This is just
caused by the
velocity field
Differential conservation of mass
Lets look at a fluid particle in a flow field that is accelerating in the x-direction, ≠ 0.
y Time 1 Time 2
( )
x δ ∀1 = δx δy δz δu
δ ∀2 = δx + δxδt δyδz
z δx
u + δx Change in particle volume is
u δx described by how much farther
δy δy the right side moves than the left
( δx )
δz is out-of- Δ(δ∀) = δxδt δyδz
page size
δx δu
δx + δxδt
The rate of change of the particle volume per unit volume due to the velocity gradient is
dt δ ∀ [( δx ) ] δt δxδyδz
d(δ∀) 1 δu 1 1 δu
= δxδt δyδz =
Differential conservation of mass
δv δw
If there are also velocity gradients and then the rate of change of the particle volume per unit volume is
δy δz
d(δ∀) 1 δu δv δw This is called the volumetric
= + +
dt δ ∀ δx δy δz dilation rate.
If we assume that the fluid is incompressible … then the volume of a mass of fluid can’t change …
δu δv δw This is the differential form of the
+ + =0 conservation of mass equation for
δx δy δz incompressible flow. It is also called the
continuity equation. If a fluid is
∇⋅ V⃗= 0
incompressible then the velocity vector
field V ⃗ will satisfy this equation.
If the fluid is compressible then we can derive the differential form of the conservation of mass equation
starting from the integral conservation of mass equation (section 6.2.1) to get
Different ways
of writing the
unit vectors
The compressible form of conservation of mass is
eẑ eθ̂
δρ 1 δ(rρvr) 1 δ(ρvθ) δ(ρvz)
+ + + =0
δt r δr r δθ δz
Measured from
the positive x-axis
Motion and deformation of a fluid particle
Fluid particle rotation
δu δv
Lets look at a fluid particle in a flow field that has spacial accelerations and .
δy δx
y Time 1 Time 2 Using a method similar to how we found the
x linear deformation of a particle we find that the
angular velocity of line OA is
z δv
ωOA =
and the angular velocity of line OB is
ωOB = −
where a positive angular rotation is
counterclockwise (see 6.1.3 for more details).
The rotation of a fluid particle about the z-axis is defined as the average of the angular velocities (ωOA and
ωOB) of the two mutually perpendicular lines OA and OB.
2 ( δx δy )
1 δv δu
ωz = −
Notice that if OA rotates in an equal amount to OB but opposite direction we don’t get any net rotation, but
only angular deformation of the fluid particle.
Fluid particle rotation and vorticity
We have found the rotation of a fluid particle about the z-axis. Using the same method we can find the
rotation about the x-axis and y-axis as well.
2 ( δy δz ) 2 ( δz δx ) 2 ( δx δy )
1 δw δv 1 δu δw 1 δv δu
ωx = − ωy = − ωz = −
These 3 components of the particle rotation can be combined into the rotation vector defined as
ω ⃗ = ωx i ̂ + ωy j ̂ + ωzk̂
where the direction points along the axis of rotation and the magnitude indicates the rotation rate in radian/s.
The vorticity vector ζ ⃗ is defined to be twice the rotation vector and is more commonly used to describe fluid
rotation than the rotation vector.
ζ ⃗ = 2 ω ⃗ = curl V ⃗ = ∇ × V ⃗
If ∇ × V ⃗ = 0⃗ then the flow is called irrotational and fluid particles do not rotate.
Cross product refresher
( δy δz ) ( δz δx ) ( δx δy )
⃗ ⃗
ζ=∇× V =
î +
δu δw
− ĵ +
δv δu
− k ̂
+ − − + + −
MIT fluids video on vorticity
Note in this
video they call
vorticity ω ⃗
Start at 1:03
End at 6:20
Rotational vs irrotational
When a flow is irrotational fluid particles don’t rotate as they move (this can be used to simplify some
complex flow fields).
If a flow is irrotational between two points then we can use the Bernoulli equation even if we are not on a
Irrotational Rotational
One useful thing about ψ is that lines along which ψ is constant are streamlines (shown in 6.2.3).
So if we have an equation for ψ we can plot streamlines by setting ψ equal to different constants
and plotting the corresponding equation.
The velocity components in a steady incompressible, 2D flow field are: u = 2y and v = 4x. What
is the stream function?
Streamlines can now be determined by setting ψ =
constant and plotting the resulting curve. With the
preceding expression for ψ (with C = 0) the value
of ψ at the origin is zero, so that the equation of
the streamline passing through the origin (the ψ =
0 streamline) is y 2 − 2x 2 = 0.
Stream function in cylindrical coordinates
1 δψ δψ
vr = and vθ = −
r δθ δr
The velocity components for an incompressible, planar flow (like for a rotating disc) are below.
Determine the corresponding stream function.
vr = + 2 cos θ
r r
vθ = 2 sin θ