairs and strengthening of existing structures where required shall be carried out.

Sl No. Design chainage Culver skew Span/ Repairs Culvert Crossing Remarks

type angle Opening (m) Rehabilitation (Balancing /

1-27 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


proposals Stream etc,.


7.2.4. Construction of Box Culverts:

7.2.5. New culverts (given in table below) shall be constructed for width equal to the proposed roadway width of the Project Highway & as per typical cross-

section given in schedule B. The details are given as under:

Box Culverts

Design Span Arrangement Culvert

Sl No Skew Angle Width (m)
Chainage (km) (m) Crossing


7.2.6. Widening of existing box culverts

All existing culverts which are to be retained shall be widened to the proposed roadway width of the Project Highway as per the typical cross section given in

Schedule-B. Repairs and strengthening of existing structures where required shall be carried out.

Sl No. Design Culvert Skew angle Span/ Opening Repairs Culvert Crossing Type Remarks

Chainage Type Rehabilitation proposals (Balancing/Stream, etc)


7.2.7. Culverts on Crossroads:

The Culverts on cross roads are required for continuing the water flow in longitudinal drains at the junction where traffic movement is expected. The locations

of cross road culverts shall be in line with longitudinal drains as shown in TCS. The locations are as follows:

Sl Span Arrangement Box /Pipe Length of Culvert

Design Chainage (km) Remarks


7.2.8. Utility ducts in bypasses (Greenfield as well as Brownfield which is being upgraded) in form of NP-4 RCC Pipe dia 600 mm shall be provided across the

Project Highway @ 0.50 km c/c and along with inspection chamber were directed for crossing of utilities anywhere as per manual (Clause 2.16) requirements.

Location for such utility crossing shall be finalized in consultation with Authority Engineer/NHAI.

Location for utility Ducts

Design Chainage (km) Remarks

Sl No.
From To


7.3 Bridges

7.3.1. Existing bridges to be re-constructed/widened: Deleted

1. Existing bridges proposed for reconstructed as new structures: NIL

2. Existing narrow bridges proposed to be retained and widened: NIL

7.3.2. Additional New Bridges: New bridges at the following locations on the Project Highway shall be constructed. GADs for the new bridges are attached in

the drawings folder.

Sl Total Proposed Length Total Proposed Width (m)

Design Chainage (Km) Type o Crossing Typical Manual Skew angle
No (m) MCW Footpath


Notes: (i) Width is excluding Median (M) gap and the gap between Main Carriageway (MCW) & Service/Slip Road (SR).

7.3.3. The railings of existing bridges shall be replaced by crash barriers at the following locations:

Design Chainage
Sl No. Length (km) Remarks
From To


7.3.4. The existing bridges/ ROB/ Grade Separators/ RUB retained on the project highway shall be upgraded and rehabilitation measures/proposals shall be

1-28 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


specified as follows:

Location at Km Rehabilitation Proposals

Sl No. Replacement / Provision of Bearings, Expansion Joints, Wearing Coat, Footpath, Lighting, Floor Protection, Remarks

etc. per relevant IRC codes and specifications

1 1146+800 Approach Slab A2 RHS Atru Bridge

2 1111+800-1113+000 Replacement of Expansion joint and wearing coat Kalisindh Bridger


3 1157+000 – 1158+000 Replacement of Expansion joint and wearing coat Parvati Bridge


7.3.5 Structures in marine environment: - NIL

Notes for Para 7.3: Bridges


7.4 Rail Road Bridges (ROB/RUB)

7.4.1. Design, construction and detailing of ROB/RUB shall be as specified in Section 7 of the manual.

7.4.2. Road over bridges (road over rail) shall be provided at the following locations, as per GAD drawings attached:

Proposed pan Type of super Structure (i.e Bow String,

Design Chainage Name of Total Width
Sl.No arrangement Simply Supported Composite Structure etc. Skew angle Remarks
Km) Crossing (m)



If the length/width of the span/ type of super-structure is changed due to any reason the COS shall be considered.

1. ROB shall be designed, constructed and maintained as per the requirements of Railway authorities. The construction plan shall be prepared in

consultation with the concerned Railway Authority.

2. The ROB shall be constructed and maintained by the Contractor under supervision of the Railways.

3. All charges payable to the Railways like D&C, Capitalized maintenance, signaling, cabling, OHE modification, earthing etc. except P&E charges shall

be borne by the Contractor.

