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 The <em> tag will generally render as italic emphasis.

 The <strong> will generally render as bold emphasis.

Take a look at each style in action:

<p><strong>The Nile River</strong> is the <em>longest</em>

river in the world, measuring over 6,850 kilometers long
(approximately 4,260 miles).</p>
In this example, the <strong> and <em> tags are used to emphasize
the text to produce the following:

The Nile River is the longest river in the world, measuring over
6,850 kilometers long (approximately 4,260 miles).

As we can see, “The Nile River” is bolded and “longest” is in italics.

Line Breaks
The line break element is unique because it is only composed
of a starting tag. You can use it anywhere within your HTML code
and a line break will be shown in the browser.

<p>The Nile River is the longest river <br> in the world,

measuring over 6,850 <br> kilometers long (approximately
4,260 <br> miles).</p>

The code in the example above will result in an output that looks like
the following:

The Nile River is the longest river

in the world, measuring over 6,850
kilometers long (approximately 4,260

Unordered Lists
In HTML, you can use an unordered list tag (<ul>) to create a list of
items in no particular order. An unordered list outlines individual list
items with a bullet point.

The <ul> element should not hold raw text and won’t automatically
format raw text into an unordered list of items. Individual list items
must be added to the unordered list using the <li> tag. The <li> or
list item tag is used to describe an item in a list.


In the example above, the list was created using the <ul> tag and all
individual list items were added using <li> tags.

The output will look like this:

 Limes
 Tortillas
 Chicken

Ordered Lists

Ordered lists (<ol>) are like unordered lists, except that each list item
is numbered. They are useful when you need to list different steps in
a process or rank items for first to last.

You can create the ordered list with the <ol> tag and then add
individual list items to the list using <li> tags.

<li>Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.</li>
<li>Mix whole wheat flour, baking soda, and salt.</li>
<li>Cream the butter, sugar in separate bowl.</li>
<li>Add eggs and vanilla extract to bowl.</li>

The output will look like this:

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2. Mix whole wheat flour, baking soda, and salt.
3. Cream the butter, sugar in separate bowl.
4. Add eggs and vanilla extract to bowl.
The <img> tag allows you to add an image to a web page. Most
elements require both opening and closing tags, but
the <img> tag is a self-closing tag. Note that the end of
the <img> tag has a forward slash /. Self-closing tags may include
or omit the final slash — both will render properly.

<img src="image-location.jpg" />

The <img> tag has a required attribute called src.

The src attribute must be set to the image’s source, or the
location of the image. In this case, the value of src must be
the uniform resource locator (URL) of the image. A URL is the
web address or local address where a file is stored.

Image Alts
The alt attribute, which means alternative text, brings
meaning to the images on our sites. The alt attribute can be
added to the image tag just like the src attribute. The value
of alt should be a description of the image.

<img src="#" alt="A field of yellow sunflowers" />

If the image on the web page is not one that conveys any meaningful
information to a user (visually impaired or otherwise),
the alt attribute should be left empty.

In addition to images, HTML also supports displaying videos. Like
the <img> tag, the <video> tag requires a src attribute with a link to the
video source. Unlike the <img> tag however, the <video> element
requires an opening and a closing tag.

<video src="myVideo.mp4" width="320" height="240"

Video not supported

In this example, the video source (src) is myVideo.mp4 The source can be
a video file that is hosted alongside your webpage, or a URL that
points to a video file hosted on another webpage.

After the src attribute, the width and height attributes are used
to set the size of the video displayed in the browser.
The controls attribute instructs the browser to include basic
video controls: pause, play and skip.

The text, “Video not supported”, between the opening and

closing video tags will only be displayed if the browser is
unable to load the video.

Preparing for HTML

HTML files require certain elements to set up the document properly.

We can let web browsers know that we are using HTML by starting our
document with a document type declaration.

The declaration looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>

To create HTML structure and content, we must add opening and

closing <html> tags after declaring <!DOCTYPE html>:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Anything between the opening <html> and closing </html> tags will
be interpreted as HTML code. Without these tags, it’s possible that
browsers could incorrectly interpret your HTML code.

The Head

The <head> element contains the metadata for a web page. Metadata
is information about the page that isn’t displayed directly on the web
page. Unlike the information inside of the <body> tag, the metadata in
the head is information about the page itself.


Page Titles

If you navigate to the Codecademy catalog and look at the top of your
browser, you’ll notice the words All Courses & Tutorials |
Codecademy, which is the title of the web page.

A browser’s tab displays the title specified in the <title> tag.

