Taila Varga Final

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Introduction to Aharvargas according to different authors

Swasthavritta is a subject that deals with leading a healthy life by both a patient as well as a
healthy individual. The constitution of the body is an amalgamation of the three body
essences Vata, Pitta and Kapha which are called the tridoshas. These tridoshas are either in
an equilibrium state which maintains the health of an individual but when there is an
aggravation or alleviation of the tridoshas, diseases are caused. These doshas work in
coordination with the seven tissues of the body called as Sapta dhatus and the three bodily
wasted called as Trimalas, because of which the health of an individual is maintained. The
external as well as the internal environment of the sharir or the body is one of the major
factors for the equilibrium.
For the internal conditioning or the body, nutrition and nourishment is required which is only
acquired by having a proper diet which will not cause the aggravation of any dosha, dhatu or
mala, not leading to the depletion of the digestive capacity and which is easily accepted by
the body and mind. Ayurveda has just the right answer for many questions related to food
and it's benefits. Aharvargas is a vast topic which deals with the different categories of food
materials which are available to us in both raw as well as cooked form. From having basic
classification based on the six types of tastes, to the four types of foods (eatables, lickables,
chewables and drinkables) to around 13 vargas based on the raw materials, Aharvargas
have been discussed in detail. The manner of making the food, to the way of needs to be
consumed , our acharays in ayurveda have already given us a ready reckoner wherein the
physician as well as normal man can prescribe the correct amount and the source of food
himself or anyone around him.
In this compilation, we shall discuss about the various vargas given by Acharya Charak,
Sushrut, Vaghbhat and Bhavprakash respectively.

General guna and karma according to Charak Samhita
कषायानुरसं स्वादु सूक्ष्ममुष्णं व्यवायि च । पित्तलं
बद्धविण्मूत्रं न च श्लेष्माभिवर्धनम् ॥ -
वातघ्नेषूत्तमं बल्यं त्वच्यं मेधाग्निवर्धनम् । तैलं
संयोगसंस्कारात् सर्वरोगापहं मतम् ॥ -
तैलप्रयोगादजरा निर्विकारा जितश्रमाः । आसन्नतिबलाः संख्ये
दैत्याधिपतयः पुरा ॥ -Ch.Sutra.27/288
Kashaya anurasa
Vyavai-spreads all over the body before getting digested
Pitta vardhak
Mala mutra bandhak
Kapha vardhak
Best vata nashak Aushadhi
Bala vardhak
Best for Twacha Vikara
Increases Medha and Agni
Taila will cure all the diseases after sanyoga and sanskar of appropriate drug which cures
the particular disease.

Tila taila
According to Sushrut samhita
सर्वेभ्यस्त्विह तैलेभ्यस्तिलतैलं विशिष्यते ॥
निष्पत्तेस्तद्वणत्वाच्च तैलत्वमितरेष्वपि ॥
Of all oils, sesamum oil is the noteworthy (best one), the attributes of taila (oil) are present in
others also because of similarity in the method of extraction and properties.

According to Ashtanga hriday

तैलं स्वयोनिवतन्त्र मूख्यं तीक्ष्णं व्यवायि च।
त्वग्दोष कृदचक्षुष्यं सूक्ष्मोष्णं कफकृन्न च || -
कृशानां बृंहणायालं स्थूलानां कर्शनाय च ।
बद्धविट्कं कृमिघ्नं च संस्कारात्सर्वरोगजित् || -
तिल तैल oil is the best among the group of oils.
It has तीक्ष्ण and व्यवायि gunas, Due to these it penetrates into minute channels
Regular use of तिल तैल produces skin diseases and also not good for eyes.
Hot in potency & does not increase kapha.
Make lean person fatty & fatty persons lean
Constipating (बद्याविट्क) & kills worms (कृमिघ्न)
After processing properly, it is indicated in several diseases.

