Online Shop

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

Master of Business Administration


Register No. 39410030


Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC I 12B Status by UGC I Approved by AICTE
Jeppiaar Nagar, RAJIV GANDHI SALAI, CHENNAI - 600 119

April - 2021
Accredited with “A” grade by NAAC I 12B Status by UGC I Approved by AICTE
Jeppiaar Nagar, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai – 600 119



This is to certify that this Project Report is the bonafide work of BALAMURUGAN.R
39410030 who have done the Project work entitled “A STUDY ON CONSUMER
from January 2021 to March 2021.

Internal Guide External Guide

Dean – School of Business Administration

Submitted for Viva voce Examination held on _______________.

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I BALAMURUGAN.R 39410030 hereby declare that the Project Report entitled


MADURAI” done by me under the guidance of DR.DHIVYA SATHISH is submitted in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master of Business Administration




I am pleased to acknowledge my sincere thanks to Board of Management of

SATHYABAMA for their kind encouragement in doing this project and for completing it

successfully. I am grateful to them.

I convey my sincere thanks to Dr. BHUVANESWARI G., Dean, School of Business

Administration and Dr. PALANI A., Head, School of Business Administration for

providing me necessary support and details at the right time during the progressive


I would like to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to my Project Guide

Dr.DIVYA SATHISH for her valuable guidance, suggestions and constant

encouragement paved way for the successful completion of my project work.

I wish to express my thanks to all Teaching and Non-teaching staff members of the

School of Business Administration who were helpful in many ways for the completion of

the project.



1 1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Industry Profile 3
1.3 Statement of the Problem 9
1.4 Need for the Study 9
1.5 Scope and Significance of Study 9
1.6 Objectives of the Study 10
1.7 Limitations of the Study 10
3.1 Research Design 25
3.2 Sampling Technique 25
3.3 Sources of Data 25
3.4 Structure of Questionnaire 26
3.5 Sample Size 26
3.6 Period of Study 26
3.7 Analytical Tools 26
4.1 Percentage Analysis 27
4.2 Correlation 49
4.3 T-Test 50
4.4 ANOVA 52
5.1 Findings of the Study 53
5.2 Suggestions 55
5.3 Conclusion 57
APPENDIX - I (Questionnaire)
APPENDIX - II (Article)

Online shopping is also known as E-shopping; it is the process of buying and selling
of goods and services through internet. It has become very popular in present days,
due increasing the usage of internet and smart phone users, internet has become
major platform for online shopping. Without internet we can‘t possible to imagine
online shopping. The consumers will buy various products like clothing, shoe,
electronic, food, items and services through online shopping according to their taste
and preferences; it is a mode of zero channels of distribution means consumers will
purchase the products directly from producers without any intermediaries or
middlemen. It saves for lot of precious time, energy and money. We have collected
data from 125 customers. The outcome of the study consumers perception towards
online shopping. The data was collected through a 5scale questionnaire. We have
used tools like percentage analysis, correlation, anova test and t-test to analyze the
data and find the requirements according to the objectives.

4.1.1 Table showing Gender of the respondents 27
4.1.2 Table showing Age of the respondents 28
4.1.3 Table showing Qualification of the respondents 29
4.1.4 Table showing Frequently You Shop 30
4.1.5 Table showing Know About The Products You 31
4.1.6 Table showing Site Visit Shopping 32
4.1.7 Table showing The Motives To Buy Product 33
4.1.8 Table showing You Make Your Payment On 34
4.1.9 Table showing Your Experience Towards Online 35
4.1.10 Table showing Influence Your Judgement 36
4.1.11 Table showing The Large Section Of Products 37
4.1.12 Table showing The Importance Of Easy 38
Navigation From Websites
4.1.13 Table showing Offering Discount In Free 39
4.1.14 Table showing Delivery On Time Important 40
4.1.15 Table showing The Guarantees & Warrantees 41
Of Product
4.1.16 Table showing Scope Of Improvement 42
4.1.17 Table showing Agree Online Purchasing, 43
Delivery On Time
4.1.18 Table showing A More Secure Website 44
4.1.19 Table showing Customer Care Service Is 45
4.1.20 Table showing Return And Exchange Policy 46
4.1.21 Table showing Website Interface 47
4.1.22 Table showing Process Of Product Tracking 48
4.2.1 Table showing (Correlation) Customer 49
Satisfaction And Discount Product
4.3.1 Table showing (T-Test) Experience And Gender 51
4.4.1 Table showing (ANOVA) Site You Visit And 52
Scope Improvement

4.1.1 Chart Showing Gender Of The Respondents 27
4.1.2 Chart Showing Age Of The Respondents 28
4.1.3 Chart Showing Qualification Of The 29
4.1.4 Chart Showing Frequently You Shop 30

4.1.5 Chart Showing Know About The Products You 31


4.1.6 Chart Showing Site Visit Shopping 32

4.1.7 Chart Showing The Motives To Buy Product 33

4.1.8 Chart Showing You Make Your Payment On 34
4.1.9 Chart Showing Your Experience Towards 35
Online Shopping
4.1.10 Chart Showing Influence Your Judgement 36
4.1.11 Chart Showing The Large Section Of Products 37
4.1.12 Chart Showing The Importance Of Easy 38
Navigation From Websites
4.1.13 Chart Showing Offering Discount In Free 39
4.1.14 Chart Showing Delivery On Time Important 40
4.1.15 Chart Showing The Guarantees & Warrantees 41
Of Product
4.1.16 Chart Showing Scope Of Improvement 42
4.1.17 Chart Showing Agree Online Purchasing, 43
Delivery On Time
4.1.18 Chart Showing A More Secure Websites 44
4.1.19 Chart Showing Customer Care Service Is 45
4.1.20 Chart Showing Return And Exchange Policy 46
4.1.21 Chart Showing Website Interface 47
4.1.22 Chart Showing Process Of Product Tracking 48




In the era of globalization along with the development of e-commerce, many

business organizations started their sales and marketing efforts for their products and
services via internet. In simple words Online shopping is defined as purchasing
product from Internet retailers as opposed to a shop or store or the act of purchasing
products or services over the Internet. It is a form of electronic commerce which
allows consumers to directly buy goods and services from a seller over the electronic
media. Consumers discover a product of interest by visiting the website of the retailer
directly or by searching among different vendors using a shopping search engine,
which displays the same product's availability and pricing at different e-retailers the
process is called business to- consumer online shopping. Online shopping is one of
the rapid growing things. It is considered as medium for transaction between sellers
and buyers. Online shopping also includes supply chain management, marketing over
internet, 24 x 7 timing, availability of variety of products and services etc. Earlier food,
cloth and shelter were called as basic need but now a day‘s one more need is added
that is ―internet‖. Due to transformation in telecommunication sector internet has
changed the way consumers shop and buy goods and services. Both Indian
companies as well as MNC‘s have started using the Internet with the purpose of
reducing marketing costs and thereby lower the price of their products in order meet
heavy competition in the market. Companies also use the Internet to bring
communicates and spread information, to sell the product, to take feedback and also
to conduct satisfaction surveys with customers. Customers use the Internet not only
to purchase the product online, but also to compare prices, quality; product features
and after sale service facilities the will receive. The Internet provides a distinctive
opportunity for companies to more efficiently reach present as well as potential
customers. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce,
supply chain management, online transaction processing, electronic data

interchange, inventory management system, electronic fund transfer etc. E-commerce
may take up some of the subsequent facilities such as B2B electronic data inter
change, provide direct retail sale and marketing to customer, employ in launching of
new products and services etc. The main factor for development of E-shopping is due
to change in lifestyle of the consumers and enlargement of online activity. All most all
consumers grab online opportunities since different products get more discounts.
Much above that, it saves time and gives total relief from the crowd. The prominent
online retailing companies in India are Flipkart,, Snap deal, Myntra and
e-Bay etc. some important factors which influence consumer perceptions for online
shopping are information, easy to use, satisfaction, security, proper utilization of
available information to compare the different products and services. Online shopping
or online retailing is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly
buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser.
Alternative names are: e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online
store, and virtual store. An online shop evokes the physical analogy of buying
products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or shopping center; the
process is called business-to-consumer (B2C) online shopping. In the case
where a business buys from another business, the process is called business-
to-business (B2B) online shopping. The largest of these online retailing corporations
are eBay and, both based in the United States. The first World Wide
Web server and browser, created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, opened for
commercial use in 1991. Thereafter, subsequent technological innovations
emerged in 1994: online banking, the opening of an online pizza shop by Pizza Hut,
Netscape's SSL v2 encryption standard for secure data transfer, and Intershop‘s
first online shopping system. Immediately after, launched its online
shopping site in 1995 and eBay was also introduced in 1995.


Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buy goods and services, and has
rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. Many companies have started using the
Internet with the aim of cutting marketing costs, thereby reducing the price of their
products and services in order to stay ahead in highly competitive markets
.Companies also use the Internet to convey communicates and disseminate
information, to sell the product, to take feedback and also to conduct satisfaction
surveys with customers .Customers use the Internet not only to buy the product
online, but also to compare prices, product features and after sale service facilities
the will receive if they purchase the product from a particular store. Many experts are
optimistic about the prospect of online business. In addition to the tremendous
potential of the E-commerce market, the Internet provides a unique opportunity for
companies to more efficiently reach existing and potential customers .Although most
of the revenue of online transactions comes from business-to-business commerce,
the practitioners of business-to-consumer commerce should not lose confidence. It
has been more than a decade since business-to-consumer E-commerce first evolved.
Scholars and practitioners of electronic commerce constantly strive to gain an
improved insight into consumer behavior in cyberspace. Along with the development
of E-retailing, researchers continue to explain E-consumers behavior from different
perspectives. Many of their studies have posited new emergent factors or
assumptions which are based on the traditional models of consumer behavior, and
then examine their validity in the Internet context.

1.2.1 Online Shopping in India

Online Shopping Online shopping or e-shopping is a form of electronic

commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller
over the internet using a web browser. Alternative names are e-web-store, e-shop, e-
store, internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online sort, virtual store etc. Simply put, it
is any form of sale that is done over the internet. Shopping has certainly gotten a
new definition since the arrival of the internet. Because of what the internet has to
offer, that is, person or company from any part of the world who is able to post and

sell goods on the via a website is able to sell. What‘s more, any consumer does not
have to worry about having to find means to exchange monetary paper because
not just online banking is made the consumer is given the option to pay through
different payment methods (
Commerce-and-online-shopping). These days, it is even easier to find the most
difficult of all products, by easily typing in the product or item that a customer is
looking for. No worry about the location because logistic companies are also joining
the bandwagon, so to speak, and helps in making sure that their products would be
available to any and all destinations in the world. In fact, there are more and more
advantages and benefits to online shopping and why people choose to do this type of
shopping over traditional shopping . Globally more than 627 million people have done
online shopping so far, World‘s biggest online shoppers include Germans and British.
Books, airline tickets/reservations clothing/shoes, videos/games and other electronic
products are the most popular items purchased on the internet. The emergence of the
internet has created opportunities for firms to stay competitive by providing customers
with a convenient, faster and cheaper way to make purchases (ACNielsen Report on
Global Consumer Attitudes towards Online Shopping.

1.2.2 Specific features of online shopping

Online shopping consists of various features which also highlight the benefits
from e – shopping. Thus, the features are described as:

 24 X 7 Service available.
 Easy Access with multiple devices.
 Single click to navigate multiple sites.
 Comparison can be made in real time.
 Flexible Payment method.
 Casual shopping.
 Availability of much more variety.
 Reliable information provided.
 Less time consumption.
 Convenient prices.

 Give feedback about the product.

Research methodology means an outline of a research. Current chapter presents

design of study followed the selection of the research instrument used, sample
choice, collection of data, response rate etc. The quantitative methods employed to
examine the collected data have also been stated in the current chapter

1.2.3 Top 10 Sites in Online Shopping


Homegrown online shopping site Flipkart is the most loved shopping site. When it
comes to online shopping, the first Company that comes to mind is Flip kart. Flipkart
is the leader in Indian commerce with the highest market share. Flipkart is one of the
websites in India which sells products at affordable rates.

Flipkart offers a huge range of products. It is also said that Flipkart has more
products than a mall. The products sold by Flipkart include clothes, footwear, mobile
phones, laptops, refrigerators, washing machines, books, cosmetics, groceries and so
on. Flipkart dominates the fashion segment and the Smartphone category.

To make shopping even more convenient and worry-free, Flipkart has

launched the Pay Later service for selected customers. Under the Flipkart pay later
service, customers can pick any product and checkout without making any payment.
After receiving the product he/she can experience it and make the payment when it is
convenient. To attract more customers, Flipkart is all set to launch its own customer
loyalty programe called ‗Flipkart Plus‘. Under this plan, Flipkart offers consumers,
loyalty points that can be used for benefits such as free delivery, early shipping and
early access to products during sales.

During the 5 day Big Billion Day sale which took place in October 2020,
Flipkart had grabbed over 70% share of the entire Indian e-commerce market.

Founders: Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal.


Amazon is the next best online shopping site in India. Amazon has a large
customer base almost as much as Flipkart. There is always a war between Amazon
and Flipkart. The gap between the market share of Amazon and Flipkart' is very low.
Just like Flipkart, Amazon also offers a huge range of products. While homegrown
online retailer Flipkart leads in fashion and smartphones, Amazon has taken the lead
in categories like appliances, consumer electronics, and groceries.

Amazon sells a huge range of products including books, electronic goods,

cosmetics, footwear, consumer durables, clothes and much more. Along with all this,
Amazon also sells grocery products at a reasonable rate. To attract consumers,
Amazon offers a wide range of discounts during the festive season.

Amazon has a unique service called Amazon Prime. If you subscribe to

Amazon Prime services, you can avail several offers like early access to Amazon
deals, free shipping, unlimited video streaming and so on. To subscribe to Amazon
Prime, you will be charged Rs 129 a month or Rs 999 a year.

Founder: Jeff Bezos


Softbank-backed Snapdeal is India's third largest online shopping site. It is a

favorite among many Indians as it sells products at a cheap price. Snapdeal sells
more than 35 million products across more than 800 categories from over 125,000
regionalnational, and international brands and retailers. It has more than 3,00,000
sellers and delivers to 6000+ cities and towns in India. Snapdeal which is based in
New Delhi was started in the year 2010 as a daily deals platform, but later became an
online marketplace in September 2011.

Founders: Kunal Bahl and Rohit Bansal


Jabong is a favorite shopping site among the younger generation as it sells high-
quality fashion wear at very reasonable rates. Along with fashion wear, Jabong also
offers sports goods, accessories such as belts, wrist watches, bags and wallets,
fragrances and sunglasses at very reasonable rates.

At present Jabong carries over 1,000 brands and over 90,000 products. The
company was co-founded by Arun Chandra Mohan, Praveen Sinha, Lakshmi Potluri
and Manu Jain. In the year 2020, Flipkart acquired Jabong through its unit Myntra, for
about $70 million.


Myntra is India's leading online retailer in lifestyle and fashion products. It sells
clothes across categories like men, women, and kids. Myntra also offers shoes,
watches, cosmetics, bags and so on at discounted prices. Myntra is loved by almost
all the women shoppers as it has all kinds of clothes from western wear to traditional
clothing.Myntra has launched different brands with celebrities like Deepika Padukone,
Hrithik Roshan and others as brand ambassadors. Recently, the online portal has
launched an ethnic brand with actor Saif Ali Khan, which is known as ‗House of
Pataudi‘. If you want to shop for clothes online, there is no better place than Myntra.

Myntra which is headquartered in Bengaluru, was founded by Mukesh Bansal

along with Ashutosh Lawania and Vineet Saxena. Later, in the year 2014, Myntra was
acquired by Flipkart.

Paytm Mall:

Paytm Mall is one among the top 10 online shopping sites in India. Paytm mall
sells everything from groceries to high-end electronics and mobile phones. It is also
one of the cheapest online shopping sites in India. You can buy anything you want
from the Paytm Mall and simply pay through the Paytm wallet.The company is backed
by investors like Alibaba and SoftBank and it has sold over 2 million items led by

categories like mobile phones, consumer electronics, fashion and groceries on its
platform during the festive sale which took place in October 2020.


Shop Clues sells a wide variety of products like clothes, footwear, jewelry,
cosmetics, toys, books, bags, mobiles, cameras and computer accessories at
discounted rates. It is loved by many citizens because of its jaw-dropping deals. The
company mainly focuses on unstructured categories of home and kitchen, fashion,
electronics, and items of daily utility. More than 75% of Shop Clues orders came in
from tier III and IV towns, especially from states like Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu,
Assam, Gujarat, and Punjab.

Founders: Radhika Aggarwal, Sanjay Sethi, Sandeep Aggarwal

Big basket:

Big basket is India's largest online grocery and food products provider, founded
in 2011. Products sold by Bigbasket include fresh fruits and vegetables, rice and
cereals, spices and seasonings, packaged products, beverages, meat, fish and
poultry products, dairy items and other essentials.Bigbasket is also planning to launch
subscription-based milk delivery services. For the same, Bigbasket has acquired
three entities like RainCan, MorningStart, and Kwik24.

Founders: Vipul Parekh, Abhinay Choudhari, Hari Menon, VS Sudhakar, VS Ramesh

Pepperfry: is an online home and lifestyle shopping store in India that sells
furniture and décor for homes, offices, and every other premise. It is one among the
top 10 online shopping sites in India.The ambition of Pepper fry is by the end of
2019— no customer will need to go anywhere outside of Pepper fry to get anything
done for their houses.

Founders: Ambareesh Murty, Ashish Shah

Homeshop18: is owned by the Network18 Group and it is one among the

top 10 online shopping sites in India. sells a wide range of kitchen
appliances, cameras, mobiles, laptops, gifts, apparel and much more.


The problem area of this survey consumer‘s perception towards online

shopping will determine the factors that influence customers to shop online and that
fact as will help the companies to formulate their marketing strategies towards online


Online shopping saves the people the drudgery of hopping from one
shop to another to buy the items they require. However, with so many online retailers
selling a large variety of products, it becomes impossible for even online shoppers to
decide what to buy, and from where. There is an urgent need of one-stop shopping
information centers from where you can receive all relevant information on the
products and services available. There are some sites online that offer reports on
various products and services. These reports are based on information received from
online purchasers.