The <title> tag is always inside of the <head>.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Coding Journal</title>

If we were to open a file containing the HTML code in the

example above, the browser would display the words My
Coding Journal in the title bar (or in the tab’s title).

Linking to Other Web Pages

You can add links to a web page by adding

an anchor element <a> and including the text of the link in
between the opening and closing tags.

<a>This Is A Link To Wikipedia</a>

The anchor element in the example above is incomplete
without the href attribute. This attribute stands for hyperlink
reference and is used to link to a path, or the address to where a file
is located (whether it is on your computer or another location). The
paths provided to the href attribute are often URLs.

<a href="">This Is A Link To


Opening Links in a New Window

The target attribute specifies how a link should open.

It’s possible that one or more links on your web page link to an
entirely different website. In that case, you may want users to
read the linked website, but hope that they return to your
web page. This is exactly when the target attribute is useful!

For a link to open in a new window, the target attribute

requires a value of _blank. The target attribute can be added
directly to the opening tag of the anchor element, just like
the href attribute.

<a href=""
target="_blank">The Brown Bear</a>

In the example above, setting the target attribute

to "_blank" instructs the browser to open the relevant
Wikipedia page in a new window.

Linking to Relative Page

Many sites also link to internal web pages like Home, About, and

Before we learn how to link between internal pages, let’s establish

where our files are stored. When making multi-page static websites,
web developers often store HTML files in the root directory, or a main
folder where all the files for the project are stored.

|—— about.html
|—— contact.html
|—— index.html
The example above shows three different files
— about.html, contact.html, and index.html in one folder.

HTML files are often stored in the same folder, as shown in the
example above. If the browser is currently displaying index.html, it
also knows that about.html and contact.html are in the same
folder. Because the files are stored in the same folder, we can link
web pages together using a relative path.

<a href="./contact.html">Contact</a>

In this example, the <a> tag is used with a relative path to link
from the current HTML file to the contact.html file in the same
folder. On the web page, Contact will appear as a link.

A relative path is a filename that shows the path to a local

file (a file on the same website, such as ./index.html) versus an
absolute path (a full URL,
like which is stored in a
different folder). The ./ in ./index.html tells the browser to look for
the file in the current folder.

Linking At Will

You’ve probably visited websites where not all links were made up of
text. Maybe the links you clicked on were images or some other form
of content.

Thankfully, HTML allows you to turn nearly any element into a link by
wrapping that element with an anchor element. With this
technique, it’s possible to turn images into links by simply
wrapping the <img> element with an <a> element.

<a href=""
src="https://www.Prickly_Pear_Closeup.jpg" alt="A red
prickly pear fruit"/></a>
In the example above, an image of a prickly pear has been turned
into a link by wrapping the outside of the <img> element with
an <a> element.

Linking to Same Page

When users visit our site, we want them to be able to click a link and
have the page automatically scroll to a specific section.
In order to link to a target on the same page, we must give
the target an id, like this:

<p id="top">This is the top of the page!</p>

<h1 id="bottom">This is the bottom! </h1>
In this example, the <p> element is assigned an id of “top” and
the <h1> element is assigned “bottom.” An id can be added to most
elements on a webpage.

An id should be descriptive to make it easier to remember the

purpose of a link. The target link is a string containing
the # character and the target element’s id.

<li><a href="#top">Top</a></li>
<li><a href="#bottom">Bottom</a></li>
In the example above, the links to <p id="top"> and <h1 id="bottom"> are
embedded in an ordered list. These links appear in the browser as a
numbered list of links. An id is especially helpful for organizing
content belonging to a div!


What makes the example below difficult to read?

<body><p>Paragraph 1</p><p>Paragraph 2</p></body>

You have to read the entire line to know what elements are present.
Compare the example above to this:

<p>Paragraph 1</p>
<p>Paragraph 2</p>
This example is easier to read, because each element is on its own
line. While the first example required you to read the entire line of
code to identify the elements, this example makes it easy to identify
the body tag and two paragraphs.Par


HTML files also allow you to add comments to your code.

Comments begin with <!-- and end with -->. Any characters in
between will be ignored by your browser.
<!-- This is a comment that the browser will not display.

<!-- Favorite Films Section -->

<p>The following is a list of my favorite films:</p>

In this example, the comment is used to denote that the

following text makes up a particular section of the page.

<!-- <p> Test Code </p> -->

In the example above, a valid HTML element (a paragraph

element) has been “commented out.” This practice is useful
when there is code you want to experiment with, or return to, in
the future.



The <table> element will contain all of the tabular data we
plan on displaying.