4. NHAI, GM (ROB/RUB) letter No.139024 06.08.2019, the instrumentation for measurement of Vibration shall be installed.

5. Wherever ROB/RUB proposed at or near the level crossing locations, 01 no. of Low Height Subway needs to be constructed at the said location of

existing Level crossing, as per Railway requirements. Its cost shall be borne by the Contractor.

6. Not Used.

7. The span/length specified in the above tables is clear span i.e. from face of abutment to face of abutment in Square direction.

7.4.3. Road under bridges (road under railway line) shall be provided at the following level crossings, as per GAD drawings attached:

Sr. No. Design Chainage Proposed Span arrangement Name of crossing Total Width (m) Skew Remarks


An exercise of caution shall be applied that wherever the ROB is being provided in lieu of existing level crossing, the RUB must be proposed so that the existing

railway crossing must be closed.

7.5 Grade Separated Structures

The grade separated structures shall be provided at the locations and of the type and length specified in paragraphs 2.9, 2.10 and 3 of Annexure-I of Schedule-

7.6 FoB/Skywalks

FoBs / Sky waIks shall be provided in built-up areas/ near schools.

1-29 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Sl No. Location at km FOB Type Remarks


7.7 The Summary of Culverts, Bridges and Other Structures shall be presented as follows:

Sl No. Name of the Structure Total Numbers Remarks

1. Major Bridge 2 Rectification of expansion joints

and wearing coat

2. Minor Bridge Nil

3. ROB / RUB 1 Rectification of approach slab

4. VUP (Single Span) Nil

5. VUP (Multi Span) Nil

6. LVUP Nil

7. SVUP Nil

8. FOB Nil

9. Box Culverts Nil

10. Pipe Culverts Nil

Total No. of Structures 3

8. Traffic Control Devices and Road Safety Works

8.1. Traffic control devices and road safety works shall be provided in accordance with Section 9 of the IRC: SP: 84/87

8.2. Traffic Signs:

Traffic signs shall be provided as per IRC 67 as mentioned in Schedule-C.

8.3. Pavement Marking:

Pavement markings shall be completed as per IRC 35 as mentioned in Schedule-C.

8.4. Safety Barrier:

The safety barriers shall be provided in accordance with Section-9 of Clause 9.7 of the manual.

The Safety Barrier length proposed excludes the safety barrier already proposed on Culverts, Grade Separated Structures, Interchange, Bridges, ROB and RUB

as applicable cross sections respectively.

End Treatment of Steel barriers/Rope Barrier shall be specified i.e. MELT or P-4 confirming to EN 1317-4, TT, MBCB barrier to Concrete Barrier

End Treatment to Concrete barrier shall be done as specified in Clause No. 9.7.3 (b) IRC: SP:84-2019/ IRC: SP:87-2019.

The lengths specified below are minimum and the actual length of barrier shall be determined as per applicable TCS given in Annexure II of Schedule B and


The details of the location are as below:


Sl No. Item Length (M)

From To From To

1086+500 1086+700 200

W-beam Single faced
metal crash barrier median
1086+800 1087+100 300

1-30 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


1084+600 1084+900 300 median

1097+800 1098+100 300 median

1107+000 1108+000 1000 median

1111+550 1111+800 1111.550 1111.800 500 Approaches of bridge

1113+000 1113+250 1113+000 1113+250 500 Approaches of bridge

1120+500 1120+800 300

1129+700 1130+000 300 median

1 median
1133+700 1134+700 1000

1145+850 1147+350 500 median

1156+750 1157+000 1156+750 1157+000 500 Approaches of bridge

1158+000 1158+250 1158+000 1158+250 500 Approaches of bridge

1125+700 1126.100 400

1111+350 111+850 500 median

1113+000 1113+400 400 median

1104.800 1105+300 500 median

1172+400 1173+000 600 median

1158+000 1158+600 600 median

1101+300 1101+400 1101+300 1101+400 200 approach

1101+100 1101+200 1101+100 1101+200 200 approach

1101+300 1101+400 100 median

1123+200 1125+200 2000 median

1108+300 1108+800 500 median

1159+650 1160+700 1050 Median tejaji ka danda

1178+700 1179+700 1000 median

1180+000 1181+000 750 median

Total 15000m

End Treatment for Steel End Treatment shall be done on approaches and end point of W-beam crash barrier on both side as per Fig.9.11 of SP 84:2019 at the
Barriers end of full height of W beam barrier locations.

9. Roadside Furniture

9.1. It shall be provided as per the details mentioned in Schedule-C. Nil

10. Hazardous Locations

The safety barriers shall be provided at the following hazardous location such as ponds, wells, electric sub-station, Electric tower, spilt carriageway, etc.