According to Bhavprakash nighantu

तिलतैलमलङ्करोति केशान् मधुरं तिक्तकषायमुष्णतीक्ष्णम् ।
बलकृत्कफवातजन्तुखर्जुव्रणकण्डूतिहरं च कान्तिदायि ।।
The oil derived from sesame imparts beauty to hair.
Is sweet, bitter and astringent in taste.
Hot in potency.
Quick in action, strength-promoting, treats vitiation of kapha and vâta, worm infestation,
itching, wounds and pruritus and invests the skin with complexion.

Erand Taila
According to Charak Samhita.
ऐरण्डतैलं मधुरं गुरु श्लेष्माभिवर्धनम् ।
वातासृग्गुल्महृद्रोगजीर्णज्वरहरं परम् ॥
Rasa- Madhura
Karma- Kapha vardhak
It cures disease like
Vatarakta, Hrudya Roga, Jirna Jwara.
According to Sushrut samhita
एरण्डतैलं मधुरमुष्णं तीक्ष्णं दीपनं कटु कषायानुरसं
सूक्ष्मं स्रोतोविशोधनं त्वच्यं वृष्यं मधुरविपाकं
वयःस्थापनं योनिशुक्रविशोधनमारोग्यमेधाकान्तिस्मृतिबलकरं
वातकफहरमधो- भागदोषहरं च ॥११४॥ -Su.Sutra.45/114
Madhura , ushna , tikshna , katu , kashaya anurasa , deepana, sukshma , srotovishodhana ,
twachya , vrushya , madhuravipaka ,
yoni shukra vishodhana promotes health, intellect, lustre, memory and strength; alleviates
väta and kapha and eliminates impurities from the downward passage.
According to Ashatang hriday
सतिक्तोष्णमैरण्डं तैलं स्वादु सरं गुरु ।
वर्मगुल्मानिलकफानुदरं विषमज्वरम् ।।57।। -Ash.Sutra.5/57
रुक्शोफौ च कटीगुह्यकोष्ठपृष्ठास्रयौ जयेत् ।
Castor oil consists tikta, kațu and madhura rasa; and sara and guru guņa.
It cures vardhma (scrotal enlargement, abdominal tumors, kapha and väta disorders,
ascites and malarial fevers.
Relieves the pain and swelling pertaining to hip, scrotum, abdomen and back.
Rakta eranda taila:
तीक्ष्णोष्णंपिच्छिलंविखं, रक्तरैण्डोद्भवं त्वति ॥58॥ -
tikshna, ushna and picchila.
visra gandha (putrefied smell).

According to Bhavprakash nighantu

एरण्डतैलं कृमिदोषनाशनं वातामयघ्नं सकलाङ्गशूलनुत् ।
कुष्ठापहं स्वादु रसायनोत्तमं पित्तप्रकोपं कुरुतेऽतिदीपनम्
Castor oil cures worm infestation.
Overcomes vitiation of vata.
Treats bodyache and skin disorders.
Is sweet in taste.
Excellent rasayana.
It causes vitiation of pitta.
Intensely stimulates the digestive fire.
Properties of Red Castor oil
पिच्छलं कटु तिक्तोष्णं रक्तैरण्डोद्भवं त्वति ||

Sarshap Taila
According to Charak samhita
कटूष्णं सार्षपं तैलं रक्तपित्तप्रदूषणम् ।
कफशुक्रानिलहरं कण्डूकोठविनाशनम् ॥ -Ch.Sutra.27/290
Karma- vitiates Rakta and Pitta
Diseases like kandu and kotha are cured
Destroys kapha and shukra

According to Sushrut samhita

कृमिघ्नं सार्षपं तैलं कण्डूकुष्ठापहं लघु ||
कफमेदोऽनिलहरं लेखनं कटु दीपनम् ॥११७॥ -Su.Sutra.45/117
Mustard oil is anthelmintic.
removes itching, skin diseases, kapha, fat and väta.
is anti-obesity
stimulates agni

According to Ashtanga hriday.