Table Rows
In many programs that use tables, the table is already predefined for
you, meaning that it contains the rows, columns, and cells that will
hold data. In HTML, all of these components must be created.

The first step in entering data into the table is to add rows using
the table row element: <tr>.
In the example above, two rows have been added to the table.

Table Data

Rows aren’t sufficient to add data to a table. Each cell element must
also be defined. In HTML, you can add data using the table
data element: <td>.

In the example above, two data points ( 73 and 81) were
entered in the one row that exists. By adding two data points,
we created two cells of data.

If the table were displayed in the browser, it would show a table with
one row and two columns.

Table Headings
To add titles to rows and columns, you can use the table
heading element: <th>.

The table heading element is used just like a table data element,
except with a relevant title. Just like table data, a table heading
must be placed within a table row.

<th scope="col">Saturday</th>
<th scope="col">Sunday</th>
<th scope="row">Temperature</th>
What happened in the code above?

First, a new row was added to hold the three headings: a blank
heading, a Saturday heading, and a Sunday heading. The blank
heading creates the extra table cell necessary to align the table
headings correctly over the data they correspond to.

In the second row, one table heading was added as a row

title: Temperature.

When rendered, this code will appear similar to the image below:

Note, also, the use of the scope attribute, which can take one
of two values:

1. row - this value makes it clear that the heading is for a

2. col - this value makes it clear that the heading is for a

Table Borders
You can achieve the same table border effect using CSS.

table, td {
border: 1px solid black;
The code in the example above uses CSS instead of HTML to show
table borders.

Spanning Columns(Unir e Centrar)

What if the table contains data that spans multiple columns?

Data can span columns using the colspan attribute. The attribute
accepts an integer (greater than or equal to 1) to denote the number
of columns it spans across.

<td colspan="2">Out of Town</td>
<td>Back in Town</td>
In the example above, the data Out of Town spans
the Monday and Tuesday table headings using the value 2 (two
columns). The data Back in Town appear only under
the Wednesday heading.

Spanning Rows

<tr> <!-- Row 1 -->
<tr> <!-- Row 2 -->
<td rowspan="2">Work</td>
<td rowspan="3">Relax</td>
<tr> <!-- Row 3 -->
<tr> <!-- Row 4 -->
In the example above, there are four rows:

1. The first row contains an empty cell and the two column
2. The second row contains the Morning row heading, along
with Work, which spans two rows under the Saturday column. The
“Relax” entry spans three rows under the Sunday column.
3. The third row only contains the Afternoon row heading.
4. The fourth row only contains the Dinner entry, since “Relax”
spans into the cell next to it.

Table Body

Long tables can be sectioned off using the table

body element: <tbody>.

The <tbody> element should contain all of the table’s data,

excluding the table headings.

<td rowspan="2">Work</td>
<td rowspan="3">Relax</td>
In the example above, all of the table data is contained within a table
body element.
Table Head
When a table’s body is sectioned off, however, it also makes sense to
section off the table’s column headings using
the <thead> element.

<th scope="col">Saturday</th>
<th scope="col">Sunday</th>
<th scope="row">Morning</th>
<td rowspan="2">Work</td>
<td rowspan="3">Relax</td>
<th scope="row">Afternoon</th>
<th scope="row">Evening</th>
In the example above, the only new element is <thead>. The table
headings are contained inside of this element. Note that the table’s
head still requires a row in order to contain the table

Additionally, only the column headings go under

the <thead> element. We can use the scope attribute
on <th> elements to indicate whether a <th> element is being
used as a "row" heading or a "col" heading.

Table Footer
The bottom part of a long table can also be sectioned off using
the <tfoot> element.


In the example above, the footer contains the totals of the

data in the table. Footers are often used to contain sums,
differences, and other data results.

How a Form Works

We can think of the internet as a network of computers which send

and receive information. Computers need an HTTP request to know
how to communicate. The HTTP request instructs the receiving
computer how to handle the incoming information.

The <form> element is a great tool for collecting information,

but then we need to send that information somewhere else
for processing. We need to supply the <form> element with
both the location of where the <form>‘s information goes and
what HTTP request to make. Take a look at the
sample <form> below:

<form action="/example.html" method="POST">

In the above example, we’ve created the skeleton for
a <form> that will send information to example.html as a POST

 The action attribute determines where the information is sent.

 The method attribute is assigned a HTTP verb that is included in
the HTTP request.
<form action="/example.html" method="POST">
<h1>Creating a form</h1>
<p>Looks like you want to learn how to create an HTML
form. Well, the best way to learn is to play around with
The example above doesn’t collect any user input, but we’ll do that in
the next exercise. For now, let’s practice making the foundation of an
HTML <form>!