 The present study covers only select online durable goods shopping in
 To determine which factor influences the consumer to go for online shopping.
 To find out which feature of the website attracts the user to purchase the
product from the online shopping website.
 To find out the weather durable goods online shopping is beneficial for the
 To analyze which factors influence the user to buy online durable goods.


The purpose of the present study is to understand and analyzed the

consumer perception regarding online shopping. The main objectives of the present
study are to extract the factor affecting consumer perception regarding online
shopping in MADURAI.

1.6.1 Primary Objective:

 To know customer perception towards online shopping.

1.6.2 Secondary Objective:

 To Analyze a motivate online shopping for buyer.

 To study the buying pattern of consumer while shopping online.
 To find out the factors that attracts the consumer towards e-retail in Madurai.
 To know the type of products purchased by consumers through online
 To identify the factors influencing consumer to buy online.


 The study in the confined area to Madurai city.

 Limited time frame.
 Responses were restricted to only 125 samples out of the large population
 The questionnaire was make available to consumers through Google drive –
 Result of the study depends on respondent response.




―Finding the source amazon .com examining the hype of the earth
biggest book store. Center for the advanced spatial analysis. Concluded that amazon
com has been one of the most promising e-commerce companies and has grown
rapidly by providing quality service.

Bellman et. al. (1999), investigated various predictors for whether an individual will
purchase online. These authors concluded that demographic variables, such as
income, education and age, have a modest impact on the decision of whether to buy
online, whereas the most important determinant of online shopping was previous
behavior, such as earlier online purchases.
Venkatesh (2000), reported that perceived convenience offered by Internet Vendors
has a positive impact on consumers' attitude towards online shopping, as they
perceive Internet as a medium that enhances the outcome of their shopping
experience in an easy way. Online shopping holds a great potential for youth
Benedictetal (2001), in his study on perceptions towards online shopping reveals
that perceptions toward online shopping and intention to shop online are not only
affected by ease of use, usefulness, and enjoyment, but also by external factors like
consumer traits, situational factors, product characteristics, previous online shopping
experiences, and trust in online shopping.
Bhattacherjee (2001), stated that satisfied users are more likely to continue the IS
use. Thus, we point that adoption and continuance are connected to each other
through several mediating and moderating factors such as trust and satisfaction.
Vrechopoulos (2001), found that younger consumers searched for more
products online and they were more likely to agree that online shopping was more

ACNielsen (2007), explains the relationship between consumer behavior and
marketing strategy. He states that strategy is about increasing the probability and
frequency of buyer behavior. Requirements for succeeding in doing this are to know
the customer and understand the consumer's needs and wants.
Bhatt Ashish (2014), found that that information; perceived usefulness, perceived
enjoyment and security/privacy are the five dominant factors which influence
consumer perceptions on Online purchasing.
Thakur Sonal and Aurora Rajinder (2015), found that Internet is one of the ways
which is changing the consumers shopping and buying behaviour. Mostly consumers
are using the internet to buy the product and to compare prices and features of
product therefore; e-companies should understand the internet users‘ perception
towards the online shopping. The prospect of online marketing is increasing in India
with the increasing internet literacy
Isaac J. Gabriel (2007), studied online consumers‘ risk perceptions and will reveal a
―cognitive map‖ of their attitudes and perceptions to online risks. It was accomplished
by composing a master list of online hazards and activities, measuring current level of
perceived risk, desired level of risk, and desired level of regulation associated with
them, composing a master list of online risk characteristics, determining online risk
dimensions, and revealing position of each online hazard or activity in the factor
space diagram. A factor space diagram captures a graphical representation of the
results of the factor analysis. This study is still in progress and results are not
available yet.

Soonyong Bae, Taesik Lee (2010), they investigate the effect of online consumer
reviews on consumer‘s purchase intention. In particular, they examine whether there
are gender differences in responding to online consumer reviews. The results show
that the effect of online consumer reviews on purchase intention is stronger for
females than males. The negativity effect, that consumers are influenced by a
negative review more than by a positive review, is also found to be more evident for
females. These findings have practical implications for online sellers to guide them to
effectively use online consumer reviews to engage females in online shopping.

Guda Van Noort, M.A., Peter Kerkhof, Ph.D. And Bob M. Fennis, Ph.D. (2007),
in two experiments, the impact of shopping context on consumers‘ risk perceptions
and regulatory focus was examined. They predicted that individuals perceive an
online shopping environment‘s riskier and that an online shopping environment, by its
risky nature, primes a prevention focus. The findings in Study 1 demonstrate these
effects by using self-report measures for risk perception and prevention focus. In
Study 2, replicated these findings and demonstrated that the effect of an online
shopping environment carries over to behavior in a domain unrelated to shopping.


Studied that investigated peoples‟ perception of online buying tickets (e-ticketing) as
well as why some people use this facility while some who do not use it stick to the
traditional way to fulfill their needs. In addition, factors such as what inform peoples‟
eagerness and unwillingness to use internet facilities are also examined. The
outcome of this research showed a comprehensively integrated framework that can
be utilized by policy makers and business enterprises to understand the dynamic
relationships among dimensions of perceived risk, user trustworthiness, usefulness,
familiarity and confidence. Also, this study considered how price perception and
internet security can be utilized to understand the consumers‟ perception.

Yu-Je Lee, Ching-Lin Huang, Ching-Yaw Chen, the purpose of this study is to use
structural equation modeling (SEM) to explore the influence of online bookstore
consumers‘ perception on their purchase intention. Through literature review, four
constructs were used to establish a causal relationship between perception of online
shopping and consumers‘ purchase intention. Results of this study show that product
perception, shopping experience, and service quality have positive and significant
influence on consumers‘ purchase intention, but perceived risk has negative influence
on consumers‘ purchase intention, and shopping experience is most important.

Ramin Azadavar, Darush shahbazi, and Mohammad Eghbali Teimouri. (2011),

examined the factors influencing consumers‘ perception of online shopping and
developed a causal model that explains how this perception affects their online-
shopping behavior. Research found that factors like, trust, customer service,

customers‘ income, price of products or services and security are more important to
encourage people to purchase online the computer related products and services. In
other side factors like product customization and price of product were not much
effective on purchasing behavior of the respondents. So high level of security in
online marketing of computer related products and services has this potential to
growth more and more to encourage people to reduce the time and cost of
transaction. Most important concern regarding to online shopping is the security of
transactions. The study intends to explore the understanding of consumer behavior
regarding to the direct and indirect influences of the perceptions of online shopping on
consumer behavior. Based on our analysis first, a factor analysis was conducted on
the student‘s perception of 13 items, and three factors, ―convenience, anxiety
regarding security, and ―poor navigation‖, were extracted. A model was created
reflecting the direct influence of these three ―perception‖-related factors on behavior
or their indirect influence through consumers‘ attitudes.

Kanwal Gurleen. (2012), focuses on the understanding of demographic profiles of

adopters and non-adopters of online shopping. For this purpose, the data from 400
respondents was collected in the form of questionnaires. The study has been
conducted in 3 cities of Punjab, a sample of urban respondents were selected from
the Jalandhar, Ludhiana and Amritsar the paper also analyses the various reasons for
adoption and non-adoption of online shopping.

An OFT Market Study (2007), study establishes the scale and growth of internet
shopping is impressive. In 2005, the most recent year for which reliable figures are
available, sales to households were over £21bn – a fourfold increase during the
previous three years. It is benefiting millions of people and thousands of businesses.
Over 20 million UK adults shopped online in 2005, with 56 per cent of internet
shoppers we surveyed having spent over £500 each during the year. In the same
year, an estimated 62,000 UK businesses were selling online to households. We
found that people shopped online because they find it convenient, it increases their
choice and helps them to hunt for lower prices. Retailers sell online to reach more
customers, to sell around the clock and in reaction to competition from rivals.

Susan Rose, Neil Hair and Moira Clark (2011), identified online purchase in
particular continues to rise, as adoption and penetration levels of Internet technology
continuously increase. By 2007, European Internet penetration stood at 43% of the
population with a 231% usage growth year on year. In North America, penetration
was at 71% of the population with 120% growth (Internet World Stats 2007). This is
also evidenced by increasing levels of online sales, which in the US reached
US$128.1bn in 2007 and were projected to reach US$165.9bn by 2009 (source: US
Census Bureau 2009).

Haver (2008), identified Today‘s younger, more ‗green‘ shoppers aren‘t going to
waste precious money and gas going from store to store looking for just the right item.
They shop online whenever they can, narrowing their choices to one or two items
then go to the store to touch, feel, bounce and check out the actual product to see if it
looks the way it was represented online.

Kodandarama Setty (2013), stated that ―We are facing some threat from online
stores in these electronics categories; however, in the big market of consumer
durables we are safe for now‖.

