Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
NIS Group Services Ltd Health and Safety Policy Statement Accidents Policy Accidents Initial Action Procedure Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure Communication and Consultation Policy Communication Procedure Consultation Procedure Company Vehicles Specialist Vehicles Policy Company Vehicles Specialist Vehicles Procedure Control of Substances Hazardous To Health Policy Control of Hazardous Substances Procedure Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Policy Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Safety Procedure Electrical Safety Fixed Installation Policy Electrical Safety Fixed Installation Procedure Electrical Safety Portable Appliances Policy Electrical Safety Portable Appliances Procedure Fire Safety Policy Fire Safety Procedure Fire Notice First Aid Policy First Aid Notice Form Gas Safety Policy Gas Safety Procedure Health Surveillance Policy Health Surveillance Procedure Hazard Reporting Policy Hazard Reporting Procedure Lifting Operations, Equipment and Accessories Policy Lifting Operations, Equipment and Accessories Procedure Lone Working Policy
Safety of Lone Workers Procedure Maintenance Policy Maintenance Procedure Manual Handling Operations Policy Manual Handling Operations Procedure Monitoring and Checking Policy Monitoring and Checking Procedure Noise at Work Policy Noise at Work Procedure Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Procedure Pressure Systems Policy Pressure Systems Procedure Risk Assessment Policy Risk Assessment Procedure Training Policy Training Procedure Visitors Policy Visitors Procedure Work Activities Policy Work Activities Procedure Work Equipment Policy Work Equipment (New) Procedure Work Equipment (Existing) Procedure Workplace Environment Policy
Accidents Policy
An accident is an unplanned or uncontrolled event that may or may not result in personal injury, damage to equipment, premises or environment. Accidents where no personal injury occurs may be referred to as incidents. We have adopted this policy and related procedures to assist us in the management and control of accidents and their causes. There are legal requirements placed on us by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) (See Accident Guidance) which are referred to in this policy. It is our policy to: Record all injuries in our Accident Book and instruct employees on the procedure to be followed. Keep records of all accidents/incidents involving non-employees, ensuring the details of their status e.g. visitor, contractor etc. is recorded. Seek advice from Carney Consultancy Ltd on any situation reportable under RIDDOR and any serious near miss incident. Report all injuries, industrial diseases and dangerous occurrences, as detailed in RIDDOR, to the Enforcing Authority. Keep records of all accidents/incidents, detailing those that are reportable and how they were reported. Keep details of occupational ill health, including how this was reported to the Enforcing Authority where appropriate. Investigate all accidents, including near miss incidents, to prevent recurrence. Ensure first aid (see First Aid Policy) provision is readily available. Contact Carney Consultancy Ltd if in doubt.
Provide information on performance, lessons learned from incidents, plans, standards, procedures and systems etc. Display the following: The Health and Safety Law What You Should Know poster Our current Certificate of Employers Liability Insurance Our Health and Safety Policy Statement (see Health and Safety Policy Statement)
Consult with workers when changes to processes, equipment, work methods etc. are introduced into the workplace that may affect their health and safety at work Notify all workers of the arrangements for appointing a competent person.
Receive information
Decide on best method of communication, e.g. meetings, notice boards, one-to-one, e-mail, in writing, employee representatives
Review feedback
The driving licence or certificate of the member of staff is examined for restrictions or endorsements and suitable class qualifications
The member of staff is questioned regarding their driving history, particularly accident history etc.
Information is provided to the member of staff regarding company rules on the use of equipment
Introduce appropriate control measures e.g. use of containment or extraction (or PPE)
Decide on inspection and test intervals in accordance with guidelines (Consult Carney Consultancy Services if necessary) Plan future inspection and tests
Ensure staff are aware of basic checks of equipment and how to report defects if faulty
Identify persons at risk who may need assistance to evacuate or move to a safe place
Ensure that there is a method for giving warning of fires and that it can be heard in all areas of the workplace
Ensure the workplace can be evacuated safely in the dark or in the event of a power failure
Display fire evacuation notices and ensure all escape routes are adequately signed
Ensure all escape routes and exits are free of obstruction and that fire fighting facilities are readily available
Fire Notice
FIRE ALARM: The fire alarm system is IF YOU DISCOVER A FIRE: Operate the nearest fire alarm Immediately vacate the premises by the nearest available exit and proceed to the assembly point indicated below. Do not use lifts.
DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BULIDING TO COLLECT PERSONAL BELONGINGS. IF IT IS SAFE TO DO SO AND IF YOU HAVE THE AUTHORISATION AND APPROPRIATE TRAINING, attack the fire with the fire fighting equipment provided Always ensure there is a safe exit route before attempting to extinguish any fire. Leave the building immediately if you cannot control the fire or your escape route is threatened.
WHEN INFORMED OF A FIRE: Immediately vacate the premises by the nearest available exit Proceed to the assembly point indicated and await roll call. Close all doors behind you.
Report to the person in charge of your assembly point which is located at: DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING UNLESS TOLD TO DO SO BY:
Determine level of training required by first aid personnel e.g. First-Aiders or Appointed Persons for low risk areas
Provide first aid kits in suitable locations, including travel first aid kits for peripatetic workers
Display notices informing employees of first aid personnel and location of first aid facilities
First Aid personnel to check and replenish contents of first aid kits on regular basis
Identify the locations of gas shut-off valves and guard any vulnerable installations and appliances
Train/instruct staff on action to take in the event of gas related incidents in accordance with emergency plan. Keep records
Arrange for in-house checks to be undertaken on flues, grilles and airbricks to ensure that they are not blocked or obstructed
No surveillance required
Train and inform staff, set up reporting system for health problems
Inform employees of the Hazard Records locations and how to complete them
Maintenance Policy
There is a legal requirement to ensure all workplaces and equipment used at work are adequately maintained. (See Guidance). It is our policy to: Carry out routine maintenance to our premises, plant and equipment to ensure that there are no significant risks to the health and safety of our staff and others who could be affected. Ensure that those who carry out maintenance are competent to do so and, where appropriate, provide documentation and records of their maintenance activities. Ensure that where specialised examinations or inspections are required, they are carried out by a competent person, e.g. fire safety equipment. Routinely maintain items of fabric, plant and equipment that are not included in the statutory examination and testing arrangements. Ensure that maintenance is carried out in such a way that it does not present significant risks to the health and safety of those undertaking the work, or others who may be affected by the maintenance activity. Establish the frequency at which maintenance activities are carried out to ensure that: Safety related features always function correctly Manufacturers guidance is followed
Operating conditions such as the working environment, intensity and frequency of use do not affect equipment safety to such an extent as to create an increased risk to health and safety. Agree specific maintenance responsibilities with companies that supply us with leased or hired work equipment. Carry out inspections of work equipment prior to use for the first time and following reinstallation after moving, to ensure correct installation and that the equipment can be used and maintained safely. Record these inspections when the safety of the equipment depends on the installation. Operate a planned maintenance scheme which includes safety related features of all out plant and equipment.
Maintenance Procedure
List all items of fabric, plant and equipment that require routine maintenance (See Guidance)
Is equipment hired?
Retain records
Monitor, review and revise maintenance schedule to ensure that it is completed and comprehensive
Review and meet training needs for operation and maintenance of all new equipment
Could any of the manual handling operations result in significant risk of injury?