Text Input

If we want to create an input field in our <form>, we’ll need the help of
the <input> element.

The <input> element has a type attribute which determines how it

renders on the web page and what kind of data it can accept.

The first value for the type attribute we’re going to explore is "text".
When we create an <input> element with type="text", it renders a text
field that users can type into. Note that the default value
of type is "text". It’s also important that we include
a name attribute for the <input> — without the name attribute,
information in the <input> won’t be sent when the <form> is submitted.

<form action="/example.html" method="POST">

<input type="text" name="first-text-field">
Here’s a screen shot of how the rendered form looks like on a web
page for the Chrome browser (different browsers have different
default rendering). When initially loaded, it will be an empty box:

After users type into the <input> element, the value of

the value attribute becomes what is typed into the text field. The
value of the value attribute is paired with the value of
the name attribute and sent as text when the form is submitted. For
instance, if a user typed in “important details” in the text field created
by our <input> element:
When the form is submitted, the text: "first-text-field=important
details" is sent to /example.html because the value of the name attribute
is "first-text-field" and the value of value is "important details".

We could also assign a default value for the value attribute so that
users have a pre-filled text field when they first see the rendered form
like so:

<form action="/example.html" method="POST">

<input type="text" name="first-text-field"
value="already pre-filled">
Which renders:

Adding a Label

In the previous exercise we created an <input> element but we didn’t

include anything to explain what the <input> is used for. For a user to
properly identify an <input> we use the appropriately
named <label> element.

The <label> element has an opening and closing tag and displays text
that is written between the opening and closing tags. To associate
a <label> and an <input>, the <input> needs an id attribute. We then
assign the for attribute of the <label> element with the value of
the id attribute of <input>, like so:

<form action="/example.html" method="POST">

<label for="meal">What do you want to eat?</label>
<input type="text" name="food" id="meal">
The code above renders:

Look, now users know what the <input> element is for! Another
benefit for using the <label> element is when this element is
clicked, the corresponding <input> is highlighted/selected.
Add Placeholder Text to a Text Field
Placeholder text is what is displayed in your input element before your
user has inputted anything.

You can create placeholder text like so:

<input type="text" placeholder="this is placeholder


Password Input

Think about all those times we have to put sensitive information, like
a password or PIN, into a <form>. Luckily, we have
the type="password" attribute for <input>!

An <input type ="password"> element will replace input text with another
character like an asterisk (*) or a dot (•). The code below provides an
example of how to create a password field:

<label for="user-password">Password: </label>
<input type="password" id="user-password" name="user-
After a user types into the field, it would look like:

Even though the password field obscures the text of the password,
when the form is submitted, the value of the text is sent. In other
words, if “hunter2” is typed into the password field, “user-
password=hunter2” is sent along with the other information on the

Number Input

We’ve now gone over two type attributes for <input> related to text.
But, we might want our users to type in a number — in which case we
can set the type attribute to… (you guessed it)… "number"!
By setting type="number" for an <input> we can restrict what users type
into the input field to just numbers (and a few special characters
like -, +, and .). We can also provide a step attribute which creates
arrows inside the input field to increase or decrease by the value of
the step attribute. Below is the code needed to render an input field
for numbers:

<label for="years"> Years of experience: </label>
<input id="years" name="years" type="number" step="1">
Which renders:

Range Input

Another option we could use is setting type to "range" which creates a


To set the minimum and maximum values of the slider we assign

values to the min and max attribute of the <input>. We could also control
how smooth and fluid the slider works by assigning the step attribute
a value. Smaller step values will make the slider more fluidly, whereas
larger step values will make the slider move more noticeably. Take a
look at the code to create a slider:

<label for="volume"> Volume Control</label>
<input id="volume" name="volume" type="range" min="0"
max="100" step="1">
The code above renders:

In the example above, every time the slider moves by one, the value
of the <input>‘s value attribute changes.

This practice has two new elements and an attribute that you may not
be familiar with.

 <section>- An element used to represent a standalone section

for which a more specific element can’t be found. This usually
has a heading as a child element. A section should make sense
in the outline of a document, whereas <div> is used for styling.
This is a semantic element you’ll learn more about in a later
 class - A global attribute that has a list of classes pertaining to
an element. You’ll see this used with <section> in the practice.
 <hr> - An element that is used to a break between paragraph-
level elements. It is displayed as a horizontal line. This is also a
semantic element that you’ll learn more about in a later lesson.