K. Vaitheesewaran (2013), examined the convenience of online shopping ―With

product getting standardized, specifications getting fixed and the concept of service
getting eroded, the post-sale responsibility of the retailer has come down drastically.
Hence customers go to stores to explore the product physically detail but by online at
a cheaper rate. Heavy discounts of e-commerce firms are possible because of their
no warehouse model.‖

Benedict et al (2001), study reveals that perceptions toward online shopping and
intention to shop online are not only affected by ease of use, usefulness, and
enjoyment, but also by exogenous fa product characteristics, previous online
shopping experiences, and trust in online shopping factors like consumer traits,
situational factors,

Neha s. (2018), the consumer‘s perception on online shopping varies from individual
to individual and the perception is limited to a certain extent with the availability of the

proper connectivity and the exposure to the online shopping. The perception of the
consumer also has similarities and difference based on their personal characteristics.
The study reveals that mostly the youngsters are attached to the online shopping and
hence the elder people don‘t use online shopping much as compared to the younger
ones. The study highlights the fact that the youngsters between the age of 20-25 are
mostly poised to use the online shopping. It is also found that the majority of the
people who shop online buys books online as it is cheaper compared to the market
price with various discounts and offers.

Vikas & Vinod Kumar (2017), with the development of modern technology, people‘s
way of life is changing day by day. These changes have also affected the way of
shopping. Online shopping is taking place instead of traditional store shopping. In
present study, it has been tried to find out the people‘s perception towards online
shopping and to know whether consumers prefer online shopping or store shopping
and why. The primary data for this research has been collected through a survey of
100 consumers of Kurukshetra by using questionnaire. This study used factor
analysis to provide evidence that consumer perception toward online shopping had
strong relationship based on consumers demographic. The results of the study
supported that the customers perceive online shopping with positive frame of mind
and show that the emergence of various factors pertaining to online shopping.

R. Shanthi & Desti K. (2015), the consumer‘s perception on online shopping varies
from individual to individual and the perception is limited to a certain extent with the
availability of the proper connectivity and the exposure to the online shopping. The
perception of the consumer also has similarities and difference based on their
personal characteristics. The study reveals that mostly the youngsters are attached to
the online shopping and hence the elder people don‘t use online shopping much as
compared to the younger ones. The study highlights the fact that the youngsters
between the age of 20-25 are mostly poised to use the online shopping. It is also
found that the majority of the people who shop online buys books online as it is
cheaper compared to the market price with various discounts and offers. The study

also reveals that the price of the products have the most influencing factor on online

Pratiksinh V (2014), the study indicates that most of customer having experience of
online shopping. Customer believed that online shopping is better option than manual
shopping still they have belief that online shopping is expensive, delayed in delivery
of products and service. Most of the customers are facing problems like return of
bad/wrong product, confusing sites and ineffective customer service. According to,
customers most alarming barrier for online shopping are unable to verify product
personally, online payment security.

D.M. Rajesh & G. Purushothaman (2013), this chapter will mainly discuss on the
study that are done by previous research of other authors in the similar area of the
present study. Throughout this chapter, there will be comprehensive discussion on
theoretical and practical views of previous studies done in online shopping and offline
shopping for apparels. This study combines factors that other studies have done that
will influence the consumer's purchasing decision in online and offline stores for
apparels. It includes the price attractiveness, time saving, perceived risk, enjoyment
and excitement, tangibility and high interactivity.

Kanwal G. (2012), it was seen from the study that most of the Respondents of the
age group 36-45 years were found to be adopters of online shopping. Most of the
Males were the adopters as compared to females, where 53.7% were non-adopters.
The adopters were mostly post graduates with monthly income in the range of
Rs.20000-Rs.30000. The respondents those who use internet from 5 to 7 hours a day
were found to be adopters of online shopping. Further, the factor analysis was applied
to understand the various reasons for adoption and non-adoption of online shopping
by the respondents. The following four factors were found to be significant Price
Consciousness, Convenience and Variety, Easy Payment options and Challenges of
Online Shopping. Most of the consumers prefer to buy some selected products online
because they will get heavy discounts in comparison to store purchases. Also, the
consumers feel that there are good websites available which can be trusted for

purchases. The consumers perceive that shopping online gives them larger options to

Chuleeporn C (2006), the ability to attract and retain customers is important to the
success of online businesses. This study examines how consumers perceive online
shopping and which factors are perceived differently between consumers who prefer
online shopping and consumers who prefer offline (physical store) shopping. The
better an online business understands the perceptions of these shoppers, the higher
the chance that they can attract and retain customers.

Kim and Park (1991), stated that the consumers spend more time online for
information search and they also found that the Internet is easily accessible Price
which is a part of the marketing mix is a factor used to stimulate the consumer and is
also communicator, to negotiate and a competitive weapon. The consumer can use
price as a means to compare products, judge relative value for the money, and the
judge quality of products. It is estimated that this factor has a considerable influence
on the consumers during their online shopping Brassington & Pettitt (2000).

Wang and Emuian (2004), defined online shopping as buying stuff through the
internet. The items are usually sent to the buyer‘s door step that you have purchased

Sharma and Mittal (2009), said that India is showing tremendous growth in the
Ecommerce, in their study Prospects of e-commerce in India. Online shopping shows
unlimited potential in India with the population of millions of people. E-commerce has
become an integral part of our daily life and it is a common word in Indian society with
websites providing a number of goods and services. Some of these portals provide
specific product along with its allied services. Solomon, 1998 in his study Consumer
behavior is the study of the processes involved when an individual selects,
purchases, uses or disposes of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy
needs and desires

K. Rama Mohana Rao and Chandra Sekhar Patro (2016), the study focuses on
identifying and analyzing the various factors influencing the consumers' perception

towards e-shopping on different products available in the online retail market. The
findings of the study established the fact that consumer perception on e-shopping
depends upon different factors which can be broadly identified as convenience,
website design, delivery, price advantage, reliability, and responsiveness. According
to the study, most of the respondents are satisfied with the current conditions. But
there still have several indicators that are needed to be improved. Due to increase in
e-shopping websites, the in-store shoppers need to attract the consumers with more
attractive offers and quality products.

Vidyashree.D.V, Alay.P, and Shobha.H.N (2018), examined that consumer‘s

perception on online shopping varies from person to another and the perception is
limited to a certain extent with the availability of the proper connectivity and the
exposure to the online shopping has to be improved to make the customer satisfied.
The perception of the consumer also has similarities and difference based on their
personal characteristics usage based on their needs and demand. In the day to come
online shopping has tremendous potential and more and more business are going to
add online platform to offer extended retailer‘s shelves in the customers. However
they have to build up the trust by offering value service to the customers to sustain in
the long run.

K.S. Silpa, P.U.Rajasree and Dr.P.Balasubramanian (2016), this project was an

attempt to study people perception towards online shopping. As result of survey the
majority of people favor to do online shopping, even if they felt some difficulties.
Majority of the people agree that in near future online shopping will be more on
demand than offline shopping. Therefore, online marketing have a wider scope in the
coming years. More people prefer cash on delivery than net banking. Greater part of
respondents encourages other people to enter into e-shopping. Most of people do not
shop online due to fear of quality of goods, afraid to give out their credit card details
and also they find conventional methods more enjoyable. The fact that large number
of people is getting attracted towards online shopping creates a basis for tremendous
prospects for marketers of today and tomorrow.

Gupta and Khincha (2015), identified that time saving and cash on delivery facilities
are major factors that influence the online shopping behavior of customers and are
satisfied with online shopping. The other attributes like appropriate pricing,
responsibility, website information quality, and reliability should also be added into the
websites since people consider these variables to support their decision.

Jiradilok, Malisuwan, Madan, and Sivaraks (2014), stated that variety, website
system quality, and tangibility have no influence on purchasing intention in customer‘s
decision even though the respondents were quite satisfied with these dimensions.

Muthumani & (2017), this study shows that the online shopping is one of the
most popular way for the consumers to make purchases of goods and availing
services, but this study identifies that it is not a comfortable and safest one for
consumers to make purchases and availing services online. The study also finds that
online shopping is gaining popularity among young people to make purchases their

Madhu & Sampath (2017), in their study online shopping is now become a primary
part of any business. This study also stressed that the e-commerce portals have to
educate and promote the consumers towards online shopping by determine the
factors influencing the consumers towards online shopping. This study concludes that
the era of information providing new dimension to the marketer and consumer as well
by virtual shops in India.

Guo Jun & (2017), in their study, Online shopping is a innovative platform to
do business in this competitive world and it is a classic example of the business
revolution. This study focused on online shopping in china and the study states that
consumer perceived positively with relate to factors such as usability, safety, privacy,
after sales service and quality of products. it also states that most of the young
population preferred to use online shopping to make purchase of their necessities.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue 3354

Pritam Kothari & (2016), this study states that the rising number of internet
user in India provides a bright prospect for e-commerce. This paper highlights on

factors which influences consumer to shop online. Indian consumers using e-
commerce portal not only to purchase the product but also to avail online services.
This study finds that majority of customers perceived that online shopping is the best
way to buy goods and services and they were willing to continue this platform of

Rajarajan and Vetriveeran (2016), this paper analyses the customer satisfaction
level in online marketing the study was conducted among two hundred and fifty
respondents and it finds that majority of the respondents preferred to use online
shopping portal for buying goods and services and this study suggest that due to
increasing importance of online shopping, e-merchants should protect the consumers
by supplying quality goods and services at affordable price.

