Further, as the Parent/Legal guardian, I also recognize that there may be risks attributed to the
internship training which can only be avoided through my son's/daughter's/ward's extra diligence and
due care, which I fully explained to my son/daughter/ward.
a) has been properly oriented with all the rules and regulations in the conduct of internship training
and that there may be additional rules and regulations that may be given from time to time. It is
further understood that he/she must comply with the rules, regulations, and instructions stipulated in
the internship contract and internship plan; otherwise, he/she shall be excluded from further
b) shall abide by all the school/establishment's rules and regulations and shall comply with those
imposed in the contract, otherwise, he/she shall be excluded from further participation;
d) shall be made answerable for any liabilities for damages for property or injury to the third person,
which may be occasioned by his/her intentional or negligent act while in the course of his/her training.
e) fully understand that failure to complete the number of hours of the training would mean that my
child/ ward cannot be given a certificate of completion and may re-take the subject.
Therefore, upon signing this consent signifies my approval to allow my son/daughter/ward to undergo
the aforementioned training.
I further give my full support to my son/ daughter/ ward and the institution to help fully implement the
program and for its success.
(Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature over Printed Name)
I.D: ________________
Contact #: ____________
Home Address: ___________________________
(Student’s signature over Printed Name)
School I.D #: _______________
Subscribe and sworn to before me this ________, 2025 at Initao , Misamis Oriental, Philippines.
Doc. no:
Page no:
Book no:
Series of 2025
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Initao College
P-2A, Jampason, Initao
Misamis Oriental, 9022 Philippines
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