Checkbox Input

Sounds like we could use checkboxes! In a <form> we would use

the <input> element and set type="checkbox". Examine the code used to
create multiple checkboxes:

<p>Choose your pizza toppings:</p>
<label for="cheese">Extra cheese</label>
<input id="cheese" name="topping" type="checkbox"
<label for="pepperoni">Pepperoni</label>
<input id="pepperoni" name="topping" type="checkbox"
<label for="anchovy">Anchovy</label>
<input id="anchovy" name="topping" type="checkbox"

 there are assigned values to the value attribute of the

 each <input> has the same value for the name attribute.
Using the same name for each checkbox groups the <input>s
together. However, each <input> has a unique id to pair with
a <label>.
Check Radio Buttons and Checkboxes by Default

You can set a checkbox or radio button to be checked by default using

the checked attribute.

To do this, just add the word checked to the inside of an input element. For

<input type="radio" name="test-name" checked>

Radio Button Input

Checkboxes work well if we want to present users with multiple

options and let them choose one or more of the options. However,
there are cases where we want to present multiple options and only
allow for one selection — like asking users if they agree or disagree
with the terms and conditions.

<p>What is sum of 1 + 1?</p>
<input type="radio" id="two" name="answer" value="2">
<label for="two">2</label>
<input type="radio" id="eleven" name="answer"
<label for="eleven">11</label>
Which renders:

Notice from the code snippet, radio buttons (like checkboxes) do not
display their value. We have an associated <label> to represent the
value of the radio button. To group radio buttons together, we
assign them the same name and only one radio button from that
group can be selected.
Here's an example of a radio button:
<input type="radio" name="indoor-outdoor">Indoor

It is considered best practice to set a for attribute on

the label element, with a value that matches the value of
the id attribute of the input element. This allows assistive
technologies to create a linked relationship between the label and the
related input element. For example:

<input id="indoor" type="radio" name="indoor-

<label for="indoor">Indoor</label>

We can also nest the input element within the label tags:

<label for="indoor">
<input id="indoor" type="radio" name="indoor-

Wrap Radio Buttons in a fieldset Element for Better

The fieldset tag surrounds the entire grouping of radio buttons to achieve
this. It often uses a legend tag to provide a description for the grouping, which
screen readers read for each choice in the fieldset element.

The fieldset wrapper and legend tag are not necessary when the choices
are self-explanatory, like a gender selection. Using a label with
the for attribute for each radio button is sufficient.

Here's an example:

<legend>Choose one of these three
<input id="one" type="radio" name="items"
<label for="one">Choice One</label><br>
<input id="two" type="radio" name="items"
<label for="two">Choice Two</label><br>
<input id="three" type="radio" name="items"
<label for="three">Choice Three</label>

Cat Form
Indoor Outdoor

Cat Form
Is your cat an indoor or outdoor cat? Indoor Outdoor
(diferença ao meter a tag legend)

What if you wanted to allow a user to upload a profile picture?

Well, the input type file allows just that. Add a label with the
text Upload a profile picture: , and add an input accepting a
file upload.
<label>Upload a profile picture: <input type="file"

Dropdown list
Radio buttons are great if we want our users to pick one option out of
a few visible options, but imagine if we have a whole list of options!

An alternative solution is to use a dropdown list to allow our users to

choose one option from an organized list. Here’s the code to create a
dropdown menu:

<label for="lunch">What's for lunch?</label>
<select id="lunch" name="lunch">
<option value="pizza">Pizza</option>
<option value="curry">Curry</option>
<option value="salad">Salad</option>
<option value="ramen">Ramen</option>
<option value="tacos">Tacos</option>

Which renders:

And if we click on the field containing the first option, the list is


Notice in the code that we’re using the element <select> to create
the dropdown list. To populate the dropdown list, we add
multiple <option> elements, each with a value attribute. By default,
only one of these options can be selected.

The text rendered is the text included between the opening and
closing <option> tags. However, it is the value of the value attribute
that is used in <form> submission (notice the difference in the text
and value capitalization). When the <form> is submitted, the
information from this input field will be sent using the name of
the <select> and the value of the chosen <option>. For instance,
if a user selected Pizza from the dropdown list, the
information would be sent as "lunch=pizza".

Datalist Input
Even if we have an organized dropdown list, if the list has a lot of
options, it could be tedious for users to scroll through the entire list to
locate one option. That’s where using the <datalist> element comes in

The <datalist> is used with an <input type="text"> element.