Sr. No. Location Stretch Type of Safety Barrier LHS/RHS

1-31 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


From Km To Km


11. Special Requirement:

Retaining Structure and protection works shall be provided at locations as indicated below and as provided in TCS schedule in cl. 2.11 of schedule-B.

Sr. No. Design Chainage Length (m) Side Height (m) Retaining Structure/ Type Remarks

Km Toe Wall Safety Barrier

From To


12. Open Well within RoW

The Open well shall be identified and appropriate treatment shall be provided.

SL No. Design Well Dimension Well Depth Filling Slab of open Remarks

Chainage (Km) Material Well Of Wells / No.


13. Shifting of Utilities

Electrical utilities
Extra High-Tension Lines (EHT Lines) *

Sl Chainage (Km) Circuit Crossings (Nos) Poles/Tower Conductor Size of

No. From To (TC/ Over Under Ground Tower Truss/ No. No. Size Cable

DC/ Head Unipole



TC-Triple circuit, DC- Double circuit, SC-Single circuit

Utility shifting plan and drawing enclosed as per Appendix EHT1 and Appendix EHT2 respectively.
High Tension Lines (HT Lines) *

Sl Chainage (Km) Type of Poles Conductor Crossing Cable Transformer

No. From to Circuit Type No. No. Size U/G Over No. Size Capacity No.
(TC/DC/ Head


TC-Triple circuit, DC- Double circuit, SC-Single circuit, UG – Underground.

Low Tension Lines (LT Lines) *

TC-Triple circuit, DC- Double circuit, SC-Single circuit, UG – Underground.

Detailed drawing enclosed as Appendix HT1/LT1 and HT2/HT2 respectively.

Sl Chainage (Km) Type of Poles Conductor Crossing Cable Transformer

No. From to Circuit Type No. No. Size U/G Over No. Size Capacity No.
(TC/DC/ Head


Public Health utilities (Water/Sewage Lines) *

The site included the following Public Health utilities- water supply pipelines:

1-32 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Sl Chainage (Km) Type of Lines (Pressure / Under Pipe Sluice Valve Crossings

No. From To Gravity) Type Nos. Size Nos. Nos. length


Detailed drawings enclosed as Appendix WS1/SD1 and SW1/LT2 respectively.

Any Other Line – NIL


A. The type/ spacing/ size/ specifications of poles/ towers/ lines/cables to be used in shifting work shall be as per the guidelines of Utility Owning Department

and it is to be agreed solely between the Contractor and the Utility Owning Department. No change of scope shall be admissible, and no cost shall be paid for

using different type/ spacing/ size/ specifications in shifting work in comparison to those in the existing work or for making any overhead crossings to

underground as per requirement of utility Owning department and/ or construction of project highway. The Contractor shall carry out joint inspection with

Utility Owning Department and get the estimates from Utility Owning Department. The assistance of the Authority is limited to giving forwarding letter on the

proposal of Contractor to Utility Owning Department whenever asked by the Contractor. The decision/ Approval of utility owning department shall be binding

on the Contractor.

B. The dismantled material/ scrap of existing Utility to be shifted/ dismantled shall belong to the Contractor who would be free to dispose-off the dismantled

material as deemed fit by them unless the Contractor is required to deposit the dismantled material to Utility Owning Department as per the norms and

practice and, in that case the amount of credit for dismantled material may be availed by the Contractor as per estimate agreed between them.

C. The utilities shall be handed over after shifting work is completed to Utility Owning Department up to their entire satisfaction. The maintenance liability shall

rest with the Utility

Owning Department after handing over process is complete as far as utility shifting works are concerned.

D. Existing lights, junction boxes, connection to individual properties along the affected section shall be disconnected and reconnected as part of utility

relocation and the same shall be in the scope of the Contractor.

14. Work Zone Traffic Management Plans

The traffic diversion plans shall be prepared as per IRC SP 55 for smooth flow of traffic and safety.

A diversion plan shall be proposed for construction of Culvert, Grade Separated Structures, Bridges, RoB/RUB, etc. and traffic management plan for widening/

reconstruction of carriageway.

1-33 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


Annexure II


Typical Cross Sections

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.

1-34 National Highways Authority of India

Strengthening and Overlay on Four Lane section of Kota-Baran of NH-27 from Km 1080+263 to Km 1184+322 in the state of Rajasthan.


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1-36 National Highways Authority of India

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