Lindstrom, (2001) which was cited by Rajamma, Paswan and Ganesh (2007), it is
easier to market the product on traditional stores than the internet because
consumers can feel and touch the product, and they can even wear it on the spot.
Bricks and mortar is also known as shopping malls because it has a physical location
where consumers can visit. Consumer's lifestyle is affected by the role of shopping
malls (Terblanche, 1999) because it can act as a community Centre for public and
other recreational activities (Ng, 2003). Shopping mall also offers entertainment and
provides other utilitarian needs to consumers such as stores, food courts and
restaurant, children's amusement Centre, cinemas and relaxation spaces
(Terblanche, 1999).

Magee (2003), the growth in the number of online shoppers is greater than the
growth in Internet users, indicating that more Internet users are becoming comfortable
to shop online.

Ryan (2004), conducted a research on the mosaic of institutional issues associated

with gaining credibility for internet marketing standards. Strong claims for a
predominantly self-regulatory approach are reviewed in conjunction with other factors
that inhibit credibility, namely: competing internet worldviews, weak moral coherency

and offline ambiguity about respective institutional roles, especially as regards moral
dimensions of notions of regulation and self-regulation.

Wong and Sculli (2005), resulted that when there is the presence of promotional
offers, consumers will have higher intention to purchase in web-shopping; purchasing
decisions and choice making from alternative evaluations can be made easily when
there is the presence of promotional offers.

Wang (2006), conducted a research to examine the current use and predict future
Web based marketing activities of U.S. convention and visitor bureaus. A survey was
sent to 600 randomly selected American convention and visitor bureaus with a focus
on assessing the applications included in the bureaus „Web sites, their Web site
promotion techniques, and customer relationship management programs in relation to
these Web sites. The results indicate that most bureaus‟ Internet marketing activities
are relatively limited, focusing on providing travel information to prospective visitors.

Bengtson (2007), stated that adopting the Internet for advanced marketing
operations opens up challenging opportunities for firms of all sizes. However, such
adoption might destroy investments in present market channels and thus has the
characteristics of radical innovation. The results of analysis show that composition of
factors on which firms base their decision to adopt advanced Internet-based
marketing operations varies significantly with firm size.

Parasuraman (2002), Stated that the motivations for this special issue and propose a
conceptual framework pertaining to the issues theme. Using this frame works a
backdrop, they then offer an overview of the remaining articles by segmenting them
into categories and discussing their relationship to the framework. They conclude by
highlighting research avenues for augmenting our understanding of marketing to and
serving customers through the Internet.

Xia and Monroe (2009), consumers will save in monetary when there are price
promotions on specific products. In an online context, consumers are more likely to
depend on the price cues to determine the quality of a product which are presented in

the web site because they cannot see or touch the actual product (Jiang and
Rosenbloom, 2005).

Chin ting (2010), stated that few school or educational studies have simultaneously
explored both internet marketing and organizational commitment, and of those that
have, only direct effects were examined. This study clarifies the relationship between
school organization‘s internet marketing and teachers‟ organizational commitment by
examining the mediating role of teachers‟ job involvement and job satisfaction

Leong (2001), examined the marketing strategies adopted by local hotel

establishments in the competitive hospitality industry. It also analyses the adoption
and role of information technology in strategic marketing. It was found that most
hotels seemed to have embraced the marketing concept, given the existence of
extensive marketing plans. Although most hotels appeared to have successfully
incorporated information technology into their marketing campaigns, the level of
commitment seemed to be insignificant. Following a brief comparison with a similar
US study, the paper concludes that there are only minor differences between US and
Singapore hotels in terms of their marketing practices.

Sigala (2003), stated that despite the exponential growth of e-commerce on the
Internet, little is still known on how the new medium is transforming marketing
concepts/practices and their effectiveness. This empirical study aims to fill in this gap.
This article first analyzes the Internet's capabilities and features as well as the new
virtual market space that Internet advances have fostered. After reviewing models
and strategies for Internet marketing, an Internet marketing mix is proposed based on
the Internet strategies of hotels in Greece that were investigate.

Know and Lee (2003), explored consumers‘ concerns about payment security and its
relationship to online shopping attitude and actual purchases. They observed a
negative relationship between attitude towards online shopping and concerns about
online payment security. Consumers with a positive attitude seem to be less
concerned about payment security.

Bechrer (2004), stated that Internet marketing is a field that is continuing to grow, and
the online auction concept may be defining a totally new and unique distribution
alternative. Very few studies have examined auction sellers and their internet
marketing strategies. This research examines the internet auction phenomenon as it
relates to the marketing mix of online auction sellers. The data in this study indicate
that, whilst there is great diversity among businesses that utilize online auctions,
distinct cost leadership and differentiation marketing strategies are both evident.
These two approaches are further distinguished in terms of the internet usage
strategies employed by each group.

Aggarwal (2013), found that online shopping is directly affected through various
factors like age, gender, education and income and shows that there is strong
relationship between age and attitude towards online shopping.

Azadavar (2011), studied that many factors have influence from online shopping.
The causal model explains that Trust and customer service have greatly positive
impact on online shopping and security, price, information, trust, and convenience are
very important in online shopping.

Iqbal (2012), try to find out the perception in developing countries toward online
shopping. It was found that there is no significant relationship between perceived risk
and online shopping and developing countries are more participative in online

Bhatt Ashish (2014) found that that information; perceived usefulness, perceived
enjoyment and security/privacy are the five dominant factors which influence
consumer perceptions on Online purchasing.

Goswami et al, (2013) conducted a survey of consumer in commercial towns in

Assam. The study found that the customer of online shopping is very satisfied rather
than offline shopping. Online shopping provides better platform to every consumers




In this project, Descriptive Research Design is used.


In this study, Convenience Sampling method is used for survey.


The goal for all data collection is to capture quality evidence that then
translates to rich data analysis and allows the building of a convincing and credible
answer to questions that have been posed.

3.3.1 Primary Data:

Primary data was collected from various people and their opinion and
information for the specific purpose of study helped to run the analysis. In essence
the questions asked were tailored to elicit the data that that will help for study. The
data was collected through questionnaire to understand their experience and
preference towards their loyal company.

3.3.2 Secondary Data:

To make primary data collection more specific, secondary data will help to make it
more useful. It helps to improve the understanding of the problem. Secondary data
was collected from various sources such as different business websites and
published papers.


A structured questionnaire has been prepared to get the relevant information from the
respondents. The questionnaire consists of variety of questions presented to the
respondents for their responses. The researcher has been used structured
questionnaire, support and cooperation the selected respondents of various fields.


This research study after collecting data is the sampling process. When a
decision is made to use the sample, a number of factors must be taken into
consideration. The size of sample selected for the research is 125 in the area of


The period of study is from December 2020 to February 2021.


 Percentage Analysis.
 Correlation.
 Independent T test.




Table 4.1.1 : Table showing Gender wise classification of respondents

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Male 87 69.60%
Female 38 30.40%
Total 125 100.00%

Source: Primary Data



Chart 4.1.1: Chart showing Gender wise classification of respondents


From the above table it is interpreted that 69.60% are Male respondents and
30.40% are Female respondents.


Majority to 69.60% are male respondents.

Table 4.1.2 Table showing Age wise classification of respondents

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

20- 25 Years 107 86.29%

25-30 Years 12 9.68%

30-35 Years 4 3.23%

Above 35 Years 1 0.81%

Total 125 100.00%

Source: Primary Data



Chart 4.1.2: Chart showing Age wise classification of respondents


From the above table it is interpreted that 86.29% are 20- 25 Years respondents,
9.68% are between 25-30 Years respondents, 3.23% are between 30-35 Years
respondents and 0.81% are Above 35 Years respondents


Majority to 86.29% age 20-25 years respondents.

Table 4.1.3 Table showing Qualification wise classification of respondents

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Employee 26 40.00%
student 16 24.62%
Self employed 15 23.08%

House wife 8 12.31%

total 125 100.00%

Source: primary data

40.00% Employee
23.08% student
Self employed
House wife

Chart 4.1.3 Chart showing Qualification wise classification of respondents


From the above table it is interpreted that 40.00% are employed respondents,24.62%
are student respondent,,23.08% are self-employed respondents,12.31% are
housewife respondents.


Majority to 40.00% are employed respondents.

Table 4.1.4 Table showing How Frequently You Shop Through E-commerce
Web Sites

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

More than once a month 39 31.20%
Once in 1-2 months 50 40.00%
Once in 3-6 months 20 16.00%
Once 7-12 months 16 12.80%
Total 125 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

16.00% More than once a month
Once in 1-2 months
Once in 3-6 months
Once 7-12 months

Chart 4.1.4 Chart showing how frequently you Shop Through E-commerce
Web Sites


From the above table it innterpreted that 31.20% more than once a month
are respondents,40.00% are once in 1-2 months respondents,16.00%more than 3-6
months are respondents,12.80% more than 7-12 months are respondents

Inference: Majority to 40.00% are once in 1-2 months respondents.

Table 4.1.5 Table showing how do you get to know about the products that you
purchase online

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Through friends 41 31.20%
Through advertisement 13 40.00%
Social media 20 16.00%
Others 26 12.80%
Total 125 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

Through friends
Through advertisement
Social media

Chart 4.1.5 Chart showing How do you get to know about the products that you
purchase online


From the above table it is interpreted that 31.20%through friends are

respondents, 40.00% through advertisement are respondents 16.00% social media
are respondents,12.80%others respondents.