The <input> creates a text field that users can type into and filter
options from the <datalist>. Let’s go over a concrete example:

<label for="city">Ideal city to visit?</label>
<input type="text" list="cities" id="city" name="city">

<datalist id="cities">
<option value="New York City"></option>
<option value="Tokyo"></option>
<option value="Barcelona"></option>
<option value="Mexico City"></option>
<option value="Melbourne"></option>
<option value="Other"></option>
Notice, in the code above, we have an <input> that has
a list attribute. The <input> is associated to the <datalist> via
the <input>‘s list attribute and the id of the <datalist>.

From the code provided, the following form is rendered:

And when field is selected:

While <select> and <datalist> share some similarities, there are some
major differences. In the associated <input> element, users can
type in the input field to search for a particular option. If none
of the <option>s match, the user can still use what they typed
in. When the form is submitted, the value of
the <input>‘s name and the value of the option selected, or what
the user typed in, is sent as a pair.

Textarea element

An <input> element with type="text" creates a single row input field for
users to type in information. However, there are cases where
users need to write in more information, like a blog post. In
such cases, instead of using an <input>, we could use <textarea>.

The <textarea> element is used to create a bigger text field for users to
write more text. We can add the attributes rows and cols to determine
the amount of rows and columns for the <textarea>. Take a look:

<label for="blog">New Blog Post: </label>
<textarea id="blog" name="blog" rows="5" cols="30">
In the code above, an empty <textarea> that is 5 rows by 30 columns is
rendered to the page like so:

If we wanted an even bigger text field, we could click and

drag on the bottom right corner to expand it.

When we submit the form, the value of <textarea> is the text

written inside the box. If we want to add a default value
to <textarea> we would include it within the opening and closing
tags like so:

<textarea>Adding default text</textarea>

This code will render a <textarea> that contains pre-filled text: “Adding
default text”.
Submit Form

To make a submit button in a <form>, we’re going to use the

reliable <input> element and set the type to "submit". For instance:

<input type="submit" value="Send">
Which renders:

Notice in the code snippet that the value assigned to the <input> shows
up as text on the submit button. If there isn’t a value attribute, the
default text, Submit shows up on the button.

Add a Submit Button to a Form

Let's add a submit button to your form. Clicking this button will send
the data from your form to the URL you specified with your
form's action attribute.

Here's an example submit button:

<button type="submit">this button submits the


<button type="submit">Submit</button>


Requiring an Input
Sometimes we have fields in our <form>s which are not optional, i.e.
there must be information provided before we can submit it. To
enforce this rule, we can add the required attribute to
an <input> element.

Take for example:

<form action="/example.html" method="POST">

<label for="allergies">Do you have any dietary
<input id="allergies" name="allergies" type="text"
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
This renders a text box, and if we try to submit the <form> without
filling it out we get this message:

Set a Minimum and Maximum

Another built-in validation we can use is to assign a minimum or

maximum value for a number field, e.g. <input
type="number"> and <input type="range">. To set a minimum acceptable
value, we use the min attribute and assign a value. On the flip side, to
set a maximum acceptable value, we assign the max attribute a value.
Let’s see this in code:

<form action="/example.html" method="POST">

<label for="guests">Enter # of guests:</label>
<input id="guests" name="guests" type="number" min="1"
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
If a user tries to submit an input that is less than 1 a warning will


A similar message will appear if a user tries to input a number greater

than 4.

Checking Text Length

There are certainly cases where we wouldn’t want our users typing
more than a certain number of characters (think about the character
cap for messages on Twitter). We might even want to set a minimum
number of characters. Conveniently, there are built-in HTML5
validations for these situations.

To set a minimum number of characters for a text field, we add

the minlength attribute and a value to set a minimum value. Similarly,
to set the maximum number of characters for a text field, we use
the maxlength attribute and set a maximum value. Let’s take a look at
these attributes in code:

<form action="/example.html" method="POST">

<label for="summary">Summarize your feelings in less
than 250 characters</label>
<input id="summary" name="summary" type="text"
minlength="5" maxlength="250" required>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
If a user tries to submit the <form> with less than the set minimum,
this message appears:
And if a user tries to type in more than the maximum allowed number
of characters, they don’t get a warning message, but they can’t type
it in!

Matching a Pattern
In addition to checking the length of a text, we could also add a
validation to check how the text was provided. For cases when we
want user input to follow specific guidelines, we use
the pattern attribute and assign it a regular expression, or regex.

Let’s say we wanted to check for a valid credit card number (a 14 to

16 digit number). We could use the regex: [0-9]{14,16} which checks
that the user provided only numbers and that they entered at least 14
digits and at most 16 digits.

