How to Lead a Multigenerational Workforce Guide
How to Lead a Multigenerational Workforce Guide
How to Lead a Multigenerational Workforce Guide
How to Lead a
Creating an Environment
Where Everyone Can Thrive
The challenges of a multigenerational workforce
For the first time in history, we’re working with four to five generations in the
workforce. This presents a whole new set of challenges for managers and
leaders: How do you create an environment where everyone can flourish?
The first step is acknowledging that these differences exist. In an episode of the
Udemy Leading Up podcast, career and workplace expert Lindsey Pollak framed
it this way: “To be successful at any stage of your career, but particularly when
you’re starting out, you have to understand that there are people who see the
world differently from you. And one of the reasons for that — besides personality
and gender and functional responsibility — is that when people enter the
workforce at different times in different eras, they have a different experience.”
Many of us are familiar with the common generational stereotypes, such as
Boomers who resist change and Millennials who believe they are entitled to
awards for everything. Yet, we will learn much more by diving into the data
and hearing about best practices from people who have actually worked with
multigenerational workforces. That is what we’ll be doing in this guide.
Here’s how we define each generation for the purposes of this guide:
Yet, members of this generation show many characteristics that make them
a force to be reckoned with. They are, “empathetic, pragmatic, cynical,
resourceful, self-protective, and wise beyond their years,” according to a
study from Oliver Wyman Forum.
They are facing some significant hurdles. They have the highest rate
of student debt and they’re the first generation to not be as financially
successful as their parents. Coming of age during the 9/11 attacks and the
2008 financial crisis meant they faced significant economic challenges when
they were first entering the workforce.
Throughout this guide, we’ll be referencing data from the Udemy Gen Z in the Workplace survey report. Due
to sample size, Boomers were removed from analysis across generations but included in the aggregate data.
Intergenerational leadership is based on the idea that each
generation has something valuable to offer each other and the
workplace. This requires actively considering each generation’s
needs and characteristics to foster meaningful connections and
engagement between them. Intergenerationally minded leaders
encourage cross-generational partnerships, mutual respect
and continuous learning. They also promote equality through
horizontal leadership, rather than hierarchies.”
When they work: PwC finds that 51% of Gen Zers (compared to 41% of Boomers) say
that the choice of working days and hours is extremely or very important to them.
Where they work: Whether it’s in office, hybrid, or fully remote, Gen Z workers are 11
points more likely than Boomers to say this choice is extremely or very important to them.
How they work: The ability to do their work in a way that suits them is one of the biggest
differences in preference across generations, with 63% of Millennials, 58% of Gen Z, and
only 51% of Boomers saying this is extremely or very important to them.
As in other areas of their lives, younger workers are more likely to ask
questions, provide input, and seek to choose their own paths. Companies
that want to retain younger talent will need to adapt, by creating new
working norms that empower employees with more latitude and autonomy.”
Part of the solution is for people leaders, as well as their team members, to be clear
with their colleagues about their communication style and preferences. Lindsey
Pollak advises that leaders need to set the tone for their teams by explicitly outlining
their expectations rather than assuming their teams will know the best ways to
communicate. She says, “It’s an act of generosity as a leader to tell people how to
communicate with you. The rule is: Clear is kind.” Leaders should also encourage
members of their team to articulate their own preferences with their managers and the
broader team to aid in communication and minimize misunderstandings.
When it comes to communication preferences, the Udemy survey report found some
unexpected results that contradict generational stereotypes. The data showed that
face-to-face meetings are the top preferred method of communication for nearly
three in five (58%) Gen Z respondents — more than either Millennials (52%) or Gen
Xers (57%). In contrast, Millennials and Gen Xers both choose video conferencing as
their preferred method of communication. Across generations surveyed, phone calls
were the least favored method.
58% 52% 57% 56% 64% 63% 54% 55% 57% 41% 48% 39% 29% 29% 30%
When Udemy asked employees across the generations what they value most from
their managers, Gen Z respondents’ top choices were flexibility and understanding
regarding work-life balance and clear communication and transparency about
job expectations and company updates. Millennials also selected flexibility and
understanding regarding work-life balance as their top choice, but Gen X said
autonomy in their work and trust in their decision-making was most important to them.
Flexibility and understanding 42%
regarding work-life balance
Clear communication and
transparency about job 38%
expectations and company updates 35%
Support for my professional
development and career 38%
advancement opportunities 29%
A positive and inclusive team 30%
Regular, constructive feedback on 30%
my work performance
Autonomy in my work and trust in 39%
my decision-making
Recognition of my achievements 29%
and contributions
You’re likely to be surprised by what you learn from these conversations. For
example, Jean Twenge notes that the pessimism that some Gen Zers feel means
“their expectations are not as sky-high as they were for a lot of young Millennials.”
And Lindsey Pollak, when speaking about managing across generations on the
Udemy Leading Up podcast, notes that, “There are three words I would use that I
think everybody wants at work and they want in very different ways. And the words
are freedom, clarity, and connection.” As a leader, it is up to you to learn how to offer
freedom, clarity, and connection in ways that will resonate with your team.
Create opportunities for different generations to learn from and share with each
other, whether it is by inviting people to observe video calls or participate in email
exchanges, creating opportunities for them to collaborate on projects, or the many
other possible ways they can work together. This apprenticeship model of mentorship
is especially important in hybrid workplaces where people might not have the chance
to overhear or observe the conversations that take place among their colleagues.
Mentoring is still a fantastic thing to do. But now you can do it over Zoom
and you can do it globally. Now a younger person can mentor an older
person. The concept itself remains really powerful. It’s about keeping
the best of the past and the best of the classics, and mixing it in with the
changing times and the changing people.”
When asked to choose the top skills needed for work, Gen Z respondents chose
skills underlining the importance of technical capabilities: programming skills and AI.
However, the third skill on the list is communication, followed by two other essential
workplace soft skills: critical thinking/problem-solving and creativity innovation.
This list represents a well-balanced understanding of the broad skill set that all
workers will need to succeed and grow in their careers.
Gen Z’s top 5 essential workforce skills for the next 3 years
SURVEY What are the top skills you believe will be essential for a successful career in
the workforce within the next 3 years? Please select up to 5.
26% 22%
*From the Udemy Gen Z in the Workplace survey report
It is worth noting that younger generations feel especially concerned about their perceived
skills gap. According to PwC, 44% of Gen Z and 43% of Millennials said that one of
their top three concerns is that their employers will not help them develop the relevant
technical or digital skills, while only 29% of Boomers said this was the case for them.
In the Leading Up podcast, Lindsey Pollak shares her own take on this concept,
explaining, “The goal of being a multigenerational leader at any age is to say two things:
I know my history. I’m going to learn what came before me and take the best of that, and
I’m going to keep up with the times no matter how old I get and take the best of that. It’s
and, not or. It’s making the pie larger.”
The big takeaway is that everyone in today’s workforce must be open to learning
and collaboration. If you are a manager, you will need to learn the best ways of
communicating with and motivating your team members. If you are new to the
workforce, you need to learn the norms and expectations that will help you succeed.
And if you have been in the workforce for a few decades, you will likely need to adapt
to new methods of communication, new ways of working, and new technologies, like
generative AI. That openness and willingness to learn is what will give all employees,
regardless of level, a competitive edge and resilience in their careers.