Inference: Majority to 40.00% through advertisement respondents.

Table 4.1.6 Table showing the following site you visit for shopping

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

amazon 49 39.20%

Flipkart 48 38.40%

Myntra 12 9.60%

Others 16 12.80%

Total 125 100.00%

Source: primary data

9.60% 39.20%

Chart 4.1.6 Chart showing the following site you visit for shopping


From the above table it is interpreted that 39.20% are amazon

respondents, 38.40% are flipkart respondents, 9.60% are myntra respondents,
12.80%are others respondents.


Majority to 39.20% are flipkart respondents.

Table 4.1.7 Table showing the motives to buy products online

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

Easy payment 44 35.20%
Wide range of product 34 27.20%
No hidden cost 11 8.80%
Others 36 28.80%
Total 125 100.00%
Source: primary data

28.80% 35.20%
Easy payment
Wide range of product
No hidden cost

Chart 4.1.7 Chart showing the motives to buy products online


From the above table it is interpreted that 35.20%are easy payment respondents,
27.20% are wide range of product respondents, 8.80% are no hidden cost
respondents, 28.80% are others respondents.

Inference: Majority to 35.20% are easy payment respondents.

Table 4.1.8 Table showing You make your payment on internet

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

Debit \credit card 41 32.80%
Bank transfer 16 12.80%
Paytm 11 8.80%
others 57 45.60%
total 125 100.00%
Source: primary data

45.60% Debit \credit card
Bank transfer

12.80% Paytm
8.80% others

Chart 4.1.8 Chart showing you make your payment on internet


From the above table it is interpreted that 32.80%are debit \credit card
respondents, 12.80% are bank transfer respondents, 8.80% are paytm respondents,
45.60% are are others respondents.


Majority to 45.60% are others respondents.

Table 4.1.9 Table showing your experience towards online shopping

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

Excellent 32 25.60%
Average 45 36.00%
Good 45 36.00%
Bad 3 2.40%
Total 125 100.00%
Source: primary data



Chart 4.1.9 Chart showing Your experience towards online shopping


From the above table it is interpreted that 25.60%are excellent respondents,

36.00% are average respondents, 36.00% are good respondents, 2.40% are bad


Majority to 36.00% are average and good respondents.

Table 4.1.10 Table showing What extent do there following factors influence
your judgement when buying shopping goods online :

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

Very important 56 44.80%
Important 46 36.80%
Neutral 18 14.40%
Not important 5 4.00%
Very not important 0 0.00%

Total 125 100.00%

Source : primary data


44.80% NEUTRAL

Chart 4.1.10 Chart showing the extent do there following factors influence your
judgement when buying shopping goods online.


From the above table it is interpreted that 44.80% are very important
respondents, 36.80% are important respondents, 14.40% are neutral respondents,
and 4.00% are not important respondents, 0.00% very not important respondents

Inference: Majority to 44.80% are very important respondents.

Table 4.1.11 Table showing Do the large section of products need. Don’t it?

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

Very important
54 43.20%
50 40.00%
17 13.60%
Not important
4 3.20%
Very not important
0 0.00%
Total 125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data



43.20% 40.00%
20.00% 13.60%
3.20% 0.00%

Chart 4.1.11 Chart showing Do the large section of products need. don’t it


From the above table it is interpreted that 43.20% are very important
respondents,40.00% are important respondents, 13.60% are neutral respondents,
3.20% are not important respondents, 0.00% very not important respondents


Majority to 43.20% are very important respondents.

Table 4.1.12 Table showing Critic the importance of easy navigation from

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

Very important
54 43.20%
49 39.20%
18 14.40%
Not important
4 3.20%
Very not important
0 0.00%
Total 125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data

45.00% 43.20%
20.00% Series1
5.00% 3.20%
very important neutral not very not
important important important

Chart 4.1.12 Chart showing Critic the importance of easy navigation from


From the above table it is interpreted that 43.20% are very important
respondents,39.20% are important respondents, 14.40% are neutral respondents,
3.20% are not important respondents, 0.00% very not important respondents

Inference: Majority to 43.20% are very important respondents.

Table 4.1.13 Table showing is offering discount in free shipping is good idea?

particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

Very important
55 44.00%
45 36.00%
20 16.00%
Not important
5 4.00%
Very not important
0 0.00%
Total 125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data

40.00% 36.00%
20.00% Series1
very important neutral not very not
important important important

Chart 4.1.13 Chart showing is offering discount in free shipping is good idea.


From the above table it is interpreted that 44.00% are very important
respondents,36.00% are important respondents, 16.00% are neutral respondents,
4.00% are not important respondents, 0.00% very not important respondents

Inference: Majority to 44.00% are very important respondents.

Table 4.1.14 Table showing Is it delivery on time important?

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

Very important
54 43.20%
48 38.40%
17 13.60%
Not important
5 4.00%
Very not important
1 0.80%
Total 125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data

45.00% 43.20%

40.00% 38.40%

20.00% Series1
5.00% 0.80%
very important neutral not very not
important important important

Chart 4.1.14 Chart showing Is it delivery on time important


From the above table it is interpreted that 43.20% are very important
respondents,38.40% are important respondents, 13.60% are neutral respondents,
4.00% are not important respondents, 0.80% very not important respondents

Inference: Majority to 43.20% are very important respondents.

Table 4.1.15 Table showing how important is the guarantees & warrantees of

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

Very important
53 42.40%
47 37.60%
21 16.80%
Not important
4 3.20%
Very not important
0 0.00%
Total 125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data

45.00% 42.40%
40.00% 37.60%
20.00% 16.80% Series1
5.00% 3.20%
very important neutral not very not
important important important

Chart 4.1.15 Chart showing how important is the guarantees & warrantees of


From the above table it is interpreted that 42.40% are very important
respondents, 37.60% are important respondents, 16.80% are neutral respondents,
3.20% are not important respondents, 0.00% very not important respondents

Inference: Majority to 42.80% are very important respondents.

Table 4.1.16 Table showing Do you think there is scope of improvement in the
following issue you faced while shopping online?

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

63 50.40%
Strongly Agree
41 32.80%
15 12.00%
4 3.20%
Strongly disagree
2 1.60%
125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data



20.00% Series1
0.00% 1.60%
strongly neutral
agree disagree

Chart 4.1.16 Chart showing Do you think there is scope of improvement in the
following issue you faced while shopping online


From the above table it is interpreted that 50.40% are agree

respondents,32.80% are strongly agree respondents,12.00 % are neutral
respondents, 3.20% are disagree respondents, 1.60% strongly disagree respondents

Inference: Majority to 50.40% are agree respondents.


Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

63 50.40%
Strongly Agree
39 31.20%
15 12.00%
6 4.80%
Strongly disagree
2 1.60%
125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data


10.00% 4.80%
agree strongly neutral disagree strongly
agree disagree



Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 50.40% are agree
respondents,31.20% are strongly agree respondents,12.00 % are neutral
respondents, 4.80% are disagree respondents, 1.60% strongly disagree respondents

Inference: Majority to 50.40% are agree respondents.

Table 4.1.18 Table showing did is not a more secure website?

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

62 49.60%
Strongly Agree
41 32.80%
13 10.40%
7 5.60%
Strongly disagree
2 1.60%
125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data

strongly disagree 1.60%

disagree 5.60%

neutral 10.40%

strongly agree 32.80%

agree 49.60%

0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00%

Chart 4.1.18 Chart showing did is not a more secure website

Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 50.40% are agree
respondents,32.80% are strongly agree respondents,10.40% are neutral
respondents, 5.60% are disagree respondents, 1.60% strongly disagree respondents

Inference: Majority to 50.40% are agree respondents.

Table 4.1.19 Table showing Do you think customer care service is satisfactory?

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

64 51.20%
Strongly Agree
37 29.60%
16 12.80%
6 4.80%
Strongly disagree
2 1.60%
125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data


10.00% 4.80%
agree strongly neutral disagree strongly
agree disagree

Chart 4.1.19 Chart showing Do you think customer care service is satisfactory


From the above table it is interpreted that 51.20% are agree respondents,29.60%
are strongly agree respondents,12.80 % are neutral respondents, 4.80% are disagree
respondents, 1.60% strongly disagree respondents

Inference: Majority to 51.20% are agree respondents.

Table 4.1.20 Table showing Are you satisfied with return and exchange policy
of online shopping?

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

63 50.40%
Strongly Agree
37 29.60%
19 15.20%
4 3.20%
Strongly disagree
2 1.60%
125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data


20.00% 15.20%

3.20% 1.60%
agree strongly neutral disagree strongly
agree disagree

Chart 4.1.20 Chart showing Are you satisfied with return and exchange policy
of online shopping


From the above table it is interpreted that 50.40%are agree respondents, 29.60%
are strongly agree respondents,15.20 % are neutral respondents, 3.20% are disagree
respondents, 1.60% strongly disagree respondents

Inference: Majority to 50.40% are agree respondents.

Table 4.1.21 Table showing Do you agree, website interface in online shopping
is good?