To add this to a form:

<form action="/example.html" method="POST">

<label for="payment">Credit Card Number (no
<input id="payment" name="payment" type="text" required
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
With the pattern in place, users can’t submit the <form> with a number
that doesn’t follow the regex. When they try, they’ll see a validation
message like so:

OU <input type="password" pattern="[a-z0-5]

{8,}" required /></label>

Header and Nav
A <header> is a container usually for either navigational links or
introductory content containing <h1> to <h6> headings.

A <nav> is used to define a block of navigation links such as

menus and tables of contents. It is important to note
that <nav> can be used inside of the <header> element but can also
be used on its own.

Let’s take a look at the example below:

<li><a href="#home">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#about">About</a></li>

By using <nav> as a way to label our navigation links, it will be

easier for not only us, but also for web browsers and screen readers
to read the code.

Main and Footer

Two more structural elements are <main> and <footer>. These

elements along with <nav> and <header> help describe where an
element is located based on conventional web development

The element <main> is used to encapsulate the dominant content

within a webpage. This tag is separate from the <footer> and
the <nav> of a web page since these elements don’t contain the
principal content. By using <main> as opposed to a <div> element,
screen readers and web browsers are better able to identify that
whatever is inside of the tag is the bulk of the content.
So how does <main> look when incorporated into our code? That’s a
great question.

<h1>Types of Sports</h1>
The first game of baseball was played in
Cooperstown, New York in the summer of 1839.
As we see above, <main> contains an <article> and <header> tag with
child elements that hold the most important information related to
the page.

The content at the bottom of the subject information is known as

the footer, indicated by the <footer> element. The footer contains
information such as:

 Contact information
 Copyright information
 Terms of use
 Site Map
 Reference to top of page links

For example:

<p>Email me at</p>

Article and Section

defines elements in a document, such as chapters,

headings, or any other area of the document with the same
theme. For example, content with the same theme such as
articles about cricket can go under a single <section>. A
website’s home page could be split into sections for the
introduction, news items, and contact information.

Here is an example of how to use <section>:

<h2>Fun Facts About Cricket</h2>
In the code above we created a <section> element to encapsulate the
code. In <section> we added a <h2> element as a heading.

The <article> element holds content that makes sense on its

own. <article> can hold content such as articles, blogs,
comments, magazines, etc. An <article> tag would help someone
using a screen reader understand where the article content (that
might contain a combination of text, images, audio, etc.) begins and

Here is an example of how to use <article>:

<h2>Fun Facts About Cricket</h2>
<p>A single match of cricket can last up to
5 days.</p>
In the code above, the <article> element containing a fact about
cricket was placed inside of the <section> element. It is important to
note that a <section> element could also be placed in
an <article> element depending on the context.

The Aside Element

The <aside> element is used to mark additional information that can
enhance another element but isn’t required in order to understand
the main content. This element can be used alongside other elements
such as <article> or <section>. Some common uses of
the <aside> element are for:

 Bibliographies
 Endnotes
 Comments
 Pull quotes
 Editorial sidebars
 Additional information

Here’s an example of <aside> being used alongside <article>:

<p>The first World Series was played between Pittsburgh
and Boston in 1903 and was a nine-game series.</p>
Babe Ruth once stated, “Heroes get remembered, but
legends never die.”
As shown above, the information within the <article> is the important
content. Meanwhile the information within the <aside> enhances the
information in <article> but is not required in order to understand it.

Figure and Figcaption

<figure> is an element used to encapsulate media such as an image,

illustration, diagram, code snippet, etc, which is referenced in the
main flow of the document.

<img src="overwatch.jpg">
In this code, we created a <figure> element so that we can
encapsulate our <img> tag. In <figure> we used the <img> tag to insert
an image onto the webpage. We used the src attribute within
the <img> tag so that we can link the source of the image.

It’s possible to add a caption to the image by using <figcaption>.

<figcaption> is an element used to describe the media in

the <figure> tag. Usually, <figcaption> will go inside <figure>. This is
different than using a <p> element to describe the content; if we
decide to change the location of <figure>, the paragraph tag may get
displaced from the figure while a <figcaption> will move with the
figure. This is useful for grouping an image with a caption.

<img src="overwatch.jpg">
<figcaption>This picture shows characters from
In the example above, we added a <figcaption> into
the <figure> element to describe the image from the previous
example. This helps group the <figure> content with
the <figcaption> content.
While the content in <figure> is related to the main flow of the
document, its position is independent. This means that you can
remove it or move it somewhere else without affecting the flow of the

Audio and Attributes

The <audio> element is used to embed audio content into a document.
Like <video>, <audio> uses src to link the audio source.