कटूष्णं सार्षपं तीक्ष्णं कफशुक्रानिलापहम् लघु ।
पित्तास्रकृत् कोठकुष्ठार्थोव्रणजन्तुजित्।।159।। -
Mustard oil is having katu rasa and contains tikshna, laghu gunas and ushna virya.
It mitigates văta and kapha doshas and decreases śhukra dhatu in the body.
It is useful to relieve kotha, kushtha, arśhas, vraņa, krimi roga and causes raktapitta.

According to Bhavprakash nighantu

सार्षपं कटु तिक्तोष्णं कफवातविकारनुत् ।
क्रिमिकुष्ठहरं रक्तपितदोषकरं परम् ।।
Mustard oil is pungent and bitter in taste.
Hot in potency.
Cures diseases caused by vitiated kapha and vāta.
Treats worm infestation and skin diseases.
Exceedingly vitiates blood and pitt.

According to Ashtang hrudaya sutrasthan

आक्ष तैल (Oil of vibhitaka) :
आक्षं स्वादु हिमं केश्वं गुरु पित्तानिलापहम् ।अ.ह्र.सू
● Vibhitaka taila is having madhura rasa; shita and guru guna.
● It acts as hair tonic.
● It is useful to mitigate pitta and väta.
Nimba taila according to Ashtang hrudaya sutrasthan

निम्ब तैल (Neem oil) :

नात्युष्णं निम्बजं तिक्तं कृमिकुष्ठकफप्रणुत् ॥अ.ह्र.सू
● Nimba taila is possessing tikta rasa and not having excessive ushna guņa.
● It is useful in the management of krimi roga and kushtha.
● It mitigates kapha dosha.

According to Sushrut sutrasthan

सर्षपसुवर्चलाविडङ्गज्योतिष्मतीफलतैलानि तीक्ष्णानि
लघून्युष्णवीर्याणि कटूनि कटुविपाकानि
सराण्यनिलकफकृमिकुष्ठप्रमेहशिरोरोगापहराणि चेति ॥सु.सू
Oils of the fruits of nimba, atasi, kusumbha, mülaka, jimütaka, kutaja. Krtavedhana, arka,
kampillaka, hastikarna, prthvíkā, pīlu, karañja, ingudi, şigru, sarsapa, suvarcala, vidanga and
jyotişmati are irritant, light, usnavirya, pungent in taste and vipäka, moving and alleviates
väta, kapha, worms, kustha, prameha and head-diseases.
Nimba oil is mentioned as cure for greying of hairs in other treatises, here too this is included
in alleviation of head-diseases

Tuvarak Taila
According to Acharya sushrut
तुवरकभल्लातकतैले उष्णे मधुरकषाये तिक्तानुरसे
वातकफकुष्ठमेदोमेहकृमिप्रशमने उभयतो- भागदोषहरे च ||
Sushruta 45/122
Rasa-Madhur, kashay, tikta
Guna-Snigdha, madhur
Karma-Krumihara, Kaphavatashamak, Kushthnashak, Pramehnashak, Medorognashak,
Eliminates impurities from both ways ie (upword & downword)

According to Acharya Bhavprakash,

तीक्ष्णोष्णं तुवरीतैलं लघु ग्राहि कफास्त्रजित् ।
वह्निकृद्विषहत्कण्डूकुष्ठकोठकृमिप्रणुत् ॥ मेदोदोषापहं
चापि व्रणशोथहरं परम् ॥१६॥
Guna-Tikshna,laghu, grahi, ushna, snigdha
Karma-kapha, raktvikar-kandu, kushtha, kotha, kruminashak, agnivardhak,
Tuvarak taila is not mentioned in Taila varga of charak samhita, and ashtang hrudaya..