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

62 49.60%
Strongly Agree
37 29.60%
18 14.40%
6 4.80%
Strongly disagree
2 1.60%
125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data



10.00% 4.80%
agree strongly neutral disagree strongly
agree disagree

Chart 4.1.21 Chart showing do you agree, website interface in online shopping
is good


From the above table it is interpreted that 49.60% are agree respondents,29.60%
are strongly agree respondents,14.40 % are neutral respondents, 4.80% are disagree
respondents, 1.60% strongly disagree respondents

Inference: Majority to 49.60% are agree respondents.

Table 4.1.22 Table showing Are you agreed with the process of product

Particulars No. of. Respondents Percentage

Strongly agree
59 47.20%
39 31.20%
21 16.80%
4 3.20%
Strongly disagree
2 1.60%
125 100.00%
SORUCE: Primary data

50.00% 47.20%
35.00% 31.20%
20.00% 16.80% Series1

5.00% 3.20%
agree strongly neutral disagree strongly
agree disagree

Chart 4.1.22 Chart showing Are you agreed with the process of product


From the above table it is interpreted that 47.20% are agree respondents,
31.20% are strongly agree respondents,16.80 % are neutral respondents, 3.20% are
disagree respondents, 1.60% strongly disagree respondents

Inference: Majority to 47.20% are agree respondents.



H0 (Null Hypothesis)

There is no significant relationship between customer satisfaction and

discount of product.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis)

There is significant relationship between customer satisfaction of discount

of product.

Table 4.2.1 Table showing Descriptive Statistics of customer satisfaction and


Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. N
Customer 3.25 1.395 125
Discount 2.54 1.394 125

Customer_ Satisfaction Discount
Customer_ Pearson Correlation 1 .191*
Satisfaction Sig. (2-tailed) 0.033
N 125 125
Discount Pearson Correlation .191* 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.033
N 125 125
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


From the result it is interpreted that significant (2-tailed) value is 0.033 which is
less than 0.05. So H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Correlation between customer
satisfaction and discount of product

4.3 T-TEST


H0 (Null Hypothesis)

There is no significant difference between experience towards online

shopping and gender of respondents.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis)

There is a significant difference between experience towards online shopping

and gender of respondents.

Table 4.3.1 Showing group statistics of experience towards online shopping

and Gender

Group Statistics

Gender N Mean Std. Std. Error Mean


Experience_ Female 38 2.87 1.277 0.207

Online_ Shopping
male 87 2.51 1.302 0.140

Independent Samples Test
Test for t-test for Equality of Means
Equality of
Sig. 95% Confidence
(2- Mean Interval of the
tailed Differ Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df ) ence Difference Lower Upper
Experience_Online_Shop Equal 1.62 0.003 1.44 123 0.00 0.363 0.252 -0.136 0.861
ping varianc 5 1 3
Equal 1.45 71.84 0.00 0.363 0.250 -0.135 0.861
varianc 2 2 2
es not


From the result it is interpreted that significant (2-tailed) value is 0.003 which is
less than 0.05 .so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted .there is significant difference
between online shopping and gender of respondents.



H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significance difference between following site you

visit for shopping and scope of improvement in the following issue you faced

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is significance difference between following site

you visit for shopping and scope of improvement in the following issue you faced

Table 4.4.1 Showing site you visit for shopping and scope of improvement
Scope of improvement in following issue you faced while shopping

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 2.335 3 .778 .938 .425
Within Groups 100.417 121 .830

Total 102.752 124


Since the P value sig (2 tailed) value 0.45 is greater than 0.05. There is no
significance difference between following site you visit for shopping and scope of
improvement in the following issue you faced.




 IT found that 69.60% of the majority respondents are males.

 86.29% of the majority respondents are between 20 to 25 years of age.
 It is found that 40.00% of the majority respondents are employee.
 40.00% of the majority respondents are once in1-2 months.
 It found that 40.00% of the majority respondents are through advertisement.
 It found that 39.20% of the majority respondents are amazon.
 It found that 35.20% of the majority respondents are easy payment.
 It found that 45.60% of the majority respondents are others in payment on
 36.00% of the majority respondents are average and good experience towards
in online shopping.
 It found that 44.80% of the majority respondents are very important.
 43.20% of the majority respondents are very important.
 It found that 43.20% of the majority respondents are very important.
 44.00% of the majority respondents are very important.
 43.20% of the majority respondents are very important.
 It found that 42.40% of the majority respondents are very important.
 It found that 50.40% of the majority respondents are agree.
 50.40% of the majority respondents are agree.
 It found that 49.60% of the majority respondents are agree.
 It found that 51.20% of the majority respondents are agree.
 50.40% of the majority respondents are agree.
 It found that 49.60% of the majority respondents are agree.
 47.20% of the majority respondents are agree.

 From the result it is interpreted that significant (2-tailed) value is 0.033 which is
less than H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Correlation between
customer satisfaction and discount of product.
 From the result it is interpreted that significant (2-tailed) value is 0.003 which is
less than 0.05 .so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Therefore, there is
significant difference between online shopping and gender of respondents.
 Since the P value sig (2 tailed) value 0.45 is greater than 0.05. There is no
significance difference between following site you visit for shopping and scope
of improvement in the following issue you faced.


The following are the important suggestions made to improve the perception of the
respondents towards online shopping:

 The main factor motivate the respondents to buy products through online is
‗more convenience and more discount‘ Therefore, the online retailers need to
ensure that the online shopping process through their websites is made as
simple and as cost effective as possible for consumers to shop online.
 The online vendors sending samples to E-shoppers for physical examination of
the product before purchase may be facilitated.
 The e-retailers must introduce the concept of third-party insurance to
strengthen the confidence and trust in online shopping.
 The online retailers can outsource the payment processing work to companies
providing secure e-payment solutions, so as to avoid the complexities and
security issues relating to e-payment solutions.
 Since security of the credit cards and debit cards is a major concern for many
respondents, the e-sellers must give assurance for the security of the credit
cards and personal information.
 Online shopping sites should not break the trust of the public by providing poor
quality goods. If trust element is assured there then online shopping will be
preferred more.
 Along with net banking facilities, cash on delivery scheme should also be
provided, since people are more comfortable in the scheme.
 Online shopping sites should be designed in such a way that they should
provide all necessary details regarding the product clearly: including quality of
the product, different varieties, mode of payment etc. so that no confusion
 Provisions for replacing the damaged goods should be provided.
 The deliveries of the goods should not be delayed. Accuracy in the delivery
should be assured.

 The goods will not be directly delivered to people staying in rural areas (far off)
areas, so necessary arrangements should be done to overcome this problem.
 There are many fraud websites that are not authentic. Safety measures are to
be taken to control these.
 The online shopping must provide a wide range of services and satisfies the
customer by giving the detailed study on usage of products and educate them
in driving maximum benefits from their products.


Online shopping is becoming common in today‘s life. The study indicate that most of
customer having experience of online shopping. Customer believed that online
shopping is better option than manual shopping still they have belief that online
shopping is expensive, delayed in delivery of products and service. Most of the
customers are facing problems like return of bad / wrong product, confusing sites and
ineffective customer service. According to, customers most alarming barrier for
online shopping are unable to verify product personally, online payment security.


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APPENDIX - I (Questionnaire)



1 NAME : ……………..



3. AGE:

a. 20-25[ ] c. 30-35[ ]

b.25-30[ ] d 35above [ ]


a. employed c. student

b. self-employed d. house wife

5. How frequently you shop through ecommerce web sites?

a. more than once a month c. once in 3-6 months

b. once in 1-2 months d. once in 7-12 month

6. How do you get to know about the products that you purchase online?

a. through friends c. through advertisement

b. social media d. others

7. Which of the following site you visit for shopping?

a. amazon c. myntra

b. flipkart d. others

8. What motivates to buy products online?

a. easy payment c. wide range of products

b. no hidden cost d. others

9. How do you make your payment on internet?

a. debit/credit card c. bank transfer

b. paytm d. other

10. What is your experience towards online sopping?

a. excellent c. average

b. good d. bad

11. TO what extent do there following factors influence your judgement when buying
shopping goods online?

a. very important b. neutral

c. important d. not important

e. very not important

12. Do the large section of products need. Don‘t it?

a. very important b. neutral

c. important d. not important

e. very not important

13. Did the easy navigation helpful?

a. very important b. neutral

c. important d. not important

e. very not important

14. Is offering discount in free shipping is good idea?

a. very important b. neutral

c. important d. not important

e. very not important

15. Is it delivery on time important?

a. very important b. neutral

c. important d. not important

e. very not important

16. How important is the guarantees & warrantees of product?

a. very important b. neutral

c. important d. not important

e. very not important

17. Do you think that special offers/discounts are necessary?

a. very important b. neutral

c. important d. not important

e. very not important

18. DO you think there is scope of improvement in the following issue you faced while
shopping online?

a. very important b. neutral

c. important d. not important

e. very not important

19. Did is not a more secure website?

a. strongly agree b. agree

c. neutral d. disagree

e. strongly disagree

a. strongly agree b. agree

c. neutral d. disagree

e. strongly disagree

21. Do you think customer care service is satisfactory?

a. strongly agree b. agree

c. neutral d. disagree

e. strongly disagree

22. Are you satisfied with return and exchange policy of online shopping?

a. strongly agree b. agree

c. neutral d. disagree

e. strongly disagree

23. Did you agree website interface in online shopping is good?

a. strongly agree b. agree

c. neutral d. disagree

e. strongly disagree

24. Are you agreed with the process of product tracking?

a. strongly agree b. agree

c. neutral d. disagree

e strongly disagree
APPENDIX - II (Article)






CHENNAI – 600119

Online shopping is also known as E-shopping; it is the process of buying and selling
of goods and services through internet. It has become very popular in present days,
due increasing the usage of internet and smart phone users, internet has become
major platform for online shopping. Without internet we can‘t possible to imagine
online shopping. The consumers will buy various products like clothing, shoe,
electronic, food, items and services through online shopping according to their taste
and preferences; it is a mode of zero channels of distribution means consumers will
purchase the products directly from producers without any intermediaries or
middlemen. It saves for lot of precious time, energy and also money. We have
collected data from 125 customers. The outcome of the study consumers perception
towards online shopping. The data was collected through a 5scale questionnaire. We
have used tools like percentage analysis, correlation, anova test and t-test to analyze
the data and find the requirements according to the objectives.