<source src="iAmAnAudioFile.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
In this example, we created an <audio> element. Then we created
a <source> element to encapsulate our audio link. In this
case, iAmAnAudioFile.mp3 is our audio file. Then we specified the type by
using type and named what kind of audio it is

Attributes allow us to do many different things to our audio file. There

are many attributes for <audio> but today we’re going to be focusing
on controls and src.

 controls: automatically displays the audio controls into the

browser such as play and mute.
 src: specifies the URL of the audio file.
As you might have noticed, we already used the src attribute. Most
attributes go in the opening tag of <audio>. For example, here’s how
we could add both autoplay functionality and audio controls:

<audio autoplay controls>

Video and Embed

Some attributes that can alter a video playback include:

 controls: When added in, a play/pause button will be added onto

the video along with volume control and a fullscreen option.
 autoplay: The attribute which results in a video automatically
playing as soon as the page is loaded.
 loop: This attribute results in the video continuously playing on
Below is an example of <video> being used with the controls attribute:

<video src="coding.mp4" controls>Video not

In the code above, a video file named coding.mp4 is being played. The
“Video not supported” will only show up if the browser is unable to
display the video.

Another tag that can be used to incorporate media content into a

page is the <embed> tag, which can embed any media content including
videos, audio files, and gifs from an external source. This means that
websites that have an embed button have some form of media
content that can be added to other websites. The <embed> tag is a self-
closing tag, unlike the <video> element. Note that <embed> is a
deprecated tag and other alternatives, such
as <video>, <audio> and <img>, should be used in its place, but is being
taught for legacy purposes.

Below we’ll take a look at <embed> being used in action.

<embed src="download.gif"/>
In the example above, <embed> is being used to add in a gif from a local
file known as download.gif. Embed can be used to add local files as well
as media content straight from some other websites.

Add an Accessible Date Picker

Depending on browser support, a date picker shows up in the input field when
it's in focus, which makes filling in a form easier for all users.

For older browsers, the type will default to text, so it helps to show users the
expected date format in the label or placeholder text just in case.

Here's an example:

<label for="input1">Enter a date:</label>

<input type="date" id="input1" name="input1">

Standardize Times with the HTML5 datetime

Continuing with the date theme, HTML5 also introduced the time element
along with a datetime attribute to standardize times.
The time element is an inline element that can wrap a date or time on a page.
A datetime attribute holds a valid format of that date. This is the value
accessed by assistive devices. It helps avoid confusion by stating a
standardized version of a time, even if it's informally or colloquially written in the

Here's an example:

<p>Master Camper Cat officiated the cage match

between Goro and Scorpion <time datetime="2013-02-
13">last Wednesday</time>, which ended in a

Make Links Navigable with HTML Access Keys

HTML offers the accesskey attribute to specify a shortcut key to activate or
bring focus to an element. Adding an accesskey attribute can make
navigation more efficient for

keyboard-only users.

HTML5 allows this attribute to be used on any element, but it's particularly
useful when it's used with interactive ones. This includes links, buttons, and
form controls.

Here's an example:

<button accesskey="b">Important Button</button>


Note: One final point, each page should always have one (and only
one) h1 element, which is the main subject of your content. This and the other
headings are used in part by search engines to understand the topic of the

Note: An article is for standalone content, and a section is for

grouping thematically related content. They can be used within each
other, as needed. For example, if a book is the article, then each
chapter is a section. When there's no relationship between groups of
content, then use a div.

<div> - groups content

<section> - groups related content
<article> - groups independent, self-contained content

So the styling of the page looks similar on mobile as it does on a
desktop or laptop, you need to add a meta element with a
special content attribute.

Add the following within the head element:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,

initial-scale=1.0" />

NOTA: The div element is used mainly for design layout purposes
unlike the other content elements you have used so far.

NOTA: Next, you want to center the div horizontally. You can do this by
setting its margin-left and margin-right properties to auto. Think
of the margin as invisible space around an element. Using these two
margin properties, center the div element within the body element.

The p elements are nested in an article element with the class

attribute of item. You can style all the p elements nested anywhere in
elements with a class named item like this:

.item p { }
Using the above selector, add a display property with value inline-
block so the p elements behave more like inline elements.
NOTA: That's closer, but the price didn't stay over on the right. This is
because inline-block elements only take up the width of their
content. To spread them out, add a width property to
the flavor and price class selectors that have a value of 50% each.

NOTA: The current width of the menu will always take up 80% of
the body element's width. On a very wide screen, the coffee and dessert
appear far apart from their prices.

Add a max-width property to the menu class with a value

of 500px to prevent it from growing too wide.

NOTA: Disable Selected Value

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