Atasi Taila
According to Acharya charak
आतस्यं मधुराम्लं तु विपाके कटुकं तथा । उष्णवीर्यं हितं वाते
रक्तपित्तप्रकोपणम् ।।292 ॥
Rasa-Madhura, amla
Karma- Useful in vatavyadhi but aggravates rakta and pitta.
According to bhawprakash,
अतसीतैलमाग्नेयं स्निग्धोष्णं कफपित्तकृत् ।
कटुपाकमचक्षुष्यं बल्यं वातहरं गुरु ॥१७॥ मलकृद्रसतः स्वादु
ग्राहि त्वग्दोषहृद् घनम् ॥१८॥
बस्तौ पाने तथाऽभ्यङ्गे नस्ये कर्णस्य पूरणे। अनुपानविधौ चापि
प्रयोज्यं वातशान्तये ॥१९॥
Guna-snigdha, ushna,
Karma-vatanashak, balakarak, grahi, twakdoshnashak, kaphapittakarak,mala karak, used in
nasya, abhyang, bastikarma for shaman of vata.
Atasi Taila is not mentioned in Taila varga of Sushrutsamhita
Ashtanga Hrudyam.
Kusumbha Taila
According to Acharya charak
कुसुम्भतैलमुष्णंच विपाके कटुकं गुरु । विदाहि च विशेषेण
सर्वदोषप्रकोपणम् ॥ Cha.sutra 27/286
Karma-Vidahi,Tridosha prakopak
According to Acharya Sushruta
विपाके कटुकं तैलं कौसुम्भं सर्वदोषकृत् ॥ रक्तपित्तकरं
तीक्ष्णमचक्षुष्यं विदाहि च ॥११९॥ Sush.sutra 45/119
Karma-Tridosha prakopak,Raktapittakara,chakshusya,vidahi
According to Acharya vagbhat in Asthang Hrudyam
उमाकुसम्भजंचोष्णं त्वग्दोषकफपित्तकृत्। Ash.Hrudaya sutra 5/61
Oil of kusumbha is Ushna and produces skin diseases
Vitiates pitta and kapha dosha
According to Acharya Bhavprakasha
कुसुम्भतैलमम्लं स्यादुष्णं गुरु विदाहि च ।
चक्षुर्भ्यामहितं बल्यं रक्तपित्तकफप्रदम् ॥२०॥ Bha.pra 20/20
Karma-Ahitakara for chakshu,vidahi,Balya,Raktapittakara,kaphakarak

Priyala Taila
According to Acharya charak
प्रियालतैलं मधुरं गुरु श्लेष्माभिवर्धनम् । हितमिच्छन्ति
नात्यौष्ण्यात्संयोगे वातपित्तयोः ॥ Cha.su 27/286-294
Karma-kapha vardhak
Cures diseases of vata and pitta pradhan
Priyala Taila is not mentioned in Taila varga of Sushrutsamhita
Ashtanga Hrudyam,Bhavpraksha

Table 1: List of vegetable oils in Samhita

Charaka Samhita Sushruta Samhita Ashtanga Hriday Bhavprakash

Eranda (Ricinus Tila Taila (Sesamum

Tila (Sesamum indicum) Tila (Sesamum indicum)
communis) indicum)

Sarshapa (Brassica Eranda (Ricinus Sarshapa Taila (Brassica

Eranda (Ricinus communis)
campestris) communis) campestris)

Priyal (Buchanania Rakta Erand (Red variety of Sarjarasa Taila (Shorea

Nimbadi Group
latifolia) Ricinus communis) robusta)

Atasi (Linum Sarshapa (Brassica Tuvari Taila

Kiraatadi Group
usitatissimum) campestris) (Hydnocarpus laurifolia)

Kusumbha Atasi Taila (Linum

Madhookadi Group Aksha (Terminalia bellirica)
(Carthamus tinctorius) usitatissimum)

Phala (Derived from Tuvaraka (Hydnocarpus Kusumba Taila

Nimba (Azadirachta indica)
fruits) laurifolia) (Carthamus tinctorius)

Tila (Sesamum Khas Beeja Taila
(Semecarpus Uma (Linum usitatissimum)
indicum) (Vetiveria zizanioides)

Kusumbha (Carthamus Erranda Taila (Ricinus

Saraladi Group
tinctorius) communis)

Tumbi Group
Charaka Samhita Sushruta Samhita Ashtanga Hriday Bhavprakash


(Operculina turpethum)

Sahakaar (Mangifera

Phalodbhava (Derived
from fruits)

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