Key words: online shopping, customer buying behavior, perception.

Introduction, in the era of globalization along with the development of e-
commerce, many business organizations started their sales and marketing efforts for
their products and services via internet. In simple words Online shopping is defined
as purchasing product from Internet retailers as opposed to a shop or store or the act
of purchasing products or services over the Internet. It is a form of electronic
commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods and services from a seller
over the electronic media. Consumers discover a product of interest by visiting the
website of the retailer directly or by searching among different vendors using a
shopping search engine, which displays the same product's availability and pricing at
different e-retailers the process is called business to- consumer (B2C) online


Kanwal Gurleen. (2012), focuses on the understanding of demographic profiles of

adopters and non-adopters of online shopping. For this purpose the data from 400
respondents was collected in the form of questionnaires. The study has been
conducted in 3 cities of Punjab, a sample of urban respondents were selected from
the Jalandhar, Ludhiana and Amritsar The paper also analyses the various reasons
for adoption and non-adoption of online shopping.

Wang and Emuian (2004), defined online shopping as buying stuff through the
internet. The items are usually sent to the buyer‘s door step that you have purchased

Muthumani & (2017), this study shows that the online shopping is one of the
most popular way for the consumers to make purchases of goods and availing
services, but this study identifies that it is not a comfortable and safest one for
consumers to make purchases and availing services online. The study also finds that
online shopping is gaining popularity among young people to make purchases their

Madhu & Sampath (2017), in their study online shopping is now become a primary
part of any business. This study also stressed that the e-commerce portals have to

educate and promote the consumers towards online shopping by determine the
factors influencing the consumers towards online shopping. This study concludes that
the era of information providing new dimension to the marketer and consumer as well
by virtual shops in India.

Rajarajan and Vetriveeran (2016), this paper analyses the customer satisfaction
level in online marketing the study was conducted among two hundred and fifty
respondents and it finds that majority of the respondents preferred to use online
shopping portal for buying goods and services and this study suggest that due to
increasing importance of online shopping, e-merchants should protect the consumers
by supplying quality goods and services at affordable price.

Bengtson (2007), stated that adopting the Internet for advanced marketing
operations opens up challenging opportunities for firms of all sizes. However, such
adoption might destroy investments in present market channels and thus has the
characteristics of radical innovation. The results of analysis show that composition of
factors on which firms base their decision to adopt advanced Internet-based
marketing operations varies significantly with firm size.

Xia and Monroe (2009), consumers will save in monetary when there are price
promotions on specific products. In an online context, consumers are more likely to
depend on the price cues to determine the quality of a product which are presented in
the web site because they cannot see or touch the actual product (Jiang and
Rosenbloom, 2005).

Sigala (2003), stated that despite the exponential growth of e-commerce on the
Internet, little is still known on how the new medium is transforming marketing
concepts/practices and their effectiveness. This empirical study aims to fill in this gap.
This article first analyzes the Internet's capabilities and features as well as the new
virtual market space that Internet advances have fostered. After reviewing models
and strategies for Internet marketing, an Internet marketing mix is proposed based on
the Internet strategies of hotels in Greece that were investigate.

Sharma and Mittal (2009), said that India is showing tremendous growth in the
Ecommerce, in their study Prospects of e-commerce in India. Online shopping shows
unlimited potential in India with the population of millions of people. E-commerce has
become an integral part of our daily life and it is a common word in Indian society with
websites providing a number of goods and services. Some of these portals provide
specific product along with its allied services. Solomon, 1998 in his study Consumer
behavior is the study of the processes involved when an individual selects,
purchases, uses or disposes of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy
needs and desires


 To identify the factors influencing consumers to buy online.

 To Analyze a motivate online shopping for buyer


In this project descriptive research design in used in research topic.


This research study after collecting data is the sampling process. When a
decision is made to use the sample, a number of factors must be taken into
consideration. The size of sample selected for the research is 125 in the area of

Structure of Questionnaire

Multiple choice questions and Likert‘s scale questions.

Analytical Tools

 Correlation.
 Independent T.test.


Table Showing Classification of Respondents based on Demographic Variables

Demographic Variables Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Male 87 69.60%
Gender Female 38 30.00%
Total 125 100.00%
20-25 years 107 86.29%
225-30 years 12 9.68%
Age 30-35 Years 4 3.23%
Above 35 Years 1 0.81%
Total 125 100.00%
Employee 26 40.00%
Student 16 24.62%
Qualification Self-employee 15 23.08%
House wife 8 12.31%
Total 125 100.00%
Amazon 49 39.20%
flip kart 48 38.40%
Site visit for shopping Myntra 12 9.60%
others 16 12.80%
Total 125 100.00%
Debit\credit card 41 32.80%
Bank transfer 16 12.80%
Payment on internet Paytm 11 8.80%
others 57 45.60%
Total 125 100.00%
Through friends 41 31.20%
13 40.00%
Know about the advertisement
products Social media 20 16.00%
others 26 12.80%
Total 125 100.00%



H0 (Null Hypothesis)

There is no significant relationship between customer satisfaction and

discount of product.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis)

There is significant relationship between customer satisfaction of discount

of product

Showing Table Descriptive Statistics of customer satisfaction and discount

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. N
Customer 3.25 1.395 125
Discount 2.54 1.394 125

Customer_ Satisfaction Discount
Customer_ Pearson Correlation 1 .191*
Satisfaction Sig. (2-tailed) 0.033
N 125 125
Discount Pearson Correlation .191* 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.033
N 125 125
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


From the result it is interpreted that significant (2-tailed) value is 0.033 which is
less than 0.05. So H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Correlation between customer
satisfaction and discount of product



H0 (Null Hypothesis)

There is no significant difference between experience towards online

shopping and gender of respondents.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis)

There is a significant difference between experience towards online shopping

and gender of respondents

Showing group statistics of experience towards online shopping and Gender

Group Statistics

Gender N Mean Std. Std.

Deviation Error

Experience_ Female 38 2.87 1.277 0.207

male 87 2.51 1.302 0.140

Independent Samples Test
Test for t-test for Equality of Means
Equality of
Sig. 95% Confidence
(2- Mean Interval of the
tailed Differ Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df ) ence Difference Lower Upper
Experience_Online_Shop Equal 1.62 0.003 1.44 123 0.00 0.363 0.252 -0.136 0.861
ping varianc 5 1 3
Equal 1.45 71.84 0.00 0.363 0.250 -0.135 0.861
varianc 2 2 2
es not


From the result it is interpreted that significant (2-tailed) value is 0.003 which is
less than 0.05 .so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted .there is significant difference
between online shopping and gender of respondents.



H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significance difference between following site you

visit for shopping and scope of improvement in the following issue you faced

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is significance difference between following site

you visit for shopping and scope of improvement in the following issue you faced

Showing site you visit for shopping and scope of improvement
Scope of improvement in following issue you faced while shopping

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 2.335 3 .778 .938 .425
Within Groups 100.417 121 .830

Total 102.752 124


Since the P value sig (2 tailed) value 0.45 is greater than 0.05. There is no
significance difference between following site you visit for shopping and scope of
improvement in the following issue you faced.


 IT found that 69.60% of the majority respondents are males.

 86.29% of the majority respondents are between 20 to 25 years of age.
 It is found that 40.00% of the majority respondents are employee.
 It found that 39.20% of the majority respondents are amazon
 It found that 45.60% of the majority respondents are others in payment on
 It found that 40.00% of the majority respondents are through advertisement


 The online vendors sending samples to E-shoppers for physical

examination of the product before purchase may be facilitated.
 The e-retailers must introduce the concept of third-party insurance to
strengthen the confidence and trust in online shopping.
 Along with net banking facilities, cash on delivery scheme should also
be provided, since people are more comfortable in the scheme.
 Provisions for replacing the damaged goods should be provided.
 The deliveries of the goods should not be delayed. Accuracy in the
delivery should be assured


Online shopping is becoming common in today‘s life. The study indicate that most of
customer having experience of online shopping. Customer believed that online
shopping is better option than manual shopping still they have belief that online
shopping is expensive, delayed in delivery of products and service. Most of the
customers are facing problems like return of bad / wrong product, confusing sites and
ineffective customer service. According to, customers most alarming barrier for online
shopping are unable to verify product personally, online payment security.


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