Identify which operations could be undertaken using equipment or other systems of work to avoid the need to carry out manual handling activities
Install equipment, systems of work or procedures to reduce the risk of injury to as low a level as possible at reasonable cost
Provide employees involved with manual handling operations with information regarding the characteristics of the loads
Consult PPE suppliers to ensure PPE is suitable and conforms to British and European standards, i.e. BS(EN)
Provide instruction, information and training for employees on use and maintenance of PPE
Supervise and monitor use, storage, maintenance, availability and re-issue of PPE
Ensure that non-disposable respiratory protective equipment is inspected at appropriate intervals and records kept
Identify hazards
Assess risks
Record findings
Identify and implement additional control methods required to reduce risk to an acceptable level
Training Policy
Training is a vital part of our strategy to effectively manage health and safety issues within our business. When carried out effectively, it can change our staffs perception of risk and result in significant improvements in health and safety performance, preparing our staff to work safely and reducing accidents and damage to our premises and equipment, it is also a general factor in motivating staff, so that improvements are often found in overall commitment and work performance, and ensures that staff are competent and confident when carrying out their work, it is our legal responsibility to provide adequate Health and Safety training (see Guidance). It is our policy to: Identify the health and safety training needs associated with our work activities. Provide the following health and safety training for our staff: Induction training for new starters Training on our Health and Safety Policies and Procedures Work activity training relevant to the member of staff, including the use of any equipment Training required by specific legislation Training on Fire and Emergency procedures including alarm raising Training on the recognition, handling and use of hazardous substances Awareness training for Management staff Refresher training where identified in our training needs analysis
Training Procedure
Visitors Policy
As an employer and occupier of premises, we have a duty of care towards all visitors (see Guidance), including contractors, and we need to have regard to their health and safety, particularly as they may be unfamiliar with our premises, activities and hazard controls. It is our policy to: Ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all visitors to our premises. Control the access of visitors, including contractors, to ensure the health, safety and security of our staff. Ensure visitors are aware of our rules and procedures. Accompany visitors wherever possible or, if unaccompanied, warn them of any danger areas or foreseeable risks. Take or direct visitors to the fire assembly point in the event of an evacuation of the premises. Record all injuries to visitors in the Accident Book and carry out a thorough investigation (see the Accident/Investigation Report Form). If the injury is of a serious nature or fatal, we will make contact with Carney Consultancy Ltd, our health and safety consultants, for further advice. Inform visitors of our smoking policy.
Visitors Procedure
All visitors are directed to use the intercom at the main door
Visitor completes details in visitors book, person responsible for visitor informed
Visitor is accompanied by responsible person. In event of fire alarm, visitor escorted back to assembly point
Visitor returns badge, completes departure details and leaves premises immediately
Responsible person to ensure incidents and injuries involving visitors are recorded
Visitors Rules
Visitors Rules
ALL VISITORS MUST: Follow the fire procedures displayed on the premises Adhere to our No Smoking policy Park vehicles in such a way as to not obstruct fire escape routes, roads, access or other vehicles Either be (a) accompanied or (b) authorised to enter the premises Remain within authorised areas and not enter any restricted areas unless accompanied Not take anything from the premises without permission Report all incidents and/or injuries to the host Wear protective clothing which will be supplied when necessary
Ensure that the assessment has been brought to the employees attention and review as necessary (see risk assessment policy and procedure)
Are the hazards adequately controlled by measures included in other risk assessments?
Ensure that employees are aware of the control measures and are using them
Carry out a risk assessment of the activity (see risk assessment policy and procedure)
Implement the control measures identified in the risk assessment including, if appropriate: Written work instructions Written method statements Generic risk assessments
Identify and implement additional control methods required to reduce risk to an acceptable level
Is equipment suitable?
Introduce equipment
Maintain equipment
Provide and maintain safe access to and egress from the workplace. Segregate pedestrian and vehicle movements wherever possible to avoid the risk of injury. Ensure safe materials are used in glazed panels and windows and that maintenance and cleaning can be carried out in a safe manner. Keep floors and walkways clean, and free from obstruction and slipping and tripping hazards. Provide and maintain the following welfare facilities: An adequate number of toilets for the gender mix at our premises Washing, changing and clothing storage facilities where appropriate Rest areas, including arrangements for non smokers to avoid inhalation of smoke Rest facilities for pregnant workers and nursing mothers
Ensure the workplace, its equipment, services and facilities are maintained Monitor our arrangements to ensure we maintain acceptable standards of hygiene and cleanliness in our workplace and facilities.